Simone The Schoolgirl

Part One

I arrived at Benlow school late, very late. Miss Archer was expecting me
at 10.00 and it was 11.30 now. Damn this British public transport. I hoped
she would be understanding. Mistake number one !

The school secretary ushered me into the oak-panelled room in complete
silence. I was seated in a chair two feet away from the imposing desk. I
had been informed that Miss Archer would be with me shortly. I looked
casually around the room at the shelves of books, filing cabinets etc.. All
very ordered, all very British. I was here to start my new teaching post,
the term had already started but it was the first work I could find and I
was glad to get it. I had never taught in a ‘public’ school before. Why was
it called that ? It was anything but public ! But Benlow was short of a
Biology teacher and the fact that I knew several languages well enough to
teach them and deputise, clinched the deal. It was unclear as to what
happened to the last Biology teacher, but what the heck, it was my job

A British public school. Here was me, a quiet guy from Florida
surrounded by all of this history. I guess that’s why the post attracted
me –
a very well respected school, good grades, extra curricular activities,
sports facilities but most importantly for me, a room on the grounds. This
would suit me fine for the next year until I got back on my feet. The pay
wasn’t brilliant, but you can’t turn down free accommodation. The only
catch was that I would be a ‘House Master’ and that would probably
involve some supervision of some of the kids that lived on the campus.

Another first for me would be that this was an all-female school. That
didn’t bother me, I’d rather teach girls than boys – far more quiet and
attentive. Easier. The door opened as I was woken from my thoughts.
Before I could stand a stern voice said “Ah, Mr. Kelaway, so glad you
could join us”. This was my first run-in with Miss Archer.

Miss Archer, I never found out her first name, was 40ish, tall and
reasonably pleasant. She had a very serious air and my attempts at
humour fell on stony ground. She said she was pleased to have me there
particularly as I would be filling the post of House Master also. She
explained that this involved just being the adult presence in a house of
around 16 of the boarding girls, whom I would meet later. She stressed
that it was up to me to ensure discipline was maintained and she gave me
a look as though she was expecting a reply. I couldn’t think of anything to
say so she carried on and talked (at length) about the tradition of the
school and the quality of girls it produced. All of this took nearly an hour
and I was desperate for a pee at the end.

We toured the school buildings and I got my first glimpse of the girls –
and they of me. I got stares and looks as any new teacher would but I
think it was the fact that I was male, under 30 and reasonably handsome
that surprised the girls. The other two male teachers were both near
retirement and fairly disgusting in their personal habits. The girls were
what you would expect from such a privileged background – middle class,
affluent, bright, they all seemed to be called Jessica or Laura and they
were all very well presented, mainly thanks to the uniform they wore.
Standard grey skirt, maroon sweater and white blouse. They could be
described with the word ‘neat’ (as in tidy) as could the school. I felt like
would enjoy it here. The girls were aged between 11 and 16 and I would
later find out that my house would contain the 5th year – 15 & 16 year
olds. Oh great, the rebellious age !

A few days later at the weekend, I moved my stuff into Alban House at
the edge of the grounds and prepared for my first lessons on Monday. It
was Sunday night however, that I started working. Around 10pm I heard a
loud crash and then girlish giggling from the hall. I went out quickly to
find two girls (later named as Leila and Simone) hastily tidying a smashed
vase. They were hot and flushed and I guessed a ‘game’ had gotten out of
hand. I asked the usual dumb questions and got the usual dumb answers
but the girls were making a good job of tidying up and the vase was a
very plain one used for just holding flowers. I said that if the vase was
replaced within a couple of days, nothing more would be said. They
thanked me profusly (Very profusly !) and I went back to my room.

The next day went well. I met the class (or Form !) I would be looking
after and got my rota (or Timetable !) for the classes I would be teaching.
My form was ‘5F’, a group of pleasant fifth-years and, surprise surprise,
Leila and Simone were two of the girls in the class, sitting at the back and
keeping quiet for a change. At the end of roll-call (or Assembly !) I held
them back and reminded them of their promise to replace the vase. They
apologised and left. At the end of the day I got back to the house and sure
enough, on the hall table was a nice and shiny new vase. Round 1 to Mr.
Kelaway !

Part Two

The next few weeks went fine. The girls were pleasant and open to learn,
the duties of a House Master were few and I was enjoying the work. My
next ‘run-in’ with Miss Archer came in my fourth week. I heard shouting
one night and went out into the hall to see Phillipa slam down the
payphone and then smash the handset against the wall. I was aghast,
Phillipa was one of the most quiet characters around. She turned to see me
and then froze. Her eyes immediately fell to the floor and her shoulders
slumped. I ordered her into my room and asked her to explain what had
happened. She’d had a bust-up with her boyfriend and she’d ‘phoned to
confront him with something or other and then gotten angry. All the time
she was apologising and offering to make good on the repair to the wall. It
occurred to me that money was not a problem for these girls and so I
decided on the extra punishment of writing an essay on ‘The Control of
Anger’. She grumpily accepted this and left.

The next day I was called in to see Miss Archer who was fully briefed on
all of the details of the night before. Apparently a cleaner had found some
mess (even though I’d told Phillipa to clear it up) reported it and Miss
Archer had made her own inquiries. I put it to her that she could have
asked me but she dismissed this with a flick of the hand and said she’d
tried to get hold of me but I was in a class or unavailable. I said nothing
but her tone softened a little and she said “Mr. Kelaway, Benlow is a
school of tradition. Discipline is one of our most treasured traditions. The
girls are sent here to learn respect. They are sent here by their parents
in most cases their mothers were pupils here also and as such they must
value our traditions and our methods”. At this point her voice hardened a
little, “But discipline is not something we take lightly. It must be
enforced, rigidly at all times”. I started to reply but she carried on,
you did last night, whilst good intentioned, has not taught Phillipa
anything. She must be disciplined strongly so that there is never a
reoccurrence of such behaviour”. I could tell any argument would be
futile and doing a quick bit of mental math it became obvious that I
needed this job more than an argument so I just agreed with her. I
accepted her views and excused myself.

Walking back to the house that afternoon I saw Phillipa and quickened
my pace to walk alongside of her. She didn’t say a word when I asked if
she was O.K. She didn’t say anything in fact, just ‘ummed’ and nodded as
I spoke. We parted at the house. About an hour later there was a knock on
my door and I called out for the person to enter and in walked Simone. I
liked Simone a lot, she was bright and good fun but she knew when to cut
the crap and get down to the work. She stood in-spite of my offer of a seat
and looked directly at me. She accused me of getting Phillipa into trouble
with Miss Archer and what had happened was my fault. She was clearly
agitated and wasn’t thinking clearly. I asked her to expand on what she
was saying but she was too worked up. Finally, she took a seat opposite
me and calmed down. It turned out that as soon as I had left miss Archer’s
study, Phillipa was called in. She’d been told that Miss Archer and I had
agreed that more discipline was need and Miss Archer had administered 6
strokes of the cane. I was dumb-struck. I’d heard that British schools still
used corporal punishment but I’d never come across it personally. I
assured Simone that this was none of my doing and I was annoyed that
this had happened, but Simone looked directly at me and said “If you’d
been firmer with Pippa originally, then this wouldn’t have happened”. I
was silenced, she carried on “We all get spanked and caned at Benlow,
I’ve had it twice this year already – we’re used to it” she paused “But no-
one wants it from Archer” and her words trailed off and she looked away.
I thought I saw her wince.

After I’d thanked Simone for her explanation, it must have taken guts on
her part, I thought about what she’d said. The girls were looking to me to
keep things ‘In House’ as it were. But spanking and caning girls wasn’t
my thing, it wasn’t a teaching ‘tool’ I’d ever used. And where to spank
them ? On the hand, legs, behind even ? I thought about it some more
that evening but finally turned in and had a rather strange and slightly
erotic dream about some faceless girls all bending before me and lifting
their skirts. These were dreams I tried NOT to have ! They can be
dangerous when you’re a male teacher ! Particularly when I’d got a thing
for uniforms ! I woke myself and got out of bed. I took my case from
under the bed and found what I was looking for. A magazine with the
subtle title of ‘Boobs, Skirts & High Heels’. Basically a skin mag of
buxom women spilling out of tight blouses, or women in an office
environment reclining over desks and showing their legs. I flicked
through and couldn’t resist tossing off. I’d found that this released some
frustrations and kept my mind away from the obvious distractions a
school can offer.

Part Three

Two days later, I had Simone in my room again. This time clutching a
note from Miss Archer, but addressed to me. I asked Simone if she knew
what this was about but she just shrugged her shoulders a little and didn’t
speak. I opened the note and read it.
‘Mr. Kelaway. I have had cause to discuss a matter with Simone
Tallington. This matter needs no further discussion but Simone is aware
of her wrong-doing and must be punished. I pass to you the responsibility
for administering some discipline to this wayward girl.
Yours, L. Archer’.
I looked at Simone and her face showed no emotion. “Do you know what
this says” I asked. She nodded and said “I’ve not read it but I can guess”.
walked over to my desk and stood with my back to her. It occurred to me
that I didn’t know what to do next. “And what is the usual punishment..” I
left my question hanging hoping she would answer. She answered without
looking up “Six strokes with the cane on bare cheeks or 10 covered”. I
couldn’t believe my ears ! Bare Cheeks ! What sort of practice was this ?

I paused for a second and tried to keep the tremble out of my voice. “And
what do the girls usually choose ?” I queried, I’m sure my voice was
rising towards the end. “Covered” was her sparse reply. “Very well then,”
I began “get yourself ready”. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as
this lovely girl bent forwards and gripped her ankles tightly, legs slightly
apart. I swallowed hard. It only then occurred to me that I hadn’t got a
cane. I looked round for something else and saw the wooden ruler on my
desk. That would do. I moved towards her and without prompting she
lifted her left hand to the hem of her skirt and flicked it up casually to
bear her lovely bum. No wonder these girls were snapped up quick as
wives ! She wore some standard white panties and white ankle socks but
the vision that stood before me was wonderful. A quick flash crossed my
mind of kneeling behind her and flicking my tongue up the backs of her
thighs and making her giggle but I soon shook that away. She turned her
head to look up at me and said “I’m ready”.

I looked at her with new eyes. Her hair was hanging forwards and her
sweet face looked so soft. I looked at her perfectly straight legs, slightly
tanned. He thighs were full and her calves had a lovely roundness to them.
She had a woman’s legs – not those of a typical skinny schoolgirl. I felt
my cock starting to twitch and decided the best thing would be to get this
over with a.s.a.p. I moved behind her, holding the ruler poised above her
glorious behind. I closed my eyes for a second and pictured her kneeling
on the bed waiting for me to slide in behind her.. Damn it, Kelaway. You
definitely need to get some female (adult !) company. I cursed myself for
my weakness and brought the ruler down hard on the curves of the girls’
backside. Simone winced and drew breath quickly across her teeth. I
realised I’d been a little too firm. I swished again, lower than before.
Simone winced once more. A few more spanks with the ruler and the
count was six. Simone sniffed and I supposed she might be crying. I
couldn’t do anymore. I said “Please stand, Simone. I think that’s enough”.
She rose slowly and I watched her behind as the skirt slid slowly back
down. Shame.

She was a little red-faced but no tears. She turned to me and said softly
“Thank you”, then she left. I stood in the middle of the room, ruler in
hand unsure of what to do next. I had just physically spanked a lovely girl
for no reason I was aware of. She had bent before me showing all of her
glorious legs and ass and I had spanked her. Jesus, but I was horny ! I
replayed the scene in my mind. Within a minute, I was on my bed,
trousers down jacking off into a tissue with ‘Boobs, Skirts & High Heels’
open in front of me. My favourite photo-spread (Cara, 18 years old is a
naughty secretary) open in front of me. The girl in the photos was bending
forwards over a desk with no skirt on. Her fabulous legs encased in nylon
stockings and black high heels. She was looking into the camera as if to
say ‘Well, what are you waiting for ?’. I came with a low moan but as I
did, Cara’s face had turned into Simone’s.

Part Four

A couple of weeks went by without incident and the term was nearing its’
end and getting close to Christmas. I was pleased, I’d managed to save
enough money to get home (Pensacola) for the holidays. There was no
luck on the female (adult) company front but I was friendly with the girls
and I managed to keep my lust in check.

On Friday nights, most of the girls went home for the weekend but some
stayed and I would occasionally see them in town of an evening. They
were trusted to behave but the 10pm curfew was strictly enforced. Which
meant that I was also effectively on curfew as it was my responsibility to
check on the girls. This Friday, I was in the local pub and ordering my
final drink at around 9.30pm. I looked over into the lounge area and saw a
face I recognised – none other then Simone. I wonder if she knew that
she’d been the object of some of my fantasies lately ? She was flirting
with some of the local guys but she was a sensible girl and I didn’t
interfere. She didn’t see me but I sure saw her. She wore a tight black
skirt, way too short and high heels over black nylons. She also wore a thin
red top that showed she was no boy ! She had lovely rounded breasts and
very slight bumps showed where her nipples were ready to rise. Her hair
was piled on her head and her neck looked so inviting. I leant on the bar
and gazed at this vision. I was not the only one ! Most of the guys in the
bar were sneaking glimpses as well. I smiled to myself when I thought of
how I’d spanked her – I wondered what some of these guys might pay to
have that privilege !

I left just before ten and headed home. Simone was still in the pub and I
was halfway expecting to see her run past me to get back before curfew.
But I reached the house and stood at the doorway looking at the night sky
until the church clock struck ten. I went inside and sat by my door,

At 10.40pm, I heard the door open and heels click on the stone floor. I
opened my door quickly and Simone froze as she saw me. I walked
towards her and stood directly in front of her. It was cold outside and her
nipples looked delicious. “Simone, do you have an explanation for your
lateness ?” I asked. She smiled at first and then looked down – she knew
she was in trouble. “No Sir” was all she said. “I think you need to be
disciplined, don’t you ?” She nodded and walked into my room. I watched
her bum as she walked. Shit, but this was a sexy girl. I closed the door and
she stood in the middle of my room, looking downcast. “To make matters
worse,” I began “You’ve been drinking tonight”. She quickly turned and
stammered out “No. It was only coke, honest” And stopped when she saw
the smirk on my face. She knew she been caught out again. Double
trouble !. She returned with “I thought it was you in the pub, you should
have come over and we could have talked”. I said that she looked busy
with all of the guys around her and her face fell into a sly smile and she
said “Yes, but none of them are real men, are they ?” and she looked deep
into my eyes.

I broke away from her gaze and sternly said that she had broken the rules
and must be punished. What happened next seemed to be almost in slow
motion. She turned away from me and looked back over her shoulder
never once letting her eyes leave mine. She said, very softly and slowly,
“Well, go ahead” and she pulled the hem of her skirt up over her ass and
bent forwards a little. Jesus, I nearly came on the spot ! She was wearing
black hold-up stockings and a thin black G-string. I stood open mouthed
looking at this slut in front of me not even considering that she was only
16 years old. My eyes followed the curves of her legs and the line of the
stockings down to her high-heeled stilletoes. Shit, but she was fuckable.
She interrupted my thoughts by saying “I can see your friend agrees” and
I saw her eyes move to my crotch. I was so stiff a cat couldn’t scratch it !
I quickly turned away from her and said “Simone, you’re improperly
dressed and it’s very late – go to your room and we’ll sort this out
tomorrow”. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her stand upright and
turn towards me.

I watched her almost sway over to me and my cock twitched as her skirt
fell back into place hiding her treasures. She smiled as she saw me look at
her legs. “Older men go for legs and particularly stockings, don’t they ?”
she asked rhetorically. “The boys can’t keep their hands off my boobs but
the older men like to see legs” and by the time she’d finished she was
standing only a foot in front of me. Before I could speak she spoke softly
herself and said “I made Dad’s business partner come by just letting him
rub my legs when I was wearing stockings, you know”. My mouth just
opened and closed like a fish. Of all the women I’d seen in the strip joints
of Reno and other places, none of them exuded as much sexuality as this
girl standing in front of me now – and she knew it ! She leant closer to me
so that her full, red lips were only six inches away from mine and said
“Of course, he preferred it when I sucked him off”. I pulled away.
“Enough Simone, go to your room now” I said sternly but I wondered if
she could hear the slight tremble in my voice. She pushed her bottom lip
out and looked sulky and said “Oh, can’t we have some fun together.
There’s only Ella upstairs and she’s always asleep by ten, and it’s eleven

Images of this girl blowing my cock and riding me until I came flooded
my mind. I could almost feel my willpower crumbling. I was asking
questions of myself like ‘who would know’ and ‘just once should be o.k.’
but the memories of being out of work and the possibility of prosecution
snapped me back into reality. “No Simone. You still deserve to be
punished, even more so now. Perhaps I should let Miss Archer take care
of you” I threatened. Her face lost its’ lightness as though I’d physically
slapped her. She knew the game was over. She turned and headed for the
door but before leaving she said “Think of me next time you wank off – I
know I’ll be thinking of you…” and she pulled the hem of her skirt up to
reveal her stocking top one more time. And with that she left.

I sighed deeply as I stood and looked down at my aching cock. I
wondered how angry he was with me. If he had a voice would he be
saying ‘but think of that sweet little pussy !’. I sat on the bed and
managed to resist for a full two minutes before I slid down my trousers
and stroked my cock. I closed my eyes and thought directly of Simone.
The picture of her standing straight-legged but bent forwards with her
stockings exposed. I came within a minute and grunted deeply. I thought I
heard a noise by the door and I quickly tidied myself away. I went to the
door and opened it quickly but there was nothing happening. I also
thought I heard heels clicking on the landing upstairs.

Part Five

Saturday brought fresh challenges. Ella received a call from home and
was gone by 10am. Simone and I walked her to the train station as she
was clearly upset at the news of her mother’s illness but she was strong
enough to make the journey on her own. Which left Simone and me –
alone for the weekend. And I was a little nervous. She looked fabulous
again. Scrubbed clean but so bright and fresh, her golden hair blowing
freely in the wind. She had on a fluffy sweater which only accentuated her
femininity. I said goodbye at the station and walked off. She ran behind
and caught me up, holding my arm and saying “Please, can we talk. I
know I said some things last night that I’m ashamed of … but I do need to
talk to someone…someone that will” she paused “understand my
problems”. I looked at her and said “Can’t one of the other girls help –
how about Leila ?”. She replied, “Oh Lee is fine, but I need to talk on an
adult level”. She looked up at me with big, imploring eyes. I couldn’t
resist. “O.K., lets talk as we walk”. We were in a country lane running
away from the station back to the school. It was a two-mile walk but a
nice day and we decided to cut across some fields running next to the
school and walk that way.

Simone was obviously a troubled girl. She started by apologising again
for what she’d said but I told her that no-one would know. She told me
how she was afraid of her father – which is why she spent most weekends
at the school. At the age of 12, when her body was developing, he’d
started to take more of an interest in her bath-times and would sit in her
room in the mornings as she was dressing for school – supposedly to talk
before he went off to work but he would watch her intently as she dressed.
At first Simone loved having her Daddy around but she realised that it
wasn’t right in some way.

Her father had a close friend and business partner – Philip. He was clearly
a guy that liked young girls and when they were as sophisticated as
Simone, he took an even keener interest. For her fourteenth birthday
Philip offered to take her to Paris. He flew there often and on this
occasion needed to stay over the weekend. He said that she would fly out
with him on the Friday, she could stay at the same hotel where there was a
swimming pool and gym and at the weekend they would explore the city
together. He said that in all of his visits to the city, he’d never looked
around it – he was divorced without any children of his own. Simone
jumped at the chance and her parents agreed. The one stipulation Philip
made was that Simone would have to look ‘smart and grown-up’ while
they were there. This turned out to mean that he wanted her to wear skirts
and blouses and be paraded almost as his toy or sex-kitten. She told me
that she was already 5’ 5” and wearing 34B bras and had borrowed her
big sisters underwear on occasion – ‘Janet Reger’ and similar quality stuff.
As she was talking I could feel my cock starting to stir. She was a lovely
girl with a silky voice and the way she was talking about these ‘adult’
matters was quite arousing.

Philip had picked her up on the Friday morning (her birthday was
Sunday) and drove them to the airport in his BMW. As she was seated
next to him, he patted her thigh and commented her on how ‘womanly’
she looked. The day went fine, he went to meetings after they checked in
and she filled her time in the hotel. That evening, they walked around
Paris, eating crepes from a street stall, watching the mime artists at the
Pompidou centre and had a fine time. He treated her as a grown-up and
she responded in kind by acting mature and dropping any obvious
‘girlyness’. At the hotel, he kissed her goodnight with a peck on the cheek
and they went to bed.

The next day he told her he would take her around the shops and buy
something for his favourite ‘niece’ on her birthday. They went to ‘Gallerie
Lafayette’ and he took her to the dress department. She loved the clothes,
so silky and so well made. She tried on a few and paraded for him. She
thought nothing of it, she did this all the time with her mother. He picked
a dress for her that was plain black but very short and left her shoulders
bare. It fit perfectly as she was so slim and he made a point of taking her
to the shoe department and choosing a pair of black stilletoes. To finish
the look, he said, they went to the lingerie department and he bought her a
set of silk underwear – soft and sheer panties, garter belt and silk
stockings, very sheer. A bra and camisole also. She accepted everything
gratefully and without a second thought.

They walked and walked that day and arrived back at the hotel around
6pm. He said he would call for her at 7.30pm and they would go
somewhere ‘posh’ for dinner. He said more than once that she would look
lovely in her new outfit and he made it plain that as he’d bought it for
she could at least wear it for him. She bathed and laid the new clothes on
the bed. The clothes felt so ‘adult’ and she finally felt like she was a
woman. She put on the garter belt and slid the stockings over her legs.
She slipped on the panties and shoes and admired herself in the mirror.

By this time, nearly an hour of walking had put us a few miles from the
station but a few more away from the school. My cock was now stiff as I
pictured Simone dressed that way. All this time she was talking evenly
and matter-of-fact. I could tell this had been distressing for her but I
that it was helping for her to talk about it. Was I the first one she had
confided in ?

Philip had knocked her door and she opened it fully dressed in the outfit
he had bought, with a pearl necklace to round it off. She must have looked
gorgeous. She said that Philip had applauded and then held her tightly and
kissed her on the lips. He said that ‘that was for being so beautiful’. She
felt warm, mature and sophisticated. She described Philip to me, tall late
30s with jet black hair. Handsome, muscular and a good dresser. It
sounded as though she had a little crush on him and when I quizzed her
about it she half admitted it. She carried on her story by saying they
walked down the road to the neighbouring restaurant. A quiet little place,
very French with waiters in black uniforms and white aprons. Small
intimate tables and soft lighting – very discreet.

He was attentive and kind, funny and charming. A few glasses of wine
were consumed and Simone was feeling ‘mellow’. It was then that he put
his hand on her thigh. He found what he wanted, namely the button of the
clasp on her suspender. He smiled and Simone felt warm and happy. They
finished and walked back to the hotel. In the lift he kissed her neck and
said she looked beautiful. She responded by saying she felt great and her
clothes were lovely. He laughed and said that she was just saying that.
No, no she replied that she meant it. He was goading her as they walked
down the corridor – his gamble paid off. As she entered her room he rolled
the dice, ‘I bet you’re not wearing the underwear I bought for you’. That
was a challenge to Simone and she quickly took off her dress and stood
before him. She must have been a vision. No bra, the dress wouldn’t
allow it, but her breasts firm and proud. Sheer silk stocking and
suspenders, skimpy panties and black stilletoe heels. Philip closed the
door and moved up to her. He held her firmly and kissed her deeply. His
expert hands roamed her body and his fingers probed between her
buttocks. Simone must have ‘woken’ at this point and tried to fight him
off, but there was no hope. He picked her up and dropped her on the bed.
Within a matter of seconds, he had his trousers and jacket off and was
kneeling behind her on the bed with her on all-fours. He roughly tugged
her panties aside and thrust into her. After only a few strokes, he came.
Being a gentleman, he withdrew and spurted come all over her bum and

By now, Simone was talking very quietly and we had stopped within sight
of the school gates. She had poured her heart out to me. She looked at me
with little emotion. “You’re the first person I’ve ever told” she said. I
took her hand and held it tightly. I looked deep into her eyes and said
“Not all men are like that. Don’t feel you have to live up to that sort of
thing to get attention or get a boyfriend. You’re a very sweet girl, bright
and attractive. If possible, put it behind you and look forward”. All the
while I’m saying this I have an erection that you could fly a flag up. She
spoke again, “Oh, I’m fine now.” Her face brightened. “I know now that I
was taken advantage of and I know what to look for to make sure it
doesn’t happen again. Sure, I flirt but I’m in control of that sort of
situation – and I wasn’t drinking last night, I know it makes you loose
control too easily”. She smiled. We stood in silence for a while until I
realised I was still holding her hand – it seemed so natural. She spoke
again “Thanks for listening, and not passing judgement”. She looked at
me with a devilish grin. “Tag !” she shouted and ran off towards the
school. I ran after and tagged back – this happened twice more before we
reached the door of the house, both panting and laughing. The gloom of
the last hour had been lifted and today looked like being a lovely day.
And then she kissed me. She took me completely by surprise – she held
my face in her hands and kissed me tenderly on the lips. She kissed me as
boldy and confidently as a woman should. It only lasted a few seconds
and she pulled away and ran upstairs. At the top she turned and said
“Thanks again” and disappeared.

Part Six

I have to admit, I listened at Simone’s door for a while before I knocked
but I couldn’t make anything out above the background noise of the radio.
I knocked and called her name and she invited me in. She was sitting on
her bed reading. I asked if she would like to go to the pictures that
evening and her face lit up at the suggestion. We briefly discussed what to
see and settled on a walk into town to the small art-house cinema. I asked
her out because I thought that having unburdened herself to me as she had
done, I needed to show some trust back to her. And besides, I liked being
around pretty girls !

We walked into town and talked about our favourite films. She was keen
to know more about me, about the States – usual stuff. She asked if I had a
girlfriend but the big smile on her face told me that she was doing it out
playfulness as much as anything. We bought ice-creams and settled in the
back row of the nearly empty cinema. I’m not sure if either of us really
wanted to see the French film, but neither of us would be so ‘uncool’ as to
say that we didn’t. The lights went down and the film turned out to be
quite good – a gentle comedy that the French do so well. There was one
point that was a little gruesome and Simone buried her face into my
shoulder. I smelt her perfume drift up to me and I drank it in deeply. After
the film we decided on McDonalds as we were both hungry and we
started the walk back. It was a full moon and a cloudless night so we
walked across the fields we had trodden that morning. We were quiet or
talked a little about the film. We reached a gate that was not easy to cross
in daylight because the lock was broken but at night was even more
difficult. I got over without too much difficulty but Simone ended up
straddling the gate and bursting into fits of giggles. I put my arms around
her waist to lift down and as I did so she fell into me – pressing herself
up against me. We looked into each others eyes for a while and kissed
again. This time, with passion on both sides. I licked her lips, tasted her
tongue and rubbed my hands over her ass as we held each other tightly.
When we parted she said softly said “Make love to me”. Her face was
beautiful, soft and innocent. Her body was firm and nicely curved in the
right places. She was a gorgeous girl and I was dying to fuck her. But I

I turned away and said “Simone, we shouldn’t be doing this”. She took
my hand and kissed my fingertips. Then placed my hand on her breasts. I
tried to pull it away but my heart wasn’t in it. I wanted to do this, I
did. She pulled me to her and kissed me again. I ran my fingers through
her hair and moved my mouth to her neck. I licked her earlobes and made
her giggle. Finally, I pulled away. “Geoff, please.” she implored. “Sorry”
I began, “You really are a beautiful and gorgeous woman Simone, but we
can’t do this”. She asked “Do you want to ?”. With only a seconds pause I
nodded and said “Yes. Definitely yes. I want to lick down your body and
kiss your nipples. Slide my cock into your sweet pussy and bring us both
to the heights of pleasure – really I DO want that. But, but we just can’t”.
pulled away and made towards the house. She followed a few steps
behind and we stayed that way until we reached the school gates. I turned
to her and said “We can’t let this go any further. You’ve trusted me with
your secret, now I’ve given you one of mine. I want you as a friend
Simone, but it can’t be more than that”. She smiled a little but I could see
in her eyes the longing she felt. Shit, did she know the longing I was
feeling ?

I closed the door to my room and let out a deep sigh. I sat in my chair and
thought about Simone – what it would be like to fuck her, to see my come
dribbling down her tits, to lick her pussy, to hear her scream as she came..
Jesus, I was in a bad way. I was enjoying the thoughts though and my
cock was responding. I pulled the case from under the bed and removed
my favourite mag. I flicked to the pictures of Cara and it didn’t take much
imagination to picture Simone. I rubbed myself and alternately looked at
the pictures and closed my eyes, dreaming of Simone. I heard a noise and
looked at the door – Simone was standing in the doorway, watching me
wank !

“SIMONE….” I started to protest but then I saw what she was wearing. A
short black pleated skirt with black hold-up stockings and high heels, a
tight white blouse and skimpy black bra – I quickly wondered if the labels
were written in French. I looked down at my swollen cock and at the
pictures of Cara. I looked at Simone again – the similarities were
wonderful. She walked over to me and I didn’t even try to hide my cock –
she had seen what I was doing. She knelt in front of me and without a
word swallowed the head of my cock. Her tongue lapped at the underside
and swirled around the head. Her nimble fingers teased and stroked my
scrotum and she sucked hard and deeply. I held her head in my hands and
stroked her soft hair. Her head bobbed down further and I realised she was
deep-throating me – not bad for a schoolgirl !. It felt fantastic. All
reservations were washed away as she sucked me to orgasm. My
breathing shortened and she could tell I was near. She let me fall from her
mouth and looked into my eyes. “Where do you want to come” she said,
matter-of-fact. “Over your tits” I stammered out. She leant back and
slipped the blouse off of her shoulders. She had on a lacy black bra that
made her ample tits look a beautiful creamy colour. As I was drinking in
the view she was rubbing the base of my cock and I started to protest
when I could feel my balls tighten and the first spurt of come fell from the
eye. She angled my cock to be a few inches away from her titties and the
second, larger spurt landed directly between them. I spurted again and
again. She moved my cock around her tits until they were covered in
sticky spunk. She pulled my cock to her red mouth and licked it clean. I
fell back onto the bed exhausted.

She knelt on the bed next to me and with a devilish look on her face
scooped a little come of her left breast with a finger and plopped it into
her mouth. Then she took her right breast in both hands and lifted it up so
that her tongue could flick over her nipple. She lapped at the come and
sucked her nipple with her eyes closed. She cleaned some more and then
licked her fingers – almost in triumph. She looked down at me and my
flaccid cock. She paused for a second and then threw her left leg over me
so that she was straddling my chest. She shuffled up so that her pussy was
inches from my mouth. I looked at it, sweet and pure. She had no panties
on and her pubes were neatly trimmed to leave a small ‘V’ above her lips
but her lips themselves were bare. I put my hands around her ass and
pulled her pussy to me and slipped my tongue into the already wet
opening. She moaned as she felt me lapping her lips. I sought out her little
clitty and sucked on it. She let out a deep moan and an “Oh shiiiittttt…”
the waves of pleasure seeped through her. My fingers found her puckered
little anus and gently stroked it. Her face contorted into so many different
expressions and then fell blank as her orgasm built. Her juices tasted a
little sweeter as she came. She grabbed the head of the bed and ground her
hips down forcing her pussy almost into my mouth. I sucked harder on
her clit and she screamed as she came. Her body shuddered and went
limp. She almost fell onto the bed beside me. I looked across at her and
realised she had the face of an angel.

We lay unmoving and silent for about ten minutes. Simone rolled to look
at me and reached out a hand to softly stroke my cock. “I’ve not had this
inside of me yet” she said, straightforwardly. “Uh, I don’t know if I
could” I replied. She leaned on one elbow to look me in the face and said
“I bet I can coax you” and she jumped off the bed. I sat up as she stood
over by my desk. She was dressed now in just her hold-up stockings and
heels. She bent forwards and gripped her ankles with her legs straight and
her feet slightly apart – her ass pointing straight at me. She looked at me
with her head on it’s side. “Well, you can always spank me. I know that
gets you going” and she licked her lips.

I rose from the bed (in more ways than one) and walked over to her. My
cock was now horizontal with the ground and I looked at her gorgeous
ass. Well, she asked for it, and I smacked her behind with my hand. It
wasn’t hard but she gave a mock squeal. I smacked again and she moaned
“Oh, no. I’ve not been a bad girl, why are you doing that” in a girly voice.
I ran my hand over the curves of her ass and slid my fingertips over her
pussy lips. She breathed deeply as I tickled her lips and smoothed the
wetness around them. I stood back a little and looked at her legs-
fabulous, encased in the black nylon and high heels. My cock was rigid
again now so I moved forwards and pushed the head against her wet lips.
She let out a little squealed “Ooh” and I pushed into her. Simone moaned
deeply and I pulled back until only the tip was in and shove my hips
forward again to thrust deep into her. She took her hands from her ankles
and gripped the edge of the desk. “Mmm, yes, fuck me deep, shit I need
this, yeah, fuck me hard” she stuttered out in quick succession. I needed
no prompting and started to speed my tempo and thrust into her. I held
onto her ass as my balls slapped against her when my cock disappeared.
She was moaning and panting equally and I could tell she wasn’t far from
coming. I slowed down but pushed harder and that sent her over the edge.
She threw her head back and let out a low moan, biting her lip as she did
so. I couldn’t take any more and pulled out of her sweet pussy. I rubbed
only a couple of times and spurted come all over her ass. I made sure
some of the hot liquid landed on her anus and she jumped a little when
she felt the heat. I stood her upright and kissed her neck. She turned and
we kissed deeply. I led her to the bed and we lay down. I pulled up the
covers and turned out the light. I held her close to me and we fell asleep
very quickly.

I was woken in the morning by an odd sensation and I opened my eyes to
see Simone licking my cock. It was already firm (how ?) and she was
clearly enjoying the feeling of being able to explore every inch of it. She
saw I was awake and plopped my head into her mouth as she looked at
me. Her eyes never left mine while she sucked and licked my swollen
head. “Christ, you’re insatiable” I said. She stopped licking and let my
cock plop onto my stomach. “I can stop if you want” she said in a hurt
voice but with a smile on her lips. She continued “Or, we can fuck all day
until the girls get back this afternoon” and she picked up my cock and
started to rub me. She wanked me fast until I told her to slow down – we
had all day. That was what she wanted to hear. We fucked three more
times that day – once in my bed, once in hers and once in the form room.
She had asked me to do this but I wasn’t sure. She’d had a slight sulk and
said she’d allowed me to indulge my fantasies – now it was her turn. I
gave in, that sweet face could charm the birds from the trees.

We went to the form room and she leant forwards over her desk – she
loved being fucked from behind. This was her wish, whenever she sat
there from now on she could think of this moment. She made me pull out
and spurt over the desk so that it left a stain. There wasn’t much left in
by that time but I managed to stain the light wood. She kissed me and
held me tightly.

Part Seven

During Monday’s last lesson, Miss Archer’s secretary handed me a note –
I had been summoned to appear before the great one ! At the end of the
lesson, I was about to make my way to Archer’s study when she appeared
at the door. She smiled at me and walked directly to Simone’s desk. She
looked closely at it and said, quite casually, “So, this is where you fucked
her is it ?”. I was struck dumb. My mouth went dry, I felt dizzy, the whole
nine yards. “I can tell by your reaction Mr. Kelaway that my words are no
surprise to you” she continued. I made fish-like moves with my mouth.
“Follow me to my study” she commanded. I followed.

As I entered she was winding the video tape player to a specified point.
“Ah, here it is” she said triumphantly. Sure enough, there I was fucking
Simone from behind in the form room. “Care to comment ?” was all she
added. I couldn’t think how she’d got all that on tape, but the place was
full of old galleries and passages, plenty of places to hide a camera – the
devious bitch ! I blurted out some meaningless words but she shut me up
with her raised hand. “Mr. Kellaway” she began, “you have been caught
transgressing the most fundamental rule of this school. I don’t mean
sexual intercourse with a pupil, but the more serious crime of bringing the
name of the school into disrepute”. I blinked. She continued “Simone
Tallington is well known to me. In fact it was her ‘womanly’ charms that
caused the departure of the previous Geography teacher. It only took her
two weeks before she had him fucking her. I suppose she came out with
that tale of her Father’s business partner – always good for some
sympathy that one”. Her words swirled around my head and strangely it
seemed almost crude that a woman like Miss Archer should be using the
word ‘fucking’. “Well, I’ve had enough – of her and of you” she
continued, “I’m not to take this further if you agree to resign gracefully
and accept my punishment. If you choose not to” her fingers played with
the video control “then I shall be forced to inform the authorities. I have
no desire to drag the name of Benlow throught the mire”. She paused
waiting for my reaction. I knew I was at her mercy. This way, I would
leave gracefully and probably go back to the States with no-one any the
wiser. If not, I knew the Police would be involved. “O.K.” I stammered
dryly, “The term ends next week, should I go then ?”. She liked this, it
was neat and tidy. “Yes, that would be best. Now, do you also agree to
accept my punishment ?”. I pictured me having to scrub the bathrooms
with a toothbrush or similar. “Sure” I agreed – I knew I had no other
option. “Good. I’ve been looking forward to this” and she smiled broadly.

I followed her to the door of the gym. She stopped and turned to face me,
the strange smile was still on her face. She instructed me to wait outside
whilst she entered the gym and closed the door. I did so and a minute later
she returned closing the door behind her. She began “Mr. Kelaway, do
you understand what is about to happen ?”. She was talking to me as
though she were addressing a naughty boy – which in a way I suppose I
was. I nodded in reply, she continued “Once behind the door, you must
accept my punishment, completely and without complaint. If you do, the
matter will go no further and we will all be happy”. Her smile dropped,
“If not, I will be left with no alternative but to expose you for the child
molester and pervert that you are !”. Shit, but the enormity of what I’d
done was now coming back to haunt me. I couldn’t even conjure up the
image of Simone’s sweet ass to comfort me. I swallowed and limply said
“Sure”. “Good” she said “Let’s begin” – she was smiling again.

She motioned to me to open the door to the gym and to step through. As I
did, I noticed that it was dark in there, all the drapes were drawn and
was no light. As my eyes were adjusting I felt myself being gripped by
many hands on my arms, legs and neck. Two hands tightly pressed my
windpipe and while I was struggling to free my hands to release the
constriction, handcuffs were snapped on my wrists. All of the hands left
me and I almost fell over forwards. By now, my eyes were adjusting and I
could see some thick sports mats were laid over most of the floor and a
few pieces of gym equipment were standing around, the pommel horse,
trampoline etc.. I squinted as I thought I saw someone standing by the
horse – the lights were turned on and I blinked a little to adjust my eyes.
looked again and couldn’t believe what I saw. It was Simone – bent over
the pommel horse, her hands forwards over her head and tied to the legs
of the horse. Her own legs were wide apart and tied to the horse also. She
had a gag in her mouth and she looked across at me now as a helpless girl
rather than a ‘femme fatale’. I called out her name but was slapped across
the face by an unseen hand and a voice barked “SILENCE !”. I turned to
see who struck me but as I did a gag was sipped over my head from
behind and tied quickly and firmly into place.

I looked now upon the faces of five of the fifth-form girls. Leila stood
with her hand still raised, a crooked smirk on her face. I moved towards
her but my arms were being held tightly behind me. Leila straightened
and fixed me with a strong look and said “So, you want to give me the
same ‘punishment’ as you gave her, do you ?” and she nodded her head
towards Simone. “Don’t worry teacher, it’s not Simone we’re all here to
punish – that’s your prize” and the other girls all laughed. I looked up at
Miss Archer who was standing away from the girls and saying nothing,
but she was now holding a cane. I swallowed.

Without speaking the girls led me over to the wall-bars and spread my
legs wide, tying my ankles to two uprights. They released my hands but
kept a firm grip and also tied my wrists to the uprights, slightly above my
head. The girls moved away with the exception of Leila who stayed
behind me. She put her arms around my waist and unbuttoned my trousers
and let them fall to my ankles. Some of the girls giggled as my ass and
legs were exposed. I was wearing white skimpy briefs. Leila grabbed the
waistband of the briefs and pulled them up so that they slid between my
cheeks. As she did so she whispered in my ear “Comfy ?”. I didn’t

Leila stepped back and one of the girls gave her a cane. I turned to look
across at Simone – she hadn’t moved whilst all of this was going on. Leila
swished the cane down and caught me square on my cheeks. I winced.
This wasn’t the reaction she wanted so she turned away from me slightly
and swung her arm with full force. I felt a shot of pain burst through me
and I grunted deeply. She caned me four more times, the last time caused
me to shout out. THAT was the reaction she wanted.

“Enough, Leila”. Miss Archer’s voice boomed out for the first time. Leila
stepped back and I breathed in quick gulps waiting for the initial burn to
die down. Miss Archer walked over to me and stood close. She rubbed her
own cane over the glowing welts on my cheeks. “We’ll leave you alone
for a while to contemplate your folly” she hissed into my ear. She
motioned to the girls who all ran over to Simone. Miss Archer whispered
again “The girls are going to have some fun with Simone. If you make
one sound of protest I shall thrash your behind until you cry for mercy –
understand ?”. Her voice rose at the end to emphasise the question. I
nodded and continued to breathe deeply. I closed my eyes for a while but
opened them again when I heard Simone cry out “NO, PLEASE…”. I
turned my head to see one of the girls pushing a very large dildo up her
ass. Leila was squeezing and tugging hard at her nipples. The other girls
milled around trying to a better view of the action. The girl with the dildo
was really fucking poor Simone’s backside and seemed to be enjoying it
immensely. I opened my mouth to call out for them to be lenient but as I
did, Miss Archer ran her cane over my backside once more and said
“Shhh, shhh”, as though to comfort a child.

I could only watch as Simone was abused by the other girls. The dildo
was removed from her ass-hole and pushed up her pussy. Simone
squirmed as it pushed inside of her. Leila was directing the activity and
cleared the girls away from Simone’s behind. The dildo was still
pistoning in and out of Simone’s cunt when Leila swished the cane down
onto her backside. Simone squealed once but one of the other girls took
the discarded panties and pushed them into her mouth. I closed my eyes
again. All I could hear was the murmuring of the girls, the sloshing of the
dildo and the swishing of the cane. I passed out.

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