Sally the Stewardess

Back in the middle 60’s, I owned an apartment complex near
O’Hare field which catered to airline personnel and
expecially stewardesses. In those days, the stews were young
and perky, not like the grandmothers who fly today.

We ran a courtesy car to the airport every hour and
occasionally when we had more than a full load, either the
building manager or myself would run out to pick up the
overflow in our personal cars. On the night I will tell you
about, I was ready to leave to go to a night baseball game at
Sox park with my manager when I got the call from our driver
that there was one stewardess at American Airlines he couldn’t
pick up.

I hopped in my car and picked up Sally R., a very attractive
freckle faced redhead. I wouldn’t call her beautiful, but she
was cute as hell; average height, 5′-4 or 5″, great legs,
lovely ass, and a stunning chest. Not huge, but you certainly
couldn’t miss noticing the curving bulge of her uniform

We had kidded around before and said hello when we met and I
had often wondered if there was anything more there. I
suggested to her that maybe she would like to go out for a few
drinks and maybe dinner and she thought that would be nice. I
dropped her off at her apartment and told her I had to make a
couple of phone calls but would be waiting for her in the
office of the building.

My wife already knew I was going to the ball game, so I called
the manager and told him to take his kid to the game instead
of me, and left the tickets on his desk. Then I called a
nearby restaurant where I knew the owner and asked him to hold
a table in the dark section of the room. This was a great
sneak joint and he was always getting requests to turn down
the lights. You could hardly see your hand in front of your
face in the back room. He said he would reserve the back
alcove for me and wished me luck; I had been there before, you

About 20 minutes later, Sally rang the office buzzer and I
went up to meet her. She had changed from uniform into a
white silk blouse which displayed her beautiful breasts to
great advantage, a short skirt, dark nylons, and black patent
high heels. She looked good enough to eat and I was hoping to
do just that after dinner.

When we got to the restaurant, I ordered scotch and soda and
she asked for a double vodka on the rocks. We chatted about
this and that and then she asked if she could have another
drink. She had really poured that vodka down and when the
waitress came back, Sally told her to bring two doubles to
save herself the extra footsteps. I had been sipping my scotch
and wasn’t ready for another one yet.

Anyway, she inhaled those two and got two more. Could that gal
drink? By the time she finished the first five doubles, she
was pretty well smashed. She looked at me bleary-eyed and

“Why did you ask me out tonight? If you just want to get
laid, say so. Do you think I’m just another piece of ass?
Are you just looking to carve another notch on your cock?”

I was speechless! Sure, I wanted to get into her pants but I
didn’t know quite how to answer her.

“Sally,” I said, “I think you’re a lovely girl…”

She cut me off and said angrily, “Bullshit. First, I’m not a
girl, I’m a woman with a 9 year old kid back in California
living with my mother.”

That put me on the floor again. She had a chip on her
shoulder a mile wide and I couldn’t figure out why she was
challenging me.

“Look,” I said, “We seem to be getting off to a bad start and
I certainly don’t want to fight with you, so if you want,
we’ll skip dinner and I’ll take you home.”

Tears welled up in her eyes and she said “I’m sorry I taking
this out on you, but I am so fucking sick being just anotheup with
her mother’s cosmetics. When we got in the car, she snuggled
up to me, put her head on my chest and started to cry in
earnest. I didn’t know quite what to do, so I put my arm
around her, pattter her on the shoulder, and said something
stupid like: “Don’t cry, babe, everything will work out OK.”
This started her crying even harder so I just drove her home
without saying anything more and took her up to her apartment.

I had a pass key and let her in. I asked her if she wanted me
to leave but she said I should stay and she would make some

“I desperately need some coffee, don’t you think?”she asked
and put the pot on to brew. “I’ll go clean up a bit and I’ll
be right back.”

I glanced around the room. The place was a mess. Stockings,
pantihose, clothes were strewn everywhere. I could see into
the kitchen where dirty dishes were piled high in the sink.
Sally came out of the bathroom in a few minutes and I was
disappointed to see she had changed into a full length
dressing gown and pink fuzzy slippers.

She had scrubbed her face clean of the smeared mascara and
looked about 13 years old, with her pug nose, dimpled freckled
cheeks, and great green eyes that were tinged with red from
the vodka and tears.

I stood up and she came over to me. She stood on her tiptoes
and brushed her lips across mine.

“I really owe you you an apology for the way I acted at the
restaurant,” she said. “Let me get the coffee and I’ll be
right back.”

“Maybe I should go and we’ll talk some other time.”

“No, please stay,” she said. I really don’t want to be alone
right now. Please?”

I sat back down and she brought out two cups of coffee and put
them down on the table in front of the sofa.

“If I don’t know anything else, I know how to serve coffee,”
she said, giggling. We sipped the hot brew for a few minutes
without saying anything. Then she leaned into me.

“You’re nice,” she said. “Most of the assholes I go out with
would probably have belted me if I talked like that to them,
because they know it’s true. They don’t respect me for a
person; to them I’m just a lay. And most of them are pretty
sad fuckers, too. I don’t think I have an orgasm more than
once out of every 10 or 12 fucks.”

I could feel my cheeks burning; I was blushing like a
12-year-old just caught jerking off.

“Sally, you’re not like that at all and I don’t think of you
like that, either. I wish you wouldn’t talk about yourself
that way.”

“Why?” she asked, “don’t you like me? Don’t you want to go to
bed with me? Don’t you want to fuck me?”

“I’m only human, Sally, and you are a lovely young woman.
Sure, I want to go to bed with you but I don’t if I could do
anything under these conditions.”

I had never experienced anything quite like this before and I
wasn’t sure how to cope with her. Was she inviting me to go
to bed with her or just telling me to go to hell? I
discovered intent when she took my hand and led me into the
bedroom, then turned to face me and kissed me fiercely,
snaking her tongue into my mouth.

She started unbuttoning my shirt. Her body was lightly
perfumed with a very erotic scent that I couldn’t identify at
the time, but later found out it was a very expensive French
perfume, Bal ‘a Versailles. With her hair piled on top of her
head and her freshly scrubbed face, she looked demure,
spotless, virginal. Suddenly I thought I wouldn’t be able to
manage an erection.

After she unbuttoned my shirt, I finished undresing myself and
lay down on the bed next to her. I kissed her passionately
but still my penis failed to stir. I felt sure that I
couldn’t get it up and mumbled, “I don’t know what’s wrong.
Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.”

Here I was in bed with a good looking young airline stewardess
who was begging to get laid and my perverse pecker refused to

She sat up. “Don’t worry,” she said matter-of-factly, “It
happens all the time. Let me take care of it.” She knelt
over me. I could see the curve of her back and her round firm
ass; her breasts dangled and touched my thighs setting off
sparks in my groin but still my cock slumbered on.

Sally settled her but it didn’t do
any good. She pulled on it with her mouth, over and over, but
still nothing happened. I closed my eyes and felt like a
total fool, and then I felt her tongue. It was like a jolt of

Her tongue moved in machine-gun bursts, flicking, darting,
jabbing, circling, fluttering. After a dumfounded moment,m I
felt myself stiffen. There was a strange, abstract quality
about it, as if my cock was not mine anymore but belonged to
her. It had never seemed so big and powerful. I felt as
though a tree had taken root in my crotch as my prick began to

I reached down for her and drew her up to me and got on top of
her. I started to enter her pussy as gently as I could, but
she was very open and wet, and I slid in easily. It was like
she was gulping me in, swallowing me whole; later I learned
that she used a lubricating cream. At first I went in and out
of her slowly, trying to maintain control by pumping in long,
steady strokes. She came up to me, held me, and then fell

Each time she arched up with greater intensity before falling
back. I could feel her muscles tighten, her stomach, hops,
and thighs straining against me. Her nipples seemed to be
boring holes in my chest. She moaned slightly and pressed
harder, holding it longer. Her breath expelled in anguished
gasps and I started to lose control.

All at once she placed her hands on my shoulder and pushed me
aside. “Eat me,” she said. “I can’t get off unless you eat
me first. After that, it’s all right. I don’t know why but I
can’t make it unless you suck my cunt first.”

I really didn’t like to go down on women. Once, when I had
drunkenly gone down on my wife, I found the oder offensive,
the taste rancid, and I had been relieved when she pushed me
away, even though I sensed she really liked it, that if I
tried again, she would not have stopped me a second time.

To my astonishment, I found the smell of Sally mysteriously
delicicious and I wondered what her secret was. I actually
enjoyed the taste of her. When I probed her with my tongue,
she shifter her position on the bed slightly, then adjusted
herself again.

“OOOOOoooooooohhhhhhhh, that’s it,” she said. That’s the spot
right there. Lick me right there, right on my clit.” She
rotated her ass in tight little circles. She started to rise
up against me as she before, but less desperately, more
purposefully and rhythmically.

“Don’t stop,” she gasped. “Oh, my god, that’s so good, Lover.
Do it…Do It…DO IT!!” While she was talking to me, I
couldn’t help thinking that was really talking to herself, and
in her excitement, my own excitement mounted. Stretched out
between her legs, I felt myself stiffen harder than I had ever
been in my life. I was beyond hope, beyond control, beyond
caring about anything in the world other than her cunt and my

“Oh, sweet jesus!” she cried. “Oh, do it, lover, do it, do
it, do it to me.” I tongued her harder and faster, running my
tongue around her blood engorged lower lips before once again
attacking her clit.

“Yes, oh yes, oh yes yes yes yes yes,” she moaned. “Now,
right NOW! Oh, oh, oh, oh, my god. Oh, lover, oh god, make
me come, oh, I’m coming, coming, commmmmmmmmmmmmmmming…!
She came up against me in one last, prolonged effort and
shuddered. She shuddered again and then she screamed, tossing
her head wildly to and fro. I couldn’t help myself either and
I came too all over the sheet. I could feel the warm fluids
on my belly.

Sally thrashed about momentarily before she fell back limply,
with my resting against the inside of her smooth thigh. I
moved up next to her to take her in my arms and she ran her
hand down toward my crotch.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I got a little excited there myself. I
need a couple of minutes.”nd unwrapped it. There were half a dozen
marijuana cigarettes in the foil package. She lit one,
inhaled deeply and passed it to me. I had tried a few puffs
once before without much effect.

This time, I followed her lead and sucked the smoke in deeply,
holding it in my lungs as long as I could. We passed the
joint back and forth for about five minutes, but I didn’t feel
a thing.

Then it hit me. At first I felt slightly dizzy and then I
began to feel as though I was floating just off the bed. I
was still caught up in this marvelous sensation of free flight
when she bent over me and took me in her mouth again, her
tongue working furiously. When I plugged into her this time,
I wasn’t concerned about coming too fast.

She matched my movements, arching higher against me until she
began to writhe and then she shuddered and screamed once more.
I could feel her fingernails raking my back.

Sally dropped back in apparent exhaustion. After a
moment she opened her eyes. Her pupiles were dilated and she
had an unfocused look as though she was squinting to see
someing better. She had the same crooked grin. “Oh, keerist,
baby,” she said. “I’m so damn hot. I’m so damn fucking hot.

I remained rigid and started to move in her again. “No,” she
said. “Fuck me in the ass.”

My jaw dropped. “Where?”

“My ass. Fuck me in my ass.”

All night long I had been trying without success to achieve
some measure of control over her. Now it looked as though my
efforts were doomed to failure.

“Can you come that way?” I asked lamely. The truth of the
matter was that I had never done it before.

“Yes,” she said. “Hurry, I’m so hot, so hot…”

She twisted away from me and crouched at the end of the bed on
knees, her ass in the air and her face pressed sideways on a
pillow. I stood behind her on the floor with my knees against
the bed.

Reaching between her legs, she grabbed my cock and rubbed it
along the crack of her ass. Her bottom was unbelievably wet
and slippery. Just the touch of it excited me tremendously.
She guided me to the rosebud of her anus, and the head of my
cock was partly in. I started to shove foreward and she
cried, “Easy! Take it easy!”

She moved slowly against me so that more of my prick went into
her, how much I couldn’t really tell because of all the
wetness and the unreality of it all. Sweat was running down
all parts of my body. She rocked back and against me and I
was into her even further.

As I rocked back, I could feel her sphincter muscle
contracting. One of her hands was at her clitoris, massaging
it frantically. She groaned and grunted and whispered, “Oh,
lover, Jesus lover,” and she yelled, “Give it to me, give me
all of it, more, More, MORE, MORE, MORE!!!”

I thrust into her with my hands grabbing the cheeks of her ass
and she moaned in pain but did not stop. I was drenched with
sweat. I had never been more inflamed in my entire life.
Suddenly, I exploded in her! My breath blew out in a whoosh,
like I had been holding it in all day.

Sally did not let me go, actually clamped her muscle tight to
hold me in her, really forcing my cock to stay semi-erect as
she continued to grind against me, rubbing herself at the same
time until at last her entire body convulsed violently and
there was a final piercing scream the filled the room. Then
she slumped forward, face down, on the bed.

I remained where I was, looking at her trim body. I had never
had a sexual experience in my life to compare with this.
Sweat was still pouring out all over me and my legs shook.
The room was silent as a tomb. I asked her if she was all
right but she did not respond.

I withdrew my aching penis from her ass and stumbled into the
bathroom. The bathroom was crammed with lotions and oils and
body. I shut the door quietly and let myself out.

I called Sally late the next morning and she answered in her
breathless, husky, and very sexy voice. She made no reference
to our evening together, nor did she seem to exhibit any sign
of even knowing who I was.

“Oh, hi,” she had said in a neutral tone, and for an eerie
moment I thought I would have to identify myself beyond my
name by saying someing like “I’m the guy who fucked you in the
ass last night.”

I asked her when I could see her again and she suggested an
afternoon three days later. “I’ll be flying until then and my
roommate will be home. She wants to meet you and I’m sure
you’ll like her.”

When I hung up, I thought about what she had said. If her
roommate was anything like Sally, this would be the beginning
of a very interesting friendship.

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