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Best Girl Friend (FF)

I have a very good friend. She is comfortable to talk to. We talk about books, people we have known, and things we would like to do someday. She pays attention to the things I have to say, which is […]

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A Lesbian Seduction

Sitting in the lounge, lights low. A few wines between us and I’m beginning to think well maybe, just maybe, this is the night for me and Kay. I know she’s not a dyke, not yet, which kind of makes […]

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Private School Girlfriends

High on the hill, the stately old buildings stood like ancient monuments to tradition. The clouds moved quickly across the midwestern sky shielding the Roman stone faces only momentarily from the late summer sun. There was no hint of the […]

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A young woman becomes a nun

I am a nun. I became a Christian when I was only ten years old. Even though I was born Muslim it occurred to me early on that Christianity suited me more so, mostly because of the gentleness I perceived […]

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The Kissogram Girl

Dropping my bag’s of Lingerie and some sex toys onto the bed in my room. I kicked off my shoes and threw off my clothes. Picking up a towel, I headed for the shower. I ached all over. Using that […]

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Naughty Neighbors

From the day I moved in the neighbors were always very nice to me. They were three sisters that lived together. They were very friendly and outgoing. During the summer they would come over and swim in my pool. The […]

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My First Lesbian Experience

Ever since Matt had left, I had been feeling kind of down, and was terribly excited when I was invited to a New Year’s Eve party that was being held at a friend’s house a few blocks down. My parents […]