The Exclusive Club

Chris was very pleased with himself. He recently
received a promotion to regional sales manager along
with a very nice raise at the Thompson Insurance
Company, the company where he worked. He could hardly
wait to tell Jennifer, his lovely blonde wife of ten

One of the VP’s knocked on the door to his office.
William Tyndall, the VP over the department came into
Chris’ new office and closed the door. Mr. Tyndall
casually sat on the edge of the new executive’s desk.

“Hello, Chris,” he said. “Congratulations on your
recent promotion. You have moved up very nicely now and
have even greater promotion potential within the
company, if you play your cards right. Do you know what
I mean?”

“Ahh, no, Mr. Tyndall,” replied Chris. “I’m not exactly
sure what you mean by playing my cards right.” Chris
was really quite naive.

“Now that you are an executive, Chris, please call me

Chris was surprised at Mr. Tyndall’s lack of formally.
It was almost always grounds for termination if an
employee didn’t call Mr. Tyndall, “Mr. Tyndall.”

“Bill” also had the derogatory nickname of “Billy Boy.”
It was rumored that if you were ever caught calling him
that derogatory name, you would be fired right then and
there on the spot.

“Chris, the company has great plans for you. If you
play your cards right, fortune and fame will come your
way. Well, no, not really, but your future bonuses will
depend upon you and your wife. Now that you are one of
us, you and your lovely bride, what’s her name?
Jennifer isn’t it? Will be invited to participate in
other Reindeer Games,” he joked.

“Yes, sir, my wife’s name is Jennifer.”

“You two have been invited to join our exclusive club
which meets for drinks and dinner every Saturday night
at the Thompson estate. You and your wife should really
get dressed up for an intimate night of dining and
dancing. Ol’ Man Thompson really knows how to throw a
helluva party.”

“Let me check with my wife to see if we can make it,

“Sure, sure. Go ahead and check with the little lady.
Oh, by the way,” Bill said. “Have you two ever done any
swinging before?”

“My wife’s the dancer in our family. I can do a little
Foxtrot or a two-step sometimes but I don’t know how to

Bill laughed.

“Chris, I not talking about dancing. I’m talking about
wife-swapping. We’re a tight-knit group here, Chris,
and we always take care of our own.”

“Oh,” was all that Chris could mutter.

“Don’t you think that my wife, Tiffany, is pretty?”

“Gee, Mr. Tyndall, I mean Bill,” Chris stuttered once
again. “She’s very pretty.”

“We both swing within the group. I enjoy the company of
other women and my wife enjoys having sex with other
men. She has already told me that she had designs on
you. All of the wives are beautiful. That was one of
the criteria for hiring you. Your own wife is gorgeous.
Wouldn’t you like to sleep with my wife?”

The question caught Chris off-guard.

“Wow, Bill, I never considered it before,” Chris lied.
He lusted after Tiffany Tyndall from the very first
moment that he had laid eyes on her.

“After you and your wife join our little group, my wife
can be yours anytime you want,” Bill explained. “Now,
of course, remember that when you join the group your
wife joins as well. I think that your wife is very
sexy. Do you have a problem with other men seeing your
wife at times?”

“How often are we talking about here?” inquired Chris.

“Maybe once or twice a week. Sometimes more when a new
couple joins but remember whenever your wife is with
one of us guys, you get to choose who you would like to
be with. You like that idea?”

“It’s as simple as that?”

“Sure,” Mr. Tyndall replied. “We even have an online
scheduling tool on the computer accessible only by the
group members. It’s that easy. You sign in and see
who’s available and when. Some people are already
scheduled a couple of week in advance but at the
monthly party, none of the women are reserved. The
women put their panties in a jar. We men get to pull a
pair of panties out of the jar. Whoever is the owner of
the panties is who we get that night. Anything goes
that the two of you agree upon. Any other questions?”

“I don’t think so. At least not for now. I might have
some more questions later.”

“Fine, don’t hesitate to ask me or my wife, Tiffany.
She might even give you a sample of her lovely charms
if you are sitting on the fence about joining. I
guarantee that once you have tasted my wife, you’ll be
back for more. Besides there are plenty of other great
looking wives available for the group as well.”

“How do I convince my wife to join? We’ve never even
talked about swinging before.” Chris had his doubts
that Jennifer would ever agree to any such thing. Would
she allow him to sleep with another woman? What about
Jennifer? Would Chris allow another man to fuck her? He
wasn’t sure of the outcome, but his dick had already
made the decision for him.

“Your wife had a lot to do with you being where you are
now. She’s a foxy little MILF that ol’ Man Thompson
really took a liking to at the last office party.”

“A MILF?” questioned Chris.

“Yea, you know, ‘A Mother I’d Like to Fuck.’ Haven’t
you heard that term before, eh, Chris?”

“Ahh, no, I haven’t, Sir,” stuttered Chris.

“Ever since your lovely little wife had a baby last
year, Mr. Thompson started to notice her, especially
since she lost all of her excess weight from being
pregnant. Mr. Thompson likes his women tall but
shapely, just like your pretty wife. He wants you and
her to join our little group. Of course, if you didn’t
join us, you could still stay with the company but you
would probably have limited assignments and seen the
last of your promotions and pay raises. There are many
other perks available to group members as well. We buy
your wife a new BMW convertible; she gets to pick the
color. You get a big BMW SUV. The Firm will pick up all
the car expenses, even gas, maintenance and insurance.”

“You and your wife,” Bill continued. “Will need to move
into a bigger house. The Firm provides you a no-
interest loan. You can get up to three hundred thousand
with no money down. Put fifty thousand down and the
Firm will loan you up to seven hundred fifty thousand
dollars. What do you think, Chris? Can you put down
fifty thousand on a house? Hell, I’ll personally loan
you the fifty thousand down payment. We want you and
your pretty blonde wife in the group so much.”

Chris was still dumb-founded. He couldn’t believe his
own ears. Here his boss was talking about the owner of
the Firm where he worked wanting to have sex with his
wife, Jennifer. Chris had never before thought about
wife-swapping but he had always heard that variety is
the spice of life and, lately, his sex life with
Jennifer had become a little stale.

Chris had to smile to himself. Just thinking about the
other executive’s good-looking wives made his own dick
stir in his pants. Now here he was talking about
financial incentives that could add up to over eight
hundred thousand dollars. This is an offer that would
be hard to turn down.

“Oh, one other thing, Chris, the Firm will pay for any
of your children’s college tuition or expenses. They
can even go to Harvard or Yale if they can get in. It’s
a scholarship that worth well over one hundred thousand
dollars if they go to a private university.”

“Gee, Bill,” Chris hesitated before answering. “I’m not
so sure that Jennifer will go along with this. I’m the
only man that she’s ever been with.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Bill said. “You know my wife,
Tiffany, don’t you?”

“Sure, I do. You have a very attractive wife, Bill.”
Chris pictured Bill’s pretty blonde wife in his head.
Chris would give his left nut just to spend a night
alone with her.

“Tiffany is very persuasive. We want you in the group
and she’ll get Jennifer to agree to the two of you
joining. You do want to join our little club, don’t you

“Of course, I do. It’s just that I don’t think Tiffany
will be able to convince my wife to be with another man
or even let me be with another woman,” Chris replied.

“If Tiffany can talk your wife into joining our little
club, Chris, do you think you can handle being with one
of our wives for the evening to do anything you want?”

“My gosh, Bill,” Chris responded with a smile. “All of
the executive’s wives are drop dead gorgeous. Who
wouldn’t want to spend a night with one of them?”

“They’re all very pretty, aren’t they, Chris? Your wife
will fit into the group very nicely. Even Ol’ Man
Thompson’s wife is a real looker. She was Miss Alabama
just twenty years ago. Evelyn Thomas is still a very
attractive woman even after turning forty this past

Chris thought that Evelyn Thomas was a true beauty. He
was just ten years old when she won the Miss Alabama
Pageant. Chris remembered watching the TV program and
he had thought about her a lot since then. Evelyn was
his first of many wet dreams when he was an adolescent.
While he was a young teenage boy, he jacked off at
night to her picture from a Playboy photo shoot. Chris
just about wore out Evelyn’s centerfold picture.

“The real question is, Chris,” Bill continued. “Can you
handle your wife being with another man?”

Chris had been oscillating between feeling guilty by
thinking about being with other women and the
excitement of sleeping with the wife of one of the
other executives. He also had feelings about his own
wife being with another man. Chris was jealous on one
hand but was aroused thinking about his wife getting
fucked by someone else. It was all kind of strange to

“Bill, I’m kinda embarrassed to admit this but I’ve
actually thought about my wife being with another man
before. It kinda turned me on but I’m sure that
Jennifer would ever hear of it.”

“Chris, you would be surprised what runs through our
wives’ pretty little heads. I think that Tiffany will
get your wife to go along with it. My wife and your
wife are playing tennis at the country club tomorrow
morning. I’ll have Tiffany talk to Jennifer. Besides,
joining our club will do you good. Not only will you
get some great pussy but it will be even better for
your career here at Thomas Insurance. Why don’t you
just plan on being there Saturday night? Okay?”

“Thanks, Bill. I hope that I won’t disappoint you.”

“Don’t worry, Chris. I don’t think that either you or
your wife will disappoint us. See you Saturday night.”

“Good-bye, Bill.”

That was all there was to it. Chris couldn’t believe
that he had just been invited to join the executive
swing club. He thought of Evelyn Thomas and all of the
other executives’ wives. His dick just plain hurt.

Saturday morning came and Chris went off to the country
club in his new black BMW X-5 SUV to play a round of
golf with Bill Tyndall and one of his new clients.

After golf, Bill and Chris were in the showers
together. Chris couldn’t help but see what his boss had
dangling between his legs. Now Chris knew why Bill
Tyndall was called “Billy Boy” behind his back. It was
the smallest penis that Chris had ever seen on a grown

Most of the boys had a dick bigger than Bill’s by the
time they were in sixth grade. While Chris wasn’t huge
by any means, he certainly had a lot more manhood than
his boss. That’s probably why Bill’s wife had been so
eager to join the club when they were invited to do so
several years ago.

Jennifer drove her new white Bimmer convertible to the
country club to play tennis with Tiffany Tyndall.

Both of the pretty blonde wives played a nice game of
tennis. During one of the breaks between sets, Tiffany
cast the bait and set the hook.

“Jennifer, there’s a special club that Bill and I
belong to that would like to extend an invitation to
you and Chris to join. You know it’s not your typical
organization. We dress up and get together for some
real fun. Have you ever thought about being with
another man before other than your husband?”

“I don’t know about that. Chris asked me a couple of
times to do that sort of thing but I refused. I don’t
think that I could do something like that in front of
my husband. What would he think? Remember now, I’m

“Jennifer, of course you’re married. Bill and I are
also married but that doesn’t keep us from having fun
with somebody else. We are all married. You are still
living in the nineties. They even have a TV show now
called “Trading Spouses.” Believe me, it’s not like it
used to be. It used to be that the guys got to cat
around at night while we wives stayed home and slaved
all day at home cooking, cleaning and taking care of
the house.

“Now that we are sexually liberated, it’s time for us
to have some fun ourselves. You’ll have a lot of fun,
too. All the guys in the club treat us really, really
special. Think of it this way. By joining our special
little club, you’ll be helping your husband’s career
and having a load of fun at the same time. There are a
lot more perks to joining than just what meets the

Jennifer was very reluctant at first but before the
gals finished showering in the dressing room, the deal
was done. Jennifer saw how lovely Tiffany looked naked
and figured that if one of the VP’s wives would do
something as risqu� as this, then maybe it wouldn’t so
bad after all for her after all.

Tiffany saw Jennifer’s trim, lithe body. She knew that
the pretty blonde wife would be withering under someone
real soon.

There was something very convincing about Tiffany
because Jennifer found herself saying, “Okay, we’ll

Chris was even more excited than his wife. He couldn’t
believe that Jennifer had agreed to go the swing party
with him tonight. Chris had to smile to himself as he
watched his wife get ready. She had taken a long bubble
bath as she drank a glass of her favorite white wine to

While he was taking a shower he could see her through
the misty glass as she shaved her legs and underarms.
He even spied on her as she trimmed her curly blonde
pussy hair into a tiny triangle pointing down towards
her love opening.

“Wow,” he thought to himself. “Jennifer is really
beautiful tonight. Will I get jealous when she is
getting fucked by another man?”

Chris didn’t think so. His own dick got hard just
thinking about his wife being with another man. Besides
he would have his own chance to be with one of the
other executives’ lovely wives.

Jennifer and Tiffany had gone shopping for some new
outfits after their tennis match that morning. That
evening, Jennifer put on a slinky new black dress that
fit perfectly in all the right places. Between her
boobs, her butt, her legs and her face, her husband
thought that there wasn’t one thing that he didn’t like
about his wife. She hadn’t looked this sexy for quite
some time.

They arrived at the Thomas Mansion a little before the
appointed hour. Chris’ new BMW SUV fit in with the
other executives’ cars. His boss, Bill, drove a
Mercedes SUV, one drove a Porsche SUV and yet another
drove a new Land Rover. This could turn into another
Peyton Place or possibly even the Stepford Wives, but
then that’s another story.

Dinner was absolutely fabulous. Chris couldn’t remember
a meal as good.

There were a total of six couples with Chris and
Jennifer being the youngest ones there. The other men
were in their late forties and fifties but looked very
fit and distinguished. Their wives were all younger,
beautiful blondes.

“I certainly wouldn’t kick any of them out of my bed,”
thought Chris.

The host, Tommy Thompson, had quite a reputation. He
had been known as “Tommy Gun” or “The Thompson
Submachine Gun” when he was younger.

Tommy Gun could still give even Hugh Hefner a run for
the money in the lovemaking department. It was rumored
that he could still stay hard all night long driving
all the women crazy.

Tommy Gun cleared his throat before he spoke.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he began. “As we do every
Saturday night, my wife and the other girls will go
next door and take off their panties. They’ll put them
in this jar. The guys get to select their partner for
the night by pulling a pair of panties out of the jar.
It’s really only a cookie jar but I call it my “Little
Pussy” jar. See the little kitty cat on the side? Come
on now, Ladies, step right next door and take off those
pretty little panties for us. Don’t be long now, ya

“Oh,” Ol’ Man Thompson continued. “One last thing. We
have a special guest tonight to take my place. It was
tough for me to sit this one out tonight especially
with some fresh meat, I mean Chris and Jennifer.”
Everybody chuckled, even Chris and Jennifer. Mr.
Thompson was always such a riot!

“Please welcome a good friend of mine and our newest
client, Jefferson Taylor.”

Everybody applauded as a well-dressed, muscular black
man entered the room. Chris recognized the black man
from the football field. Jefferson played professional
football for the local professional football team. To
Jennifer, he was just another big black guy.

Jefferson shook hands with all the guys and kissed the
ladies. When he came up to Jennifer, he held her hand
for a little too long for her liking. She immediately
began to feel uncomfortable about being around this
terrifying black man. Jennifer didn’t consider herself
prejudiced but she hadn’t grown up with any Negroes.
Her daddy still called them “Darkies.”

The large black man leaned over and kissed Jennifer on
the cheek. When he straightened back up, he asked the
pretty blonde wife, “What perfume are you wearing
tonight, my Dear?”

“It’s White Shoulders,” Jennifer replied.

“You smell very nice,” the black pro football player
said as he stroked her smooth, bare white shoulder.
“Very nice!”

“Thank you,” was all that Jennifer could murmur. A
tingle went up and down her spine.

“I prefer that my women wear White Shoulders and
nothing else. Will you do that for me tonight?”

The pretty blonde wife blushed. She felt like a young
school girl on a date with an older, more experienced

The ladies went into the parlor while the men stayed in
the den smoking their illegal Cuban cigars and talking
sports with Jefferson. There was so much testosterone
in the room that one could even cut it with a knife.

In the next room, Evelyn Thomas started off by saying,
“Come on, ladies. Let’s get those little panties off.”
The former Miss Alabama started it off by lifting the
hem of her own dress and slipping off a pair of lacy,
black thong silk panties and stuffing them into the

The others followed suit so Jennifer took off her new,
little black bikini panties. The area that should have
been hiding her sex was so sheer that her blonde pussy
hair would have even shown through. Jennifer also put
her panties into the jar. Now all the wives were

The ladies came back into the den.

Tommy Gun started again, “Oh how much I would pay to
get into any of these panties when I was younger. Now I
really prefer watching all the lovely ladies in action
and getting my jollies off that way. I’ve being called
a “pervert” on more than one occasion. Tonight, I’ll be
manning the video camera to capture all of the hot

“In honor of our newest members,” Bill continued.
“Chris gets to pull the first panties out of the pussy

Chris reached in and moved his hand around in the sexy
lingerie. He found a frilly pair of black thong panties
and pulled them out of the jar. Chris smiled when
Evelyn shouted, “Those are mine!”

Chris knew that he would really enjoy fucking the
former Miss Alabama. While older than the rest of the
wives and a maybe a little tarnished, Evelyn Thompson
was still considered a trophy wife even by today’s high

Several of the other men pulled panties out of the jar.
It was then that Jennifer realized that only one man
and only one pair of panties remained.

The new black man and her panties!

The last man to pick a mate for the evening was
Jefferson Taylor, the black football player. Jennifer
gasped out loud and looked over at her husband who was
standing next to the beautiful Evelyn Thompson. She
couldn’t believe her own eyes when the black man
reached into the jar and pulled out the remaining pair
of black bikini panties with the see-through panel in
the front.

The Negro brought Jennifer’s little panties up to his
broad black nose and took a good, long whiff. He loved
the fragrance of white women especially if he was about
to introduce them to their first taste of big black

“Uhh,” said the startled blonde wife. “I think that
those are mine.”

Jefferson grinned at his next conquest.

Having a black man pull Jennifer’s panties out of the
pussy jar had taken her husband by surprise as well.
Chris never imagined that his lovely blonde wife would
be subjected to and fucked by a black man. He thought
to himself, “Would Jennifer be ruined forever by his
gigantic black cock?”

Jefferson took the startled blonde wife by the hand and
led her to the Thompson’s “special” play room.

The other guests went to a specially designed room next
to the main bedroom. The room adjoining the playroom
was built into a special viewing room with several
sofas spread out all facing some curtains in the center
of the wall. Mr. Thompson opened the curtains revealing
a window looking directly into the bedroom next door.
Chris saw his wife enter with the big black football

“Can they see us?” Chris anxiously asked Mr. Thompson’s
former Miss Alabama wife snuggling closely.

“Of course not, Silly.” She replied. “That’s a two-way
mirror. We can see them but they can’t see us. To them,
it’s just a mirror on the wall. Jefferson knows that we
will be watching them but your pretty little wife
doesn’t have a clue. My husband will be at the video
camera in here but he won’t miss any close ups because
there are seven other video cameras automatically
trained at any movement on the bed.

Because the Thompson’s loved the movie, “Behind the
Green Door,” so much, they had the door to the
“Special” bedroom painted green. Just like the movie,
the pretty blonde wife was gonna get all the big black
cock that she could handle and then some. Jefferson
locked the behind him after he entered.

Although Mr. Thompson had several bodyguards at the
ready just in case any of the guests got out of hand,
Jefferson didn’t want to be disturbed by her stupid
turd of a husband if the hubby bastard decided to
change his mind about his pretty little wife getting
fucked by a black man. He was gonna fuck this hot
little white bitch like she had never been fucked
before. Hell, he was even gonna wear out her little
blonde pussy!

Jefferson maneuvered the lovely blonde wife to the edge
of the king-sized bed. He laid her on the edge and then
got down on his knees between her lovely bare legs.

He ran his black fingers up her smooth legs and pushed
the hem of her dress up in the same motion. Jefferson
spread apart her shapely legs and kissed the inside of
her firm thigh. The closer he got to her honeypot the
better the aroma. He had to have the bitch and have her
now but he also knew that he had to warm her up first
or he wouldn’t be able to get his huge black cock into
her sweet, little tight blonde pussy.

The extra dose of aphrodisiac that was put into her
drink at dinner would allow him to enter without too
much of a fight, although Jefferson liked it when his
women struggled with his giant black cock for the very
first time. The pretty blonde wife was going to climb
the walls after he stuck it to her.

Jennifer gasped when the black man’s tongue flicked at
her aroused clitoris. Her own husband had wanted to do
this to her but she had never let him go down on her.
Now here she was in Seventh Heaven because of the
Negro’s expert ministrations.

The pretty blonde wife laid back on the bed and let the
sudden warmth flood over her. Before she closed her
eyes in ecstasy, she noticed that there were mirrors on
the ceiling. She wondered why anyone would put mirrors
on the ceiling then she realized why. It was like she
was watching an erotic porno movie with herself as the
main attraction.

Actually, Jennifer was going to be the newest porno
queen. While she was getting fucked by Jefferson’s big
black cock, she would also be video taped by Mr.
Thompson. The new video would make it to a vast
underground interracial video market that was supported
by thousands of white husbands.

It was phenomenal how so many husbands like to see
pretty white women furthering interracial relations by
getting the shit fucked out of them. Many white men
would imagine that it was their own lovely wife with a
well-hung Nigger buried deeply between her wide spread

Jefferson worked on the lovely young wife with his long
probing tongue as she came several times. The pretty
white wife would be ready for almost anything now, even

Jefferson stood up and undid his pants. He wasn’t
wearing any underwear so his big black cock sprung out
of his pants like a killer King Cobra striking at its
defenseless prey.

Jennifer’s eyes flew open wide when she saw the giant
black monster swinging between Jefferson’s muscular
legs. She had heard that black men were big but she
never before dreamed that they were this big. He was so
much larger than her own husband. If her own husband
were a size medium, then this black man was an XXXL.

There was no way that that monstrous black thing would
fit into her tight blonde pussy easily but she had an
itch between her legs and Jefferson was going to
scratch it. She would almost feel like a virgin again
getting fucked for the very first time. Jennifer would
definitely remember this evening, her first of many
black cocks.

“It’s your turn to do me now, Baby,” the black man said
to the aroused blonde wife as he guided her pretty
blonde head towards his swollen black manhood.

Jennifer couldn’t believe that she was just about to
put a stranger’s penis in her sweet virgin mouth. This
wasn’t any just old little penis but a whooper of a big
black cock. Any big stud bull would be mighty proud of
what Jefferson had between his muscular legs.

The pretty young blonde wife took his cock in her left
hand and she was normally left-handed and stroked the
long ebony shaft exposing the darkish head of his cock.
The diamond in her wedding ring glistened in the light.
The contrast of her small white hand with its red-
lacquered fingernails against the jet black color of
his huge cock was stirring. His balls hung down between
his legs and looked like the size of ping pong balls
except they were black in color instead of white like
the ping pong balls.

Jefferson guided her head towards his cock as she
opened her mouth to accept it. Once again her own
husband had tried in vain to get a blow job from his
sweet, little wife but she refused his every advances
because she claimed that it was just too dirty of a
thing for a lady to do. Now this prim and proper little
blonde Southern Belle of a wife was about to experience
interracial relations at their best.

She was about to pay reparations with her own body to
many well-hung blacks for hundreds of years of forced
slavery. Previously, these same Negroes would be hung
well if they were caught even looking at the prized
white woman. Now this black man was gonna make up for
all the lost time by fucking as many white women as he
could and impregnating them with his bastard black

Jennifer couldn’t believe that she was doing this nasty
sucking thing. Furthermore, she couldn’t believe that
she was actually enjoying it. The huge black cock
seemed to even grow larger as her tongue swirled about
the bulbous black tip.

The black man was about to spew his heavy load in her
belly but he wanted to deposit his dark seed deep
elsewhere into her tight, little baby maker. He wanted
this blonde wife knocked up with a little black boy.
Every time the black baby suckled on his mother’s
creamy, white tits, she would have a future black man
sucking on her milky, white tits.

The black football player lifted the pretty blonde wife
to a standing position. He reached his muscular arms
behind her and unzipped her dress letting it slip onto
the floor around her trim ankles. All she was wearing
now was her high heels and her perfume. Jefferson was
ready to fuck this little bitch right now!

The Negro laid his white prey back on the bed. Jennifer
looked up into the mirror and watched in real time as
the video was being filmed. The black player crawled up
on the bed between her widespread legs.

Jefferson grabbed his hard black cock and guided it
towards her sweet, defenseless love opening. He loved
being the first big black cock that many white women
would know.

“Put it in for me, Honey,” the black man commanded.

The lovely blonde wife reached between her bare legs
and guided his huge dark manhood towards her
unprotected maidenhood.

Jennifer asked him, “Please put on a condom. I’m
married. I might get pregnant.” She pleaded in vain.

“Bitch,” he spit back. “I don’t wear no condom for
nobody. I’m gonna ride you bareback just like you need
to be ridden. I’m your stud and you’re my little filly
who needs to be broken. I’m gonna break you in real
good. You’re gonna get a bellyful of big black horse

Jennifer shivered as the huge black organ began to
enter her maidenhood. The pretty blonde wife was moist
but she wasn’t completely ready for anything his size.
After only a few inches of his thick manhood, it was
rough on the naive young wife. The black man pulled
just about all the way out of her tight little opening
and then rammed forward like a giant piledriver.
Jennifer screamed in agony as she was being torn apart.

Jennifer passed out but the black man kept sawing in
and out of her tender pussy. This was only the third
that a white woman had passed out because of his huge
black cock. She would soon awaken like Sleeping Beauty
when she was kissed by the prince. Only this time,
however, it wouldn’t be a kiss that awakened the Blonde

Chris watched his wife take her first big black cock.
At first he felt that he should break in there and save
her from her own destruction. But that all changed when
the company owner’s beautiful wife began stroking
Chris’ rigid penis. All Chris could do now was to watch
his wife with the black pro football player and their
sordid interracial coupling.

Jefferson was right again. Jennifer awoke to the rough
fucking but instead of struggling, she began to fuck
him back to the beat of the African jungle rhythm.
Chris watched in awe as his lovely wife’s arms
encircled Jefferson’s broad black back. Her red
fingertips were digging into his muscular shoulders
leaving purplish welts in their wake. Jennifer’s legs
came up to enclose his firm hips. Chris could see that
his wife was trying to pull the Negro even deeper into
her already stretched womb. The blonde wife’s red lips
searched for his thick dark lips. They kissed each
other like there was no tomorrow.

After what seemed like hours, Jennifer screamed out her
orgasm as the huge Negro slammed repeatedly into her
abused pussy. Jefferson rose up with a bellow of his
own as he continued to buck into his little filly. His
dark, hot seed spewed deep into her womb like an
erupting volcano.

Chris had watched as his wife took all of the black
football player’s impossible girth. Now he was fucking
the former Miss Alabama as he continued to watch his
own wife’s debasement. Jennifer was being broken in
right as far as The Firm was concerned. The newest
associate of The Firm would do anything he was told or
else his pretty little wife would be splayed all over
the internet for all to see.

Jennifer was very popular at The Firm. She was used to
escort several of The Firm’s newest black clients to
all sorts of parties. Chris hardly got to see his wife
anymore but he didn’t really care. Jennifer got more
than her share of big black cock and Chris got his
crack at the other executive’s pretty wives. Jennifer’s
pussy didn’t wear out.

And everything seemed to work out for the best. Chris
had plenty of money and Jennifer had a steady stream of
black clients to entertain.

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