Tell-tale Collar

Standing there in her bedroom looking frantically for the
misplaced keys she groaned as her search was interrupted by
a knock at her door. “COME IN” she yelled, hoping it would
be friend not foe as she resumed her search. The steps
sounding on the stairs lent her security as she recognized
the tread of her lifelong friend and confidant. “Hello
Chris, pardon the mess if you can bulldoze your way to my
chair have a seat”, she joked after hugging and releasing

Laughing at the mess she had created he strode to her desk
chair avoiding various piles of “stuff” sitting down he
glanced into her open closet and chuckled at the mess she
was making there as well. “Kel?” he began, “what are you
looking for, or is this a new ummmmmm decorating style you
are trying out” he snickered. “Alright Chris enough of that
… I lost a set of keys and am going nuts trying to find
them … I know that they are here somewhere I had them in
this very room just last week” tossing aside a clean set of
sheets in the process of her explanation.

Chris ever curious about his friend began to help her look
for the keys while straightening up the room as he went.
“Kel… I really think that you should stop where you are
and really think about where you may have left them.”

Stopping her agitated search she straightened up in front of
the closet so that Chris couldn’t help but notice the White
hangar on the top bar just behind and to the left of Kelly’s
head, fascinated he stepped forward and reached beyond her
shoulder pulling the afore mentioned hangar from the closet.

A blush spreading up her cheeks as she recognized the object
of his attentions and she waited in silence for the joking
to begin in earnest as she frantically tried to come up with
a reason for owning a collar and leash but no Dog to go
along with it.

“Well Kelly… it seems that you and I have a few things to
discuss” he chuckled with a positively evil grin. He
unbuckled the wide black leather collar and motioned her

She couldn’t believe this Chris was holding her collar at
just the right height as if he expected her to kneel so he
could fasten it on her. Daring a glance at her friend she
began to move forward slowly, “Now” came the quiet order as
she increased her step stopping a couple of feet from him
she kneeled without thinking. “Oh ho… So I am right,” he
mused, “You have been training… who is the lucky Dom?”

Kneeling there staring at her feet, hands resting on her
thighs palms up as she had been taught was stunned by this
side of Chris she hadn’t known existed while he merely
seemed amused that he had found her out. “Answer me Kelly”
the iron lacing his voice unmistakable now.

“Sir,” she began, “I am currently without a Master as you
know he just married. This bit of information startled Chris
momentarily as he recalled her last boyfriend and the end of
their relationship when he married.

“Kelly are you telling me that Rodney was your master?”

Nodding her head ever so slightly to acknowledge this
statement in the affirmative.

“Interesting… very interesting,” he said aloud as he
fastened the collar about her slender throat. “Where is the
lock for the collar Kelly?” Her reply when it came was
softly voiced, “Sir I keep the lock in the top left hand
drawer of my desk.”

Turning from where he was standing he grasped the drawer
pull and slid it out revealing the locks along with the
missing keys, his smile widened and he laughed at the found
keys now aware of their purpose and her frantic search.
Turning back to his newfound submissive friend he smiled at
her kneeling position before securing her collar with the

“Sir… the keys are what I’ve been searching for… how
will I remove the collar?” she questioned as she felt him
step up behind her.

“Well then Pet I guess you are just stuck being my Kat until
I see fit to look for the keys and release you understood?”

“Yes Master”

“Good, now clean up this mess and come to the living room
nude… and Kelly?”

“Yes Master?”

“It had better be quick and bring any toys you happen to
posses with you.”

Hearing him stride from the room she allows her slim frame
to crumple to the floor it felt so right to have a Master
again. She hurriedly cleaned the mess before stripping out
of her jeans and t-shirt collecting her bag of toys she
entered the living room silently handing the bag to her
Master she knelt as before in front of him eyes lowered. He
began rummaging in the bag looking at her assortment of toys
and smiling as his fantasies of possessing her had finally
come to fruition all because of a collar in her closet.

“Shall we begin then Pet?” the sound of his voice loud in
the stillness of the room making her jump then nod her head
yes. “Open wide my pet and lets you and me get acquainted”
he waited patiently for her to part her jaw before placing
the ring gag into her lovely mouth and ratcheting it wider
and wider till her jaw was fully extended in an O shape her
eyes remained downcast as he pulled a set of nipple clamps
from the bag next.

Very nice he mused as her reached for and began fondling her
full breasts in preparation for the clamps then changing his
mind reached into the bag for the rope… hmmmmmmm where to
begin he wondered then knew with certainty that he would
enjoy seeing her breasts bound tightly but not with the
rope… “Stay where you are do not move,” he commanded as he
left the house and returned shortly with a spool of
insulated wire which he proceeded to wrap around her tits in
tight coils from the base to her aureoles.

“Very nice indeed my Pet. now where did I place those nipple
clamps?” Picking them up and snapping them unceremoniously
on each nipple her gasp audible through the ring in her
mouth her eyes widening slightly at the pain.

“Did that hurt dear? Aw poor baby, let me take your mind off
the pain,” he said as he took the rope and tied it tightly
about her waist using the long ends to run between her legs
to pin each of her outer lips to her thigh as he tied it off
tightly to her waist rope.

“Getting better all the time my Pet now your hands please,
he waited as she lifted her hands to him taking her hands he
looked at them kissed each one and then ordered her to turn
around and give him her hands once more.

Doing so her hands were now extended behind her back where
he grasped them firmly tying her little fingers together
along with her thumbs before lifting them and tying them off
to her collar… “A little tension never hurt anyone right

She nodded her head quickly in agreement as drool began to
seep from her open mouth… “Aw Pet look at that,” he
scolded moving to the bag once more he removed a cloth and
dabbed at her chin before stuffing the rag into her open
mouth. Then taking the leather hood compliments of the bag
he began to make sure she couldn’t spit the rag out by
covering her head and lacing the hood very tight.

“Comfy Love?” he whispered into her leather covered ears she
nodded and he continued, “would you like to see for a while
yet?” Again the affirmative nod and he reached around to
unzip her eye slits, “Better?”

Another nod of assent.

“I never knew you could be so quiet Kel,” he chuckled at his
own joke. Then he pushed her forward to lay on the floor her
bound tits aching from being tied and her nipples in pain
from the clamps were now squashed below her into the plush
carpeting as he grabbed her ankles and bound each
individually to her thighs tickling her feet as only he knew
how causing her to squirm and then moan in pained pleasure
grabbing the lacing of the hood he pulled her upright again.

“What a pleasure to have you finally Pet, you know I always
did like to call you pet. Matter of fact that will be your
name from here forward. If you do not answer to it there
will of course be punishments and for deeds well performed,
rewards the choice of course will be mine. From now until I
tire of you, you are mine. Do you understand me Pet?”

Her slight nod in the affirmative made him smile as he
reached forward and ever so slowly denied her sight. As the
zippers closed her whimper of fear was heard. the darkness
encroached. Kelly was now truly his submissive.

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