Marci Gets A Pussy Bath

Marci loved to baby-sit for her Uncle Bob. Mostly it
was because he paid her really well, but he always made
her feel good too. He always seemed to notice something
about her that he commented on. Maybe it was that she
was smart. Maybe it was her talent for singing.
Sometimes it was about her hairdo or body.

Marci had just turned fifteen and she was beginning to
have strange feelings in her body. Well, it wasn’t that
they were so strange. It was just that they were more
frequent and stronger than in the past. There were some
boys at school that when she looked at them, she felt
funny in her stomach. And lately, when she was in the
shower, washing her body made her feel funny too,
especially when she washed her breasts. It had felt
good for several years, but now it was positively

Marci’s breasts had doubled in size in just the last
year. They had been modest mounds of hard flesh with
big brown stains on the tips, but in the last year her
nipples had burst into prominence while her hard mounds
had grown and softened. Now she had double handfuls
with nice puffy areolas, on top of which sat raisin
sized nips that got hard and tingled deliciously when
she washed them. But that was nothing to what she felt
like when she washed herself between her legs.
Sometimes that felt so good that her knees got weak and
she had to lean against the side of the shower stall.

It was almost like she had grown a bunch of new nerves
as her body continued to grow and change.

And apparently Uncle Bob had noticed. Marci had seen
him stealing lots of looks at those breasts. He hadn’t
said anything about them, of course, but he sure seemed
to like to stare at them. That made her tummy feel
strange and funny too. She liked her Uncle a lot. He
was strong, and handsome, and he had a wonderful smile.
Whenever he smiled at her it made her feel special.

Tonight she was going to baby-sit for Randy. She
thought Randy looked just like Uncle Bob. He was a good
kid too. He was six and he was no trouble at all. All
she had to do was promise to read him a story and he’d
do anything she wanted him to. It was fun reading to
him, as she pretended to be each different character,
and adopted different voices for them all. She
especially liked it when she got to growl, because that
always sent Randy into a fit of giggles.

She threw on a loose tank top. No bra tonight. They
were too tight and she liked the feeling of her breasts
wobbling around, her nipples scraping against the
cloth. A pair of bikini cotton panties and cutoffs came
next, and flip flops for her feet. She put her long
blond hair back in a pony tail and was off to her

Aunt Janet answered the door. Marci thought Aunt Janet
was the most beautiful woman in the whole world, next
to her own mother, Uncle Bob’s sister. Janet always
looked perfect, with her coal black straight hair and
her lush woman’s body. Her breasts stuck out a foot
from her slim body and Marci had always hoped her own
would look like that some day. And her skin was so
white and flawless.

Janet smiled. “Marci, dear, we’re so glad you could
watch our little man tonight. We’re going out dancing
with your parents.”

Marci knew that, of course. She had seen her parents
getting ready.

Janet went on. “Now Randy must be in bed by nine.
There’s pizza in the fridge. And no boys!” she smiled

“Aunt Janet!” said Marci. “You know I wouldn’t let
anybody come over while I’m babysitting.”

“Of course dear,” said her aunt. “It’s just that you’re
getting so grown up. I know the boys are chasing you
around all the time, trying to get in your little
panties.” Uncle Bob came in at the end of her

“No they’re not!” yipped Marci, embarrassed by the idea
that her Aunt thought she’d let boys act like that.

“Well they SHOULD be!” chimed in her Uncle. “And very
sexy panties I bet they are.”

“UNCLE BOB!!” gasped Marci.

“Leave the poor girl alone, you lech.” laughed Janet.
“Save it for me.”

Bob leered at his wife and reached out to grab one of
her pendulous breasts. He squeezed it lightly. “I’d be
delighted, but why wait until later?”

She batted his hand away while Marci blushed crimson.
Her own breasts tingled. Her aunt laughed. “No way,
stud! I want to be wined and dined first. Let’s go.”

They both hugged Marci goodbye. When she hugged Uncle
Bob Marci felt his crotch press against hers. There was
something lumpy down there, and it pushed into her. She
blushed even more as she realized what it was. That
made her feel all tingly too. Her uncle looked in her
eyes. “I’ll see YOU later, little girl.”

Marci bristled. “I’m NOT a little girl!”

Her uncle glanced pointedly at her heaving chest.
“You’re right at that,” he said. “My apologies to a
lovely young woman.” He kissed her right on the mouth!
and then went out the door after his wife.

Marci’s knees felt trembly. Uncle Bob had kissed her on
the lips! His lips had been so warm and mushy. She
realized she had been holding her breath and was
panting a little, and that feeling in her stomach made
her want to wash herself between her legs.

She and Randy had a nice night and he went to bed
promptly as she read him to sleep. Then she watched
some TV and took a short nap herself. She woke up
during an especially loud commercial. It was one in the
morning. She stretched and right then headlights swung
across the front windows. They were home.

She went to the front door to unlock it and opened it
to find Uncle Bob holding up a very limp Aunt Janet.
Janet was singing a little song, something about a
virgin and a wolf and the wolf had a staff he was going
to use on the virgin. She lit up when she saw Marci.
“OH!” she said loudly. “Here’s our virgin now!” She
started laughing and her hand groped the front of Uncle
Bob’s pants. “Now where’s that damn staff?” She started
laughing gaily as Bob dragged her across the threshold.

“She had a few too many margaritas” said Uncle Bob
apologetically as he saw Marci’s mouth drop open. “Help
me get her up to bed?”

Marci jumped and then took one side of her aunt, while
her Uncle took the other. They struggled up the stairs
to the bedroom, and along the way Marci felt a hand
squeeze her butt! Janet rolled her head toward her
young niece. In a falsely low voice she said “My, but
what a nice plump butt you have, said the wolf.” She
giggled again and Marci felt the hand squeeze her butt
cheek again. Janet raised her voice, trying to sound
like a little girl. “The better for you to kiss it!
said the virgin.”

“Janet, shut up,” growled Uncle Bob.

Janet just laughed and, as she flopped face down on the
bed, limp as a noodle, came her muffled reply. “You
better save some for me mister wolf… you promised…”
Then she was snoring.

Bob and Marci dragged Janet around straight in the bed
and then undressed her. Marci bit her lip when they got
down to the bra and panties, but Bob never blinked an
eye as he rolled her to one side and reached for the
bra clasp. “Get her panties?” he glanced at Marci.

Gulping, Marci grabbed the waistband of her aunt’s
powder blue panties and tugged them down past her hips,
onto her thighs. There, right before her face, was her
aunt’s completely bald pussy! Marci could hardly
believe her eyes. Marci had examined her own young sex
with a mirror. Her own pussy lips were tight, almost
straight, and thin. There was a small mat of curly
blond hair above them, that you could see right
through. But Janet’s pussy lips were huge and floppy,
with wrinkles in them.

For some strange reason Marci found herself thinking
that if you grabbed one of those lips, you could pull
it two inches away from that pussy. She flamed red as
she realized what she was thinking. She realized she
had stopped pulling her aunt’s panties down when Bob’s
hands grasped hers and helped her pull them the rest of
the way off. Bob grabbed one of his wife’s knees and
bent it when the panties got to her ankles. That foot
slipped out as Aunt Janet’s legs spread. Now those huge
purplish lips were clearly visible. Marci stared.

To her astonishment, her uncle leaned his head down. He
pursed his lips and KISSED Aunt Janet’s pussy lips!

“I’ll be seeing you later,” he said to his wife’s
pussy, and he grabbed the blanket and draped it over
his wife. She still snored.

Marci was paralyzed. She stood, her chest heaving as
she tried to catch her breath. Her pussy felt…
squishy… wet! Her nipples tingled and she wanted to
rub them. Bob stood up and looked at his niece. Her
face was pale, her breasts rising and falling quickly,
her fingers twitching. Bob recognized the signs.

“I love a bald pussy,” he said quietly. His niece
looked at him dumbly.

“And big soft breasts…like yours,” he went on.

Marci couldn’t say anything. She couldn’t move.

“You’ve grown into a beautiful woman, Marci,” he went
on, his voice calm and soothing. “Especially your
breasts. They’ve grown into a beautiful set. Sometimes
I wish I could see them,” he almost whispered.

Marci gasped, finally, breathing deeply.

“You know, Janet was probably right,” her uncle went
on. “I bet the boys ARE trying to get into your little
panties all the time… right?”

“Ummmmm,” Marci managed to get out.

“Is your little pussy shaved too, Marci?” her uncle
growled. “Is it shaved for all those horny boys? Have
you let them stick their little teen peters in it
Marci?” Now he was rubbing the front of his pants.

Marci dropped her eyes to his hand. There was a big
bulge in his pants. It startled her to feel sweet,
slightly painful tingles running from her nipples,
where they scraped against the cloth of her tank top,
to her damp pussy, snug in her shorts.

“Oh NO!” she yipped. How could her uncle think she was
like that?

“You mean you really ARE a virgin, Marci?” her uncle
leaned close to her, still rubbing.

“Uh huh,” she nodded her head. It was all she could
force herself to do. Her hand went to her crotch,
almost a defensive motion, as her fingers covered the
pussy she was trying to protect. But those fingers
betrayed her as they pressed into her pussy. She
rubbed. Her Uncle saw her rub.

“But your sweet little pussy IS shaved, right Marci?”
her Uncle said, almost conversationally.

“No,” she said in a small voice. It felt good to rub,
especially when her uncle said the word ‘pussy’. Now
her other hand came up to pinch a nipple through the
thin shirt.

“You should do that,” said her Uncle Bob. “You should
shave your pussy for the boys. They would love it if
you did that.” he rubbed his cock some more.

Marci couldn’t think too clearly. Her hormones were
rushing through her veins. “I wouldn’t know how,” she
said, without thinking too much. She was just
responding to the most recent stimulus now, not
thinking about the future.

“I could help you with that Marci,” her uncle said
soothingly. “Let me help you shave your sweet teen

“I don’t know,” moaned Marci. One tiny part of her
brain was still working.

But her Uncle reached out and grabbed her hand. His
hand was hot… strong… smooth. He led her out of the
bedroom and down to the huge master bathroom. It was
brightly lit. There was a vanity there, with a lit
mirror and a stool to sit on while you applied your
makeup. There was a large counter with a big sink.
Uncle Bob sat on the stool and leaned her against the

Marci stood there. She didn’t know what to do. She felt
so strange. Uncle Bob raised her hands up in the air.
He grabbed the bottom of her tank top and raised it.

“We don’t want to get this all wet,” he said, and he
pulled it above her naked breasts. He hissed as here
succulent orbs came into view. “I knew they’d be
beautiful” he said. Marci took in a ragged breath.
Things were happening to her. She felt so funny.

And then he was kissing her nipples. and THEN he sucked
one into his mouth! Marci’s brain went on hold as the
sweet pains of his sucking lips shot through her body.
She had never felt anything this good in her whole
life. She tried to breathe in, but she had been holding
her breath and it came out in a sob. Without thinking
about it her hands came up behind her Uncle’s head,
holding him there.

She didn’t want him to ever stop. Then he changed
nipples and sucked the other one. Soon both her little
nipples were rock hard and standing proud from her
puffy areolas. She was panting now. She looked down.
She saw her uncle’s mouth on the breasts she was so
familiar with, but which no man had ever touched. She
saw her own hands behind his head. She felt her pussy

The tiny, still conscious part of her brain spoke
again. “We shouldn’t,” she gasped.

Uncle Bob stopped sucking her nipples and raised his
head. Part of her wanted to scream for him to start
again. “I won’t hurt you,” he said. He pulled her face
down to his and kissed her on the mouth again. His lips
covered hers. She felt hers go slack. Then his tongue
slipped into her mouth. It darted around, over her
teeth, against her own tongue, along her cheek. It was
marvelous. She felt his hands at the snap of her
shorts. She knew she should stop him.

But she didn’t want to.

Marci’s cutoffs hit the floor with a plop. Bob went
back to sucking her nipples. His fingers found the band
of her panties and started sliding them down, over her
blooming hips. She leaned into him automatically, away
from the counter, and her panties slid down her legs.

Bob knew he had her, but he also knew she wasn’t
thinking… wasn’t choosing to let him have her. He
didn’t want her to regret anything that might happen
between them. He knew he had to slow things down a
little. He reluctantly let her nipple slip out of his
mouth. He grasped her around her slim teen waist and
lifted her up, sitting her ass on the counter. He
scooted the chair between her legs.

“This is very nice,” he said in a business like tone.
“But we have work to do.”

He leaned over to get the razor and shaving cream. When
he came back he took his first look at his niece’s
pussy. Of course he’d never seen her pussy before. If
he had, he would have noticed that her pussy lips
weren’t so thin any more… weren’t so pale. Now they
were engorged with blood, swollen and pink. It was a
most beautiful pussy. He said so as he took a hot
washcloth and laid it across those engorged lips,
covering them. The heat felt wonderful and she moaned.

“Marci you have a positively delightful little pussy,”
he said, as he rubbed the washcloth around her mons.

Marci leaned back, her shoulders hitting the cold glass
of the mirror. She didn’t mind. It helped her think a
little better. Her Uncle was between her naked legs,
his hand rubbing her sensitive teen pussy, even if it
was through a washcloth. It felt just fantastic. She
closed her eyes.

“Do you REALLY think it’s pretty Uncle Bob?” she

Bob looked up at her and smiled. “Yes, dear. I really
mean it. I’ll prove it to you later.” She opened her
eyes and looked at him, waiting for him to say more,
but he didn’t.

Marci felt shy. “Nobody’s ever seen me down there Uncle
Bob. This feels kind of funny. We really shouldn’t be
doing this, should we Uncle Bob?”

He stopped rubbing. This was the moment of truth. “I’m
glad you don’t let everybody look at your pussy,
honey,” he started out. “But it feels funny because
your pussy was made to be rubbed and… other things
too.” He hastened over that part, not wanting to panic
her. “And I suppose you’re right. Society looks down on
this sort of thing between Uncle and Niece. But I love
you and you love me and I love looking at your
beautiful body, and you taste marvelous. I want you to
be happy though. I’ll stop if you want me to.”

He waited, not moving. She stared at him, biting her

Finally she said something. “What are you going to do?”

He knew what she meant. What he wanted to do was bury
his fat cock in her and give her a good dose of Uncle
Bob’s spooge. But he couldn’t do it against her will.
“Right now I’m going to shave your sweet pussy and make
it all nice and smooth and clean. After that we can
decide if you want to do anything else. How’s that?”

Marci remembered what her aunt’s bald pussy had looked
like. “OK” she said simply.

Bob heaved a sigh of relief. His cock was painfully
hard. He decided this might be a good time to see how
safe she felt. “Honey, you know about how a man’s penis
gets all hard when he sees a beautiful woman, right?”

She nodded. She wasn’t stupid.

“Well, as I said, you are VERY beautiful, and my penis
is VERY hard right now, and it sort of hurts, all
cramped up in my pants. Would it make you very nervous
if I took my pants off?”

Marci felt a wave of heat go through her pussy that had
nothing to do with the hot washcloth still covering it.
The though of seeing her Uncle’s hard cock was very
appealing to her.

“That would be OK,” she said.

Uncle Bob stood. He unbuckled his belt, opened his
pants and let them drop. His briefs were tight, with a
point towards her that she knew was the tip of his
cock. He bent over and she saw the white cloth sliding
down his legs. Then he stepped out of pants and briefs
and stood up. Marci saw her very first erect penis…
and it was pointed directly at her.

She gasped.

His cock was thick, and long. It wasn’t circumcised,
and the little slit on the end was peeking out of a
fleshy hood. She could see that under that hood the
head was shaped like a blunt arrow head. She knew that
men put cocks like those inside girls like her every
single day of the year, but it was hard to believe. She
could understand now why her aunt’s pussy lips looked
like they did. It had to stretch a girl to the breaking
point to wrap a pair of pussy lips around a cock like
that. She blushed as she realized what she was thinking

Her mind in a turmoil and she blurted, “It’s

Her uncle was nonplussed. “Why thank you my dear. I’m
rather proud of it, actually.” Then, though he hadn’t
said anything about getting completely naked, he
unbuttoned his shirt and let it slip off his shoulders,
dropping to the floor. He sat down. He pulled the
washcloth from her mons and exposed her pussy again.

“OK” he said. “You just sit still and I’ll take care of
everything.” He squirted a glob of shaving gel onto his
fingertips and worked it into the hair above her pussy.
He `slipped` intentionally and ran his slippery fingers
across her pussy lips and the little bump at the top of
her slit that was already bigger than it had ever been
before. Marci felt a thrill and giggled.

“I don’t think there’s any hair down there Uncle Bob,”
she said with mock severity.

“I know,” he grinned. “But your pussy is so beautiful I
just can’t help but touch it.” He began to rub her
pussy lips more and more, letting a finger slide
between them and into her hole. He pulled it back out,
found the knob that was her excited clitty and began to
tease that too.

Marci breathed deeply. “Mmmmmm, that feels nice,” she

Bob reluctantly stopped and reached for the razor. He
held the skin of her mons while he carefully scraped
away a razor full of hair. Her pale skin shone through
the greenish gel. It only took five or six more swipes
before all traces of her teenage bush were gone and she
was as bare and soft as a baby’s butt. Bob grabbed the
washcloth and heated it again under the water. Then he
dragged it across her pussy, revealing her newly shaven
puss. Now her pink, swollen pussy lips looked like a
split peach. He couldn’t resist. He leaned in and
feasted on that peach.

Marci saw his head going toward her bare quiff. She
knew what he was going to do. She made no move to stop
him at all. When she felt his lips kiss hers, and his
tongue slide into her pussy hole, she groaned and
spread her legs wider.

Bob licked and sucked until her clitty came all the way
out to play. Then he licked and sucked that too, until
it was fully emerged and he could get his teeth on it.

Marci thought she was going to just curl up and die. If
his sucking of her nipples had felt better than
anything else in the world, this was twice as good as
that! She saw movement of Uncle Bob’s arm and looked.
His fist was around his beautiful cock and he was
jacking it back and forth. The head was coming out of
its hood and going back in. That head was dark, almost
purple. It was hard to see.

“Uncle Bob?” Marci moaned.

He stopped slobbering in her pussy. He stuck a finger
in her, deeper, deeper, deeper until it was all the way
in her. She was tight, but her cherry was gone,
probably to tampons.

“Ungh!” she groaned as she felt the invading finger.
“Oh Uncle Bob” she moaned. “I feel so strange. I want
to… I want to… I want you to…” she couldn’t

Bob stood up. He pointed his straining jacking cock at
Marci’s pussy. He jacked on it hard. He moved closer
and then his cock touched her pussy! He rubbed his cock
head all over her pussy mouth, between her lips, over
and over her clit, up onto her newly shaved mons. Marci
sighed and wiggled. It felt so marvelous. She knew he
was going to stick it in her. She knew she shouldn’t
let him. He could make her pregnant. But he felt so

“I don’t want to get… pregnant,” she moaned. “But…”

“Well, sweet thing, unfortunately, I don’t have a
rubber,” he said. He jacked and rubbed her pussy with
his cock.

“But you want to put it inside me, don’t you?” she

“Yes, darling, very, very much,” he panted.

“I love you Uncle Bob,” she sobbed.

He knew what that meant. He jerked harder, faster. “I’m
going to make some lubrication for you baby,” he
gasped. “Something to make it easier for you, so it
won’t hurt.” He felt his spooge rising. Then, at the
last second he stopped his hand still. He lowered the
tip of his cock to her pussy and nosed it between her
virgin pussy lips. He felt it pulse and he saw his
creamy white spend well out of he opening, around the
tip of his cock. He pushed, sealing off her pussy with
his fat cock head, and sent another bolt of slippery
man cum up into her pussy.

Then he pushed. His cock head spread her pussy mouth,
stretching it painfully, and popped inside. She
grimaced at the initial pain, and then heaved a sigh
when the stretching pain began to fade. Bob’s head
coughed out two more strings of dangerous cum, filling
her unused channel, and he pushed again. His sperm did
the trick. She was tight, but his slippery stuff oiled
his entrance. In one long slide he socketed his rampant
boner in his niece’s hot teen pussy. His pubes mashed
into where hers had been a short time earlier.

“Ohhhh shit!” grunted Marci. She was about to say she
couldn’t take any more when he suddenly pulled it back
out of her. Suddenly she changed her mind. She wanted
it back in! Then she let out a long sigh of relief when
he did just that. He slid it back in, the tip nudging
into the back of her pussy, making her tingle with joy.
She felt his arms around her and suddenly realized he
was standing up!

Now she was impaled on his stiff cock, her whole weight
pinning her to it. Only his cock was keeping her from
sliding down to the floor. As she instinctively raised
her healthy strong legs to wrap them around his
buttocks she felt pressure on that place he had been
nibbling before – her clitty. It started to overpower
her. She felt pressure starting to build and felt like
her whole body was going to explode into a million

Bob held his orgasming niece to his body as he walked
back to the bedroom where his wife was sleeping off her
inebriation. He wanted to prong his niece on a bed, and
that one was the closest. She was cumming on his cock.
He could tell from the spasms of her pussy.

He knew the tip of his monster cock had to be
penetrating clear into her womb, and that already way
more of his potent sperm was in there than was good,
but something about her nubile young body demanded that
he do his best to put a baby in her belly. He leaned
her onto the edge of the bed and she lay back, her head
falling on her aunt’s thigh.

Then he fucked her good and proper.

Uncle Bob reamed her out. He pushed and pulled and
worked his cock into every part of her famished pussy.
Marci came at least five or six more times before she
was so relaxed that she just flopped back. She lay
there enjoying the thick sausage that was making her
feel so wonderful.

She looked down at the joining of Uncle and Niece. His
dark cock was sliding in and out of her stretched pussy
lips. There was a ring of white froth around his cock
when he pulled it back out. She knew that was sperm.
She knew her pussy was full of his sperm. She knew that
he might be fucking a baby in her at that very instant.
But she just didn’t care any more. She loved the
feeling. She loved seeing that ring of sperm around his
cock. She loved fucking. She looked up adoringly at her
Uncle. He was frowning, panting, gasping. He looked
just like he had before he’d blown that first bunch of
slippery white jizz into her pussy mouth.

“Ohhhhh Uncle Bob, are you going to squirt again?” she

“Yeah baby,” he gasped. “Gonna do it again.”

“You wanna squirt in my pussy again?!” she gasped

“I want to baby,” he panted. “I know I shouldn’t, but I
want to.”

Marci reached up and pulled his face down to hers. Just
before she kissed him she hissed, “Give my pussy a bath
Uncle Bob.”

Bob felt a jolt as he realized that not only did his
niece want him to fuck her, she wanted his cum in her
pussy! He couldn’t believe it. He’d been trying to
figure out what to do about the fact that he’d spermed
her already. But now he let himself go. His prick
bulged and belched a huge rope of silvery cum into her
teen pussy. He slammed it home as a second, third and
forth shot left his cock to flow wetly into her womb.

They kissed hungrily as his cock emptied itself into
her. Then there was a sound.

“Bob?” came the muzzy voice of Aunt Janet. They turned
their heads as his cock dribbled out one last ounce of
potent cum into Marci’s well-fucked and satisfied
pussy. Janet’s head was raised up. Her eyes were open.
She was looking straight at them.

“I thought the big bad wolf was supposed to save that
for ME!” she whined, and her head flopped back down,
unconscious again.

It wasn’t nearly as awkward for Marci as she thought it
would be. They both watched as he slowly dragged that
long thick thing out of her pussy, dripping with a
milky white covering that was proof that his seed had
soaked her nubile pussy.

“I hate to take it out,” he moaned.

“I feel so empty now,” she moaned back.

“Can we do it again some day?” he asked.

“Any time you want,” sighed Marci.

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