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Now I start fisting you

This story that I am about to tell is completely and utterly true. I like sex and felt that I was adventurous enough with my sex life. However, all my past partners seemed to be bored with that sex that […]

Group Sex Stories

Hookup trio on the road

Five days had passed since he had discovered the three people on the road. Late October passed into early November. The colors of fall faded as the leaves fell to the ground and slowly turned brown. Even in five days […]

Group Sex Stories

Kinky Cousin

It dawned on Brenda the next morning that she didn’t have to wait for Bob. She and Mike would be home alone together again. Mike was out of school for the summer, while everyone else had to work. So if […]

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But who am I really?

– “Hi, where ya headed?” She stuck her head into the window on the passenger side. “To Dublin, where are you headed?” Hugh smiled at her Irish lilt, musical, like a light gavotte. “Oh, too bad. I’m not headed to […]

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