My husband’s cock and a stranger

I’m convinced that there are two types of women in the world: those whom
practice female domination and those who haven’t tried it yet! For years my
husband begged to have me to dominate him, but I’d always thought it was too
“kinky.” However, after twelve years of marriage we needed something to spice
up our love life and I was willing to try anything. I’ve been dominating my
husband for the last year and I’m sorry I didn’t try this years ago.

A significant turning point in the domination of my husband and our
marriage occurred about six months ago. It all began as we were packing for a
short trip. We had to get to the airport early so we were packing our
suitcases the night before. From the beginning I’d decreed that he could only
make love to me twice a month and he was forbidden from masturbating. At that
time I wasn’t on the “pill” and we were using condoms as our method of birth
control. To emphasize my control over my husband’s sex life, I’d made a ritual
of taking two condoms at the beginning of the month and putting them into my
purse so that they’d be ready when I decided my husband could fuck me. Since we
were beginning our trip on the first day of the month, I took the two condoms
and packed one in my suitcase and dropped the other into my purse. As I did so
I told my husband that if he was a good boy that we might be able to join the
“Mile High Club” during our flight. I of course had no intention of making
love in so public a place, but I was amused by my husband’s swelling cock.

The next morning we arrived at the airport early and had to wait about
thirty minutes before boarding our flight. As we sat in the airport lounge I
noticed the man sitting across the aisle from us. I held a paperback novel
open in front of me, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He was Black and
about thirty-five years old. He wore an expensive suit that fit his athletic
body like a glove. His hair was closely trimmed and he had a well kept
mustache. As I was staring at him he looked up from the magazine that he was
reading and looked at me. Our eyes locked for a few seconds and then he smiled
at me. The moment he smiled at me my pussy twitched and I felt the crotch of
my panties dampen!

I couldn’t believe the effect this man had on me. I’d been a virgin when
I met my husband and while I looked at other men, in twelve years of marriage
I’d never cheated on my husband. Yet here I was sitting in an airport lounge
lusting after this handsome stranger! In the back of my mind I knew that
pursuing this man could ruin my marriage, but I was a prisoner to my own lust
and knew that whatever the consequences might be, I was going to do everything
possible to make love to this tall, Black man.

Just then I was jolted from my reverie. My husband was standing beside
me and tapping my arm. They’d started to board the plane and our seat
assignments had been called. I gave him my coldest stare and told him, “Go buy
me a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.” The poor dear must have thought I was
crazy to make that request since I’d quit smoking long before I’d met him and
I’d never smoked during our years together. However, some months before he’d
admitted that he found the image of a woman smoking a cigarette very erotic.
I’m sure he was torn between his erotic dreams and the fear that we’d miss our
flight. He started to speak, possibly to ask what brand of cigarettes he
should buy, but I cut him short. “Don’t you dare question my orders! Now
hurry up or we’ll miss our flight!” He dropped our carry-on bags and ran down
the concourse.

The flight attendants had continued to board the flight and my Adonis was
now gathering his briefcase and coat in preparation of boarding. I stood and
crossed the aisle to stand before him. He looked up at me as I approached, his
eyes appraising my long legs, my tight white wrap-around skirt and my white
translucent blouse. He looked into my eyes again and then his eyes locked on
the mounds of my breasts. I could feel my nipples harden under his stare. I
asked him if he flew often and he said that as a sales rep he logged quite a
few miles. I then asked if he’d ever joined the Mile High Club. At first his
face registered shock, but then it softened into his sensual smile. He replied
that he’d never been given the opportunity. I then said, “Well, perhaps we
could join together.” He asked what my husband would say and I answered,
“Don’t worry about him. We have an understanding — I make love to whomever I
wish and afterwards he licks their cum from my pussy.” Just then the flight
attendant announced the final boarding call. My new friend stood and said he’d
certainly consider my offer. Carrying his briefcase and holding his coat to
cover his growing erection, he then walked to the gateway.

As he walked away, my husband came running up and handed me a small sack.
I opened it to find a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I removed the lighter
from the sack, but threw the cigarettes in the trash can. “You fool! You
bought the wrong brand!” I then picked up my purse and our tickets and stalked
off to the gateway leaving my husband to gather up all of our belongings and
run after me. God, I love being a bitch!

As we entered the airplane I let my husband catch up to me and I had him
go down the aisle in front of me. Our seats were six or seven rows behind my
new friend who was standing in the aisle storing his coat and briefcase in the
overhead bin as we passed. Although the aisle wasn’t all that narrow, I made a
point of pushing my breasts into his back as I squeezed past. As discretely as
possible, I reached around in front of him and give his cock a quick pat as I
whispered in his ear, “I hope you accept my offer.”

I then hurried down the aisle to join my husband who was waiting at our
seats. Our tickets were for the center and aisle seats and since my husband is
over six feet tall, he always sits in the aisle seat, but this time I told him
to sit in the center seat. He opened his mouth to protest, but when he saw my
scowl he quickly complied.

A young college coed was sitting in the window seat and I saw my husband
admiring her firm tits that were evident under her tight sweater. I took a
magazine from the seat pocket and handed it to him. I told him that he was to
hold it open with both hands, that he was to hold it in front of his face and
that he was not to let me see him eyeing the girls tits for the rest of the
flight. I could see his face redden as he dutifully obeyed.

The plane taxied to the runway and quickly rose into the air. As we
climbed for altitude, I took out my paperback and began reading. I held the
book open with my right hand and I rested my left hand in my husband’s lap. As
I read my book, I let my fingers and my long fingernails dance over my
husband’s swelling cock. I saw his knuckles turn white as he gripped the
magazine harder, but he didn’t let it fall from in front of his face. He
leaned toward me and asked whether we were still going to join the Mile High
Club. I chuckled and said, “well, I’m certainly planning too!” Soon my
husband’s cock was standing straight up and forming a tent in his slacks.
Pre-cum was forming on his penis and spreading a huge wet stain across the
light material of his slacks. The college girl was staring at his erection and
my fingers lightly stroking it. Our eyes met. I smiled and she giggled.

About ten minutes into the flight, the flight attendants began the
beverage service. Just as the beverage cart was reaching his seat, the Black
man rose and strode to the back of the plane. Our eyes locked as he passed and
from his piercing look I knew he was accepting my offer.

I continued to stroke my husband’s cock until the beverage cart was just
reaching our seats. I put down my book and grabbed my purse. I told my
husband that he was to wait a few minutes before joining me at the rear of the
plane and that he wasn’t to make any sort of scene while passing the beverage

As I was walking toward my tryst, I was so excited my legs shook. My
friend was no where in sight, but one of the rest rooms showed the “Occupied”
sign. I quietly knocked and the door immediately opened. I squeezed in and
shut and locked the door behind me. My friend started to introduce himself,
but I silenced him by kissing him. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and
ground my pelvis into his leg. When he finally regained his breath I said,
“it’ll be more exciting if we don’t know each other’s names.”

I reached for his belt and quickly pulled down his pants and underwear. I
gasped when I saw his huge cock! My husband only has a five inch dick, but
this guy’s cock was at least eight inches long and nearly twice as thick as my
husband’s. I had him sit on the toilet, his huge ebony pole pointing toward
the sky. I opened my purse and took out the condom. I ripped it open and
began slipping it on his cock. He asked, “I thought your husband licked the
come from your cunt.” I laughed and told him, “Don’t worry, he’s going to lick
this all up!”

I then kicked off my shoes, took off my skirt and shimmied out of my
panty hose and panties. I straddled his lap and rocked back and forth on his
cock until it was buried all the way in my pussy. As soon as it was all the
way in, I began to come. I fell forward, laying my head on his shoulder as my
pussy twitched and I shuddered. When my spasms finally subsided, I sat up and
unbuttoned my blouse. I unsnapped the front clasp of my bra and fully exposed
my tits to his view. He cupped my breasts in his hands and began to softly
lick one of my nipples. “No,” I said, “be rough — give me some hickeys!” That
was all of the encouragement he needed. He squeezed my breasts hard and began
to lightly bite one of my nipples. As he started to maul my breasts, I began
to gyrate my hips as I slowly slid up and down his dick.

In a few minutes we were both building to a violent orgasm. He pulled
his hands from my breasts and grabbed my ass, pulling me tight against his
groin and pushing his dick as deep in me as possible. I could feel his cock
twitch as he spurted his come into the condom. Just then there was a knock on
the door and my husband softly called my name. That sent me over the edge and
I groaned loudly as I came. My husband again knocked and I regained enough of
my composure to call out to my husband to wait a minute.

We held each other and shared a deep sensuous kiss. I stood and his cock
slipped out of my cunt with a loud squishing sound. I immediately began to
roll the condom off his cock, making sure to collect as much of his come as
possible in the rubber sleeve. When it was off, I milked the final drops of
sperm from his cock and collected that in the condom too. I then tied it
closed and put it in my purse. My friend stood and pulled up his pants. I
handed him my panties and told them that they were for him. I then gave him
the wrapper from the condom and asked him to give it to my husband. I gave him
one last kiss and let him squeeze past me out the door.

As soon as he was out the door, I shut and locked it again. I pressed my
ear against the door to hear what the two men would say. My new lover was
chuckling and complimenting my husband on what a hot little wife he had. He
then made a comment about what pretty panties I’d and I could imagine him
folding my panties and placing them in his pocket in front of my husband. I
then heard him say, “Boy, did she have a tight cunt and her white titties were
so big and soft. Oh, by the way, I think this must me yours.” With that he
handed my husband the wrapper from the condom and laughed as he strode back to
his seat.

I put my pantyhose into my purse, closed my bra, buttoned my blouse and
put my skirt back on. The moment I felt that huge prick inside of me I knew
that I would never be satisfied with just my husband’s cock again. Now I’d to
face my husband and see if he could live with this change. I took a deep
breath and opened the door. There stood my husband, his mouth hanging open,
the condom wrapper clutched in his hand and a huge erection pressing against
his pants. I patted his cock and said, “Sorry honey, but you were so late, I
started without you. Now go get cleaned up.” With that I sauntered past him
and returned to my seat.

That night in our hotel room I’d him strip and then I tied his hands
behind his back with one of his neck ties. I pushed him into a chair and then
blindfolded him with one of my scarves. I then went into the bathroom and
stripped out of my clothes. I took my lover’s condom from my purse and a pair
of fingernail scissors. I also got the remaining condom from my suitcase.

I put the new condom on my husband’s cock and quickly straddled him. I
pushed my tits in his face and ordered him to lick my nipples. As he complied,
I told him about my initiation into the Mile High Club and the fact that I’d
found that I wanted to have other lovers. I asked him if he was willing to
share me with other men and he responded, “I’m your obedient slave.” I then
removed the blindfold and he was able to see the bruises and hickeys on my
breasts. His thrusts became more rapid and it was clear that he was excited by
the proof of my tryst. I then held up the used condom before his eyes. His
eyes widened and he pulled his lips from my nipple as he saw how much of the
condom had been unrolled — proof of my lover’s size. I pulled his head back to
my breast and when he was licking away once more, I cut the knot from the
condom and let my lover’s come dribble onto my breasts. The sperm was now
clear, but it was sticky as it flowed across my breast. The liquid ran across
my flesh and into my husband’s mouth. As soon as he tasted it, his cock began
to twitch in orgasm.

Since that day, I’ve gone on the Pill and now my husband really does lick
my lover’s come from my pussy! I now have three steady lovers whom I see on a
regular basis. Each has a large, handsome prick. My lovers and I are very
discreet — my husband doesn’t even know their identities. I wonder what he’d
say if he knew that one of my lovers was his own boss. I must say that it’s
quite a power trip to imagine your husband naked and on his hands and knees
scrubbing the bathroom floor with his toothbrush while laying spread-eagled
across his desk while his boss pounds my pussy with his ten inch cock! However,
that’s another story….

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