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My Place In Things

I never did find my niche, but it found me on a lonely road in rural Massachusetts one hot August afternoon. My father thought forcing me into teaching would be just the thing to straighten me out, so I guess […]

Free sex stories

Private School Girlfriends

High on the hill, the stately old buildings stood like ancient monuments to tradition. The clouds moved quickly across the midwestern sky shielding the Roman stone faces only momentarily from the late summer sun. There was no hint of the […]


The Thai Sisters

My name is Mai and I’m a Thai girl who lived in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand. I was lucky enough to have an American man fall in love with me. He told me that I was pretty and […]

Free sex stories

Cheating Heart

“Excuse me, is this the room for the aerobics class?” asked a soft musical voice from behind Karen. “That it is,” Karen said as she started to turn around. “In fact, I’m your instructor, Karen…” The dark haired woman stopped […]

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A young woman becomes a nun

I am a nun. I became a Christian when I was only ten years old. Even though I was born Muslim it occurred to me early on that Christianity suited me more so, mostly because of the gentleness I perceived […]

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Janitorial Services

Michelle worked as a secretary for a lawyer office owned by elder 45-year-old lawyer Jill. For the first few weeks she started she noticed nothing unusual except for most of the customers were black. Still this wasn’t that unusual. Jill […]

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Becky Loves Christie

Becky sat on the cracked red plastic of the coffee shop’s last booth and glumly stared into her cup. Her whole life seemed, at that moment, to stretch out as an unending source of boredom. Two weeks out of High […]

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The Kissogram Girl

Dropping my bag’s of Lingerie and some sex toys onto the bed in my room. I kicked off my shoes and threw off my clothes. Picking up a towel, I headed for the shower. I ached all over. Using that […]

Slut Wife


Is your wife cheating?If she is or was,how would you take it? Most men myself included would be upset,angry or both.Then when you start to think about it,strange and unusual ideas and images start to creep into your mind.When i […]

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