Teen orgy at the lake

Three naked bodies hit the water simultaneously and disappeared. A
moment later, three heads broke the surface screaming in unison “Yow,
it’s cold!” Their traditional yell was truer than usual: notwithstanding
the unseasonable heat of Indian Summer, October was pushing the limits of
the season for their favorite swimming hole.
“Why did I let you two talk me into this?” yelled Jill, her teeth
chattering, mostly for effect.
Holly’s jaw dropped, also for effect. “Who talked who into what?”
“Funny,” said her brother Terry, “I seem to remember saying ‘No way
in hell am I going in that water, Indian Summer or no.'”
With a glance at each other, brother and sister began splashing
their friend for all they were worth. Jill gave back as good as she
received, but she was outnumbered four hands to two, and finally
surrendered by diving under the water. She surfaced near the bank and
climbed out, saying “Okay, I’m done.”
“The hell you are!” Holly and Terry clambered out as fast as the
water would let them, and proceeded to chase the laughing Jill up and
down the bank until they outflanked her. Still giggling, Jill found
herself taken by hands and feet and swung ceremoniously back into the
swimming hole. When she surfaced, the two siblings were grappling,
trying to throw each other in. Holly was victorious, and no sooner had
Terry hit the water then he was scrambling out again, friendly vengeance
on his face. But Holly was already jumping in, accepting the
inevitable. “Spoilsport,” said Terry, making a face.
“Oh, kiss and make up, you two,” said Jill, and when they had, she
added “Am I forgiven too?”
“Well, just this once,” replied Holly, kissing her.
“Only if you promise never, ever to do it again,” said Terry,
completing the circle by kissing Jill. But this last kiss lasted rather
longer than the first two, and neither saw Holly’s face as she turned
away and climbed out.
“It *is* cold,” said Terry. “Enough?”
“Enough,” agreed Jill, and they joined Holly on the bank. The three
stood shivering, hugging themselves, though the setting sun was still hot.
“I don’t suppose…” began one, “That anyone thought to bring…”
continued another, “Towels?” finished the third.
None of them had figured on swimming when planning an overnight
camping trip in October. Bathing suits were no problem; they probably
wouldn’t have brought them even in July, as the trio had been
skinny-dipping together since grammar school. But the question of how to
dry themselves hung in the air until Terry suggested running around and
let the wind do it. The motion passed for lack of a better one, and they
raced all through the trees around the swimming hole until they dropped
with exhaustion.
As they lay panting on the ground, Terry gazed at the two girls
(<oops — young women> he reminded himself) who had been his best friends
since forever: Jill with her blonde hair, her slender body whose secrets
he had just recently begun to know, and a face worth dying for; Holly
with hair and eyes the same brown as his own, her face so much plainer
than Jill’s, but to Terry no less beautiful, her body comfortably plump,
especially her breasts, those wonderful breasts that a part of him longed
to touch, even as the rest of him shied away from the forbidden
temptation. Terry was suddenly aware that he had an erection, and no
graceful way to hide it. Too late, the girls had already seen it.
“Oops,” he said sheepishly, blushing furiously.
Holly got up. “I’ll get the fire going,” she said, “and leave you
two alone.”
Terry and Jill watched Holly hurry away, and looked at each other
uncomfortably. That fall they had started college, choosing the same one
more by coincidence than by design. Knowing nobody else in their new
environment, they had clung to each other for support, and it was both a
profound shock and the most natural thing in the world when their
intimate friendship of so many years blossomed into romance. By the time
they had been in school a month, they had given each other their
But Holly, a year older, had entered a different college, and they
couldn’t all be together as often as in high school. And when Jill and
Terry became lovers, though nobody said a word, Holly knew it. And that
was when the trouble began.
“We can’t go on like this,” said Jill as she sat beside Terry, their
backs against a tree.
“I know. It’s tearing her apart.” He sighed. “I wish we could
make her understand. It doesn’t change anything between her and I, or
her and you.”
“Well, I’m afraid it does.”
“Well, it shouldn’t.” They sat in silence for a while.
“I love you both so much,” said Terry, “And I’d never do anything to
hurt either of you. Not if I knew it was going to.”
“I feel the same way. But now we know, don’t we? I feel like I’ve
— betrayed her, by taking you as…”
“Your lover?”
“Yeah. Terry?” Tears were filling Jill’s eyes. “Do you think we
could… go back to…”
“Just being friends?” Terry nodded slowly. “But I love making love
with you. I don’t want to give that up.”
“Oh god, neither do I, but is it worth losing Holly?” The tears
were running down her face now. “She’ll always be your sister, but I
don’t think I can stand to lose her — and I am!”
Terry took her in his arms and held her while her tears fell, and
some of his own as well. At last, when their sobs had ceased, he said
“Okay, Jill. What we did was a wonderful thing, and I’ll never regret
it. But it was a mistake. Are we still friends?”
“Oh, yes!” Jill cried, and more tears fell.
As they watched the sun disappear behind the distant mountains,
Terry remarked, with a catch in his throat, “You know, I feel like the
sun is going down on our friendship.”
“It’s not.”
“I know. But that’s how I feel.” They started back toward camp,
close together but not touching. “I guess we better stick to the
‘official’ sleeping arrangements, huh?”
<It’s ironic,> Holly said to herself as she set about starting the
fire. <Jill could have had any boy in high school — goodness knows they
were all chasing after her. All except Terry. I guess that’s why
they’ve been such good friends, because he never tried to put the make on
her. Of course,> she grinned at the thought, <He always figured he never
had a chance with her anyway, with her being so beautiful, and him with
his face as plain as mine. Not ugly, mind you, but nothing that would
turn a girl’s head.> She sighed sadly. <How nice it must be to be
beautiful, to never have to go on diets, to always have everyone looking
at you, admiring you.> She stopped in her tracks, the skillet she was
carrying forgotten. <I’m jealous! Jealous of Jill’s looks, and I’ve
*never* been jealous of her before. And I’m jealous of her romance with
Terry.> Thinking about the way they looked at each other, Holly knew she
had never felt that way about anybody. <At least, not about any of the
boys I went out with. Certainly nobody’s ever felt that way about me.
And when they look at each other like that, I feel so — so left out, so
alone, so *superfluous*.> Brushing away a tear, she set the skillet to
heat on the fire and sat staring into the flames until Terry and Jill
Dinner was a somber affair, with nobody speaking much. When all the
food had been eaten or put away or tossed into the woods for the
scavengers, Jill spoke. “Holly, Terry and I have something to tell you.”
Holly forced a smile. “You’re getting married?”
There was an uncomfortable silence.
“Not quite,” said Terry. “No, Jill and I have been talking, and
we’ve decided — Jill and I thought that you — I mean that we — ” he
looked helplessly at Jill.
“What Terry’s trying to say is that we’ve realized that we made a
“A mistake?”
“All of us were happy together when we were just friends, and that’s
how we want it to be again.”
Holly said nothing, but looked from Jill to Terry and back again.
“What she’s trying to say,” said Terry, “Is that we realize how left
out we’ve made you feel, and we…”
“No!” Holly interrupted, “Don’t do this because of me! You love
each other, and I can’t — I won’t — ” her words failed, and she burst
into tears.
“Of course we love each other,” Jill said, putting her arm around
her, “We’ll always love each other. But we love you too, and to break up
our friendship…”
“It’s too high a price to pay — just for sex.” Terry’s words left
a bitter taste in his mouth. <It not just the sex,> he thought.
But after the tears there were hugs and kisses (short ones between
everyone now), and when Terry and Holly brought out their dulcimers, it
was just like old times as they talked and laughed and sang the evening
away. And when they sang “Julian of Norwich”, the words seemed to have
been written just for them:

“Love, like the yellow daffodil is coming through the snow,
Love, like the yellow daffodil is lord of all I know.
Ring out, bells of Norwich and let the winter come and go,
All shall be well again, I know.
All shall be well, I’m telling you, let the winter come and go,
All shall be well again, I know.”
“I wish I had a face and a figure like yours,” said Holly to Jill as
they made ready to sleep in the larger of the two tents, Terry having
retired to the smaller.
“Whatever for?”
“Oh, don’t give me that crap. Look at this face. Plain as cheap
vanilla pudding. Look at this body. Flab everywhere. My ass is too
big. My boobs are too big.”
“Well, I think you have lovely boobs.”
“They’re awful, they get in the way, I can’t run without having them
bounce like basketballs. How would you like to carry around weights like
these? Feel this.” Reaching into her nightgown, Holly bared a breast
and held it up with her hand. They did tend to sag when not supported by
a bra, Jill observed, but not all that much. “Go ahead, feel this
Jill reached out and let Holly’s breast fill her hand, feeling its
weight. She shivered, and took her hand away. “I still think they’re
lovely. Look at me, I’m flat as a board.” Which was not quite accurate,
but the only use Jill had ever found for a bra was for accentuating what
little she had.
“Wanna trade?” said Holly, blushing.
“Sure!” said Jill, and she blushed too.
<Well,> thought Terry, <Old Morpheus is definitely nowhere to be
found in this tent, and it doesn’t look like he’s going to come visiting
any time soon.> He sat up and stared out of the tent. <Guess I’ll take
a walk and see if the god of sleep is lurking about in the woods.>
As he wandered he thought about how strange life was, and how
unfair. How odd that of the few people he considered his best friends,
one should be his sister, when just about everyone else he knew
considered their siblings, younger or older, to be nuisances. Not that
they never had fights, but whenever one of them needed someone to
celebrate with, or a shoulder to cry on, or a leg to pull, the other had
always been there. How odd that another best friend should be the most
sought-after girl in high school, when he wouldn’t have dared even try to
get her to go out with him. But he had shared secrets with Jill that
none of his girlfriends had been privy to, and Jill in turn had trusted
him with confidences that only he and Holly had shared. And how unfair
that when fate had joined him and Jill closer than ever before, it had
threatened to destroy the trio. <It’s really ironic,> he thought, <That
of all the women in the world that could be my lover, the two I love most
should be the least appropriate.>
Terry was not the only one to be abandoned by Morpheus. Jill had
been lying in her sleeping bag, her thoughts not far removed from
Terry’s, seeking the gift of unconsciousness that Holly had already
received. Turning on her side, Jill gazed at her friend as she lay half
in and half out of her sleeping bag. Holly’s breasts rose and fell under
the thin fabric of her nightgown like swells on the Sea of Dreams, and
Jill remembered the icy thrill she had felt when she had, just for a
moment, held one of them. She pushed the thought from her mind and
looked away, out into the night, but her eyes and thoughts returned to
Holly, to Holly’s breasts. The longer Jill looked at Holly, the more she
wanted to reach out and touch her. And then Jill’s hand began to move,
and she scarcely breathed as she let it reach slowly across the short
distance between them. As it rose with her breath, one soft mound filled
Jill’s trembling hand and a shiver of excitement made Jill’s entire body
tingle. Carefully she caressed her friend, fascinated by the liquid
texture of the other’s flesh. When her fingers encountered a little bump
and felt it grow under their touch, and Jill shivered again. Holly
sighed, and Jill glanced up at her face.
Holly’s eyes had opened.
As they stared at each other through that long frozen moment of
time, Holly’s eyes showed only an intense awareness of Jill’s presence,
and Jill unable to even think, let alone move, until at length Holly
whispered, “You really think they’re pretty?”
“I — ” Jill swallowed ” — I think they’re beautiful. I think
*you’re* beautiful.” Jill felt that she couldn’t have broken Holly’s
gaze if her life depended on it. <No,> she thought, <I feel like my life
depends on holding this gaze forever.> Holly’s face seemed to grow until
Jill couldn’t see anything else, until all she could see were Holly’s
brown eyes, full of uncertainty and trust, until at last she felt their
lips touch, and Jill’s eyes finally closed as their kiss branded their
souls with an affirmation of their friendship and their love.
“Nothing,” Jill whispered, “No one can change how I feel about
you.” Holly’s only reply was another kiss, but her eyes were full of
tears. She looked down to where Jill’s hand still held her breast. Jill
felt the blood rush to her face and looked away, withdrawing her hand.
But Holly took Jill’s hand in hers and held it, saying “No, wait.”
Jill waited.
“Please — ” Holly’s whisper was almost inaudible. “Please keep
touching me?”
Jill cupped Holly’s trembling breast with her hand, squeezing it
gently, and kissed Holly once more. This time their lips parted, and the
kiss took them beyond mere friendship to an intimacy Holly had only
dreamed of. <This,> thought Holly, <This is what they must feel.> When
their eyes met again, Jill saw reflected in Holly’s eyes her own
uncertainty about what was happening, and her aching need that it keep on
happening. Then together, moving so slowly that neither could be sure
whether she was leading or following, they drew off their nightgowns.
Now four hands touched four naked breasts, large and small, amid
kisses and hugs. And the kisses moved from lips to cheeks, from necks to
shoulders, from arms to hands to fingers, and then to the breasts beneath
the fingers. Gasps and sighs were exchanged as lips discovered the taste
of nipples, and fingers tangled in brown hair and blonde. Jill’s hand
was the first to dare straying between pair of thighs not her own, to
find the hidden moistness there; a moment later she felt Holly’s palm
press against her own mound. Sighs gave way to moans as two friends
shared new secrets. Legs moved to make room for questing fingers, which
moved gently, tentatively at first, then more quickly as they grew wet
with their spiralling passion.
After Jill and Holly had brought each other to long, shuddering
orgasms, Jill put her fingers, still sticky from Holly’s quim, to her
lips. One smell, one taste, and Jill knew what she was going to do
next. Staring into her friend’s eyes, Jill put her fingers in her mouth,
one after another, and slowly shifted her position. When Jill was sure
that Holly knew what she intended, she lowered her head and planted a
kiss full on her pussy. Holly whimpered softly. Her thighs parted,
opening her sex like a flower. Jill had never entertained lesbian
fantasies; she was amazed at how the sight of another woman’s sex — no,
*Holly’s* sex — could excite her so. And the taste of her was outside
anything she had ever imagined. Taking a deep breath, Jill proceeded to
kiss and taste every secret part of Holly that she could reach.
“Jill?” whispered Holly, and Jill looked up with a start. “Oh,
please don’t stop, that feels so wonderful, but…”
“What, Holly?”
“Would you — I mean — I’d like to do that. To you. Can we do it
After a few false starts with uncomfortable positions, they settled
down on their sides, each with her upper leg cast over the other’s body.
Holly stared in fascination at glistening crevice before her, all shades
of pink and coral. She had seen Jill naked many times, but never like
this. Jill felt a hot breath tickle her nest, followed by a timid kiss,
then another, then a less timid kiss that lingered. A soft tongue spread
her lips and searched until it found her clitoris, forcing an “ahhhhh” in
response. From the tiny button, Holly kissed all down the smooth wet
furrow to the secret entrance below, and then, stretching to reach,
slipped her tongue inside.
“Yes?” she answered without looking up.
“You taste wonderful.”
“Thanks. So do you.” And the two friends began to make love in
Passing by the girls’ tent on his way back to his own, Terry heard a
moan. <That sounds like Jill,> he thought, <But she only moans like that
when we…> There was another moan, and this one wasn’t from Jill.
Unable to accept what his ears were telling him, Terry knelt behind the
tent and put his eye to an ill-mended tear in the fabric. <This is not
happening!> He rubbed his eyes and pinched himself before looking
again. Jill, his lover — <former lover> he reminded himself — and
Holly, his sister, were entwined in an embrace of unmistakable intimacy.
There was just enough moonlight shining into the opening of the tent to
see a blonde head nodding rhythmically between a pair of plump thighs.
Any possible remaining doubt was eliminated by an occasional wet smack or
slurp. Those thighs <My sister’s thighs!> began to jerk spasmodically,
and it was clearly Holly’s voice that breathed “Jill… oh, Jill…
Ohhhhh!” as Jill brought her to orgasm. A moment later it was Jill who
cried out softly as she came, her hips bucking to press herself hard
against Holly’s hidden face.
After a while Holly spoke softly. “I’d never have guessed that you
were gay. But it doesn’t matter,” she hurried on, “because…”
“I’m not,” Jill interrupted.
“Oh. Of course not. Well, bi then. But…”
“Holly. You’re the second person I’ve ever made love with. You
know who the first was.”
“Oh. Well, this is my first time with anybody.”
“Holly! A sophomore in college and you’re still a virgin?”
“Come on, Jill, you’d’ve been the first to know if I’d lost it.”
“Yeah, okay. But hasn’t there been anyone — I mean, I know you’ve
had boyfriends, maybe not a lot, but…”
“There wasn’t ever anybody I wanted, not like that, except — there
just wasn’t anybody.”
Jill thought of Terry, staring at his sister and getting an
erection. “Except who?”
“Nobody, there wasn’t anybody.”
“Holly. Look at me. Nobody except for who?”
Holly whispered something too soft to hear.
“Your brother? Oh god, Holly.” Terry heard a sob. “No, Holly,
listen to me! This afternoon, when Terry got a hard-on, and you left? I
was watching him, and he wasn’t looking at me, he was looking at you!”
“No, that’s impossible.”
“It’s true.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Why is him wanting you more impossible than you wanting him? And
why would I lie to you?”
“Is that why you and Terry broke up?”
“No! Terry doesn’t even know that I know. And we haven’t broken
up, we’ve come back together — all three of us, just like we’ve always
“But Jill — what have we done? Terry will know what happened here
tonight, as surely as I knew when you two did it. What will he think?”
Terry decided that the time had come to tell them exactly what he
thought. Moving quickly to the front of the tent, he crouched down and
crawled in. Both girls stared at him in shock, fear and embarrassment,
but he moved directly to Holly, took her face gently in his hands, and
kissed her. “You really want me,” he whispered, “Like — like I want
you?” Holly made no sound, but her eyes spoke what her tongue could
not. Their lips met again, parted this time, and their arms made circles
around each other like some old, old vine.
“Make love to me,” pleaded Holly when they broke for air.
Jill had turned away so her friends wouldn’t see her tears, and
hearing these words she crawled out of the tent. But she heard her name
from two voices speaking as one, and reluctantly she returned.
“Stay with us,” urged Holly.
“You’ve made love with both of us now, what’s left to hide?” Terry
“We want you here for this.”
Jill looked at her two friends, her two lovers, who were about to
become lovers themselves, and she knew that all would indeed be well
Holly lay back on her sleeping bag and watched Terry as he removed
his shorts. She reached out to touch his erection, and he responded by
stroking her breasts, and then her quim. “I’ve dreamed about this for a
long time,” he said, bending over her to kiss first one nipple, then the
other. He began moving into position, but Jill said “Terry, wait. She’s
not protected like I am.”
“What?” said Holly.
“I’m on the pill. You’re not.” She looked at Terry. “Do you have
a condom?”
“I don’t want rubber inside me, I want Terry.”
“No, I don’t have one.”
Jill looked stricken. “I don’t want to say this, but I think you
should wait until you’re safe. There’s other ways to make love…”
“I’m as safe now as I ever am! Haven’t you noticed the moon?” Ever
since her first period, Holly had been in rhythm with the moon. This had
caused Jill and Terry to declare her their own personal goddess
incarnate, to Holly’s acute embarrassment. But far from being a simple
joke, this synchronicity symbolized for them their love and reverence for
the outdoors.
“She’s right, Holly,” said Terry, “It’s still a risk. What would
you do if you got pregnant? And by me, for god’s sake?”
“I don’t want to wait,” she pleaded, “I want you to take me right
here, right now, with Jill here beside us.”
“Oh, Holly.” Jill looked at her sadly. “Look, what if he pulls out
before he comes. Would that be enough?”
“I wanted this to be perfect.” Holly sighed. “But you’re right. I
won’t put this off for another day, not for an hour. So I guess we’ll do
it like you said.”
Jill looked on as Terry settled down between Holly’s ample thighs,
pausing to take each breast-berry into his mouth, which caused Holly to
moan until he silenced her with another kiss. Holly reached between them
and stroked his rigid limb before guiding it to her sacred spring, still
wet from her lovemaking with Jill. Jill knew that whatever was left of
Holly’s maidenhead would be little or no hindrance, and she was happy
that Holly wouldn’t have to lose her virginity in pain, as she had.
Terry slid smoothly into his sister, neither quickly nor slowly, and
Holly sucked in her breath in a long gasp, her eyes widening as they
stared into his. Terry’s eyes closed and he fell gently onto Holly,
murmuring her name over and over. As his hips began rocking, Holly
reached out to find Jill’s hand, and for the first time that day Jill
felt her eyes fill with tears of joy rather than sorrow.
Holly closed her eyes. She was full of him now, their joining
complete, and he paused for one long, wonderful moment to savor the
feeling of their bodies merged, his within hers for the very first time,
their souls like two trees, grown together from close-planted seeds, only
now discovering that their roots were as intertwined as their branches.
It was, understandably, not long at all before Terry’s breathing and
movements betrayed his impending climax, and Jill had to remind him to
not increase Holly’s risk further. As soon as he emerged from his
sister’s depths, a long jet arced out to land on her thigh. Jill grabbed
the bucking shaft and captured it with her mouth, holding it there as
Terry gasped out his orgasm.
“I wish I’d done that,” said Holly, as Jill licked the last creamy
drops from her leg. “What’s it taste like?”
Jill answered by kissing Holly, letting her taste the seed that she
had wanted to feel inside her. “Terry, you left something unfinished
“You haven’t made Holly come yet. Wouldn’t you like to find out
what she tastes like?”
“Does she taste anything like you?”
“Better,” said Jill, which caused Holly to blush.
“Let’s see.” Terry leaned over Holly, who obligingly parted her
legs. As she felt his lips and tongue lead her down the road to ecstasy,
she reached out to stroke Jill’s breasts. Jill responded by kneeling
next to Terry to suck on Holly’s nipples. Holly’s hand found its way to
Jill’s pussy, and Jill’s hand reached beneath Terry to fondle what she
found there. This proved awkward, and Jill had a better idea. Lying on
her back next to Holly, she wriggled around until she was staring up at
Terry’s limp member, then drew her knees up to her chest, presenting her
blooming womanflower to Holly. After some shifting about to find
comfortable positions, Jill set forth to coax Terry’s cock back to life
as he explored his sister’s vagina with his fingers and tongue, while
Holly made a similar exploration of Jill.
By the time Holly came, Jill had a very stiff penis in her mouth,
which she removed to say “He’s hard again, would you like a turn?” Holly
said she would, so they switched places and Holly found herself staring
up at her first close-up view of a man’s cock. It bobbed about as Terry
set to work eating Jill, and Holly licked at it tentatively, chasing it
around with her tongue. She finally took it in her hand to hold it
still, and her touch coaxed pearly drops from the tip. These she used as
lubrication, and soon her hand moved slickly back and forth around the
fleshy pole. After a few more licks, she aimed the bulbous head between
her lips and dared a real taste. Terry’s cock pulsed as he felt his
sister’s lips close around it. Holly was afraid he was going to come
right then, but he didn’t, and she gradually took more and more into her
mouth until her gag reflex showed her her limits.
After several happy minutes of lovemaking in this fashion, Terry
straightened up and collapsed onto his back. “Sorry, girls,” he said, “I
mean, ladies. My knees have had it.”
“Jill,” said Holly, a bit timidly, “Could I see you two make love?”
Jill hugged her. “I was hoping you’d ask.” She eyed the prone
Terry, and added “I guess I better do the work.” She climbed atop him,
straddling his hips, and said to Holly “Would you like to help?”
“Help how?”
Jill grinned lewdly. “Put us together.” So Holly took hold of
Terry’s staff and held it upright, then watched in fascination as its
rounded tip spread open the lips of Jill’s cunny and the whole long
length slowly disappeared inside her. “Oh, wow,” whispered Holly.
“Yeah,” breathed Jill.
Holly watched them, first from the front, then from the rear, as
Jill rode up and down, spearing herself on Terry’s long pole. Twice she
helped rejoin them, delighting in feeling their slippery skin slide
together under her fingers.
Then Jill suggested “Why don’t you sit on his face?”
Holly giggled at the phrase, which she had always before heard as an
epithet. She knelt over Terry’s head, facing Jill, and lowered her ample
derriere until she felt the touch of a tongue in the crack of her
bottom. Shifting backward, she pressed her pussy against his lips. The
girls embraced as Terry made love to both of them at once, kissing
passionately, their fingers on each other’s clits, and together they
brought the girls to orgasm.
Moments later Terry spoke, his voice muffled by Holly’s crotch.
“Are you ready for it, Jill?”
“Holly, now’s your chance to take him in your mouth like you wanted
“Oh no, that’s all right…” she began, but Jill had already
dismounted, so she leaned forward and took her brother’s penis between
her lips. Not surprisingly, it tasted like Jill. Jill showed her how to
hold the base of the shaft with a wet hand, while Jill cradled his balls
in her palm and gently fondled them. Holly felt Terry’s fingers in her
hair as she bobbed her head up and down.
“Holly…” he gasped, “I’m — I’m coming!” Holly felt his cock
pulse in her hand, and the hot taste of semen filled her mouth and
nostrils. The thick liquid squirted in pulses, once, twice, three times,
and more, then subsided. Releasing the hot flesh from her mouth, she
swallowed, coughed, and swallowed again, then continued to suck on it
until it had softened and stopped oozing cream.
“How was it?” said Jill.
“Well,” Holly answered, “I guess it’s an acquired taste.” Then,
seeing the look on Terry face, she added “But I’m sure I’ll acquire it
soon. And I guess this is the only way I get to have it inside me!”
“Just for a while, Holly. We’ll get you fixed up nice and safe like
“I can’t wait!” Holly exclaimed.
“Neither can I,” her brother added.
Two sleeping bags proved quite large enough for three people that
wanted to stay as close to each other as possible. Holly was the first
to awaken, and her gentle touch roused the others. The air was full of
the sound of birds greeting the dawn, which had not quite arrived.
“Remember what I said yesterday about the sun going down?” Terry
said to Jill. She nodded. “Let’s go watch the sun rise.”

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