Two sexually frustrated women fall into an affair

Getting into her car, Vivienne Wu angrily slammed the
door of her sleek black convertible. She was a vision of
glittering diamond necklace and bracelet, lustrous
upswept hair, and perfect ivory complexion, decked out
in black stiletto heels and black silk stockings.

All day spent at the spa, hours with her hair and
meticulous makeup for her husband’s birthday dinner
tonight, all for nothing. When she’d telephoned his
office to confirm his early arrival, he’d been
apologetic and said he’d have to have a business dinner
tonight instead. Dinner would be ruined. Furious words
had ensued, and she’d icily wished him good luck on
finding her at home when he eventually returned.

As she roared out of the carport, Vivienne dialed
Rebecca, her best friend and confidante. Another
“trophy” wife, Rebecca Sommersby had been Vivienne’s
oldest friend since she’d emigrated to America. Driving
aimlessly through the small suburb of Willow Lake,
Vivienne fumed into the telephone. Rebecca was
sympathetic. “Twenty years, and he does this to me! I’ve
been a good mother, a good wife, and this is how he
appreciates me?” the beautiful Chinese woman asked

“Viv, don’t go there. You know Colin loves you.

He’s probably working on another big merger. You’ve got
a hard-working man, that’s all. These things happen. You
know, Jack hasn’t been home for supper in weeks.”

She was silent. Colin Wu was a wonderful husband, a
marvelous father to their daughter and well regarded in
their little town. “Darling, why don’t you just give him
a raincheck?” Vivienne slowed her car as she entered the
little town. “Rebecca, you’re right. I suppose I was
just disappointed. Let me! ring Colin straight away and
make it up to him.”

“Honey, maybe you’re disappointed because you were
looking for a little something in return after supper,”
Rebecca thought to herself.

The office telephone rang until Heather, Colin’s
secretary, answered. “Heather, it’s Mrs. Wu. Please take
a message for Colin that I’m sorry about dinner tonight,
and…” Vivienne’s eye was caught by the vivid neon sign
of the store before her, fairly shouting “Chocolate
Dreams” in bold lavender and pink. “Tell him I’ll have a
surprise for him when he gets home!” the thirty-nine
year old woman said impulsively.

Inside the ice-cream parlor Chocolate Dreams, pretty
Anna Cathcart was vaguely disquieted. As Vivienne Wu was
ivory and ebony, the perky blonde was a wholesome
peaches and cream, set off by a glowing golden tan. Her
only concession to makeup was her bright pink lipstick.
The young coed had been thinking about a recent incident
that both frightened and excited, something that spoke
volumes about who she was and where she was going in

She’d found herself in the school library. She didn’t
need books, or research, or to borrow anything. Anna was
there because of Miss Flynn the librarian. Willow Lake
rumor had it that Miss Flynn was gay, and out of
curiosity Anna was determined to find out.

When she’d found the tall, busty redhead alone in the
back of the periodicals section, Anna posed her question
by standing on tiptoes and simply kissing her full on
her luscious mouth. The surprised librarian had been
taken aback at first, then responded eagerly. She’d
asked if Anna was sure about this. Anna had nodded
vigorously. They’d had supper together in her apartment
(the first time Anna had lobster). That night Miss Flynn
had become “Jessica” and Anna had lost her virginity.

Anna was tingling with the memory of their hour of
tender lovemaking, and musing about other possibilities
when the door chime rang musically, announcing a
customer. She was surprised to see Mrs. Wu enter,
dressed to the nines. She had been friends with Karen,
Mrs. Wu’s daughter, who was away at State College.

“Hello, Anna,” Mrs. Wu exclaimed. “We’ve not seen you in
a long time!”

“Hi, Mrs. Wu,” Anna replied. “Yes, it’s been a while.”
Impossible thoughts began forming in the nineteen year-
old’s mind. She was fascinated by the older woman’s
ravishing appearance. What was the occasion, some kind
of party? Anna toyed with her pony tail distractedly.

“Well, we should have you over soon.” Vivienne removed
her gloves. The light caught the polish of her
fingernails, and glinted from her diamond engagement
ring and platinum wedding band. “Can you please help

Anna wickedly thought about helping herself to the
exotic Asian beauty. Jessica had opened her eyes to a
world of possibilities, but how would she ever manage to
reach Mrs. Wu?

“Sure, Mrs. Wu. What can I do for you?”

“I’d like a birthday cake, a special cake.”

“No problem, Mrs. Wu. Oh, look at the time. I’ll tell
you what, do you mind if I just flip over the ‘Closed’
sign and turn off the front lights?” The teenager had
contrived a definite plan.

“Oh, please go right ahead, Anna.” Vivienne moved to
inspect the freezer case, smoothing her black silk

“Be right back, Mrs. Wu” the blonde dashed out to turn
over the sign and flick off the lights.

“What will it be, Mrs. Wu?” she asked as she returned.

“So many choices! I think I’ll have this “Rocky Road and
Vanilla” cake with the chocolate icing, Anna.” It was a
sumptuous symphony of dark chocolate frosting, piled
high with whipped cream.

“Cool choice, Mrs. Wu! That’s my favorite, too.”

“Really?” the unsuspecting housewife asked. The blonde

“Shall I make it ‘Happy Birthday’ for Mr. Wu?” she asked
innocently. Her hear thudded in her chest with the
audacity of her bold plan. Would it work?

“Yes, please Anna.” Vivienne fished a twenty dollar bill
from her purse.

“Sure thing,” the girl fumbled with the cover. This
would be tricky.

“Here you go,” she said as she raised the package over
the counter. Vivienne’s outstretched arms went to meet
the package. She couldn’t have known Anna would give the
box a little toss, nor that the lid would flop wide
open. Cake, inscription and all, sailed straight into
the woman’s generous chest. It made a spectacular
impact, as the Chinese woman shrieked in surprise.

“Ohmigosh!” exclaimed Anna, running out from behind the
counter. “Here, let me get you cleaned up, I am sooo
sorry,” she chattered as she dabbed at Vivienne’s ample
front with a towel.

“That’s all right, dear,” the surprised Vivienne
responded, “accidents will happen.”

Anna babbled as she wiped chocolate from the front of
the expensive dress, “Oh, no! Your beautiful dress is
ruined and it’s all my fault, I’m so sorry, Mrs. Wu!” As
she had hoped, the sudden surprise and the cold ice-
cream had their expected effect on Mrs. Wu’s nipples.
She could feel their hardness through the lacy
brassiere. She couldn’t believe her own daring.

Vivienne couldn’t help but notice the younger girl’s
attentions. Whatever was Anna doing? It felt good,
whatever the girl was up to. She suddenly realized, as
had Rebecca much earlier, the reason for her anger with
Colin. She’d simply been horny beyond belief!

“Oh, Mrs. Wu, what can I ever do to make up for this?”
Anna wailed, looking deep into the older woman’s eyes.
Vivienne suddenly understood the younger girl’s meaning.
Well, she thought, I certainly have nothing better to do

“Nonsense, Anna,” the Chinese woman reassured the girl.
“Think nothing of it.”

“But Mrs. Wu,” Anna persisted, still rubbing her
breasts, “I feel so upset.”

Vivienne decided to see where this would lead. “Well,
Anna, you’re doing fine so far.” The pretty young blonde
continued her ministrations to that marvelous chest. The
headiness of the older woman’s perfume was intoxicating.

“Do you really think so, Mrs. Wu?” she asked coyly. By
way of answer, the older woman brought her lips to the
youngster’s mouth and kissed her deeply, even as the
girl kneaded her tits. Eyes closed, they embraced
warmly, smearing the cake’s frosting into each other’s

“Oh, yes, Anna,” she breathed. “And it’s ‘Vivienne’.”

Fireworks exploded in Anna’s head as they broke their
kiss. She was under the dress now, directly fondling the
older woman’s fine breasts with her sticky hands,
exposing their pale perfection. Tiny pink nipples stood
out turgidly, proof of the Chinese woman’s obvious
excitement. Her bare shoulders were all gooseflesh, Anna
noted with satisfaction. Vivienne’s skin was radiant,
like pearls.

“All right, ‘Vivienne’, let’s see what else I can do,”
Anna whispered, dropping to her knees before her
friend’s mother. A soft moan escaped Vivienne’s lips as
Anna knelt before her sex. Tender hands clutched her
behind as the blonde buried her face in the front of her
dress. Vivienne leaned against the counter for support,
breathing rapidly.

As Vivienne moved backward, Anna went to flick off the
light, plunging the store into utter darkness. Returning
to the counter, the panting teenager hitched the black
dress up over the older woman’s hips, marvelling at the
fineness of the material. She guided Vivienne’s legs
together, so she could slip her panties down and off.
Then she turned her attention to Vivienne’s sopping
pussy. She carefully slid a questing finger into the
velvety folds before her. The teenager’s hot breath felt
sensational on the Chinese woman’s bare bottom.

“Oh, Anna,” Vivienne groaned, holding the blonde head to
her bottom. In reply, the girl lavished attention on the
Chinese woman’s proud clit. Her tongue stroked and
prodded and caressed and played, as Jessica had taught
her just a few nights earlier. She was gratified to feel
the older woman’s hips bucking in response. Vivienne’s
hot, overflowing sex clamped tightly around the
teenager’s exploring finger, making a moistly sucking
sound. It felt so wonderful. Just then, the doormat
chime rang its musical tone.

The two lovers froze, their hearts sinking.

“I can’t believe I forgot to lock the door,” Anna
thought in panic.

Deputy Pat Smythe had been doing rounds in the quiet
town for an hour when she’d noticed the BMW was still
outside the darkened store. Nearing the end of the
evening shift (it was such a small town that there was
no “graveyard shift”), she had been prepared to go
straight home as usual when she’d spotted the Wu’s
sports car in front of the tony establishment. Following
procedure, she’d tried the door and to her surprise, it

As she moved into the darkness, she sensed the sudden
movement in the back. She instinctively reached for her
sidearm as she shone her flashlight toward the huddled
pair in the rear of the store. Pat nearly dropped the
flashlight when she saw who it was, and what they’d been
doing. Despite herself, the beautiful auburn-haired
officer smiled in the dim light.

“Ladies,” Pat managed, after she regained her composure,
“I think we can work out a way I can keep this out of
tonight’s blotter.” The twenty eight year old deputy had
been a confirmed bisexual since being seduced by the
town’s buxom librarian last year. A striking five-eight,
she bore the graceful build of a competitive athlete.

“Yes, Officer,” Anna and Vivienne chorused guiltily.

“Fine,” the attractive deputy replied. She unbuckled her

“First things first, you go and lock up that front door,
Missy,” she directed Anna. The blonde sat up in sudden
surprise, then eagerly scurried to comply.

“Miz Wu, I’ll need to take your statement in the back
room. And bring that radio along with you. If you’d join
us young lady?” Pat continued as she unbuttoned her
uniform. She slowly undressed as she walked along. The
two women gaped as her uniform blouse fell to the floor,
followed by her pants.

When she reached the counter, her brassiere floated down
exposing a magnificent pair of tanned tits. She was
candy-colored all over, with wide aureoles the size of
quarters. There were no tan lines. As the trio entered
the back room, her damp panties were the last to go. Her
bush was neatly trimmed into a rectangular pattern.

“Leave those fine things on,” she huskily directed the
surprised Chinese woman, who had begun to unzip her
dress. “You, I want to see naked,” she said to Anna. The
coed quickly did as she was told. She pulled her tee
shirt over her head, unclasped her brassiere and slipped
off her jeans and panties as quickly as she could.
Deputy Smythe appreciatively took in the sight of the
silken skin, with the pale outline of a thong bikini
complementing the golden tan. She murmured her

“Now, let Deputy Pat show you the error of your ways,
ladies.” The tall auburn-haired athletic beauty plugged
in the bright yellow portable stereo and turned it on. A
snappy techno-beat number came on, with an insistent

“Anything you say, Officer,” Vivienne answered, as in a
dream. Was this really happening to her?

“Now, Missy, I want you to lay some garbage bags on the
floor there in front of the locker.” Pat told Anna, one
hand tweaking her left nipple until it was rock-hard,
the other working busily between her legs. Her foot
rested on a nearby folding chair, exposing her steaming
pink sex for her audience to appreciate.

“You, there, Miz Wu, I want you to open up that jug of
chocolate sauce and that jar of cherries there, hop to
it!” The two busied themselves while the deputy
masturbated herself to arousal. When they were done, Pat
nodded her approval.

“Now, Anna, I want you on all fours on those garbage
bags. Viv, you straddle her backside.” They did as

“Viv, hike up you dress so’s that nice wet pussy can rub
up on that young ass. That’s it, ride that sweet young
thing. Get it going good, now.” The Chinese woman
obeyed, hands instinctively going to her own breasts as
she sat astride the girl. The silken dress, smeared with
frosting and ice-cream, slipped off her shoulders and
tits, exposing her distended nipples. She pulled and
twisted and teased them to even more hardness. Anna
began to moan softly, one hand fingering her pert young
breasts. She felt her arousal building in her fiery

“That’s it. Viv, bend down on her back. Put your left
hand on Missy’s sweet tits. I want you to rub her pussy
with your right. You right handed? That’s fine.”
Vivienne couldn’t believe the sensation. Her blood-
engorged nipples felt as though they must burst, they
were so hard. Her head swam as her breasts rubbed
against the silken skin of the teenager’s back.

She scarcely knew what she was doing as the fingers of
her left hand deftly tweaked the stiffening nipple of
Anna’s left breast, while her right hand stroked her
sexy wetness. Anna felt the familiar stirrings of orgasm
mounting deep within her loins, while her tits burned
with desire. She inhaled sharply through clenched teeth
under the older woman’s weight. The slipperiness of the
sticky dress aroused her strangely.

Anna’s right fingers roamed with a life of their own,
alternating between her own breast and the back of
Vivienne’s talented hand.

“You’re doin’ fine, gals,” the deputy continued. “Taste
your fingers, now, Viv.” The Chinese woman’s eyes
involuntarily rolled back as she licked the girl’s
savory juices from her hand. Anna’s cunt began to spasm
as she felt the older woman’s tits stabbing her back,
while her wet pussy sloppily rubbed her ass. She moaned
again, involuntary noises coming from deep in her

“Kiss her, Viv. What are you waiting for, girl?” Pat
said in mock impatience. Vivienne hungrily searched for
the younger girl’s mouth. Impulsively, she thrust her
hot tongue into an ear. With a little cry, Anna’s lithe
body jerked convulsively as she climaxed once, then
twice. Vivienne continued rubbing herself against the
younger woman’s body, cooing softly to Anna. She, too,
felt the stirrings in her own pussy.

“All right, lesson two.” Pat said crisply. “Missy,
you’re in that chair over there. Viv, on your back.
That’s it, prop yourself up on your elbows, just like
that. Missy, I’m sure you’ll find something to do while
you’re watchin’,” she continued ironically.

The dazed Chinese woman lay on her back, wondering what
was to come. The deputy, now thoroughly wet, straddled
Vivienne’s face, who greedily buried her tongue in the
auburn bush without waiting for instructions, lapping
eagerly at the drooling pussy before her. Pat gasped
with delight. Without a word, Vivienne licked and lapped
at the sloppy cunt, while Anna idly cupped her breasts
with both hands. The two older women drank in the sight
of the young blonde playing with her beautiful young
body, as she took in the sensuous scene before her.

Watching and being watched, the young girl was certainly
getting more than she’d bargained for that night!

From her awkward squat (which lewdness excited Anna all
the more from her vantage point), Pat moved off the
Chinese woman’s face. “Wait, I’m not finished,” the
Asian began. “Hush up, honey; nobody says you are.” Pat
snapped in feigned severity. “Sweetie, get that
chocolate sauce over here,” the beautiful deputy ordered
as she laid down facing Vivienne. Anna handed the
container to Pat. She had both hands rubbing her soaking
wet pussy, as she stared openly at the glorious
spectacle before her.

“Watch and learn, darlin’,” Pat said, pouring the sticky
liquid over her crotch and Vivienne’s. She set the
plastic jug down and dipped both hands into the
chocolate. Slowly, deliberately, she moved her hands
over the recumbent woman’s silk-shrouded body, covering
it in chocolate. Vivienne trembled with excitement. Her
eyes sought the deputy’s green ones, wide with wonder.
When their bodies were both covered with the sauce, Pat
moved her groin up against Vivienne’s. They clasped
hands and ground their sexes together, slowly at first,
then more and more rapidly.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby. You feel that, Sugar? You feel
that?” Pat grunted as the first waves of her orgasm
washed over her. “Oh, shit, yeah, that’s it. Give it to
me, you cunt. You’re a slut, ain’tcha? You’re my little
whore, aren’t you? Say it! Say it, you little bitch!”
Pat clamped her thighs together tightly, making the
chocolate squish and pop with the movement.

Anna was in heaven. “Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” she
unconsciously chanted to herself, diddling her clit and
squeezing one breast in time to the pulsing music. Her
pussy spasmed uncontrollably. Was this really happening
to her?

Vivienne couldn’t believe her ears as she heard herself
respond. “Uh! Unh! Unhh! Yes! Yes! Oh, yes, Pat, yes!
Yes, yes! I’m your little bitch, I’m your whore! Oh,
God, I’m cumming! I’m cuuuuuuuming! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhh!”
Both pairs of hips thrust into the air simultaneously.
In unison, their thighs left the ground as explosive
climaxes reached them at the same instant. The two of
them came together, shuddering with ecstasy as girlcum
mingled with the chocolate sauce. Waves of pleasure
washed over them for what seemed like an eternity.

Pat spoke after catching her breath. “Now, baby, bring
them cherries over here. No, don’t git up, Viv; we still
ain’t done yet, you hot momma.” She husked, one hand
stroking the Asian beauty’s hair. Anna rushed to obey.

“Okay Missy, I want you to slip some of those in here,”
Pat indicated Vivienne’s pussy, “here,” her puckered
asshole, “and here,” her mouth. Anna did, silently.
Vivienne held the young girl’s eyes with her own in
wanton lust as the pretty blonde complied. She clamped
her rosebud lips over the teenager’s fingers as they
left her pouting mouth. Anna noticed with excitement
that their hot kiss had smeared the older woman’s coral-
hued lipstick. She only hoped that her own face looked
as hot!

“Now me,” smiled Pat seductively. The cherries slipped
in with a satisfying series of “slurps” that aroused the
young girl still more. She squirmed again.

“Your turn to get dirty, Girlie,” said Pat around a
mouthful of cherry. “C’mere!” She held out her open
arms. With a squeal, Anna dropped into the beautiful
policewoman’s muscular embrace. As they caressed, she
was thrilled to feel the stickiness against her body.
Vivienne moved to rub her still-clothed body against
Anna’s back. The sensation was indescribable.

They kissed one another in turn, sticky-sweet cherry
juice and chocolate and cum anointing faces, hair and
clothing. All three were moaning passionately, writhing
and rubbing each other with reckless abandon. Gasping
for breath, Vivienne broke her embrace to kneel before
Anna. She took the teenager’s right nipple into her
mouth and sucked for all she was worth. Anna felt cherry
meat and chocolate sauce on her breast, and clenched her
pussy reflexively.

She gasped as Vivienne playfully nipped her nipple.
Shifting, Pat lay before Anna’s kneeling form. She
shoved the blonde’s thighs apart impatiently, and
transferred the cherries one by one from her own pussy
into Anna’s. The young girl couldn’t believe her eyes.
She threw her head back while Pat worked the cherries in
there, while the older woman’s expert tongue played
arpeggios on her throbbing clit. Now it was Vivienne’s
turn to pleasure herself with her free hand while these
two beautiful women performed before her eyes, her mouth
full of teenaged tit.

“Ready, girls?” Pat breathed. The two women ignored her,
moaning as Vivienne took as much of the blonde’s breast
into her mouth as she could, while she fingered her own
dripping snatch. Anna’s breath came in short, ragged
gasps as she diddled her own clit with one hand and
massaged her free breast with the other.

“Now, Missy, you’re really gonna see something!” Pat
exclaimed. As she spoke, she began pulling the cherries
from the teenager’s quivering cunt, one after another.
Anna nearly fainted from the sensation and the sight of
Pat greedily devouring each cum-drenched cherry in turn.
As each cherry emerged, she felt her orgasm building
until finally, unbelievably, she came all over Pat’s
eager hand. Sticky cherry juice mixed with girl-cum ran
down Pat’s chin. Panting for breath, the exhausted
teenager collapsed backwards. As she did, Pat directed
Vivienne to mount the young blonde’s face, so she could
return the favor.

Pat took the opportunity to French-kiss the beautiful
Asian, again smearing sticky juices over Vivienne’s
flushed face. She straddled the waiting girl, who
prodded and probed with her hot tongue until she located
those warm cherries. The Chinese woman moaned as each
succulent globe left her pulsing sex. Just as she felt
she could stand no more, she sensed Pat moving to her
rear. Dear Lord, what on earth was she doing?

The policewoman performed the same operation on her
asshole! She could contain herself no longer. Pat was
moaning, frigging herself with her free hand while
exploring Vivienne’s sensitive rectum. Anna contented
herself by doing the same. The three of them came once
more, shuddering to climax.

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