Hillary had changed to a full-length black Lycra catsuit. It was obvious that
she wore nothing underneath, as the snugness of the bodysuit left little to the
imagination. She also wore some extremely high-heeled leather boots, the
product of some fetish stores’ catalog. The only part of Hillary exposed was
her face, but she seemed as “X” rated as any person Janet had ever seen. She
had a very adequate body. Nice tits, pretty good legs. However, compared to
the woman she had bound in front of her she was an ugly duckling. Hillary had
a 36-inch chest, but only a “C” cup. Janet had a 36-inch chest also, but she
had a DD cup. Most of her chest was actually breast, while with Hillary and
her more normal dimensions it was as much rib cage as anything else
Hillary was a full two inches taller then Janet’s 5’7″, but Janet’s legs were
almost three inches longer then Hillary’s. Janet’s waist was 2 inches smaller,
her hips a couple of inches narrower. Her lips fuller, her eyes green instead
of the normal brown of Hillary. It all added up to a perfect looking woman.
And Hillary felt no envy or need to be like her. All she felt was lust, and
power. She owned this woman now, this perfectly bodied thing. In the dating
world Hillary would never have gotten anything from someone like Janet. But
here and now, and forever she could take anything she wanted, do what she
wanted. What she wanted now was to take away all hope and movement from Janet.
To bind her as tightly and strictly as possible. She drug Janet back over to
the cedar chest, reveling in the moans of fear and resistance coming from
Janet’s rubber filled mouth.
“Lets finish those legs up, shall we Janet?”
She brought Janet up onto her knees again, her legs curled up so her butt was
sitting on her feet. All the way up and down the leggings there were leather
lacings. Beginning at the top of the outside of her left thigh, she laced
together with her ankle. Slowly, tightly she looped from her ankle and thigh
down to her knee, fusing her leg together under her butt. She then did the
same thing along the inside of her leg, going up and down the bound limb time
and again to make sure there was absolutely no slack at all in the lacings. By
the time she was done Janet’s left leg was completely immobile, strapped under
her ass. Finally a very wide, very stiff leather belt was pulled around the
bound leg, covering almost half of her thigh and calf. It was just another
redundant addition to an already inescapable bondage, another layer of leather
to wrap Janet into.
With the same deliberate pace, Hillary did the exact same thing to Janet’s
right leg fusing it from ankle to thigh in a leather prison. The wide belt to
complete the binding and from the waist down, Janet was immobilized. Hillary
got up to look at her handiwork. Janet was sitting on leather encased legs,
her shoulders straining against the binder completely enfolding her arms. Her
face crisscrossed by straps holding in a huge rubber ball in her mouth. Her
massive chest forced to thrust out because of the posture her bound arms forced
her to take. She was twisted her magnificent body left and right to try and
get some sort of relief from her bondage.
“Well Janet, now it is going to get harder. As you might have noticed, I like
the idea of you being helpless. Right now you have way too much movement
available to you. We can take care of that pretty easy.”
Janet was terrified. What else could this bitch do to her? She tried to
plead for some sort of relief, groaning and squirming in displeasure. Hillary
was ignoring her, rummaging around in the hated cedar chest. She pulled out
yet another leather device, this one about two feet long and shaped like an
hourglass. Of course it had seemingly dozens of leather straps and metal
buckles hanging from it.
“Janet, this is a corset. Of course it is unlike any corset y9ou might have
tried on before. It is all leather, but boned with steel. It is 22 inches
wide when placed on, but when you twist this little knob,” Hillary kindly
showed Janet a small dial type knob. ” Then I can force your waist to as small
as 16 inches. Of course it is not comfortable and breathing becomes a bit more
labored, but wow does it look good. I don’t think I can get you below 20
inches without you not being able to breath, but we can sure see cant we?”
Janet violently shook her head no, the veins in her head and neck stood out as
she strained to get away. Hillary simply went around behind her, lifted her
bound arms away from her back, and easily slipped the corset around her waist.
It looked soft and pliable, but it was in actuality extremely stiff because it
was so heavily boned with steel ribs. It was still loosely laced together, and
Janet felt like she could not breathe already. Hillary rapidly pulled the
laces completely together, so it fit Janet’s 22-inch waist perfectly. Janet’s
breathing was slightly labored now as she strained to stay upright to keep
pressure off her diaphragm. Hillary stepped back around in front of Janet and
put her hand on the small dial there. She very slowly began turning if
clockwise. It had a gauge on it showing how small it was getting. 22 inches, 21
and a half, 21 inches, 20 and a half, 20. Janet was desperate now, straining
for breath. Hillary finally stopped her torturous turning of the knob. She
sighed a bit heavily and looked at Janet with disappointment.
“Nineteen and a half inches is all I dare do. That is pretty lame.” Hillary
had a sadistic smirk on her face as she said this. “Of course you have the next
ten years or so to work on making your figure a little better.”
Janet could only moan, looking down at her body as she did it. A thin stream
of droll dripped from her mouth and landed on her right tit. She groaned
again, unable to control even the simplest thing about herself anymore. Her
breathing was now a constant labored pant, between the ball gag and the
incredibly strict corset.
While Janet stared at her own bound body, Hillary had pulled two massive dildos
from the chest.
“I would guess a slut like you knows all about these.” Hillary said,
brandishing the larger of the two plugs. “This one is for your overused cunt,
it is only 8′, but you see how it is heavily ribbed?”
Janet did nothing but groan some more.
“It is that way so that if it goes in it cannot come out even if it is not
strapped in, unless it is pulled out by hand. Of course I am going to strap it
in because I like the fact it just violates you even more.”
A leather strap ran from the front of her crotch, attached to the corset.
Hillary fit the larger dildo into a bayonet mount onto this strap. She pushed
Janet onto her back, so she was lying on her arms. Her feet were underneath
her ass, with them in their point position she could not get any leverage to
try and get up. Hillary easily pushed Janet’s legs apart and lubed up the
dildo. Janet was sobbing into the gag, staring at the ceiling, unable to fight
what was happening. She felt as the tip of the invader pressed against her
pussy, pushing the folds of her sex back behind Hillary’s pressure. Hillary
sadistically did not take her time with this, ramming the full 8 inches of the
device into Janet’s unwilling body. Janet screamed into her gag in pain and
humiliation, but it emerged from the gag as a soft moan.
Holding onto the dildo strap, Hillary easily flipped Janet onto her stomach.
She lubed up the smaller (5 and a half inch) dido up and bayonet mounted it
onto the same strap. She pushed apart Janet’s legs again, and rapidly rammed
it into Janet’s virgin ass. As Janet squirmed and screamed under her, Hillary
quickly pulled the end of the dildo strap through a buckle attached to the back
of the corset. A click of a lock and the invaders were sealed into Janet’s
body for as long as Hillary chose to keep them there. A very short strap ran
from the center of the dildo strap, and Hillary looped this through an “O”
ring at the very bottom of the arm binder. Hillary pulled this strap as
tightly as she could, pulling Janet’s body a little farther back as she did so.
Now every twitch of her upper body drove the plugs deeper into Janet’s poor
body. Hillary was no longer taking her time as the lust and excitement of the
situation made her more eager to make Janet suffer. Six-inch wide straps ran
from the corset that Hillary pulled around Janet’s arms. These straps
crisscrossed each other, pulling Janet’s arms so tight against Janet’s body
that she could not move any part of her arm even an inch. With just a little
effort, Hillary got Janet back up onto her knees and heels. Snot ran from
Janet’s nose, with a lot of drool working its way past the strict gag. Janet’s
face was wet with tears and sweat.
Hillary was back in front of Janet now, staring at Janet’s amazing chest. She
got on her own knees and began kneading the soft, plaint chest. She brought
her mouth to Janet’s nipples sucking and biting lightly at them.
“The reason I finally picked you Janet was these tits. I am big fan of breast
bondage, and girls with fake tits are no good for that.”
She pulled another ominous looking device out of the chest.
“This is another of my inventions.” She said. “It is a breast bondage device
for the well endowed, which you are by leagues my dear.”
The device was mostly metal with leather straps. I was shaped like a metal
number eight with several thin metal arcs attached to it.
“I’ll just put this on, and you can tell exactly what it does to you.”
Each side of the circles that made up the “8” of the device opened up like
handcuffs, with teeth in grooves to allow them to be tightened. Hillary leaned
Janet forward so her tits were hanging down. She then took one of the open
ends of a circle and closed it around her the very base of her right breast.
She ratcheted the circle more and more closed, as she did so the circle forced
Janet’s tit to protrude out unnaturally. The skin around her tit was getting
moor and more stretched as the circle got tighter and tighter. Janet thought
for sure that either her tit would explode, or get cut off by the pressure.
Hillary finally stooped with her right breast, but quickly took the other end
of the device and performed the same torture on her poor right mammary. Thin
straps were attached to the sides of the circles that ran under Janet’s arms to
the corset behind Janet’s back making the device into a perverse bra. Janet
stared with helpless dismay at her perfect breasts, thin blue veins plainly
visible on the huge white orbs.
“Now comes the really cool thing I came up with” Hillary explained.
On each circle were 6 thin arcs of metal, Hillary took the top one on Janet’s
left breast and connected it to a slot on the other side of the circle. The
arc was much smaller then Janet’s distended tits, so the metal dug deep into
the soft flesh of the breast. Hillary pulled the second wire across Janet’s
tit. It was even more difficult to attach because it was farther down on the
tit, so there was less room. It cut across her breast as it clicked closed.
Hillary rapidly closed the other four arcs over Janet’s tortured tit. Her boob
looked like fine white clay that had been forced into an area much to small for
it. Her flesh strained out between the areas of the metal cage covering her
chest. Hillary rapidly snapped the metal web over the other tit, completing
the breast bondage.
Janet bound
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