A Room With A View

Jimmy O’Rourke sat on the living room couch as he and
his parents watched the movie of the week. It was a hot
summer night and the O’Rourke’s apartment didn’t have
air conditioning. The outdated wiring of the old
Brooklyn apartment house just couldn’t handle the load.
Instead the 16 year old had to settle for sitting around
in his gym shorts and trying to cool off with the large
fan over in the corner.

The movie was pretty boring, but his mother seemed to
enjoy it. His father had dozed off in his chair about a
half hour ago. Jimmy really wished they were able to
have cable put in, nothing was ever really good on
network television.

Out of the corner of his eye, through the open window
next to his father’s lounger, Jimmy saw a light come on.
Specifically, the light in the rear bedroom of the
apartment across the court. Glancing up at the clock on
the wall, the young man smiled as he noted the time.

“Showtime,” he thought to himself. Holding his
excitement in, he got up and announced he was going to
turn in. It had been a long day.

“Aren’t you going to wait to the end of the movie?” Mrs.
O’ Rourke asked.

“Nah, you can tell me how it turns out,” came his reply
as he left the living room for the small bedroom behind

Stepping into the darkness, Jimmy made no attempt to
turn on the light. Instead, he merely quietly closed the
door and put the small hook lock in place. The lock had
been a small concession from his parents when one of his
two sisters had walked in on him one morning when he was
changing. They had a lock on the large bedroom next to
his, so it was only fair that he had one too.

Satisfied that the door was secure, Jimmy dropped onto
his bed and looked out his own window. The shade which
normally covered the opening was pulled all the way up,
a sight not that unusual on these August nights. From
his vantage point, he could see right into the brightly
lit room across the courtyard. It wasn’t just any room,
it was her room.

It was totally by accident that Jimmy had first
discovered the wonderful opportunities the window only a
clotheslines distance away held. He had been sick one
night from pigging out on pizza and soda and was just
laying there in the darkness nursing a stomachache. When
she had walked past the window, stark naked right from
the shower – he had almost fallen off the bed. Since
then, he had become more familiar with the schedule of
her household then his own.

Maria Gonzalez was 24 years old, single and had lived
across the way for about six months. He had passed her
many times in the halls of the four story walkup. At the
time, the teenager had noted that she was kind of cute
and didn’t have a bad body. Of course at his age, he
made that appraisal of just about every girl he saw, his
sisters included.

Usually he would a chance to say a quick hello as she
raced up or down the four flights to and from her
apartment. She worked as a waitress at a local dinner
and put in as many hours as she could. There were 18
other families in the building so aside from a quick
once over, he had never given Maria that much thought

Now laying in the darkness, Jimmy began to become
impatient for her to appear. He hoped that his slight
delay in acting on the appearance of her light hadn’t
caused him to miss her. He removed the small pair of
binoculars he kept hidden beneath the mattress and
trained them into her apartment. Even on the best
nights, he would only get a quick look at her.

The first thing he noticed through his spyglasses was
that she had moved her dresser. The large mirror on top
of it was now almost in line with the window.

“Shit,” Jimmy muttered under his breath. “Why’d she have
to move the damn dresser?”

Previously, the dresser had been on the far wall and
Maria had to step in front of the window to get her comb
or take clean underwear out of one of the drawers. If
Jim was really lucky, he would get a real good look at
her tits. Now all he could hope for was a peek at her
ass with her back to him.

Disappointed, Jimmy dropped the glasses onto his bed and
sighed. It was too good a thing to have lasted. He was
about to get up when a motion across the way caught his

It only took a moment to bring his binoculars back into
play. There, reflected in the large mirror was a full
frontal view of Maria, clad only in a skimpy bra and

“Oh god!” Jimmy exclaimed, remembering at least to keep
as quiet as possible.

Previously, he had only gotten quick looks at her, but
now she was just standing there. Giving him the time to
fully appreciate her slender form.

Maria had very short black hair that extended to only an
inch or so below her ears. Her skin was a rich caramel
brown. The bright white of her lace bra and panties was
an effective contrast. Fixing his stare on her breasts,
Jimmy wondered how big they were. They looked a lot
bigger than they did when she wore her uniform, which
was usually what he saw her in.

In fact, they looked a lot bigger than his 19 year old
sister Judy’s, the only girl’s tits he had really seen.
That had been one night when they were sitting at the
kitchen table playing a board game and Judy was wearing
a pajama top.

The light was shining behind her and he could see her
breasts hanging loose beneath the material. he felt
funny getting a hard on looking at his sister, but
finally decided that a girl’s boobs were a girl’s boobs.
It didn’t matter if they were your sisters.

He later took one of her bra’s out of the hamper and
checked the size, it was a 34C. he was sure that it
would’ve been too small for Maria.

Jimmy watched in fascination as Maria combed her hair.
His eyes kept shifting from her reflection to her actual
body. She had an incredible ass, he thought. It was
small and firm and really hugged the small panties. It
looked so close he felt like he could just reach out and
touch it.

Rubbing his free hand against the hard on that strained
against his shorts, Jimmy let out a soft sigh. This was
better than cable.

Maria then reached up behind her back and undid the
clasp of her bra. Jimmy couldn’t believe his luck. She
was going to take it off.

When the soft brown globes popped free of their
restraints, Jimmy thought he was going to shoot his load
right there and then. Forget about her ass, he could see
every detail of her tits. The dark circles at the ends
and the small stubby nipples in the center. Never mind
wanting to reach out and touch them, he now imagined
himself kissing them all over.

His hand slid into his shorts and pulled his cock free.
Gently, slowly, he ran it up and down his full six
inches. It felt so good. In the back of his mind, he
imagined what it would feel like if it where Maria’s
fingers wrapped around it.

Maria now took each breast in hand and rubbed them
vigorously, restoring the circulation that was sometimes
cut off by the tight bra. The motion of her fingers felt
good to her. Playing her nimble fingers over her
nipples, she quickly brought them to a full hardness.
It’d been a long time since she’d had a man to play with
them. What with college classes during the day and
working at the dinner at night.

Sure there were plenty of men both in school and at the
dinner who would be happy to take them off her hands so
to speak. But she was looking for more than just a
casual fling. She was far from a virgin, having given
herself to her older boyfriend at 16. But as she had
gotten older herself, she knew she didn’t want to find
herself like so many of the girls she had grown up with.

Married to a useless loser who once had seemed so
desirable and tied down with a few kids. Or worse, alone
with a kid after being dumped by a guy who didn’t want
to be tied down.

For a few minutes, the brown skinned woman lost herself
in the sensation of flesh upon flesh. Eyes still closed,
she slid her hands down across her breasts one last time
and over her flat stomach. They came to a rest when they
reached the small white triangle between her legs. Using
both hands, she rubbed against the silk material. A soft
sign escaped her lips in response to her caress.

Jimmy began to pump furiously as he watched her play
with herself. Already he could feel a fire growing in
his balls. Through the powerful binoculars he had
borrowed from his father, he could even see small bushy
hairs sticking out from beneath the folds of Maria’s
panties. He only wished he had borrowed his dad’s camera
with the telephoto lens instead. Then if he had, where
would he have gotten the pictures developed?

Jimmy was now so oblivious to everything but the image
before him, he wouldn’t have even noticed if his mother
had walked in on him at this moment.

Across the way, Maria was in a similar state, having
slid one of her hands beneath the waistband of her
panties to provide a deeper touch. Her breaths began to
come in shorter gasps as she slid first one, then two
fingers inside of herself. In due time a third finger
would follow.

Faster and deeper she moved, manipulating the small nub
of her clit and covering her long, slender fingers with
her wetness. Eventually the cloth of her underwear
became too restrictive and was quickly discarded – much
to Jimmy’s delight.

Each was lost in their own world, riding the waves of a
rising ecstasy. They were joined in a common desire to
reach the summit, a bond that united them as if the
clothesline were a umbilical cord.

Jimmy’s cock was as hard as it had ever been in his
life, his hand a blur of motion. His body was jerking up
and down so fast he was having trouble keeping Maria in
focus. No matter, the image was locked in his memory. A
stray thought filled his mind for a moment – he was glad
his bed didn’t squeak.

That though quickly vanished as he felt the first surge
of his orgasm race up the length of his boyhood and
explode into the night air. His cock erupted again and
again. Each stroke, sending white droplets scattering in
every direction. He had to bite down on his lip to keep
from shouting with joy. He had never felt so good

Finally, his eruptions subsided until only a small pearl
of white appeared at the tip of his cock in response to
his continued pumping. He could feel a softness growing
in his hand and knew he was done.

Across the small courtyard, Maria had also reached her
own climax, although a much softer and quieter one.
Still it had been satisfying enough. Enough to let her
sleep and dream of better days – and nights.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she decided a
quick shower was in order. Her eyes seemed to have a
mischievous gleam in them as she looked deep into the
mirror and a wide smile appeared on her face.

Still naked, she turned away from the mirror and leaned
out of the window. Had Jimmy’s father, who had awaked a
short time before, taken that moment to turn away from
the movie credit’s rolling across the screen, he
would’ve gotten an eyeful. As it was, she went unnoticed
by all but Jimmy.

Petrified, positive she could see him, Jimmy laid
motionless. He was afraid to even bring down the field
glasses because that motion would’ve drawn attention to
himself. Any erotic thoughts were long gone from his
head, even his once hard cock had now shriveled up.

Jimmy wasn’t sure how long she stood there. It could’ve
been only a minute or an hour. Then her smile seemed to
grown wider and she blew him a kiss, before disappearing
from sight.

“Oh god!” Jimmy panted as he tried to stop shaking.
“I’ve never been SO scared before.”

A few seconds later, the light across the way went out.
He quickly cleaned himself up and crawled under the
sheet. Still it would be two hours before he could
finally fall asleep. He figured that if she hadn’t come
over to complain to his parents by then, she wasn’t
going to. It was a good thing he didn’t consider the
idea that she might be by first thing in the morning or
he never would’ve gotten to sleep.

Over time, the fear that he felt faded and only the
erotic excitement of that night remained. Jimmy never
did figure out how she had spotted him that night or if
she had known he was there all along. The experience was
never repeated because the next day, a new pair of
blinds appeared in the window.

Maria moved away two months later when she finally
finished her college classes. Jimmy overheard one of the
neighbors say she had gotten a job with a Manhattan firm
and had moved on to a bigger and better apartment.

In those two months, Jimmy only passed Maria in the hall
once. It was the week before she moved out. For the
first time since she had lived there, she stopped and
looked at him when he said hello. She smiled back and
returned the greeting.

“It’s nice to see you again,” she added, that same
mischievous gleam in her eye.

With that she was gone, leaving a relieved and upon
closer inspection, a much aroused Jimmy O’Rourke.

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