Watching husband 2.

“Well, you don’t look as bad as your head feels!” Tim mumbled looking
at himself in the bathroom mirror as he brushed his teeth. Kate was sure
knocked out, too. She was still asleep! Fine way to start out their
first day of work, he thought. As he shaved rapidly he tried to remember
just how he had gotten to bed the night before, but the details were very
“Oh, well, I can only hope that I didn’t make too much of a fool out
of myself!”
He heard something like a soft tinkling bell coming from the other
room …
“What the…” he put down his razor and went through the bedroom
where Kate was still deep under the covers and into the living room of
their suite. The tinkling sounded again and he realized that someone was
at the door. He adjusted his robe and undid the latch.
“Well, good morning!” Dot looked up at Tim’s half-shaven face with
amusement. She put her hand up to her mouth in an effort to stifle a
giggle. “Sam asked me to bring you this …” her words came out in a
thick but charming French accent, as she proffered a small tray containing
a large goblet of a murky looking liquid.
“He says, it tastes God awful, but you’ll thank him later!”
Tim reached out and took a sip of the drink while Dot stood watching.
“Some service!” he thought, taking in Dot’s low neck-lined sweater
that offered up two plump twin globes like juicy melons. Her skirt was so
short he could swear he’d seen her behind when she turned around.
“Pthah!” he almost gagged on the strange drink, but managed to get
some of it down. Dot doubled up with laughter and Tim’s displeasure with
the drink was not enough to make him fail to notice that her breasts
almost popped out of her sweater when she laughed. God, she’s not wearing
any bra, he thought … and with knockers that size!
“It leaves something to be desired,” he told her about the drink.
“But I’ll take it … thanks …”
“Oh, yes, and Sam also said to just get acquainted with the grounds
.. look around. He will not be back until tomorrow … away on business
.. but Crockett will be able to give you a lot of information also … I
will be happy to be of help!”
“And I will be happy to have you help me!” Tim answered, mocking
Dot’s accent.
“Good!” she said, giving him a flirtatious wink as she turned to walk
Tim stood in the doorway so he could watch her go down the hall, and
Dot, knowing that he was watching, turned and smiled at him. “I will meet
you at the greenhouse at three.”
“It’s a deal …” Tim called after her, thinking what a cute little
ass she had.
He went back into the bathroom to finish his shave and when Kate
still hadn’t awakened when he had finished he decided it was time to get
her up …
“Hey honey …” he shook her gently … “Come on, it’s almost noon!”
“MNnnnnnn,” Kate groaned and turned over. “I don’t feel well. Tim
“Too much to drink, eh? Well … Sam sent me up some stuff … maybe
you want some too … supposed to be good for a hangover!”
Kate remained silent. Sam’s name was enough to freeze her in a kind
of catatonic state. The horror she felt about what had happened the night
before was too great for her to be able to face up to it as yet. It had
almost been daylight when she had finally left the library and wearily and
trembling with fatigue had sneaked into bed beside her husband. How could
she explain to herself what had happened? Her thighs and calves were
still sore from being wound about Sam’s neck for so long, and there was a
throbbing ache between her legs that reminded her of the excruciating
pleasures that had been torn from her far into the night. How could she
ever have let such a thing happen? She could barely look Tim in the face,
afraid that her eyes would tell what had happened.
“Say … I didn’t pass out in the library last night, did I?” Tim
asked, handing his wife the tall goblet that Dot had given him.
“Uh … no … You were just a little groggy, that’s all,” Kate
answered, preoccupied with her own problems. She took a sip of the drink.
“Ugh …! It’s awful … what is it …?”
“Something Sam sent up … I told you. He’s gone out of town until
tomorrow, but he sent it up before he left.”
Tim was looking in the mirror adjusting a new turtleneck sweater that
he had bought especially for the country life. “He says we should just
get familiar with the place today … what a guy! I gotta hand it to you
honey … this is really a far out deal!”
Kate took another sip of the foul-tasting drink. Her head did seem
to be clearing some. At least Sam was away … she wouldn’t have to face
him that day anyway.
“Honey, I’m going downstairs and start looking around … You take
your time … I guess you just let Pierre know when you want something to
eat. I’ll see you later!” He pecked Kate on the cheek and hurried out
the door, scarcely waiting for a reply.
Kate sat up in the big double bed with its soft down pillows and
burst out crying. She was so ashamed she didn’t know what to do and Tim’s
enthusiasm made everything still worse! Huge sobs wracked her body as the
tears kept coming.
As new images of the depravity she had indulged in came popping into
her mind, her tears renewed themselves, multiplying and cascading down to
the pale pillow case.

* * *

Tim had had a very agreeable discussion with Crockett who had shown
him the inner workings of Dagon Manor from the huge furnace to the
enormous attic. He had taken him down by the stable to introduce him to
the stable hands who lived in bunkers and to the more than thirty
beautiful horses there. The ruddy cheeked old man enjoyed telling him
stories of the way the place had been in the ‘old days’ but he agreed that
young Sam Dagon wasn’t doing a bad job of keeping up the old traditions.
Crockett also showed Tim the area that he might wish to use as office
space, just below the suite he and Kate had and looking directly out into
the pool. There he found all the pertinent data concerning employees who
came in daily or on a weekly basis; when the floors were waxed; the linen
sent out, etc. Some of this he realized would come under Kate’s domain
and these things he put aside.
He had lunch in the office by himself after discovering that Kate
planned to remain in her room upstairs most of the day . Women! He would
never understand them. Here they were in the best set-up that anyone
could imagine and she was moping about upstairs! He hoped she would
straighten out by the time Sam got back the next day!
When he had rearranged some of the priceless furniture that filled
his new office, Tim looked at his watch and saw that it was almost three
o’clock. He didn’t want to pass up his appointment with Dot! He opened
the leaded glass windows and stepped onto the terrace of the swimming
pool, walked around it and down a grassy sloping hill to the greenhouse.
The fresh California air filled Tim’s lungs and he felt good …
better than he had felt in ages … This is the life, he thought … this
is really the life! … Tomorrow he would get out his typewriter and
start working … it was going to be a beautiful summer … just
As he neared the greenhouse, he let out his characteristic low
whistle. “Speaking of beautiful!” he said out loud.
Dot was sitting on the grass by the door of the greenhouse waiting
for him. She wore a different outfit from the one she had had on that
morning … but it was every bit as brief, if not more so. A tight red
sweater with matching skirt that barely came to the tops of her thighs.
As Tim approached, he could see that she was wearing matching red panties
underneath the skirt.
Pity, he thought.
“Bonjour!” Dot smiled up at him, her eyes squinted from the sun
shining directly over Tim’s shoulder.
“I’m afraid I don’t speak any French …” Tim began, sitting down
beside her.
“Good!” she answered …” I will teach you then … we will start
out with bonjour … O.K.?” Her laughter swelled pleasantly and resounded
over the surrounding meadows.
Tim looked at the girl carefully. Her dark hair was clipped closely
to her head so that she looked like an elf, with her little uptilted nose
and big wide black eyes.
“I think you’re making fun of me!”
“Of course! Why not? That is why we are here … Is is not?”
Taken aback Tim answered good-naturedly, “I guess so … Yes, I
guess so!” He wondered if she was Sam Dagon’s girl … probably so, he
“You are wondering if I belong to Monsieur Sam, are you not?”
Tim jumped … what was she, a damned mind-reader? “Well, I was
thinking …”
“You don’t have to think. I will tell you what you want to know …
just say what you have in your head. You are very handsome … I like
your hair!” Her hand went up to ruffle lightly through Tim’s hair. Her
eyes glinted devilishly, and Tim knew she was enjoying playing with him.
She reminded him of a young kitten.
“Say … why are you called Dot? That’s not French.”
“Monsieur Sam … he thought it fit me … My real name is Marie-
Claire. Would you like to take a walk?” she asked suddenly. “And I can
show you the gardens … a beautiful day like this … you will want to
see all the flowers!” She jumped up and began walking slowly in front of
him, her pert hips swaying saucily as she bounced jauntily along. Tim got
to his feet and followed her toward the high hedges of the English garden.
By the time they entered the garden Tim had gotten a wonderful
enlightening vision of Dot’s full, voluptuous young buttocks.
His mind was full of vague questions about her. He wondered if she
was really as provocative as she seemed, or if she was just playing a
game. Also, if she was Sam’s girl? … But they were in the midst of a
fabulous garden of high thick hedges now, and Tim looked about him
curiously. He had seen pictures of gardens like this, but never the real
thing. It was overpowering. They passed through the rose garden’s sweet
smelling profusion and went on to the beginnings of another high-hedged
Dot turned to him, smiling broadly … “It is a maze! Pretty,
n’est-ce-pas? Come on!” She grabbed his hand and led him deep into the
maze of hedges until Tim was no longer sure which way was the way out.
Then after a few minutes of walking, she suddenly stopped short.
“Ooooh!” she cried, beginning to hop on one foot.
“What’s the matter?” Tim asked, catching up with her out of breath
from their breakneck pace through the hedges. ~ .
Dot leaned heavily against him. “Oh, it is my foot … I must have
twisted my ankle the wrong way!”
“Well … uh … don’t put any weight on it … here … let’s sit
down. I’ll have a look at it!”
They sat in a nook beside one of the many gravel paths and Tim took
Dot’s foot in his hand and tried to see if he could see anything wrong …
But before he could begin to examine the small fragile ankle, Dot threw
her arms around his neck and drew him toward her, toppling him over onto
her on the ground.
In his surprise, Tim hardly had time to protest, even if he had
wanted to. He did have a few brief moments of guilt, thinking about Kate
back at the house, upstairs in her room, but once Dot had inserted her
sharp little tongue between his lips, all he could think about was the
writhing young flesh that urged his own stirring body to respond.
His hands flew quickly to the two tempting breasts that he had had
his eyes on before. God she felt good. He had never had a French girl
before, and he could tell by the way his cock was standing at attention
that he was more than just curious to see what it would be like. They
were lying so that his thigh was pressed between her squirming legs, and
she bumped her pelvis up to him so that he could feel the unbearable
friction against his steadily hardening cock.
Dot pulled her mouth back from him. “MMMMmmmmmmmm!” she cooed …
“You are so nice … You get the idea right away!”
Tim tried to fight back a slight feeling of shock at her words. He
could hardly pretend he disapproved of what she was doing … since he was
going along so wholeheartedly … but, yet, deep down, he did in a way
that he didn’t really understand himself. He had both her breasts in his
hands now, and he kneaded them hungrily, enjoying the cushiony feel of the
little conical mountains of pleasure. He pushed his hands beneath her
sweater and glided over her warm, naked skin to the tightened balls of her
nipples and grabbed them between nervous fingers.
Dot pulled him ever tighter to her, running her small eager hands
over his back, exploring the hard muscle and bone of him. Tim could feel
the tense cords of her thighs pulsing against his hips, and in a frenzy of
passion, he forced his hands beneath her straining buttocks, feeling the
rippling sinew beneath her softness.
“O.K., honey …” he muttered between clenched teeth … “Whatever
you want!” he groaned as his hands were pulling down the small red panties
that stood between him and paradise. Then the flatness of her belly was
wriggling up close to him, her long nails tearing along his back beneath
his sweater. Now his hands were cupping the nakedness of her ass as he
strained the opening of her crotch ever closer to his hardening cock.
With a flick of one hand he swiftly pulled down the zipper of his fly and
let his stiff prick bob out to meet Dot’s willing flesh.
“Mmmmmmmmm!” he heard her moan as the hot tip of his cock touched
between her legs…”Quel homme!…” His hand shoved into the wet
sensitive slit of her pussy, wallowing in the heat of the gently throbbing
“Oh, honey …” he panted, “that’s nice!”
The French girl moaned softly beneath him, mewling soft words in
French that he knew by instinct were words of encouragement.
Her hips were jiggling and her ass was revolving in a lewd invitation
that made his cock jump wildly against her widespread crotch, grazing his
still rummaging hand. Suddenly her long legs were wrapping around his
back and he could feel a small hand on his cock, rapidly positioning him
so that he was guided into the secret opening of her young. vibrant cunt.
“Vite! Vite!” she called, “quickly, my cheri … quickly!”
Tim groaned above her as he felt the smooth rubbery head of his cock
stuff into the tightness of the small girl’s gently throbbing pussy. It
seemed that it would never fit into her … but Dot continued to grunt and
push steadily up against him as the still rising cock parted the soft
silky hair of her vagina and the blood-filled head slowly sunk into the
warm wet depths of her cunt. As soon as Tim felt the elastic flesh of her
pussy giving away, he plunged headlong into her, entering with a wet,
slushing noise, the full length of his rigid member, jerking up until it
crashed hard against the very bottom of her hot young cunt.
Dot growled low and animal-like beneath him, and he watched her eyes
roll back in their sockets while her vagina seeped more wetness around his
rigid member, oiling the passage for him. She twisted her loins forcing
Tim’s cock to poke at her yearning insides from various angles.
God, it felt good! Tim could feel sweat standing out on his forehead
and he knew his sweater was going to be soaked, but with this little bitch
jumping around him like a wild filly he couldn’t have cared less. There
was an insane intensity about her that made his blood boil. It was all he
could do to keep from cumming right away into the bottom of that little
hell-hole of her cunt!
“Oh … yessssssss!” Dot hissed. “Yesssssss, fuck me … fuck me
Tim wondered who had taught her those words … Sam, he guessed.
Well, he’d give her a fucking she’d remember the next time Sam was on top
of her!
He skewered hard into her wide-spread cunt, forcing his long cock to
go deeper still and at the same time he pulled her buttocks up higher,
twisting them around savagely so that he could slap his balls up against
them as the blunt cudgel of his cock possessed her. He enjoyed the idea
of fucking another man’s woman. It seemed to make it feel even better,
and he was getting quite a sense of power out of Dot’s long low screams of
mixed pain and pleasure. His hips ground down onto her as with long
smooth strokes he pistoned like a maniac into her upturned pussy. He was
determined to fuck her within an inch of her life!
Dot moaned in an unending series of sounds under his pounding assault
and he knew he was getting the effect that he wanted as she desperately
opened and closed her legs around his back. An exquisite pleasure grew as
the silken sheath of her vagina slid back and forth over his thrusting
penis and the slapping sound he made each time he pinned her to the ground
echoed throughout the hedges around them. Well, she had asked him for it!
Now she was getting it. He flung himself down upon her once more, feeling
his cock expanding deeper and deeper inside the young French girl’s
flooded pussy.
“Ommmmph!” she moaned, the wind knocked out of her, and then, “oh,
harder, darling … oh, mon amour … harder!”
He could hardly believe his ears, “I’ll kill her if I fuck any
harder!” he thought. But still he pulled back out of her, leaving only
the very tip of his cock touching the small circle of muscle sphincter
that surrounded the entrance of her vagina, then sitting back on his
knees, he pulled her up, suspending her small well-built body over his
upstanding penis. Then he brought her entire body down savagely onto it,
spearing her brutally as hard as he could.
“Aaaaaaaagh!” she screamed … “Oh! Oui! C’est ca! That’s right,
that’s right!” she cried over and over as he continued to bring her down
to him, until he thought he would go mad. He was watching her pixie face
contort with the agony of her lust, her short hair all mussed and standing
out all over her head, face glistening with perspiration, while her cunt
seeped wetness down along the rigid shaft of his cock and onto her curly
pubic hairs that disappeared and reappeared as he swiftly skewered her
body up and down yoyo-like.
“Cheri, I’m cumming … cummmmmingggg!” she screamed suddenly,
flinging her head back and arching herself backwards so that Tim thought
they would almost topple over. The rough ground was cutting into his
knees and every muscle in his body ached as he continued to bring her
crashing down onto his almost bursting cock, but he was in a frenzy of
lewd excitement as Dot’s crotch squirmed on and around his rock-like
masculinity, her pink-stretched vaginal slit wide open for the battering
he was giving it.
Then he felt her explode around him, and she was a mass of
uncontrollable words and wriggles, shaking her body in an odd uninhibited
dance of abandon. She gurgled strangely, her hands and mouth all over
him, kissing, stroking, pulling, kneading, scratching, as her orgasm
invaded and overtook her entire being. He had never experienced anything
like it, it was all he could do to keep from filling her hot young belly
at the same time. But something told him it would be better if he waited
.. There was more he had in mind for her before they were through.
The French girl’s body seemed to convulse for a long time and then
was finally still. She lay slumped in Tim’s arms, getting her breath
back, while his long cock still pulsed quietly deep up inside her
quivering cunt.
“Aaaaah!” she moaned, sliding backwards as Tim released his hold on
her. He pulled out of her pussy, his hardness still aching along the
warm, wet corridor. He was about to flip her over on her belly to take
her the way he had done his wife the other day, when Dot reached up and
grabbed hold of his cock. He almost shot a stream of sperm right into the
air, but was able to hold himself back again, when he saw that she was
pulling herself up to her knees.
“Hey … what!” His mouth remaining hanging open as Dot slowly began
to run her tongue along the smooth head of his swollen cock making a
burning circle along the sensitive surface.
“Oh, God!” he murmured as the warmth of her breath enveloped his rod
and Dot’s hands began to play along the full length of it. Then she took
small licks at the engorged bluntness of its head, like she was licking at
a candy bar.
“Oh, my God!” he repeated as the delicious sensation rose steadily
inside his tormented cock. “Your mouth feels like hot butter.”
Her fingers were working steadily at his thick foreskin, pulling it
back and forth almost to the top of his cock and then letting it slide
back so that his hardened penis arched tautly into her waiting mouth.
Then her lips smothered his entire cock, and her head moved with great
deliberation downward, allowing the full length of his disappearing rod to
be engulfed by her mouth .
Tim’s hard long prick lay trapped by the smooth encasement of Dot’s
mouth and throat. He could feel the sharp tantalizing edges of her teeth
as they toyed with the bulk of his shaft.
“Ooooooh!” he moaned. He had never imagined that she would be doing
this to him. If only he could get Kate to do it, then he would have it
made! God, she really knew what she was doing! He could see the top of
her head moving up and down, and every now and then when she came up, she
would look up at him as if to make sure that he was enjoying it.
The hot, wet contact of her mouth manipulated him expertly and he
kept wondering how she was getting the full length of him so far inside
her throat without choking. She sucked hard and then soft, dry and then
wet, until Tim felt himself tingling from the tip of his toes to the top
of his head. He wondered if there would be anything left of him once she
had finished.
When he could bear it no more, he grabbed her small dark head in his
hands with a low growl of lust, and, pushing his pelvis up, he rammed the
spongy head of his cock so far into the depths of her throat that he could
feel her jaws straining to accommodate it, and she sputtered, choking with
the bulk of it. But he held on tight. He could feel the semen coming
from far away, coming fast as his body was inundated with the liquid heat
of orgasm.
“Yeah! Yeah!” he cried as he plunged obscenely into her wide open
mouth. “Oh, suck it, baby … suck it!” And with one last back-breaking
thrust he jammed his jerking cock into her mouth and when it had touched
the very back of her throat he spewed forth stream after stream of the hot
liquid semen deep down into the gulping recess of her choking gullet.

=01 Chapter 5

“Good-bye Kate … Be seeing you soon,” Sam Dagon put the receiver
down softly in its cradle. She was working out just fine. He had been
right about staying away. It had been two weeks since that night in the
library, and his absence had enabled her to get over the initial shock of
her first night at Dagon Manor.
He put a match to the tip of one of his specially blended cigars and
leaned back to watch the evening news on the color TV in his suite at the
Fairlaine. His business had been completed days ago, but as he was
particularly anxious to have his plans for Kate work out just as smoothly
as possible, he remained in San Francisco a little while longer.
Giving her the party to organize had been a stroke of genius, he
thought. He had figured that that would be just the kind of thing she’d
like and he was right.
The phone rang, and he reached out to pick it up. “Yes … Send her
right up …” he said.
A few minutes later Dot was sitting dutifully on Sam’s lap while his
hand searched beneath her short black skirt.
“Tell me more Dot … he urged her as his hand explored higher.
“Tell me all about that husband of hers … There’s a good girl!”

* * *

The cigarette had burned down only about half way before Kate took a
long drag on it and stubbed it out.
“God…” she thought… “Everyone else has stopped smoking and here
I am, just taking it up! What’s wrong with me?”
She looked around the large room that both she and Tim had been using
as an office for the last two weeks. She never ceased to be impressed by
its beauty and its elegance … but her mind was still often preoccupied
with Sam Dagon. What a strange man he was! She hadn’t even seen him
since that first night. Thank heavens! And yet his ghost seemed to lurk
around every corner of the house. But he had called every day to give her
complete instructions about what he wanted her to do, acting as if nothing
had ever happened between them.
It had been puzzling to say the least, but gradually Kate had begun
to forget some of the horror she had felt that night, replacing it with a
growing interest in the workings of the huge household. She found that
she actually had a lot to do at the beginning… There were many things
that she wanted to change according to her own likings and there were many
files that needed reorganizing at the start. But she could see that once
that part was taken care of she would only have about two or three hours
of real work a day.
She had originally thought of quitting but Tim was so taken with the
place and caught up in what he was doing, that she knew it would be no use
suggesting to him that they leave … without telling him the whole truth
about what had transpired that night in the library … and that she could
never do!
But something seemed to be wrong between them anyway … something
that she couldn’t fathom. Tim had been treating her with an almost
alarming degree of flippancy for the past two weeks since they had been
there, and she didn’t know why or what to do about it. He seemed
perfectly happy, even ecstatic at times about being in the country and
having the entire place mostly to themselves the majority of the time, but
whenever they were alone together at night he either ignored her or was
down right rude to her. Even her prettiest nightgown didn’t seem to help.
She tried to focus all her attention on the upcoming party. Sam had
made it clear on the phone that she was somehow being tested by the way
she organized this affair and she had been busy for days calling people
and sending notes, using phone numbers and addresses from Dagon’s private
files. Some of the names of the people had really surprised her. Movie
stars, politicians, people in the public eye that she had never expected
to meet in this lifetime were all invited and so far all of those she had
reached had seemed overjoyed at the prospect of a Party at Sam Dagon’s.
Apparently he gave one big bash every year… and all his friends looked
forward to it with great anticipation.
At Sam’s bidding, Kate drove into San Francisco one day to purchase
several hundred dollars worth of clothes from I. Magnin’s and including a
special dress for the party. He had insisted she drive the new Maserati
he had just bought and, feeling a little self-conscious, she had complied.
What an incredible feeling it had been. She had never in her life been
able to go into a store like that and know that she could have just about
any dress she looked at! She had returned to the house and spread them
all out for Tim to see, but he had just grunted and gone off to look at
something “of importance” he said. So Kate had taken the clothes upstairs
and tried them all on, one by one in front of the bedroom mirror.
Time passed swiftly and Kate consulted daily with Pierre about the
party menu and helped him to do the ordering. Help had to be hired for
the party itself, bartenders, waiters and the like and Kate attended to
that. She had come a long way from waiting on tables at Alfie’s!
But at night she slept poorly, beside a snoring Tim, spread out on
his back so that she couldn’t even hug him. They had made love two times
since their arrival at the Manor, but each time, Tim had seemed distant
and almost bored. Only the excitement of the party kept her from bogging
down completely in a deep depression. That night she would be beautiful,
irresistible … strong. Sam was expected back that morning and she would
be strong enough to face him, too. An odd curiosity about him had begun
to grow inside her especially since Tim had been almost totally neglecting
to recognize her as a woman recently. At least there was no doubt as far
as that was concerned about Sam Dagon! Her face reddened at the thought
of it!
The night before the party when she had longed to have Tim take her
in his arms to hold her to him, at least, and tell her what a good job she
was doing… Tim pleaded exhaustion and fell asleep almost the minute his
head hit the pillows. She knew he couldn’t be that exhausted! There just
wasn’t that much work that he had to do! She turned away and softly cried
into the pillow beside his sleeping form, feeling pangs of frustration
build in her body. Eventually her thoughts unwillingly turned to Sam
Dagon. And equally unwillingly her hand went down to the soft vaginal
slit between her thighs where it fingered until she suddenly sighed, her
clitoris gently quivering in a tremulous climax, Kate fell off to a
troubled sleep.

* * *

The living room was humming. It was only ten-thirty and already
scores of people had arrived as Kate stood near the door watching,
welcoming those who entered while a special guard who attended all of
Dagon’s parties dressed in black tie, stood at her side and carefully
surveyed the arrivals for any uninvited interlopers.
Kate was resplendent in her new brocade dress that fit every curve of
her body to perfection. Her long legs and thighs were appealingly
revealed by its short skirt. The deep burgundy and gold color set off her
shining blonde hair to perfection. She felt highly nervous, but strangely
in her element. She knew that she was just as beautiful as the most
beautiful women who were arriving, some of them international movie stars!
And the fact that she had arranged everything made her proud. After a
while she began to relax more and to circulate among the guests. She had
hardly seen Sam since his arrival early that morning. He had stayed in
his rooms and only came down once the party had begun. It seemed odd that
he didn’t want to have more to do with his own party than that, but it
occurred to her that perhaps he trusted her to have made everything the
way he had asked.
It looked as though it was going to be quite a party. Music from a
famous rock hand floated in from the terrace where beautiful people danced
frantically beside the pool. Kate passed from group to group, watching as
longhaired youths mixed with staid matrons and young girls flirted with
old bearded gentlemen. One famous politician seemed just about ready to
pounce on a young girl near the piano. The crowd was swelling by the
minute and Kate was happily caught up in the mad swirl of human bodies,
smoking, drinking, laughing loudly about her. Several young men tried to
flirt with her and someone pinched her, but she was unable to make out
just who it was from the row of smiling faces behind her. She realized
that she hadn’t seen Tim in some time, and her feeling of sadness returned
to her, full force. She began looking for him, moving from room to room.
He wasn’t out on the terrace or in the large dining room where the guests
were enjoying a buffet dinner of chateaubriand made to order with onions
and capers or oysters, lobsters, clams on the half shell, roasted
ducklings, every vegetable imaginable, raw and exquisitely prepared by
Chef Pierre. Waiters circulated with trays of drinks which they got from
the well-stocked bar which had been set up in the dining room.
There was only one other place that Kate hoped to find Tim and that
was downstairs in the cave discotheque. She descended the round circular
staircase to the strains of Sympathy for the Devil by the Rolling Stones,
playing very loud through the many speakers. Then, she stood poised at
the rounded entranceway to the small room. Smoke was curling toward the
ceiling and there were so many people dancing that she could hardly make
out a face. She sniffed. That smoke certainly did smell strange …
someone must be smoking a strange kind of cigarette, she thought. Then
she thought she made out Tim’s tall form over toward a corner of the room.
Yes, it was Tim … she started to wave to him … but then she realized
that he would never see her through all those people. She stepped down
another step, preparing to go in to talk to him, and then she saw that he
was bending over… Horrified, she watched as he kissed hungrily the
upturned face of a young girl. The girl was Dot!
Kate stood there a moment, her mouth hanging wide in shock. But
suddenly in a flash, everything was very clear … why Tim had been acting
so strangely for the last two weeks … why he was so tired at night! She
could see him clutching at the young French girl as though his life
depended on her, holding her low, his hands massaging her behind as they
began to move in a slow rhythm to the insinuating music.
Kate turned and ran back up the stairs, hurriedly passing laughing
couples who were on their way down to the cave. When she reached the main
floor, she had no idea where she was going to go. She couldn’t stay at
the party the way she felt … it was as if her world had come to an end.
Her marriage, her life … everything she had looked forward to as a
little girl was gone. She continued to push past people on her way to the
main stairway … she just had to go to her room to lie down. Every happy
face she saw now, was a reminder of the ugly image of Tim and Dot …
kissing obscenely there in front of everyone. What did he care if anyone
saw him? It was just ghastly … memories of Dot’s smug little smile came
back to her. She had always thought that that was just the girl’s manner
.. but now she knew that she was mocking her all along, making love to
her husband right underneath her nose! And Tim … A fury rose beneath
the pain and seemed to stick like a big lump in her throat.
A blur of faces converged on her and a group of playful people
grabbed her up, making a circle around her, just as she was about to go up
the stairs.
“What’s the secret password?” they shouted … “The password!”
“Let me go!” Kate implored, trying hard to hold back her tears.
“That’s it … that’s the password!” a young girl screamed and they
all laughed and let her loose.
Kate flew up the stairs and to the relative quiet of the second
floor. Only a few more steps and she would be inside. She planned to
lock the door and to never come out. She would pack her things, just the
ones she had come with and she would leave …
But just as she was turning the door handle to their apartment a
voice called out to her.
“Kate! What’s wrong? Why aren’t you downstairs?”
Kate turned to face Sam Dagon. Him! Of all people she wanted to see
now … he was the last! He had hardly spoken two words to her that day
and now he had to talk! She turned away.
“Leave me alone … Please … just leave me alone!”

* * *

“This weed sure is nice!” Tim pulled Dot still closer to him and did
a lewd imitation of the latest dance step. Around them in the tiny
“discotheque” couples embraced, some were wildly necking on the sofa that
lined the dark room. Dot slowly pulled Tim over to one of the sofas, and
he let himself be led. The smell of marijuana was thick in the enclosure
of the cave, adding to the euphoric sensation he was experiencing. He lay
back on the fur covered couch and closed his eyes, pulling Dot down on top
of him.
He could hear little soft moans every now and then coming from the
couches around him and it began to dawn on him that the group in the small
cave was going to turn into an orgy. Excitement sparked through him as
Dot’s hands went tentatively down to his already bulging crotch. He had
never participated in a real orgy although he’d always wanted to … and
now he was going to get a chance! Then, vaguely, he remembered Kate …
He hadn’t really thought about her since he’d been downstairs … what if
she were to come down and find him?
“Hey, baby…” he mumbled in Dot’s ear. “This looks like it’s gonna
turn into a real thing!”
“Of course,” Dot said … “It is understood … all those that come
down here …” Her hand rubbed in slow motion at the bulk of his cock
beneath the material of his pants. “Do not worry, mon cher … They are
closing the door now … no one else will come!”
Tim breathed a sigh of relief and cast a glance around the smoky
room. It seemed as though he had been down there forever … It was
wonderful! Some of the most beautiful women he had ever seen were there
.. and now many of them were partially undressed.
“Oh, brother!” he said … He couldn’t believe his luck. Ever since
he had been at Dagon Manor, things had been going his way. And it was
about time. True, he hadn’t done much writing, but that would come …
there was plenty of time, he reasoned. Besides, his outlook on life was
changing so much that he might want to write about something completely
different. It would take time to think it out.
Dot had been taking up every spare moment he had since that first day
in the maze of hedges. He had never even dreamed that one woman could
think of so many different ways to do it! Whoever started that stuff
about French girls knew what he was talking about. What really got him
though was that she wasn’t jealous. He could tell she was crazy about him
and yet she was always talking about other girls to him, asking him about
what he did and what he liked to do. It was exciting as hell! And now
she finally pulled through with an orgy.
It’s a good thing Kate is all hepped up about her new job, he
thought. It annoyed him to see her changing, wearing all those fancy
clothes and acting so damned efficient, but at the same time, he couldn’t
really complain … It gave him more time to be with Dot.
Tim’s fly was unzipped now and his big cock rose obscenely from his
pants, while Dot’s hand playfully moved up and down the smoothness of its
As his thoughts grew more and more vague, Tim abandoned himself
willingly to the erotic French girl. He could hear the unmistakable
sounds of love-making coming from assorted couples around him, and he knew
he would be good for as many combinations as they could throw at him. His
hand slipped up the back of Dot’s dress and encountered her bare flesh. A
shiver went through his body as his cock jerked wildly in Dot’s hand. She
wasn’t wearing any pants!

* * *

“Well, tomorrow is your birthday, isn’t it?” Sam Dagon lit the last
candle on the huge cake that he had prepared. “And it is now …” he
paused looking at his pocket watch, “two minutes to midnight. We can
begin the celebration very shortly. I can’t tell you how worried I was
that I wouldn’t locate you before midnight!”
“Sam … this is so … strange …” Kate felt her flesh crawling …
He had insisted on bringing her to this room in a wing of the house that
she had never seen. Her protests had done no good whatsoever and she had
had to swallow her tears and follow him down the hall and up the back
stairs. They had passed some members of the party who were wandering
about the house and they had wished them a pleasant evening. Kate was
upset and embarrassed because she knew that they thought that she and Sam
were lovers. The room was filled with gaily wrapped packages and in the
center of it stood a large oak table spread with every delicacy
imaginable, including the birthday cake.
“But I don’t even remember telling you …”
“But you did … We all forget things sometimes … Don’t worry
about it. What is important is that we enjoy this life while we are still
among the living!” Sam deftly opened the champagne bottle and filled two
crystal glasses to the brim.
Kate took hers, her hand trembling when she touched the slender
stemmed glass to her lips.
It was all too confusing. She just didn’t understand anything
anymore. The more she thought about Tim downstairs with that girl, the
angrier she got. And heaven knew what they were doing by this time! And
now this! She looked around her… all those packages couldn’t be for her
.. It didn’t make any sense. It was true her birthday was the next day
.. and she was almost sure that Tim had forgotten … God! They hadn’t
even been married a year.
The champagne sparkled its way down her throat and hit her stomach.
She realized that she hadn’t had anything to eat at all that day. The
party preparations had taken every moment she had and she was too nervous
to eat anyway.
“Kate … I want to tell you how very pleased I am with what you’ve
done. You’ve done an excellent job. I have had other assistants … but
none with your … how shall I put it? … flair.”
Sam Dagon sat comfortably across from Kate watching her carefully.
He guessed what had happened that had upset her so. All he didn’t know
was at what point in the discotheque orgy she had caught Tim.
Well, he would make her stop thinking about that soon enough, he
“I’m sorry you’ve had to go through these few rough days, my dear,”
he said, knowing his words would have a double meaning for her … “But I
assure you, it will be smooth sailing from now on in!”
Kate looked at Sam over the top of her glass. The champagne was
making her feel a little better. If he only knew just how rough it had
been, she thought. What kind of man are you anyway … she thought.
Something akin to hatred passed through her at the sight of Dagon’s self-
assurance. What problems did he have? With all his money he could pay
people to have problems for him!
And yet, it was hard not to admire his looks, his poise. It was very
hard for her not to think about those packages … and not to be impressed
by the fact that he had chosen to remember her birthday in such a
grandiose manner. A far cry from Tim … She downed the rest of the
champagne in the glass defiantly … Well, she thought … If Tim was
going to have a good time … she was too! Darn him anyway! Why should
she suffer for a no good louse. Her mother’s words swam through her head
as though carried on a stream of champagne … “I hope he doesn’t turn
out to be no-good … oh, still unemployed … remember your health … I
hope he’ll take good care of you …”
Her mother would like Sam Dagon … she thought, looking up at him
again as he refilled her glass. He had every thing she had always told
her to look for in a husband … money, position, power, looks … and all
the things she had studiously avoided looking for … love was what she
had wanted … love … disregarding all other considerations.
But, it was Sam Dagon who had done that horrible, ugly sexual thing
to her! The memory of his head buried between her parted thighs surged
into her head and she almost choked as she tried to swallow.
Sam jumped up and patted her forcefully on the back.
“Don’t touch me …” she cried, standing up and moving away from him.
Sam looked surprised. “Of course not,” he said. “Please … sit
back down. You can’t blame me though, for thinking that perhaps you might
like me to touch you?”
He stared directly into her eyes, forcing her by sheer will power to
look at him. Forcing her to remember each little detail of her position
that evening in the library.
“Of course,” he continued, “perhaps you prefer my tongue.” He said
it flatly and without expression and watched Kate sit frozen to her seat,
a pained expression on her face.
“You know, Kate,” he said, “I know you pretty well.” He paused.
“Perhaps even better than you know yourself.”
Kate felt her blood run cold. It’s true, she thought … every word
he says is true. His eyes continued to hold her’s hypnotically and
watched, terrified, as Sam rose once more from his seat and approached
her. She did not know if she would have the strength to resist him …
and yet she knew she must. Had anyone ever resisted him? It seemed as
though it would take a will of iron the way she felt at that moment. His
piercing dark eyes allowed no weakness of hers to go unnoticed. He had
seen it all!
“Gemini …” he was saying … “You’re a Gemini … I am well aware
of the dual nature of your horoscope … Oh … that’s right, you’re an
unbeliever, aren’t you? Well … It’s just a little hobby of mine …
but at times it’s amazingly accurate. In your case, for example … But
we will talk of all this later … Now there are other … more important
things to take care of …”
Sam took hold of Kate’s hand and she rose, following him, dreamlike,
thinking all along … Oh, my God … Oh, my God! The champagne was
making her feel dizzy and her thoughts were muddled. She knew that
something was about to happen … something that would change her life
forever … and yet there was nothing she could do to stop it.
Circumstances had conspired to trap her in this position and now she would
have to follow through on it. It was all so unreal, and suddenly she
understood those stories of women who found themselves fatally attracted
to men they would never ordinarily dream of being involved with.
In spite of this, something inside her kept suggesting that maybe she
did want to change her entire life. If it was so hard the other way …
if the husband she had loved so dearly could do this to her … perhaps
there were other values after all.
The candlelight flickered as she and Sam left the table. He led her
to a door that she hadn’t noticed before, and, opening it, led her inside.
She knew before they got in what would be on the other side. A huge bed,
covered with a beautiful brocade spread … that and a deep pile rug were
the only things in the room.
They stood silently before the bed, and then Kate looked up at Sam.
He gazed down at her and squeezed her hand slightly as if to reassure her.
Suddenly she felt like the most beautiful, most desirable woman in
the world. Perhaps, she mused, as delicate tremors of excitement began to
race through her, she had been wrong to turn down all those passes that
customers had made at her.
Sam bent down and pulled her into his arms, crushing her yielding,
voluptuous body to him and pressing his mouth to hers. The memory of what
his kiss was like returned instantly and she knew that she had missed it.
Missed the taste and smell of him. She thrust her tongue back sharply
into the wet cavern of his mouth, breathing deeply as he kissed her back
with animal-like passion. Her hurt and humiliation were gone and there
seemed that nothing else existed but this place, this time, this man
holding her so tightly … with more tenderness and yet more strength than
her husband had ever shown her.
Slowly Sam began to undress her, removing the new dress that fit her
so snugly with gentle hands. Next came her bra, releasing the large firm
breasts to the touch of his experienced hands. He slipped down her
panties and when she got to her feet, helped her step out of them. He
reached up and undid her golden hair letting it fall to her shoulders, and
soon she was standing nude before him with the exception of her garter
belt, stockings and high heels.
He looked her over carefully. She looked even better than he had
thought. The rosy tint of her skin glowed softly in the candlelight as he
led her to the bed.
“Lie down,” he said in a hoarse whisper. “Please,” Kate felt her
entire body burning with a new kind of heat at the sound of his voice.
She was going to give herself to this man. She was going to voluntarily
commit adultery with him! It was going to happen now … in just a few
seconds on this very bed. And she knew that she had never wanted anything
so badly in her life before.
She lay back, feeling the cool of the air caressing her unclothed
body. He was looking at her nakedness, she knew, and yet she felt no
shame, only a steadily rising excitement that she could hardly contain.
Sam undressed at the foot of the bed, never taking his eyes off of
his prize for a moment.
You are everything and more that I have ever wanted, he said to her
mentally, and tonight I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked
His eyes roamed over the shininess of her undone hair spread out on
the dark coverlet of the bed, her cream-white shoulders and arms, the big
breasts that softly formed round curves upon her chest, the small waist
and well-rounded thighs … that soft tuft of pubic blondness below her
“You were made for loving, Kate,” he said aloud.
He was completely undressed now, standing before her. Kate looked up
at him. She couldn’t believe how beautiful he looked. She had never
thought a man could be really beautiful, but he was. His body was
perfectly proportioned with a muscularity that was hidden beneath a smooth
even complexioned skin. The dark curls of his hair repeated themselves
upon his chest, and his hips were slender. But then she saw that his
penis was growing in size, even while she watched. It seemed to be
getting bigger and bigger and in a few moments it was standing out thick
and hard from his groin, like a huge, heavy spear. Her eyes grew round as
she looked, fascinated. She had never seen a penis so big! Actually she
had only seen her husband … and an occasional statue or photograph of a
naked man … and their penises had been soft. But he was far bigger than
Tim, bigger, longer and thicker.
My God, it was big!!
She was frightened all of a sudden at the thought that this lewd
instrument was going to attempt to get inside her. It was impossible …
it would never fit, she knew. It would never get inside her!
Sam was watching her expression and he guessed what she was going
“Is it big enough for you?” he asked, an amused smile playing on his
Kate gulped and tried to speak, but she couldn’t.
Sam stood for a moment longer, almost posing for her, letting her get
a good look at his rising cock. He could tell she was afraid. He had
seen that look before, and he knew that before long it would turn to
another kind of look.
He started toward her.
“Saa … Sam,” Kate stammered, having second thoughts now about the
whole thing … But she knew that it didn’t matter now what she said or
did, or how she felt about it. It was going to happen, and there was no
stopping it!
Sam crawled onto her outstretched body, letting himself down on her
gently, and pushing his tongue between her protesting lips. With his
thigh and knee he parted her legs, spreading them wide beneath him.
Crushed into the bed by his weight, feeling his tongue deep inside
her mouth, Kate lay quivering, half fearful, half out of her mind with a
tremulous anticipation. His enormous cock was resting against her thigh
and its warmth seemed to penetrate her leg.
“Wider, Kate, spread your legs wider …” he urged. And almost in
spite of herself she opened her thighs until her heels almost touched each
side of the bed.
Sam pulled himself up, arms stiff, resting on either side of her.
Then he took one hand and placed it between their legs, grasping his huge
cock in his fingers. Then he pushed it forward, prodding with the smooth
rubbery head at the pliant lips of Kate’s gently quivering pussy.
She closed her eyes tight and turned her head to one side. “Oh, no!”
she thought, shuddering at the contact … so personal … so odd …
soft and yet rock-hard against the pink sensitivity of the entrance to her
cunt. She didn’t dare to breathe, fearing she might hasten what was to
come. But it happened anyway.
“OOOOOOooooooooh!” she whimpered as she felt his prick began to push
at the tender opening.
“Aaaaaaaaagh!” He pushed again, harder this time, and the hard, red
head of his cock slipped a few centimeters into the tight ring of her
cunt. If she could have opened her legs wider, she could have relieved
the unbearable pressure his cock was exerting on her. But she couldn’t
open up anymore. “Oh, it hurts! It hurts …” she writhed, and tried to
squirm from beneath him, but he was too strong for her and held her fast,
crushing down onto her. “It’s too big …!” she screamed. “Please,
you’ll kill me … it’s too big!”
But when she opened her eyes to see if her employer was paying any
attention to her screams, she saw that there was a smile on his face. He
was enjoying her screams! She watched with horror as his expression
turned from one of pleasure to a contorted leer, and simultaneously, he
pulled back from her.
Sam Dagon couldn’t wait another minute. He had been patient all this
time. It had been months since he had first spotted Kate at Alfie’s …
with most women he would not have been this patient … but he wanted more
from Kate than just a moment’s passion. Much more.
He thrust his hips forward savagely and his big thick cock rammed
into her vagina, stretching the delicate tissues and surging into her,
pushing the soft yielding cuntal flesh ahead of it in rippling waves.
An expression of raw lust came over his features as he felt the tight
sheath of Kate’s pussy enclosing his cock. This sweet waitress that he
had watched for so long was now spread-eagled beneath him, pinned by his
giant hungry cock! God, it was wonderful! He kept pushing forward until
his cock could go no further and he stopped at the end of her wide
stretched pussy with a loud groan, as his balls smacked hard up against
Kate’s ass.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaglh … aaaaaaaaaa!” Kate waited in pain beneath him.
She felt as though her vagina were being torn to pieces and stretched
beyond repair. Nothing that big had ever been inside of her.
Sam’s enormous member throbbed deeply in her secret passage like some
huge battering ram. It lay sunk deep, touching the very tip of her pussy,
wide and hot, filling her everywhere. Sam remained still, his cock
pushing within its tight encasement, waiting for Kate’s pain to subside.
Gradually, as they both lay immobile, Kate became accustomed to the
huge spear of flesh that impaled her. It was a weird sensation and one
which allowed for no other thoughts.
“Oh, God,” she sobbed, “oh, God,” fearing to move an inch one way or
the other.
Then Sam nudged forward another few centimeters and she screamed
loudly again.
The hair that curled around her face was a mass of ringlets as
perspiration steamed from her forehead and she could feel the spread
beneath her damp and soggy from their combined moisture.
“Relax …” Sam breathed into her ear … “Let me feel all that
tension go out of you!”
“… I can’t,” Kate mumbled, tearfully.
“Yes … you can!” Sam throbbed his cock high up in her belly.
“Aaaaaaaaagh …” she cried out, but once the pain had subsided she
attempted to do as he said. There was nothing else to do … she would
try anything … anything that might make the pain less.
“When I name a part of your body you will relax it …” Sam said …
the muscles in his stomach now strained taut by the effort of holding
himself up with his arms. His hair fell over into her face as he spoke
down to her, his voice deep and smooth.
Kate listened, her mind a blur of thoughts … it was worse than when
she had been a virgin and Tim had first made love to her … much worse
.. and now Sam’s voice was droning into her ear …
“Head . . . neck … eyes … nose … lips …” She found herself
beginning to respond to his words and the different parts of her body
would relax themselves as he mentioned them. Her mind was being lulled as
she began to feel more and more comfortable. Every muscle in her vagina
relaxed at his bidding and Kate felt the welcome relief of the absence of
When Sam saw that the last bit of resistance was leaving her, he
smiled to himself. She was his … every bit of her was his.
The narrow tightness of her pussy was widening so that he could move
freely within her now, and he began moving with long smooth strokes,.
back and forth, slowly rocking the girl beneath him. Kate’s breasts
pushed against his chest, moved as his body rose and fell over her, and
now a hot spark was kindled low in her belly, as though something had to
replace the great pain she had felt, and that was it. Lust came creeping
from nowhere, revolving first in her ravaged cunt, everywhere that Sam’s
prick touched, every time he moved out and then back into her the flames
leapt higher, until she was lost in an obscene forest of desire.
His very hugeness was enough to make her feel as though she had been
incomplete before being filled this way. Even the agonizing pain now
seemed to have been a part of the wondrous sensation that was now
enveloping her. Chills ran up and down her spine as the rhythm of Sam’s
fucking increased and the gigantic member now began to beat harder at her
She began to emit a low groan of joy, while her body jerked
spasmodically in answer to Sam’s thrusts. She was groveling in the
pleasure that she felt, a servant, while he was the master. Her face
changed from her usual perpetual innocence to one of depravity and the
pole between her legs climbed ever higher into the burning pit of her
belly. Kate’s nostrils flared and her tongue searched out Sam’s mouth,
her hands drawing him closer to her.
“OH … oh … oh … OH!” she cried out with each smack of his cock
into her uptilted cunt. She arched her back and began to work her legs
against the bed as though she wanted to crawl up onto his back, as though
she wanted to devour him whole.
“It’s too good… too goooood!” she began to croon, ecstasy gaining
the upper hand.
“I thought it was too big!” Sam grunted above her… “Guess you were
Kate squirmed in uncontrollable abandon, the cords of her neck
standing out with the effort of her lust. If she had ever been anything
but Sam Dagon’s woman, she didn’t know it now. She could tell even in her
delicious unbelievable intensity again and again … as much as she could.
She had never dreamed that such delight was possible.
Sam worked mightily above her, changing his pace every so often from
short strokes to long strokes and back again,.like a musician working out
some staccato jazz beat. His hands toyed first with her bouncing breasts
and then went down to the sensitive folds of her pussy to tease the nub of
her wildly erect clitoris while his cock continued its relentless
battering between her wide stretched legs.
“OOoh ohhh llhhhhhhhhhhhh God …” she shivered, “oh, this …” she
didn’t get a chance to finish, for she caught her breath as the giant
orgasm reached her, strangling her words in her throat, as each hidden
recess of her cunt was caught up in the mushrooming explosion. Her
heaving breasts quivered against him as the wide open plane of her pussy
received the buffeting of his loins. Faster and faster he pumped into
her, slamming deep into her orgasm, driving her into an obscene jerking
“Ahah, ah ah ah aaaaaaaah!” she cried as the most soul rending orgasm
she had ever known descended upon her, wracking her body with great
convulsive sobs.
Sam sighed as he felt her coming apart beneath him. He too was at
the breaking point … his cock could take no more of her twisting and
screaming, her tight, wet, sucking cunt was sucking him dry.
“Aaaaaaaaaah! Yes!” he cried out, as he felt his hot sperm racing to
meet her own climactic juices.
“Yesssss! Oh God yesssss,” she half screamed as she felt the great
shooting jet of his hot, scalding sperm ricocheting around inside her
wildly contracting cunt like a great flood of undammed volcanic lava …

=01 Chapter 6

The two men in the next room watched with interest through the two
way mirror as Sam and Kate lay spent in each others arms. They had been
watching for some time and they each had undressed completely and were
anxiously holding their cocks in their hands.
“Whew … he sure gave it to her good …” the tall actor with the
mustache said.
“Yeah …” his agent answered … “I wonder when Sam wants us to
come in? I for one am more than ready now!” He rubbed his big cock
tenderly. “It’s starting to ache, Tule!”

* * *

When the two naked men walked into the room Kate was so shocked that
she couldn’t budge. She and Sam were still lounging on the big bed. He
had brought another champagne bottle in from the other room and they were
sipping the cooling drink. Kate had been gazing lovingly at Sam. How
else to explain what she had just been through other than to say it was
love. The word had not yet formed itself in her head. But she knew that
what she felt for Sam was something out of the ordinary, something
special. He had brought the gifts in … the packages that she had almost
forgotten, and they had opened them together, one by one. Rare perfumes,
portable television, two kinds of fur coats, a dark sable, a mink trench
coat … beautiful dresses that fit her perfectly … It was like
Christmas …
Then Sam had told her he had another present for her, and Tule Hasan
and his agent had walked in … nude!
Kate tried to cover herself with the spread when she got over the
initial shock of seeing one of her favorite movie stars in the same room
with her and naked! He looked so familiar though from having been in so
many movies that she had seen, that she couldn’t stop thinking that she
knew him very well.
The two men came and sat on the bed next to her, while Sam lay back
casually on the other side of her. Kate looked fearfully at Sam for some
explanation …
“All part of your present…” he murmured … “Remember what I
taught you, Kate … relax!”
“But … But I don’t understand …” she half cried … “I don’t
understand …”
Frightened, Kate looked at Tule’s eyes and saw that he was looking at
her hungrily. She tried to pull the covers up tighter, but she knew that
they had already seen everything.
“Don’t cover up that beautiful body,” Tule said, a lecherous glint
forming in his eyes. Kate clutched the spread even closer …
Kate turned back to Tule, who was sitting very close to her.
“Happy Birthday, honey,” he said. She was trying not to look at his
enormous hard-on.
“Sam…” she implored. But Sam got up slowly and yawned … “These
are my good friends, Kate …” he said. “I think you’ll enjoy them … I
know they’ll love you. From time to time you’ll be meeting other friends
.. We all have a mutually cooperative understanding.
Sam moved toward the door. “I’ll be back in a minute … Meanwhile
.. try to enjoy yourself, darling.”
The door closed quietly behind him and Kate looked at the back of it,
realizing that it meant her complete moral downfall. It was clear what
Tule Hasan and his friend wanted from her … but she knew she could never
go through with it … She looked around her … the floor was strewn
with wrapping paper. All the beautiful presents were cast about the
floor. It looked ugly and obscene to her. All the beginnings of
wonderful feeling that she had were shattered into bits.
She began to sob uncontrollably as Tule reached out to touch her.
“Come on, sweetheart … Most people think my puss is at the very
least interesting. I never saw a girl break down and cry before when they
knew they were getting me.”
Kate moved away from him on the bed in a futile attempt at
resistance, but Tule held her fast, his arm around her shoulder now in a
deceptively protective gesture.
Kate shuddered, within moments she knew that it was going to be all
over. She could already feel Tule’s breath on her neck … This famous
man was going to rape her … and this other man would probably do the
same. She recoiled in horror as Tule reached around and grasped her
breasts, tweaking at her nipples beneath the bedspread. She moaned and
turned her head to the side as she felt the touch of the other man on her
uncovered leg.
“My agent … Joel …” Tule said, by way of introduction. “Come on
now, sweetie,” he added … “Don’t be cold with us. You heard what Sam
said … we’re all in this thing together … so to speak … Friends.
Share and share alike!”
Joel’s fingers were running along the soft inside of her thigh and
Tule now held her fast around the arms. He took playful nibbles at her
neck and his head was going lower. She struggled, trying to get away but
all she succeeded in doing was to allow Joel’s fingers access to her naked
genitals, when she parted her tightly closed legs in a futile effort to
squirm away .
“Oh … That’s nice,” Joel said, his finger slipped to the moist
pink lips of her trembling pussy, toying eagerly with the wetness of
Dagon’s sperm still lying there.
“Please … don’t” she pleaded … “Please …” but it was too late.
The damage had been done and the lewd thick finger was slipping inside the
loose flesh, searching out the bud of her clitoris. She tried to squirm
down so that his finger could not move about, but it only made everything
worse. The covers had fallen away now and Tule had hold of her breasts
nimbly massaging the large orbs until he had forced the nipples into
Kate felt as though she had stepped into a nightmare. The red bud of
her clitoris was being deftly manipulated until it stood high among the
pink folds of her pussy, and Tule was pulling her down so that the other
man could have more room to work on her.
“Oh, Tule, baby … you should get your hand in this sweet little
pussy. She’s all wet from fuckin’ Sam … This little party was worth
flying up from L.A. for!”
“Well, I told you it would be, didn’t I?”
Kate began to scream, another vain attempt to get away from them.
Her ears were burning with the casual words of their conversation while
her body was being shamelessly plundered totally against her will.
“Cut that out. honey … Ain’t gonna do you no good!” Tule smiled
brilliantly down at her, his capped teeth glistening in the soft light,
his accent one for which he was widely celebrated.
“Keep it up, Joe,” he said … “She’ll be hot enough in a few
minutes. You saw how she was with Sam, man. How could anyone forget
Sam’s words came back to Kate … “Remember … relax …” Even
though she hated the thought of it, she was afraid that they would hurt
her if she continued to resist them, so she made an attempt to be calm.
She had read once about a girl who had fended off an attacker by remaining
completely calm throughout the whole thing. She tried to turn her mind to
something else, resist the moving finger probing in her vagina, the big
hands at her breasts, beginning to hurt now. But it was impossible.
“NONONONONONONO!” she screamed. “NO!” But still they continued.
How long had they been at her? Time seemed to have stopped … It was
going to go on forever! In one night her defenseless body was being
invaded by three different men! It was insane … unbelievable! And yet
it was true. The hand was playing in the blond hair-lined slit of her
cunt, teasing and slithering across her trembling flesh, moving vigorously
as if it had a life of its own. Her cries echoed throughout the room, but
she knew that no one would come to help her unless … there was the slim
chance that Sam would come back to save her … “Sam!” she screamed …
“Help me … Darling …” But now Tule’s lips were on hers forcing her
head back on the pillow. Joel stood up and pulled her legs about, opening
them wide so that she was once more spread-eagled on the bed.
“Man … she ‘s pretty!” Joel said … “Maybe we should get her a
“No …” Tule said, his voice thickened by lust … “NO … Sam
doesn’t want her to go that route.”
“Oh?” Joel pushed his hand into the widely parted split of Kate’s
cunt. “MMMmm!” he said … “YUM YUM!”
Tule clasped his throbbing cock, pulling the thick foreskin up and
down over the big bulging head.
“Joel … let me get down there where you are,” he said. “I gotta
get inside that little cunt.”
Joel moved aside. “It’s real nice, baby … real nice!”
Kate trembled. She had never been so vulnerable in her life. Tule
was kneeling on the bed before her, his eyes red with desire. Something
about him made her realize that he wasn’t going to be as gentle with her
as Joel. He had a meaner, more sadistic look to him.
His hand darted forward, sliding easily into the still hot, wet
opening of her cunt, causing Kate to moan as the long fingers searched way
up inside her burning pussy. Joel held her arms down and every now and
then bent over to shove his tongue down her throat or to pinch her already
sore nipples. His laughter echoed in her ears … while the obscene hand
churned about inside her, roughly fingering the inner lining of her tight
vaginal passage.
Her firm, smooth flesh trembled involuntarily as the ugly feel of
Tule’s hand began to turn to a dormant desire.. It was something that
made her almost sick to her stomach. Unmistakable fires were building
deep inside her besieged pussy. It was sick, disgusting and she knew she
had to resist it. She had to, or she would never be able to look herself
in the eye again. And yet … so far she had done things that in all her
life she had never dreamed she would do. In a sense, she was really no
longer the same person she was before.
She tried still harder to resist the hand plunging deep in her cunt,
rotating and flicking inside her, but her body had been aroused so
recently by Sam’s huge cock that remaining traces of lust betrayed her,
making her begin to moan in a new and unmistakable way.
“Get with it! Get with it!” Tule whispered to her. And the obscene
words only served to make her feel more aroused. An odd masochism made
the whole scene become like an erotic dream.
“Shit, honey, shake that tail,” Tule said as he felt Kate begin to
respond to his lingers.
“She’s comin’ around real nice …” His other hand fondled his prick
“What you need is a little more cock, sugah,” he told her. And with
that he moved up closer between her open thighs positioning his thick cock
at the entrance of her cunt. Ripples of electricity raced through her as
she visualized what it would look like to another person … A nude girl
lying helpless on a big bed, being held down, forced to make love with two
men at the same time.
“Aaaagh!” she suddenly and involuntarily sighed with a pleasure that
made her ashamed of the sound of her own voice, as Tule drove his cock
deep into her burning pussy. A sex-mad passion overwhelmed her as Tule
Hasan screwed wildly into her, and she began to buck and turn under him,
screwing her cunt back at him fiercely .
thousands … maybe millions of women all over the world would give their
eye teeth just to touch! Excitement built high as Tule’s big rock-hard
member dug at her …
“Oh, yeah … you like it now, baby … don’t you … Old Tule’s
gonna fuck the baby good … gooooooood!”
“Wow!” Joel said, letting go of Kate’s arms when he saw that it was
no longer necessary to restrain her. “Wow! Look at her go!”
Kate hardly heard them talking … she just wanted the reality of the
cock hitting at her cervix, pounding her into oblivion. It was good …
so good, and she wanted it … she wanted it! Something she had never
dared admit to herself before … She actually wanted to be fucked! And
to be fucked by Tule Hasan … that was even better.
“OOOOOOOH!” she moaned, her pussy aching from the hard blows of two
big cocks that night … But the pain was only a booster to her desire
and she wanted him to fuck deeper … deeper and harder!
Suddenly Tule’s cock pulled out of her, and she felt herself being
lifted. It seemed as if her body was being tossed in the air, and then
she found herself on her knees hovering over Joel who was now lying on his
back on the bed. Tule had her by the waist and he was guiding and pushing
her down onto Joel’s long erect cock like she was a limp rag doll with no
feeling of her own.
“AAAAaaah!” she cried, as the long cock slid like a telephone pole up
her cunt and her legs straddled his prone body like a horse back rider …
“OOoooohh … please …” she whimpered helplessly as both Tule and Joel
pushed her up and down on Joel’s hardened upstanding cock.
“Oh … no … no …” she cried … fighting off the orgasm that was
already starting. She was being used like a thing, just an object. She
had no more personality and she could … what was the word … relax …
yes … at last she could relax.
“I … I … I’M CUMMING!” she yelled to the ceiling … “OOOH, IT’S
GOOOOD! I’M CUMMING! HARDER! Give it to me!”
“Damn! Sock it to me!” Joel said, shooting off a hot load of searing
sperm deep up into Kate’s hungrily clenching cunt.
“Sweet Mother!” Tule cried … “Get her off … so I can get mine
Once more Kate’s soft white body was pulled up and over, hands tugged
at her and moved her this way and that. She felt someone pinching at her
ass, and a hand pushed at her cunt, and then she was on her back again.
She opened her eyes which had been tightly shut as she went through the
throes of climax and she saw Sam Dagon looking down at her.
“You did that very well …” he said, and before Kate had time to
respond, one of her legs was being pulled high in the air, then Sam was
taking hold of the other … Her legs were pulled back so far that she
thought they would break. She cried out with pain, but to no avail …
Her legs were held pulled back so that her cunt was spread wide, fully,
exposed to Tule’s hungry, sadistic vision.
“What a view,” he said … “I’m going to love this!”
And then he was ramming hard into her, fierce and heavy his breath
coming in great panting gasps. Kate turned her head and took a deep
breath as once more she felt pleasure where she had expected pain. Sam
Dagon stood beside her, holding her leg bent way back.
He smiled down at her when she looked at him through half-closed eyes
.. “Relax …” he whispered … “Relax!” as on and on it went … the
cocks ever growing around her naked, squirming body …

=01 Chapter 7

Kate awoke with a start. Sun was streaming in the window! God!
Where was she! She looked around her and found that she was in the same
bedroom … She groaned. Oh, God … it was true … Her body’s aches
told her immediately that everything she remembered had really happened.
She … Kate … Baby Kate her mother called her … She had screamed and
twisted and cried out for more under three different men … all night
But why hadn’t they awakened her … why … And where was Sam!
The last thing she remembered was Sam climbing under the covers …
and he had put his mouth down between her legs and done to her what he had
done that first night! Oh God! A violent thrill shot straight up from
her ravaged cunt, piercing her as though a giant cock still churned inside
it. She bent double in bed with the force of the memory, feeling soreness
everywhere she touched. She would have to go to her room soon.
She stood up unsteadily, staggering to the mirror. She looked awful
.. like she had been through exactly what she had been through and there
was no comb in the room … nothing but her dress and her underwear …
still lying on the floor. All of her presents remained strewn about the
floor where she had left them the night before.
She cradled her head in her hands. What on earth was she going to
do? Last night everything had seemed simple. Tim … that bastard! He
was the cause of it all! Tim and that Dot! But today it seemed hopeless.
She had behaved like a common slut! She could scarcely meet her own eyes
in the mirror. Slowly she gathered her clothes together and dressed. She
would have to make it back to the apartment as best she could and pray
that Tim was not there. She wouldn’t be able to stand a confrontation
with him, not yet … Everything was still too confused in her mind.

* * *

“Damn that bitch!” Tim cursed as he picked up the small clock for
what seemed like the millionth time. “Five-thirty …” he muttered to
himself. “Five-thirty!” he repeated, almost yelling as he hurled the
clock across the room. He had started looking for Kate just after two
o’clock, pulling himself away from the fantastic orgy going on in the
cave. The mixture of alcohol and drugs convinced him that he would be
able to convince Kate to come down and join in the sexual fun. And some
fun it had been, too. He had fucked and sucked so many different women he
had stopped even bothering to see what they looked like. All that
mattered was cunt. He had never seen so much of it at one time and he was
like a kid in a candy store. Fucking every corner of his mind until he
had jumped on a little blonde in the corner and she had said, “My name’s
Kate, honey. What’s yours?”
And suddenly, the thought of Kate being in the midst of all this
struck him funny and then the thought of her getting fucked by other men
began turning him on and he left to search her out and force her to go
back down to the cave with him.
But his search had been in vain as he looked for her in every room he
could think of and just when he was about to give up, he noticed that Sam
Dagon was also missing from the festivities.
From that point on, over two and half hours ago, Tim had been pacing
back and forth in his room, smoking cigarette after cigarette furiously
awaiting Kate’s return. When Tim heard the door to the living room open
and close he stood behind the open door to the bedroom. Kate tiptoed into
the room, hoping beyond hope that Tim would either be sound asleep or not
yet back from his tryst with Dot, but as she stepped through the door, she
felt a hand grab her arm and swing her around. And before she had a
chance to even gasp, Tim’s hard flat hand swung into her face, leaving a
huge red welt in its path. Kate’s hand flew up to her face as tears
streamed down her cheeks. Tim grabbed her by the arms, pushing her
further into the room and throwing her face up on the bed.
“Now you stay right there, you little tramp!” he yelled at her. “You
move one inch and I’ll slap you silly. Now you tell me where you’ve been
.. and it had better be good!”
“I don’t understand …” Kate started to say, lifting herself up on
one elbow.
But before she could say anything else, Tim was on top of her, his
legs straddling her small body and once again his hand left a stinging
blow on her face.
“I told you not to budge!” Tim screamed down at her. “Don’t bother
to tell me where you’ve been. I’ll tell you. You’ve been bed hopping
with that bastard Dagon! That’s where!”
His hands began tearing at Kate’s clothes, ripping her dress down the
front almost to her waist, Kate fought back vainly, struggling under Tim’s
“How dare you accuse me,” she spit up at him … “I saw you down in
the basement with that Dot. What do you call what you two were doing …”
But Tim wasn’t interested in hearing any accusations from Kate. He
wanted revenge for being cuckolded. The thought of his wife being fucked
by Sam Dagon made him almost insane.
“You see fit to put out for other men,” he hissed down at his
quivering wife. “Let’s see you put out a little for me.”
He started yanking at her clothing once more, tearing at her rumpled
dress until it was bunched down around her knees. Kate was completely
naked under her dress.
“Leave your underwear as a souvenir?” Tim asked lewdly. “Well, I
think I’ll take in the sights myself. And I don’t want any back-talk from
you. You just do what I tell you.”
Kate tried to fight but it was no good. He wasn’t having any of it.
He flipped her over on the bed so that she was on her stomach. Then he
pushed his finger up into her pussy … it was still wet from semen!
“He fucked you?” he half shouted … “Well? Didn’t he?” he yelled.
“Answer me, you little whore!”
“Yes!” Kate screamed back … “Yes … he did … and I liked it …
you hear me … I liked it!”
Tim didn’t need to hear anymore. Somewhere, a part of him had been
hoping all this time for some other explanation, some other reason why his
wife would have been out all night. But now his worst fears were
confirmed, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit!
He yanked his finger wetly out of her cunt, and saw her cringe on the
bed in front of him, her smooth buttocks tightly clenched together. An
idea came to him … even better than hitting her… for he wanted
desperately to beat her until she screamed for mercy, yet he couldn’t.
“I’m going to give you something you’ll remember a long time. I’ve
got a right. I’m your husband you know!” His finger prodded into the
crevice between the ovals of her behind, as with his other hand he drew
them apart until he could see the skin straining around the tiny red hole
of her anus.
“OPEN UP!” he commanded gruffly … “BITCH!”
Kate winced at the pain in her rectum as his finger probed
inquisitively into the tight puckered inlet. Her mind recoiled in shock
as she realized that he was going to try to take her there. He had often
hinted at it shortly after their marriage, but she had always insisted
that the only correct way, the proper way to make love was, face to face
and in the “normal” manner! The memory of how he had slammed out of the
house one night after she had told him that came back to her now, as she
lay face down, her buttocks spread helplessly to his fingers and his gaze.
The finger was moving around in her rectum now, expanding it, sawing
in and out, and the pain was acute. Anger clouded her eyes as she yelled
at him, begging him to stop. But after a while he added another finger,
holding her head down with one hand so that she wouldn’t wriggle too much.
Kate felt like a pinned butterfly. “Bastard … bastard!” she kept
screaming. The pressure in her rectum was killing her.
It was horrible. How could she have ever thought she could love this
monster of a man … this beast!
He was deliberately trying to hurt her she could tell, making sharp
sudden movements with his fingers so that she would cry out louder.
“I’ll make you pay for this …” she screamed … “Aaaagh!” The
rubbery skin of her anus was scraped by his digging fingernails. Then she
felt his body come down hard on her naked back, and the heat of his long
prick was rubbing in the crack of her ass. Its length jiggled along the
smooth, yielding crevice and then the thick head was pressing at her
virgin anal entrance.
His hands closed around her thighs and he pulled up on her knees,
then he held onto his long penis and positioned it to her tight anus, and
began working against it. As he pushed in, he was pulling Kate’s behind
back toward him, manipulating her sharply and giving her no time to resist
“No, NO … get away from me!” she pleaded helplessly.
But there was a slight popping noise and she felt the grating of his
cock against her tightly ringed rectal muscle and he was going in.
Slowly, slowly, and then about an inch of him slipped in and stopped.
Kate let out her breath. She had never known anything could hurt
this much. All that filled her mind was pain. She just couldn’t get away
from him. Coherent thoughts just wouldn’t come. A solid rock was being
shoved up her behind … that was all she could think, and she must
somehow deal with the pain of it, somehow endure it!
He pushed it again and the big swollen prick entered her fully.
“Aaaaargh!” she screamed, trying to lift her head up. But Tim pushed
her head back down with the flat of his hand and shook his hips so that
his cock moved painfully around inside his wife’s burning rectum.
“OH help me … somebody help me!” Kate cried .
“Nobody’s gonna help you,” Tim grunted … “So you got yourself a
lover, eh … Well, you tell him about this …!”
He pulled almost all the way out of her and Kate thought for a moment
that she would get some respite from the awful hurt. But he lunged
forward again and her knees collapsed under her, leaving her grasping,
impaled totally by his cock between her buttocks.
Sodomy! She was being sodomized! The lewd thought ran helter-
skelter through her tortured mind.
She was jolted forward, and jerked backwards, lifted up abruptly and
screwed unmercifully by her husband. Time ceased to exist and she was
sure in the middle of it that she had died and that this was hell. Each
skin-splitting thrust created tiny circles of unbearable pain that started
around her asshole and spread to every part of her body … Her back
passage was an area that seemed filled with burning coals.
Tim gloated above her, as he watched the progress of his stiff prick
in the puckered hole of his wife’s anus. It felt so tight and good, he
wished he had done it to her before.
“Tell me that you love it … beg me to do it!” he screamed at her.
“Yes … yes …” Kate gasped, her resistance completely destroyed by
the searing pain of her husband’s cock in her rectum. “Yes … please …
please …”
“Please what?” Tim yelled, accentuating his question with another
painful thrust. “I want to hear you say the words. LOUD!”
“Yes … yes …” Kate pleaded. “Anything … anything … please
fuck me there … fuck me there …”
“Where?” Tim barked. “Where?”
“In the ass … fuck me in the ass … aarrggghhh …” Kate could
hardly get the words out.
Now gasping and crooning with delight, Tim began to saw rhythmically
and without the slightest mercy deep up into the soft confines of her back
passage. He watched the reddish skin of the little round hole draw back
with his prick, clutching it as if it didn’t want him to come out. At
first the pressure on his cock had been almost unbearable, but now it was
just tight and exhilarating.
He watched his hardened lust-bloated penis disappear right up her ass
with every stroke. It went right in so that not a half inch of it showed
and then it moved about in that tight, resistant passage with the knob
straining out as if it were going to burst.
He reached down and pulled at her soft yielding buttocks with hard
vicious smacks that resounded through the room. His sweating face dripped
onto her hollowing back making it glisten in the light of the bedroom.
His breath came in short puffing gasps like a runner, his eyes looked down
on the whiteness of her quivering body that slipped over his plunging cock
like a tight fitting glove.
“Oooohhh … God … God! …” Kate gasped as her angered husband
pressed tight against her soft buttocks and rotated the head around and
around deep inside her rectum. Her moaning was adding to his pleasure and
his hands crawled over her buttocks and back, kneading her flesh like
fresh dough. Bright red welts followed his fingers as they dug into her
tender mild white skin.
His balls ached and his cock nearly exploded every time he surged
into her. She was completely his. A slave, submitting to him. He could
do with her anything he liked and he did, digging his penis into her ass
and leaving it there, hearing her groan while he jiggled his loins and
wormed it deep around in her. He drew it out to the glans and then
plunged it right in again in one long, slow stroke. His prick was
tingling, his balls alive. He could come now whenever he chose and he
wanted to feel that rush of sperm into her ass … that would be the
ultimate submission.
He began to dub rapidly into her hard and fast, battering her
quivering buttocks with his hips. He gripped her waist hard with his
fingers squeezing the spare flesh into odd shapes. His mouth opened and
his breath whirled out of it in long, broken gasps.
“Ohhhh, baby … daddy’s cumming … you little bitch … daddy’s
cumming … fuck back … fuck back!!!” he gasped giving one last spine-
chilling ramrod thrust shattering his sperm in wave after wave far into
the secret depths of her behind. It seemed as if his scrotum had never
been emptied before. He groaned and almost cried out with delight as the
last drops of his semen squeezed out the tip of his penis and mingled
lewdly with the rest of the white liquid cum trapped deep inside the warm
rubbery cavern of her rectum …

=01 Chapter 8

“Come in!” Sam called. Kate pushed open the big oak door. Sam was
sitting behind his desk.
She ran over to him … “Oh Sam … Sam …” she cried, tears
streaming down her face. Sam got up and came around the desk to meet her.
“My, my …” he said … “And on your birthday, too … By the way,
I’m going to have all those presents put away for you in a special room
.. You can use them as you like. Now what’s the trouble?”
Kate clung to his neck letting all the words tumble out quickly …
that she had to leave Tim, divorce him … that she had no idea what she
was doing or what was to become of her, but that she knew that Sam would
help her … even if she had behaved like a common slut the night before
.. surely he would help her.
Sam sat her down on his sofa and brought out the brandy. “First of
all, let me tell you that you behaved just as I wanted you to behave last
night. You were beautiful, more beautiful than ever. I want you, Kate
.. You must know that by now … and I won’t let Tim be a problem to you
or to me. I’ve dealt with Aries rams before!”
Kate sat sipping the brandy … she was beginning to feel secure
again. The reassuring tone of Sam’s voice droned on and on in her head
and the surrounding of books and papers all served to calm her
“And you will travel everywhere that I go … be my, shall we say,
special assistant? You will have as much money as you need to keep you
happy, clothes, friends, position … It’s a nice life … Parties like
last night’s, celebrities, fun and games … Will you do it? There may
be things that are difficult for you in the beginning, but after a while
it will all be smooth sailing!”
“Yes … yes … I want to do that!” Kate said … “Yes!”
“Well, think about it … I insist … come and tell me tomorrow …
about this same time … All right?”
“All right,” Kate agreed reluctantly.
Sam helped her up and took her in his arms, squeezing her tightly to
his body. His cock rose against her belly as he pressed her closer and
closer to him, rubbing her crotch against its hardness.
“Come tomorrow, my love … I’ll be waiting for you with this.” His
cock executed a jerk against her warm, now friendly pussy and she could
feel the outline of it clearly. She blushed a deep red as the juices
began to trickle unashamedly down between her thighs. Why did she have to
wait until the next day, she wondered, when she wanted to be with him
right then, right that moment.
“Now, run along… I’ve some work to do … See you tomorrow!” Sam
escorted her to the door and ushered her out, kissing her gently on the
neck before she left.

* * *

The following day at the appointed time, Kate went to Sam’s study.
She felt very composed that day and sure of her decision. She had spent
the night alone in the room that contained her birthday presents, sleeping
until late that morning. It had been wonderful being alone. She had been
able to think things out clearly for the first time in a long time. She
had carefully avoided running into Tim. She hoped that he would just
It was with relief that she realized that she felt no allegiance
whatsoever to her husband. Sam was the man who occupied most of her
thoughts. Even though she was still confused about his sexual habits, she
kept remembering how it felt to be alone with him. How thoughtful he was
and how handsome … all those presents! She had tried everything on
several times before going to sleep and unbeknownst to her, Sam Dagon had
spent a short while watching her from behind the two, way mirror before
going to his own bedroom.
Now Kate waited patiently for Sam to answer her knock. She was
wearing one of the new dresses she had bought at Magnin’s … a short
jumper with long sleeves and a low plunging neckline that showed off the
voluptuous blossoming of her creamy breasts. She wanted to look her best
for Sam to keep him wanting her as long as possible.
He came to the door and let her in. The sight of him sent little
ripples of excitement scurrying over her and she could feel her skin
breaking out in goose-bumps.
“Come in, darling,” Sam said. “Come into the alcove.”
Kate followed him into the spacious alcove of the library where a
large studio couch stood against the wall. It was minutes before she was
completely undressed and in Sam’s arms.
“Oh, Sam … oh darling …” she cried out, trembling in Sam’s strong
She felt the leather of the couch, cool on her naked skin, as the
somber light made shadowy shapes of their coupling bodies. The soft
sounds of their lovemaking grew to crescendo pitch and eventually the room
fairly rocked with lewd grunts and groans as Sam’s cock dipped hungrily in
and out of her receptive cunt. It felt even more wonderful than she had
remembered, filling her, satisfying her so completely that she burst into
“Oh, Sam … oh darling …” she cried out, raising herself up to him
as he lay on top of her spent body. “You’re wonderful … so wonderful!
And I want to be with you always…”
“Will you do just as I say at all times?” Sam asked her.
Kate hesitated, thinking of Tule Hasan and his agent … she still
couldn’t quite accept what had happened, even though she had tried to
rationalize the whole thing.
“There is nothing wrong with the human body, my love … and I
believe in enjoying its pleasure to the fullest. You will have to go
along with me on this if we’re going to be a team! Not only go along,
love … but I’ll be expecting you to take the initiative on certain
His rock-hard penis executed a little jump at the farthest end of her
filled vagina, causing Kate to moan with the renewed excitation of her
womb. She felt so wet and warm between her legs, where she could feel the
seeping of Sam’s sperm mingled with her own lubricating fluids. Sam’s
hairy chest tickled at her hard nipples, his body hot against hers. She
was intoxicated by his powerful aura, his expert lovemaking. At that
moment she was beginning to think that she would be able to do anything he
asked her to do … anything at all.
“I’ll try …” she whispered, pulling him closer to her. Her hands
played up and down his back enjoying the hard muscles beneath the smooth
tawny skin. “Oh, God,” she thought … “I love him. I really love him!”
Sam playfully withdrew his enormous member from its snug confines,
holding it just outside of Kate’s tingling cunt, then he pushed it all the
way in, until its full length was imbedded to the hilt in her velvety
depths. The entrance of his cock made a soft wet noise as it slid into
the moist passageway.
“Umph!” Kate grunted, lust flowing fast through her veins as once
more she wrapped her long sensuous legs around Sam’s back, drawing him in,
locking him to her wide-stretched crotch.
Long, smooth strokes, hard and swift, poking into her as though he
were churning butter with his cock … Sam fucked her well, but his mind
was elsewhere. Without losing a stroke, he reached out behind the couch
and pressed a buzzer. If this worked, he knew there would be no turning
back for Kate and he could count on her.

* * *

Kate looked up through blurry eyes, red and swollen from the
exertions of lovemaking.
“Dot!” Her first impulse was to jump up and scratch the French
girl’s eyes out, but she held herself back. Sam must have asked her to
come here … but while they were making love!? Kate had gotten half-
dressed by the time the girl came in, wearing nothing but her panties and
a bra, both of matching cream-colored satin … presents from Sam, and Sam
was sitting behind his desk wearing his black silk lounging robe and
smoking a cigar.
Dot looked at Kate and with her usual good nature, smiled and said,
“Bonjour!” Then she let off a stream of French to Sam that Kate’s high
school French could not follow. Sam answered her briefly and nodded
toward Kate.
Kate thought she was going to explode from anger if someone didn’t
explain something in English soon. Perhaps Dot was here to apologize to
her about Tim … Well, it no longer mattered … she wanted to hear
nothing about Tim … nothing whatsoever!
“Kate, darling,” Sam said. “This will be more in the order of a
lesson than anything else … of course, you can make of it what you like
.. but I want you to retain what is going to happen so that you will be
able to do this yourself in the future!”
“What? Do what?” Kate asked. She had been sitting in a chair facing
the desk and now she pulled herself up halfway, the tendons in her hands
standing out tautly as she gripped the arms of the chair.
“A little diversion …” Sam said … “With Dot.”
“Sam,” Kate swallowed hard. “If you mean what I think … I thought
..” she stuttered weakly. “I’m sorry but I=8BI just can’t …”
Sam stood up, pulling his robe belt tight around him.
“Of course you can … You just told me you could do anything for
“But I didn’t mean …”
A menacing glare transformed Sam’s usually peaceful features and Kate
felt suddenly cold. How could everything crumble like this so suddenly?
“I thought we had made an arrangement!” Sam said with mock sadness.
“I’m disappointed in you.
Kate’s head began to ache and her chills had turned to hot flashes.
Dot stood by watching impassively. She found it very amusing. Sam
certainly did have some entertaining ideas … first the husband and now
the wife!
Kate lowered her head, and when she raised it again her eyes were
glistening with tears. She looked at Dot with her mouth open, but no
words came. They were both waiting for her to say something. She felt as
though a hot spotlight had been turned on her and that she was in the
proverbial “hot seat” being given the third degree. Her hands trembled
visibly and her lower lip quivered with apprehension
She dared not look at Sam again, because she knew it would be too
painful. What choices did she have! If she left Sam now she would be
back where she started …only worse maybe, with no husband, no job …
nothing. She could always get another job waiting on tables, but the very
thought brought knots to her stomach. Apart from the feelings she had for
Sam, positions like the one he was giving her didn’t come around every day
.. she couldn’t even type so secretarial work was out …
“All right, Sam,” she said, her face burning. “What … what shall I
do?” She looked over again at the French girl who was leaning
nonchalantly against the bookshelves waiting for them to make up their
Sam smiled. He knew she’d pull through.
“Well, first of all, we’ll get you two girls together in the alcove
.. Yes, I think that’s the best place!” He moved out from behind the
desk, rubbing his hands together.
Kate rose and stumbled toward the alcove. She felt their eyes on her
back as she walked. She knew they were looking at the way her buttocks
moved below the skimpy panties she had worn. But that sight had been
meant for Sam’s eyes, and for his alone. Not for this woman … this
creature who had seduced her husband … or had it been the other way
They reached the alcove and Kate felt herself grow dizzy and stopped
to steady herself against a table that held a big globe that was centuries
old. This was just awful! He was going to ask her to do what to her was
the most immoral thing she could think of. The thought of it was
disgusting … A woman with another woman … God, had she stooped so
low that she would allow this to happen to her too … this, after
everything else she had been through?
” I won’t do it,” she told herself fiercely … “I can’t!” She
looked wildly about her as though the walls might open up, allowing her a
quick means of escape. But there was no exit and she was still standing
there, clothed in the undies that were an embarrassment to her
“All right, Dot … go to work on her … want to see you do a good
job too … this is important.”
Dot smiled at Sam wickedly. “Have I ever failed you yet?” she asked.
Then she moved toward Kate who was still standing uncertainly by the
Kate put her hand to her breasts, the tops of which were exploding
over the small under-cups of her bra, as if to protect them from this
small woman who was approaching her. But Dot reached behind Kate and
deftly undid the back of her bra, causing it to fall to the floor with a
small plop. Kate’s nails dug into her own back as her arms went around
her bared bosom, covering the large pink nipples, but little else of the
enormous globes.
“MMMMMmmmmm …” Dot said. “You are big. About like me …see?”
She lifted up her sweater revealing bare breasts of about the same
astounding proportions as Kate’s. “Must be why your man likes them!” Dot
Kate burst into tears. It was hopeless … she was defenseless
before these perverted people. She stood there, her entire body quaking
and trembling, while Sam and Dot watched. But her hands had gone up to
her face, leaving a complete view of her nipples and Dot took advantage of
this by reaching out and tweaking both of them.
Kate almost jumped out of her skin, stepping quickly backwards and
away from Dot. But Sam’s voice brought her sharply to attention.
“Come on, Kate … Let’s get on with it,” he said sharply.
Dot grabbed Kate by the hand and pulled her over to the couch forcing
her to sit down. Kate lifted her hips and allowed her to pull off her
panties, sitting as if in a daze, her face pale and expressionless. Her
bulbous breasts shivered slightly and the nipples were now stiff and hard
from her fear.
“Lie back, cherie,” Dot said. “I won’t hurt you … How can l? I
am just a woman. I have not got an enormous prick like a man. What is
the matter with you?” Dot did not wait for an answer, she pushed Kate
down on the couch, so that she was lying slouched, with her back against
the big, leather pillows and her feet still firmly planted on the floor.
Dot looked at her a moment and then quickly undressed in front of
her. Sam meanwhile had taken a seat near the entrance to the alcove. The
sight of the two incredibly formed women together was truly exciting.
God, he thought … they were made for fucking … both of them!
Kate with a figure like some fantasy creature, perfect in every way
.. full firm breasts that jutted out above a slender torso and tiny
waist. Hips that someone must have dreamed up, thighs and legs made for
wrapping around a man’s back. God, she was magnificent! And Dot, whose
short dark hair made a perfect contrast to Kate’s long blonde hair, with
her equally fabulous breasts and slender hips almost like a boy’s.
He watched as Dot nimbly got to her knees in front of Kate and then
matter-of-factly parted the blonde woman’s legs, revealing the vulnerable
young vaginal slit that he had plundered so many times earlier in the day.
His prick made a jump as he watched the look of mortification on Kate’s
face as Dot pried her legs even farther apart after Kate had made an
attempt to close them again.
“Oh … ca suffit,” she cried out angrily … “Let me do what I must
“You heard her, Kate,” Sam called over … “Be a good girl!”
Obediently, Kate let her legs remain parted, lying back again
quietly. She was so ashamed she didn’t know what to do. She felt utterly
naked, more vulnerable than she had ever been before, as the tears
streaked jagged little paths down her cheeks. She knew that Dot was
staring right into her crotch, and that Sam was sitting by the door in his
robe, watching every thing that happened.
It was vile, dirty. She was trapped like some school girl who had
made the mistake of getting into a passing motorist’s car.
She cried out in shame and horror as Dot’s fingers touched the tender
lips of her vagina.
“Oh, oh!” Dot said. “Excited already aren’t you … it will feel
good I guarantee.” She looked over at Sam, who nodded to her by way of
assurance. Her fingers continued to explore the still moist pit of Kate’s
warm pussy, making searing contact with every little cranny of the
sensitive organ. With an expert touch her thumb smoothed around Kate’s
clitoris while her fingers began to slip teasingly into her vagina.
Kate knew that she was now among the lowest of the low … Her eyes
tightly shut, she endured the obscene touches, telling herself that the
sooner she cooperated the sooner it would be over. Sam’s voice was coming
across the room to her ears … “Relax … Relax …” But it did no
good. She was no lesbian. How could he do this to her?
Dot’s fingers were now all the way inside of her, plunging up higher
and Kate tried to squeeze her thighs together to prevent her from going
further. But Dot wedged her entire body in between Kate’s shapely legs,
pressing her breasts up against Kate’s naked genitals as she did so.
“She’s tight,” she called over to Sam. “How did you ever get such a
big cock like yours inside of her?”
“Oh, I got inside all right,” Sam answered. “Don’t you worry about
that! Feels good doesn’t it?”
“Not bad … very soft, very wet,” Dot answered, twisting her fingers
about sharply. Her nails scraped for an instant against the walls of
Kate’s vagina, tearing at the flesh, and Kate bit her lips, gasping in
Then it happened again, the sheer perversion of what was happening
turned her around inside so that she began to get excited. The feminine
thumb toying with her clitoris and the steady rhythm with which Dot
plunged her fingers inside her aching cunt … Sam sitting there … What
was he making of her? A whore …
Did she love him so much that she would do even this? Do it and
enjoy it? The answer seemed to be yes, as the hand at her pussy began to
gently twirl about inside her, causing a delicate sensation, quite
different from anything she had ever felt before. There was something
subtle and odd about it that made her flesh crawl. Delicious spasms of
lust climbed up her spine as with a shiver of surrender. Kate untensed
her legs, involuntarily stretching them still wider apart. When she
opened her eyes, Dot was staring right at her, a lewd expression on her
face, and Kate tried to fight back the unmistakable pleasure she was
feeling. But fighting it only made it grow more intense, and her vagina
felt like a magnet, attracting Dot’s fingers ever deeper inside. Her body
seemed parched with longing as she began to squirm about on the leather
“C’est deliceux, n’est-ce pas?” Dot tormented, looking her straight
in the eye.
Kate’s French was good enough to know what Dot was talking about.
Yes, indeed it was delicious, uncommonly delicious, but she could only
bring herself to moan helplessly in humiliation and turn her head away,
avoiding Dot’s eyes.
But this last confrontation only served to increase the masochistic
excitement and she knew there was no more fighting it back.
“Sam, come look at her now … she’s loving it.”
Kate could hear Sam’s soft footsteps on the rug coming closer, but
she didn’t dare to open her eyes. Her cunt was just one big ache now as
Dot worked harder and harder, warming to her task. It was disgusting …
unbelievable, and yet … oh, God, she had to have it go on, it was
getting better and better, this woman’s hand at her private genitals,
torturing her with unwanted lust.
Her hips jerked up and around and she lewdly spread her legs wider,
forcing Dot’s hand deeper into her damp pussy. She had to make it go on
and on and on!
“OH OH OH!” she began to scream, writhing about on the couch …
“Oh,” she gave another jerk and slipped down off the couch, sending Dot
sprawling in front of her. But Dot did not waste a moment. In a flash,
she was back on her knees in front of Kate’s widespread legs … this time
they were both on the soft steer-hide rug that covered the alcove.
“Aaaaahh … oooohhh aaaaaallh!” Kate cried as she filled again at
the touch of the insistent hand. It was beautiful bliss, at last she was
at the breaking point, no longer aware of anything around her. It went on
and on, a sweet climax that choked her with its intensity.
A voice sounded in her head … a scream … and dimly she was aware
that it was her own voice, her own cry of heavenly release.

* * *

Sam threw off his robe and quickly stepped in and separated the two
women. His mouth was dry, and he was overcome with emotion by the sight
he had just witnessed. She had relaxed all right … she’d almost enjoyed
it too much. What she needed was another taste of a man’s cock, he
decided, and that went for Dot too.
First he shoved his cock into Kate’s wet and pulsating cunt, still
trembling from her recent orgasm, crying out himself as he felt its warm
slippery sheath close in on him. His big stiff penis stuffed into her so
hard that he was almost picking her entire ass and legs off the floor with
each blow.
“Ugh! Ugh!” His grunts resounded in the alcove, while Dot looked
on. Kate screamed with masochistic pain … but he didn’t seem to care
that he was hurting her and continued bucking into her like a madman, his
teeth clenched savagely, an evil grin on his face.
After a short while of this, he grabbed hold of Dot and forced her to
straddle Kate’s helpless, prone body. That way Dot’s round white ass was
directly in position for him to alternately ram it into her anus, when he
had jerked his cock from Kate’s ravaged vagina.
Dot screamed when she realized what Sam was going to do. He was much
too big, and even though he had done it before, each time it hurt her so
badly that she couldn’t sit down comfortably for days. She let loose a
stream of imprecations in French to Sam, but it was like music to his ears
as he continued to force the big blood-filled head of his cock into her
tight red anal passage. Her nether cheeks presented thus to him, seemed
to be begging for it, and he rammed on in, enjoying every moment.
Dot was looking directly down into Kate’s face, and their lips
suddenly locked tightly together, tongues swirling, as Sam alternately
plowed into their burning apertures. Dot’s ass trembled as he parted the
soft cheeks for each rough jab, and then brutally withdrew in order to
stab again into Kate’s wildly straining pussy.
It was a long, long while before the dual fucking was finished and
Sam Dagon now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that now he had young Tim’s
wife in exactly the position he wanted her in … how sweet it was going
to be … how sweet it was going to be …

=01 Chapter 9

Tim paced up and down in the living room of their apartment. Where
was she anyway? … He couldn’t imagine what had possessed him to treat
her like that! He had been trying for two days to catch up with her, but
she wouldn’t even speak to him, and he didn’t know where she was sleeping.
If only I could talk to her, he thought. Damn … why did we ever come
here! I was right at the beginning … why didn’t I just stick with it?
He winced as the memory of how Kate yelled and begged him to stop
sodomizing her so brutally came back to him.
God, was he crazy or something, treating her like that? And all for
what … It was true what she had said, he had been out fucking the
little French bitch … not paying any attention to her … If she saw
them like she said no wonder she had gone off the deep end. Old Dagon was
probably waiting for her too!
He took his topcoat and went out the door. Perhaps if he got some
air, things would clear up in his head … and there was the slim chance
that Kate might be outside. He felt sick as he traversed the tight and
airy halls of Dagon Manor and he decided to stop on his way to his office
to pick up some aspirin he had left there.
Once there he sat at his desk and gazed sadly out at the terrace.
There were people at the pool. He rushed over to the window and peered
out, totally unprepared for the sight that greeted his eyes.
Kate and Dot were in the midst of an animated conversation, both
stretched out on the colorful lounge chairs beside the pool.
What on earth did they have to talk about? His heart was pounding at
the sight of Kate who looked incredibly beautiful to him in a small blue
bikini that he had never seen before. He had to talk to her, he just had
He opened up the French doors and called out to her.
“Kate …”
He prayed under his breath that she would come, not even caring what
Dot thought about the fact that he hadn’t seen her in days … whereas
they usually met at least once every day out by the hedge maze or in her
Kate looked up when she heard her name being called. She removed her
big sunglasses and guarded her eyes with her hand. Squinting in the
bright sunlight, she saw her husband standing at the office door.
What a bore, she thought. But she excused herself to Dot and got up
from the chair, pulling the bottom of her suit down over one overly
exposed buttock as she walked.
As she ambled slowly toward him, Tim wished that he could take her in
his arms, but he didn’t dare after what he had done to her the other day.
“Kate, baby!” he said, when she finally reached him.
Kate brushed past him and entered the office.
“Mmmmmmm,” she said, “doesn’t look like you’ve done much work in the
last few days.”
Tim restrained himself from mentioning that she hadn’t even set foot
in the office since the day of the party.
“Honey …” he said … “you’ve got to come back … I’ll make it up
to you somehow … we’ve just got to get out of this place while we still
can! Remember… l told you we shouldn’t have come … I told you it
would be …”
Kate interrupted him icily, “And what do you propose that we do for
money? I suppose you want me to get my old job back at Alfie’s while you
continue to write that masterpiece of yours?”
“No … I …”
“Well, it won’t do, Tim. You’ve got to offer me better than that!
You go and get a job that will give us more money than I’m making right
now and then come back and get me. And maybe … just maybe I’ll go with
you! Until then, I really don’t care what you do!”
She turned and walked out, leaving her shattered husband standing
there. He watched her walk away, his face red with the conflicting
emotions that played in his head. Finally he shrugged and went back to
his desk to look for the aspirin he had originally come to get.

* * *

The dinner party took place three days later. Since Tim had not yet
seen fit to leave the premises, Sam decided to make good use of him.
Molly and Craig Soames would like him, he decided, so he sent Tim a note
suggesting rather strongly that he put in an appearance in the main salon
that evening.
Tim received the note under his door where Dot had placed it. He had
been brooding and staying to himself for the last three days. Every now
and then he would go the typewriter and try to work, but it was no good,
nothing came.
He kept hoping that Kate would appear, but she never did. The most
he could hope for was a brief glimpse of her in the halls … and whenever
she caught sight of him, the expression on her face made it clear she
wished he would leave. But somehow he couldn’t leave. It would be
admitting defeat and he wasn’t the kind to do that easily. Sam Dagon
hadn’t said boo to him, so he assumed that he wanted him to continue his
duties at the Manor; therefore, he decided he would stay until everything
got resolved in one way or another.
When the note came inviting him to dinner that night, he was very
pleased. He wasn’t quite sure what it meant, but he knew that it would
give him a chance to see Kate and Dagon at the same time. He visualized
leaping up from the table, punching Sam Dagon in the nose, grabbing Kate
and taking her out the big front door. What a pleasure that would be!
Over and over he rehearsed the cutting words that he would fling at Dagon
and at Kate too, if she got too sassy, and by the time he had donned his
tux and stood tall and impeccably groomed in front of the mirror, he had
worked himself into a nervous frenzy.
He walked through the halls, gazing at the pictures on the walls,
portraits of Dagon’s family, most of them, some landscapes and a sampling
of still lifes. But he looked at the paintings without seeing, for he was
still concentrating on what was about to take place, knowing that
everything … his whole life hung on the evening’s events.
The sound of laughter rose from the main salon to greet him as he
descended the stairs and he realized for the first time that there would
be other people attending the dinner party. Of course. Why hadn’t he
thought of that! All his carefully rehearsed words had to be hastily
revised and, by the time he was face to face with the small group, he was
thoroughly confused.
Kate looked up from her seated position and annoyance danced in her
eyes at the sight of her husband, but she knew that Sam was counting on
her, so she tried to cover the look with one of indifference. Her long
soft orange brushed wool skirt trailed to her toes as she uncurled her
legs from the chair and stretched them out before her.
Molly and Craig Soames turned to appraise the newcomer and Sam Dagon
could see the sharpened interest in Molly Soames’ face when she looked at
Tim. He had been right again. Molly was looking around for a new man
again. It didn’t take her long to wear out her frequent lovers and toss
them away like worn-out shoes. Not that Craig didn’t make her happy. It
was just that a woman like Molly could never be satisfied with just one
man. Craig knew it and accepted it, being more than a casual girl-chaser
It was important to Sam that he remain in the Soames’ good graces,
not only because he had known them for a long time and he liked them, but
because Craig was the one banker upon whom he could always count. When in
his extensive wheeling and dealing he needed another enormous loan
arranged or an extension or something which was not quite according to
Brown, Craig was the man he saw. It was a mutually satisfactory
arrangement; well worthwhile to Craig whose prestige among his fellow
bankers grew each time he managed another large account that was
invariably Sam Dagon’s or someone that Sam had brought to him.
“Well, do come in and sit down,” Molly said to Tim, batting her long
eyelashes flirtatiously. “My, what an attractive husband you have,” she
said, removing her eyes briefly from Tim in order to look over at Kate.
“Some people think so …” Kate said, noncommittally, looking away.
She was thinking about Craig Soames. He had been looking at her with open
admiration since he and his wife had arrived and Kate knew that Sam
expected her to sleep with him later. The idea disturbed her, but she was
beginning to become curious about him, in spite of the remaining traces of
a morality that was rapidly disappearing. She would be voluntarily and
with premeditation sleeping with a man that she had just met … someone
she had only known for a few hours! But Sam had said he was a big banker,
someone vitally important to his welfare and her also by association.
Sam had told her he would be attractive and he had been right. Craig
was an older man with graying hair but he seemed very refined, very
English in a way, and his steely blue eyes were hard to avoid. Kate found
herself looking deep into them at the oddest moments, when she hadn’t even
thought he would be looking at her. She was beginning to feel on pins and
needles about the whole thing. She hoped it would run as smoothly as Sam
had said it would … and that soon after dinner Tim would disappear with
Kate. In spite of herself, a pang of jealousy sparked through her at the
thought … but then she reminded herself that she didn’t care and
attempted to forget it. There was so much to think about !
Tim sat down where Sam motioned him to sit. He had hardly glanced at
Sam, he realized, as he gazed across at Molly Soames. The introductions
had been made and the polite phrases of greeting completed. Kate had only
mumbled at him and he could hardly grab her right then. Things seemed to
be getting away from him … he could feel it happening almost immediately
as the five of them sat cozily drinking double Beefeater martinis.
Molly’s hand was on his knees … she was making some point in the
conversation, but Tim couldn’t remember what it was about. He hoped he
wouldn’t be called upon to make a coherent comment about it! His eyes
kept returning to Molly’s dress. It was made out of one of those new
diaphanous materials and her svelte figure snuggled beneath it, completely
nude! She hadn’t stood up yet, so he didn’t know if one could see her
pussy outline, but he sure as hell was looking straight at two of the
sweetest breasts, nipples and all, he’d seen in a long while! He knew
that according to his plan he should have made some very caustic comments
to Sam by now, swift and debonair enough to make Kate sit up and take
notice … all preparatory to the punch in the nose … but somehow his
mind kept wandering. His second martini was making its effects known …
it certainly did taste good! And he couldn’t quite understand about Molly
Soames … He could swear she was making the biggest play for him since
the creation of man, and yet no one seemed to notice … or if they did
they didn’t seem to care, Molly’s husband least of all!
By the time they went in to dinner, Tim and Molly were almost
inseparable. He really couldn’t take his eyes off her … Her long red
hair cascaded down over her shoulders, curling up at the ends. Tim
noticed that it bounced when she walked and that wasn’t all that bounced!
Dinner was superb … But only Sam Dagon seemed collected enough to
enjoy a hearty dinner. Kate and Tim were seated facing each other with
Craig sitting next to Kate and Molly next to Tim. And none of them paid
too much attention to the array of gourmet dishes that were served and
then whisked away by a very amused Dot.
While they were still sitting at the table, Tim felt Molly’s hand on
his knee once more, only this time, it continued moving up, inching toward
his thigh. He sat totally still, shocked by her audacity.
“God, she’s going after my cock!” he thought … what will I do when
she gets to it?
He didn’t have long to wait to find out, for Molly’s inquisitive hand
went straight for his already bulging penis, smoothing up and down along
the surface of his trousers. Tim knew that little beads of perspiration
were beginning to start out all over his face and he could hardly hold his
dessert spoon, his palm was so wet. He looked around at the others to see
if they could tell what was happening, but no one seemed to be looking at
him. He noticed that Kate and Craig were deep in some conversation … he
only caught a couple of words here and there … something about
decorating … but then he ceased thinking about it almost immediately as
Molly’s fingers dug softly into his rampant member, and he heard her
whisper huskily to him.
“Let’s get out of here …”
“But,” he looked around at the others …
“No one cares …” Molly said urgently. Then she turned to Sam.
“Tim and I would like to go discuss something privately …do you have any
Sam smiled … “Of course … Why not the “cave” … you’ve always
liked the atmosphere down there, Molly … You know how to turn the music
on don’t you? Why don’t you just run along and have your liqueurs down
there … We’ll all manage without you, I’m sure.”
Tim blushed deep crimson. He’d never been in a situation like this
one before that was for sure! He’d just have to deal with Kate later.
This evening clearly was not the moment! Right now, he wanted to get his
hands under that dress of Molly’s … he was dying to feel her groaning
under him. He bet she was a wild one all right!
Tim and Molly excused themselves and rapidly left the room, Tim
leading the way down to the “cave.” As they were descending the stairs,
he cupped his hands under Molly’s almost bare bottom and drew her to him,
feeling the softness of her belly and the hardness of her sex mound
pressing to his throbbing cock.
“Oh, baby … let’s get that dress off of you! Come on!” He pulled
her into the darkness of the cave and without bothering to turn on the
lights, fell down with her to one of the many foam rubber pads that
conveniently surrounded the walls.

* * *

Kate noticed when Tim and Molly got up to leave, but she had not
heard where they were going. Craig Soames had been telling her about his
ski lodge in Switzerland … expressing the hope that she and Sam would
come to visit them there during the coming winter. His leg had been
rubbing against hers all evening, and she was feeling a tell-tale
moistness between her closely pressed thighs. Craig was a very exciting
man. She looked over at Sam for some reassurance that everything was all
right, and that this was indeed what he wanted her to do. And Sam smiled
and nodded back to her.
“Well, well …” he said to them, “our forces seem to be dwindling.
I won’t pretend that I will be vexed if you wish to continue your
discussion in private. I have some work to do. I may, however, join you
Sam had told her earlier that he wanted them to go down to the cave,
so Kate knew that that would be where her adventure with Craig would take
place. The thought of making love with this man in the very place where
she had accidentally discovered Tim with Dot sent a shiver of perversion
through her. It would be like getting her revenge!
After a few more minutes at the table, she and Craig got up and
started for the downstairs playroom.
She was ready for whatever came next, she told herself. Her courage
had grown since dinner… the wine, the soft lights and the music that Sam
had been playing, all had contributed to her mellow mood. When they had
left the dining room, Craig put his arm around her and they walked toward
the stairway that led to the cellar. Before they entered the room, Kate
watched Craig reach toward a switch near the outside of the door. He
flicked it, suddenly the room was filled with the loud rock music that
typified what was playing in most discotheques.
“You’ve been here before …” Kate said.
“Oh, yes … many times …” Craig answered, leading her inside, “but
seldom in such magnificent company!”
They stepped into the darkness and their ears were bombarded by the
music … Kate could hardly make out a thing in the room, but Craig led
her straight across the room to the far side where he clutched her to him
without ceremony. His tongue probed moistly beyond her lips and into her
mouth while his hand began to run up and down the flanks of her trembling
body. The stranger’s kiss excited her. The unfamiliar mouth sucking
gently on her tongue made her breasts and stomach become tense with
anticipation. She could feel his prick stiffening against her belly.
“I want to feel your legs wrapped around my neck …” he whispered
hotly into her ear.
Kate felt something akin to the fear she had felt when it had become
clear that Tule Hasan and his agent were going to violate her. But this
time, she was in control of the situation. It was quite different. She
let herself mold to Craig’s body as though she were made of flexible
plastic and when he lowered them both to the couch next to the wall she
felt a wonderful sense of wickedness. So this was what freedom was like!
For a brief instant she thought of Tim, wondering where he had gone
off to with Molly. Well, anything he could do, she could do better!
“Come on, baby, light my fiy-ah!” the music built and built in the
confines of the room as Craig’s hands searched salaciously under Kate’s
skirt in the darkness. He pulled down her panties, slowly and
deliberately, while his tongue sought out the depths of her willing mouth.
Kate knew from the way Craig handled her that he was going to satisfy her
wonderfully. It was marvelous to be able to look forward to that.
Soon she was completely nude, the cool air of the room sending little
chills across her naked skin. Craig had removed his clothes too and his
slender hips were pressing against the fullness of her thighs, his big
prick sticking up obscenely between their close-pressed bodies. Then she
was over on her back and Craig had begun to kiss her, lowering his head to
her stiffening nipples, where he grasped them with his teeth, playing back
and forth from one to the other with his mouth. Kate could feel her loins
go hot and wet from the wet ministrations of Craig’s tongue. She started
pushing her hips up impatiently toward his growing cock. Its hardness was
driving her crazy! She had to feel it in her …
“Quick! Quick!” she said … moaning softly. “I want you to fuck me
with it!” She reached down, caught in a hopeless turmoil of lust, and
grabbed onto Craig’s rigid prick pulling it toward her until the thick
head slipped slowly between the tight hair-lined lips that guarded her
vagina. Craig pressed into her and, with one grunt, rammed his cock all
the way into her squirming belly.
“Uuuuuuh!” she moaned tossing her head from side to side, as the
wonderful prick brought sweet magic into her longing cunt. Her eyes
rolled back ecstatically in her head and she abandoned herself to his
plunging rhythm.

* * *

“Ooooooooooh!” Molly gasped as Tim’s tongue performed a perfect
circle in the smooth pink mouth of her pussy. He was holding her legs up,
one thigh resting on each of his shoulders, and driving his tongue deep
into her pink-lipped vagina.
“God, what a cunt!” He wished that there was some light so that he
could see if her pussy hair was the same fiery color as her shoulder-
length tresses.
He was panting hard, holding himself back from fucking her. He
wanted to prolong this as much as he could! She was screaming and howling
under him, but now the music was so loud that he could scarcely hear what
she was saying.
Faster and faster he ground his whole mouth down into her burning
pussy, while her hips twitched crazily, fighting toward a climax.
“Hot little number … sweet little cunt!” Tim was thinking to
himself … “Oh, God I want to suck you until doomsday!”
They both had been startled when the music had started, but it had
not deterred them more than an instant from their hurried exploration of
each other. They had no idea that Kate and Craig were sharing their sex
room with them.
Molly clawed up at Tim’s arms, pulling him ever closer to her hungry
sex. He had gone right for her warm, seeping wet pussy, slipping his long
flat tongue deftly between the folds, flicking smoothly about until she
had thought she would go mad.
“Aaaaaaaa … Ooooooooh,” she shrieked ecstatically as his head
shook back and forth like some savage dog’s, his hair flying all over his
head. Molly was ready to explode with the incredible sucking that burned
at her over-excited cunt.
“Oh, honey … suck me, suck me … I … I’m cumming, baby, love me,
oh, babeeeee!”
She bounced and jerked beneath his lust-crazed attack, spouting forth
a steady stream of nonsense words … her quick orgasm overtaking her
lovely body completely.
“More … more … I want more …” she groaned out to him as the
orgiastic spasms finally subsided.

* * *

The tapes of music suddenly stopped. The automatic rewind had
somehow fouled up and the discotheque cave was immediately flooded with an
overwhelming silence punctuated only by the violent love cries of its
“Oh yes … Craig! Fuck me … oh you’re fucking me so good … fuck
harder … fuck me … Oh your cock is wonderful!” Kate bucked so hard
under Craig Soames that he thought she might toss him off.
God, he thought, Sam sure did know how to pick ’em!
Tim’s long cock had just sunk deep into the quivering cunt that had
just known his tongue so thoroughly. But when the music stopped and he
heard his wife’s voice screaming out obscenities that he didn’t even know
she knew, he stopped with a crushing suddenness.
Kate! In the same room and being fucked by that bastard Craig. She
can’t know we’re here! He searched wildly in his head, wondering what
course to take. Listening to his wife being screwed while he was making
love to another woman was the most absurd thing he had ever experienced.
“Oh Tim … honey! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” Molly yelled out under
him … and at first he wanted to clamp his hand over her mouth. But he
could tell by the startled silence across the room that it was too late.
They had heard. But Molly was pulling him into her, lifting her tight,
aching cunt up to his dipping cock, twisting her smooth round buttocks
beneath his hands, wrapping her legs up and around his neck. He drove
furiously into her. That cunt, Kate!
“Aaaaaaaah!” Molly squealed as his cock’s head buried itself in her.
One finger explored into the crevice of her ass, spreading into the tiny
ring of her anus. He fucked her like a bull, fury and passion mingling in
his blood and all the while he could hear Kate, his own wife, crying out
beneath Molly’s husband, for their lovemaking had resumed almost

* * *

Kate had already cum twice, and she was well on her way to her third
orgasm when the music went off. She was crazy out of her mind from the
long hard strokes that Craig’s burning cock was giving her. She wanted it
to go on forever. Her hands were curling down to caress Craig’s fat,
swinging balls when Molly Soames’ passion-choked voice pierced the
She froze in startled horror at the idea that they were not only not
alone in the cave, but that her husband was right across from them …
fucking Craig’s wife!
But Craig jolted his swollen cock into her silken cunt more
insistently than ever and he whispered into her ear.
“It’s my wife and your husband. Shall we have a contest to see who
can have the most fun!”
The utter perversity of it rocked Kate’s already trembling soul.
Yes, by God, she would show him what fucking could be like! She would
show him how much she had learned without him … the bastard! But then
she wasn’t thinking about anything anymore as the rock-hard penis that
skewered into her, crashed down and ground up into her widespread pulsing
“Oooooooooohhhh! Ohhhhhhh!” she cried out like a stuck pig, knowing
all the while that her husband could hear her every word. “Ooooooh yes!
Fuck me, Craig, screw me like a whore!”

* * *

Sam entered the room about half an hour later. Sam brought enough
Champagne for everyone, but left it to cool in big ice buckets behind the
bar until everyone was ready for it.
Then he turned on enough light so that he could see everyone, and sat
on a bar stool from which he had a clear vision of both couples.
He sipped from his glass as he watched Kate sucking on Craig Soames’
glistening cock, stuffing it hungrily into her sweet ovaled mouth like a
popsicle. While on the other side of the room, Tim and Molly were lost in
the oral exploration of each other’s throbbing genitals, inverted one upon
the other like folding, stackable chairs.
He found it very amusing and highly stimulating, so, after awhile, he
took off his robe and walked naked first to one side of the room, where he
rammed into the kneeling Molly from behind, grinding her cunt down into
Tim’s face as he did so. Then after a few minutes he got up and went to
the other side where he impaled Kate’s rectum and shot his hot sperm
between the soft warm cheeks of her wildly bobbing buttocks while she was
being devastated from below by Craig’s conquering prick, churning into the
soft blonde triangle of her vagina.
He hadn’t had such a successful dinner party in some time!

=01 Chapter 10

“Sam! Sam Dagon! How are you?”
Sam looked up from his lunch, offering his right hand to a past
business acquaintance.
“Well, Tom Roper! Good to see you. Won’t you join us?”
“Just on my way out, Sam. But I would like to discuss some ideas I
have for a new project. Think you might be interested. I have a few
things worked out on paper and …”
“Well, listen …” Sam interrupted him. “Why don’t you give my
secretary a call the first of the week and we’ll set up an appointment to
discuss it.”
Tom Roper looked at the luscious blonde sitting next to Sam. Sam
sure knows how to pick ’em! he thought to himself.
“Oh, excuse me,” Sam said. “May I present Kate Tassel, my personal
“My pleasure,” Tom Roper nodded to Kate. But he was thinking, I’ll
bet she’s personal!
When Roper was out of earshot, Kate turned to Sam, her hand under the
table caressing Sam’s leg.
“Personal assistant,” she repeated. “I like the way that sounds. So
much more refined than ‘housekeeper.'”
“Well, I like to see that my good friends are happy,” he said, “and
that they keep me happy.”

* * *

“And this is the guest cottage …” Tim was saying as he opened the
door to the small house at the west end of the property. “It isn’t used
very much but it has to be kept up at all times.”
As the new young housekeeper walked past Tim into the cottage his
hand rested gently on her firm backside.
“Is that one of my duties, too?” she asked him, pushing his hand
“I hope you don’t ever think of it as a duty,” Tim answered. “We
want everyone to be happy here. What would make you happy?” he asked
suggestively, pulling her close to him, “Hmmmmm?”

* * *

Kate signaled the waitress to bring another round of drinks.
“You know we’re going to need another maid soon. I think Dot will be
leaving us. Besides I think we can do a lot better in that department.
Have you noticed our waitress, Sam?”
Sam looked up at Kate.
“I see you understand me better every day. As a matter of fact, I
did notice the young girl. See what you can do for me, will you. You
seem to handle these situations so easily …”
Kate smiled, wondering how Tim was making out back at the house with
the newest applicant for her old “job.”

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