A Slut Wife and a Cuckold Husband

This is a story about an unfaithful wife who tells her
husband about her sexual adventures, and is surprised
when she discovers that he loves it and wants to hear
more. Soon he starts to devise new adventures for her.

Before I begin it would be a good idea to tell you
about my wife, Maggie. She is 32 years old and we have
been married for 10 years. She has never, to my
knowledge, been unfaithful to me throughout our
marriage. Maggie is quite tall and has long blond hair.
She is not slim but well-proportioned (an hour-glass
shape I think it is known as) and has large breasts
which don’t sag but stand out from her chest very
prominently. Her nipples are large.

Whilst not being sluttish she likes to wear quite
revealing clothes, her favourites being ‘sloppy’
jumpers. By that I mean jumpers that seem to be too
large for her and with scoop necks. She also wears
tight jeans and often a skirt that stops a couple of
inches above her knees. She rarely wears a bra,
complaining that they are uncomfortable.

The fact that she wears wide-necked jumpers with no bra
is immediately obvious, as, whenever she bends down
there is a collective sigh from amongst the men who vie
for the best viewing position to be able see down her
cleavage. If I ever mention this she says that I am a
prude and not to worry, ‘I’m only bringing a bit of
pleasure into their dull lives’ is her usual reply.

Maggie is also a flirt and a party girl. She prefers
the company of men and will jump at the chance to go to
a party or a club, often with a crowd of our friends,
who seem mostly to be men. She will dance all night and
will make all the men dance with her. She likes a drink
and can hold her own as much as any of us. She likes to
spend money and generally lives for today. She is also
an accomplished darts player and is happy in a
workingmen’s club games room. She likes to gamble and
is very much the life and soul of the party.

Whilst I have said that she is a flirt she just does
this as a natural part of her approach to life. It’s
never serious and she is always in charge. She will not
flirt with a single man in the group exclusively but
with them all. Every one of the group adores her and
want to share their time with her. Women are a little
less keen on her but she shrugs it off.

I also said earlier that she has never been unfaithful
and that was certainly the case until the incidents I
am going to describe occurred. She is too much of an
open book to be unfaithful and I trust her. A bit of
flirting is about the extent of what she is prepared to

We are both members of a local Workingmen’s Club and
the Club has a games room upstairs. In fact that is
about all there is upstairs. There are 2 snooker
tables, 2 dartboards and a couple of tables for playing
cards or dominoes. There is no bar and anyone upstairs
has to come downstairs to get a drink and take it back

The stairs are noisy as it is an old building and it is
almost impossible to go up the stairs without anyone in
the games room hearing you coming. There is also a fire
exit with metal steps leading down to the rear car
park. There are sometimes members using the room,
particularly at weekends. During the week the room is
often empty.

I am not interested in the least in any of the games
and don’t go upstairs. Maggie on the other hand is part
of a darts team and practices a lot and prefers it to
be quiet upstairs so she is undisturbed.

Our lives changed on a cold November night. It was a
weekday and I was in the downstairs bar and Maggie went
upstairs to play darts. She was dressed as usual in a
large baggy sleeveless knitted jumper which had straps
going over the shoulders. She was also wearing tight
jeans. It was very obvious to everyone that she wore no
bra as her large tits moved under the jumper each time
she moved.

As usual she asked if anyone wanted a game and a man
called Paul, a regular in the club, said he would play.
They took some drinks and went upstairs. After about an
hour Maggie came downstairs to get more drinks and go
to the toilet. She took me to one side and said that
something had happened upstairs. I asked what and she
said that Paul had made several passes at her and was
hinting that he was interested in her sexually.

She asked me what she should do and I asked her what
she wanted to do. She said she found him rather
attractive and while she didn’t want to have sex with
him she thought she might play along and see what
happened. She said that there was no-one else upstairs
and that they had the room to themselves.

I was concerned and asked how far she would go and why
did she want to do this. She said it might be fun and
thought she would let him play with her tits and go no
further. I wasn’t sure she could control him but she
said she could and anyway I was downstairs and
therefore she didn’t think he would go too far. I was
actually quite turned on by this and said that as long
as she promised to tell me everything that happened she
should go ahead. She went back upstairs.

I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say and waited
impatiently downstairs. A long time later I heard
Maggie coming downstairs again and she came into the
bar and took me to one side. She said she had come back
down for more drinks but that things had moved on
between her and Paul.

She said that Paul had made another pass at her and had
kissed her, deeply, and whilst doing so he had groped
her tits from the outside of her clothing and that he
was desperate for more. I suggested that she should go
a little further but stop when she chose to and not to
go further than she wanted. She went back upstairs
leaving me anxiously waiting downstairs again.

She didn’t re-appear until closing time and then she
came downstairs with Paul. While we all got our coats
she told me that things had moved on even further and
that she had offered to take Paul home as he had no car
and it had started to rain outside. We both had our
cars so I was to go home and she would come home later.
I told her to be careful and she was to tell me
everything when she got home. She agreed and we all
left, Maggie and Paul getting into Maggie’s car.

I waited at home for a long time and eventually she
arrived and I couldn’t wait to find out what had
happened. This is what she told me.

She didn’t know where Paul lived and in order not to
seem too keen to encourage him she asked him which way
to turn out of the car park to go to his house. He
said, ‘If you really want to take me home, turn left
but if you want to go to woods and a nice quiet little
car park then turn right.’ She turned right.

At the car park he asked her to turn the engine off and
they began to kiss. It wasn’t long before his hands
were all over her tits, first outside her jumper, then
inside. He lifted up her jumper and began to kiss her
tits. He then surprised her by lifting her jumper over
her head and she was topless in the car. She said she
felt a little concerned that this was as far as he had
intended to go but didn’t think she could stop it going
any further. She also said that she didn’t want to stop
at that point so she let it continue.

Paul then put her hand on the front of his trousers and
she felt his erection. She then decided that she would
give him a blowjob as that might prevent her being
fucked. So while he sucked on her tits she opened the
zip on his jeans, felt inside and pulled out his cock.
She described it to me as being very thick but of
average length. She said that as she began to run her
hands up and down the length of his shaft he started to
undue her jeans and having succeeded put his hand

He quickly put his hand inside her knickers, found her
cunt, inserted a finger and began to finger fuck her.
She said the feeling was marvellous and she began to
orgasm pretty quickly. She has always been one to have
an early orgasm in our love-making. She said that she
bent her head down and took his prick in her mouth and
gave him a blowjob.

She said that his cock was almost too thick to get in
her mouth. She continued like this while he finger
fucked her. It wasn’t long before he came into her
throat. She said he pumped loads of warm cum right to
the back of her mouth and she swallowed it all. Once he
was spent she said she would have to go home as I would
be wondering where she was. She got dressed took him
home and then came home herself.

I was really staggered as this was more than she said
she would do and I was surprised that I had an erection
bigger than any I’ve ever had before. We had the most
incredible fuck and then we talked. She asked for my
reaction and how I felt about it. I told her I was very
turned on but surprised at this behaviour because she
had never done anything like it before.

I asked what she thought. She said that she had enjoyed
it and found it highly erotic to be nearly naked in the
woods with a man other than her husband. She said she
enjoyed telling me as that was also a turn on for her.

I asked if she would repeat it if the chance cropped up
and she said she would. I asked how far she was now
prepared to go and she said she didn’t know but felt
frustrated that she had to stop. Would she let him fuck
her, I asked. ‘Probably,’ she said. Would she do it
with someone else if the chance arose?

‘Yes,’ she said.

I wondered when the next adventure would be and didn’t
have to wait long as only a couple of days later we
decided to go to the same club. I asked Maggie if she
was intending to have another adventure and she said
she was if the right opportunity presented itself. On
this occasion she wore a T-shirt and a button-fronted
cardigan. She wore no bra of course, and had on a skirt
just above her knees. She wore nothing on her legs.
Once we got to the club I saw that Paul was there and
it wasn’t long before they went upstairs to play

As before, she came downstairs later for more drinks
and I asked her if she had anything to tell me. She
said not yet but Paul had challenged her to a game of
strip darts. She explained that the loser of each game
would take off an article of clothing until one of them
was naked. I asked her what would happen then. She said
she hadn’t any idea but she would tell me all about it
later. I

pointed out that there was nothing to stop someone
else going upstairs but she said that she would hear
them coming and it added some spice to think she may be
caught. I also pointed out that Paul was a first class
darts player and she would be unlikely to win.

She said, ‘Yes, terrible isn’t it?’ This was another
change to her previous behaviour because she was always
careful to make sure no-one saw her naked at home or
anywhere else. Yet here she was proposing a very risky
enterprise. I told her tell me what happened and she
went back upstairs.

I was unable to concentrate on anything whilst I waited
downstairs. Several times I thought I might try and get
upstairs to see what was happening but knew the
creaking stairs would warn them.

Towards closing time Maggie and Paul came downstairs
and we prepared ourselves to go home. I asked her when
we were alone if anything had happened and she said it
most certainly had and she would tell me about it at
home. We only had one car this time so we went home and
Paul went home separately. I couldn’t wait to get home
and hear what had happened.

Once we arrived home we rushed to bed and she began to
slowly give me a wank. She ran her hands slowly up and
down my shaft which was bursting. I asked for the story
and this is what she told me.

When she got back upstairs she told Paul that she would
play strip darts and asked what the rules were. He said
that at the end of each game the loser would remove an
article of clothing and play the next game without it.
He said that the winner of each game would choose the
article that the loser had to remove and would also
remove it. She asked what would happen when one was
naked. Paul said that the loser was to perform a dare
chosen by the winner. After that they would make it up
as they went.

I then got an account of the progress of the game.
Maggie, predictably, lost the first game and Paul told
her to put her arms at her side and he removed the
cardigan. She was now wearing the T-shirt but no bra.
She lost the second game and Paul told her to put her
hands on her head, which she did. Paul the removed her
skirt and left her standing in her knickers. She won
the next game and removed one of Paul’s shoes. She
would have to do this if she was lucky enough to win
again so his trousers would come off. She won the next
game and Paul’s other shoe came off.

Maggie lost again and this time Paul lifted her t-shirt
over her head and left her standing, topless and with
only her knickers and shoes on. He said he was now
changing the rules and that instead of taking an
article of clothing the winner could perform some act
on the other, for example suck her tits or suck his
cock, or something else. Maggie agreed and the game
continued. Maggie won the next game and took Paul’s
trousers off. She said he was sporting the largest
erection she had ever seen and that that magnificent
thick cock was pushing the front of his underpants
forward. She said she couldn’t wait to get hold of it.

She lost the next game and Paul now decided he would
not take an article of clothing but instead would do
something else so he picked up her clothes, took them
the fire exit, opened the door and put them outside on
the top of the steps. He shut the door and the game
continued. This was now a very dangerous situation
because Maggie would have to go to the fire exit, open
it and go outside and put her clothes on if anyone came
upstairs. It was not certain that she could manage it
in time. She said she felt both apprehensive and
excited about it.

She lost the next game and Paul made her stand with her
hands on her head again and took her knickers off and
put them out on the fire escape steps. She was now
completely naked except for her shoes, without easy
access to her clothes and a bar full of people
downstairs. She said her juices were pouring out of her
cunt and she was very aroused. She said that playing
darts naked was also a very arousing experience.

She won the next game and made Paul put his hands on
his head and pulled his underpants and took them off
him. She said his cock was enormous and stood straight
out in front of him. She won the next game and said she
couldn’t wait any longer, got on her knees in front of
him and sucked his cock until he came, once again
swallowing every drop. She said she then realised that
that might be the end of the night as Paul would take
some time to recover and they didn’t have much time

However, Paul insisted the game continue and Maggie
lost the next 2 games and as that meant she lost her
shoes and had no clothing left, Paul declared himself
the winner and said she would have to do a dare as that
was what was agreed. She asked what it was she had to
do and was staggered by his answer. She was to go out
of the fire exit, put on her shoes, go down the steps
leaving her clothes at the top, cross the car park and
touch our car then come back.

She said she was very reluctant to do it but Paul
insisted and she agreed. She said she was petrified
that someone would come out of the club to go home as
it was nearly closing time, but at the same time she
said she was more turned on than she had ever been
before. She said that she had an orgasm in the car park
and all without Paul touching her.

She just got back into the club games room and dressed
when it was time to go home. I couldn’t believe she did
all that and was a little unsure that she wasn’t making
it all up but she convinced me she had done it all and
showed me some small pebbles she had picked up in the
car park as proof. It was the most erotic thing I had
ever heard and wished I could have seen it.

We talked and she was now fired up to do more. I said
that I thought she should take the initiative next time
and I said I wanted to give her a task to perform. She
agreed and I told her I would think of something
suitable and I wanted her to carry it out to the

I now waited for the next adventure.

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