Kinky schoolgirls – Marissa

“Yes, Absolutely!” the professor cried, “That’s just the

Some student had obviously made a remark that pleased
him, and Marissa was jolted from her daydream by his reaction. As
she looked around, she saw a sea of smiles, the students hoping
that the professor’s pleasure would somehow result in a reduced
homework assignment.

As the lecture began again, Marissa could not
concentrate, no matter how hard she tried. Remembering those
early years had caused a sweet ache in her loins, and a congested
feeling throughout her lower abdomen.

She knew that remembering those early sexual experiences
was not helping her one bit, but like a hungry person standing by
a diner’s exhaust fan, captivated by the aroma, she fed upon
those forbidden experience, knowing that they would do nothing to
satisfy her appetite.

She tried so hard not to, but she closed her eyes anyway,
and recalled the night that she could never forget.

Todd was already twelve, and was certainly old enough to
bathe himself, if he did it properly. But, like most boys his
age, he considered bathing an inconvenience that had to be
endured, if not perfected.

He took showers by himself most nights, but his mother
continued to bathe him once a week to clean all those hard to
reach places he ignored so well. Marissa hadn’t helped with the
bath in months, being more interested in a TV program that stared
her favorite teen heartthrob, which began at 8:00pm, Todd’s usual
bath time.

Mari always took her bath after her brother. She would
lie on the couch in her panties and robe, watching TV until Todd
was done. Sometimes, knowing she couldn’t get caught, she’d put
her hand down her panties and rub a little when she saw the guy
she liked. It was so exciting, doing it there in the living room.
It gave her a strange free feeling, as though she were getting
away with something.

“Marissa, come here, please.” It was her mother. She had
heard the phone ring and went into the kitchen, thinking it was
for her.

“It’s your aunt Claire, I’m going to be on for a while.
Go make sure Todd finishes washing, he’ll be out of that tub in
two minutes if nobody’s around.”

“OK, mom,” she said as she left the room. She hated to
miss the rest of the program, but knowing that her mother needed
help, she understood.

Todd and Marissa got along as well as two siblings could.
They genuinely liked each other. They were both so much smarter
and more mature than their peers. Taking refuge in each other was
only natural.

“Jeez, sis, what are you doing here?” Todd asked,
covering himself a little with his arm.

“Mom’s on the phone and she thinks you need supervision,
little brother,” she answered. The movement of his arm got her
attention. What was he hiding? As she knelt down next to the tub,
she saw. “I can’t believe it,” she thought.

Todd had started growing hair. Not much, but it formed a
little fur collar around the base of his penis. His penis was
larger, too. And he looked different, more mature. She hadn’t
noticed this before, she reasoned, because she saw him every day.

“This is humiliating, Mari,” Todd complained. “I’m going
on thirteen. Mom’s bad enough, but you…”

“Oh, humor her, Todd, she’s alone and she’s trying to do
her best,” Mari cut in. “This won’t hurt, little brother, I

“I know, I know, and don’t keep calling me ‘little
brother,’ I’m not so little anymore. And you’re only fourteen.
There’s not that much difference in our ages.”

“Well, I’m a whole lot more mature than you are,”
replied Marissa.

Todd immediately felt a tingle of excitement go down his
spine. “What do you mean?” he asked, hoping to draw her out.

“Nevermind, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No, really Mari, what did you mean?” asked Todd, the
excitement evident in his voice. If only she gave him a few
intimate details about her physical development, his life would
be complete.

But Marissa only said, “Let’s get on with the bath.”
Disappointed, Todd didn’t reply.

Marissa soaped up the washcloth and did Todd’s back. That
too, seemed bigger. Her brother really was growing up. She felt
strangely excited, being in here with him like this. He just
didn’t seem like a kid to her anymore.

Marissa finished Todd’s back. “O.K., turn over on your
side and we’ll get those cheeks washed.”

Todd did as he was told, turning over on his left side.
Mari soaped up the washcloth and began running it down her
brothers rear end like she had done countless times before.
Then, without thinking and without knowing why, she picked up the
soap and lathered up her hands.

She had never used her bare hands on Todd’s rear end
before, but somehow she couldn’t resist. She began to soap his
cheeks slowly, running her middle finger just slightly into the
crack. The room was dead silent.

Todd, who normally would have protested and told her to
hurry up, was lying on his side as though in a trance. The
previous conversation had gotten him really hot, even though
nothing much had been said. He was thinking about how physically
mature Mari was, and started wondering how much hair she had. At
school, his friends were always talking about whether this girl
or that had started getting hair yet.

Todd felt himself starting to get a boner. He tried
frantically to will it down, but that was impossible. When you’re
thirteen, once it’s up, it’s up. Hey, that’s the way boys are.

As she slowly rubbed his butt, Mari looked over her
brother’s shoulder and saw, to her utter amazement, that Todd had
a boner.

Her body stiffened. She realized, with shame, that she
had, in an instant, become extremely sexually aroused. It was
partly the shock.

Marissa had never seen an erection before. Her friend Sue
had found her dad’s sexually explicit videos, and she watched
them when he taught evening classes. Sue told her all about
erections and other forbidden things. In truth, Sue’s stories
about what happened in the movies excited her greatly, but she
was too embarrassed to ask if she could watch them, too.

And now, seeing a real live boner, and knowing that it
was her actions that caused it; Marissa became weak with

Todd’s erection looked to be about five inches long. The
glistening head was sticking out of the water, and as Marissa
watched, she could see it jerking slightly, the result of Todd’s
sexual response. She felt his arousal, and as Mari continued to
rub Todd’s cheeks, her excitement grew, feeding off the reality
of what was happening.

That her hand was having such an effect on a boy was
fueling her reaction. As she rubbed, she could feel herself
opening, the wetness flowing into her panties.

“Just making sure everything is clean,” she heard herself
say. Mari didn’t recognize her own voice. It sounded weak, raspy.

Todd heard the difference in Marissa’s voice, and looked
up at her, over his shoulder. He saw that she was looking at his
boner and tried covering it with his hand. “I’m sorry, sis, I
tried to keep it down, but…well, I couldn’t control myself,” he
stammered. He looked at Mari, and she saw the fear and shame in
his eyes.

“Don’t worry, I understand, “Marissa said softly. She
watched as Todd’s expression softened, the fear leaving his eyes.
And Todd, looking at Mari, saw that she wasn’t angry. As they
looked at each other, it became apparent to both of them
simultaneously that they could trust each other.

And then, in an instant, Marissa knew why she was so
turned on. She was young, but she had a fine analytical mind. As
she realized why she was so excited, her shame left her.

Marissa had developed a fantasy about Roger, one of the
boys in school that she used in the bathtub regularly. In it, he
was ill, a cold or something, and she was his nurse. She had to
give him a sponge bath, and when she rubbed his chest, he got an

While she masturbated, Marissa would imagine Roger
telling her how sexy she was and saying, “Please, please, Mari,
just touch it for me, please…” over and over, while he looked
at her with that pleading expression on his face.

Then she would reach out and take him gently in her hand,
and as she looked into Roger’s eyes, Marissa would start to get
the feeling. Then a few more strokes on her clitoris and she
would have to stop.

Nothing more ever happened. It didn’t need to. Just
looking into his eyes and touching his erect penis did it.

Now Marissa realized that this was a real-life variation
of her fantasy. Looking into Todd’s eyes, his erection…it was
so obvious to her. It wasn’t really Todd who was turning her on,
it was the event.

With her realization, Mari’s shame was replaced by a
furious sexual arousal, stronger than anything she had ever
experienced before. The reptilian thing grew in her hindbrain,
and started crawling. It knew what it needed.

“I understand, Todd,” she repeated herself.

“OK,” she said, “you can turn onto your back, now.”

“If I do,” Todd said with some confidence, “it’ll be
pointing at he ceiling.”

“That’s all right, it’s only natural, I’m not angry,”
Marissa tried her best to sound detached.

As he looked at his sister, Todd could sense her
excitement. It was the expression on her face. Todd took a deep
breath, and took a big chance, the little head thinking for the
big one.

“Sis, can I ask you something. Are you hot, too?”

Marissa avoided the question. “I shouldn’t have stared.
To be honest, I just never saw one hard before, and, well, I
didn’t even know you were old enough to get hard. That’s all”

Todd was just too quick. “Oh, I get it. So give me the
washcloth and I’ll cover it up as I turn over. I mean, you don’t
want a better look or anything, right?”

Marissa thought about it for a few seconds. She was just
so horny. This was her fantasy come true. She could feel the
wetness soaking her panties. But this was also her brother, and
there might be hell to pay.

She thought it over in greater depth. Todd knew the
truth, that she was “hot,” as he said. He was just too smart to
fool. Besides, she trusted him. She knew from his demeanor that
he wouldn’t hurt her. And she wanted a better look so bad.

“Let me see it.” It was just a whisper. “You’re right
Todd, I do want to see it.” There, it was said.

“If I do, can I see yours?” Without giving her time to
answer, Todd pressed on. “I’ve always wanted to see what a girl
looks like down there,” he stammered. “Look, something just
happened here. I may be thirteen, but I’m not on the honor-roll
because I’m stupid. I thought maybe I was the only one who was
curious about sex, but now I know you are, too, and that’s only

He paused for a moment. If he got this right, all his
prayers would be answered. With a cunning normally seen only in
the clinically insane, he continued.

“You’re the smartest girl I know. You want to know stuff,
and so do I. We’re not like the other kids, we’re smarter. Think
of this as a learning experience, kinda like school. If we both
promise not to say anything, what can happen? And we’re not doing
anything wrong, just learning. Please, Mari, this may be my only
chance for years.”

He gave her all the excuses she needed. “Deal.”

He rolled over onto his back, exposing himself for her.
She stared at it, transfixed. “God, Todd, it’s amazing. Does it
hurt when it gets so hard?” she asked. “The knob on top looks
like it’s going to burst.”

“It doesn’t hurt, Mar. Actually it feels great!” Todd
thought about it for a second. “Look, I know this is new to both
of us. This might never happen again.” He tried to say it right.
“Neither one of us has any experience with this kind of
stuff…what I’m trying to say is, well, if you want to know what
one feels like,” he braced himself, “you can feel mine.”

She looked at him to see if he was making fun of her. He
wasn’t. He had made an honest and difficult offer. “I would,”
she said resolutely.

“If I let you, you’ve got to let me touch yours, too.
It’s only fair.” He added, “You’ve got no idea how much I want to
feel a real girl. I’m going crazy and there’s nobody else I can
trust enough to ask.” He looked away. “And the Oscar goes
to…Todd!” he thought.

Marissa thought about it. Her brother showed remarkable
nerve and maturity asking to feel her. She’d never had a strange
hand on her pussy. And, if she was going to be honest with
herself, she had fantasized about what it would feel like for a
long time.

“Todd, if I let you touch me, and I touch you, can I be
sure it won’t go any farther. I mean, this is really serious
stuff. People wouldn’t understand. I don’t understand.”

“Listen, Mari, I’ve got just as much to lose as you do.
This gets out, nobody looks good. Think about it, we’re in this
together. I promise I’ll never say anything to anybody, so help
me God. What about you?”

“I trust you. I’ll never say anything either,” she
answered. He looked into her eyes and, being satisfied, nodded.

As she gently took her brother’s penis in her hand,
Marissa felt a freedom and excitement so wonderful, she wished it
could last forever. Todd, shaking with arousal, started to move
his hips slightly as she felt him.

Keeping her right thumb at the base of his penis, she
cupped his scrotum with her other fingers. Without realizing it,
she began pressing herself against the side of the tub. Her
mother’s voice from the kitchen snapped the spell.

“Marissa, make sure Todd dries off completely. I’ll be
on for a while.”

The two siblings looked at each other. Todd got out of
the tub, his penis pointing straight at the ceiling. Marissa
reached for a towel, handing it to her.

“O.K., my turn,” he said, taking the towel from her.

“It’s too dangerous.” Marissa answered.

“No it’s not. Just open your robe and pull your panties
down in front. I know that’s all you wear under your robe when
you take your bath. And a deal is a deal. Come on, Mari.”

Mari put her back against the door. “If mom tries to come
in, this will give us a few seconds,” she said.

Marissa opened her robe, and pulled down her panties.

“Jeez, look at all that hair,” he whispered, his voice
thick. “When did you start getting it?”

“When I was eleven,” she replied, the slightest taunt in
her voice. She felt bad immediately. Todd was way older than
that now, and only had hair around the base. “But girls mature
faster than boys,” she said. “That’s what I meant before. But
you’re very mature for your age.”

“Well, golly, gee, thanks,” was all he could think of to
say. He reached out and touched her pussy hair gently. Then he
looked at her face and said, “You can touch mine, again, if you
want. What you did before felt great.”

So they faced each other, standing on the bathroom rug.
They got right to work, both feeling the exhileration of total
freedom. For the first time in their lives, they could explore
the opposite sex without guilt or fear. Anything went. After all,
this was a learning experience.

As Todd’s hand combed wildly through Mari’s thick, dark
pubic hair, she grasped his shaft, delighting in how the soft
outer skin slid smoothly over the head.

“How does this feel?” Todd asked. He had begun rubbing
her lightly, taking his time, realizing that he had more than
just a few seconds.

“I know that girls are supposed to pretend that nothing
feels good, but what your doing feels really good, Todd.”

“God Mari, me too. I never felt anything so good in my
whole life. Please just squeeze and massage it on top.” She did
what he asked. “Oh, just like that,” he moaned.

Todd was now excited to the point of almost passing out.
The realization that his hand was feeling his sister’s pussy, and
giving her pleasure, and that she was doing the same to him
proved to be more than his senses could bear. In only a few
seconds, he started to come.

As Todd gave out a low, long grunt, Marissa felt his
penis begin flexing rhythmically in her hand, three, four, five,
and then, as he thrust his hips forward, it squirted out two
small jets of sticky, hot semen into her hand, its first issue,
and then stopped all together. They both stood there, stunned.
Five seconds, eight seconds…

“Todd, you alright?”

“Yeah, I think so. So that’s what it feels like.”

“Like what feels like?”

“Todd, aren’t you finished yet?!” It was their mother.
“Mari, why isn’t Todd finished?…Todd I need some help!”

Well, Todd was finished. He slipped on his robe and
slipped into his bedroom. “It’s OK mom, Todd is in his room. I’m
going to take my bath now.” Mari said it as naturally as she
could. She was weak with sexual arousal, but she thought she
sounded natural enough.

Marissa quickly closed the door, and locked it carefully.
She cleaned the tub as fast as she could, and began running her
bath. As the water rushed into the tub, she took off her robe.
Marissa pulled off her panties and examined them. Soaking wet.
She rinsed them in the sink. Then she raised her arms over her
head, checking her underarms. Did they need a shave?

All these fussy things Marissa did slowly, putting off the
bath until she couldn’t wait anymore. Then she got in.

Mari soaped her arms, her sides, her legs. She washed
under her left arm, feeling the stubble of hair, and brought her
hand down to her breast. Slowly, she soaped the breast, paying
special attention to her nipple. She felt the rush go through
her body. Marissa was on fire.

She washed down her body, and quickly arrived at her
vagina. The time for teasing was over She was just too hot. Mari
soaped herself between the lips, feeling the slippery sides as
she washed. Then she knew it was time. She couldn’t stand it

Lathering up her right hand, she began to soap her
clitoris. It had been erect since Todd’s bath, her overpowering
state of arousal keeping it that way. Pulling back the hood, she
began soaping the engorged glans. It was so sensitive she could
barely touch it.

Soaping the base first, Marissa worked her way up the
shaft, slowly massaging the swollen tip with her soapy thumb,
sending wave upon wave of painful pleasure through it. She could
barely stand it, it hurt so good.

Then Marissa stopped. She cupped her hand and rinsed the
whole area, gently easing the skin back over the shaft. Marissa
noting that it only covered about half of her clitoris, the fiery
head too swollen to be covered completely by the hood.

Mari relaxed as best she could. It was time for the
payoff. She expertly found the spot she liked on the right side,
and began masturbating in light rhythmic strokes. She wallowed in
the pleasure, turning her head slowly from side to side. After
ten seconds, her hand picked up speed, fueled by the sensations
it was generating. On and on she went, faster and faster, driven
by the oldest, strongest instinct know to humanity.

As Marissa masturbated, she relived Todd’s bath in small
discreet images; his erection, his tremendous excitement, and
finally, knowing she was close, the feel of his penis as it
pulsated in her hand, and the low animalistic sounds of pleasure
he made.

That was all it took. Marissa felt herself getting
closer and closer to the feeling. “Almost there,” she thought.
“Almost, almost…oh, yeah, oh yeah, ahhh.” And there she was.

As the intense pleasure bloomed and then exploded, she
slowed down as usual, savoring the sweetest feeling on earth,
making it last.

But this time was different. This time Marissa was way
too excited to stop. She didn’t care about life, death, reason or
insanity, only the pleasure she was feeling, and the next moment
that would bring her some relief.

As every nerve ending in her clitoris screamed, she kept
on and on, lost in her own rhythmic insanity. The feeling became
so strong that her skin seemed to pull off her body, hang there
suspended…and then it snapped back, as she rubbed herself
beyond the point of no return, toward the greatest release that
teenager or madwoman had ever known.

The first contraction took her completely by surprise;
she thought she was going into convulsions. But still Marissa
couldn’t stop. Her nipples tightened up into knots as contraction
after contraction wracked her body. She felt sure she was dying,
but she kept rubbing, anyway, driven by a power greater than

Finally, after ten contractions, it was over. The peace
she felt was amazing. After a few seconds, she was hit with an
aftershock, then another, then…nothing. She lay there,
completely drained. She’d had her first orgasm. She would never
forget it.

After four or five minutes in a post-orgasmic stupor,
Marissa felt strong enough to get up. She showered off the bath
soap quickly, standing on rubber legs. Her nipples and clitoris
had relaxed, but were still painfully sensitive. She dried
herself carefully, and put on her robe.

Back in her bedroom as she dressed, Marissa went over it
all again. Now she knew what Sue had meant when she said, “…and
you know, you have to get yourself off.”

So this was it. She’d had her first orgasm. What a
difference between what she had been doing before, and what
happened tonight. This was a cure for horniness. The way she felt
now, Marissa was sure she would never be bothered by it again.
She couldn’t even think about sex.

When she joined her brother and mother, she was worried
that her orgasm was written all over her face. But after a while,
she knew they didn’t know. But Marissa’s life had changed. Now
she knew why adults didn’t go insane. This was the most satisfied
and relaxed she had ever felt in her whole life.

“So, what do you say? Mari, are you listening to me?
Mari!” It was Bob, and she realized all at once she was in psych
class and he had been talking to her.

“I’m sorry Bob, guess I was lost in thought. What did you

“I was telling you about the film in the student center
tomorrow night. It’s some artsy thing from Europe, but I have to
see it for my film class. Would you like to come with me?” He
added, “My treat of course.”

There was something so appealing about this guy. “Sure,
Bob, I’d love to go with you.”

They agreed to meet in front of the student center the
following evening.

As Marissa headed for her next class, Vicki caught up
with her. “Nice guy, where did you meet him?” she asked.

“In the shower room,” Marissa answered. They looked at
each other for a moment, and then they both cracked up.

That night in bed, Marissa had a tough time falling
asleep. Her urge to masturbate was unrelenting. But she fought it
off, telling herself she was stronger than the urge.

She had already resisted longer than she had ever been
able to before. She emptied her mind of all thought. In truth
she was exhausted. Slowly, she began to fall asleep.

The reptilian thing, sensing defeat, retreated back down
her brain to the place where it lived, and also slept.

It hadn’t fed in a week, and it was as hungry as it had
ever been. It had lost today, but it had no fear. Time was on its
side. It knew it couldn’t be denied forever. And, after all,
tomorrow was another day.

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