The butt fucking lover

Angela is 5’4″, 110 pounds, measurements of 35-24-35 and really turns
men’s heads without really trying. I’m proud of this fact and like her
to tease men when we’re out, then I take her home and we fuck our brains
out while I tell to her all the things I’d like to watch her do with
other men. At this point in our marriage, she knew
exactly the things that turned me on.

Finally, after years of coaxing, I convinced my gorgeous brunette wife,
to live out my fantasy of watching her getting down and dirty with
another guy. It had always been a fantasy of hers too, but it took a few
years together before she would believe that it wouldn’t lead to
problems in our relationship.

As soon as she agreed and I saw her in action I realized that I had
released the nymphomaniac in her. The very first time we picked up a guy
was in a porno theater. She selected the only black man in the theater,
because she liked the fact that he was nasty enough to be jacking off a
big cock (in semi-public). Plus she felt that having me watch her suck
and fuck a black cock and would make the act that much more nasty. She
was right.

At one point as she was pointing her slightly parted legs straight at
his gaze, to get me more excited she leaned over and whispered to me
that she wanted to touch and taste what he was holding in his hand. As
he stroked his cock, she went up and sat in the seat behind him, reached
over his shoulder, wrapped one of her dainty hands around his member,
squeezed, and whispered something his ear. He must have liked what he
was feeling and hearing, because he quickly zipped up and just as they
headed up the aisle past me, my wife’s new friend looked over at me and
nodded for me to come along. Obviously, she let him know that I was part
of this.

We piled into our van and as I began to drive to a secluded spot, I
heard our dark stranger comment on how fine my wife was, then I heard
kissing and the rustle of cloths behind me. It couldn’t have been more
than 30 seconds when I looked back to see my normally shy acting wife
slurping and slobbering, loudly, all over an enormous steel black cock.
It was like she was in a trance.

I told her not to make him cum before I could park and get into a good
viewing position. But, our black stranger suddenly gripped my wife’s
head to hold it still and began face fucking her and as he looked over
at me he said, “too late, your wife is too good of a cocksucker, so
she’s about to eat her first load of my cum.” Then he looked back down
at her and as he fucked away between her pouty red lips he said “Ain’t
that right, slut? Are you thirsty for some of my black cock cum?
Come on, tell your old man what you want.” He then pulled her head back
by her hair until his cock head popped loose from her vaccum like grip,
with a loud slurping pop. As she moaned and licked her lips, my slut
wife answered his question by grabbing his massive 8 inch pole with both
of her petite little hands tipped with bright red nails, and began
jacking it off and talking straight to it. “MMM, your cum tastes so
good. Do all black cocks taste this good?” Just as I got parked and
turned around I saw her look up into this nameless black man’s face, and
with his pre-cum coating her entire face below the nose, she begged in
the most sensuous tone “Please let me eat it now, master. I want you to
fill my stomach and cover my face with your sweet warm cum.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and how she was acting. She was
callin this guy Master. It was obvious that she wannted him to dominate
her, because she knew that I would be excited by it. My cock was tearing
through my pants as our new domineering friend suddenly pulled her head
back and told her to open her slutty cocksucking mouth
and stick out your tongue. Just as she complied, his dick began to
spurt thick white globs of jizz onto her outstretched tongue. She held
her tongue still as he painted it and her face with spurt after spurt of
what looked like hot paste. What she didn’t catch right in the mouth,
she scooped up with her fingers and licked them off, with loud smacking
noises and moans of extacy. Then he ordered “lick my juicy black
cock clean, my beautful slut”, which she did with pleasure, all the
time moaning ” MMMMM, so good. Here’s some more”, as she’d find another
wad of cream to stick her tongue into.

Finally, when she decided that she had lapped up all of the cum that had
escaped her mouth, she rocked back on her knees, looked over at me to
show me how much of her face was juiced up with cum residue, and as she
rubbed it into her face with both hands she said “I could get addicted
to black cock cream real quick. Damn, I can’t believe how good it
tastes. we’d better go now, before it’s too late.”

Her new Master had other plans for his new whore. He grabbed her ass and
pulled her to him, sticking his tongue into her receptive cum coated
mouth. When she began responding to the passionate kiss, which took
about 2 seconds, he pushed her back and told me, “stay where you are.
this cock hungry bitch ain’t goin nowhere until I prove to her that once
she’s tried black, she can never go back. Now slut, turn around and show
me where you want me to put this, next”, as he grabbed his cock.

I would have stopped everything at this point if I would have detected
from my wife that she didn’t want to do this. but, she looked at me and
said, “I want you to watch while I fuck my hot pussy up and down on my
black master’s big cock, until we both cum. OK, honey?”

She wasn’t really looking for permission from me, because she turned
around, bent over the bed and reached back to lift her miniskirt the
rest of the way over hips to reveal her perfectly shaped ass. her white
G-string barely covered her wet cunt. I knew by the look on this guys
face that he couldn’t believe his good fortune to have such a beautiful
woman wanting to be his sex object.

She then looked back over her shoulder at her new lover and began
begging him “fuck me deep and hard with your big beautiful cock. Make me
cum with it. Please, master. Make my husband watch while you turn me
into a black cock craving whore.” Now, I wasn’t about to interrupt the
show, so i chimed in, “yeah, fuck that tight pink pussy long and hard. I
want to see her cum around your cock. make sure that you shoot your next
wad deep in her cunt when she cums.

“Did you here that slut. Your husband wants you to enjoy yourself and
fuck me until I shoot my big black baby making load deep in that tight
white pussy of yours. What do you say.” She just reached back with both
hands, grabbed his hips and pushed herself back on it until it was
buried all the way to the balls in her sloppy wet cunt; all 8 inches. As
soon as he hit bottom, he pumped it in and out about five times and she
came screaming. As he blasted her pussy full of another load of jizz,
she moaned, “Oh, God! What’s happening to me,” and flopped forward on
the bed, shivering in extacy. “I need more. Give me more, baby. I’m not
going home until I get some more black cock. That was the hardest I’ve
ever cum in my life and that only took a couple of pumps.”

Our new friend proposed that we go back to his house where he lives with
two other guys. Both black. Together the three of them would feed my
wife more cum and fuck her until she begged them to quit. The only
thing my wife asked was if his friends cocks were as big and full as his
was. “Do you want to find out?” he said. She looked over at me for
approval and when I told her it was up to her, she asked Derrick (his
name) if he was going to make her do nasty things for his friends.
“Here! Lick my cock clean. Then we’ll go.” My hot wanton wife proceeded
clean every reminent of cum off of his cock and balls with her
tongue, for the second time that night. “How’s that Master?” she said,
smacking her lips. “Fine, cunt. Now lay back on the bed and play with
yourself while your old man drives us to your destiny.”

As soon as we got inside his apartment, he introduced us to his two
friends. “This is Mack, and this hot looking woman with my cum drying on
her face is Angela, his wife. She blushed, but did nothing to wipe her
face off. In fact, she ran her tongue over her lips to see if she could
feel any when he said that. Our two new friend’s chins were hanging
open with disbelief as they stared at a truly beautiful white woman in a
spandex mini skirt, licking her lips. Derrick then ordered my wife to
take off her skirt and leave on her short blouse, sopping wet G-string,
and her high姑eels. By the time she had complied, she was so excited
that her nipples were so hard with excitement they were trying to tear
through the material. She truly looked like one of those porno sluts in
the XXX movies. I felt a great pride in the fact they all knew that no
matter what she was willing to do with them, she was still coming home
with me.

Darrel told her to go her new friends and tell them what she wanted.

It was like she was hypnotised by him. Here’s my gorgeous wife, standing
nearly naked in a room with me and 3 strangers, all very black skinned,
asking them if they would please let her suck all the cum out of their
beautiful black cocks and then fuck her tight, wet pussy.

Damn straight, baby. Let’s go! They picked Angela up rather roughly,
carried her into one of the bedrooms, and tied her legs apart to the
bedposts. Her hands were left free. I assumed so that she could use
them. I was correct. One of her black lovers immediately climbed up and
straddled her heaving chest. He grabbed the back of her head and lifted
it with one hand while grabbing his hardon with the other, then smearing
his already dripping cockhead all over her mouth and lips. My wife was
up to the task. She puckered her lips and flicked her tongue all around
as the big black cock head painted thin strings like cob webs all over
her open mouth. Damn, it was the nastiest sight I ever saw.

Then the other ebony stranger got between my wife’s legs, tore off her
G-string and threw it at me. “Here, hold this while I fuck your wife til
she can’t walk”, then pulled her toward him until her knees were fully
bent and he plunged his massive dick into her pussy. She grunted in
lust, but no words could escape her cock stuffed mouth. He began to
thrust all the way in and out and soon Angela was pumping back at him,
grinding her pelvis down to get him in deeper. Then, suddenly he pulled
out of her sopping cunt and shoved his big black member into her virgin
asshole. “Oh, God!” she screamed, but never pulled away from the
onslaught of his burrowing cock. I couldn’t believe how fast her
asshole accepted and got comfortable with a big cock pumping in and out
of it.

Me and Darrel were getting an up-close view of the action when Darrel
suddenly climbed up on the bed next to my wife’s head, started jacking
off right next to the cock that was stuffed in her mouth, and said to
his buddies, “Let’s fill her stomach and ass with nigger jizz. Shell
love it and won’t miss a drop. Watch!” He grabbed her hair and pulled
her head back so that her mouth popped free of the cock that was filling
it, and proceeded to shoot great gobs of white cream across her tongue
and down into her gullet. As my wife smacked her lips to swallow, the
other cock at her face began to spurt also. It was coming too fast for
her to eat all at once, but through the onslaught of jizz that was
totally coating her face, she managed to beg for all of their cum. What
a nasty slut she had become in one evening. Her tongue was flailing all
around in a feeble attempt to catch it all, as she was having an amazing
orgasm around the cock in her ass. Then her butt fucking lover ripped
his member out of her ass and shot it all over stomach. Some of the
thick white cum, puddled up in her belly button. She scooped up the gobs
and sucked it off of her fingers, slurping and smacking her lips as she
cleaned her hands of the goo.

By the time those three black men were done with her that night, they
had fucked all three of her holes at least 2 more times each. I’ve never
seen or heard of a woman taking so much cock and cum in one outing, let
alone it being my beautiful sexy wife.

As we were walking out the door of their apartment, Darrel said “Your
wife is our Whore now, and when I call you, you bring her over to empty
our balls or I’ll come and take her for good. So, enjoy her whenever we
don’t need her. Got it.”

Before I could object, my new ‘black cock whore wife’ rubbed my cock
through my pants and whispered in my ear “Don’t fight it, I can
handle all of you with a lot more practice!” Then she looked over her
shoulder at her new lovers as we were walking out the door and winked at
them, “Yes, Masters. We understand. Call soon.” Then we went home and
slept for 1 full day.

He called about a week later, during which time Angela was horny all the
time, day and night, thinking about what she was would like to do with
him in the future.

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