Free sex stories

Mom my lover

Don’t get me wrong, l love both my parents and l know they love me, but l suppose, like most parents, they do say such stupid things at times. Like the time Mum was in the kitchen preparing a meal, […]

Slut Wife

Back and forth, back and forth

I began these stories while on business trips years ago, using a laptop on planes and in the hotel at night to fill time. I have no real idea why I suddenly started writing erotic stories, since at the time […]

Anal Stories/Backdoor Lovers

Sally the Stewardess

Back in the middle 60’s, I owned an apartment complex near O’Hare field which catered to airline personnel and expecially stewardesses. In those days, the stews were young and perky, not like the grandmothers who fly today. We ran a […]

Free sex stories

Suzi’s First Threesome

Suzi and I had been together for about three years at the time this story took place. We were matched pretty well in a sexual way. Suzi was just as adventurous as I was, and within that three-year time we […]

Group Sex Stories

A Game Where Everyone Wins

“And how do we play this game of yours?” I asked. “It’s pretty simple.” Sasha replied, “It’s kind of like the basketball game ‘HORSE’ except it’s different moves on your partner. So, when one couple does a move, the other […]

Slut Wife

Swinger Joan’s Lesson in Success

Ever since the group had decided last month that it would help Allen Spencer give his wife Helen a birthday present that she would never forget he had been looking forward to the party. When the original arrangements were made, […]

Slut Wife

Caught By My Best Friend

I’ve been married for over twenty years to a beautiful woman and we started out a normal husband and wife and the sex was great. Now I have always fantasized about being a sex slave to my wife and her […]

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