Silent Intruder

I was looking forward to my sixteenth birthday
party with about as much enthusiasm as I would a
bad dose of the flu.

I’d had a lousy three weeks. Tonight’s family
get together was a bid by my dear old mum and
dad to lift my spirits and, at the same time,
celebrate my reaching the official “age of
consent”. Not that they quite thought of it that
way, I’m sure.

I didn’t think of it that way either, because
I’d already done a little bit of unofficial
consenting before the event, so to speak. In
fact it was the letdown after my first sexual
foray that had plunged me into the doldrums.

Mark had been the first real love of my life.
I’d been through the usual heavy petting
sessions with a few young bucks who were almost
as green as I was. But their efforts to deflower
me were pretty clumsy, and I was too terrified
of pregnancy to allow things to get out of hand.
Not that I didn’t enjoy the “hands on”
experience. There were some beautiful stirrings
within me that offered promise of delights

Mark was two years my senior and had had that
little extra sexual confidence and maturity that
enabled him to penetrate my defences. He’d been
smart enough to “wind me up” with some exciting
foreplay sessions before luring me to his bed
when his folks were away for the day.

I’d fought the good fight expected of a girl new
to the game of boys and girls. But he’d caught
me off guard and in a sexy mood. An innocent
little get together at his place “to listen to
records” had quickly turned into a “get naked”
party in his bedroom. A bit more kissing,
stroking and probing, plus the production of a
condom, had been enough to push me over the
edge, In a matter of minutes he had satisfied
his lust and laid waste to my virginity.

It hurt like hell that first time, and there had
been blind panic when he’d withdrawn and
discovered the bloodstained sheets that had
resulted from the “damage” his penis had
inflicted on my insides. Panic about the
evidence of our escapades, not my lost

Some quick washing and ironing took care of the
problem however, and the event became one of our
treasured moments as we entered a beautiful but
brief series of carnal encounters as I was
tutored in the delights of sex.

I was a good, and “hungry” pupil, and while I
didn’t particularly enjoy having a condom
insulating me from real, flesh-to-flesh contact,
I accepted that my needs justified his “covered

My “oldies” had made it very clear to me that if
I was silly enough to get myself pregnant I’d be
on my own, and left to “carry the baby”.

No chance. I was way too young and had plenty of
good years ahead. Besides, I enjoyed the mating
game and wanted lots of “test runs” before I
allowed some horny guy’s swimmers to pop one of
my eggs and give me a bellyful of child.

My first bouts of illicit sex didn’t last long
before the rug was pulled from under me, though.


A party about three weeks ago had brought the
fun times to an end. My half-drunken lover had
gotten the hots for one of my girlfriends and
disappeared with her in his car. While he was
spreading her legs in the back seat, I was in
tears wondering what she had that I hadn’t, and
how the hell I was going to get home.

On top of that came the lousy result in my
recent Maths assignment. I was usually pretty
good in that area, but I’d bombed badly on some
tricky equations. I had let my emotional crash
occupy too much of my thinking.

So here I was, on the eve of my sixteenth
birthday, an educational flop and already on the
lover’s scrap heap. Happy birthday!

Tonight’s party, given my current bout of the
blues, was set as a small family affair. Just
mum, dad, my brother and sister. Sort of a “pick
Annie up and dust her off” party. Actually my
birthday was tomorrow, but tonight was Saturday,
and I certainly had nowhere better to go.

John, my brother, decided to add to the numbers
at the last minute. He rang from the air base he
was stationed at to ask if he could bring a
visiting pilot friend who was overnighting

John was five years older than me. He was an
aircraft engineer in the Air Force.

We had a good association. He was a good looking
guy and had had plenty of women. I’d heard quite
a bit about his escapades, and he about mine,
limited though they were. We were good mates,
and confidantes. There were moments when I
wished he wasn’t my brother though, particularly
when I’d caught him naked at odd times.

I sensed it was a two way thing. He’d caught me
nude a few times too, and had been in no hurry
to look the other way. I knew that look, the
dirty beast.

I wasn’t in any hurry to get tarted up for the
shindig. I decided to stay “grubby” and spend a
couple of hours at the computer trying to get my
mathematical messup sorted out. Then John walked
in with his mate.

I took one look and ran for my room. He was
gorgeous! Tall, powerfully built, absolutely
bloody beautiful.

It took me ten minutes to make myself
presentable. I was still only in shorts when I
re-emerged for introductions, but at least my
hair was a bit better, and I’d managed to add a
bit of war paint.

“So this is our birthday girl,” were his opening
remarks, as John introduced us. He gave my hand
a little squeeze and added, “Happy birthday!”
God! His voice fitted the image perfectly.
Strong, deep and warm. His name was Anthony.

“Thanks!” I struggled for words, hanging on to
his hand, “but it’s tomorrow.” I ended lamely,
cursing myself for being a drivelling idiot.

“Well, I hope tonight is a very special night
for you and that tomorrow brings you everything
you wish for,” he came back. I knew damned well
what I wished for where he was concerned.

Needless to say, my stupid sister had the same
notions and was trying to take over. She was
older than I was by two years and I could sense
that the little bitch would have handed him her
panties right there and then if it wasn’t for
the presence of our dear parents. As you can
guess, there was no love lost between us.

It didn’t quite go as well for her as she might
have hoped though. Tony continued to focus on me
as he went through the usual opening pleasantries,
making me feel the centre of his attention. He
had that happy knack of being able to put people
at ease, take over a conversation and have
everyone involved.

Even the oldies got caught up as we settled down
over afternoon tea, listening raptly to stories
about Air Force life and the battles of
yesteryear and tomorrow, as Tony and John
entertained us.

Tony seemed to be on some sort of special
assignment. He flew some sort of stealth
aircraft called a “Silent Intruder”. He was only
here for the one night and he wouldn’t talk much
about it. John explained afterwards that he was
attached to an Intelligence squadron and that
his operations were “classified”.

It soon became time for mum and dad to get the
party preps underway. That broke up our little
gathering and my damn sister didn’t waste any
time pinning him down when she got the
opportunity. I guess she had a walk up start,
given that she was John’s age, and I was the

I guess my blue mood took over then. I gave up
and went back to my computer to lose myself in
my mathematical conundrums.

I couldn’t believe it when, after about fifteen
minutes, he was bending over beside me studying
the screen. “John tells me you’ve been having a
couple of problems with your maths work. Want
some help?” he asked.

“Love some,” I answered. “Things have not been
going well for me of late.”

I glowed smugly as I thought,”Stuff you, big
sister, chalk one up for Annie. She would not be
happy about this turn of events. Tough!

I really didn’t think he could be of much help,
but I soon found out differently. He sat down
close beside me and had little trouble
untangling the mess I had made. He seemed to be
good at everything he touched, but I realised he
would have to be good at maths and science to be
a pilot.

I was ready to swoon, just having him there so
close. I started asking more questions to keep
him there. He seemed in no hurry to leave, and
when his leg brushed against mine I broke out in
goose bumps and felt a very warm flush spreading
through me.

He seemed so self assured and precise in his
every move. He knew exactly the effect he was
having on me but didn’t make too much of it,
just a couple of gentle pats on the arm and a
little more thigh rubbing. God! I was ready to
eat him. If only the family would buzz off and
give me two hours alone with him. What a
birthday present.

That didn’t happen of course, but the whole
evening went beautifully. Tony’s attentions had
made all the difference. I was out of the
doldrums and having fun. I wondered later if my
dear brother had done a little devious planning.

The oldies could sense my infatuation but they
knew Tony was flying out tomorrow and they
seemed happy enough to let me enjoy the moment.
To make things even better, my sister, while
getting polite responses, was left out in the
cold. Great!

Sadly time ran out and my fantasies would have
remained unfulfilled but for my dear old dad,
god love him. “Tony! Why don’t you stay the
night?” he asked. “There’s a spare bed in John’s
room, and he’s got to go back to the base in the
morning too. Saves a double trip.”

“Good idea!” John chimed in. It was a bloody
good idea as far as I was concerned, though I
wasn’t sure why. At least I’d see him again in
the morning.

I’d had a shower and was just heading for my
room when John pulled me aside in the hall with
an impish grin on his face.

“Little sister’s got the hot’s, hasn’t she?” He

“Don’t be awful.” was all I could think of to

“I might be able to arrange a special birthday
present” he hinted lasciviously. “Are you

“Wouldn’t matter if I was.” I giggled. “He’s
just being nice for my birthday, and besides, I
don’t think the oldies would be too impressed.”

“He’s not just being nice. I’m getting signals
that he fancies you. And, where the oldies are
concerned, they don’t need to know unless you’re
silly enough to tell them.” he said encouragingly.

I flushed, and stammered back, “I, I couldn’t…
how? We’d get caught.”

“Not if you do as I tell you.” He came back
quickly. “Make your mind up. Yes! or No!”

“I can’t.” I wailed, “I want to… but I’m

“It’ll be alright. Trust me.” he reaffirmed
assuringly, his eyes twinkling knowingly. “Yes!
or no?”

I just gave him a weak grin and nodded, blushing.

“Right.” he said conspiratorily. “Just do as I
tell you. Go to bed, lock your door as usual,
leave your window wide open and the curtains
pulled back. Don’t go to sleep, and don’t scream
if a visitor arrives around one o’clock.”

I knew what he was up to. We lived in a single
story house, and had all used the windows at
one time or another to avoid parental attention.

“I’m going to get caught.” I moaned. “I just
know it. I must be bloody mad. They’ll hear us.”
Mum and dad’s room was right next to mine.
John’s was on the other side of them, and my
sister’s room was on my other side.

“Not if you’re very quiet, they won’t.” John
reassured me. “Have fun, but do it silently.”

He started to walk away then turned back, put
his lips to my ear and whispered, “I envy the
bastard.” Then grinned and walked off to his
room leaving me stunned in the hallway.

My mind was in turmoil as I locked my door. I
don’t know whether I was trembling with
excitement or fear. Probably both.

What was going to happen? Would he really come?
Was it going to be a quiet petting session, or
were we going to make love? I fantasised about
having his hands running over me, stripping me
naked, opening me to his manhood. God! How I
wanted him inside me. But this wasn’t
fantasyland. It was very real. It was going to
happen. I was a young girl, and about to have
sex with a man of the world. What should I do?
What would he expect of me? Would I make a fool
of myself? Would he be disappointed?

I didn’t have any answers. I was locked into
something from which there was no turning back.
I was aflame with lust. My breasts heaving,
nipples hard with excitement, and my vagina
already moistening with anticpation, readying me
for easy penetration.

I seemed to be in slow motion as I tried to
think how best to handle the situation. I guess
if he was coming to my bedroom he’d expect to
find me in bed. There was little doubt that was
where I’d end up. I put on my laciest shorty
nightie and a cute pair of bikini panties. I
thought I should at least try to look sexily

I obeyed instructions, opened the window wide,
pulled back the curtains, then climbed under the
covers to await my fate.

The house settled down quickly. I could soon
hear dad snoring, but mum was an unknown

The minutes ticked by as my mind raced with more
sexual fantasies. I couldn’t keep my hands off
myself as I lay in the darkness, my fingers
roaming between my hardened nipples and a vagina
that was begging for male attention. One thing
was certain. If he did arrive, he’d have no
trouble sliding his beautiful weapon inside me.
At this rate I was going to be a dripping mess
before he even touched me.

I was aching with desire as the clock hit one.
Where was he? Had he decided it was too risky?
Was it all one of John’s tricks? My spirits
started to slump.

Then suddenly a warm hand on my shoulder. He was
sitting on the bed beside me. I don’t know how
he managed it so silently, but he was there, and
I was in heaven.

He bent down and put his lips lightly to mine,
then pulled back and put his finger to his lips
in a cautionary gesture and began to turn back
the covers. I moved over to make room for him
but suddenly found myself completely uncovered,
his hands lifting my legs over the side of the
bed. Then he took my hands and pulled me slowly
to my feet.

I wondered what was going on. Was he going to
take me standing up? Was this the silent way of
doing it? I wasn’t given long to wonder. He
pulled me close, looked into my eyes, then
closed his mouth over mine, making his first
entry into my body with his tongue.

We stood like that for what seemed hours but was
probably only seconds, hands running over each
other, exploring gently, touching, anticipating,
tongues intertwining, the heat building between
us. Then he stepped back.

He was wearing one of John’s shave coats and,
from the feel of what had been pressing against
my belly, very little else. How I wanted to hold
that thing. But his next move threw me into

He moved to the end of the bed, again put his
finger to his lips, then took hold of the corner
of the mattress and began to slide it silently
sideways toward the floor, pausing momentarily
and motioning me to help. “Everything planned
and precise. Typical,” I thought, as I lifted
the other end. “We weren’t going to be caught by
a squeaky bed spring.”

We prepared our lovers’ pad then went back into
a clinch, hands roving with lust.He broke away
again, this time grabbing a towel from a nearby
chair, folding it carefully in two, then laying
it midway across the mattress. “What next?” I
wondered, but not for long.

He was back with me quickly, kissing me lightly
as he lifted my arms upright above my head,
motioning me to hold them there. My nightie came
up over my head and was flung in the corner,
exposing me naked to him but for my tiny pair of
panties. I began to tremble.

He lightly kissed each straining nipple, then he
coaxed me sideways, standing me on the mattress
just below the towel. His leg went behind my
calves and I was nudged gently backwards, off
balance. He caught my weight at my wrists and
lowered my bottom delicately onto the towel.
Light dawned! Jesus! He thought of everything.
There would be no love juice-stained sheets to
give us away in the morning.

He was down beside me again then, easing me onto
my back as his tongue invaded my mouth again.
His hands beginning their work on my body,
readying me for his penetration. My thoughts
turned dirty. This is what I had been waiting
for, longing for. I was being made ready to be

His hands stroked me from one end to the other,
my ears, my eyes, my breasts, my tummy, then
down to my ankles and lightly back up my legs
before lifting my knees up. Then in a quick
movement he lifted my bottom off the towel with
one hand and tugged my panties down with the

They were quickly over my ankles and in the
corner with my nightie. Then my legs were
spread, and I was wide open to him. We were
ready to make love and, so far, hadn’t made a
sound. How I wanted to give vent to my emotions
and lust. How the hell I was going to contain
myself during the main game I had no idea.

He stood up again as I watched, hungrily. He was
silhouetted in the half light as he dropped his
shave coat, then slipped his briefs down over
his ankles. There it was, his beautiful penis.
Proud, hard, erect. Ready to do the job for
which it was intended, to fuck and impregnate
the female of the species. And there,at its
base, were the two soft sacs where his sperm
would be produced as he rode me to ejaculation.
What an erotic sight. And tonight it was going
to be me on the receiving end. Joy and

I couldn’t contain myself. I reached up to him,
clasping that beautiful shaft at its base,
stroking the silky flesh along its length,
watching those potent balls swing in harmony. I
couldn’t help myself. I’d never been like this
with Mark. I felt like an animal. I rose to my
knees before him and closed my lips over that
magnificent head. “Yes!”…and I felt his
response as he jerked spasmodically, the head
swelling with pleasure.

My mind was filled with lewd images as I gently
drew on that glorious prick. I imagined it
spurting its thick creamy liquid into my mouth,
tasting his nectar, swallowing the egg-seeking
sperm that had but one purpose, to create life.
“Was I going to become a nymphomaniac?” I
wondered, as I rolled my tongue lovingly around
the shaft that would soon be thrusting into my
belly. Stretching me, pleasuring me, fucking me!

He pulled away, pushing me down, laying beside
me. He was loosing his cool and wanted me ready
to take him. How ready I was!

Then his lips were at my ear as he whispered ,
barely audible, “Not a sound! Not ONE sound!” I
nodded silently as he began his work.

His tongue churned sensuously in my ear, then
traced a wet line down my neck and across my
breast, seeking out first one nipple, then the
other. Backwards and forwards his mouth went,
titillating, sucking, blowing gently, as a hand
stroked promisingly in ever lowering circles
around my tummy, driving me wild as I struggled
mentally to avoid writhing and moaning with

Then he stopped, moving to my ankles, his tongue
and hands working from one to the other of my
spread legs as he made his way delicately toward
the junction that,I hoped feverishly, would soon
become the centre of his attention.

His lips were nibbling along my inner thigh now
and I lifted my bottom to him, opening myself
wider, offering, pleading. I felt his warm
breath on the lips of my vagina as he brushed
his tongue lightly and teasingly through the
downy tuft. I tensed expectantly, but no
intrusion. God! Please!

Then his mouth was on mine again, probing with
his tongue as he repositioned himself. Suddenly
he was straddling my chest, cupping my breasts,
lewdly making a love tunnel around his hot penis
as he thrust gently back and forth. I watched in
awe at the movements. Was he going to shoot all
over me?? Who cared!

But no! He stopped and his mouth was back at my
ear momentarily to caution me again, “No noises”
he hissed commandingly.

Then he was kneeling between my legs again, his
cock poised over me, spasming with lust, a dewy
droplet hanging ominously at its very tip. But
penetration was not to happen just yet. His
hands slid down my belly, his knees coaxing my
legs wider apart as he parted me with his
fingertips, looking intently into me as if
checking his target area. His mouth came down.

Suddenly that beautiful tongue was flicking
inside me, darting, swirling, driving me to the
heights of ecstacy as I tried to control my
impulses to thrash and scream. God! the glorious
torture. How I needed release.

He sensed my needs. He knew we were both more
than ready for fulfillment, and lowered himself
on top of me. This was it. Then suddenly it hit
me. No condom! He wasn’t using anything. He was
about to ride me bareback!

I struggled under him, cupping my hand
protectively over my vagina as I pushed at him.
He raised his head to look at me as I silently
and pleadingly mouthed the word “CONDOM!” But I
knew I was wasting my time. He had come to me in
a shave coat. He had no protection with him.

He looked silently into my eyes, shaking his
head regretfully as his penis nudged hopefully
against the hand cupping my entrance, trying to
coax apart the fingers which were now the only
protection I had.

My mind whirled in panic. How desperately I
wanted him inside me. I did some quick mental
calculations. How long had it been since my last
period? Was I safe? Could I get away with this?
Would he pull out before I was filled with his

Our eyes were locked together as I held him at
bay, adding up the days. Hell! Not only was it
risky. It was as risky as it could get. I was
slap bang in the middle of my cycle. I had no
doubt that there was a little egg waiting deep
inside me. If I let him release his millions of
tadpoles, they’d find it, and one of them would
do its job. I’d be pregnant!

What a fix I was in. Desperate for penetration.
A beautiful man with an erect penis waiting to
take me. No protection, highly fertile, and
locked into total silence.

The seconds ticked by and the tension mounted
between us as my mind was torn between common
sense and bodyily lust. God I wanted him so
badly. Wanted him to fuck me.

Then that beautiful waiting babymaker nudged my
fingers again as he looked at me for my
decision. It was enough to push me over the
edge. Nature had been too clever for me. I’d
been made for fucking and I wanted to be fucked.
My willpower was broken.

My stomach churned with a mixture of fear and
excitement as I did what I had to. I looked into
his eyes, and turning my hand palm upward, and
gently took hold of him and guided him to his
target, nestling that gorgeous head into the
folds of my flesh. Introducing that rampant
prick to my hungering cunt. A cunt waiting so
eagerly to clasp around him, welcome him inside,
be a receptacle for his come.

He gave me no more time to think. Our needs were
too urgent. One gentle push, then back. Another,
this time deeper, bathing in my lubrication.
Backwards again, then a more determined thrust.
He was very deep now, and only inches from total
penetration. My body craved for emotional
release. I wanted to scream, claw at him, thrash
wildly under him, but I had to take him into me
in silence.

His mouth closed over mine again as if to stifle
any outcry. Then he finally buried himself to the
hilt in me. We lay still momentarily as he
readied himself, his throbbing head pressed
against the entrance to my womb, my legs twining
around him, holding him inside.

Then the fucking began in earnest. Thrust after
thrust stirred my insides to a frenzy. I had
been on the edge too long. I couldn’t last. I
shuddered, pressing my lips together to maintain
silence as my body was racked with a magical

A loving kiss to my ear told me he knew what had
happened, but he didn’t break his rhythmical
stroking within me.

“Squish!, Squish! Squish!” I listened to the
erotic and unmistakable sounds of lovemaking as
I relaxed after orgasm. “Squish! Squish!
Squish!” Prick into cunt. The only break in the
beautiful silence that surrounded us as he gave
my body what it needed.

“This was no boy/girl experimentation with sex
anymore.” I thought, as I revelled in the
sensations. “I had a purposeful cock driving
relentlessly into my insides with but one
intent. To fill me with come. To unleash a
torrent of sperm laden semen at the neck of my
womb with the express purpose of impregnating
me. This was major league fucking at its

Fear started to grip me again as my release
allowed me to think. How could I give him the
satisfaction he needed, satisfaction that I had
already enjoyed, without him ejaculating inside
me? Could I have him shoot into my mouth? I’d
take it gladly. More importantly, how the hell
could I talk to him or interrupt him.

“Squish! Squish! Squish!” His probing and
thrusting continued with near silent
determination as he rode on, his body tension
increasing perceptibly as he prepared for
delivery. I wanted him to pause, to give me a
chance to reason with him. But the frictioning
of his shaft against the nerve endings at the
top of my vagina was bringing my lust alive
again, the imposed silence focusing every fibre
of my being lovingly on the approaching bliss of
another orgasmic explosion.

His breathing started to become laboured, his
stroking a little erratic as he speeded up
towards climax. I felt him start to swell within
me. I knew time was running out if I was to have
his come on my belly rather than inside it.

I took a deep breath and pulled back with my
bottom, trying to slip him outside me. But his
instincts and reactions were too quick. He was
hell bent on planting his seed now, and nothing
was going to stop him.

He followed my movement, thrusting deeply,
recovering his broken rhythm. Then I felt his
hands clasp the cheeks of my bottom, locking me
to him as he ripped into me, rushing me towards

I lost all control as my body began to shudder
into release. I had no resistance left. I was
going to take his come into me and that was

His mouth closed over mine in a final loving
gesture and his eruption began from deep within
him. In a trancelike state of orgasm and
excitement I felt the sacs that had prepared his
semen slapping softly against the bottom of my
vagina as his muscular spasms began to pump his
come upwards through his manhood and into the
waiting receptacle that it had found so willing.

He made one tiny gasp, then I felt the hotness
and wetness spreading within me as he pumped
relentlessly. He held himself tightly inside me
now, his final strokes, deep, short and
instinctively directed to keep the spurting head
close to the entrance to my womb. I was
beautifully and precisely filled, and I knew
those little swimmers were already fighting
their way through my cervix, looking for their
target, one purpose in mind, my impregnation.
“Happy birthday!” his whispered softly.

My first real unprotected fucking was over. I’d
played the game of sex with the big boys and
been lovingly outmanoeuvred. The deed had been
done. There was no point in worrying any more.
Whatever would be, would be.

We lay in each other arms spent and satisfied,
his weapon quieter, but still inside me. I felt
his juices seeping from me, those that I hadn’t
sucked into me. But it wasn’t the last of his
come to be pumped into me that night.

Three more times he filled me as we fucked our
way through the small hours, as I devoured him
hungrily again and again. Then, to sate the
dregs of my lust and lovingly conclude his
silent invasion of the innermost parts of my
body, I closed my mouth once more over the
beautiful head of his spurting babymaker to
sample the nectar that would probably make me

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