Free sex stories

Chubby Missy and my big cock

Many things in this story really happened. Names have been changed, duh! The late 80’s my career as a construction worker neared its zenith. I was 31, living in a one bedroom apartment on ——– St. in ———-, VA. My […]


Dirty Uncle spanking me

I was staying with my uncle for the summer while my folks were in europe. They had made it plain that I should be a good girl and that Uncle was the old fashioned type who may spank me if […]


Tracy’s Fatherly Affair

I had wanted to fuck my gorgeous mother since the moment I learned what fucking was. Then, one summer day just before my junior year in high school, I finally did. At a very young age, I had become aware […]


My Big-Titted Daughter

I woke up with the usual morning urge to piss like a race horse. The bathroom door was closed so I knew my 22 year old daughter must be in there. I knocked and I said, “Lisa I gotta piss […]

Slut Wife

The XXX repairman

Jane’s large breasts were swaying, and she was cussing as she struggled to get the dirty dish water in the sink to drain. After ten minutes of struggling to un unclog the drain she did the only thing she could; […]

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