Free sex stories

Julie Exposes Her Fantasy

“See you at school tommorrow,” I said. My date, Brian, was a nervous mess. He wasn’t accustomed to being in this scenario. “Oh, um, ahhh…” He sputtered. Normally, I would’ve kissed him. But I haven’t ever kissed anyone. Not even […]


A Mother-Daughter Twosome

Ann Walker trudged wearily from the front office of the Bay Construction Company, and turned down Market Street to begin the four block walk to her car. San Francisco screamed around her in the throes of its rush-hour convulsions, spewing […]


Bi Friends: By Accident?

I said that I hadn’t indulged in guy sex since those days in the hayloft, and that is mainly true, except for one remarkable exception… When I was in college in the 80s, I had an incredibly funny girlfriend that […]

Group Sex Stories

Virtual fuckers

“Lights” The lights dimmed and Jarod sat alone in the dark. He tapped a five digit access code onto the keypad under his hand. “File: Sylvia – Sequence: One. Scenario: Alpha” There was an electronic hum as the holo-projectors engaged […]

Free sex stories

My lesbian toygirl

Ever since I can remember, back to the age of 6 or 7, I’ve known that my orientation was toward other girls. At the age of 9, I told my mother that I would never marry because you could only […]


The Thai Sisters

My name is Mai and I’m a Thai girl who lived in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand. I was lucky enough to have an American man fall in love with me. He told me that I was pretty and […]

Free sex stories

Pimped By a Stripper

Oh my god… have I got a story to tell and I can just imagine the many sleepless nights and erotic dreams it is going to cause me for the rest of my life. First let me tell you that […]

Group Sex Stories

Orgy In The Bakery

Jane was working the closing shift at the bakery that she had found employment at. It had been about 3 months since she moved in with me and my wife Louise. The sex had been phenomenal since that night she […]

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