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Blanket Amnesty by juanwildone

“Jenn – it’s me. I finished the trip a day early and thought I’d surprise you.” He knew she was home, he’d seen her car outside. “Jenn?” Rick closed the front door. After three long weeks on the road he […]

Free sex stories

Judy’s Turn to Cry

“Johnny!” Judy yelled. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” she pulled on his arm. “I don’t know what I was thinking, you Shrew. You never wanted me. I was some fucking prize. Well, you’ve got a prize […]

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Rachel’s Remorse

“So there you are,” she said. I turned my head and saw it was Rachel, wife of a colleague, standing in the doorway of my office. A close colleague. My partner, my rival, joint holder of the current golden boy […]


My New Stepsister

My parents got divorced when I was eleven and my mother immediately remarried. She dragged my sister and I from our sleepy Florida town to a city up north, into the new family’s big old house in the burbs. We […]


Sucker For Mom 2.

Sheila couldn’t help herself. She felt her hips gyrating almost imperceptibly, felt her ass moving against the hard seat. She had been hot and horny for far too long, had done without a cock for too many years, had longed […]

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Sucker For Mom

Sheila Davis smoothed her hands down over her silken sides and rested them on her naked hips, smiling seductively and admiring herself in her full-length mirror. She felt silly standing there all alone in her bedroom and practicing the comely […]

Slut Wife

Tell me another one

For a virgin bride, Susana was astonishingly imaginative in her approach to love-making. From the start she was insatiable, not just for the physical act, but also for the mental sex to which Neil was addicted. Early on, he told […]

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