Spanking and fucking

Jennifer woke up with Richard still in the bed next to her.
“Good morning,” she said, crawling over him and rubbing her bare
breasts agains his chest.
She was still wearing the corset and heels, but nothing else.
Slowly, Richard’s eyes opened up. “Do you want me to make
breakfast?” she asked.
“If you would be so good,” said Richard.
Jennifer walked out of the room in the heels. The swaying of
her hips exaggerated by the heels and by conscious effort on her
part. Richard was not in the kitchen by the time she was done, so
she put it all on a tray and returned to his bedroom.
Richard was sitting on the bed, still not completely awake. “Is
something wrong?” Jennifer asked. “You’re almost *always* the first
one up!”
“I guess my body is just making up for lost time,” he said.
“Lost time?” she asked.
“I don’t always sleep soundly,” he replied.
Jennifer sat down next to him and put the tray down between
them. “So, what’s on today’s agenda?” she asked.
“I need to have Fantasy Supreme set up an appointment with your
mother to get a dress for the wedding,” Richard said. Jennifer
wrinkled her nose at this. “I know that you don’t like to talk about
her, but it’s necessary.”
“I know,” she said. “Anything else today?”
Richard gestured towards the closet door. She could see that
there was a mass of stiff black latex hanging from a hook on the
door. “What is that?” she asked.
“You’ll find out soon,” he said.
They chatted a bit about wedding details as they ate. When they
were done, Richard asked her to run the dishes back to the kitchen.
When she returned, Richard had laid the outfit out on the bed.
“Already?” Jennifer asked.
“I just want to get an early start,” he said.
It looked like a rubber body suit, with a zipper along the
crotch. However, this one looked to be made of much thicker material
than the last one she had worn.
Richard unlocked her heels, but did not remove her corset.
Jennifer had to sit down after the heels were off her feet.
This suit had a zipper in back. With Richard’s help, she worked
her legs into the outfit.
Once her legs were in, she found that her feet and toes were
pointing straight downward. The material was very tight agains her
legs. She tried to bend her foot and her knee, but there must have
been some very tough boning along the length of the legs, because she
could only move her knees a few degrees,
She slid her arms into the outfit next. The sleeves were
similar, and her hands were encased in inflexible thick thumbless
rubber mittens. She tried to move her wrists or elbows, but the
reinforcements in the outfit held her arms straight out, and
Richard pulled the rubber around her waist. The rubber fit her
tightly everywhere except the nipples. There, two holes an inch in
diameter each had been cut to allow the tips through.
He zipped it up in back, and stepped back to look at her. With
the corset on her, she could only move her shoulders, her hips, and
her neck. Other than that, she was almost completely immobilized.
“I hope you don’t want me to walk in this,” Jennifer said.
“You might actually be able to manage a step or two,” he said.
“There’s reinforcement all along the legs and feet of the outfit.
However, I think that balancing would be nearly impossible.”
Jennifer looked at him calmly. “I’m waiting, darling,” she
said, batting her eyelashes at him.
Richard smiled at her. “I’m not quite done yet,” he said. He
went into his closet, and returned with a thick black rubber hood.
“This too.”
He unzipped the hood and slipped it over her head. This one had
a penis gag that she had to allow into her mouth. There was an
airpassage through it that would allow her to breathe through it.
There were noseholes as well. However, this one completely
covered her eyes. Once the hood was zipped on, she was partially
deafened and completely blind.
She could only make a small moaning sound through the gag. She
felt him unzip the crotch of her outfit. Oh, please,… she thought.
A few caressed from his hands immediately made her wet. She
felt his lips against her bare nipple, and a shiver coursed through
her. She spread her legs wider, and tried to touch him with her
stiff, rubber encased arms.
She felt the familiar sensations of a rubber phallus entering
her. After it was fully inside of her, she writhed in frustration as
he zipped the outfit back up.
A minute later, the dildo within her started to buzz and
Oh god, how long is this going to last?!
Knowing Richard, probably for a very long time.

The vibrations turned on and off at odd intervals. She could
orgasm frequently, sometimes found herself unwillingly proceeding to
another wave of sensation, and occasionally was left to pant through
her gag as the vibrations ended just seconds too soon.
After an indeterminate amount of time, she heard Richard return.
The vibrations stopped, and she felt him unzipping her crotch.
The dildo came out, only to be replaced by Richard’s hard and
ready manhood. She tried to wrap her legs around his body, but could
not do it with her knees held rigidly in place.
With the tiny holes to breath through and the corset, she nearly
lost consciousness as Richard has his way with her. The orgasm she
experienced was dreamy, surreal, and, somehow, exquisitely beautiful.
Finally, Richard ended his explorations of her. She felt him
pich her up, and within a minute, he put her down, with her legs
sticking straight out, on the toilet.
He must want me to use this, Jennifer thougth. I’m going to be
in this for a long time!

It was late evening before he finally released her from her
rubber bondage. After she was out of it, she planted herself face
down on Richard’s bed, wearing only the corset, and closed her eyes.
For a while, she had lost track of what was real and what was
imagined. The part of her brain that was involved in rational
thought was stunned and reeling.
It took her several minutes of silence before she could look up
at Richard. “Are you all right?” he asked.
She smiled dreamily at him, and he bent down to kiss her.

Chapter 44

Wednesday morning started for them with the sound of the phone
Richard rolled out of bed to get it. “It’s for you,” he said
after he returned to the bedroom.
Jennifer rolled out of bed, garbed only in the corset. “Could
you get me some shoes?” she asked.
Richard found the black six inch heels, and locked them onto her
feet. Jennifer walked in them like they almost weren’t there and
headed for the den.
He had left the phone on the desk. She picked it up. “Hello?”
“Jen?” came her sister’s voice.
“Laura? What are you doing, calling this early?”
“It’s mother. She… that bitch!” said Laura.
“What did she do?” Jennifer asked, sitting down on the desk
“She took my car!”
“She did what?”
“She took my car!” sobbed Laura. “I found a note on the door
today. I don’t know how she found out I was staying here, but she
did. Maybe she guessed. It said that her car was in the shop, so
she just came by and took mine!”
“Why did she have keys?” Jennifer asked.
“Well, her name is on the title,” said Laura. “I didn’t have
money, so mother bought it for me in one a moment of weakness. But
the car is in her name, and she had keys for it. And… I picked up
a second job at a department store. The video store cut my hours way
back. I want to save up enough money to be able to live on my own.
Today was the first day… and I missed it! I tried calling in, but
they just said that I might as well not even show up today!”
“It’s all right,” said Jennifer. “I’m sure that we can do
something for you.”
“Damn, damn, damn…” she said. “I… sis, can you come over
here today? Or over there? I just want to talk to someone. I don’t
want to sit here alone.”
“Hold on a second. Let me talk to Richard,” she said.
“All right,”
She put the phone down and headed back to the bedroom. “It’s
Laura,” she said.
“I guessed that. What’s up?”
“My wonderful mother repossessed her car, and now she’s stranded
there,” said Jennifer. “Bus routes don’t go there, and she missed
the first day of her new job because of that.”
Richard shook his head. “I can’t understand how such a damnable
woman like that could have such a wonderful daughter,” he said.
Jennifer blushed at that. “She’s really down,” she said. “I’d
like to spend some time with her to cheer her up.”
Richard thought about that. “I could get some more things done
today,” he said. “Maybe I can avert a few last minute crises a day
or two early.
“Your car is still in the garage,” he said, “and the keys are in
the bottom drawer of my desk. It should be unlocked now.”
“Thanks,” said Jennifer. She returned to the den and picked up
the phone. “Laura?”
“I’m still here. Where else would I be?”
“I’ll be over in a little while,” she said.
“Thanks,” she said. “You don’t know how much this means to me.”
“I’ll be there for you,” she said. “See you then.”
Jennifer stopped at the bathroom to wash her hair. She heard
Richard walking about the house. By the time she was done, she heard
the sound of Richard driving away.
Now, what do I wear? she wondered.

Having no easy way to remove or change the shoes or the corset,
she added to it by putting on the tight black rubber hobble skirt
with the lengthwise zipper. She unzipped it from mid thigh to floor,
so she could walk more easily.
Over this she wore the long shiny black vinyl coat that she had
worn to the fittings at Fantasy Supreme. It wasn’t until she was
pulling into the parking lot that it ocurred to her that there was
nothing covering her breasts except the coat.
As she stepped out, she remembered her last visit here. She
remembered her face flushed red as she ran from the apartment,
showing the world everything under her maid’s outfit. What if I meet
someone I know? she wondered.
Who cares, came a reply from within her.
She walked up the sidewalk and entered the building. There was
no one else in the hallway, so she carefully walked up the stairs and
headed for her old apartment.
Her nock was immediately answered. “Come in.”
The door opened, and Laura was standing there. She looked to be
dressed only in a very long T-shirt. Jennifer carefully walked in,
and was immediately greeted with a big hug.
“I miss having you around!” she said.
Jennifer closed the door behind her. “I miss you too,” she
“Let me take your coat,” she said. Without thinking, Jennifer
unbelted it, took it off, and handed it to her.
Laura stared at her bare chest. “I… hope you don’t walk
around like that in public,” she said.
Jennifer now remembered her wardrobe problems. “It’s a long
story,” she said.
“I bet. Want a T-shirt or something?”
“That’s not necessary,” she said. Now, she barely thought about
running around the house bare chested.
As Laura put her coat away in the closet, Jennifer sat down on
the couch. A garbage can was nearby, and she saw several cardboard
wrappers for batteries.
“I see you’ve been trying your dress on,” she said.
It was Laura’s turn to blush as she sat down across from her.
“Well, only the belt, actually,” she said. “I still can’t… how do
you handle thoes shoes?!” she asked.
“It just takes practice,” she said.
“A lot of practice, I’d have to say,” she said. “I could barely
make it through the sittings. How am I going to make it through the
whole wedding and reception?”
“That’s the dress code,” she said. “I really doubt that Richard
would relax it for anyone.”
“God, is he kinky!” she said. “Look at what you’re wearing!”
“He likes this,” Jennifer said. “He *really* likes this. And,
honestly, I think I like the attention that I get,” she said. There
had been such a thrill when they were at the park, and when Richard
had taken her to eat at the cafe.
“You must really love him,” Laura said.
“He’s a very loving man,” she said. “And very passionate. It
just so happens that his passions are a little… different.”
“Damn mother!” her sister exclaimed. “Damn her!”
“As far as the car goes, you can use mine” said Jennifer. “I
really don’t need it. You’ll just have to drop me off at Richard’s.”
“There’s not much that I can do about your job,” said Jennifer.
A thought crossed her mind. “Actually… I seem to remember
something that Richard said. If you’re looking for something else,
Richard told me that you could work for him for a while. *That*
could certainly help you out.”
“Work for him? Doing what?” she asked.
“The same thing I was hired for,” said Jennifer. “You know,
helping out around the house.”
Laura thought about that. “I’d have to think about that,” she
said. “I’d have to talk to your fiancee about it, too.”
“I’m sure you’ll get the chance,” she said. “We can bring it up
at the reception, and I’ll remind him of it tonight.”
Laura nodded, then slumped down in her chair and sighed.
“What’s on your mind?” Jennifer asked.
“Oh, just this whole mess with mother,” she said. “It’s like
I’ve barely been holding on, then she pulls the rug out from under
“Mother might not be as much of a problem in the future,”
Jennifer hinted.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just watch at the wedding and the reception,” she said with a
smile. “Just watch.”
“You’re up to something,” Laura said, with here eyes widening.
“You’re really going to get her? Get her good?!”
“I sure think so,” she said. “But I wouldn’t want to spoil it.”
“I’ve *got* to be there to see this!” Laura said. “But how am I
going to make it all day?”
“I’ve managed it,” she said.
“I still have a hard time believing that,” she said. “I mean,
with everything.”
“You don’t believe me?” she asked.
“I… have a hard time,” Laura replied.
“Let me prove it then,” she said. “Where’s the belt and the
“In the bedroom,” she said. “I don’t think you can do it.”
“I know I can,” she said. “And if I can, you have to try too.”
Laura nodded. She went to the bedroom, and returned with the
dress, corset, heels, belt, and lubricating jelly.
“I’ll use this corset and these shoes, unless you have an
objection,” she said as she unzipped the hobble skirt. “They are
higher than yours, anyway.”
Laura looked at her shoes more closely. “Are those… what are
padlocks doing on your shoes?” she asked.
“Keeping them on,” she said as she lubricated the phalluses of
the belt.
It looked like the batteries were in the dildoes themselves.
Slowly, she put the rear one inside of her. Laura watched with
fascination. After that was done, the front one went into place.
She buckled it in place. There must have been some sort of
wires leading up to the buckles, because as soon as it closed, the
vibrations started within her.
“Oh, my!” she said.
“See what I mean?” said Laura.
Jennfier concentrated at the task at hand. She unzipped the
blue vinyl hobble dress and stepped inside of it. She stood up, and
Laura zipped it up in back.
“Why don’t you practice too,” she said, rocking her hips
slightly. “You need to be able to wear the shoes and corset for a
while, and walk around in a tight skirt, whether or not there’s a sex
toy inside of you.
Laura watched her for a long moment. Then, she put on the blue
five inch heels, took off her T-shirt, and picked up the blue corset.
It was a unique experience lacing her sister into the corset
while the vibrations went on within her. She could manage to avoid
collapsing on the floor only by concentrating very hard on the laces
in front of her.
After she was laced up, Laura sat down and slid Jennifer’s black
rubber hobble skirt up. She zipped it up completely, and stood up.
Jennifer’s eyes stopped moving as an orgasm came near. “Oh,
god!” she said.
“See? I said that with just the belt on!” said Laura.
Jennifer clenched her teeth as the pleasurable sensations swept
through her. She could feel her vaginal muscles clenching…
The orgasm swept over her as the vibrations inside of her
stopped. She took a breath in her corset and looked at looked at her
sister. “See?” she said.
Laura listened intently. “But… it never stopped for me!” she
said. “Is it broken?”
Jennifer shook her head. “I’m just guessing, but I bet that the
thing has a sensor in it. When you clamp down on it tightly, I bet
that it stops for a while. That would be just like Richard.
“Oh,” she said. “I don’t have much practice with that.”
Jennifer slowly walked towards the kitchen, to demonstrate that
it could be done. By the time that she reached the counter, the
vibrations within her proved her right.
This time, she consciously clamped down on the dildo within her.
It took her several tries before the vibrations would stop. But
they did stop, well before she was near another climax.
“That’s it!” she said. “To stop it, you have to do Kegel
excercises! That is,” she said with a pause, “if you *want* to stop

Laura was still skeptical. “I’ll believe it when you kill the
batteries,” she said.
“What was it like for you?” she asked. “With it on full blast?”
Laura blushed again. “Well, I was just kind of lying down on
the bed,” she said. “I didn’t have to concentrate on anything! I
had to unbuckle it every so often. God! I don’t believe I’m saying
this, or that I did that!”
Jennifer felt the vibrations within her again. If killing the
batteries was the goal, she was going to let it run for as long as
possible. I might as well have fun while I’m doing this, she

By noon, the batteries had died, and Jennifer shed the dress and
the belt. “You’re turn,” she said, after washing the belt off in the
sink and changing the batteries.
Laura took off the hobble skirt, and slowly lubed up the
phalluses. “We’ll see,” she said, as she slowly worked the phalluses
inside of her.
When the vibrations started within her, her whole body tensed
up. “God!” she said, moving her hips around.
“Clench. Hard,” she said. “You’re going to have to practice
that, unless you want to be on the floor at the wedding,”
“That might still happen,” she said, with her face halfway
between intense concentration and massive distration.
The vibrations finally died. “That’s not easy to do!” she said.
“Excercise is good for you,” Jennifer said with a smile. “You
should get your dress on while it’s pausing.”
Laura did so. When the vibrations came back, she tensed even
more. “Ghhh! With my legs together, this is even more intense!”
“You don’t *have* to stop it,” she said, “But there’s no way
you’re going to unbuckle it in a hurry now!”
With closed eyes, there was no indication that Laura heard what
she said.

“Are you sure that you’ll be all right?” Jennifer asked,
wriggling her way out of the car while the car was still running.
Laura was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. She exited on her own
side and walked around to the driver’s side.
As she sat down, Jennifer heard the buzzing starting up under
her sister’s jeans. “Well, I’m going to have to make it to the
wedding all dressed up,” she said. Laura was concentrating intensely
as her legs moved slightly. About five seconds later, the buzzing
stopped. “I need to practice now.”
“Just don’t get pulled over,” warned Jennifer.
“I’ll be all right,” said Laura, as she closed the door and
rolled down the window. “It’s just a quick drive home.”
Jennifer watched as her sister turned the car around and drive
away. At the end of the driveway. Laura idled the car there for the
longest time, even though there was no car in sight.
Jennifer rolled her eyes, then sighed and walked back to Richard
Hane’s mansion.

Chapter 45

“What today?” Jennifer asked thursday morning after they had
showered and breakfast was over.
Today, they had eaten breakfast in the kitchen. Jennifer was
nude except for her six inch black high heels, while Richard wore
only a pair of slippers.
“I haven’t decided yet,” he said.
“Richard,” said Jennifer, “Why the indecision?” There was no
answer from Richard except for a grunt. “Don’t you believe me when I
said that I wanted to marry you? That hasn’t changed, even though
the last couple of weeks have been rather wild. Are you going to try
to concoct something so outrageous that you think I’m going to
Richard looked at her, started to say something, then stopped.
“I know. You want to be *sure*. Maybe I should just *tell* you
what would make me run away. Then you could decide if you want me to
Richard started to say something, but stopped yet again. “If
you ever hit me or strike me, I will leave,” she said. “I could not
stay with an abusive man like that.” A conversation with Vicki came
to mind. “You could probably spank me if I was a very bad, and I
would stay.”
“If I ever saw you in bed with another woman, I would leave
you,” she said. “And if anything you did to me sent me to the
hospital, I would seriously think about leaving you.”
“That’s it,” she concluded. “If you do those things to me, I’ll
leave. If you don’t, I’m sure that I’ll stay. Now,” she said. “Do
you still want to try to think up something diabolical for me? Are
you going to test me yet again? Go ahead, because unless you do one
of those things to me, I’m going to stay.”
Richard’s mouth was slightly agape. “I… darling, I don’t know
what to say,” he said. “My love, I’m sorry that I doubted you… I
just couldn’t believe that someone so wonderful had come into my
life. How could it be real?”
“I’m here!” she said. “I’m real. You’ve had your ways with me,
and I’m still here. Is there something even worse buried inside you,
that you want to show me?”
Richard was quiet again. “I… well, there’s nothing much
‘worse’ than you’ve experienced from me. Perhaps I would like to
take a few things a bit further, in the future, but I have everything
I imagined in a woman in you. Everything I have dreamed of! You…
I love you with all my heart, beloved. I would never ever hurt you
or cheat on you. How could I? You are everything that I want,
everything that I could want!”
Richard reached out with a hand, and Jennifer grasped it with
both of hers. “I’m here and I’m not going away,” she said. “I’m not
leaving you. You see who I am, and I’m not going to change overnight
into something else.”
“You are an absolutely wonderful woman,” he said.
Jennifer stood up and walked over to him. She put her arm
around him and sat down across his lap. “This is one woman that’s
not scared away, and isn’t going to walk out on you,” she said. She
kissed him gently on the forehead. “Is that so hard for you to
The silence and the downcast eyes told her that the answer was
yes. She sat there, in his lap, and just stayed there for several
“Do you know,” he said slowly, breaking the silence. “Do you
know how hard it is to be alone? Not only that, but to believe that
you’re going to be that way for the rest of your life? That’s a
terrible, terrible feeling. It’s too terrible to live with. That’s
why I… push it away, down. I have to have control of myself,
always. Or else… there is always that part that wants to scream,
jump off the cliff, end it all. My… my dark secret, buried within
me, is a legacy of despair. I live surrounded by opulence, living a
life dreams are made of… and I live it alone. Once, I thought I
had found happiness… and that illusion crumbled in front of me, and
left me in pieces.
“Can… can you still feel happiness?” she asked. “Could you be
happy with me?”
“I hope so,” he said. “I want it so badly. I want to pain to
*end*. I want someone I can share everything with, and can share
everything with me. I want to dance the dance of life with you, in
all its convolutions and missteps. I want to hold you, and know that
you welcome my touch. I want to love you.”
“I’m here,” she said, quietly. “And I love you.”

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