Free sex stories

The Muse of my kinky dreams

  My muse, lying so still on the quilted sheets, stripped nude and waiting for my attentions. Her skin so soft and white, so ready to be my story, so wanting the words. Her breath is short and excited. She […]

Group Sex Stories

Pretty wild public load

I did it again…If you’ve read my past stories and/or have seen my videos you know my mo…I love to masturbate in public. I’ve developed a way to cum in public hands free. This allows me to shoot my load […]

Slut Wife

Sean’s Wife (Slut Wife)

“I’d love to watch you with another guy.” I thought I hadn’t heard my husband correctly. “What?” I asked, sure that the look of surprise on my face said it all. “I’d love to watch you… with another man, I’d […]

Free sex stories

Young Ahmad and the bbw

It was a case of mistaken identity. I thought I’d paid the right person for the figs. I was wrong. Of course I was, or there wouldn’t be a story, now would there? The day was hot and arid as […]


And then you came for bdsm

I first saw you from my bedroom window, tap-tapping along on your high heels with your little tote bag on your back. Short black miniskirt, shapely legs and a tight white blouse, over which a dark jacket was draped decorously. […]


Meg and Peg – A twinge of regret

It was late, the very same night. The packing of my trunk long ago completed, I now sat watching the Princess prancing daftly about in delightful feathery diaphanous scarves, gaily scattering belongings first here and then across the room, as […]

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