Teenage Lust Girls Who Crave Older Men

As I sit here looking over my notes, compiling and collecting my thoughts to complete this manuscript, I remember young Jenny R. explicitly.

Jenny was far from your average young lady. She had wit, charm, and above all, a body that was quite stunning, certainly all adding up to give her a total appeal, an appeal that, as she explained to me in quite detail, make her prey for many an unwanted predator.

Here then, just as she told it to me several months ago, is Jenny’s story. I hope that you get enjoyment and knowledge from reading it.

I have come to you as a last resort Doctor, I just don’t know what to do. What started out to be an innocent romp, has turned into a disastrous affair which is totally out of control. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I suppose that I should tell you all the gory details, so that you can better understand the predicament that I’m now in.

I sure hope you can help me Doctor, and please don’t mind my language, sometimes I get kind of descriptive.

Well, it happened, I mean it started, just a few months ago. My father is a traveling salesman, and he was planning a three day weekend in Chicago.

My mother wasn’t going to go with him at first, but I guess he was horny, and wanted her along. They have always been very much in love with one another, and I know that they fucked their brains out constantly.

Anyway, Doctor, my mother finally consented on going on the trip to Chicago with him, only after her brother Bob, my very own Uncle Bob, agreed to take care of me for the weekend.

Oh, Doctor, if I’d only known how he was going to take care of me, I never would have gone to stay with him. How was I to know he had rape on his mind?

Well, I don’t want to get ahead of my story, and it did all start relatively innocent. Here’s what happened that weekend Doctor, and I sure hope you can help me.

My parents left around supper time on Friday night. My mother drove me over to my Uncle Bob’s, who only lived about three miles from our house.

My mother had packed a small bag for me, containing a little nightie she had bought me for Christmas, my tooth brush, and a couple of changes in case Uncle Bob took me out.

If I had known then what Uncle Bob had on his mind, I wouldn’t have had to pack anything other than my own young body. That was all Uncle Bob was interested in, believe you me!

I had always liked my Uncle Bob. I guess seeing that he was my only Uncle had a lot to do with it. He was always buying me presents and paying me special attention, but I always took it because he was my Uncle, never anything sexual.

Although I was quite young in my mind a few months ago, my body, as you can clearly see Doctor, has blossomed quite nicely. I’m proud to say that I’m a thirty-six, twenty-four, thirty-six. I know that these measurements had a lot to do with my Uncle’s incredible attraction, and eventual rape of me.

In some ways, I wish I was ugly and fat, and then my Uncle Bob wouldn’t have done all of the degrading sexual acts that he did to me. But, I can’t help the way I am, and I guess Uncle Bob can’t help the way he is either.

I arrived at his house all bubbly, ready for an exciting weekend. He always bought me things and took me places whenever I saw him, and knew that this weekend would be no exception. I had never spent a night with him, alone that is, and I was actually looking forward to it. What a stupid, innocent fool I was. Live and learn, hey Doctor?

So anyway, I bounced into his house, gave my mother a big hug, told her to have a nice three-day weekend, and went into Uncle Bob’s spare bedroom, my room for the weekend. I wanted to get my few things put away, so that Uncle Bob and I could talk or maybe go to a movie. I love movies.

I realize now that my Uncle Bob had the whole weekend planned out in advance. Movies were not something that he had on the agenda it was my pussy and my ass that was on his mind, and that was all.

After I put my things away, I told Uncle Bob that I was going to take a shower.

“Oh, that would be nice, Jenny,” he said, looking me over from head to foot. Uncle Bob had always paid me a lot of attention, as I have already said, but this look was different. If I was at all on my toes, I would have realized that he was checking me out, looking at me with lust and determination in his eyes.

I couldn’t figure out exactly what the look meant, other than he seemed to be a little more friendly than usual.

“I won’t be more than a couple of minutes, Uncle Bob,” I told him innocently, “then maybe we could go to a movie? There’s a good horror flick at the Rialto I’ve been dying to see.”

I smiled at him, and closed the bedroom door. There was a bath right off my room, so I felt as if I had all the privacy in the world. I realize now the wise thing, other than not being there at all, would have been to lock the door. But, like I said, I was innocent, very innocent, and I wasn’t expecting any sexual advances from my very own Uncle Bob.

I slipped out of my tight-fitting faded levis, which hugged my ass incredibly well. Mother always told me that they were too tight, but I told her that that was the way all the girls in school wore them, and I didn’t want anyone to think I was square.

I unclasped my bra, releasing my two huge breasts. They were especially large for my age, I knew that. All the other girls in gym class used to look at me with envy. It made me feel kind of proud that I had developed so well, at such a young age, I only wish now that I had used my body in sexual affairs, then perhaps my first sexual experience, my dreadful sexual experience with Uncle Bob wouldn’t have been so traumatic for me.

There was a long, full-length mirror against one wall of the small bedroom, and I stood there looking at myself in it. My gigantic tits, even without my bra, were standing out proud and strong. They were built so well, and so young and firm, that they stood out in a tiny upward curve, making me, I realize now, quite appealing to my horny Uncle Bob.

I was wearing a pair of pink-laced panties, which were slightly on the sheer side. You could see the little V of my cunt, and a trace of pubic hair curled around the edges of them, because they were so skimpy.

I guess I should have realized that I was a voluptuous young woman, instead of a scrawny little teenager, which was kind of how I felt. I know that being a virgin, never having experienced love, was made me feel so young.

That was all to change in a very short period of time!

I slowly pulled the tight-fitting little panties down over my curvaceous and firm ass, and stood there totally naked. I don’t know why I was gazing at myself so long, but I was.

I walked naked into the bathroom, and got the tap water running to the desired temperature. I jumped in, pulling the shower curtain across the rod behind me. . The steaming sprays felt good on my naked body. Of course the sound of the pouring water prevented me from hearing Uncle Bob come into the bedroom. If I had heard him, I would have at least been somewhat on guard, I think anyway.

I washed my body thoroughly, getting plenty of soap on my titties, and especially inside my pussy. The more I think of it now, Doctor, I was really a different person then. I didn’t even masturbate. There I was, with an over-developed beautiful body, and hadn’t even used it for anything with anybody. I sure wish I had. If I wasn’t so damn inexperienced, I would have been able to handle Uncle Bob a lot better, or at least what he did to me wouldn’t have been so painful and mentally humiliating and degrading.

I washed and rinsed my long blonde hair, and then shut off the shower. I jumped out, dried myself off, and then put a large white towel around my body. My huge tits helped it to stay up on my curvaceous young body without any tie or anything like that.

I walked out into the bedroom, as innocent as could be, and there was Uncle Bob.

“Ohhh,” I said with a start, seeing him lying across the big double bed, his shirt off, his naked chest and muscular torso staring me in the face.

I have to admit Doctor, he was and still is, a very handsome man. My Uncle Bob is about forty, but he sure kept himself in great shape for a man his age.

His muscles were rippling as he lay there staring at me, looking me up and down with a look I had never seen on his face before.

I suddenly felt extremely naked in front of him. My tits and my pussy were covered, but just barely. My huge breasts pushed the fluffy towel way out in front of my body, and the towel was wrapped so that it just covered my cunt from his sight. If I had put my arms over my head, my love hole would have been clearly exhibited.

“You look pretty, Jenny,” he said, in a strange voice. There was a certain animalistic quality coming to him that made me quiver as I stood there. I didn’t know what to do or say, so for quite a while I was speechless.

I didn’t even move, Doctor, I was too scared. I was beginning to realize that I was being confronted sexually by my very own Uncle Bob, and that was a little hard for me to handle in my mind.

“I’ve always wanted to see you with less clothes on,” he said, running his eyes up and down my long thin legs once again. I could feel his eyes searing my flesh as he continued to check me out. I saw his eyes widening and narrowing with a devilish gleam. I was getting more and more frightened as the long seconds dragged slowly by.

“Uncle Bob,” I finally screamed, my voice a little cracky, “what are you doing in here. Get out, I have to get dressed.” I was trying to refrain from getting hysterical, but I guess it was finally dawning on me that Uncle Bob was after my ass, literally!

“Don’t mind me, Jenny, go ahead and do whatever you have to do. I won’t get in the way, I’ll just sit here and watch.”

“Get out,” I yelled at him once more, but he just lay there on the bed.

I let my eyes quickly glance down do his crotch. He was wearing a pair of tight-fitting blue pants, and the bulge in his crotch was getting larger by the second. I knew that he had a hard-on, and I knew that that hard-on was because of me.

I trembled as I looked at him. I know now that if I had had sex before, I probably would have been excited at his appearance. He was beginning to sweat, and the slight perspiration was running across his rippling chest and stomach muscles. I know that many women would have found him extremely enticing, but to me, right then and there, I was scared shitless of him.

I suddenly felt five years old and totally helpless. I didn’t know what to do. I felt defenseless, standing there practically naked, with my very own Uncle cruising me up and down like some kind of a wild sex-starved jungle beast.

I wanted to be cool, to pretend every thing was okay. I was afraid to show him the degree of fear that was coursing through my young inexperienced body, but I knew that I wasn’t doing a very good job. I knew my fear was showing, and that he was enjoying it. My fear made him feel even more powerful, more in control, and it put me more at his mercy every passing second. It was awful, Doctor, really and truly awful.

I finally snapped out of my frightened trance, and realized that I would feel a lot safer, a lot more at ease, if I could just get some clothes on my partially nude young body.

I headed for the closet, where I had hung up my jeans and a blouse. I had to pass the edge of the bed to get to it, and as I did Uncle Bob reached out and grabbed my hand.

I screamed at this first physical contact, I guess I realized for sure right then and there what was going to happen. I know now I shouldn’t have screamed, because rape was on my uncle’s mind, and my fighting him made it all the more exciting to him.

“Leave me alone,” I screamed, somewhat faintly, as he dug his fingers into my slender wrist. He pulled me over on the bed, forcing me onto the large mattress.

I looked up at him, towering over me, and he had the biggest grin on his face. I was shaking all over, and tears started running down my face.

I noticed that Jenny was getting quite worked-up as she was telling the story, and actual tears started running down her face again. I told her that it would be better if she returned the following day to finish her story.

She agreed that that would be best, and left my office weeping.


The next afternoon Jenny returned to my office. She seemed to be completely in control of her emotions. She was looking beautiful, wearing a mini-skirt and a tight-fitting blouse. I told her to continue where she left off, and not to worry, that by talking it all out she would feel much much better.

Where was I Doctor? Oh yes, Uncle Bob had just pulled me down on the bed. He didn’t jump on top of me right away, he just gazed into my eyes, that devilish grin of his widening with every breath he took. I could hear him panting somewhat, and knew that he was getting himself more and more worked up. I knew for sure that he was going to rape me, and what frightened me was that there wasn’t a thing I could do about it.

My parents were away for three days, and my Uncle lived at the very end of a dead-end street. The nearest house to his was quite some distance, and even if I screamed, I didn’t think anyone would hear me. As it was, I was too frightened to even scream. I just lay there on the bed, cowering, whimpering madly, realizing I was totally in his control. I was going to have to let him do whatever he wanted to me, without putting up any sort of a fight. It would have been useless. My Uncle is a strong and large man. He had me all right, for sure.

“I’ve wanted you for a long time, Jenny,” he said to me, beginning to roll over on top of me. I still had the towel around me, and I could feel his bare chest rubbing against my throbbing titties.

I wanted to scream out, but I was too frightened. I just looked up into his eyes with a pleading look, a look that was begging him not to do this degrading thing to me. But, I knew it was useless. Nothing would have stopped my Uncle Bob from raping me, nothing!

I felt Uncle Bob’s big cock pressing against the smoothness of my bare thigh. The thought of it ramming in and out of my virgin cunt hole, scared me to death.

I tried in vain to push him off me. He seemed to laugh at my attempt, and it only made him more excited. I knew that the harder I fought, the more he was going to enjoy raping me. I made up my mind that even though I wasn’t going to enjoy what he was doing to me, I wasn’t going to fight him. There was no way I could avoid his sexual advances, so I may as well make the best of it, I thought to myself, as he became more and more aggressive.

Suddenly he became like an animal. His breathing picked up considerably, and loud moans of sadistic sexual pleasure emanated from his handsome manly mouth.

With one quick motion, he lifted slightly off my tortured body, and jerked the damp towel away from me. I was lying there totally naked, totally at his beck and call.

He cried out with joy when he finally saw my entire naked body, in full view, in all its young womanly splendor. After a few long moments of just looking at me, marveling in my tender body, realizing that it was all his, to do with what he wanted, he attacked me.

He began kissing me on the neck, sucking my blood to the surface. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was going to have a huge ring of bright red hickeys the following morning, hickeys that on Monday I would be covering up with heavy make-up and turtle-neck sweaters to avoid my parents from seeing them.

He sucked and sucked on my neck, and then began to slowly work his way down my body.

I dug my fingernails into the bed sheets for some sort of support from his attack. He wasn’t being at all gentle with me. He was really tearing into me, using me completely, devouring my body and my spirit, robbing it of its purity, its virginity.

He was letting a lot of saliva pour out of his mouth as he lowered his licking tongue down onto my breasts. He made large circles around each one of my two stacks of womanly flesh, until he zeroed in on my taut nipples.

I don’t know why, but my nipples became very stiff when he started licking them. I suppose in one way I was excited, but the fear that was coursing throughout my young ravaged body far outweighed any pleasure that I may have received.

My body trembled as he chomped on my nipples. What started o u t as a slow sucking of my right nipple, made way for new and better things. No sooner had he done this to me, when he chomped down on my other one.

He took his two powerful hands and began kneading my tits, pushing them up and out, and then chomping on the nipples all over again. He kept this up for a long time, obviously relishing in my young firm tits, enjoying them thoroughly, sadistically, and completely.

He slid his body down so that his tongue was on my stomach, flying in and out of his mouth savagely, spewing large amounts of spit over my smooth-skinned belly.

I could feel all of his hot saliva running across my tummy and it revolted me. It seemed that everything he was doing was revolting me, and I know it was because he was forcing me.

I dug my long fingernails into his broad shoulders as he worked his sucking mouth down over my body, until it rested on top of my cunt.

He didn’t waste any time. He parted my cunt lips with his hot tongue and began shooting his tongue in and out of my hole. Of course he couldn’t get all the way in, because I was a virgin. However, he was soon to clear the path with his big love pole, causing me to bleed, and giving me more pain than I had ever experienced before in my life.

It didn’t take too long before he was tired of fooling around. He had fucking on his mind, all right, and he wanted to get down to it. He had had enough foreplay. He was ready for action, ready for some good old-fashioned screwing, and I was his target for the evening, for that matter the weekend.

He suddenly jumped up off the bed, and tore his pants off. I got a look at my first cock. Oh, I had seen my father’s cock a couple of times when he was on the way to the shower, but it wasn’t stiff, and I’m sure that even if it had been it wouldn’t have been as large as Uncle Bob’s.

I know it looked especially large to me because it was the first stiff prick I ever laid eyes on, but I swear to you Doctor, it had to be at least ten inches long. It looked thick, too, heavy with come, and raring to go.

I started shaking uncontrollably when I looked at it, trying to imagine it running up into my tight young virgin pussy. I knew it was going to rip me apart, and I was scared. If it only hadn’t been so damned big I don’t think I would have been as frightened, and I don’t think the pain of losing my virginity would have been so incredibly intense, as it turned out to be.

His mouth was opened slightly, and the look on his face was almost demonic as he jumped on top of me. He must have known that my pussy would be extremely tight, because he spit some of his own saliva out onto his fingertips and rubbed it all over his throbbing prick. T saw the monstrous organ jump in response to his own touch, and knew that he and it were ready to fuck, more than ready to fuck.

“Please don’t do this to me,” I begged my Uncle Bob, hoping that one more futile plea might help him change his mind, or at least go easy on me.

“Shut up, you little bitch. I’ve wanted to fuck you for two years, and now’s my chance. Nothing you say is going to stop me, so just shut the fuck up and enjoy it.”

I knew there was nothing more I could do or say. It was a futile attempt in any event, but it was a chance that I had to say.

Uncle Bob worked his spit into his throbbing cock forcefully, getting the long shaft covered with saliva. It was ready, and he was ready. I wasn’t, believe me!

With one hand he guided his fat juicy cock head up against my cunt hole, and then with one mighty shove he sent all ten inches of his prick into me.

I screamed out as my cherry burst, and felt the warm blood drooling down over my thighs. The pain was a pain that I had never experienced before in my life. I didn’t think that there could be a pain that severe, from anyone or anything.

Uncle Bob screamed out with pleasure, as I screamed out with agony. He let his cock sink all the way into my pussy, and I felt like someone was shoving a telephone pole up my pussy.

Deeper and deeper it went. I thought the fucking thing was going to come right out my back it was so damned big. Once the cock was all the way into me, and his body crashed into mine, crushing me into the firm mattress, he immediately pulled his shaft out of my hole, only to send it once again flying into my pussy.

He started with a slow steady rhythm, and then quickened his pace until he was fucking the living shit out of me. I couldn’t believe how savage he was becoming.

Over and over again Uncle Bob sent his ram-rod into my pussy, filling my love hole to the brim, extracting it, and then filling it all over again.

I think I went into some kind of mental and physical shock, because after I lost my cherry and the initial penetration was over, I felt very little.

It was as if a strange numbness had swept over my nervous system. The pain was gone, but there wasn’t any pleasure either. Just nothingness, nothingness that made me sob uncontrollably.

As he kept plowing into me, my cries and whimpers increased until my face was flooded with my own tears and perspiration. I felt used and abused, abandoned by all sense of moralities and every thing that was good and clean.

I felt as if my world was over, my womanhood would never be returned, and that I was wasted as an individual for the rest of the life.

To say that I was traumatized would be an understatement. I have never felt as low as I did right at that second. My body was being brutalized, but so was my heart and soul, and more important, my spirit.

As Uncle Bob continued to slam his big prick in and out of my bleeding tight pussy, each thrust seeming to be more savage and determined than the one preceding it, my mind began to wander.

I started thinking that when this episode was over, if indeed it ever would be, that I would never again let a man touch me. I felt that Uncle Bob was ruining me for life, robbing me of the very thing that most women hold so precious to them, the love, both physical and emotional, of a man.

“Oh, I’m going to come,” Uncle Bob screamed, “I’m going to come.”

I was glad that he was going to come, because I thought that that would be the end of the whole affair. Oh, if only had been Doctor, but it wasn’t. My affair with my Uncle had only just begun.

Suddenly I felt the pace of Uncle Bob’s fucking almost double. He rammed his prick in and out of me feverishly, nearing his orgasm with every new stroke.

He grabbed hold of my hair as he continued pummeling me, pulling it almost out by the roots. The pain that that caused me I hardly felt. The fucking was what was consuming all of my mental thoughts.

He started sweating like a pig. His perspiration was dripping down onto my tits and my face, and the smell of his manly odors sickened me.

Again I stress, Doctor, that if the circumstances had been different, if my Uncle Bob had made love gently to me, passionately and emotionally, it may have been a completely different story. As it was, it was the most degrading experience of my entire life.

All of a sudden he began to come. I felt his hot sticky love juice filling my pussy to the brim. He kept slamming in and out of my cunt, spewing more and more fluids up my hole.

So much come spewed out of his gigantic love pole that it overflowed my tight little pussy and dribbled out, down over my thighs, mixing with the blood from my burst cherry.

Finally, it was all over, at least for the moment. Uncle Bob didn’t pull his cock right out of me, not for quite a while. He just lay there on top of me, his cock going limp inside my woman hole, pressing his body weight onto me, curshing me into the firm mattress.

All the time I was whimpering softly, but it was to no avail. Uncle Bob didn’t care about my emotions, how I felt, either physically or mentally.

After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled his cock slowly out of my cunt with a deep sigh, and fell over on the bed in an exhausted heap of sexually satisfied manhood.

I couldn’t move. I was numb all over, and I just lay there in the exact same position I was in when he pulled out of me. I kept sobbing and kept wishing that I was dead.

A long period of time went by before Uncle Bob said anything. I didn’t look at him, and he didn’t look at me. We both just lay there on our backs, each thinking our own thoughts about the experience, disgusting to me, probably enticing and exciting as hell to him.

After what was, I guess, about fifteen minutes or so, I glanced down at Uncle Bob’s cock, and saw that it was slowly stiffening again. This sight scared me all over, as if I hadn’t even been fucked yet. The thought of him ramming it into me all over again, and so soon after the disgusting episode, made me almost throw up.

I was wrong in thinking that he wanted to fuck my pussy again, though, it was far worse. He had my ass hole on his mind, and that was what he took.

like he had just been plugged into an electrical socket or something, he kneeled up on the bed, his huge dong fully erect once again and ready for action, and with one quick movement he slipped his arm under my back and flipped me over on my stomach like a pancake on a griddle.

Wasting no time, he shot down to my ass hole and sent his tongue flying up into it. I screamed out, more from embarrassment at what he was doing than from pain or fear, as his tongue shot in and out of my hole furiously.

I know now that he was clearing the path, lubricating my tight bung hole for his prodding member. I had no idea he planned to send his cock up my ass hole, I hadn’t even heard or imagined of anything so disgusting.

After a few quick seconds of pre-juicing, he kneeled between my legs, and with one mighty shove sent his cock ripping up into my tight firm behind.

Once again I screamed out from pain. This time the pain was definitely more mental than physical. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Doctor, it hurt like a mother-fucker when his cock shot up into my ass. But I know it was the disgust I felt at having my own Uncle shoving his cock in and out of my rear end.

Over and over the monstrous organ shot into me, causing me more pain and humiliation with every stroke. He came much quicker this time, for whatever reason I don’t know.

I felt his cock thicken and stiffen suddenly to outrageous proportions, and then he began shooting, what once again seemed like a never-ending supply of hot come. It filled my ass hole to the brim, and as it did in my pussy, dribbled out, running down over my legs and soaking my thighs.

He pulled out of me quickly this time, and jumped off the bed and headed for the shower. I couldn’t move, or do anything. I just lay there, sobbing, feeling lower than the scum of the earth.

Well Doctor, that is what happened, all of it. Of course I had no place to go, seeing as my parents were away, and I was too humiliated to go to a friend’s house and tell them what happened, so I just stayed there, all fucking weekend.

We fucked like crazy people all day and all night for the next three days. It didn’t hurt me any more, not after that first assault on my womanhood. It was like I was a robot, designed to be a hole for Uncle Bob to shove his prick in and out of.

I was there for him to use and abuse in any way he saw fit, and that was just what he did. He fucked me up the ass, he fucked me up the pussy, he fucked me in the mouth. He made me blow him over and over again, forcing me to lick down all his hot come, gagging or no gagging, it didn’t matter one way or the other to him.

I never told my parents about the weekend, and I never see Uncle Bob any more. I guess he knew I wouldn’t tell them because I would be too ashamed. Perhaps he was thinking that he would just tell them I asked him to, or something like that, putting the blame on me, instead of him where it belonged.

It’s been three months since I’ve even thought about sleeping with another man, Doctor, and it’s scaring me. I’ve come to you for help and advice, and I hope that I can get my head and body together again, obtain some kind of womanly pride, and go on living. There has to be a man somewhere who will treat me kindly, if I only wasn’t afraid to try!


I have been seeing Jenny once a week for the past seven months now, and I must say it is taking a long time for her to get over her fear of me. However, I feel that in time, perhaps very soon, she will be able to try making love with another man, a gentle man, one that will not rob her of her physical and emotional pride the way her Uncle Bob did so cruelly on that horrible dark weekend in her past.


Subject: Mary F. Age: Twenty


In compiling my case histories to put this manuscript together, I came across a very interesting case of a young girl, who for the sake of her own protection, I will call Mary F.

Mary F. was quite un-like Jenny, the young woman I have previously written about. She was into older men, completely. Ever since she was a little girl she had had an attraction for older men.

Whereas it was an older man who almost ruined Jenny’s life, it is older men that make Mary’s life worth living. Unfortunately, with Mary, it is an obsession. She can not function with younger men at all, and that is why she came to see me.

Here then, in her own words, is our first two interviews together. I hope you will find her story interesting.

Doctor, the only reason I have come to you is because my girlfriend Peggy told me I should. Peggy is really the only one I have confided in the past few years, since I took up my, shall we say, somewhat unusual occupation.

However, Peggy feels that I should be dating men that are more my own age, and with similar interest other than fucking and sucking, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to say hello. I doubt you are going to be able to do or say anything that will change my mind, but I suppose it’s worth a try.

I guess it all started that summer at Camp Witchikan. I was just out of high school, and wanted to do something different for the summer. A friend suggested working at this camp. She told me it was pretty liberal, everyone got high, and the counselors were really great.

I was a virgin, and somewhat naive at the time. As you will learn shortly, I am anything but naive now.

So anyway, Doctor, I had great expectations of losing my virginity to some young stud at the camp during the summer. Well, I lost it all right, but it wasn’t to a young stud, as I am about to tell you.

The first couple of days at camp was just orientation. I was going to be teaching swimming and water safety as well as counseling, so I had a pretty busy schedule to keep up.

The one thing that was great about this place, un-like many other camps I’d heard about, was that every counselor got their own little bungalow.

It was really cute. It was like a little tiny log cabin. It wasn’t much bigger than a very tiny studio apartment, but it was all mine for the summer. This meant that I had a great deal of privacy when I wasn’t working, privacy which I needed. As the summer wore on, the privacy became even more important.

It was the third day I was there, the day that all the little brats arrived for their fun summer in the country camp. I hadn’t as yet met Mr. Wilson, the owner of the camp. He left all the counselor orientation to Mr. Jeffrey , his assistant, and just arrived when all things were ready to go.

My father had died when I was only seven, so I guess I always missed a masculine older figure in my life. Perhaps that was why I was so immediately taken by Mr. Wilson that first morning at dinner when we met.

He arrived late Friday afternoon. All the counselors and the rest of the staff of the camp were meeting for a imagine get acquainted dinner. It was in the main dining room, and Mr. Wilson had put out quite a bit of money for an outrageous meal.

There were fresh flowers on every table, and everyone was in great spirits.

I had already checked out all the young stud counselors, many of whom I thought I would get into torrid affairs with during the summer.

However, when I first laid eyes on Mr. Wilson, making his entrance through the dining room door, I guess I fell in love instantly. He was so fucking beautiful he took my breath away. He was immediately a lover and father image to me all rolled into one.

I sat breathless as he seated himself at the head of the table. He made a few opening statements of greeting, and. then asked if each one of us would get up, introduce ourselves to him and any of the other counselors we hadn’t met, and tell a little about ourselves.

I watched and listened as each counselor and staff member got up and addressed themselves to Mr. Wilson, stating their names and telling why he or she was looking forward to working at the camp.

There was a lump in my throat as I stood to speak. I stared directly into Mr. Wilson’s eyes as I introduced myself and said how much I was looking forward to teaching swimming and working at the camp.

I had watched Mr. Wilson carefully as each one of the counselor’s had done the same, and he seemed to he looking at me quite a bit differently. I cancelled this feeling out immediately, telling myself that I was only seeing something that I wanted to see, and that he was looking and feeling about me the way he felt and looked at everybody else who had spoke.

I was soon to find out that Mr. Wilson had the hots for me, right from that first moment.

Dinner was beautiful. We had pot roast, New England style, with lots of gravy and potatoes and vegetables. I chatted with the counselors-around me all during dinner, but I always kept my main line of thinking and gazing directed in Mr. Wilson’s direction. I was surprised and delighted to find him staring at me almost every time I looked at him.

When dinner was over, we sat around over coffee and chatted until quite late. Finally Mr. Wilson stood up, and told us that we should all hit the hay, because the guests would be arriving at seven in the morning, and the first day, as we would find out, he said, was incredibly hectic.

Everyone started riling out of the dining room, saying good night to one another and to Mr. Wilson. I was just about to go through the big swinging door, when he called to me.

“Mary, would you come here for a minute please?” he said, in his low husky voice.

My heart started pounding wildly. I was hoping it was for some emotional reason that he was detaining me, instead of some matter of policy or work, but I figured I was only dreaming. After all, what would an older, fine-looking, distinguished and well-off man like Mr. Wilson see in scrawny little me?

As you can see by looking at me Doctor, I’m not exactly scrawny, but I kind of felt scrawny.

Anyway, I went over to the head of the table, where he was sitting sipping a cup of coffee. I noticed that he was looking at me in a rather familiar way, a way that made my heart start pounding so hard I thought it was going to jump out of my tight-fitting blouse.

“Sit down for a minute, won’t you, Mary?” he said, pulling a chair out from the head of the table, and pouring me some more coffee.

I didn’t know what he had on his mind, but I was game whatever it was. He was so fucking charming, I guess to coin an old phrase, you could say he swept me off my feet.

“I hope you don’t mind sharing a cup of coffee with me, I guess I’d just like a little company, you know, someone to talk to. It’s been such a hectic day.”

“Oh no,” I said, bursting with enthusiasm, “not at all, Mr. Wilson, not at all.”

“Please don’t find me too forward, Mary, but I can’t help but telling you that I think you are the prettiest counselor we have here this year,” Mr. Wilson said, taking another long sip of his coffee, and peaking at me over the edge of the cup.

I lifted my own cup with a trembling hand, and smiled at him, a little self-conscious.

“Not at all, sir, thank you,” I said meekly.

“You don’t have to call me sir, Mary, as a matter-of-fact, just between you and me, why don’t you call me Keith.. ”

I felt a little strange, but I said, “Okay, Keith, if you’d like me to.”

“I would indeed,” he said.

His eyes seemed to begin to look deeply into mine. They seemed to be telling me something, sending out some kind of message that I was almost afraid to acknowledge.

Could this man possibly be coming on to me in a physical way? I kept asking myself. How could that be? What could he possibly see in me? And, why me, indeed, with all the other counselors?

There were a lot of good looking counselors working here for the summer, male and female a-like. Why he chose me I don’t know. Of course, as you can see Doctor, my body is quite well-developed, and I’m sure that had a lot to do with the initial attraction.

The room was empty. The sound of the cooks and kitchen help finally died up as they got the dinner dishes cleared away. Eventually there was no one left in the mess hall except the two of us.

I must admit I felt a little strange, sitting there all alone talking with that beautiful man, but nothing would have made me get up and leave. He was like some kind of a strange magnet, drawing me closer and closer with everything he did and said.

Finally, after about a half hour of rapping about everything under the sun, Mr. Wilson got things headed in another direction.

“Mary, I know this is probably extremely forward of me, and I’m usually not like this, believe me, but would you like to come to my cottage and talk for a while?”

I almost jumped off my seat and threw my arms around the man. He had me in seventh heaven, but I guessed he probably knew that by the way my eyes lit up like light bulbs when he asked me to come to his cottage.

I started thinking to myself that the sexual part of our new relationship was probably all in my head. He was probably just a lonely older man, I thought to myself as we got up from the table, and really only wanted someone to chat with, to spend a little time with, to be close to, if only verbally.

I was soon to find out that Mr. Wilson was one hell of an erotic stud, with nothing but pure sex and fun on his mind, something that I was going to get into quite easily, and enjoy more than anything I had ever enjoyed in my entire life before.

We walked out the back door of the dining room, and down the little path that led behind the row of counselor cottages. Mr. Wilson’s own cottage was gigantic, an A-frame design, with huge glass sliding doors. It was quite beautiful and quite romantic.

Most of the lights were out in the counselor cottages, and I realized that most of the rest of the crew had turned in for the night, as Mr. Wilson had suggested to everybody.

However, for some strange reason he had singled me out as someone to keep him company, someone to be with, and I was soon to find out, someone to get into some heavy passionate love-making with.

He opened the door to his A-frame and led me inside, turning on the light behind the door.

I had been so busy the past couple of days with orientation, and trying to meet everybody and get acquainted with the atmosphere in general I hadn’t even checked out all the grounds.

Mr. Wilson’s A-frame was at the very end of the little path that was dotted with the other small cottages, the place where the counselors would be living for the summer.

His house was completely isolated by large trees, and the setting was immediately romantic to me.

Inside the A-frame I felt I was in one of those houses that you see in a decorator’s manual. Everything was perfect, manly, and quite beautiful.

There was a large fireplace in the middle of the living-room floor, circular, having a round hearth surrounding it. I had never seen a round fireplace like this before and I loved it.

“Sit down and relax, Mary,” he said, throwing his jacket on the back of a chair, after helping me off with my own. “Would you like to hear some music?”

‘That would be nice,” I said, getting more excited the longer I was in the man’s company.

“Why don’t you put something on, while I build us a fire. It’s a little chilly tonight. You know these New England nights. It can be seventy in the daytime, and you’ll still have to sleep with a quilt at night.”

As Mr. Wilson threw a couple of large logs in the fireplace, and got the kindling and paper set underneath it, I went over to his seemingly extensive record collection and started leafing through his many albums.

I was quite surprised to find that instead of classical, or opera records, he had an extensive popular record collection. There was everyone there from the Stones to Joni Mitchell and all the in-betweens.

I picked out “Blue” my favorite Mitchell album, and put it on the turn table. He had a quad system, something I had only heard about but never really listened to.

As the sound came pouring out of the four speakers, suspended by chains from the four corners of the room, my emotions swelled to an almost over-bearing point of heightened passion.

I could feel strange twinges in my pussy, and had a feeling that I was going to lose my virginity sooner than I had expected to. I don’t know why I was so sure of this, Mr. Wilson hadn’t actually said anything along those lines, as yet, but I could just tell.

Perhaps it was the way he looked at me, with those piercing hazel eyes. They seemed to be saying so much without any use of words or gestures.

Was I right in what I was thinking? I kept asking myself, as “California” came on the record player.

“Some more coffee?” Mr. Wilson said, heading toward the small kitchen off one corner of the gigantic A-frame.

“Yes, that would be nice,” I replied, in a very meek little voice.

Well Doctor, I had a feeling that I was going to be there for the night, and I was right.

I noticed by the clock on the wall that it was almost three o’clock in the afternoon, and I had another patient due. I told Mary that I was very interested in hearing the rest of her story, about her obvious affair with Mr. Wilson and the other older men that had been in her life since then, and requested her to come back in one week. She told me she would be happy to and we set the appointment up.


Mary looked even more radiant the next time I saw her. She was wearing an extremely tight-fitting white silk jump-suit, that showed off every curve of her young womanly body to the fullest possible advantage. I must admit that I myself was finding her exceptionally attractive, but of course I had learned years before never to mix business with pleasure, so I put any thoughts of my own completely out of my head. After all, she was my patient!

I told her to go ahead with her story, reminding her briefly of where she left off, and turning the tape-recorder on. Here then is that second interview, word for word as Mary told it to me.

Well, as I was saying along. We were drinking our coffee, and chatting about mundane things, when Mr. Wilson made his move.

I knew it was coming, I was sure of it. What had started out to be just fantasy in my mind had turned into a reality. I was convinced even before it happened that he was going to make a play for me, and I was even more convinced that I was going to go along with it, that I was going to let him do whatever he wanted to do with me and to me. That’s just exactly what I did, too, Doctor, and I loved every minute and every single inch of it.

I sat there calmly, as he slipped his arm around me. He kept chatting, doing it almost nonchalantly, and I let him. I looked into his beautiful dark brown eyes and smiled widely.

I could feel a strange feeling in my pussy. I knew I was a woman, and I think I knew it for sure right then and there. A strange feeling was coursing throughout my body, a feeling that I had never experienced before.

Oh, I had dreamed of feelings and emotions along these lines, but they had never happened to me before. I had dated in high school, and there had been many guys that had wanted to pop my cherry, but I was never willing.

I had always been waiting for something or someone special, and I knew as Mr. Wilson’s arm slipped around my shoulder, and began to move around on my back slowly, sensuously, that I had found that person in him.

I snuggled against his warm manly chest, and let my head fall onto his shoulder. He seemed almost relieved that I was going along with his sexual advances, happy that I didn’t turn into a raving maniac and go running from the house crying “rape”.

With his left hand, he slowly pulled my face around so that our lips met in a passionate embrace. I opened my mouth willingly and let him shoot his long wet tongue deep into my throat.

I sent my own into his, and we kissed wildly. The saliva from our mutual activity started flowing freely back and forth between us, exciting me. The taste of his spit got me very worked up, as I melted into his arms in a warm embrace.

His hand reached over and grabbed a hold of my left tit, very gently, very lovingly. I pushed my chest forward, sending my huge orb of flesh crushing into his fingers. He began kneading my flesh, like he was making bread or something.

My nipples stiffened at this tit attention, and my cunt purred with excitement and anticipation. I was eager for him to shove his cock into my pussy, breaking my cherry and making me a woman. I knew it wouldn’t be too long of a wait.

I was right in that assumption. It wasn’t very long at all!

“Why don’t we go up to the bedroom,” he said, coyly, giving me another quick peck on the cheek.

“Sure, Keith,” I said, openly and willingly. I wanted him to know how much I desired him, how much I wanted him to make love to me, to take my virginity in the way that I knew only he would be able to do.

I followed Keith up the little winding staircase that led to the bedroom. It was a small room, but the bed was large.

“Why don’t you make yourself comfortable,” Keith said, undoing his tie and starting to undress.

I knew that this was my cue to do the same, and I did. I had often thought of this moment, in my dreams, and it wasn’t at all like I had imagined.

I had thought it would be quite different. I thought I would be embarrassed, awkward, and very uncomfortable. Quite to the contrary, I was relaxed, self-assured, and totally at ease. I knew it was the particular person I was with.

Keith was being kind and gentle, and taking things at a slow relaxed pace. I was convinced that this was why I was feeling the way I was. He was putting me at ease, making me feel at home.

The thought occurred to me that Keith may think I wasn’t a virgin, and that I was an old hat at this. Certainly by my positive and open reactions I could see where he would get that idea. I wondered if he would be surprised when he found out he was the first to have the privilege of ramming a cock into my tender virginal pussy.

We undressed simultaneously, revealing ourselves to one another at almost the exact same second. We just stood there for a few long seconds.

I saw him gazing at my body, and a spark of lust glowed feverishly in his dark eyes. He wanted me all right, that was for damn sure. But, on the same hand, I wanted him.

I stepped back a little and took a look at my first naked man. I would have guessed Keith to be about forty or so, but there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. He was extremely well-muscled, and his skin was tanned from the sun.

His cock was a joy to behold, and made my cunt quiver to look at it and think about it penetrating my private love hole. It was quite long, I guess about eight inches or so, and extremely thick. The cock-head was almost a bright purple, and seemed to be throbbing all on its own, pulsating up and down in sudden little jerks.

Very gently, Keith took me in his arms, and after pulling down the big patch-work quilt on the large king-sized bed, laid me on the mattress effortlessly.

I was totally under his power, even though he wasn’t seeming to use any force. I lied there, staring up into his eyes, eager for him to take me, wanting him to ravage my young, inexperienced, but sex-starved body.

He fell on top of me gently, letting his cock rest on my ready cunt. We held in a tight embrace, and once again began kissing. The more we kissed, the more worked-up we both became. I began to slide around on the bed underneath him, letting his cock slip and slide against my pussy, eagerly waiting the moment of penetration.

Keith was an expert love-maker, and knew just what to do, how to do it, and most important of all, when to do it. Without shifting his position at all, he worked his cock head so that it was at the entrance to my love nest.

I felt him start pushing his cock into my cunt, parting my cunt lips, tickling my clit, and pushing against that cherry that was going to make me a woman when freed.

I threw my arms around his neck, and in a moment of extremely heated passion, I whispered, “Please, Keith, take me. I’m yours!

It sounds a little dramatic, now that I’m telling you, Doctor, but believe me, at the time it was the perfect thing to say, and it was quite beautiful.

Keith didn’t say anything to me, he just began to push his cock harder and harder against my cunt. Finally my cherry broke. I screamed out from the sudden p?in. I wasn’t expecting it to hurt so much. Girlfriends of mine had told me what it was like, but I guess I just wasn’t ready for that much pain.

Keith was beautiful however. As soon as it happened, he stopped all motion, and let his stiff cock lay dormant in my cunt. Only when I had calmed down, and let him know I was okay, did he proceeded to push his monstrous organ deeper into my love nest.

Once the initial shock of being de-virginized was over, it was beautiful. He began to fuck me, slowly at first, and then with an ever-increasing tempo.

What had started out extremely gentle at first, now became a savage fucking. Keith and I built our tempo together though, as if we were one. The harder he fucked me, the more I began to raise and lower my hips on the bed, and squeeze my cunt together in rhythmical unison with his thrusts.

Deeper and deeper his cock went smashing into my cunt. I was trying to use my cunt muscles to pull the cock in and out of me, and it was pure heaven.

I began to shake and tremble all over as my multiple orgasms began to swell down deep within me.

I was beginning to realize how exciting it was, and was going to be when I finally came. I had heard stories about the throes of physical love, and their spell-binding effect on one’s emotions, but now it was me who was doing it, me who was feeling it for my very own.

I loved the sensations coursing through my young inexperienced body as Keith continued to plow into me. As he fucked me, he began kneading both of my tits with his hands, causing my nipples to remain very stiff.

He positioned himself so that he could fuck me in the cunt and lick my titties at the same time. This double dose of sexual excitement and bliss almost caused me to come.

I was really hot and worked-up, but something told me to wait. I could hear and feel the ever-increasing tempo of Keith’s fucking, and knew that it wouldn’t be long before he shot. I wanted to come the same time Keith did, to share the blissful union that we had started together.

It was as if we were working each other up to that point. He would shoved his cock into me, sending it all the way to the very bottom of my cunt, tickling my cunt walls, driving me out of my mind.

I would in turn squeeze my cunt together, and send my cunt smashing up against his cock, drawing it into me like I was some kind of a sex magnet or something.

I had never thought that making love would be as beautiful as it was being with Keith. Every wish or dream or desire I ever had concerning love-making was being fulfilled with one person, this one night in this beautiful little bungalow hide-a-way in the woods at my first summer job.

The time was rapidly approaching when foreplay would have to become a thing of the past. I knew that Keith must be holding his orgasm back, because that was what I was doing.

We would fuck like wild animals, going at top speed, and then just when our breathing and moans reached fever pitch, we would stop, deliberately delaying the beautiful and enticing and exciting inevitable.

However, we couldn’t do it any longer. The time had come to shoot. The time had come to come. That time was at hand, and we gave into it completely.

Keith’s orgasm began first. I felt a sudden hot blast of gooey spunk shooting up into my pussy, filling my tight little hole to the brim. It seemed like a fireman had turned on a hose and a never-ending supply of liquid was being shot out.

More and more of Keith’s come shot up into my inner being as I quivered with the throes of sexual bliss coursing throughout my sex-elated body.

As soon as I was sure Keith was in the middle of his orgasm, at the very height of his sexual release and enjoyment, I released my own orgasm.

I didn’t have just one orgasm, Doctor, I had many. It seemed like thousands as the come spurted out of my cunt, covering his cock and dripping down to the inside of my thighs.

We came together in one blissful unison. We blended together so harmoniously it was almost as if we had become one person. I will never forget that moment for as long as I live.

Keith was quite a stud, especially for his age. He kept on ramming his coming cock in and out of me with gusto until every last peck of his come was shot forth.

Even after he had completed his entire orgasm, he kept on pumping me. I knew that he was waiting until my multiple orgasms were over. He was a thoughtful man, a kind and gentle man, and he wanted me to share the same blissful release he had, and to the fullest possible point of excitement.

Finally it was all over. The both of us lay locked together, cock in pussy, shaking uncontrollably for a few long seconds. Eventually we both calmed down, stopped sweating, and our breathing and heartbeat returned to a somewhat normal pace.

He pulled out of me, after a little while, and fell over on his back on the bed. I snuggled up to him, and he cuddled me, almost like he was a little kid hugging a teddy-bear. I liked this very human side of Keith, and it was the big thing that kept me fucking him for the rest of the summer.

I had many more lovers that summer, and because of the way things went with Keith, they were all older gentlemen. A lot of them I met through Keith.

Keith would have a party about once every other week, and quite a few business associates from Boston would come up for a weekend, or perhaps even an evening in the country.

Keith was very mellow as to what I did with my life. He didn’t put any ties or restrictions on me. He let me be myself, even turning me on to other men to fuck and carry on with.

I met a Mr. Peters from Keith, who although he was well into his fifties, was quite a swinger. I was surprised at the stamina of the man.

Where with Keith, I would fuck and then rest, and then fuck some more later on in the evening, Mr. Peters never wanted to stop. Even after he came, he would want to kiss me, or play with my titties.

Every minute I spent with Mr. Peters we were involved in one form of sexual play or another. I loved the man, of course not the way I loved Keith, but still I loved him in my own special way. I think I was turned on by his physical male prowess, especially for a man of his age. He was something else.

There were a whole bunch of other guys, most of them introduced by Keith, some I found on my own in neighboring towns when I would take the camp truck and go for a drive, but always they were older gentlemen.

Now remind you, Doctor, I had many offers from the younger dudes around the camp, especially the counselors. I wasn’t too popular with them because I wouldn’t lay any of them, while all the rest of the girls that worked for the camp would.

There was and is just something about an older man that tickles my imagine, so much that

I can’t really get excited with anyone that isn’t at least thirty-five.

I guess being twenty and not being able to relate in bed to anyone that isn’t at least thirty-five is a problem I should deal with, but so far it has kept me pretty happy. like I said, I only came here because my girl friend thought it would be a good idea. Actually, I’m quite happy with my life style just the way it is.


I included Mary in this case history study to show you, the reader, that all women who are into much older men are not fucked up. Mary was more than just contended with her life style, and I thought that it was okay, for the time being.

However, as I advised her, I wanted to continue to see her. I felt that her attraction for older men was definitely the result of some hidden feeling, perhaps from her child hood, which was stopping her from relating to men her same age.

Although, as I told her from the beginning, if she was happy with older men that was fine, but she should also be able to at least relate to younger men as well.

That is something that we are still currently working on together. As it stands now, Mary is living with a man sixty-two, so I feel quite a few more sessions are needed.

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