Free sex stories

Runaway Sex

She had been on her feet from noon till night, trying to outrun the hounds and the catchers. She was sure they were hot on her trail, so there was no time for resting. She had run out of bread […]

Slut Wife

Back and forth, back and forth

I began these stories while on business trips years ago, using a laptop on planes and in the hotel at night to fill time. I have no real idea why I suddenly started writing erotic stories, since at the time […]

Slut Wife

Pretend Whore

Not long ago my wife decided to surprise me by dressing up and acting like a whore. She must have had the whole thing planned out because she sent me to the store for a bottle of wine. My wife […]

Group Sex Stories

Mary’s Train Ride

Mary had always been a bit of a tart. In fifth grade, her little brother Andy, then in fourth grade, had caught her with a boy behind a tree on the school grounds. They had shooed off her brother and […]

Slut Wife

Daring Hotel Sex 2.

Both women were rather giggly as Kim opened the bottle of Merlot. They’d already had three glasses each at the restaurant, and were both eager to add to the buzz now that they were back at Shannon’s house. Getting drunk […]


Hot and Horny Family 3.

“Uuuuuhhhh, yeahhhh, you love sucking my cock, don’t you? You love the way it tastes, don’t you, Aunt Debby? Harder now! Unggghh! Suck harder, if you want to make me cum in your mouth!” Debby sucked the boy’s rock-hard cock […]


Hot, Horny Family 1.

“Oh, Mom!” Billy gasped. “Oh, shit, I’m sorry! I guess I should have locked the door!” Kathy stood motionless in the open door to the bathroom, gaping wide-eyed at her naked son as he dripped water on the tiled floor. […]

Slut Wife

Husband Is Not Enough

Joanne had been married for 10 years and had been largely faithful during this time. He husband was kind and gentle but useless between the sheets. He had fathered two children with her and she adored them both, but she […]

Group Sex Stories

The Swingers Resort

“I want to watch you blow two much younger, hung men at the same time with an audience. And you?” I ask. “I want to watch a male and female blow you at the same time. While another man is […]

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Shower Fantasies

The heat of the day had taken its toll. I was feeling tired and impatient to getaway. Hopefully, I would get home before the rain came again, so I could get my feet up and have some well-earned rest and […]

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