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I would savor every smokey kiss

At the very bottom of the box, something rattled. It was a film canister housing his dad’s one and only porno flick. Vincent ran to the family room closet and pulled out a projector and screen. We waited impatiently as […]


Showing Marcus “The Ropes”

Andy was 8 years older than me. He was always a nice brother. He took me places and taught me things when I was young. It was his effort that made me a main stream person. My father worked long […]

Free sex stories

Candyland Cunnies

I guess I have a sense of adventure. Sexual adventure, that is, to distinguish it from all other types of adventure. At least that’s what a guy on the Internet told me. I was doing Internet Relay Chat, which some […]

Free sex stories

The sex will come

Lance Simmons almost dropped his tool box as he dashed across the hotel lobbyway, en route for the closing elevator door. He made it just in time, sticking his arm out just before the door closed. The door then re-opened, […]

Group Sex Stories

Teen BlowJob Tournament

I was shivering all over, and my stomach was in my throat. What the heck was I doing here, standing in this large gymnasium along with dozens of American girls? Whatever possessed me to join this event? How could I […]

Free sex stories

Midnight Swim

It was nearing midnight. One last swim in the pool wouldn’t hurt anyone. She really needed it. It was hot and humid. Stifling inside the hotel room, even with the air conditioner running full blast. She wished he would come […]


Slumber Party

It was just after 10 when the phone rang; too late to be a telemarketer, so I answered it. It was my next door neighbor. “Bob, this is Joan Donovan. I’m sorry to bother you, but I need a favor. […]

Group Sex Stories

Cunt Castle

Skipping sex, despite the men’s renewed longing for it, we got out of the tub and Maria handed us towels. She watched as we dried each other. The men were tall and well-haired, their cocks up and boldly displayed. Polly […]

Free sex stories

Kinky schoolgirls – Marissa

“Yes, Absolutely!” the professor cried, “That’s just the point!” Some student had obviously made a remark that pleased him, and Marissa was jolted from her daydream by his reaction. As she looked around, she saw a sea of smiles, the […]

Free sex stories

Jasmine and the Purple Panties

Jasmine looked the contents of the table over. It was unbelievable the junk people put in a garage-sale. Joke toilet- paper; one oversized golf-tee; more ashtrays than 10 smokers could use. Just junk! Even the clothes were junk. She had […]


Fuck me harder stepdad !

“Sure, I understand,” Nick said into the phone. “No, no hard feelings. Well, nice talking to you.” “Shot down again, huh?” His son Anthony came ambling in from the kitchen. “Yeah,” Nick said, “and thanks for the sympathy. Hey, are […]

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