Sucker For Mom

Sheila Davis smoothed her hands down over her silken sides and
rested them on her naked hips, smiling seductively and admiring herself
in her full-length mirror. She felt silly standing there all alone in
her bedroom and practicing the comely smile that she had steadfastly
refused to use on a man for three miserable and fuckless years, but she
had been seized by the urge to see herself at her luscious best again,
and the urge had been much too powerful to resist.
Sheila had managed somehow to cram her huge tits into a tiny bikini
top, although the overflow of yielding tit-flesh was almost obscene. She
had left her bottom off, not that the skimpy garment would have covered
much of her beautiful ass anyway. She felt seductive as she stood there
half naked, her tits barely covered, looking at her furry dark-haired
cunt. She shook her head and tossed her long soft black hair until it
fell over her naked shoulders and cascaded over her barely-covered
bulging breasts.
Sheila was amazed to discover that her sensuality seemed to be
coming to life again after three years of no cock. She knew what had
triggered her sudden reawakening. Her sixteen-year-old son Terry was
with her again after a three-year absence, and it was he who had caused
the itch of lust to stir her pussy.
Sheila had felt herself coming to life again after such a long and
restless sleep the moment she had seen her son striding down the ramp at
the airport three weeks earlier. She felt herself being slowly consumed
by the intense heat of her naked lust for her son.
As much as Sheila hated to admit it, she knew deep down inside her
that she was wildly in love with her handsome young son. She knew how
dirty and depraved her love for him was, knew perfectly well that her
love for the boy went far beyond a mother’s natural love for her only
child. Her pussy positively blazed with passion for the boy.
Sheila always felt dizzy whenever he was near her. At times she
could hardly breathe when he paraded around the beach house in various
degrees of undress. She had almost fainted on several occasions when he
had flashed his cunt-melting young grin at her.
Sheila had caught herself staring at the big soft-looking bulge of
Terry’s crotch the moment she had seen him leave the plane at the
airport, and had been immediately filled with shame at her lewd
So far she knew that Terry hadn’t noticed her ogling at his cock.
He was so tall, so muscular, so handsome, and he moved with such
controlled power that she felt her cunt warming whenever he was near
Sheila had lived without a man, and without her son, for far too
long, but it had been necessary under the circumstances, and she somehow
knew that Terry understood and forgave her for his three years without a
Sheila had been too unstable after her stormy divorce from her
husband Blake to devote to her son the time and attention she had known
Terry would need at such a sensitive time in his life.
At the urging of friends and relatives, she had sent Terry off to
the Bradford School for Boys for three years. Terry had grown to young
manhood in the three years at Bradford. She had given them a sensitive
and confused thirteen-year-old boy and they had returned a young stud in
his place. At sixteen he was the perfect image of his father, whom
Sheila still loved in spite of herself. She was filled now with the urge
to mother the child she had missed for so long.
She saw in the boy all of Blake’s good qualities and none of the
bad. He had Blake’s boldness, but not the cruel streak that had gone
with it. Her son knew how to flash his boyish grin and make a girl’s
heart flutter, and he knew that if he could make a girl’s heart flutter
he could make her cunt flutter too. Blake had had that same cunt-warming
grin, but had used it far too often on far too many other women.
Sheila had had ample opportunity to observe her son’s way with
girls. In the three weeks since he had been home he had already managed
to sweep a beautiful young girl off her feet and into his arms. Sheila
knew that Bradford was an extremely liberal school, so liberal in fact
that it was often the object of heated social criticism.
Of course she had no idea what sexual liberties the male students
at Bradford actually took with the girls at Carleton, an all-girl
institution only a stone’s throw from Bradford, but she did know that
those liberties had been taken often enough to teach her son more than
the fundamentals of fucking. She knew these things because she had
watched Terry putting into practice the things he had learned in his
three years at Bradford.
She had watched her son fucking on the beach!
She flushed when she thought about how dirty her spying was. But
she hadn’t been able to resist watching Terry and his girl friend Wendy
on the sandy beach. She had been spying on them for several days now,
and the more she watched the hotter her lust for her son had become.
As she stood before her mirror and admired her naked form, she
began to realize that Wendy really wasn’t any more attractive than she
was, although the girl was sixteen and Sheila was thirty-six. The years
had been good to Sheila, at least physically. She still had what it took
to excite men. She still had the huge free-flowing tits that her husband
had loved to lift and fondle so lustily. She still had the gently
sloping thighs that hid the fuzzy nest of her fragrant and responsive
cunt, the thighs that Blake had loved to stroke, the cunt that he had
loved to fuck.
She had everything it took to captivate a man, if only she could
bring herself to try again after such a painful divorce experience.
When she thought of the joys she had experienced in Blake’s bed,
her cunt began to moisten between her slightly spread legs. She had to
have cock now! She had to feel something rubbing against her clit and
the tender lips of her pussy! She had to have something in her cunt,
even if it was her own fingers!
She held her breath and reached down between her long lithe legs,
stroking the mound of her cunt. She felt her pussy tingling inside as
her fingertips stimulated the sensitive flesh. Her cunt began to twitch
as her fingers played over her pussy-flesh.
She had to see Terry and Wendy! She couldn’t wait another minute.
She ran to her dresser and removed the binoculars she had been using for
her spying, still pressing the fingers of one hand against her
moistening cuntlips. Hardly able to breathe, she ran into the living
room and sat herself on the sofa in front of her huge picture window.
The view of the ocean was always breathtaking, but now her breath was
taken away by a wilder and even more awe-inspiring sight. She had found
Sheila had known just about where to point her binoculars.
Terry and Wendy usually fucked in the same spot on a big bright
orange beach blanket, which was easy enough to find on the white sand of
the beach. Sheila’s beach house was far enough away from the other
houses in the area to afford Terry and Wendy enough privacy for their
hot-fucking activities, although she somehow got the impression that
privacy was the farthest thing from their horny minds.
Wendy was a hot-assed little cunt, and Sheila knew it. Sheila was a
bit jealous of her too, although she tried to hide her true feelings.
She writhed when she considered how Wendy was monopolizing Terry’s time,
but she endured the agony for the sake of her son. Wendy was a nice
enough girl, she knew, if only Terry wouldn’t spend so much of his time
with her.
Wendy was on vacation and was staying at her Aunt Sally’s place,
although she seemed to be staying with Sheila and Terry as much as with
her aunt. But even though her feelings about Wendy were mixed, Sheila
had to admit that she gave her the opportunity to stroke her sweet cunt
leisurely while she watched her son in action.
Sheila curled her naked legs beneath her ass and reached between
them, sticking her finger all the way up her cunt and finger-fucking
herself slowly. She stared wide-eyed at the youngsters fucking on the
beach. She was so excited that she had trouble steadying the high-
powered binoculars in her trembling hand. * * * “Okay, Wendy baby, here we are on the beach with nobody in sight.
The sun’s hot and so are my fuckin’ balls. So how’s about givin’ my old
cock a good suck?” Terry grinned at Wendy, his blue eyes glittering.
“You make it sound so romantic!” Wendy sniffed, her hand dropping
on the huge bulge that swelled beneath her boy friend’s tight trunks.
“Romantic my ass! Cut the talkin’ and suck me off!” Terry said,
scooting closer to this beautiful blonde chick and spreading his
muscular legs to give her a better view of his swelling crotch.
“Aren’t you bold!” Wendy gasped in feigned shock and amazement,
removing her hand from Terry’s cock-bulge and sitting up primly. She
shook her pretty blonde head. “And what makes you think that a refined
lady like me would do such a dirty thing for a nasty boy like you?”
“Oh shit, Wendy, I dunno. I just guessed from the way you were
grabbin’ my balls out there in the water you might like a taste of the
old cock. Come to think of it, Miss Wendy, you’ve been feelin’ my cock
and balls through my trunks all day! Of course if you don’t want to…”
Terry smiled, rolling over on his stomach and waiting for tile hot-assed
chick’s predictable reaction.
“Don’t be so hasty, darling!” Wendy smiled, her beautiful blue eyes
sparkling. “I might take a little taste of your nasty cock, just a
little taste of it mind you!” She laughed, falling beside her sixteen-
year-old stud and kissing him on the cheek.
“Aw shucks, Miss Wendy, you know I can’t give y’all just a little
taste of prick. My cock’s too damn big for just a little taste! I
wouldn’t wanna choke you with it, and I wouldn’t want you to do anything
you’d be ashamed of later, Miss Wendy,” Terry teased, turning his face
away from her. “I’ll just beat off and shoot the stuff into this here
beach towel.”
Terry reached inside his tight trunks and grabbed his stiff prick,
bucking his lean young ass against the towel for a moment or two.
“Oh no you won’t, Terry Davis! Stop that this minute! We just can’t
have you wasting that delicious sperm of yours! I’m starving! Roll over
and let me eat you all up!” she giggled.
“Naw, Miss Wendy, I … I respect you too much now!” Terry grinned.
“Oh please, Terry! Please let me suck your cock! I beg you! Let me
eat your delicious dick!” she said dramatically, on her knees in the
sand, her eyes closed beseechingly.
“Well, if you insist, Miss Wendy. I can’t stand to see a girl beg.”
Terry smiled, starting to roll over on his back again but changing
his mind at the last minute. “Y’know, Miss Wendy, I think I deserve more
than just a suck job now, after all that teasin’ I mean. You cockteasers
make a guy kinda tense, y’know what I mean? So how’s about a nice
massage to loosen me up a little?”
“Anything you say, Terry! Anything at all!” Wendy smiled, throwing
her long lithe legs over Terry’s muscular back, straddling him like a
When Terry felt Wendy’s silken hands on his naked shoulders, he
knew that he was in for one hell of an afternoon. Wendy had the warmest,
softest hands he had ever felt on his naked body, and he had felt a good
many hands. In fact, Wendy had to be the warmest chick he had ever
known, and the most eager to fuck and suck.
She kneaded his tense muscles for him. Wendy knew exactly how to
turn a guy on and keep him turned on until they both flashed off in the
craziest orgasms imaginable, and it was just the kind of knowledge that
Terry appreciated in a chick.
He had met Wendy the first day of his stay with his mother. Meeting
his mother hadn’t been the easiest thing for him, or, he realized, for
his mother. He had expected some confusion of feelings when he saw her
for the first time, but he had expected nothing like the strange and
totally unexpected mixture of love and sexual excitement that had filled
him that day. He had actually been wildly turned on by his mother! He
still felt strange when he thought about it.
He hadn’t recognized his mother standing there in the airport
waiting for him with open arms. When he had realized that the dark and
beautiful woman was his mother, he had almost pissed in his pants. She
was infinitely more beautiful than he remembered her, a tall, smooth,
cool-looking beauty with dark eyes that seemed to smolder with
controlled sexuality.
Terry had almost gotten a hard-on right there in the airport, and
things had gone equally badly for him all that day.
Terry had wanted to get away from his mother and the relatives and
friends who had turned out to greet him that day. He had needed time to
get away by himself and think things over. He had been lucky enough to
find Wendy walking along the beach in the sunset.
He had made idle conversation with the luscious young blonde for a
few minutes and had been amazed at her easy responsiveness. She had
seemed totally open, totally free to communicate with him. She was just
the kind of girl he had always wanted, just the kind of girl he had
dreamed about at Bradford, and she had taken his mind off the lust that
his sexy mother had kindled inside him. Before long the two sixteen-
year-olds had become great friends, and great lovers.
Terry had fucked her that same night, after making excuses with the
family. It had been one wild night on the beach, fucking in the
moonlight with the sound of the surf pounding steadily in their ears,
pounding as steadily as Terry’s cock went in and out of Wendy’s sucking
He had been fucking her every day since, sneaking out of the house
every chance he got, putting the cock to the luscious beauty at any time
of the day or night.
Wendy had no trouble finding the time to spread her legs for him.
All she had to do was tell her aunt that she had a date. Her aunt
understood exactly what she was doing when she went for those long walks
on the beach and accepted her sexual activities as a perfectly healthy
way to spend the summer.
Terry wasn’t sure that his mother would understand his sexual
freedom. He hated slipping away under ridiculously false pretenses and
meeting Wendy secretly on the beach. Recently, he had introduced his
girl friend to his mother, but he still hadn’t been able to tell her his
true feelings for her.
“Does that feel better, Terry?” Terry heard Wendy ask sweetly.
“Uh … yeah, baby, that feels great,” he said, brought back
suddenly by the sound of his girl’s voice.
“That doesn’t sound very convincing, Terry,” Wendy said, moving her
hands over Terry’s back and squeezing his heavy muscles lovingly.
“Aw shit, Wendy, I’m sorry. Hell, baby, I was just thinkin’ about
somethin’,” Terry said.
“We can’t have you thinking too much, Terry. I want you to let your
mind go free and enjoy this little massage,” Wendy said, her hands on
Terry’s asscheeks now, squeezing his flesh through the tight material of
his damp swim trunks.
When Terry felt Wendy sneaking her fingers inside the waistband of
his trunks, he forgot his problems with his mother and abandoned himself
to the wild thrills that free-fucking Wendy inspired in him.
His cock was hard already and had been for a long time, most of the
afternoon in fact. She had been grabbing his crotch playfully all
afternoon, and he had been grabbing at her silken titties at every
opportunity. Her tits were barely covered by the tight little pink
bikini top she wore. Terry liked nothing better than the feel of wet
tit-flesh in his strong young hands, and Wendy had plenty of tit-flesh
to feel.
But now it was Wendy’s turn to work Terry into a hot frenzy, and
Terry felt his body responding.
He sighed when he felt the girl’s eager fingers moving beneath his
tight trunks. His cock was almost sticking out through the leg of his
trunks. His balls were painfully cramped by his big swollen cock. He
could feel slippery droplets of pre-cum oozing out of his prick and
wetting the inside of his tight trunks.
She was driving him nuts with her expert manipulations, and she
hadn’t even started yet.
“Why don’t we get rid of these silly trunks, Terry? I never did
like brown trunks. There, that’s much better. I like pink, Terry. You’re
as pink as a baby down there, lover.” Wendy smiled, her eyes widening,
her heart fluttering as she slowly skinned his trunks down over his ass.
Terry lifted up his hips and helped her expose the cheeks of his
The free-fucking chick managed to expose her lover’s ass without
uncovering the front of his body. He wanted desperately to let his cock
free from its painful confinement, wanted desperately to feel Wendy’s
fingers moving over it, wanted desperately to feel his balls squirming
in her eager young hands.
His cock jerked when she ran her incredibly soft warm hands over
the exposed cheeks of his hard young ass. He felt shivers race up and
down his spine when she ran her fingers up and down the crack of his
ass, felt a tension building deep down in his balls when she dipped her
hand down between his legs and tickled his scrotum.
“Hey, Wendy, that’s the greatest, but there’s somethin’ on the
other side of me that’s kinda tense too. How about workin’ on my other
side for a while?” Terry reached up behind him without turning over and
grabbed one of Wendy’s barely concealed tits.
“How could I resist, Terry?” the hot-assed chick smiled, thrilling
to the feel of her lover’s strong hand on her big tittie.
Terry rolled over on his back and put his hands behind his head,
spreading his long muscular legs and opening his crotch to Wendy’s gaze.
He watched Wendy reach down and grab a handful of cock through his thin
trunks. Every muscle in his young body tensed uncontrollably when he
felt her gentle fingers wrap around his hard prick.
He sucked in. his breath when he saw her reaching beneath his tight
waistband and tugging until his trunks were down to his knees. His cock
ached terribly, dripping pre-seminal fluid and throbbing wildly between
his legs. His balls felt as if they were on fire, burning deep down
inside with hot lust for Wendy. She was driving him crazy and she knew
“Ummmmmmm! Delicious, Terry! What a cock you have! And such huge
balls! You really are a stud, Terry. I’ll bet you’d like me to take this
huge prick in my little mouth and suck the cum right out of it, wouldn’t
you, Terry? Is that why you’re so tense, darling?” Wendy smiled
seductively, moving both of her silken hands up and down Terry’s
dripping erection.
“Yeah, baby! I want that mouth on my cock! You bet your sweet ass I
want it! Suck that fucker! Gimme some real sweet head, Wendy!” Terry
rasped, gasping when the horny chick grabbed his balls and tugged on
them hard enough to cause him a little pain.
“Do you like that too? Do you like having your big fat balls
squeezed, stud?” Wendy hissed, growing wilder and wilder by the second
as she manipulated Terry’s prick and balls.
“Yeah, I like it fine! Damn right I like it, baby! But don’t pull
those fuckers off!” ‘Terry gritted his teeth as she continued to pull on
his sperm-swollen balls.
“Pull them off? I wouldn’t do a thing like that, lover! I wouldn’t
be able to drink that delicious cum of yours if I pulled your balls off!
I’ll be more gentle, Terry! How’s this?” Wendy giggled, stroking Terry’s
tight balls with the tips of her sensitive fingers.
“Go down on it now, Wendy! You get me hotter’n hell! Give it a good
long suck!” Terry growled deep in his throat. “Suck that fuckin’ cock!
Suck it, baby!”
Terry felt Wendy’s long blonde hair falling over his naked thighs
as she bent over his aching erection and pursed her pretty lips. He
shivered when she grabbed the aching shaft of his bloated cock and held
it straight up away from his hard young body. He trembled deep down
inside when he felt her warm moist breath against the shiny hard head of
his prick. He sucked in his breath when he felt her wet lips touch the
lips of his swollen cock-head.
He felt his body jerk when Wendy plunged her pretty head down all
the way to the wiry hair of his curly dark groin. She sucked his entire
nine inches of prick all the way down her sucking throat, running her
tongue around the head of it until it was too far down inside her oral
channel. She scraped her teeth against the skin on the hard shaft of his
cock, nibbling gently on his plug of meat, making red marks on the skin
of his dripping cock. She tickled the base of his cock with the end of
her tongue when she had swallowed him, flicking her tongue out and
tickling his balls.
Wendy loved to feel his responses, loved to feel his hard young
muscles tensing, loved to feel his cock jerking in her face, loved to
feel his balls tightening against her tongue. She knew how powerfully
she was affecting Terry.
“Oh yeah! Suck my cock! Suck my hot aching cock! Eat it! Eat my
cock! You’re the greatest, Wendy baby, the fuckin’ greatest! Keep
suckin’ that thing! Keep eatin’ my meat!” Terry gasped, his breathing
shallow and fast.
Wendy reached down between her kneeling legs and began pressing her
warm fingers against her cuntmound, slowly stimulating her delicious
blonde cunt. Her bikini bottom was already wet at the crotch, wet with
the free-flowing juices her stud’s cock was causing to flow between her
legs. The more she sucked Terry’s prick the more her cunt flowed with
sweet musky moisture. Her mouth watered as much as her twat, her saliva
dribbling down the impaled shaft of Terry’s huge prick. The girl’s cunt
was blazing, itching, twitching with excitement and unbridled lust.
Terry noticed that Wendy’s fingers were working between her
luscious legs, scratching at the thin material of her bikini,
stimulating her hot pussy.
The more he thought about that hot pussy the more he hungered for
it. The more he thought about her warm moist cunt and the delicious
taste of her pussy the more he longed to bury his face between her legs
and eat her feminine morsel. He had to have her. He had to suck her
“Oh, baby! Baby! You gotta let me eat you! I gotta suck your cunt!”
Terry rasped, putting his hands on Wendy’s cheeks and raising her
beautiful blonde head off his aching rod.
“Yesssssss! Eat my cunt! Lick me! Suck me until I come! Please,
Terry! Please do it to me! Please lick me there! Now! Oh yes! Take me!
Take me!”
Wendy’s eyes were glittering with lust, her lips wet with saliva
and Terry’s pre-seminal fluid.
Terry struggled to his feet and kicked off his trunks and sandals.
His hard cock jutted up from his hairy groin, the head of it swollen and
glistening in the hot sun. He grinned down at Wendy as she eased herself
into position on the bright orange beach towel.
She smiled wickedly and lay back, her eyes half open, her legs
slightly parted, her hands on her tits. Terry knew that she would do
anything in the world to please him, and he knew that he would do the
same for her.
“You’re beautiful, Wendy! Goddamn you’re beautiful! Better than any
of those chicks at Carleton!” Terry said, reaching down and grabbing his
rigid dick.
“We learned a few things at St. Anne’s too, Terry! I must say
you’re much better than any of the boys at Anderson College,” Wendy
“Did you fuck a lot there, Wendy?” Terry asked, stroking his hard
cock at a leisurely pace, making wet sucking sounds as his hand went up
and down over the big flange of his cockhead.
“I fucked every night, Terry. But you’re the best. You’re the very
best. Your cock is so huge! And besides, darling, you’re kind of cute.”
She smiled playfully.
“You’re kinda cute too, Wendy, especially between those legs. Let
me get that bikini off, Wendy. Gotta have your pussy! Gotta have it!”
Terry said, kneeling between his girl’s lovely legs and helping her off
with her flimsy garment.
Wendy arched her back slightly, thrusting her slender pelvis out
and up, letting him expose her pussy to the warming rays of the sun.
While he was uncovering her pussy, she reached behind her slender back
and unfastened the strap of her bikini top. Her tits seemed to burst out
of her top when she unfastened it, as if they had been crammed into the
garment like bulging balloons. When she was naked and glowing in the
sunlight, she flashed Terry a cockteaser’s smile and offered herself to
him with a nasty wink.
When he had thrown her bikini aside, Terry grabbed Wendy’s honey-
tanned tits and began squeezing them lovingly. He had never seen such
beautiful tits on a chick, except in some of his dirty magazines. Every
time he stared at the huge piles of perfectly formed tits he felt dizzy
with excitement.
He squeezed and squeezed her yielding tit-flesh until he heard her
soft moans of passion. Her little nipples hardened immediately. He took
them between his fingertips and pinched the hard little points until he
knew that they tingled inside her, pinched them until she began to cry
softly in the depths of her passion.
“Oh Terry, it’s so beautiful being here with you! You make me feel
so … so hot and wild! Yes, darling. Pinch my titties! Play with my
tits! Oh God! God! You’re so strong and handsome!” Wendy raised up off
the towel and wrapped her arms around Terry.
“You’re somethin’ else, baby! Jesus Christ you’re hot! You drive me
nuts!” Terry growled as he felt Wendy’s big tits crushing against his
smooth hard chest.
Terry fell on Wendy and began kissing her naked flesh from head to
toe. He pressed his hot lips against Wendy’s and sucked gently, sneaking
his tongue inside her mouth and tickling her gums. Wendy responded in
kind, exploring Terry’s mouth and making his flesh tingle more and more
by the second.
Then he began tasting the satin flesh of her long golden-tanned
throat, licking and kissing from her chin all the way down to her deep
cleavage. He tickled the flesh of her huge tits with his tongue-tip
while she moaned softly with pleasure. He traced the free-flowing curves
of her naked tits with his tongue, flicking the tip over the hard points
of her nipples, taking them into his mouth and sucking on them until she
“You don’t know … how … how wonderful that makes me feel…”
Wendy cried softly. “I just love having my tits sucked!”
Terry made wet slurping sounds as he licked and sucked Wendy’s hot
tits. Her tit-peaks were incredibly hard now, excited wildly by Terry’s
tongue and the constant scraping of his teeth against them. He wanted to
go on sucking her tits forever, but he also wanted to taste the creamy
flesh of her delicious cunt, and his lust for cunt won out over his
hunger for her tits.
Wendy seemed almost disappointed when Terry stopped sucking her
tit-peaks and began moving down over her silken belly. Then she forgave
him for leaving her to pinch her own nipples. She cried deep down inside
her when she felt his wet warm lips traveling over her slightly curved
belly, moaned when she felt his tongue snaking around her belly button,
groaned when she felt his nose pressing against the light blonde down of
her love-nest.
Wendy’s cunt was wet and wild inside, twitching and tingling with
uncontrollable lust. She thrilled to the feel of his strong hands on her
naked flesh, thrilled to the knowledge that his big hard cock was ready
and waiting to be plunged deep into her steaming pussy.
“What a pussy! What a fucking pussy!” Terry gasped as his lips
grazed the mound of her fragrant cunt.
Terry rubbed his nose around in Wendy’s light golden pubic hair
until she began to squirm. He began flicking out his tongue and tickling
the feminine flesh between the lovely girl’s spread legs. His tongue
slowly traveled down toward the raggedy lips of her luscious pussy. He
could taste the musky dew of her cunt on the tip of his tongue even
before he touched the lips of her cunt. He went slowly at his
cuntlapping, teasing the horny chick until she went wild.
“Yes! Suck me! Suck my pussy! Please! Please, Terry! Eat me out!
Suck my pussy! Lick my cuntlips! Suck me until I come! Please! I need
your lips on my twat! I need your tongue inside me!” Wendy cried, her
eyes closed, her head shaking back and forth, her pussy blazing.
“I’m gonna eat you all right, baby! I’m gonna suck your pussy and
then you know what I’m gonna do?” Terry rasped.
“What?” Wendy hissed.
“I’m gonna shove this fuckin’ cock inside you so far you’re gonna
feel it in your throat!”
“Oh yes! Yesssssss! Give it to me! Suck me and fuck me! I need it!
I need it all!”
Terry suddenly pressed his face against the musky flesh of the
girl’s creamy cunt and drove his tongue deep inside her cunt-hole. He
began wiggling his tongue inside her pussy, making the lips of her cunt
jiggle and tingle with passion. His tongue corkscrewed inside Wendy’s
cunt, making it flow with moisture.
“Oh Jesus! Move your tongue inside me, Terry! Oh Terry! Terry! Fuck
me with your tongue! I … I can’t stand much more of this! I think I’ll
come in another minute! Suck me! Suck my cunt! Make me flash, Terry!
Make my cunt flash! I love you, darling! Eat my pussy! Don’t ever stop
sucking it!” Wendy cried, at the height of her fuck-frenzy.
Terry was hot and wild now as Wendy was. His hard cock was jerking
up against his flat belly, wetting his skin with pre-cum. His balls
ached for the luscious free-fucking beauty.
He began licking and sucking her blazing clit, flicking his wet
tongue over the bud of swollen flesh. He heard her moan as her orgasm
built up within her, charging her cunt with sexual electricity. The wet
slurping sounds his lips made as they tugged at her clit were like music
to young Terry’s ears. He thirstily lapped up the cuntjuice that the
willing girl’s pussy poured forth for him.
“Put it in me, Terry! I need your cock now, lover! Please! Please
shove that big beautiful cock right up my cunt! Oh God! I need that
cock! Fuck me with it, darling! Fuck me until I see stars! Come in my
cunt! Shoot me full of sperm! I want your balls banging against my
asshole, Terry! Fuck me hard! Fuck me fast! Hurry! Hurry!” Wendy’s cunt
was twitching wildly inside, her legs shaking, her belly quivering.
“You’re gonna get it, Wendy! You’re gonna get every goddamn hard
inch of my cock! Hold on, Wendy! Here it comes!”
Terry slid forward over the spread-legged girl’s naked body and
rubbed his aching erection against the blonde hair of her sweet pussy.
Before long her pussy-hair was wet with his slippery oozings.
Terry sucked in his breath when Wendy reached down boldly between
his muscular legs and grabbed the hard shaft of his cock.
“Yeah! Yeah! Put it in for me, baby! Right between the lips of that
nice hot twat! Suck it in there!” Terry gasped as Wendy’s soft fingers
fluttered over the head of his dripping dick.
When Wendy had positioned Terry’s cock between the raggedy lips of
her steaming cunt, she threw her long arms lovingly around his back and
held him to her. She cried out in pleasure-pain when she felt his huge
nine-inch cock plunge into her sucking pussy in one mighty thrust.
“Oh shit! Work that pussy! Take my cock all the fuckin’ way, baby!”
Terry growled as he rammed his prick home.
Terry had wanted to be gentle, but the force of his lust was too
much for him this time. He knew that his sudden impaling of her juicy
pussy had to be causing her some pain, but he knew somehow that she
would endure it for the sake of her hot lust and the wild fucking to
come. He closed his eyes and rammed his cock into her pussy with great
force, making her cry with passion.
“Oh God! It hurts! It’s beautiful! Fuck me, lover! Fill my pussy!
Drive it into my sucking cunt! Fuck me! Fuck meeeeeee!” Wendy cried, her
legs wrapping around Terry’s waist.
Terry needed no second invitation to fuck the piss out of her. He
flexed the hard muscles of his naked ass and drove his cock deep into
her cunt-hole. He felt her wet warm twat muscles working against the
impaled shaft of his cock, seeming to milk his cum right out of his
balls. He held himself over Wendy and began fucking her with a frenzy,
making her body shake every time his cock pounded into her cunt. He felt
her tit-peaks scraping against the hard muscles of his chest as she
raised herself up off the beach towel and joined him in his fast fucking
movements. He felt her cunt grinding against his cock as she gyrated her
pelvis against his groin. His cock was buried in her all the way to the
root. His loosely hanging balls slapped against her crotch each time he
punched his cock into her.
Both hot-assed sixteen-year-olds were breathing harder and harder
now that their fuck was in full swing. Sweat began to glisten on Terry’s
heaving chest as he fucked the living daylights out of Wendy. He knew
that he couldn’t stand any more of such wild-fucking activity without
blasting a load of sperm into Wendy’s sucking gash. He knew that she was
ready for her orgasm and willing to take his heavy wad deep into her
cunt. His balls were ready to explode at any second.
“I’m gonna come, baby! I’m gonna come in your fucking cunt! I’m
gonna shoot you so full of sperm that you’re gonna taste it in your
mouth! You ready? YOU READY!?”
“God yes! Yessssss! Oh shit! Fuck me, Terry! Shoot your cum into my
belly! I want to feel it shooting inside me! I’m coming too! I’m going
to flash-off right now!”
Terry suddenly redoubled his fucking pace and rammed his cock into
Wendy’s cunt with frantic speed and force. He felt his balls tensing
suddenly, felt his cock swell to great proportions as his orgasm built
to a ball-busting climax. He knew that Wendy could feel his cock
swelling inside her, knew that she could feel it jerking up against her
inner walls. He could feel her pussy grasping his cock with tremendous
force as her orgasm neared its flash point.
“I’m coming! Coming!” Wendy cried in a high-pitched squeal of
Terry grunted like an animal when his balls erupted. He fell on
Wendy and breathed heavily as his cum shot into her sucking cunt,
filling her inner channel with rivers of thick sperm. His balls gathered
together in a tense knot as they discharged their load of spunk into the
luscious sixteen-year-olds seething pussy.
Wendy felt the powerful sensations of her wild climax. She felt
what seemed like rivers of cum flowing inside her belly. She felt her
cunt grasping Terry’s hard cock and then relaxing suddenly when she felt
his cum shooting inside her. She thought Terry would never stop shooting
his sperm into her. Blast after blast of the stuff shot against the wet
inner walls of her pussy, filling her up with soothing balm. She could
feel his cum dribbling out of her seething twat, running down the shaft
of his still-hard cock and dripping from her rubbery cuntlips.
“Oh Terry! Terry! You make me feel so good! I’ve never had a fucker
like you!”
Terry had never enjoyed a fuck as much in his life, and he had had
plenty of fucks in his three years at Bradford. He enjoyed each fuck
with the beautiful Wendy more than the last. He expressed his
appreciation for her by planting soft loving kisses all over her naked
body, licking and caressing her gently as she lay there in the summer
sun, his sperm dribbling from her cunt.
“I’ll never get enough of your cunt, baby. You’ve got the hottest
cunt in the world, Wendy!” Terry sighed as he licked his sperm out of
her wet hole.
“Your cock would make any woman’s cunt hot, Terry!” Wendy gasped as
she felt his eager tongue lapping thirstily at her pussy.
“There’s no woman as hot as you!” Terry said.
Little did Terry know that his mother’s pussy was blazing at that
moment with a fire to match the inferno that raged in Wendy’s cunt.
Sheila had been finger-fucking herself while she watched the
teenagers on the beach through her binoculars. She had worked her free-
flowing pussy juice into a musky froth by rubbing her knuckles against
the creamy flesh of her cunt, jabbing her middle finger in and out of
her cunt-hole from time to time, imagining that it was her son’s hard
young prick that fucked in and out of her cunt.
She was ashamed of her raging lust, but there was nothing to do now
but flash off and abandon herself to her desires. She hated Wendy and
loved her at the same time, hated her for having the one thing she
wanted more than anything else in the world, loved her for bringing her
son such ball-stirring pleasure.
By the time the two horny fuckers had climaxed together, Sheila had
gone wild inside. Her lust for her son, and perhaps even for seductive
little Wendy, had stirred her up. She knew how wrong it all was, knew
how depraved it was to spy on her son and his girl friend while they
fucked and sucked on the beach, but she was beyond control now.
Her mind was filled with images of her son standing before her with
his hard cock jerking out in front of him, presenting his prick for her
inspection. She imagined herself reaching out and fondling his cock and
balls, imagined herself bending toward it and licking the slippery head
of his prick while he smiled down at her. She imagined herself falling
on her back on the floor and spreading her legs, inviting her sixteen-
year-old son to shove his cock into her cunt.
Sheila dropped her binoculars on the floor when she saw her son and
Wendy stroke each other gently after their orgasmic release. She had to
bring herself off while the images of her horny son were still dancing
in her lusty mind. She sat on the edge of the sofa and spread her long
naked legs.
Her tits strained at the thin material of her bikini top. She
pulled her cuntlips apart, spreading her pussy open, staring into her
own musky cunt-hole and wishing she had a cock stuck all the way inside
She rubbed her clit with her thumb, massaging the hard little bud
until she could feel the hot surging of her climax. Her pussy was wet
with cunt-honey. She dipped her finger into her free-flowing pussy and
raised it to her lips, tasting her cuntjuice, wishing that it could be
her son’s tongue that caught the moisture from her cunt.
If she could only fuck her son! But it was too depraved! It was
impossible, taboo, outrageous! And yet she thought she might die of lust
for the boy.
She began rubbing her cunt with the palm of her hand, rubbing
harder and harder, making wet slurping sounds as her hand rubbed over
her juicy twat. Her legs shook. Her tits tingled. Her orgasm flashed
through her horny body.
“Oh God! I’m coming! Terry! Terry! You’re … you’re making me
come! My own son is making me come! Come! Oh god!” She screamed as her
pussy seemed to melt.
Sheila almost fell off the sofa. She felt nothing now but physical
peace. There was not a worry in her head, not a sound except the
constant crashing of the surf outside her window.
Terry and Wendy were feeling a similar sense of peace as they lay
together in the sand. Chapter 2 “Mom. Mom … Mom…” Sheila heard someone say as if from a
She wheeled about and found her son, who had apparently been trying
to catch her attention for quite some time.
Sheila had been wrapped up in her thoughts, daydreaming about Terry
and her lust for him. She flushed uncontrollably when she was forced to
look him in the eye. She hadn’t been spying on him for three days now,
having forced herself to put a stop to her pussy-diddling, but her mind
was still on him and her pussy oozed cuntjuice the minute she saw his
boyishly handsome face.
Could her son possibly know what wild and depraved things she was
thinking and feeling? Could he possibly have found out that she had been
watching him fuck the living daylights out of Wendy? She knew how
ridiculous her fears were. What son could possibly suspect his own
mother of such things? She was safe. She had to be!
“Oh … Terry … yes…” she stammered. “My goodness, dear, you
frightened me!” She smiled weakly, at least able now to look him in the
eye again.
“Must be these sneakers, Mom,” Terry laughed. “I was just out
playin’ some tennis. Guy’s gotta keep in shape. How ’bout a game?”
“Oh … well … I don’t know, Terry … I don’t think so,” she
said, noticing that he was wearing only a pair of loose white shorts and
tennis shoes.
“Aw c’mon, Mom. I remember how you used to play tennis all the
Sheila had been having more and more trouble lately keeping her
eyes off Terry’s big cock and balls. She wanted to play tennis with him,
but she was afraid that her uncontrollable ogling of his handsome body
would alert him to her maddening lust for him.
“I’m … well … I’m too old to play tennis, Terry,” she said with
a half-smile. “I’m afraid I couldn’t keep up with you.”
“Old?!” Terry laughed. “Old?! You?! You gotta be kiddin’!”
“Then you don’t think I’m an old lady?”
“God no! An old lady, my ass!” Terry blurted.
“Oh … well … I suppose I’ve been holding together fairly well
for a thirty-six-year-old mother,” she giggled.
“I guess you are holdin’ together pretty well! You’re beautiful!”
Terry said, his eyes glittering strangely.
Terry saw the playful smile on his mother’s lovely face, but there
was something about her expression that made him wonder if she might
really doubt that she was still beautiful. He wanted to reassure her.
“Well, Terry, I wouldn’t exactly say I was beautiful …” she
smiled. “I wouldn’t say it, but I certainly like hearing you say it!”
“Okay, Mom, I’ll say it again then. You’re beautiful!” Terry
grinned, barely able to keep his eyes off his mother’s huge tits.
“And you’re the handsomest boy in the whole world!” Sheila said,
throwing her arms around her son and hugging him in spite of her fears.
Terry was amazed at his mother’s sudden flood of emotion. She had
seemed cool toward him, almost too cool, ever since he had been reunited
with her. Perhaps it would be easier to talk to her now, easier to
express the love he felt for her. But just when he was about to throw
his arms around her and hold her tight, she drew away, turning her back
on him. He was hurt, but he knew that she had had a hard time in the
past three years and he knew that her feelings for him would warm in
In reality, Sheila’s feelings for her son were more than warm. When
her handsome young son’s nearness to her began to make her tits tingle,
she had to pull away from him, had to pull away from him for fear that
she might give away her inner feelings.
“Okay, Mom … uh … well … I guess we’ll play tennis some other
“Yes, Terry, some other time,” Sheila said, without turning to face
her son.
“Uh … Mom …”
“Yes, Terry,” Sheila said, ashamed of her cold behavior.
“Uh … do you mind if I bring Wendy over tonight? For dinner
maybe?” Terry asked hesitantly.
“Wendy? I suppose you might as well. You spend the rest of your
time with her. You might as well spend your evenings with her too,” she
answered sharply, wishing immediately that she had kept her true
feelings to herself.
“Gosh, Mom … I didn’t … uh … I didn’t know you didn’t like
her…” Terry said. “We can go somewhere else if you want us to…”
“No, no, don’t be silly, darling. Terry, I’m awful sorry! I
shouldn’t have snapped at you that way. I suppose I’m just a bit …
jealous. Mothers get that way sometimes, darling. Of course you may
invite Wendy! She’s a lovely and very sweet girl. In fact I’ll prepare
something especially delicious for dinner tonight! I’ve been dabbling in
French cookery. I suppose Wendy likes the French way of doing things.”
Sheila smiled, strangely intrigued at the prospect of spending the
evening with the girl whom her son had been fucking so often.
Sheila also felt wicked when she made her remark about the French
way of doing things. She smiled slyly at her son and nearly giggled out
loud when he looked down at his shoes nervously.
“Yes, Terry, I think you should invite Wendy over tonight. I think
it’s about time I got to know your girl friend. Don’t you agree?”
“Sure, Mom! That’s great! That’s real great!” Terry said excitedly,
turning to leave and almost running into the door.
Sheila loved the way her son had reacted to her invitation, loved
the way his face suddenly lit up with excitement. He seemed like a child
in his happiness, so unlike the hard-cocked young stud she had seen
fucking the shit out of Wendy.
“Eight o’clock all right?” Sheila smiled. “That is if you can tear
yourselves away from each other long enough to eat.”
“Gosh, Mom, we’ll just have to try!” Terry grinned bashfully.
“I’m planning to take in a late movie in town tonight, darling.
I’ll be leaving around ten and I won’t be back until one in the morning.
Do you think you and Wendy can find something to amuse yourselves with
until I return?”
“Jesus Christ yeah!” Terry gasped, then turned to leave.
Terry knew what he and Wendy would be doing if his mother left them
alone! And his mother didn’t seem to mind at all! In fact she seemed to
be encouraging it! She was some mother all right. Terry felt a strange
stirring in his balls when he thought about fucking Wendy in his
mother’s house, something that would make the experience dangerous and
“Eight o’clock now, Terry,” Sheila called after her young son. She
watched him run down the long stairs to the beach.
She almost collapsed when she realized what she had done. What had
gotten into her? How had she allowed herself to invite Wendy over for an
evening of fucking and sucking with her son? She knew perfectly well
that Terry would be in Wendy’s pants the minute she left the house.
There was something about the spur-of-the-moment move that made her
pussy tingle with sexual excitement.
She had actually invited her son and his pretty girl friend to fuck
in her house, had actually given her blessing to their hot-fucking
activities. * * * “Terry, I really enjoyed meeting your mother tonight,” Wendy said
warmly, curled up on Sheila’s sofa with her head nestled against Terry’s
broad shoulder.
The evening had gone very well for everyone, much more smoothly
than earlier encounters between Wendy and Sheila. Sheila had been
gracious this evening, exhibiting not a bit of the jealousy she had
exhibited on previous occasions. Terry felt more comfortable knowing
that his two favorite women could be friends.
“Terry. I said I really enjoyed meeting your mother tonight,” Wendy
repeated. “Are you there, Terry?”
“Oh sure, Wendy. I’m here. Boy am I here!” he said, feeling
something stirring between his legs.
“Thank God! I was beginning to wonder! Is anything the matter?”
Wendy asked. “You’ve been awfully moody lately.”
“Nah, I’m fine! But don’t you think Mom was … well …”
“I think I know what you mean, Terry. She was different tonight.
Warmer,” Wendy said.
“Sure, she was warmer and friendlier … but don’t you think she
was … well … sort of…” Terry hesitated, unable to find the right
words to describe his mother’s unusual behavior.
“Sort of … seductive?” Wendy asked.
“Yeah. I guess,” Terry said, almost to himself.
“In fact, Terry, your mother was just dripping with sexiness,”
Wendy said, resting her hand on Terry’s knee.
“You think so?” Terry asked softly.
“At first I thought she was trying to impress me. But then I
realized that she was just acting like any other woman would. After all,
Terry, I am monopolizing all your time. She hasn’t seen you in three
years! I think your mother and I can become great friends now that we
… understand each other,” Wendy smiled.
“I guess you’re right, Wendy. I do want you to be friends. She
really is a beautiful woman,” Terry said, almost to himself.
“Well, I must admit she filled out that dress rather well,” Wendy
said. “Do you think she’s more beautiful than little me?”
“You jealous too?” Terry grinned.
“Maybe,” Wendy replied, beginning to stroke his knee. “You seemed
to be paying her a lot of attention tonight.” Wendy pouted.
“Aw shit, Wendy, she’s my mother!” Terry shrugged. “Why the hell
would I pay that much attention to my own mother?”
“I certainly don’t know, dear boy. But you might notice that your
mother is all we have talked about this evening!” Wendy said teasingly.
“One would think that you intend to fuck her tonight instead of me!”
Terry grimaced.
“What’s the matter, Terry? I was only playing! I didn’t mean to
imply that you’re a motherfucker, darling! Of course I might call you
worse things if you don’t snap out of it and start taking off my
clothes! My cunt feels like it’s full of butterflies! I want you to fuck
the piss out of me, Terry! Fuck me while we have the house to ourselves!
Isn’t that why your mother left us alone? Now quit wasting time and fuck
me with that nice hot cock of yours!”
Wendy moved her warm hand closer and closer over his leg to the
bulge of his hot crotch.
“It sure was funny how Mom left the house like that. I really think
she wanted us here alone so we could fuck. She knew I was gonna fuck
you, Wendy. Why do you think she did a thing like that?” Terry was
obviously puzzled and a bit upset by his mother’s unusual behavior.
“It was a bit strange, I suppose. But who gives a shit why she did
it? Just give me a good fucking! I need a good hot fuck! I need that big
beautiful cock of yours jerking away inside me! Just imagine fucking in
a nice comfortable bed! I was getting tired of the beach. I thought I’d
never get the sand out of my cunt last time!”
Wendy grabbed Terry’s soft cock through the tight material of his
pants and began squeezing his prick. She tugged at his big thick cock
and kneaded the meaty prick until it started to stir in his pants. She
could feel his prick swelling in her hand, swelling and hardening
With her free hand, Wendy began fingering Terry’s bulging crotch
where his hot balls rested between his strong legs. She could feel his
entire body responding to her loving caresses. She felt her pussy
moistening, running with cunt-honey, dripping with wild excitement.
Wendy’s manipulation of his cock and balls soon made Terry forget
about his lovely mother. And yet the memory of her sleek sexy body
remained in the back of his mind as did the memory of her furtive
sidelong glances as she spoke to him. There was definitely something
about his mother’s behavior that evening that excited him strangely, and
perhaps even frightened him a bit.
Wendy worked her soft hands over his stirring nuts and growing
“I think it’s getting bigger, Terry! You must be noticing me now,
stud!” Wendy smiled sweetly. “Does that make your cock feel nice and
“You bet your sweet ass, baby!” Terry grunted, turning toward her
and putting his big strong hands over her swelling tits. “Does that make
your tits feel nice and hot?”
He gently squeezed her titties through the silky material of her
thin tight dress.
“Ummmmmmmmm!” Wendy moaned, closing her eyes for a moment in pure
bliss. “That feels wonderful! Wonderful! You’re so strong … so strong
… and you’re all mine!”
“And you’re all mine, Wendy! I’m gonna suck your tits, baby!” Terry
said as he began attacking the zipper of Wendy’s tight dress.
“Yes, Terry, get my tits out! I want you to feel them naked! I love
being naked with you! I just love having your hands on my tits! You make
me hot all over, Terry! You make me feel like fucking all night! All
night! Please fuck me, darling. Fuck me with that beautiful cock!”
Wendy moaned excitedly as she felt her zipper being pulled down and
her thigh slowly exposed.
“I’m gonna fuck you all right, Wendy. You’re drivin’ me nuts!”
Terry rasped as he fumbled with the top of her dress.
When he had managed to unfasten the top of her dress, Wendy
shrugged her shoulders and let the garment fall open in front of her.
Her beautiful tits were naked and proudly outthrust before her. She felt
Terry’s hand sneaking inside her dress and caressing the silken flesh of
her thigh.
Her cunt twitched and tingled with passion as his fingers moved
closer to the furry blonde nest of her twat. Her legs shivered
uncontrollably. Her tits tingled and burned with a strange sensual fire.
She felt her cunt seething with excitement, felt her cunt-muscles
working even before Terry had impaled her with his hot cock.
“Goddamn that looks great! Jesus Christ, Wendy! Every time I look
at those fuckin’ tits I go nuts!” Terry said appreciatively, his eyes
flashing between her luscious young tits and her mock innocent smile.
“See how hard my nipples are getting?” Wendy breathed. “They’re
awfully hard and excited! Why don’t you suck them for me, Terry?”
Terry sucked the peaks of goose-pimpled tit-flesh. Kneeling on the
sofa with her, Terry bent forward and popped one of her hot little
nipples into his eager mouth. He heard her gasp when his lips pressed
against the hard flesh of her tit-peaks, heard her gasp again when he
began nibbling gently at them.
He loved to hear her soft little moans and groans of delight as he
excited her. She responded perfectly to everything he did to her.
Terry ran his practiced tongue around Wendy’s shivering titties,
raising tiny little goosepimples around her pinkish areolas. His face
moved into her cleavage, inhaling the soft fragrance of her perfume. Her
natural fragrance mingled with the deliciously feminine scent of her
perfume and intoxicated him. His tongue lingered for a moment or two
between her huge tits, flicking over her satiny skin and tasting her
naked flesh.
His fingers fluttered over the skin of her thigh inside her dress,
fluttered closer to the downy nest of her hot cunt. She wore no panties
beneath her semi transparent dress, a fact that Terry had thought would
shock his mother. She had surely noticed Wendy’s shockingly casual
attire, and she had said nothing.
As he neared Wendy’s naked cunt, he was happy that she had had the
foresight to make his explorations easier for him. He had to have his
hands on her pussy, had to feel the incredibly soft flesh of her crotch,
had to play with her raggedy twat-lips, had to stroke the satin flesh of
her cunt.
“God, Terry! What are you doing to me? God yes! Play with my pussy!
Put your hand between my legs! I need your hand there! I need your
fingers in my cunt-hair! I need your fingers in my cunt!”
Wendy gasped, running her hands up and down Terry’s muscular sides
as he licked between her tits.
Terry knew that before long he would be licking the hot crack
between Wendy’s trembling legs. He felt the light blonde down of her
cunt now, felt the little hairs against the tips of his exploring
fingers, felt the incredible heat of her pussy.
He had to see her stark naked, had to feast his eyes on her cunt.
“We gotta get that dress off, baby! We gotta make you naked!”
Wendy stood up and slithered out of her dress, letting it fall
around her ankles. She put her hands on her hips and let Terry feast his
eyes on her nakedness.
“You get better every time I see you like that! Jesus Christ! I
can’t believe how fuckin’ beautiful you are!” Terry said, his eyes
glittering with lust.
Wendy giggled and lifted leer tits, offering them to him, offering
her entire naked body to him. He reached out and stroked her huge
titties making her tits tingle as he ran his hands over them.
Falling to his knees before her, Terry put his hands on her thighs
and began kissing her legs, nibbling at her warm tender flesh. He felt
her trembling as his lips and tongue neared her quivering cunt. His cock
was as hard as a rock. He felt his aching cock jerking between his legs,
felt his balls tensing unbearably, felt his cock-head rubbing against
the tight material of his pants. He had to get his prick out, had to
stop the rub of his cock-head against his pants-leg before he creamed
his jeans.
He pressed his hands against Wendy’s naked belly and urged her to
sit down. When she sank into the soft sofa, Terry put his hands on her
soft knees and spread her long lithe legs, opening up her hot pussy.
Responding to her young lover, Wendy spread her legs as wide as she
could. Her cunt gaped open. The raggedy pinkish lips of her cunt jiggled
slightly when she moved her legs. Terry gazed at the wet-looking gash of
her hot-pink cunt and grew suddenly ravenous for hair pie.
“Want me to suck your cunt, Wendy?” Terry asked with a grin.
“Yes, Terry, yes! Lick me there! Please, Terry, I need your tongue
in my pussy! I’ve been hot for a good sucking all day!” Wendy pleaded.
“You never have to beg, baby! There’s nothin’ I like better than
the taste of a nice cunt, especially yours! I’m gonna eat your pussy
’til you can’t stand it any more! Then I’m gonna shove my goddamn cock
so far up your cunt that you’re gonna taste it in that pretty mouth of
yours! You like that?”
“Yessssss! Will you fuck me hard with your cock? Will you pound it
in and out of me like a battering ram?” Wendy cried, beside herself with
lusty excitement. “I want to feel it fucking in and out of me as hard as
you can push it! I want to be pounded and shot full of cum!”
“You’re gonna get it all right! You’re gonna get the fucking of
your life!”
Terry pressed his face against the creamy gash of Wendy’s cunt.
Terry inhaled the fresh musky scent of Wendy’s hot cunt and was
immediately intoxicated by it. He almost felt dizzy as he sucked her
feminine fragrance deep into his lungs. He pressed his nose against the
soft swelling mound of her cunt, moving his face downward until his nose
grazed the opening of her steamy cunt. He flicked out his tongue and
tasted the hot dew that had been gushing from her pussy. When he had
licked her cunt up and down again and again, he pressed his warm lips
against her creamy cunt and kissed her there.
“Taste your cuntjuice on my lips!” he said, raising up and planting
a hot wet kiss on Wendy’s trembling lips.
Terry was back at his cuntlapping in no time, tasting her pussy and
enjoying every minute of it. He reached between her quaking legs and
grabbed her pussy-lips, tugging at them until he had opened her cunt-
hole obscenely. He stared between the spread lips of her cunt at the hot
little bud of flesh that was the source of all her wild sexual
He could feel the lovely girl’s naked legs tensing as he bent
toward her exposed clitoris.
Wendy thought she would die of maddening lust. She felt her
handsome lover’s face close to her cunt, felt his warm breath against
the exposed flesh of her pussy.
She cried out when she felt his lips grazing the turgid bud of her
clit. Her twat was immediately filled with the most beautiful sensations
imaginable. She felt possessed, held in a spell by her lover’s masculine
“Want me to suck your clit?” Terry said as his lips touched her hot
“Oh Christ yes! Yessssss! Suck it hard! Bite it! Oh Jesus!” she
Terry fastened his lips around Wendy’s hot clitoris. He made wet
slurping sounds as his lips sucked and tugged at her hot spot. His hot
wet saliva ran down the crack of her cunt and mingled with her oozings.
Wendy began to writhe on the sofa, driven completely out of her
horny mind by Terry’s eager sucking. Terry knew how powerfully he was
affecting her, and his knowledge of his power over her emotions spurred
him on to even greater heights of passion.
Unable to stand the tension in his cock any longer, Terry reached
down between his kneeling legs and attacked his zipper, reaching inside
and trying to haul out his rock-hard erection. He struggled with his
unyielding erection but was unable to pull the huge cock out of his
“Can’t get my fuckin’ cock out, Wendy baby! Fuckin’ thing’s too
hard! Wanna give me a hand?” Terry grinned.
“I think I’ll need both hands!” Wendy smiled, her eyes twinkling
lustily as she sized up Terry’s huge cock-bulge.
Terry stood up and took off his shirt. Wendy’s eyes widened as
usual when she saw his hard-muscled chest. He threw his shirt on the
floor and moved closer to her, thrusting out his pelvis at her.
“Can’t fuck you with my pants on, Wendy!” Terry smiled down at her.
“You’ve even done that before, darling! Don’t you remember?” Wendy
“Oh yeah, sure, just once behind your aunt’s house. I was just in a
hurry then. I like to fuck naked. So get my goddamn pants off!”
“I can’t wait to see that hard-on I raised on you, Terry! I think
your cock gets bigger every time you fuck me!”
“Sure as hell does! Better not get too much bigger! Might tear a
hole in my fuckin’ jeans!” Terry laughed as Wendy attacked the buckle of
his belt.
Wendy had his pants open in no time. She reached down inside and
grabbed the root of his cock, pulling on it until he felt some pain.
“Watch it now, Wendy! Don’t break the goddamn thing!” he grunted.
Wendy was more careful when she felt Terry jerk his body back away
from her for a second. She began tugging his pants down. Only when she
had pulled the tight pants down past his knees did his monster cock jerk
up free of confinement. She beamed with joy when she saw Terry’s prick
throbbing before her eyes.
Terry jumped when his cock snapped up hard against his lean belly,
splattering pre-seminal fluid all over his groin-hair. He was so horny
that he was afraid his cock would shoot off all by itself, without any
further stimulation. He found it harder and harder to control himself
every time he fucked Wendy. He knew that she would not be able to resist
sucking his cock now that it was naked before her eyes, and his balls
tensed in anticipation of the blow job she was about to perform for him.
“My what a juicy cock you have!” Wendy teased, moving closer to his
throbbing prick.
“All the better to fuck you with, my dear!” Terry laughed. “Now go
down on that cock and suck the piss out of it!”
“Wouldn’t that be awfully messy?” Wendy smiled wickedly, her lips
only an inch or two away from Terry’s aching prick.
“Cut the clownin’ and suck that fucker! Suck my cock!” he growled
in a deep voice.
Wendy pressed her lips tightly against the underside of his prick-
head, pressing it tightly against his stomach. She shivered when she
tasted the saltiness of his slippery pre-cum on her tongue, shivered too
when she felt his hard cock throbbing against her pretty lips.
She stuck out her tongue and ran it up and down the underside of
his cock from the hard head all the way to his hairy balls. Again and
again she licked his cock from tip to root, driving him wild inside. She
had to suck the head of his cock deep into her throat, had to feel the
bulge of it in her wet mouth.
“Jesus Christ, Wendy! That’s great! Fuck! You suck better than
anybody! Take that prick! Eat it, baby! Eat my cock! Suck hard on that
Wendy moaned deep in her lovely throat when she sucked Terry’s
cock. She made wet sucking sounds as she slurped on his prick, sucking
her saliva and his pre-cum into her mouth. She reached between Terry’s
strong legs and grabbed his pendulous balls, squeezing them in her soft
warm hands, making his rock-hard cock jerk with each squeeze of her
loving hand.
Terry began rocking his body back and forth, thrusting his prick in
and out of his pretty girl’s mouth. She had taken his prick deep into
her throat. He felt the head of his prick pushing against the back of
her throat, banging against her tonsils each time he thrust it into her.
She could hardly breathe now, his cock was filling her throat so
Terry’s balls slapped hard against Wendy’s pretty chin as he face-
fucked her with a passion. With each forward thrust, he buried his prick
in her mouth all the way. She could smell the hot masculine scent of his
cock and balls as he banged into her mouth.
“Oh shit, baby! Shit! I gotta stop this or I’ll come in your
fuckin’ face! I wanna shoot in your pussy first! I wanna ream your
cunt!” Terry growled, feeling his cum-filled nuts tensing.
Wendy gurgled.
Terry forced himself to stop rocking back and forth on his heels,
forced himself in spite of his lust to stop face-fucking her even though
his balls were begging to shoot their load of hot sperm deep into her
throat. Wendy kept sucking at his rod even when it was quiet in her. He
had to pull away from her to remove his cock from her mouth.
He heard her groan softly when he pulled his cock away from her, as
if she could not bear to have it taken away. His prick slapped against
his belly again when he pulled it out of her lips. She stared at him
hungrily, licking her cum-covered lips as if begging for another taste
of his cock.
Terry looked down at this girl and thought she was the most
fuckable chick in the world, and the most beautiful. He had to make her
feel something deep and hot between her legs, had to thrill her the way
she had thrilled him with her wild sucking of his cock. He knew just how
to satisfy her.
“You ready to have your cunt fucked, Wendy?” he asked with a wicked
“Oh yes! Yes! Fuck me! Make me come! Fuck me hard! Make me feel
that huge cock deep in my belly! I can almost feel it in there already,
Terry! I can almost feel it pounding between my legs! Fuck me hard! Do
it right now! Please hurry! I can’t wait any longer! My pussy’s on
fire!” Wendy cried, her lovely lips wet with cum.
Terry grabbed Wendy’s shoulders and pushed her backward until she
fell on the sofa. She spread her legs wide and held them out over the
arm of the chair. Terry grabbed her ankles and spread her legs wide,
opening her cunt obscenely.
“Terry, I have a dirty idea! Would you like to hear it?” Wendy
smiled sweetly, looking up at him with an excited look on her pretty
“Hell yes, baby! The dirtier the better!” Terry grabbed his prick,
beating himself off slowly.
“This sofa isn’t very comfortable, Terry. Would you mind fucking me
in a nice soft bed?”
“That sounds great, Wendy. Let’s do it in my room! Beats the
“That isn’t exactly what I had in mind. I want you to fuck me on
… on your mother’s bed!” Wendy said wickedly. Chapter 3 “You gotta be kiddin’! We can’t do that! Jesus Christ, Wendy! I
can’t fuck a girl in my mother’s bed! I’d feel … kinda …” Terry
stammered, feeling a strange stirring in his nuts when he thought about
her suggestion.
“Don’t be silly, Terry. I think you’d like to fuck me in your
mother’s bed. I’ll bet Sheila’s bed is softer than yours, more
comfortable. I prefer nice silk sheets, Terry. And besides, doesn’t it
turn you on just thinking about it? Wouldn’t it be nasty?”
Terry wanted to deny the odd feeling of excitement and sexual heat
that stirred in his balls when he thought about fucking Wendy in his
mother’s bed. But he couldn’t.
“Yeah … well … okay … I guess we can do that…” he managed
to say, still working the skin up and down over his bulging cock.
“And doesn’t it turn you on? Doesn’t it?” Wendy smiled.
“Yeah … I guess it does! Okay, it turns me on! There! Now are you
gonna let me fuck you yet, baby?” He had tried to sound annoyed in an
effort to cover up his embarrassment.
“I might just let you fuck me now, Terry …” she said. “So your
mother turns you on, eh? You nasty boy!”
Wendy rolled over on her stomach and propped her chin up on the arm
of the sofa.
“Shut the fuck up!” Terry said, grabbing her in his arms and
carrying her away. “Let’s get this show on the road! My cock’s gonna
shoot off in a minute whether it’s in your cunt or not!”
Wendy kicked and giggled playfully as Terry carried her away. When
he dropped her on his mother’s silky bed, she spread her legs and
luxuriated in the incredible softness of the sheet around her naked
“This is more like it, much more like it, Terry!” she laughed.
“This is what a lady like me deserves! Maybe we should get married or
something, Terry! Then I could have a nice bedroom like this, or a nice
fuckroom like this!”
“Married my ass! I got a lot of fuckin’ to do before I do that,
Wendy!” Terry replied, a bit too seriously.
“I was only playing, silly!” Wendy laughed. “Shut up and fuck the
shit out of me!”
Wendy reached between her naked legs and spread open the lips of
her cunt.
“Put it right there, Terry!” Wendy said lasciviously.
Terry fell on her and rammed his hard-on into her sucking cunt. He
grabbed her tits and squeezed lovingly while he fucked her with every
hard inch of his fuck-hungry cock. He felt the head of his slippery
cunt-reamer spreading the lips of her pouting cunt and entering her
fuck-hole, felt her eagerly working twat-muscles squeezing the shaft of
his cock. She was a honey-fucking babe all right, and she was all his.
“Oh God! I’ve waited all day for this, Terry! All I’ve done all day
is burn between my legs for you! I love having hot hard meat in my cunt!
I love the way it stretches me! God the way your cock stretches me!”
“Work that cunt on my cock!” Terry screamed. “Work that cunt!
Squeeze my cock in there, baby! Squeeze it! Grab my nuts! Yeah! Yeah!
Grab my goddamn nuts!”
Wendy raised up and reached between Terry’s tense legs, taking his
hairy sperm-filled balls one at a time in her hand, caressing them while
he slowly gyrated his pelvis, grinding his cock into her hot twat. Her
arms were crushed between his chest and her warm body, her tits mashed
against his muscles, her nipples pressing hard and hot against his skin.
“I wanna put it in from behind now!” Terry growled at his sweet-
fucking lover.
“Oh Terry! Terry! I love it that way! I love a cock stuck in my
cunt from behind! Let’s do it, darling! I can’t wait!” Wendy struggled
to her knees on the bouncing bed.
Terry positioned himself behind her and pointed his prick at her
furry cunt. The light blonde tuft of hair between her legs beckoned him,
drew his cock against her creamy snatch. His balls tightened when he
felt her cunt-lips spreading and accepting his cock-head. Her pussy
seemed to suck his hard cock into it all by itself.
Breathing heavily now, Terry reached beneath the girl’s warm body
and stroked her belly, running his hands over her until he reached her
pendulous tits. He grabbed big handfuls of tit-flesh and kneaded her
knockers until she felt dizzy inside.
He felt Wendy moving her ass against his groin, grinding his
swollen cock against the walls of her sensitive pussy, making slurping
sounds as her wet cant sucked at his slippery cock. He began punching in
and out of her, ramming his prick in and out of her with ever-increasing
force and urgency.
His swinging balls slapped against Wendy’s damp crotch with each
forward thrust. His nuts felt ready to explode at any minute. He knew
that he could shoot off at will now, knew that he could fill her with
sperm and feel the bliss of ejaculation any time he wanted it. But he
wanted to go on fucking her forever, wanted to push both of them slowly
to the brink of orgasm.
Wanting to prolong their pleasure, he reluctantly pulled his cock
out of her with an audible slurp and leaned back, his rock-hard erection
pointing straight at the ceiling.
“I wanna put it in your ass, Wendy! Want it up your ass?” Terry
moaned, trying to stop his dick from shooting all by itself just at the
thought of fucking her ass.
“Oh Jesus, Terry! Up my ass? It sounds wonderful! But won’t it
hurt? I … I don’t know … We’ve never done that! Your cock is so big
… so big…”
“You mean you’ve never had a cock up your ass? What’s the matter
with those other guys you’ve been fuckin’?” Terry grinned.
“Don’t be silly, Terry! Of course I’ve, taken cocks up my ass
before! But none of those boys were so big! My God, Terry, yours is
huge, and so damn hard! I … I don’t know if I should …”
“Come on, Wendy, give it a try! I won’t hurt you too much! You know
that! Don’t you trust me, baby?” Terry said softly.
“All right, Terry. You know I’d do anything in the world for you.
But you’ve got to try not to hurt me! Let me take it slowly!” Wendy
said. “It might feel wonderful stretching my ass once I get used to it
after all …”
“Damn right, Wendy! You’re gonna love it! Jesus Christ! I can
already feel my fuckin’ cock up your ass! I’ll bet you’re tighter than
hell!” Terry slowly jerked himself off, staring wide-eyed at his chick’s
upturned asshole.
“Try not to hurt me, Terry! Please!” Wendy begged.
“Are you ready, baby? Hold on now! Here it comes!” He grabbed his
cock and pushed it up tightly against her puckered asshole.
Terry forced his huge bulging cock-head harder and harder against
her tight asshole, trying desperately to work the head of his hot prick
into her. He grabbed her ass-cheeks and spread them apart, working his
fingers against the yielding flesh of her pretty butt.
“Damn you’re tight! I can’t get this fucker in!” Terry grunted,
pushing against her until his prick was almost bent double.
“Please put it in! Put it into me! I don’t care how hard you do it
now! I want it so bad … so bad!”
“Here, baby, let me get a finger in there first. Maybe that’ll
stretch it a little,” Terry said eagerly.
Terry rubbed his finger up and down the slippery shaft of his cock
and wetted it with pre-cum. He pressed his slickened finger against the
puckered ring of Wendy’s asshole and twisted it gently until it .slid
into her. He felt her shiver slightly when his finger entered her anal
passage. He pushed his finger in farther and farther until it was buried
all the way to his knuckle. When he began moving it in and out, he felt
her shiver again with pleasure and excitement.
“I’m gonna try it again, baby. Hold on!” He pulled his finger out
of her asshole and pushed his cock against her asshole again.
Terry grunted and pushed with all his might, but to no avail. He
was afraid he would break his stiff erection if pushed too hard against
her asshole. He had to get into her, and he had to get into her fast.
“Fuckin’ thing still won’t go, Wendy! Let’s see if we can find some
Vaseline or somethin’!” he said, jumping out of bed and heading for the
“Maybe there’s something in your mother’s dresser, Terry!” Wendy
said eagerly. “I’m sure she has boy friends too.” Wendy smiled
“Oh … well … I don’t think so, Wendy …” Terry answered
Terry had almost forgotten that he was fucking his girl on his
mother’s bed. Now that she had mentioned his mother again he was filled
once more with a strange dizzying excitement that he found difficult to
trace, although he knew it had something to do with his unusual and
confusing feelings for his mother.
“She doesn’t have boy friends? But you said she divorced your
father three years ago!” Wendy said interestedly.
“She says she’s through with men, at least for a while …” Terry
replied. “I mean … uh … well … we haven’t exactly talked about
that very much … but I don’t think she’s had any men.”
“Well, Terry, I think we should look in her drawers anyway. She
might keep some Vaseline on hand anyway. I don’t think I can stand to be
all by myself while you go to the bathroom, not as hot as I am.” Wendy
“I don’t think you should,” Terry said softly as he watched her
open his mother’s top drawer.
“Does it bother you to be so close to your mother’s private
things?” Wendy asked.
“Maybe. I mean … well … a guy doesn’t fuck his girl in his
mother’s room every day!”
“I wish you could fuck me in that nice bed every day. It makes me
feel as soft as the sheets!” Wendy said.
“Softer. A lot softer!” Terry agreed.
“My goodness, Terry! What on earth is this? A … a dildo! A dildo!
My God! A big electric cock!” Wendy said excitedly, her twat itching to
try the hard thing.
“I … I think you’d better put that back …” Terry said
nervously, a sinking feeling in his stomach.
“Not a chance. Look at that thing! Oh God! Listen to that hum! I
have to try it! Now we know what your mother does in her spare time,
don’t we, Terry?” Wendy laughed. “No wonder she doesn’t need men! I’ll
bet this thing stretches her cunt as far as any real cock would!”
“You … you can’t use that … I … I mean…”
“Because it’s been in your mother’s cunt? It’s been in your
mother’s pussy! Doesn’t it make you feel nasty inside? Come on, admit
it! Ummmmmmmm!” Wendy rubbed the humming thing against her wet cunt-
“Jesus Christ, Wendy! Do you read minds or somethin’? You always
know what’s goin’ on inside me!” Terry said, staring at Wendy.
“A girl has a way, you know,” she smiled. “This feels wonderful.
And there is some Vaseline after all! This thing makes my clit feel
wonderful! I could come with this dildo any time! I might not even need
you any more, Terry! I could come off all by myself!”
“Hell if you will! I’ll show you how much you need me, baby!” Terry
growled, grabbing the jar of Vaseline, opening it quickly and dipping
his fingers into it.
He smeared a big wad of the slippery stuff all over the shaft and
head of his reddish-purple cock and made Wendy bend over. He smeared
more of the stuff on her asshole and the crack of her butt, pushing his
finger into her and slickening the inner walls of her anal opening.
“Now get back on the bed, Wendy! I’m gonna come in your damn ass!”
he ordered.
“Do you mind if I stick this in my cunt?” Wendy asked timidly,
crawling onto the bed and getting on her knees.
“You do any damn thing you want with it, baby! You stick that in
your pussy and turn it up all the way! With that dildo in there and my
cock in your ass you’re gonna come pretty damn good!” Terry pressed his
Vaseline-smeared cock against her asshole. “Now try to loosen up a
little! This might hurt at first, but you’ll get used to it!”
Unable to stand the tension in his balls any longer, Terry closed
his eyes and rammed his cock against Wendy’s asshole and forced his
bulging cock head to push into her tight ass. He almost knocked her over
with the sheer force of his forward thrust.
Wendy cried out loud when she felt his huge cock jab into her butt.
Terry had buried his cock in her ass in one mighty thrust, had buried it
in her all the way to the hair of his groin. He waited patiently while
she accustomed herself to the monstrous intruder.
“Oh Terry! Terry! It hurts! Don’t move it yet! You’ll kill me!” she
cried in pain.
“Okay, okay, but I can’t wait much longer, baby! Your asshole’s
drivin’ me wild! I gotta come in your hot ass!” the boy rasped, reaching
down and rubbing his sperm-filled nuts. “I’m gonna shoot your sweet ass
full of sperm, baby!”
“Yes! Yesssssss! Shoot it into me! This vibrator is driving me
crazy, Terry! No wonder your mother uses it! It’s so huge and hard! And
just imagine! It’s been up your mother’s pussy! It’s made your mother
come just like I will in a few minutes! Doesn’t that make you hot and
horny? Doesn’t that just do something to you deep down inside?”
Wendy’s body was shaking with hot sexual excitement.
“Yeah! Shit yeah! My mother! Jesus Christ! It’s weird, Wendy! I’m
really fuckin’ you in Mom’s bed!” Terry gasped, dizzy inside.
“Oh, God, God! Fuck me with that cock of yours! Dick me while I rub
this dildo against my clit!” Wendy cried.
“Can I move it a little now? Are you ready for it yet, baby?” Terry
asked, unable to control the tension in his balls.
“Yes! Move it now! Hard! I don’t care how much it hurts! Stretch my
ass with that monster! Fuck me! Butt-fuck me hard! In and out, Terry!
Stroke it! Come in my ass! Come in my fucking asshole!”
Terry pulled out until his long hard prick was nearly all the way
out of her butt-hole. With one mighty lunge he forced his huge cock into
her again all the way to the root. He felt her shivering buttocks
crushing up against his groin, felt his big cum-filled balls slap up
against her silky crotch.
He tensed his hard buttocks and lunged back into her again, fucking
her ass with ever-increasing force. There was nothing he could do to
control himself. He was wild inside, on fire with lust, and he knew that
Wendy burned with the same raging fire.
Terry groaned as he felt Wendy’s tight ass gripping the impaled
shaft of his bulging cock, grasping his meaty shaft. His cock made wet
slurping and sucking sounds as it pounded in and out of her tight
asshole. The electric dildo hummed at a higher and higher pitch.
Wendy could hardly stand the pain of her lover’s impaled prick, but
she endured it for the sake of the hot lust she loved. She felt as if
her entire body had been suddenly filled with hot throbbing cock. Her
insides felt stretched and tight. Her cunt seemed to melt as the
electric cock hummed away between her shaking young legs. It was almost
like being fucked by two men at once, something even Wendy had never
tried, and the excitement of the new experience was too much for her.
“I’m about to come, Terry! Shoot me full of sperm! Shoot it into
me! Hurry! Come in my ass!” Wendy cried. “You’re so hard and big in my
ass! I love it! Oh Terry! Terry! You’re the best boy friend a girl ever
“Yeah, babe! I’m comin’ too! What a cunt! What an asshole! You’re
too much! Your ass is so fuckin’ tight on my dick! I’m comin’! You’re
gonna feel this for a week!” Terry gasped as his balls tensed suddenly.
Terry’s cock suddenly swelled to even greater proportions as his
nuts exploded. His body lurched forward involuntarily, burying his hard-
on deeper than ever into Wendy’s sweet ass. His balls seemed to blow up
between his legs, blasting their heavy supply of cum through the shaft
of his cock and into the hot channel of his girl friend’s ass. He felt
her moving her ass against his hard belly, grinding his cock into her
insides wildly.
“Terry! Terry! I … I’m … I’m coming! Coming … COMING!” Wendy
cried as her sweet little pussy flashed.
“Do it, baby! Do it! Flash off! Oh shit! This is too much! This is
great! Comin’ in my mom’s bed! Oh crap! I can’t believe it, baby! Take
it up that ass! Take my fuckin’ wad!”
Wendy felt her lover’s heavy load blasting inside her ass, felt it
searing into her like molten lead, spraying against her insides, filling
her with his hot sperm. She buried the humming plastic dick deep inside
her pussy, holding it there tightly as her cunt tingled and flashed with
lust. She felt rivers of cum running inside her rectum, washing away the
tension their hot fucking had built up. It was beautiful.
When the horny fuckers had finished their wild climaxing, they fell
together on the satiny bed and rested in each other’s arms, breathing
softly and whispering little nothings.
Later, as they slowly regained control of themselves, the fact that
they were lying naked in Terry’s mother’s bedroom began to bother both
of them. It was so nasty, so depraved, so daring, that they had to leave
the room eventually, afraid that they might be discovered there. They
dressed silently.
Terry walked Wendy home in the full light of the moon. Not a word
was said about Sheila. Chapter 4 While Wendy and Terry were writhing in the throes of their wild
orgasms, Sheila was walking the streets, not knowing what to do with
herself. She had more or less promised the two young lovers that she
would leave them alone for the night. She wondered how long they would
take fucking each other, wondered how untiring their passion was. She
couldn’t take the risk of going home early and interrupting them at
their lovemaking. That would be horribly embarrassing for them and
horribly tempting for her. For by now, Sheila’s pussy positively blazed
for her young son.
Sheila had taken in a late movie, although she hadn’t paid a bit of
attention to it. Her mind had been filled with visions of her son and
the wild things he was doing to Wendy while she sat there in the lonely
theater wishing she had his prick between her legs.
She had left the theater before the movie had ended and had set
herself adrift in the city.
Everywhere around her were young lovers, holding hands, kissing in
the shadows. She heard girls giggling occasionally, heard laughter
drifting down from bedroom windows, and the laughter made her feel
terribly sad. If only she could let herself go! If only she were not
haunted by images of Terry and the lust she felt for him!
Sheila walked for what seemed like hours. She might have walked
even longer if the flash of a movie marquee hadn’t shocked her into
consciousness. She was grateful for the flashing lights, grateful that
they had shaken her out of her sleepwalking trance.
Sheila had somehow wandered into the red-light section of town, a
section typified by dives, strip shows, dirty movies and the like. She
had never been anywhere near such things before, although it wasn’t the
sexual nature of the entertainment that had kept her away.
In the past she had been afraid of venturing into such places by
herself. It was dangerous after all for an unescorted woman to wander
into such places, especially a woman as beautiful as herself. But
tonight she was too upset and confused to worry about such things as her
personal safety, and she was too sexually excited to resist the
temptation that was all about her.
Taking a deep breath and summoning up her courage, Sheila entered a
small theater advertising adult films. She found the place more than a
bit sleazy, although she had to admit that there was something strangely
exciting about the atmosphere of the place. The air was full of cigar
and cigarette smoke.
She soon realized to her embarrassment that she was the only woman
in the audience. Nervously she found the only empty seat in the place
and stumbled to the center of the crowded aisle. She sat down, holding
her breath and trying desperately to forget that she was the object of
everyone’s attention.
Sheila stared at the screen and hoped her growing excitement was
not too noticeable. The sucking and fucking on the screen was already
fast and furious. She felt her responsive cunt warming as she watched
the characters indulging in all sorts of wild sexual activities.
After a few minutes of watching the characters fucking and sucking
on the screen, Sheila could feel her cunt getting moist between her
tightly closed legs. She could hardly tear her eyes away from the young
stud on the screen, could hardly tear her eyes away from his huge cock
and hairy nuts, could hardly tear her eyes away from the juncture of his
cock and his young sex-partner’s delicious-looking twat.
The stud on the screen reminded her of Terry, reminded her of the
young son she had entered the theater to forget.
The young stud had a boyish grin like Terry’s and a huge cock that
swelled with masculine power just as Terry’s always did when he fucked
Wendy. He even seemed to move with Terry’s carefully controlled athletic
grace. The more she watched the young fucker fucking the beautiful dark-
haired young girl, the more Sheila tingled between her legs, the more
her cunt oozed, the more her clit burned, the more her cunt-muscles

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