Overnight Date

I guess I should start with a little background information. First, my wife and I have been married for over 20 years, our oldest son is 25 years old and our next oldest son is 23, the next 21 and the youngest twin sons are 19 and daughter who is 17. Since we had six children we never got a chance to go out a lot by ourselves or go away by ourselves overnight.

It all started when our oldest son was home visiting and was going out overnight to a concert. My wife casually mentioned to Theresa, our son’s wife that she thought it was great that they were able to go out overnight and have someone watch their son. Theresa said yes that it was great, then asked how often we went out overnight on a date. Amelia said 26 years ago. Nothing else was said.

Joe and Theresa were back the next day and when they were asked by the other children how it was and they said it was really great. Theresa mentioned to everyone that we had not been out overnight by ourselves in 26 years. They all looked at each other and said really and thought out loud that it must be wrong that we had been out overnight by ourselves before, but nobody remembered.

Tara settled it and was bold and to the point and said: “mom when was the last time you and dad went on an overnight date without any of us?” Amelia answered: “The last time we were out by ourselves was 6 months before Joe was born.” We all looked at each other and asked a dumb question – “Why not?” She replied: “Because you can not find too many people willing to watch 6 kids for 1 hour let alone keep them overnight.” Amelia left the room and the kids talked a lot more about it and then Tara said you are all old enough to stay by yourselves. Why don’t we get them to go out overnight on a date someplace special.

The kids planned everything except for the restaurants we would eat at. We would have a special night out by ourselves during the middle of the week, so we would not have to deal with the crowds. We packed and left. I was excited about the whole thing and thought we would make the best of it.

When we arrived at our destination we went to the motel and got our room. We had a king sized bed and it had a great view. I unpacked and checked out the room and stretched out on the bed. Amelia checked out the room and went into the bathroom and after a few minutes came out wearing a new slinky nightie. Amelia paraded around the room for a few minutes and said how nice it was and it was nice to relax before we went to the dinner theater.

I was a bit surprised that she was dressed the way she was and that she was dancing around the room in a nightie that did not hide anything. Then she was even more shocking when she got out the camera and took my picture laying on the bed after I stripped down to my boxers. Normally she was the last person in the world who would have taken a picture of anyone in a swimsuit let alone their boxers. I did not say anything and went along with it and acted like I was a model and she was the photographer.

Amelia gave me the camera and said you are the photographer now and I am the model. I was not sure how she would react and began telling her to pose this way and then that way. I got bolder and told her to unite the robe and let it open and she did without complaining and then I told her to take it off and the I had her take off the nightie and pose nude in various positions. I was really excited and said enough of that and went over to her. Amelia got up and ran over and got the tripod and set-up the camera and connected the remote for the camera.

I was making out with her on the bed and she was using the remote to snap pictures with me kissing her, feeling her tits, fingering her pussy and eating her pussy and her playing with my cock and finally with her on-top and riding my cock like she was never going to get it again. I could not believe it.

We went to the dinner theater and had dinner and watched the play and everything was like the afternoon did not happen. I tried to get a little frisky and she was her normal stone cold self that it was not good form to behave like that in public. I thought I had totally pissed her off and the fun we already had was going to be it for the trip.

We arrived back at our room and she noticed a little sticky note on the wall that said if you were lonely and wanted some company to call the number. Amelia looked at me and asked why someone would write a note like that and leave it there. I explained that it was probably a woman who did things for some extra money. Amelia said I was crazy and I do not know why I said to give the number a call and find out who they were and what they were doing.

Amelia called the number and after about 20 minutes Tina a small Filipino woman came and she explained that her company was not free and she go paid in cash. She said she got $100.00 for her service and it was good for one hour. I looked to Amelia and then she was whispering to the woman and then I saw my wife give her a $100.00 bill.

Tina did not waste any time getting started. Tina was undressed in a few seconds and she did not have anything on under her dress. Amelia said she wanted her to take some pictures of us together and then to help me have a good time. I could not believe what was going on. Amelia was on her knees in front of me giving me a blow-job as Tina was telling her what she wanted to see. After a few minuted Amelia said why don’t you show me how you want me to do it and then we can trade places again.

Tina was a natural cock sucker and she licked me from my ball to the tip of my cock and then engulfed my cock down to the balls. When she sucked me a few stroked and played with my balls come she stopped and said to Amelia: “Did you see how I did that? That is what looks good on the camera.” Amelia agreed as she had taken a dozen or so pictures of Tina sucking my cock.

Tina and Amelia both took turns sucking and licking my cock and balls until I could not hold back any longer. They both had their mouths open as I shot my load into both of their mouths. I thought we would be done, but Amelia and Tina got together and began to work on getting me hard again. Tina smiled and said give him five minutes and we can relax before we start again.

I rested there for a few minutes and the next thing I know is Amelia is licking and sucking on by balls and Tina is licking and sucking my cock. I can not help but get hard and Amelia gets on top and starts to ride me and Tina tells Amelia how to do it so she can get it on the camera. Amelia got on-top of me facing away from me with my cock in her and with her facing Tina and the camera.

Tina and Amelia changed positions and they did the whole thing all over again. Tina was facing the camera with her back toward me and playing with her nipples and rubbing her clit as she rode my cock and all the while she was telling Amelia how great it felt and how to make it look good for the camera. I could see Amelia snapping picture as Tina rode my cock and played with herself. Finally after she said she was cumming and stopped and jumped off quickly so I could not cum. I said it was not fair and Tina and Amelia smiled.

Amelia came over and took over from where Tina had left off and was rubbing herself all over and I could see her in the mirror as Tina instructed her what to do. I was on the verge of cumming again when Tina said to stop, because she was out of space on the camera card. Amelia got off and said sorry honey but we do not want you to cum and be finished for the night.

Amelia and Tina downloaded the pictures to the laptop and made several comments about some looking better than others and how there were shadows in some and they should have some extra lighting if they were to do it the way they should to get the best pictures. I was trying to see what they were doing, but they blocked me and said not until we were finished and to stay on the bed or they would be finished for the night.

Amelia and Tina had setup the camera for remote action and they both joined me on the bed Amelia climbed up on my face so I could eat her pussy and Tina rode me reverse cowgirl style and operated the remote for the camera. I did not last long and before I knew it I started cumming and as I did so did Amelia and Tina. It was a great night.

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