Free sex stories

Riderwood Village

Back in the 90’s I lived in a close nit place were all the neighbors new each other and we all would party together. It was a real mix of people and life styles, and being single was a major […]

Slut Wife

Slut wife and the businessman

When Anne Marie gets into her moods there is no turning back. Last July she told me she had purchased four tickets behind third base to Fridays Indians game. Her plan, get a suite at our favorite Holiday Inn, go […]

Free sex stories

Our first time

I was a teanager about 1,75 handsome and my cock is above 18 centimeter. I mixed with a croup of other teanagers and older young men always listeneing with curiosity at everything they said about sex and their own experiences. […]

Cougar - Milf - Age Gap - Granny


Around eight years ago my sister asked if I would be willing to move into her home and help share the expenses of this beautiful four bedroom house in Huntington Beach Ca. It was just her and her husband, they […]

Slut Wife

Young man for my wife

Due to my frequent travels, my wife and I have an agreement that we are allowed to satisfy our sexual desires as needed. Some call this an open marriage, we didn’t put a name to it but I guess that’s […]


My First Time With A Woman

I met Nancy and her mother during my freshman year in school. Nancy moved into my neighborhood just before school started. A friend of mine, Tom, was hot for Nancy and it seemed she felt the same about him. She […]


Hot Sister In Law

Following on from my fun with my sister in law Janet (see the non consent section) I was a little worried what she would do. A couple of week later I found out. I had to go round there for […]

Group Sex Stories

Our immersion

My wife Simone and I are a young professional couple. Both in our late twenties and very active staying fit and socializing with friends. I’m not a big guy standing 5’8” and about 150lbs. Simone is a petite blasian (black/Thai) […]

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