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My Hospital Sexperience

I didn’t understand, but here I lay in Room 3408 waiting on the Doctor to show, it seems that I fell and then woke up here in the hospital and this room. When the Doctor finally showed, she introduced herself […]

Group Sex Stories

Naughty Bridal Party 3.

Chad’s mother Laura was naked in the master bedroom, legs spread, her hands between her thighs, masturbating wantonly, pumping a 9 inch dildo in and out, her ass stuffed with a pleasing butt plug, fucking herself furiously as her fingertips […]

Free sex stories

Krissy The Slut

My name is Karen, I’m 21 years old and a college student. For the last year I’ve become increasingly addicted to a fantasy. I like to pretend I’m a “slut”, an air headed bimbo who thinks of nothing beyond where […]

Group Sex Stories

Best threesome ever

I have been in a number of threesome with both men and women when I was in my early twenties. It’s been a few years since I last got involved with two other people. I always hated when the action […]

Slut Wife

I need a good hard fuck 2.

Brent kept me pinned to the wall, impaled on his big cock, until every last spasm had shuddered through our joined bodies. He slowly let me down, letting my feet touch the floor, before he let go of my ass, […]

Slut Wife

Mrs Cumxter

A woman whos long blonde hair hung loosely down the middle of her back. It swayed side to side with each cat like step she took in the dark red, five inch high stileteos. The short dark red dress she […]

Group Sex Stories

Orgy on coffe break

I work with a number of attractive women. I happen to be one of only 6 males that work for this parti- cular business, and of the six, I am the youngest 25. The majority of the females that work […]

Free sex stories

A Shared Fantasy

This is a true story of a fantasy that I discovered my wife of two years and I both share. We discovered this after a very long night of passionate love making. My wife Lia and I have been married […]

Group Sex Stories

My first threesome

When I was a Sophmore in college I had started hooking up with a Senior named “Mike”. We had only been dating barely a month, but it seemed like we’d had sex a million times in that month. I was […]

Group Sex Stories

Wife’s Friend and Us

My wife’s best friend moved to San Francisco a few years ago and met some guy. They have been dating for a while and they recently came to visit for a weekend. Both my wife and I are 24 and […]

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