Watching husband 1.

“Damn …” Kate thought, fishing in the pocket of her uniform.
“Where did that pencil go? That’s the third one I’ve lost tonight!” A
lock of her strawberry blonde hair fell forward into her eyes and her hand
went up to her forehead to push it back impatiently. She fished in the
bowl of pencils at the serving counter and pulled out a freshly sharpened
one, trying to recall which type of dressing Mr. Dagon had just said he
wanted on his salad.
Oh, yes, she remembered … just plain oil and vinegar … that was
what he always wanted.
With a sigh she marked it down on her pad and headed toward the
kitchen with the order. Her feet hurt and she thought she was just about
to pass out from fatigue. It had been a rough Saturday night … and it
seemed as if she had waited on thousands of finicky customers at Alfie’s
Steak House. Well, she thought … at least her tips had been good …
almost fifteen dollars that night. And that would be a big help toward
the rent! After Mr. Dagon had finished, she would be able to go home to
Tim at last.
As she waited at the counted for the very rare steak that Dagon had
ordered, her thoughts wandered … she could see Dagon’s neat, elegantly
clothed figure from where she stood. He was calmly sipping his martini,
and occasionally he would cast a glance in her direction. But Kate knew
it was not a look of impatience he was giving her … he never seemed to
mind if he had to wait. She knew that he found her attractive … he had
told her so several times … but always in such a manner that she
couldn’t really get insulted or feel as though he was taking advantage of
her. Even though she had told him that she was married … and newly
married at that, he had still continued to let his admiration for her be
known. She could count on seeing him at the same table almost every
evening around 9:30 … and she had come to look forward to seeing him.
He was so little trouble … and never failed to tip her five dollars …
and some nights even ten. And it all came in very handy since Tim still
hadn’t found a job.
Worry crossed Kate’s pert features as she wondered how long it would
be before Tim found something that suited him. She knew that he could do
just about anything he set his mind to … if only he would set his mind!
She had tried only the night before to persuade him that taking the job
that had been offered him as a car salesman would not be the kind of thing
he would have to do forever. His writing was bound to pay off one day if
he kept it up! But he had insisted that he couldn’t go out and be a car
salesman by day, with all that that entailed … and come home and write
at night. Kate guessed that he was right She supposed it would be hard
to do that … but then, she thought … this is hard for me to do too!
She was trying to be open about it … “modern” … there was no
reason why a wife shouldn’t help out by working in times of need But
sometimes, like now when she was tired, the whole thing started to get to
her. Especially when her mother called and brought up the subject.
“Has Tim found work yet … Oh, still unemployed …. Well,
goodness, you’ve been married almost six months now … How long does he
expect you continue undermining your health with that job? … You know
you were always fragile as a child …”
Her mother’s voice echoed in her ears … and tonight … while she
stood there, shifting her weight from foot to foot to ease the pain, she
did indeed feel delicate She was small boned, with slender ankles and
legs, but there was nothing fragile about the rest of her for her hips
were full blown and luscious beneath her uniform, and when she turned to
walk away from her tables, more than one male and some female customers
could not help but follow her swaying buttocks, so clearly outlined
beneath the thin material. She had a walk that could only be compared to
Marilyn Monroe’s famous walk in “Niagara” and some of her high school
boyfriends had even gone so far as to insist that she resembled a cross
between Monroe and Brigitte, being built like Monroe and having facial
features … childlike and pouty like Brigitte. Kate had never taken any
of it too seriously. She knew she was good looking … but she rarely
dwelt on that beauty unless it was insistently brought to her attention.
It had occurred to her while she was standing there, that it had been
some time since Tim had told her how pretty she was … he used to tell
her all the time, she realized. They didn’t seem to make love as much as
before either … of course, since she had this late shift, by the time
she got home, Tim was usually fast asleep … and during the day … well,
he just didn’t seem much the daytime type, somehow.
Dagon smiled and nodded to her across the room. Lost in her own
thoughts, she didn’t see him, though she was looking directly at him.
Then suddenly she realized that he was calling her, and with a start, she
came to attention and nodded back at him, letting him know that she would
be right there. Then she turned to the counter just in time to see the
chef placing the sizzling steak platter in front of her.

* * *

“You’ve got a lot on your mind tonight, Kate!” Dagon said as he
picked up the glass of wine that Kate had just poured him from the small
bottle of Beaujolais and he silently toasted her with a small gesture of
his hand, before placing the glass to his lips.
“Yes, I suppose so, Mr. Dagon,” Kate said, wondering just how he made
his money … she knew he had a lot of it, that much was clear.
“Too bad,” he said, testing his steak with the sharp point of his
knife “A pretty girl like you …”
“Enjoy your dinner, Mr. Dagon,” Kate said smiling as she turned away.
“I wish Tim would notice that as much as you do,” she thought.

* * *

About forty-five minutes later, Kate was hurriedly changing out of
her uniform in the ladies’ room. Dagon had finished his dessert and
coffee and bid her goodnight and she was free to go home. She put on the
lightweight beige suit that fit her voluptuous form tightly, remembering
that it was in that very suit that she and Tim had been married. God, she
needed some new clothes! She knew it would be quite a while before she
would be able to buy clothes, unless Tim had found a job today. But she
knew that he probably would have called her long ago if he had found work.
More than likely he was home asleep and snoring right now, having had
still another bad case of “writer’s block”. She surveyed herself in the
mirror, her long hair curled softly around her face and fell to her
shoulders, and she looked more like a budding starlet than a waitress.
She was too tired to apply any lipstick to her soft full lips. After all,
she thought, Tim never even looked at her when she got home. What did it
matter? By the time she left Alfie’s, stepping out into the cool San
Francisco night, she was deeply depressed. She paused a moment in front
of the door and took a deep breath of fresh air, then she turned to walk
to the bus stop a block away.
When Kate had gotten about halfway up the street, she noticed that
there was a big black car moving slowly down the street behind her. She
was afraid at first, but then she told herself, that that was silly, such
things only happened in the movies … the car couldn’t have anything to
do with her! Nevertheless, she quickened her pace as she walked, casting
occasional nervous glances over her shoulder.
Cruising in the big black Mercedes, Sam Dagon finally made up his
mind. He had gone this far, he might as well go a little further. He
wanted this girl, and he intended to have her. She would make a nice
addition to his household … A very nice one!
He accelerated and drove past Kate, stopping at the corner where he
knew from having watched before that she would go to wait for the bus. He
leaned over and opened the door, as he pulled up and waited for Kate to
“Hi,” he called out. “Come on … I’ll take you home,” he called.
Kate peered into the dimly lit interior of the car and she made out
the features of Sam Dagon. For a moment she was furious … how dare he
follow her like that. How dare he even wait for her after work! But
then, she felt another jab of pain from the soles of her aching feet, and
she realized that it was silly not to accept a lift from him, since the
buses ran infrequently at that time of night.
“Hello … Mr. Dagon …,” she said. “You really frightened me for a
minute there!”
“Hop in Kate … No cause for fear, it’s only me!”
Kate slid into the seat beside him, a small voice of warning sounding
in her brain, but the comfort of the smooth leather seat and the warmth of
the inside of the car quickly quieted the voice, and she turned gratefully
to the man to thank him. But when she turned she saw that his eyes were
on her, staring at her in a very strange hungry way … a way that she had
seen on occasion before, from passing strangers who observed the swing of
her hips, the jut of her breasts as she walked down the street. She
blushed violently when she saw that Sam Dagon was looking at her that way
.. so close to her. But now the door was closed and he had already
started up the powerful motor of the Mercedes … and there was really
nothing to do but sit there.
“Where do you live, Kate?”
Why did he keep on using her name like that? It made her nervous …
like he was some old high school teacher of hers or something.
“Over on Portrero Hill,” she answered. “You make a right at the next
corner and just keep on going until you get to …”
“That’s all right,” he interrupted, “I know the area well. You just
direct me once we get there … OK?”
“All right,” Kate answered, mentally reassuring herself. After all,
she had seen this man often … He wasn’t just a stranger … and he had
given her all of those good tips. He was almost a friend really. She
slipped off her high heels and let her feet rest on the carpeted floor of
the car, and leaning her head back, she let out a soft sigh.
“Tired?” Dagon asked, casting a glance at her relaxed body. He could
see the curve of her calves, the long line of her thighs, clad in the
sheer nude-colored stockings, up to the point where they disappeared
beneath her short skirt, leaving only the bulge of their outline to
tantalize his eye.
Boy, he’d sure like to get his hands up in there close to her tight
little pussy, he thought. And he intended to do just that before the
night was out. It had been a long time since he had seen a girl who so
exactly fit his concept of the ideal woman. A child’s face with a woman’s
body. He could feel the excitement mounting inside him at the thought of
what her naked flesh would feel like beneath his hands, what she would be
like grinding beneath his body!
“I hate seeing a pretty thing like you knocking herself out waiting
on tables!” Dagon spoke, almost as though he were talking to himself.
“It’s only temporary, Mr. Dagon …”
“Sam,” he answered …” You make me feel like an old man … I’m
only thirty-five … How old are you?”
“Why … I’m twenty-two … That is, my birthday is next month …”
She was beginning to get confused by his questions … He seemed to be
saying so many things at one time.
“Only temporary … eh? When are you planning to stop?”
“Well, my husband is a writer … and he should have completed his
book by then … and then we’ll be able to …” The familiar speech
somehow wasn’t coming out right.
“A writer, eh? … That’s funny, I used to fiddle around with the
typewriter myself … That is until I came to my senses …”
He looked over at her… “Oh. I don’t mean to imply that your
husband … what’s his name?”
“Tim …”
“Tim … isn’t a brilliant writer … It’s just that I wasn’t! …
Business is more my field … Land development to be exact.”
“How interesting … .” Kate replied. But she was really thinking
about Tim at home … She hoped that he wouldn’t be asleep again … not
this time. She really wanted to talk to him tonight.
She gazed solemnly out the window … She didn’t recognize where
they were. They seemed to be in an unfamiliar part of town.
“Are you sure you know the way?” she asked, uncertainly.
“Oh, yes,” Sam answered, swerving up a particularly steep hill …”
It won’t be long now.”
Kate didn’t want to offend him by saying anything else, but she was
sure that they were lost, and that he didn’t want to admit that he didn’t
know the way. Well, she’d just wait until it became perfectly obvious and
then, she’d tell him. Even with this detour, she would possibly still be
standing back there waiting for the bus, she thought.
Dagon cast another glance at Kate’s modestly covered bosom. He
imagined that he could almost see the outline of her nipples through the
fabric of her suit top.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!” he said.
“Did you say something?” Kate asked …
“I’ll tell you about it some other time,” he answered, making another
sharp turn and gunning the car so that Kate was jolted back against the
seat. Then he swiftly turned into a large iron gateway and they were deep
in a park, surrounded by high trees and foliage. He sped through the
woods at top speed, and then came to a screeching halt high atop a hill,
where down below, the twinkling lights of San Francisco glimmered
“Well … let’s take a little break. You don’t mind do you … I
can’t resist coming here every so often. The view is breathtaking …”
“MIND?” Kate fairly screamed …” Why of course I mind … My
husband is home waiting for me … If you think that I’m …”
But she didn’t have a chance to finish for Sam Dagon grabbed her
around the waist, pulling her sharply to him and clamped his mouth down on
hers, holding her with a vise-like grip, so that all of her wriggling and
squirming were to no avail. Vague thoughts of other times, when she was
in high school and she had been caught alone on a desolate road with some
young boy who had thought she would go all the way, came into her mind …
but this wasn’t a harmless boy, she reminded herself. This was a grown
man … and a strong one. Fear mingled with shock rose in her throat as
she felt Sam’s lips pressed hard against hers, so hard that she thought
her teeth would pierce the skin of her lips. He was holding her so that
her full ripe breasts were smashed into his heaving chest.
“0h, my God,” she thought … “My God! He’s going to rape me!”
But just as that thought came into her mind, Sam released his hold on
her slightly and removed his lips from hers long enough to speak wetly
into her car.
“Don’t worry,” he panted, “I’m not going to hurt you. Anything I do
to you, I want to feel good …”
“Let me loose …” Kate cried, between clenched teeth. “Please Mr.
Dagon … let me go …! She renewed her struggle almost managing to slip
away from his restraining hands. But she only managed to turn her torso
so that his hands were in direct contact with her full, supple breasts.
She jumped, trying to jerk away from his touch, but Sam took full
advantage of the situation, squeezing the soft protrusions with his strong
hands, massaging them slowly but firmly. At the same time, he pushed her
steadily backward, so that after much struggling, she was finally down on
her back, pressed flat against the wide seat of the Mercedes.
She could hardly believe what was happening to her. Sam Dagon’s
mouth crushed down on her’s harder than ever, and she could feel his hands
manipulating her breasts as though he were molding clay. He trapped her
hands beneath her own body as he pushed her back, and she thought that her
arms might break from the pressure he was exerting on her. She groaned
loudly beneath the weight of his upper body, trying desperately to swing
her legs around, but she twisted in such a way that it was painful for her
to move one way or the other.
She felt his wet, pursuing tongue attempting to insert itself between
her tightly pursed lips, and when she opened her mouth to cry out in
protest, he slipped it hotly into her mouth.
His hands kept stroking at her breasts and then began to rove the
full length of her body, over her flat belly and down to her thighs, which
were exposed by her hiked up skirt. Her stockings covered most of the
smooth white flesh where her garter belt caught the filmy material and
held it up. Sam went straight for the warmth of her creamy thighs,
savoring the silky skin beneath his fingers as though it were some
precious material he was contemplating buying.
“Oh, no,” she thought. “NO!” A million thoughts went racing through
her brain … thoughts of Tim at home … what would he think! Of her
mother … of her virginity, which she had so carefully saved for Tim …
of the promise she had made to herself to never have any kind of sexual
relations with anyone but her husband … and here she was being forced to
submit to this man’s lewd, forced touches.
“No …” she gasped, sensing that a crucial moment had come and that
she was now really helpless.
Managing to pull her head back slightly from his probing tongue as
she spoke out her desperation, her breath coming haltingly … “You can’t
be serious … Please let me go!” she urged.
To her surprise, he answered, “All right,” and abruptly let her
loose. He sat up behind the steering wheel and slowly adjusted his tie.
“Sorry,” he said, turning the key in the ignition … “That won’t
happen again.”
“Again!” Kate thought … pulling down her skirt and adjusting her
suit. “If I can just get home,” she thought, “I never want to see this
madman again.” She sat squirming way over in her corner of the car,
keeping as much distance as possible between them. Her heart beat wildly
in her throat and blood pounded against her temples. The motor raced and
Kate could see that Sam had placed the car in reverse gear. Kate realized
that she was covered with nervous perspiration. She was stunned, and
hardly knew what to do; whether she should jump out of the car and try to
get home on her own or trust him to take her home now. The car started
pulling backwards before she could make up her mind.
“What I actually brought you here for, Kate,” Sam began looking in
the rear view mirror, “Was not to attack you. But you are such a terribly
attractive young lady. I must admit I’ve been thinking about you for
quite some time. However …” The car suddenly stopped and he turned and
calmly looked at her. “What I really would like to do is offer you a job.
One that will be not nearly as demanding as the one you have now. One
where your beauty and charm will be appreciated. Not to mention the pay,
which will be in the area of $250 a week to start …”
Kate remained silent, at first paying no attention to what he was
saying, but as he continued, she began to wonder how serious he was about
what he was saying … not that she was interested … but still …
“You would be my housekeeper, in essence, although not in the old
sense of the word. I need someone to be a hostess for my parties, to
coordinate the comings and goings of the servants, to make sure that all
goes smoothly at my estate. You see, I travel a lot, and …”
“Mr. Dagon,” Kate interrupted icily … “Aside from the fact that I
don’t want to see you again … your job offer might be of interest to a
single girl … but I am married, a fact that you seem to have completely
“Oh, no I haven’t overlooked that, Kate,” he started the car up
again, swinging around and heading back out of the park the way they had
“You see, I really need a kind of overseer for the grounds, too …
actually the job would be perfect for a young couple. I know you can’t
give me an answer now, and I don’t want you to, after what just happened,
but I want you to think about it later … It might be just the thing for
you and your husband, until that book of his gets published. Oh, yes,
and, of course, there are no strings attached. Besides, your husband will
be there …”
Kate remained silent until she caught sight of the familiar
surroundings of Potrero Hill.
“Left at the next corner,” she said. She just wanted to get inside
her apartment and close the door, but still, in spite of herself, Sam
Dagon’s words were swimming around in her mind.
“Again my apologies,” Dagon called out of the door and Kate hurriedly
stepped out in front of the wooden, two story building. “And promise me
you’ll think about what I said!”
Kate kept walking without turning around to look as Dagon pulled
away. Then as she got to the top of the steps she turned and watched as
the big car turned the corner. She realized that her knees were weak and
she felt an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach. Her hand was shaking
as she placed the key in the lock. She had never in her life had such a
terrible experience.

* * *

She entered the apartment as quietly as she could. She and Tim had
the downstairs apartment in the building … and she could see that Tim
was most certainly asleep in the bedroom. All the lights were out with
the exception of the night-light that he kept lit for her in the living
room. She breathed a sigh of relief that he was indeed asleep, not
knowing just how to cope with what had just happened. She couldn’t really
tell him about it because she felt oddly responsible for what had
happened, as though she had led Dagon on … when she knew that that
wasn’t true. As she tiptoed into the bathroom, she felt the strange
tremor in the bottom of her stomach again. The memory of Dagon’s hand
touching her sent a chill through her as she closed the bathroom door, and
she knew that what was really bothering her was the fact that she had had
a moment of pleasure … a split second granted, but pleasure right on.
She washed hurriedly and put on her nightgown in the bathroom, before
going into the bedroom. In the darkness, she could make out Tim’s prone
figure tangled in the blankets of the bed. His heavy breathing filled the
room, and she knew that he wouldn’t awaken easily. A stab of anger swept
through her … there he was sound asleep, having done nothing all day
probably … while she had worked all those hours at Alfie’s and then had
that horrible experience! For a moment it seemed like the whole thing was
his fault … his fault for not working at some kind of regular job …
any job so that she wouldn’t have to be placed in such a position.
She turned on a small lamp and stood at the dresser, undoing her cold
cream jar, Tim’s reflection mirrored in the glass before her. As she
slowly creamed her face, tears welled up in her eyes … it just wasn’t
fair … none of it was fair! … She was tired of being so good, so
understanding about everything! There spread out on the dresser were the
turn off notices for the electricity, the overdue rent bill, and the water
bill which would have to be paid by the end of the week.
“Oh, God,” she thought … “Why can’t he take care of it, why do I
have to even think about it?”
The angry tears streamed down her face as she brushed her long
glistening hairdo, and then fastened it behind her head with a hair piece.
She went to the bed and pulled some of the covers away from Jim so that
she could have some for her side. He grumbled sleepily and turned over,
taking most of the blankets back with him.
“Damn you …” she said in a loud fierce whisper… “Damn you,

=01 Chapter 2

Kate stirred lazily in bed. It felt so nice and warm beneath the
covers that she had completely forgotten the events of the previous
evening. It wasn’t until she opened her eyes that the memory of it all
came back to her in vivid detail.
“Oooooooh,” she moaned and turned over? pulling the sheet up so that
her head was almost covered. Then, she sat up abruptly and looked at the
other side of the bed. Tim was up … What time was it anyway? Sun
streamed in through the window, and she could tell that she had slept much
later than usual.
The smell of bacon cooking and its unmistakable crackle wafted
through the air to her nostrils. She pulled up the strap of her nightgown
that had fallen away to reveal the full, bouncy shape of her left breast,
and tossed her hair back from her eyes … it was always coming undone.
She was about to get out of bed when Tim appeared in the doorway, holding
in his hand a steaming cup of coffee.
“Good morning, beautiful!” he said, an irresistible, boyish smile
All of Kate’s anger and confusion disappeared like magic as she
watched him coming toward her, placing her coffee on the night table. As
he leaned close to kiss her, Kate once more studied his handsome, even
features, his longish sandy hair that would not stay combed no matter
what, and she felt the old familiar stirring inside, signaling her love
for her young husband.
“You were so late last night … I tried waiting up for you … but
finally I had to go to bed.” His lips brushed her cheek and Kate wished
they would linger there a little longer.
“I got a lot done yesterday … almost finished the revision of
chapter five!”
“Darling,” Kate said over her coffee cup. “Last night someone
offered me a job … or rather someone offered us a job!” The words came
tumbling out of her mouth before she knew it. She was surprised … she
hadn’t even been thinking about that … At least she didn’t think she
had. But as she spoke the idea seemed to get better and better … the
memory of the bills on the dresser … and the fact that Tim obviously
didn’t want to get an ordinary job just then … and why should he get an
ordinary job, she thought, completely reversing her bitter feelings of the
previous evening … he’s an artist!
The whole story took only a few seconds to tell, but she felt as
though she had been speaking for ages when finally she fell silent,
waiting for some reaction from Tim. She did not have to wait long.
“NO!” he said rising and standing defensively over her, his entire
body tensed. “No!”
Even though she had carefully omitted any mention of what had
happened in the park, Tim had clearly gleaned the fact that Sam Dagon had
a more than casual interest in his wife.
“Do you think I’m stupid enough to fall for something like that?
That creep has hot pants for you … so he offers you a job … and I can
tag along if I want … Do you think I’m crazy?”
“Oh, honey … come on … it’s not like that … Oh, sure, I think
he likes me … but I told him about you … and he knows he couldn’t pull
anything if we’re both there. Think of all the time you’d have to write
.. and I wouldn’t have to work so hard … I’d be doing something really
interesting … meeting people…”
Will you shut up …? Damn it! I don’t want to hear about it!” Tim
turned and stormed out the door. From the kitchen came the acrid odor of
burning bacon, and then the sound of pots being slammed around. She heard
him go into the living room and slam the door behind him.
Kate sat there for a moment, and then she got up. What a way to
start the day, she thought … Each day had been getting progressively
worse recently and this one was no exception!
She felt like crying again, but she realized that crying would do no
good. She would have to go in and talk to Tim and try to get him calmed
down. She slipped on a negligee, one of her many wedding presents that
showed more of her than it hid, and, wrapping it around her voluptuous
body, padded barefoot into the hallway to the door that led to the living
room. She opened the door quickly. Tim was sitting at his desk in front
of his typewriter pretending to be studying some papers, but she could
tell that he was just sitting there furious.
She walked up to him and stood behind him, placing her long, slender
lingers on his neck, massaging gently below his ears.
“Darling,” she said … “I’m so sorry … Please don’t be upset
with me … I …”
Tim turned around and buried his face in the sheer folds that covered
her creamy white belly. The scent of her perfume clung to her gown and
mingled with her own personal scent creating a potent combination that
made Tim’s blood run faster in his veins. His fury converted to lust as
he hugged his wife’s shapely hips and sighed heavily.
“Baby, I’d sure like a little taste of you right now …” he said
Kate felt her knees grow weak. It had been so long since he had
talked to her like that. A violent thrill ran through her as Tim reached
down to caress her long legs, sliding his fingers up to the back of her
knees, pushing up under her gown.
“Oh, Tim,” she sobbed … “Honey …”
His fingers kept moving, and soon Kate slid down to the floor so that
she was kneeling beside him. She reached up and cupped his face in her
hands and kissed him as he got down on the floor beside her.
“You sweet little bitch,” he said, suddenly rummaging one hand up
between her legs.
“Ooooooh!” she squealed as the force of his hand pushed her down
pinning her to the floor.
Tim knelt over her looking down at her squirming body while his hand
continued to explore beneath her robe.
“MMmmmmmm, wet already,” he said, feeling his penis stiffen. His
other hand searched out her already hard nipples, toying beneath the gown
with their round little points, feeling the large orbs of her breasts
jiggling beneath his hand. Suddenly he pinched the red rubbery nipple
between his finger and thumb.
“Oooooh! Honey, don’t be rough this time, please …” She hated it
when he was rough with her.
He had been roughest on their wedding night … after so many months
of waiting, of petting that went nowhere, since Kate insisted upon saving
herself for him until their wedding night. As a matter of fact, it had
taken her several days after that night before Tim could persuade her to
make love with him again. But once he managed to seduce her again, he was
gentle and loving with her and she had since come to look forward to their
lovemaking with slowly growing passion.
There on the living room floor, all their problems no longer mattered
.. now that he was holding her, doing all the small things that she had
come to expect from him prior to their lovemaking.
She moaned beneath him as he stretched his long thin frame out over
hers. He began pulling at her gown so that she could feel it beginning to
rip at the shoulders.
“Wait …” she said, “wait, darling …” He sat back, and she
hurriedly began to pull off first her negligee and then the brief gown of
matching powder blue that she wore beneath it. She could feel his
impatience as she finally got everything off and lay nude before him.
He studied her nakedness for a moment, letting his eyes roam hungrily
over her smooth satiny flesh.
“Oh, honey. I’m going to fuck you soooo good!” he cooed, eyeing the
reddish-blonde vee-shaped mound of her pubic hair that so cleverly hid her
secret parts from his sight. His hands went to smooth along her slightly
quivering stomach, one finger curling inside the indented bud of her
navel, causing her to jump.
“Oooooo,” she moaned, her eyes now clenched tightly shut, her pelvis
executing little jerky motions in spite of herself. It had been so long
.. even his crude language did not put her off this time as it had so
often before. She had often wondered where he got such habits, but she
knew that he must have slept with other women before her, he was such an
accomplished lover. Most probably he had picked up some things from them.
But now she didn’t mind just as long as he wanted her … and there was no
doubt of that now. She could hear him ripping off his shirt and pants.
The almost obscene, quiet noise of his zipper being pulled down, aroused
her even more.
“Oh, hurry darling, hurry!” She could feel the cool breeze from the
living room window drifting over her taut breasts, tantalizing them still
further. Then suddenly he was on her. His naked body pressed tightly
against her, pushing her sensitive flesh down into the soft rug of the
living room floor. His cock was pressed hard against the hair-lined slit
of her pussy, and she pushed up, arching her back as his hands went under
her round, firm buttocks. His penis was spreading the wet vaginal lips
apart slowly, allowing the length of it to come in direct, searing contact
with her waiting vaginal mouth.
“Oh, God you feel good!” he groaned, smashing his lips against her
mouth and wriggling his hips against hers. And as he kissed her, Kate
realized how sore her mouth was and there, in the midst of her passion for
her husband, the memory of Sam Dagon came to her with full force, and for
that split second it was he who held her buttocks so tightly, he who so
easily positioned her willing body so that his cock was touching at the
entrance of her vagina, pushing big and hard, trying to enter her.
Tim’s cock was getting harder and harder with every second that
passed, and he couldn’t hold back another instant. His hips jerked
forward suddenly and he drove his long thin cock deep into the open mouth
of her cunt.
“Aaaaaaaah,” she moaned feeling the full length of her husband’s
penis slip wetly into her. His big, long cock slammed up into her cunt to
the very depths of her inner being, warm and taut, stretching the hot
fleshy sheath with its rigidity, and she could feel her pussy growing
wetter with each second.
“Mmmmmmmmngh!” they both let out a simultaneous grunt as his cock
filled her gently pulsing vagina and struck bottom.
Kate could feel Tim’s hanging testicles nudging into the spread crack
of her upturned ass as she squealed, twisting beneath him with the rapture
of his animal-like thrust. He withdrew and plunged in again, screwing
tightly into her straining pussy. And once more, he withdrew and plugged
her burning cunt with the hardness of his cock.
“Oh, Tim … Tim,” she cried out over and over again. She had almost
forgotten how good it felt! How could she ever have gone so long before
their wedding without letting him fulfill her like this. It was like
magic, this overpowering lust that he brought out in her, that made her
turn from a demure newly-married bride into a screaming hussy, bucking
furiously like a wild woman beneath him, arching her body up so that more
of his hot cock could enter her, urging him on to smack his loins against
her harder and harder.
She felt totally possessed by him. She was his while his hard body
blotted her out in a mock struggle during which he would easily subdue
her, grind her into the floor as though she were nothing … take her and
make her scream out with the agonizing pleasure of her defeat.
Tim looked down at Kate as she writhed mindlessly beneath him, her
eyes were tightly closed and her head tossed back and forth as her hands
grabbed for his back and then for his hair, pulling him still closer to
her. Her lips were parted and a lewd wail of pleasure issued from them in
a steady monotone. He could feel she was beginning to cum as around his
thrusting cock, her strong vaginal muscles strained and pulled, sucking
him deeper into the whirling vortex of her cunt, trapping his hardened
flesh with obscene muscular ripples and twitches.
“God, she’s turning out to be a hot little number,” he thought. He
had been worried for a while at the beginning about that, but he needn’t
have bothered he realized.
“Come on, honey …” he urged, grabbing hold of her bobbing breasts
and twisting the nipples savagely, … “come on … come to Daddy!”
The searing pain in Kate’s hardened nipples, sent shock waves through
her and almost succeeded in blocking the orgasm that had begun to mount
steadily deep in her squirming belly. But somehow, the pain seemed to
reach the seething hot-bed of her cunt as a spark that set off an even
greater ecstasy than she had been feeling before.
“OH OH OH NOOOOooooooooH!” she cried out as she was overcome by the
shattering sensation of the blunt cudgel of Tim’s prick churning inside
the flaming flanges of her vagina, hitting like a sledge hammer against
her uptilted cervix, pushing until she could bear it no more. She had to
give way to it. Suddenly she let loose, and it was like a dam breaking,
releasing a flood-tide of pleasure that flowed with crashing fury
throughout her body.
Tim’s cock had begun to expand inside his wife’s trembling cunt,
growing bigger and bigger until he thought it might burst from the
fantastic pressure of lust building in his balls. Kate’s legs were
opening up, scissoring back and forth, then jack-knifed out and around
over his back as her heels pounded wildly on him. He could tell that her
orgasm was building and he strove to hold himself back while he continued
to thrust mercilessly into her.
“Oh, yeah … oh yeah!” he cried, savoring the delicious feel of
Kate’s wet crotch grinding up to meet his ramming penis. God, he was
fucking her like he would any little whore off the streets! It sure did
feel GOOD … after all that time she made him wait! It still made him
mad when he thought about it even after all this time.
Suddenly Kate’s shapely legs tightened convulsively around his back,
and her hands clawed at his hair as though she wanted to pull it out. He
felt her take in a huge lung-full of air and hold it. Then her scream
echoed throughout the room as she clutched wildly as though trying to save
herself from the steep plunge of her orgasm.
“Wait for me honey … wait for me!” he yelled over her voice as the
muscles of his prick gathered, preparing for the final explosion, and let
loose a torrent of white hot sperm far up into her quivering belly,
arching backwards as he pumped the steaming fluid into her receptive cunt.
Then with a groan, he collapsed onto her still quivering nakedness.
They lay silent for a while, their bodies trembling together with the
memory of their passion.
Finally, Kate opened her eyes, and stroking Tim’s back said, “That
was beautiful … so beautiful!”
“It sure was,” he answered.
He could tell she was going to try to roll out from under him. But
he wasn’t quite ready for her to do that, he wasn’t finished yet.
He pushed deep into her cunt again, feeling his prick begin to
stiffen, at first imperceptibly and then more and more and with a motion
of his muscles the throbbing member twitched lewdly against her sensitive
“OoooooH!” she groaned, as the sensation began to renew itself deep
in her loins. “Oh, Tim … l have to go downtown to pay some bills …
before …”
“Fuck the bills!” he said savagely. She sure did make him mad
talking about bills all the time. He slammed into her soaking wet pussy,
feeling the juices seeping out around his cock and down the crack of her
Kate gasped, the wind knocked out of her by this unexpected thrust.
At first she was upset by his attitude and the language that he used, but
then as his hardness slid wetly in and out of her pussy, she began to
respond in kind to him, once more offering her stretched pink vaginal slit
to him to use as he saw fit.
Tim was annoyed. What he really wanted to do was to ask Kate to suck
him. To put his soft cock in her mouth and to feel it grow harder and
harder between her open lips but he knew that she would refuse, and he
just didn’t feel up to an argument about it. So he stabbed into her,
venting his anger, enjoying using her as an object this time for his own
A wry smile of satisfaction twisted his lips as he felt Kate swiftly
begin to approach climax again beneath him. “Good …” he thought …
Then moments later when he had her whimpering beneath him, he had an
“Get up!” he commanded, helping her by kneeling back and lifting her
waist up. He turned her over on her belly before she could begin to
protest, and then grabbed her by the waist again, pulling her smooth round
buttocks up to meet him. The sight of her exposed behind sent a shiver of
lust through him. He knew that she wouldn’t particularly like being taken
from behind … and that was just why it was going to be so good. He
poked his rock-hard cock into the gaping entrance to her cunt and pulled
her back onto it unceremoniously.
“Aaaaaagh!” Kate cried out from the deeper penetration. Her face was
red, her long blonde hair hanging down to the floor as she unsteadily
attempted to support herself on her hands and knees while Tim rammed into
her harder and harder. She felt completely humiliated kneeling slave-like
before him, her limp body quaking at the strange attack by her husband.
He had never done this before. It made her feel dirty … like an animal
.. There was just something NOT NICE about it!
Tim pulled back, ready to screw into her again, feeling her smooth
white buttocks shake at each contact with his tightly muscled stomach,
making a loud SMACK as his long cock sunk into her velvety depths. He
knew he was going to cum soon, so he quickened his pace, sweat dripping
from his brow, his smooth chest glistening from exertion. Letting loose
of her waist, he reached around her torso and cupped his hands around
Kate’s jiggling breasts, squeezing their bulk into her chest and pulling
her sharply back and down on his rampant prick. He could see rivulets of
perspiration pouring off of Kate’s back as he controlled her body by the
pressure of his hands on her breasts and his cock in her tormented vagina.
Chills rippled along his spine, making him groan as he heard her
saying, “NO! NO!” and he realized that he must be hurting her, but he
couldn’t stop now. All of him was tensed maddeningly, straining to the
breaking point as the friction grew hotter up and down on his driving cock
and each time, he was striking into the softest, most vulnerable part of
Over and over he moaned, hearing Kate’s cries only dimly now,
muttering incoherently as his blood pounded wildly in his ears. The
muscles of his stomach felt as though they might snap as suddenly it was
happening, the warm semen was once more spewing forth in great jerking
waves from his balls, traveling the full length of his cock and streaming
into the hot cavern of Kate’s cunt.
He screamed something incoherent, and fell forward, forcing Kate’s
body down flat beneath him, and then he lay there on top of her trying to
catch his breath.
“Whew!” he said … and then by way of making up to Kate, “you’re
something else, baby … something else!”
Kate lay beneath him, her breasts hurt from his manipulations and
from being crushed into the floor, even though the carpet was soft. She
felt very strange, but how could she really protest to him about what had
just happened. He seemed to have enjoyed it so much, and she supposed
that that was all a part of a wife’s duty. It was all very odd sometimes.
So she tried to put her distress out of her mind telling herself that she
was fortunate to have a husband who loved her and desired her so much.
Tim rolled over to the floor, and lay staring at the ceiling for a
while. He was exhausted but he felt good. He was thinking about what
Kate had been telling him earlier … about the two of them working up in
Petaluma. Hadn’t he been just a little too strong in refusing? After the
scene they had just had, he didn’t feel he had too much cause for being
jealous of Kate … Besides, he would be around all the time anyway. It
sure would beat her and her mother nagging him about getting a job. He
decided to mull it over at least … and as he lay there he drifted into a
light sleep.
Kate got up to put her negligee on and went to get a blanket for Tim,
tossing it over his long nude body. She started to tiptoe into the
bathroom to shower and dress for what was left of the day before she had
to go to work that evening, but before she reached the door, the telephone
rang. She hurried to pick it up before it woke Tim up.
“Hello? Yes, this is Mrs. Tassel … yes … well we put a check in
the mail today … well, yes … you’ll get it before the twentieth …
yes, definitely!” She hung up the phone in disgust. It was the telephone
company again. There was just no way to stretch the money she had to
cover all the bills without borrowing from her parents again … and she
hated to do that. She stood there thinking … trying to figure out what
the best course to take would be, unaware that Tim was lying on the floor
awake and watching her.
She adjusted her negligee which had fallen away to expose one full
pink nippled breast and tightened it around her waist. Then with a
worried expression on her face, she started to leave the room again. But
before she had taken two steps, Tim said. “If you see Dagon tonight, tell
him we’ll go along with the deal … on a trial basis!”

=01 Chapter 3

“Are you sure this is the place? It looks awfully fancy so far.”
Kate looked down again at the instructions that Sam Dagon had written
out for her. “Yes, it says turn right … I keep telling you, it
probably is very fancy. Mr. Dagon has a great deal of money, I’m sure.”
“O.K., O.K. It just seems like we’ve been driving forever, that’s
all!” Tim felt in a very ill humor, although he was glad to have
liquidated all of his problems with the apartment back in San Francisco
without having to borrow to do it. Dagon had given them enough money as
advance on both of their salaries to take care of everything. But now he
was having second thoughts … wondering if he would really be able to
write here as both Dagon and Kate, had assured him he would.
“Darling, will you relax…” Kate said. “Please! Everything is
going to be all right!”
“I guess you’re right, honey. I’m sorry … You’ve just got to
admit, it’s not everyday that a fellow… I mean a couple gets an offer
like this!”
They had been driving for about five minutes when suddenly there
appeared over the hill a weathervane atop a high turret, and then the
turret itself and then rest of the luxurious Tudor mansion of stone and
rough hewn wood.
“Whew!” Tim let out a long low whistle.
Kate drew in her breath sharply. She had expected it to be
beautiful, but nothing like this! She shifted excitedly in her seat,
peering out the window as the car continued along the winding road that
led to the mansion. They passed horses grazing in fields and what
appeared to be stables. Kate could hardly contain herself, it was
fabulous! And she had told Tim to relax! … For days now she had been
in high state of nervousness that she made every effort to conceal. When
she had mentioned the whole project to Tim, she had never in a million
years expected him to agree to it. And then she had to face with the
problem of telling Sam about it when he appeared on schedule at Alfie’s.
It had been hard to face him … to tell him that she would work for
him after all when only the night before he had behaved like such a
monster. How to reconcile the two things? She decided that a firm
approach was the best, and she had launched into a long harangue about her
morality which Sam Dagon promptly put an end to by telling her, “Kate,
don’t worry. You won’t have to do anything you don’t really want to do.
Contrary to appearances last night, I don’t believe in forcing people to
do things against their will!”
Then after telling her he would meet with her and her husband the
following day to arrange everything, he had abruptly returned to his
lobster, leaving Kate a little bit embarrassed by her school girl speech.
And now it looked as though everything was going to be just fine. They
pulled up in front of the house and stopped, uncertain whether they should
be going to that entrance or one of the others. But the big wooden door
of the main entrance swung open and Sam came out to greet them. He was
wearing a navy blazer and gold-colored foulard tied around his neck. His
dark wavy hair glinted in the fading sunlight. Kate couldn’t help
noticing how handsome he looked … the Lord of the Manor! He was
completely at ease, almost so casual that he made them nervous as he
showed them around. He maintained a steady patter, almost as though he
were a guide who had repeated the same phrases many times, while they
tried not to gawk like tourists at the opulent surroundings.
A castle in the Tudor style … Dagon was saying, “My grandfather had
these stones brought over piece by piece from England … a lot of the
paneling, too. This room we call the Princess’ suite because my
grandfather had a lady friend who was a princess whose name I am not at
liberty to tell you just now. There are twenty-two rooms here, each one
specially designed for the people who used to inhabit them at various
times … that includes the old servants quarters, which I have had
remodeled to make a rather comfortable apartment with offices on the
second floor. This grand hall is rather wonderful isn’t it … Those
stained glass windows always give me pleasure. We keep the piano in good
condition, although I don’t play it, but my mother used to. Actually, the
place is pretty much empty most of the time, except for the people who
stay here to help me take care of it. Of course, I entertain fairly
often, at which time the rooms may be filled for a day or so. Downstairs
we have what I call the dungeon …” he continued leading them into a
cavern-like area with rough rock walls. “It’s the bar … you see … my
own personal discotheque!” He flicked a switch and loud rock music came
pouring out of hidden speakers in the walls.
“There is more … but you’ll see all that later. Right now you must
be tired … and we’ll be having dinner shortly.”
He led them back up stairs to the top floor where he showed them a
luxurious suite of rooms that they were to call theirs for the duration of
their stay.
“I want to get this straight right at the beginning,” he told them
just before he left, “I don’t consider you as servants or even employees
at all . . you are my friends … and we will have our dinners and meals
together as do my other guests. As for your functions in this household
we will go into complete detail about enjoy yourselves while you’re here
.. THAT is one of the primary rules of the house! Dinner in an hour
folks … in the big dining room … oh yes, why not wear something
special for your first evening here … after all, it is kind of a
He closed the big oak door behind him with a smile and he was gone.
“Whoopeeee!” Tim grabbed Kate up from the bed where she was sitting
and whirled her around the room. “Oh, baby … we hit the jackpot this
time … look at this room … and that sitting room … look at this
place! It’s a dream … don’t pinch me whatever you do … I don’t want
to wake up.” They pranced hysterically for a few minutes, giggling and
shouting their excitement. Then they went through the three rooms and
bath that they would occupy, looking in all the cabinets and drawers,
examining the delicately carved woodwork and furniture. The windows were
of leaded glass and the entire suite opened out over an enormous azure
blue swimming pool below. Each room had French doors leading onto a stone
terrace on which were placed colorful tables and chaises.
They were ecstatic and Kate was doubly happy because it was the first
time in a long time that she had seen Tim so happy. Things had seemed to
go wrong from the day or rather the night they were married, and he had
shown her a dark, sullen side of his nature that she had never dreamed
existed. She was inwardly proud of herself for having arranged this for
them, and she hoped that Tim was giving her credit deep down inside for
their good fortune.
While she relaxed in the deep, old-fashioned tub filled almost to the
brim with water, she pondered the irony of her adventure with Sam Dagon,
sending forth a silent prayer of thanks to the powers that had made her
reconsider his offer.

* * *

A few hours later Tim and Kate were sitting at the long lace clothed
table in the main dining room. The dinner had been prepared by a Parisian
Chef, Pierre, who had lived with his wife and daughter in the apartment
that had been created out of the former servants’ quarters.
Dot, their eighteen year old daughter, was the maid whose sole
function seemed to be to serve meals as decoratively as possible.
Tim and Kate sat facing each other across the table while during the
dinner of stuffed pheasant and wild rice, Sam sat at the head of the
table. They were rapidly overcoming the nervousness they experienced in
the unusual situation due to the copious filling of their crystal glasses
with vintage wines, one for each course, ending with a dessert of delicate
lichee nuts served with warm cognac. At the end of it, Kate felt slightly
tipsy, and she could tell that Tim was downright drunk, although he was
holding it very well. She felt flushed and excited by the dinner, and
Sam’s elegant, sophisticated dinner conversation … it was very similar
to a book she had read once, or was it a movie … in any case, she
remembered that Sam’s part was played by some romantic star and that she
had been very impressed with him as an impressionable teenager.
Sam proposed that they retire to the drawing room for coffee and
brandy. As they rose from the table, Kate noticed how Tim staggered and
frowned across at him. Her look was lost on him, however, since nothing
could have marred the dazed good mood he was in.
As they entered the drawing room, he clapped his hand confidentially
on Sam’s shoulder, “I’ve got to hand it to you, Sam,” he said … “You’re
a damned good host.”
Kate winced, but noticed that Sam did not seem taken aback by this
familiarity. Then she remembered his stern speech earlier about their
being his guests, and she relaxed a little. And as she sank into a big
leather chair she was glad she had decided to wear her silver dress. She
knew she looked good in it, but she had had very few chances to wear it.
She crossed her legs and noticed that she was sunk so far down in the
chair that a great deal of her thighs showed below the short skirt of the
dress, and both Sam and Tim were sitting directly opposite her. She tried
to shift her position so that not so much of her stocking flesh was
exposed, but after wiggling a bit, she realized that there was nothing to
be done for it so she forgot about it. Before turning the conversation to
the many specially bound books lining the room, she did attempt to signal
to Tim that they should be going upstairs soon. The large brandy was
making her dizzy, and yet, there was a warm, tingling at the base of her
spine that made her want to snuggle up in the big double bed with her
husband. She hoped that he wouldn’t fall asleep right away.
“Well, my friends, I’ve told you quite a bit about the house and
about myself this evening. . . now … if you’re willing, we can discuss
the future … what help I’ll be counting on you for … how we can best
work together … etcetera.”

* * *

Sam sat in his favorite chair contemplating the splendid view of
Kate’s upper thighs … if he just leaned forward a bit he knew that he
would be able to see the tender vee at the crux of her legs. “Mmmmmmm,”
he thought … mentally licking his lips, for he knew that it wouldn’t be
long before he would once more be touching her there. He wondered if she
ever thought of that evening in the car, and how it affected her if she
She looked even better than he had thought in the setting of Dagon
Manor … and she would look even better as time went on, he mused. Now
he hoped the subtle additions he had made to Mr. and Mrs. Tassel’s brandy
would soon have the desired effect. He knew that the best thing he could
do under the circumstances was to continue talking in his low monotone
until Tim had to leave,
“So you see, you, Tim … we’ll have all the time you like for your
writing … I just need to make sure the grounds are kept in the finest
shape possible … I’m a Capricorn … do you go in for that sort of
thing? Well, whether you believe it or not … l like order around me …
A Capricorn trait … You will have people to help you plan and organize
and people to do the manual labor that you don’t care to do yourself …
The main thing that I want to know is that you are responsible for these
things … right?”
Sam could see that Tim’s eyes were heavy lidded and that his
perfunctory nod was about all he could muster as an answer.
“Now as for the house, the pool, the stables … You will largely
act as a sort of overseer … Crockett … the caretaker who has been here
since my father’s time will help you out and show you everything you need
to know about the place, from the billiard tables in the attic to the
Cabanas below the swimming pool. Is there anything you’d like to ask me
this evening?”
“Uh …!” Tim could barely speak, his words came out in a garbled
rush … and then he fell silent realizing that he was making no sense.
“Better … bed … sorry …” he managed to blurt out, lurching forward
from his chair.
Kate jumped up and ran to help him, and Sam grabbed him by the arm.
Together they helped him up the large, sweeping stairway, richly decorated
with hanging tapestries and got him into the bedroom where he collapsed on
the bed.
Kate stood by, not knowing what to do first …” I should get him
out of his things … Oh, I’m sorry … Mr… . I mean Sam. I’m sorry
this had to spoil our first evening here. We’re not used to alcohol, you
know … and Tim …”
“My dear, the best of us have these little mishaps. Now I’d suggest
you help him out of his clothes and in the morning I’ll have a special
breakfast drink prepared for him that will make him feel as good as new!
Meanwhile, if you feel up to it and wish to continue our little talk …
I’ll be downstairs for another hour. Otherwise … have a good night’s
sleep … and I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Good night Sam … Thank you so much for everything … the dinner
.. everything …” She tried to encompass all the gratitude she felt,
but the whole situation was too much for her. She had never seen Tim this
way and to have such a thing happen now … And she wasn’t feeling any
too well herself. It wasn’t that she felt ill, it’s just that she was
beginning to feel so strange. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it …
it was a way she had never felt before. As Sam closed the door behind
him, she looked with dismay at her sleeping husband. Dead to the world!
And a wave of resentment rose within her. Was their life together to be
like this always! … Slowly she bent over to help him undress. It was
hard, he was like dead weight, but finally she had gotten him under the
covers. He never wore pajamas so she at least didn’t have to go through
getting him dressed again once he was nude.
Kate pulled the covers up over her husband, and, as she bent over she
got a sudden ‘rush’ in her head. It seemed to get everything going in her
brain, and suddenly she was not only wide awake, but she had so many
thoughts in her head that she wanted to get them out. She just had to
talk to someone!

* * *

Downstairs in the library, Sam poured himself a brandy and soda from
the well-stocked bar, glanced at his pocket watch which told him that if
all went as he had planned it, Kate should be appearing in the doorway
within five minutes. The mild stimulant he had given her contained a
minute portion of a powerful aphrodisiac. Not enough to make her do
anything she did not really want to do … just enough to make her let her
guard down a little. Sam sat down in his chair facing the door. He had
placed a soothing Bach prelude on the record player and its music swelled,
filling the room with melodious sound. Sam did not expect to have to
resort to the use of drugs after this evening. It’s just that he could
accomplish in one evening what it might take him several weeks to
accomplish otherwise, and he was a very busy man.
He heard a rustle at the door, and from his vantage point he watched
as the brass door handle turned slowly and the door opened a crack.
“Why, Kate,” he said … “I’m so glad you decided to come down!
This is the most peaceful part of the day for me … when the whole house
is still … Come in … don’t just stand there!”
Kate pushed the door open further and stepped into the room. She was
still wearing the short silver dress with the low back she had been
wearing earlier, but now her hair was curled softly on her shoulders the
way she had left it when she was brushing it and decided she wasn’t ready
to go to bed yet.
“I … I just wasn’t sleepy yet, somehow …” she began nervously.
Her eyes already shining with the brightness of the drug’s effect.
She moved over toward the chair she had been sitting in earlier but
Sam, as he stood up to greet her, insisted that she join him on the sofa.
“My mind seems so full of questions to ask you …” she began, even
before she had sat down, her words coming quickly. “You know we never did
get to discuss the details of what you want me to do here …”
“Yes … of course … and what better time than now?” Sam rose from
the sofa and went to the bar … “What will you have?”
“Oh, anything… what would you suggest …”
“Having what I’m having … a Courvoisier and soda … wonderful for
the nerves!” He began to mix and pour and in a short time returned to
her, holding a tall glass filled to the brim with dark honey colored brew.
Kate took the glass and sipped at it cautiously … “Oh, it is
nice,” she said … “I’ve never had that … In fact, I think I’ve never
had so many new things as I’ve had tonight! …” She laughed gaily and
Sam laughed with her, carefully observing her actions for further signs of
“You know …” she began, completely wired now … “I wanted to
apologize to you … I mean I never would have thought that before this
moment I would be saying this … but well … I’d like to tell you that I
seriously misjudged you … I guess you know that …”
Sam let her rattle on, the sound of her words like music to his ears.
During the course of their one-sided conversation he got up and refilled
the glass that she had nervously emptied.
By this time Kate was feeling very odd. She didn’t seem to have much
control over what she was saying and she knew it, but knowing it didn’t
seem to help. Everything spinning in her head just had to get out …
disconnected thoughts, bits of phrases … and now that strange feeling
she had had earlier in the pit of her stomach was returning. When she
looked at Sam, his handsome form was blurred, and she blinked her eyes
trying to get a clearer image of him … but the blinking only helped for
a few seconds … and then everything in the room, including Sam, blurred
“I guess I should go up to bed now …” Kate began, but made no move
to go. She knew that when she got upstairs, she would be faced with Tim’s
snoring body taking up most of the bed … and the dismal prospect of
staying awake all alone made her remain where she was.
“Oh, don’t go just yet, Kate,” Sam was saying … “You wanted me to
explain some things about the things you’ll be doing … didn’t you?”
Kate blushed deep crimson … There was a sudden strange tingling
down between her legs, like an itch, only a little different. “Yes, of
course …” she said, shifting her weight on the sofa. “I’ve been talking
too much, you’ve hardly had a moment to get a word in edgewise!”
“I like to hear you talk,” Sam answered. Then he embarked upon a
thorough explanation of what he would expect from her in the next few
days. As he spoke, Kate tried not to fidget too much on the couch …
She thought to herself that she must remember never to drink as much again
as she had that evening. It did such odd things to her … She was
having a hard time listening to what Sam was telling her, the pressure
between her thighs was growing and making her more and more uncomfortable.
“What’s happening to me?” she wondered … feeling panicky as Sam inched
closer to her as he continued talking. She felt a distinct attraction to
him building inside her, an attraction that she had never expected to have
.. after all, she was a married woman … her husband was asleep upstairs
.. She should be leaving, going upstairs too …
Sam sensed her tensing and in order to prevent her rising, he slipped
his arm around her waist and pulled her toward him. Kate was shocked by
what was happening, but she was more shocked that she made no move to
resist. Something was making her totally incapable of resisting! She
could feel her breasts pressing softly against Sam’s chest.
“Oh God!” she said.
“What’s wrong,” Sam whispered into her ear.
She couldn’t manage to say anything. Little pinpoints of unwanted
lust were racing through her, arousing her body in spite of her desires to
the contrary. They stayed like that without moving for what seemed to be
forever, as Sam squeezed her tightly to his body. She almost didn’t dare
to breathe for fear she would make a gesture that would make everything
worse, even more explicit than her remaining unmoving in this man’s arms.
Fear swelled in her throat as she felt another stab of desire
penetrate down between her thighs. Tiny tears filled her eyes as she
stared unseeing into Sam’s velvet lapel, breathing in his strong masculine
scent with quivering nostrils.
Without saying a word, Sam reached out for Kate’s glass and brought
it to her lips. She let herself fall limply against him and drank in
desperation. Perhaps the liquor would give her courage to fight … to
leave … There was no excuse for what she was doing. She couldn’t do
this to Tim! The brandy burned its way down her throat she drank it so
fast, and she felt it speeding through her blood. It did seem to calm her
some, but she still did not move from the warmth of Sam’s arms. She felt
oddly humiliated, something akin to the way she had felt that night in his
car, only this was worse … this time she was a party to it.
Sam slipped his hand up her bared back, smoothing it along her silky
skin, then he brought it down and cupped it under her breast. He could
tell by her shiver that it wouldn’t be long now before she was just the
way he wanted her. Too bad he had to resort to artificial means of
getting her to do what she really wanted to do but didn’t have the guts to
do on her own, he thought!
The combination of brandy, and the drugs she had unknowingly consumed
began to turn her body into a bundle of raw nerve ends. She could hardly
believe what was happening, and yet something in her was hoping that it
would continue. She could feel Sam’s warm hand begin to move down inside
the front of her dress and under her bra to the nakedness of her breast.
It was as though she was watching it happening to someone else … but the
delicious feeling racing through her belonged to her and her alone.
Suddenly he was manipulating her tiny hard nipples, rolling them like
little balls between his thumb and forefinger. His tongue was whirling in
her ear, teasing it with his saliva, and then a trail of wet traced across
her cheeks and his mouth was locked to hers.
There was no sense trying to twist away. The force of his tongue
deep inside her mouth made it impossible for her to move her head, even if
she had wanted to. It was just too much. Her mind was filled with a haze
of excitement and still a corner of it turned to her husband upstairs.
What if he were to wake up and find her gone? What if he were to find
them? She knew that Tim would kill her if he ever found her with another
man. And yet, she found her tongue responding, pushing obscenely against
Sam’s. Small pin pricks of sensation emanated from her nipples as Sam
continued twisting them alternating from one breast to the other beneath
her dress. Sam sucked back at her tongue, drawing it deep into the cavern
of his mouth and Kate began to feel an animal-like sense of abandon
welling up in her. She knew that could do nothing to stop this deep
wonderful kiss. No one had ever kissed her like this … ever. The kiss
went on and on, Sam’s tongue moving about in unending random patterns in
her wide open mouth. And she was grateful that nothing more was
happening, the way she was feeling, she was apt to do anything …
ANYTHING… A lewd picture of herself and Sam lying naked on the floor,
her raw nerve-endings throbbed violently. She pushed the picture out of
her mind as quickly as she could, but it was no use. She knew that she
had hopelessly compromised herself, just by thinking such a thought!
Finally Sam withdrew his lips from hers, leaving her panting, gasping
for breath, still caught up in his arms. Then a sudden twitch between her
legs and she tried to press them together as tightly as possible.
“Please … please don’t,” she stammered. But his hand was already
plunging down her back and beneath the slick material of her dress to the
soft nether cheeks of her buttocks. He cupped her from behind, one round
moon-shaped buttock in each hand, and pulled her still closer to him.
Sam continued his firm massage, realizing that any hesitation now
could mean the whole game. He chuckled inwardly as he felt Kate’s smooth
skinned buttocks, his fingers tapping and kneading the soft flesh as
though he were examining some rare material. He shifted his body so that
there was more room for both of their bodies and then he scooped Kate’s
unresisting body down and over, so that her legs spread sideways and she
was herself lying on the couch next to him, then he pressed his own body
down beside hers so that she could feel the rising hardness beneath his
pants pressing against her moistened genitals.
Kate felt as though she were sinking into a bottomless abyss. Her
eyes were now tightly shut, as though she could avoid what was going on by
not seeing, but Sam renewed pressure on her breast causing her to moan
softly in helpless submission. It was all too much for her. What on
earth could she do!
“No! NO …” the words formed in her mind, but could not come to her
lips as the hardness of Sam’s bulging cock rose and nudged at her
trembling lower belly, and another voice was urging … “Yes, yes!” She
gasped as she felt Sam’s fingers come into searing contact with her upper
thighs, then she felt a finger slowly slipping under the elastic leg-band
of her panties and she made a feeble attempt to jerk away from his hand,
squirming back and whimpering as the thick digit moved relentlessly on and
finding the narrow slit of her pussy, slipped comfortably into the moist
split between the small soft pillows of flesh tufted with pubic hair and
making electrifying contact with the small, pulsating head of her
“Mmmmmmaah!” she moaned out, unable to hold back the loud groan of
excruciating pleasure that she felt. Tears streamed down her cheek as
Kate saw herself as though in a mirror, reacting to the wonderful
delicious feel of his hands as they steadily caressed her nipples and her
vagina. Her hips began to rotate in an odd rhythmic motion as his hand
worked harder and harder among the sensitive folds of her pussy.
“Oh, God … oh God!” she thought … no other man had ever made her
respond like this … no one but Tim … and even Tim had never made her
feel what she was feeling now!
Her voice suddenly returned and, in desperation, straining to get the
words out before another sigh of pleasure escaped her lips … she said
haltingly, “No, Sam … I can’t do this … don’t!”
She thought he was going to suddenly press his penis deep into her
and make her right there on the couch and something inside her desperately
wanted that to put an end to the unbearable yearning between her now
widely spread and flailing thighs but Sam had other plans. He continued
rummaging about between her legs until he knew she was wild out of her
head, and then, he stopped.
Kate felt the cold air replacing the warm wetness of Sam’s hand on
her thirsting vagina, and she was left hanging in mid-air, her legs still
obscenely spread, skirt high around her waist, helplessly waiting for more
of the unwanted pleasure that the drug racing in her veins demanded. Sam
stood up and took in the lewd sight of this prim and proper girl, and it
did his heart good to see her that way. The bulge of his huge cock
against his trousers made him contemplate what it would feel like plunged
deep inside her tight young cunt. But there was plenty of time for that,
he thought. On this first occasion, he wanted to do something special …
something that he was sure Kate had never even considered doing before.
He bent over and quickly pushed her dress up around her waist and
panties down from her hips, pulling them over her legs and off, throwing
them to the floor beside the sofa. There, spread temptingly before him,
was the burnished gold of Kate’s pussy, neatly framed by two of the most
fabulous thighs he had ever seen.
“My, you certainly are a nice addition to the family …” he mused.
Then he reached down again and pulled Kate into a sitting position. Kate
looked at him, wide-eyed with fright and unsatisfied longing. She was so
emotionally upset that she could only let herself be manipulated like a
big beautiful puppet.
“Wha-what are you going to do?” she managed to stammer.
“You’ll see!” Sam replied. “Do you like this selection?” he asked
nonchalantly, referring to the music which continued to pour forth from
the speakers into the room. “Handel’s Water Music … superb rendition, I
might add!” And with that he knelt down in front of Kate and carefully
spread her long slender legs so that there was one on each side of his
Kate was dimly aware of what was happening. She remained slouched
down in the soft of the cushions, the cool leather touching against her
bared buttocks. She could see Sam’s full head of black hair bending down,
and then, she knew with certainly what was going to happen. Something so
obscene, she had never dared think that it would ever happen to her! His
lips were pressing against her lower belly, creating a wet chill that
spiraled the length of her spine.
With a small cry, she quickly tangled her hands in his thick hair in
an attempt to push his head back, but her hands only seemed to make the
inevitable happen taster, for his lips were now at the tender moistness of
her helpless pussy, parting the soft silky pubic hair, salaciously darting
his tongue into the burning crevice of her vagina.
His palms pushed against the inside of her quivering thighs to
prevent her closing her legs as he warmed to his lewd task and began a
slow tortuous teasing with his tongue and lips of her secret pink vaginal
Kate lay back, her eyes wide with disbelief … it was all over, she
thought … there was nothing worse that could happen to her, nothing more
hideous. She attempted to jerk backwards, a low groan escaping from her
lips as the strange wetness of his mouth against her ragged, pink-edged
cunt drove her mind into an uncontrolled madness of the flesh.
“OOOooo oh God … oh, NOOOOOOOO!” she screamed, whimpering and
squirming beneath his attack, while Sam greedily licked at her delicate
private genitals, enjoying her screams to the fullest. When she kicked
her legs out and tried to escape him, it only served to help wedge his
head deeper between her legs.
Kate groaned over and over, her hands pulling at Sam’s hair, her back
arched as much as possible, but still the depravity continued. “I can’t
.. I can’t stand it!” she screamed. “NO!”
But still the agile tongue worked at her defenseless cunt, spearing
in and out of her widespread vagina, slipping back and forth over the head
of her throbbing clitoris. And Kate knew that she could never be the same
after this … never! Tears streamed down her cheeks, the mascara she had
so carefully applied earlier streaked black smudges in tiny trails along
her face. She watched Sam’s head bob strangely up and down, and waggle-
back and forth between her spread legs. And as she looked, a tiny tremor
of perverted lust sparked inside her again in spite of the God awful act
that was being forced upon her, and she knew just as surely as she could
feel Sam’s lips nibbling softly at her cunt that she was lost. The
knowledge grew as the unwanted sensations mushroomed in her belly rushing
up to overcome her with an overwhelming torrent of lust.
Sam could feel the sudden surrender of Kate’s body as her muscles
grew slack and her hands loosened on his head. Without releasing her
ravaged pussy from its unrelenting attack, he raised his eyes in time to
see Kate’s eyes roll back as a violent shudder overtook her body and her
legs drew up and flailed out even wider in complete subjugation.
The humiliation and shame that she felt was replaced by an outright
wantonness, and yet, deep down, she could almost watch her own shameful
performance. But the forbidden heat in her loins was undeniable and
although she was degraded beyond her wildest dreams, it was impossible to
stop the ripples of pleasure that traversed her outraged body.
Sam increased his attack, doubling his ferocious nuzzling of Kate’s
tight, widespread crotch. He would show her the kind of pleasure she
could expect from now on, he thought. Little hypocritical wench! Before
he was through with her, she would be coming to him every day to beg him
to do this to her and more to her!
Kate had begun to screw her pelvis up toward Sam’s face, pushing
steadily as though she wanted to get inside his mouth.
“Aaaaa! Unnngg!” she moaned over and over, tiny goose-pimples
forming on the surfaces of her skin, beads of perspiration starting out on
her forehead. She sobbed and trembled, completely out of control, caught
in the raging fire that threatened to devour her. Her lovely pale white
thighs jerked up as with a low wail of surrender, she placed them around
Sam’s shoulders pulling his wagging head still closer to the tortuous
turmoil in her straining pussy.
All thoughts of her sleeping husband upstairs were gone, burned in
the licking flames that surrounded her shamelessly aroused body, as she
bucked her hips up into the wonderful piercing pleasure that she had to
“OHOHOHOHhhhhh!” she cried wildly brushing the tender bush of her
cunt into Sam’s waiting mouth, while he happily obliged, thinking with
amusement of how Kate would feel about all this in the morning. He made a
mental note to take care of that husband of hers so that he would not
interfere with his future plans for Kate. He watched, delighted, as
Kate’s face paled, her mouth hanging slack as she felt the first beginning
stabs of orgasm building inside her belly. He would see to it that it
would be only one of many that she would have that night and in the coming
days ahead.

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