The trouble with swapping

Bob and I have been together for five years now, since we were kids, really. I was a virgin when we met, and before the time of this story, Bob was the only man I’d ever had full sex with.

Now, for some time, I’d noticed that Bob’s eyes would be following other women around, and white women in particular.

Also, he kept bringing up ‘swinging’. The subject just kind of emerged into conversation somehow. I started to realize that Bob wanted some variety, and I decided it would be better to cooperate than have him go behind my back or even leave me.

Finally, I relented, and let him put an add in a ‘swinger’s’ magazine.

Bob went through the replies, there were dozens of them! He said most were from perverts and such, and only showed me the few he thought were genuine. One of the couples was completely fat, and I’m sorry, but that’s the one thing that really turns me off. The second pair looked friendly and pretty, but Bob said that they lived too close to were we lived.

That left the last, and they were so much older than us! Bob’s 24, and I’m 23. This couple looked to be, well her in her late forties, and him in his late fifties! Why, he hardly had any hair, and what there was was gray. He had a friendly smile, though, and he looked to be in good condition. The woman had a radiant smile, and she was white and blond with blue eyes, but I was still surprised that Bob would be interested in such an older woman. Still, I figured that at least he wasn’t likely to run off with her and make her pregnant!

So I agreed that we should send them a [clothed, you bet] photo of us, and see if they would like to meet us.

2., Bob

Well, I’d been a little worried about Andrea. You see, we’d always had great sex together, but I knew that she had no sexual experience, and had some unfulfilled curiosity. I guess I was just insecure. Andrea is a very beautiful woman, and I knew that men must have been hitting on her all the time. I wanted to be able to work during the day without worrying what my woman was getting up to.

And she kept bringing up the subject of swinging. I figured I’d rather her do it with my knowledge than without. When I offered to arrange it, she was so enthusiastic, that I knew I was just in time.

We got a box full of replies to our little add. A lot of people wanted to try out a young black couple on their first swinging experience. Most were from single men, of all persuasions, and there were a couple of dozen couples.

I said I was a little insecure, but now I’ve promised to tell it all and hold nothing back. I was so afraid that Andrea might find someone that turned her on more than me, that I weeded out any couple where the guy looked too good.

I chose Carl for her. I was sure that I’d have nothing to fear from a white man more than twice my age, yet he looked just good enough to get her to agree to meet them. I thought that we probably would just meet them for dinner, and not go through with the sex thing.

But in case we did decide to go that far, Evelyn did look hot.

3., Evelyn

When Carl showed me the picture of Bob and Andr�a, I could hardly believe my eyes. That such a young beautiful couple should be interested in us!

We’ve been swapping and swinging for quite a while now, but frankly, in our age group there are very few good looking people, and they rarely come in pairs. Usually, a man has the hots for me, and is willing to trade his wife for me. Sometimes poor Carl has ended up with a rotten deal, but he rarely complains, and the excitement of new conquests has kept us coming back. Other times I’ve had to put up with some rather unattractive men, so that Carl could bed the pretty wife.

But this was different. This girl was absolutely stunning; I really wanted Carl to have her.

I was a little apprehensive about the man, Bob. He was attractive, in a primal sort of way, but somehow I thought he looked a little rough. He said in his letter that he was a construction worker! We’d only ever done this with people of our own class before.

I’d never been with a colored man, either, and I’d heard the tales of those baseball bat sized penises. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to be hammered at by something like that.

4., Carl

I really never expected them to reply, but I was sure glad that they did. Even if we couldn’t lure them back to our place and seduce them, just meeting them for dinner and dancing would be sexually exciting.

I couldn’t help but wonder if that Bob fellow had one of those enormous pricks, and if Evelyn would get to have it! The thought of her with that young black man turned me on by itself, but the girl, Andrea… she looked to be an extraordinary beauty.

5., Andrea

We met them in a quiet restaurant not too close to where we live. Carl was a real gentleman, he held my seat for me while I sat down, and gave me a long stemmed rose. In real life, he looked older if anything, but he was also very lively, and he had these bright eyes that couldn’t seem to stay away from me for long. It reminded me of Bob when we were first together.

Bob and Evelyn seemed awfully interested in each other. I could understand her liking Bob, he’s a very attractive man. But I couldn’t understand how he could find her sexy. She had obviously had a face-lift, her hair was colored, and I wasn’t sure about those boobs, either.

She wore way too much makeup, and she had a kind of snobbish way of talking.

She had a lot of nice jewellery, though. Real gold, and I think real diamonds in her ring and earrings.

I noticed that she had her hand on his, and it made me jealous. I decided to be more flirtatious with Carl.

Well, that plan backfired. If anything, it just encouraged them.

Carl was nice, and he kept saying funny things and making me laugh.

By the time we’d finished dinner, everyone was a little worked up, and when Carl suggested that we go home with them, we agreed.

6., Bob

I was surprised at how sexy I found Evelyn to be. It wasn’t only that she was white, blond, and so high class. She just had a sexy way about her. She was pretty, too. Not like Andrea, but pretty. Her wide red mouth kind of offset her big blue eyes. She was small, and fine boned. I could make out shapely little tits showing through her long dress, slit to the waist, and a pretty white leg was showing, tipped by a really sexy high-heeled shoe. And I was even excited about her being twice my age. It didn’t show very much, except around her eyes.

She seemed turned on by me, too, and she had no problem letting me know it.

When she put her fine little white hand, with it’s long red nails, on my big rough black one, I felt the blood rush to my face like I was a little kid.

Her blond hair and red lips made her whole head a kind of explosion in color.

She wore some kind of perfume, subtle but sweet, that just made me want to continuously inhale through my nose.

I looked into Andrea’s face as we were finishing our dinner. She was pretending to be uninterested, but I knew her better. I could see that we were going to go for it.

7., Evelyn

They were both just stunning, physically. Bob wasn’t much of a conversationalist I’m afraid, so I did most of the talking.

Andrea was really something. She was tall, with huge firm young breasts pushing up her low cut dress. She had a long, elegant neck that looked as though someone should be paying it some attention. The white lace neckband against her dark smooth skin was a nice touch, and she had very narrow hips. But it was her face that was her most amazing feature. A silky smooth chocolate complexion, total symmetry, strait nose, high cheekbones. She was a young, full-bodied Naomi Campbell.

Carl had had a long time fantasy about me with another woman. I wondered if Andrea would be open to such an idea. She was the first woman I’d met that was that beautiful.

I could see that Carl was really hooked on her, and I knew what he was capable of when he was turned on like that. If he could get her into bed, she would have a long and memorable night ahead of her.

Bob was a big man, muscular and lean, but a bit unfinished. When I put my hand on his, I could feel how coarse it was.

I had wanted to go with a Negro man for some time now, despite, or perhaps because of, the thought of a huge cock. But I’d imagined someone a bit more refined.

This fellow seemed nice enough, but… I looked briefly at Andrea and Carl, and things seemed to be going well there.

I turned all my charm on Bob; I didn’t want to think that we’d missed these two for lack of effort.

8., Carl

Andrea was surely the most stunning woman I’d ever met. And I’d met many.

Bob must be mad to gamble with her, I thought to myself as I held her chair for her.

I could see that winning Andrea over was going to be tricky. I’m no fool, and I know that my looks aren’t what they were.

I broke the ice pretty quickly with a little humor, and she started to relax. Soon we were chatting away like old friends.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that she was as witty and charming as she was beautiful. When she smiled it was as though someone momentarily increased the lighting, and her laugh could bring joy to any man’s heart.

I saw that Evelyn and young Bob were holding hands, and it was strange how that innocent gesture seemed so erotic. I thought of taking Andrea’s hand in mine, but decided to go slow. It was enough just to bask in her beauty, and talk to her.

By the time we’d finished desert, Evelyn had Bob eating out of the palm of her hand. Evelyn can do that to men.

I wasn’t quite sure that Andrea would agree, but it was ‘now or never’, so I asked her and Bob if they’d like to come home with Evelyn and I.

9., Andrea

I drove with Carl, and Evelyn went with Bob in our car.

‘Why don’t you slide on over here’ Carl said to me.

I wasn’t too sure, but I thought, hey, what can he do in a moving car? I slid over, and he put his arm around me, and stroked and squeezed my shoulder in a friendly kind of way.

I knew nothing would be going on in our car, since we had bucket seats. But then we pulled up next to them at a stoplight, and we both saw them kissing! Carl just grinned, and got ahead of them when the light changed.

I suddenly found myself wondering if it was true what they say about white men having tiny little pricks. I was getting pretty excited, and a little scared, thinking that it looked like I was going to find out.

10., Bob

She lent over and kissed me the first time we had to stop for a traffic light, and it was really nice. Her breath was fresh, and her mouth tasted so sweet! It was enough to start my tool growing, making out like school kids with this attractive older white woman in my car.

Andrea and Carl saw us at it at one point, I’m sure. I was looking forward to getting Evelyn into a bed somewhere, but then I thought of that old Carl guy getting at my Andrea, and I wasn’t sure.

We nearly missed the green, and just after we’d cleared the intersection, I saw the blue lights of the police cruiser.

I thought that the guy was going to gun me down when he saw a black man and a white woman in the car, but he controlled himself, and went through the normal checking routines.

11., Evelyn

I still wasn’t completely sure about this, although I also knew that I wouldn’t do anything to stop it, it wouldn’t be fair to Carl.

I decided to try kissing him at a stoplight, just to see how I’d feel about it.

Their car wasn’t made for this sort of thing, so I had to really stretch to get my mouth to his.

I felt his powerful hand on the back of my neck, and he held our mouths in contact while he slipped his tongue into me.

I pulled back after a few seconds, and decided he would be fine, if I could get him under a little control.

I wondered if he’d still be so hot for me if he knew about my grandchildren.

12., Carl

I was getting excited just having Andrea alone in the car! This wasn’t normal for me, not since I’d turned fifty, anyway.

She slid over to me, and I put my arm around her in what I hoped was a non-threatening manner.

We had nearly arrived, when I saw Bob and Evelyn getting pulled over behind us. So I knew that I’d have Andrea to myself for a little while when we got home.

13., Andrea

We arrived at Carl and Evelyn’s place, and Carl fixed us each a drink. There was no sign of Bob and Evelyn. Carl just laughed and said that they must have got side tracked.

He sat down next to me, and put his arm around me.

He touched my chin with the finger of his other hand, and pulled my head around and kissed me for the first time.

We were petting pretty heavily after about ten minutes, when he took both my hands in his, and asked if I would come to the bedroom with him. I was too nervous to talk, so I just nodded my head, and he led me upstairs.

He sure did take his time about things. About ten minutes later we heard the front door slam, and heard Bob and Evelyn come in. another ten minutes and Carl hadn’t even gotten my dress off yet.

When he finally undressed me, it was really slow and erotic. When he had me completely naked, he somehow made love to every inch of me, before at last putting his old head down between my thighs.

He was a master with his tongue. I don’t want to criticize Bob; he’s always done it for me. But Carl made me come twice, without even using his penis.

Finally, he took off his own cloths. I was surprised that his penis was only half hard. He got back on the bed next to me, and I put my mouth over his dick. I decided to do it his way, slowly. He ran his fingers through my hair and smiled into my eyes while I did it.

His penis was actually a little bigger than Bob’s now that it was hard. I was sure that he could use it well, too, but somehow I’d decided that I didn’t want him to put it in my pussy. Somehow, I thought that I should keep that for Bob. I wanted Carl to shoot in my mouth.

But he didn’t, he wouldn’t! I did everything I could think of, I sucked him, I tickled and stroked his balls, nothing.

Oh, he was happy about it. He kept saying how pretty I was, and how he felt like a god when I did that to him.

Eventually, I had to give up and let him have his way with me.

I never knew that there were men with staying power like Carl. We did it in more positions than I knew that there were. He made me come again and again, and finally, when he asked if it was O.K., I said yes, and I felt him fill my pussy with his sperm.

14., Bob

When we got to their place, Andrea and Carl had already gone up to the bedroom. I was pretty blown away at that.

Evelyn just laughed.

‘What did you expect them to be doing, watching TV.?’

We sat on the couch, and I thought that I’d show her what a young blood could do.

‘Whoa, lover!’ she whispered, ‘slow down, we have all night..’

She took control, sort of, and I followed where she led. I’m a big enough guy to realize that she just might know more than me about sex.

We went to their spare bedroom, and she undressed me. Her eyes lit up at my big black dick, strong and stiff as wood when she unpacked it.

She kept it in her hand while she kissed me just about everywhere, until I was dying to get it in her. I held her blond head while she went down on me, but she stopped just before I was going to come.

She stripped at last, and lay down on the bed next to me on her back. I knew what was expected, and I got down and started licking out her sweet pink pussy.

Evelyn is a very outspoken person, and she didn’t mind telling me how she liked me to do it. I did what she told me, and got her to come just by licking her!

It was pretty late when she finally let me fuck her. She was so small, she kind of disappeared under me. She asked me to let her get on top for a while, and that was cool too. The sight of her lifting herself up and down on my black meat, her blond curls and pert little tits bobbing, my big black thing disappearing into her pink pussy lips, is a memory I hope to keep for a long time.

When I finally shot my huge load into her, she did something really amazing… as I finished, she got off of me, and took me back into her mouth! Man, I never felt anything so intense!

I sure would like to spend another night with Evelyn.

15., Evelyn

Bob seemed a little shocked to find that Carl had managed to seduce Andrea and get her to the bedroom before we even arrived.

I sat him on the couch and got him relaxed pretty fast.

I’m forty-eight years old, and have been living the swinger’s life for the last fifteen, since this black stallion was in grade school. I know very well how to get the best from men. The trick is to take control, and don’t let them come until you’re through with them. Unless they’re very young… but I digress.

I took him to the guest bedroom, and gave him the time of his young life.

I was relieved that his penis was only slightly larger than Carl’s, and not as big as some that I’ve taken. Don’t get me wrong; Bob’s tooling is more than adequate. I loved the sight of it’s blackness in my white hand, stroking it with my fingers, and rubbing it against my body.

He is strong and compliant, and I find the contrast between us [on every level] very erotic.

I’m sure that if I get the chance, I can make a great lover out of him, in time.

16., Carl

Andrea is undoubtedly the sweetest lover I’ve ever had.

When I was finely able to kiss her, it was as though a kind of primal energy surged through my body, I felt as though I were 22 again, powerful and potent.

I knew that I’d better get her upstairs before Bob and Evelyn arrived, so I simply asked her if she would like to come up with me.

When she agreed, I thought that I must be the luckiest man alive, except perhaps for young Bob.

Her body was a thing of perfection, a temple to be worshiped, and that’s just what I tried to do.

I went down on her, and her juices were like nectar, sweet and light. I thought that I could spend my life happily down there.

Twice she came, squeezing my head between those long smooth dark thighs, twisting and crying.

When she returned the favor, it was one of the best, most erotic blowjobs I’ve ever had.

It was all I could do to hold myself back as she stared at me with those huge clear dark almond eyes, taking me deep into her mouth while stroking my old balls with her young fingers.

When I couldn’t take it any more, I changed position, and entered this amazing creature at long last. The feeling of her strong young body wrapped tightly around mine, her vaginal muscles squeezing my cock. I never wanted to come; I wanted this to last forever, this total ecstasy.

All those years of sexual experimentation, and I’d never gotten close to this before.

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