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Fun With The New Showerhead

I drove home early from work because I wasn’t feeling well… had a wicked stomach ache. My intestines were growling. I was afraid that I wouldn’t make it home in time. I needed to get to the bathroom in a […]

Free sex stories - Group Sex Stories

Delayed Flight

After years of traveling to Asia my wife Susan decided to join me on a trip. It was our 20th anniversary and to celebrate we spent the weekend in Bali between my work schedules. The “fun” actually started when we […]

Free sex stories

Krissy The Slut

My name is Karen, I’m 21 years old and a college student. For the last year I’ve become increasingly addicted to a fantasy. I like to pretend I’m a “slut”, an air headed bimbo who thinks of nothing beyond where […]

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My new fucking machine

It was a Christmas present she had ordered for herself. Even though she knew what it was, Joan couldn’t wait for it to be delivered. It was two days before the holiday when she got the email confirming it would […]

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Tweety’s Story

I am going to start out by saying this is my first story and I never thought it would happen, you see I am married and have a wonderful husband Jay. But, I have to tell this story because three […]

Free sex stories

Cruise to Nowhere

When my wife Alexis hovers over me like this I know I’m in for something special. Married six years now, sex still hasn’t gotten anywhere near old. I look up at her dark sexy features, eyes gazing at me as […]

Anal Stories/Backdoor Lovers

Chance Around

The story I am about to relate to you is one of missed opportunities coming good and one which would not have taken place if Rob, a father of two boys John and Jim not been divorced. The story is […]

Anal Stories/Backdoor Lovers


Imagine you had a young house guest and while she was watching a movie she fell asleep cocooned in some blankets on the floor. Too many blankets – she looks a bit overheated. You tried to wake her so she […]

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