Hot pant teachers

Principal Warren Parker looked over the room full of teachers who had assembled for the first teachers’ meeting of the year. In particular, he noticed the four young women seated in the front row. The four of them had been hired over the summer to fill vacancies created on the staff by the unexpected transfer of other teachers.

“I’m afraid your skirt is much too short for this community, Miss Harper,” he informed the young woman seated on the far left.

Sharon Harper felt the blood rushing to her face as she uncrossed her shapely legs and self-consciously tugged at her skirt. She could feel the other teachers’ eyes on her and could distinctly overhear a few suppressed snickers. Just twenty-two and fresh out of teachers’ college, she was too inexperienced to be offended by Mr. Parker’s personal comment. Instead, she felt deeply embarrassed and a little disappointed that she had created such a negative impression. She was slightly surprised, too, for the school principal was a youngish-looking man whom she would not have considered so old-fashioned.

Mr. Parker’s eyes moved to the next young woman. “The same goes for you, Miss Meade,” he said.

Like her fellow teacher, Ruth Meade found herself blushing hotly and could sense the satisfaction the other teachers were quietly having at her expense. She was also on her first teaching assignment and did not know how to respond to Mr. Parker’s criticism. Feeling sheepish, she kept her eyes averted and said nothing.

Mr. Parker’s eyes passed on to the third newcomer, twenty-eight-year-old Donna Johnson, the new girls’ gym teacher. But this time he said nothing although Donna’s skirt was as short as the others, and the tall brunette was seated with her long legs casually crossed, revealing a generous amount of tan nylon. There was something about the look in her eyes that defied him to criticize her. She looked calm and poised and might be ready with a sharp retort that could cause laughter at his expense.

Mr. Parker looked at the fourth newcomer. This time there was no room for criticism. Although she was a flashy platinum blonde in her early twenties, Karen Miles could not be criticized for wearing a skirt that was too short. If anything, it was too long. As if she didn’t really care whether men looked at her or not. A brief flicker of annoyance crossed Mr. Parker’s face.

“Now, I didn’t mean to embarrass anyone,” Mr. Parker addressed the group. “However, the point is that we are living in a very conservative rural district, and the community expects high standards from all of us. Clothing or behavior that might be quite acceptable in more metropolitan communities may still be unacceptable here. Let’s keep that in mind at all times.”

He glanced pointedly at the four young women as he spoke. Of the four, only Donna returned his gaze, and her eyes made it quite apparent that she intended to remain independent of his regulation.

“Now, tomorrow is the first day of school,” Mr. Parker continued. “I think everyone should know the procedure by this time, but are there any questions?”

As usual in such assemblies, there were numerous questions of a trivial variety and the meeting soon began to stretch out to boring lengths. Seated quietly in the front row, Sharon gradually began recovering from her earlier embarrassment. As she did, she began to experience some hostility for Mr. Parker. It was obvious that he had picked on her and Ruth because they were young and inexperienced. After all, Donna’s skirt was even shorter and she had escaped without a word of criticism.

Despite her irritation, however, Sharon was pleased that she had chosen the teaching assignment in the small Midwestern community. Even if she had isolated herself from the excitement of a larger urban community, she had at least freed herself from the oppressively strict home atmosphere in which she had grown up. For the first time in her life, she was truly free, and she intended to make the most of it. She was a little concerned about her ability to meet eligible men in that sparsely populated community, but that would all come in good time.

“How’d you like the nerve of that character?” Ruth asked her as soon as the meeting broke up. “What right has he got to criticize us like that in front of everyone?”

Sharon smiled sympathetically at her. She had taken an instant liking to Ruth. The young history teacher was no older than she was, and was an attractive brunette whose long hair hung below her shoulders and framed her pretty, sensitive-looking face. She had dark-brown eyes and a figure that any man would find appealing.

“I know,” Sharon told her. “I feel the same way.”

“Don’t let him get you down, girls,” Donna interjected. “School systems are filled with petty dictators who enjoy picking on those who can’t defend themselves.”

Although they had known each other for only a few days, Sharon felt a growing admiration for Donna. The brunette gym teacher was an obviously poised and experienced woman, and she possessed one of the most confident walks Sharon had ever seen. Standing nearly six feet tall in her stocking feet, she was rawboned and athletic but still quite attractive. There seemed little doubt that she was quite experienced as far as men were concerned, and Sharon felt that she would soon be seeking her advice.

“I suppose you’re right,” Ruth agreed. “But still, it annoys me.”

“You two ought to wear even shorter skirts tomorrow just to show him who’s boss,” Karen joined in.

“Good idea,” Sharon said, although he knew she wouldn’t dare do it.

The four young women left the school building and climbed into Donna’s late model economy car.

“It’s a good thing we found this place to stay,” Donna remarked as she started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

She was referring to the old Walton House, which was located only a couple of blocks from the school. Old Mr. Walton had been one of the original settlers in the territory and had built a large, two-story brick house that still remained in good condition. The house was available to be rented and the four spacious upstairs bedrooms were just what the four teachers were looking for.

“I’ll say,” Ruth agreed. “I’ll bet there’s not another place to stay for miles around.”

“That’s one of the problems of these rural-type school districts,” Donna remarked. “Of course, that’s not the main problem, by any means.”

“What is?” Sharon asked innocently. “No cock,” Donna answered bluntly.

Ruth laughed rather uneasily and Sharon felt a little embarrassed by Donna’s earthy language. But she didn’t want to say anything lest she betray her own inexperience. The others would surely be highly amused if they discovered she was still a virgin.

“Well, don’t you agree?” Donna asked in a rather aggressive manner when no one responded.

“I really hadn’t thought about it.” Ruth was the only one of the three to come up with an answer.

Sharon noticed that Karen was looking out the window, pointedly ignoring the conversation.

“Well, you’d better start thinking about it,” Donna warned her. “Otherwise, it’s going to be a cold winter.”

There was silence for a moment.

“Well, what are you going to do about it?” Ruth inquired, asking the question that Sharon wanted to ask but dared not.

Donna laughed. “Let’s face it, girls,” she said. “There’s not a bachelor on that teaching staff, and the chances of finding an eligible man around here are nil. Therefore, there’s only one place to go!”

Sharon was not sure what she meant.

“The students?” Ruth asked, a tone of disbelief in her voice.

“What else?” Donna asked with a smile.

“Are you serious?” Ruth persisted.

“Sure,” Donna replied. “Listen, I’ve taught in these rural school districts and I can tell you something. These farm boys have big cocks and they know how to use them!”

At first, Sharon could hardly believe her ears, and simply assumed that Donna was joking. After all, a female teacher could get into considerable trouble if caught having an affair with a teenaged pupil.

They arrived at Walton House and the conversation continued as they moved into the living room.

“You must be kidding, Donna,” Ruth insisted. “You could get into a lot of trouble fooling around with a student.”

The attractive gym teacher smiled at her, as if she considered her hopelessly naive. “If you’re going to be a teacher, there’s one thing you should learn in a hurry,” she explained. “A boy never complains when a woman teacher rapes him! Believe me, they never complain.”

Sharon and Ruth looked at one another.

“Do they really have big cocks?” Ruth asked with a laugh.

With an amused grin, Donna spread her hands to indicate the dimensions of an imaginary cock. “Very big,” she said, smiling at them. “Just think about it, girls. You’ve got a consolidated school district with several hundred boys, a lot of them eighteen years old and with cocks that long!” Once again she spread her hands apart.


Donna was right, Sharon told herself. There was no reason to pass up an opportunity like that. Sharon had been raised by extremely strict parents in a small town in the South. Unlike the other girls in her own age group, she was permitted to date only on an infrequent basis and always under rather close supervision. Her parents had very strong views on the subject of sex, and her mother had done her best to make Sharon understand that sexual feelings should be suppressed. As a result, Sharon remained a virgin, and quite uninformed an sexual matters.

Following her graduation from high school, Sharon attended a small teachers’ college in her home town. However, she continued living at home and remained very much under her parents’ domination. In college, she dated even less frequently than in high school. The young men who tried to date her were put off by her parents’ old-fashioned attitudes and by her shyness, which resulted mainly from her own lack of experience.

By the time she finished college, Sharon was an exceptionally attractive and fully mature young woman. Although of medium height, she was leggy and possessed a figure that men could not help but notice. Despite the opposition of her parents, she began dressing in a manner designed to attract attention. She always wore her skirts as short as the prevailing fashions would allow, and enjoyed wearing form-fitting sweaters that displayed her tits to best advantage. Although she always felt a little self-conscious when men booked at her, she enjoyed being the object of their attentions.

As far as the opposite sex was concerned, Sharon’s parents had accomplished exactly the opposite of what they had intended. When she accepted the teaching position, Sharon was more than ready to make up for lost time as far as sex was concerned. In fact, as she had admitted to herself on more than one occasion, she had, become a teacher with the idea that it would put her in contact with developing young men.

As Donna had predicted, many of the boys in her classes were quite mature, Sharon was quick to discern that the senior boys in her eight a.m. English class often cast appreciative glances at her well-filled sweaters and shapely, nylon-clad legs. Although she was concerned that she might incur Mr. Parker’s wrath, Sharon began making a point of wearing her tightest sweaters and shortest skirts to school. It was amusing to see how quickly she could catch the boys’ attention by crossing her legs with a flash of nylon, and she deliberately teased them, although at times she felt quite bold and a little shameless. But she wanted to do a lot more than simply tease.

“Take the initiative,” she heard Donna telling Ruth one day after school. “Believe me, there’s no one a boy would like to fuck better than a schoolteacher! But you have to make the first move. A boy isn’t going to risk getting his face slapped for nothing.”

Sharon envied Donna’s experience and wished that she could talk about such matters in that casual, offhand way. Donna was right; she would have to take the initiative if she wished to accomplish anything. Although she did not know whether she desired do so, she began thinking things out in a logical manner. First of all, she decided, she must select a partner.

It was not an easy matter to decide. Among the senior boys in her first class, there were a number of physically mature young men, including some athletes. She immediately rejected some of them because she felt that they might be inclined to talk about it, and that might cause her some embarrassment or even create a scandal. She rejected others for various reasons.

Finally, she concluded that Dale Benson was the most likely candidate. He was eighteen and physically quite mature, and she could see that he gave her admiring glances from time to time. Moreover, he was a quiet young man who did not associate wit the other students very much, and could therefore probably, be trusted to be discreet.

Moreover, she reminded herself, no one was likely to believe that unassuming young man even if he did decide to boast about making with the teacher. Having selected her prospective partner, Sharon vacillated for several days as she tried to get up her nerve, and thought about how to proceed. At times, she was tempted to ask Donna for advice, but was too embarrassed to admit her inexperience. Finally, she decided she would simply have to go ahead with it and see what happened.

Dressing for school the following morning, Sharon prepared to seduce her pupil. She rejected her favorite pantyhose in favor of sheer dark brown stockings held up by a trim white garter belt. She selected a pair of pink nylon panties that fit her curves quite snugly and permitted an interesting glimpse of her girlish charms. She started to put on a matching brassiere, but a daring thought suddenly occurred to her. Why not leave the bra off and carry it in her handbag instead? Dale was a conscientious student who was usually the first to arrive at class, and she could put the bra on after giving him an eyeful.

Instead of the sweaters that she normally preferred to wear, she selected a paper-thin white blouse. As she buttoned it down the back, she could see the outline of her ripe tits clearly on display beneath the filmy material. To go with the blouse, she selected a form-fitting red skirt that ended several inches above her knees. As a final touch, she put on a pair of very high heeled shoes designed to enhance her shapely legs and give added jounce to her unconfined tits.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror attached to the back of her bedroom door, Sharon found herself blushing slightly as she inspected herself. The blouse barely veiled her prominent tits, while the tight skirt emphasized her nicely rounded hips and ass. She looked and felt sexy. It was a good feeling, she told herself. She knew that she was going to be more than a little self-conscious, but nothing could be done about that.

She put on a light coat and made a point of making an early arrival at school. No one was in the class as she entered the room. Taking off her coat but keeping it handy in case the wrong person appeared on the scene, she sat down behind her desk and waited. Her heart was beginning to pound with expectation and she told herself she must be calm.

As she had expected, Dale was the first pupil on the scene. He seemed surprised to find her present and headed for his desk. Taking a deep breath and telling herself that she must not lose her nerve at this late date, Sharon got to her feet and stepped in front of the desk. Deliberately hoisting her skirt an inch or two, she leaned back against the desk with her right heel raised and placed against the desk.

“Would you mind coming here a minute, Dale?” she asked, in a throaty voice.

Sharon could see the look of surprise in his eyes as he glanced up from his desk. He was looking at her legs and she was sure he could see the tops of her nylons and perhaps a glimpse of bare thigh.

Slowly and almost suspiciously, he got up out of his seat and started walking toward her. Smiling provocatively at him, Sharon watched closely as he first became aware of her braless tits clearly on view beneath her filmy blouse. His eyes widened with surprise and excitement. Sharon knew she was blushing but she didn’t care. She felt brazen but it was exciting.

Dale could not remove his eyes from her tits as he stepped up to her. In a flash, Sharon could see that it was going to be just as easy as Donna had said it would be. She relaxed and began to enjoy herself enormously.

“How would you like to stay after school and help me do something, Dale?” she asked in a teasing voice, letting her tongue roll lightly over her lips as she spoke.

She could see him gulp with surprise. “Well, sure,” he stammered. “Okay.”

Sharon playfully toyed with one of the buttons of his shirt. “That’s fine, Dale,” she told him, deliberately giving him bedroom eyes. “Come in here just as soon as you finish your last class.”

“All right, Miss Harper,” he agreed.

She thought she could see the gratitude in his eyes. “You won’t be disappointed, Dale,” she assured him, pulling his head down and kissing him warmly on the lips.

As Dale retreated to his seat, Sharon quickly retired to the small lounge at the back of the classroom where she donned her brassiere. Returning to the classroom, she could feel Dale’s eyes on her as she went back to her desk. Other students were beginning to arrive and she noticed that most of the boys were having a hard time keeping their eyes off of her. Although she smiled flirtatiously at several of them, she reserved her more meaningful glances for Dale.

The fifty minute period went by with surprising swiftness. Each time she looked at Dale, she found him gazing steadily at her in a fascinated manner. “Don’t forget what I told you!” she told him quietly as he left the room at the end of the period.

The remainder of the day passed much too slowly to suit her. In the cafeteria during the lunch hour, she could see that her provocative outfit received some disapproving glances from some of the faculty, but she was not in a mood to care about that. During the afternoon her anticipation began to mount, and she found herself totally unable to concentrate on her teaching duties. Her head was in a whirl as the final class for the day came to a conclusion.

As she had expected, Dale appeared in the door the instant the last student departed.

“Come in, Dale!” Sharon told him. “There’s a little latch on the door that will lock it quite nicely.”

Standing up behind her desk, Sharon watched as the teenager locked the door. Looking rather uncertain but expectant, he slowly walked over to her. She could feel his eyes inspecting her carefully, as if he were mentally undressing her. Sharon felt her heart pounding rapidly and smiled at him in an effort to conceal her apprehension.

“Sit down, Dale,” she suggested, patting the back of her large desk chair.

“All right, Miss Harper,” he replied, sitting down in the chair and looking expectantly at her.

“I think you can call me Sharon when we’re alone like this,” she told him with a smile. “After all, I’m not really that much older than you are, you know.”

“Okay,” he agreed.

“I’m glad you came, Dale,” Sharon told him. “I hope you have nothing scheduled for the next hour or so.”

“No,” he replied.

“Good,” she told him. “Now, first of all, relax. The maintenance staff never gets to this room for at least two hours after school.”

As she spoke, Sharon gently slid herself down on his lap and made no attempt to keep her skirt from riding up. She could see the surprised look on his face, but he made no attempt to dislodge her. Without further ado, she leaned forward and baldly gave him an open-mouthed kiss. He seemed astonished and more than a little inexperienced, but at the same time responsive. With a pleased sigh, Sharon became aware of the bulge that was already forming in his thin slacks.

“I think you and I have a lot in common, Dale,” Sharon told him with a teasing smile. “We’re both the quiet type and I’ll bet I could trust you with a secret.”

“Sure,” Dale replied. He seemed eager but unsure of himself.

Sharon deliberately worked her skirt back, exposing her stocking tops and bare white thighs. She could see the fascination in his eyes as he stared at her voluptuous thighs.

“Do you like my legs?” she teased, swinging her feet back and forth.

Dale nodded. Sharon took his hand and placed it on her nylon-clad thigh. Leaning forward once again, she kissed him firmly on the lips and allowed her tongue to extend. Their tongues met in a deep French kiss and Sharon could feel her excitement mounting. His young body felt hard and masculine against her, and she was dying to submit. She allowed her hand to brush against the front of his slacks, and her entire body seemed to respond as she felt his rigid cock pressing firmly against the thin material.

Becoming very dizzy, Sharon slid to her knees between his legs. Licking her lips and staring in anticipation, she reached for the front of his slacks with both hands and quickly pulled down the zipper. She spread his fly open with a firm yank, allowing his stiffly erect cock to pop out right in front of her. She gasped and her eyes widened with surprise as she gazed at the sleek reddish muscle standing powerfully erect in front of her. To her inexperienced eyes, it looked simply huge.

Impulsively and without even realizing what she was doing, Sharon leaned forward and planted a moist, excited kiss on the mushroom-shaped crown of his cock. Her right hand clasped the thick piece of meat in a firm grip and she squeezed it possessively. Her tongue came out automatically and she began rolling it over the large head. The velvety sleekness of the flesh covering that hard muscle was quite astonishing.

“I love it, Dale,” she told him in an excited voice.

Obviously astonished by the attractive teacher’s sudden assault, Dale sat silently in the chair with his eyes fastened intently on her.

Holding the thick cock in one hand, Sharon moved her face around in his lap, letting the head brush against her soft cheeks and probe gently into her eyes.

“I want to eat it, Dale,” she told him. “But it’s so big I don’t know if I can even get it into my mouth!”

Forming her pretty mouth into a wide oval, Sharon took a deep breath and slowly lowered her mouth over the head of the boy’s cock. She could sense Dale’s pleased reaction as he suddenly felt a warm, wet feminine mouth surrounding his erect prick. Flicking gently but eagerly with her tongue, Sharon gradually worked the head between her teeth. The thick muscle pried her jaws apart in a manner that mixed discomfort and excitement.

It was a big and beautiful cock and deserved to be eaten. She wanted her mouth crammed full with it, even if it hurt. She could feel a delicious itch beginning to develop between her legs, as if her cunt were envious of the pleasures her mouth was experiencing.

“Mmmmm!” she moaned excitedly, nibbling and smacking with her lips to make clear how much she was enjoying sucking the boy’s huge cock.

Allowing her self to become accustomed to it in gradual stages, she began working the cock in as far as she could. That sturdy masculine shaft was even larger than it looked. It forced her mouth wide apart and automatically triggered her salivary ands, quickly filling her mouth with saliva and forcing her to swallow with an audible gulp.

She could feel the head pressing against the roof of her mouth and paused to become adjusted to it. Her mouth was filled with cock, and she felt deliciously naughty and depraved and almost wished that others could see her doing such a thing. Pulling up her skirt, she began running her hand over the front of her panties to torment herself all the more. She hadn’t realized she was so wet down there. She moved her head to one side, allowing the head of his cock to push outward against her cheek, and then turned her head the other way to achieve the same effect on the opposite cheek.

“This is great!” she heard Dale telling her in an excited voice. “I didn’t think…”

He was unable to finish but Sharon knew what he meant. Her tongue busily at work, she began sucking on his throbbing cock. Her blonde head bobbing up and down in his lap, she paused from time to time to swallow her rapidly growing saliva. She was rapidly becoming short of breath but she told herself she had absolutely no intention of stopping.

Dale had been sitting quietly but he began thrusting his pelvis back and forth with movements tat Sharon instinctively realized were coital in nature. As her blonde head continued to bob up and down in his lap, she managed to work a finger under her panties and into her moist cunt. She had never been so aroused before.

Dale’s movements became quick and jerky and each forward thrust sent his throbbing cock almost painfully deep into her mouth. His hands came down over her head and he began maneuvering her head up and down in his lap in a forceful manner. Gasping and struggling for breath, Sharon made no attempt to escape. It was beautiful to be handled like that, she told herself; nothing could be more exciting than being forced to eat rock-hard cock. Her fingertip tickled her clitoris, making her shudder with erotic arousal.

Dale thrust back and forth with powerful strokes and kept a firm grip on her blonde head. Sharon knew that his climax was rapidly approaching and braced herself to meet it. Suddenly, Dale lifted himself right off the chair with a forceful stroke and Sharon found her mouth filling with spurting cream. It felt thick and salty and masculine, and her body shuddered convulsively as it sprayed against the insides of her mouth. Her finger, teased her clitoris again and she found herself swept away with a delicious orgasm. Gasping and gurgling, Sharon tried to swallow all of his semen as she trembled with the waves of her own orgasm.

As Dale settled back on the chair again, Sharon made no attempt to get up, although she was completely out of breath. Resting her head in his lap, she kept his cock in her mouth as it began to go soft, and allowed it to soak for a few pleasant moments. Finally drawing back, she began gently licking it all over like a ten lapping up cream.

“I loved eating it!” she told him in a contented voice. “I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

“Sure,” Dale replied. It was obvious that he really didn’t know what to say to the attractive young teacher who had introduced him to the joys of fellatio.

With some reluctance, Sharon got to her feet. “You know, there’s a nice couch in the lounge,” she told him. “I don’t see why we don’t go back there.”

Dale quickly took the hint and the two of them retired to the small lounge at the rear of the classroom. The black leather couch looked quite inviting in the waning afternoon sunlight.

Sharon placed her hands on Dale’s shoulders and looked at him with an inviting smile on her face. “I want you to undress me, Dale!” she told him, turning and presenting her back so that he could unbutton her blouse.

She could feel his masculine fingers fumbling with the small buttons as he unbuttoned the blouse. He quickly pulled off the blouse, his rough hands brushing against her smooth white shoulders. She remained with her back to him as he unsnapped her brassiere, but turned to face him just in time for him to see her satiny tits tumbling from the cups of her bra. She knew she was blushing prettily as she felt his eager eyes fastened intently on her two pink-tipped mounds.

“I hope you like them, Dale,” she said, extending one hand and stroking the front of his slacks. It was apparent that he was having no difficulty in achieving another hard-on.

“Yes, I sure do,” he admitted, apparently finding it impossible to find words that would adequately express his feelings.

He fumbled with the fastener of her skirt and finally managed to get it undone.

“Have you ever undressed a woman before?” Sharon asked.

“No,” the young man admitted as he pulled the skirt below her hips and, allowed it to slide to the floor.

Sharon could see the look of excitement in his eyes as he gazed at her pink panties and shapely legs outlined by dark-brown stockings. To make his task easier for him, she stepped out of her lowered skirt and high-heeled shoes. Slipping her hands around his neck, she allowed her tits to press against his chest and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Take my stockings and panties off, Dale,” she told him in a quiet, teasing voice.

Dropping to one knee in front of her, Dale began unfastening her stockings. She could feel his fingers brushing against her bare thighs and could see the effect that had on him. Gazing continually at that inviting triangle that was clearly on display beneath her wispy panties, Dale worked her stockings down her white legs and pulled them from her small feet.

Blushing warmly and taking in a deep breath, Sharon stood quietly as his hands reached for the waistband of her pink panties. He pulled them down slowly and Sharon could see his eyes widen with pleasure and fascination as the pretty tuft of fleecy brown hair came into view. He continued staring at that inviting nest as he worked her panties down her legs and extricating them from her feet. Slipping off her garter belt and tossing it aside, Sharon playfully stepped back away from him and stretched out on the couch.

“Take off your clothes, Dale!” she told him in a teasing voice.

The excited teenager wasted no time in disrobing. In a moment, he was completely naked and displaying a rock-hard erection. He stretched out on the couch beside her and Sharon gasped as their nude bodies came into contact for the first time. She had never dreamed that the contact of two naked bodies could produce such electrifying sensations.

“Oh, Dale!” she gasped, throwing her bare arms and legs around him and letting her nipples brush against his chest.

Dale kissed her hard on the mouth and soon their tongues were in contact. Dale’s hands began exploring her tits and Sharon found herself shuddering with pleasure at contact. His hand began starting down over her smooth tummy and she arched her back sharply as she realized where his hand would be next. Without really thinking about what she was doing, she cupped one hand over his rigid cock and began stroking it gently.

“Mmmm, isn’t this wonderful, Dale?” she asked in a breathless voice.

“Couldn’t be better,” he replied as his hand moved into the cute nest at the fork of her legs.

Sharon squirmed and felt her excitement mounting as his fingers began exploring the plump outer lips of her cunt. She was already nice and wet and could not refrain from pumping her hips in a fucking motion. One of the boy’s fingers slid between the slippery lips of her pussy and explored the moist interior.

“Ooooh!” Sharon exclaimed. “You’re driving me wild!”

Leaning forward, Dale buried his face in her full tits and began kissing and licking them all over. Sharon was astounded at the intensity of her own reaction. Her breasts quickly became taut with excitement and she found herself breathlessly squirming and arching her, back at the waves of pleasure that began radiating through her entire body.

“Oh, Dale, go ahead and fuck me!” the attractive young teacher cried out in a hoarse voice. “I can’t wait a minute longer!”

Raising her knees high in the air and spreading her thighs apart, Sharon eagerly waited for him to mount her. Dale quickly knelt astride her and stretched out on top of her, resting on his knees and elbows. Sharon could feel the tip of his rigid cock exploring her wet hairs, and quickly grabbed it with one hand to escort it into her cunt. She uttered a pleased gasp as she felt the crown slide between the outer lips of her pussy. Dale thrust forward and she could see that he was more than a little amazed at finding her hymen intact.

“Go ahead, Dale,” she told him, wriggling girlishly under him and wrapping her arms and legs around him. “You’re the first!”

“It may hurt,” he warned.

“I want it to hurt!” she replied in an insistent voice. Biting her lip with anticipation, she eagerly awaited the thrust that would end her virginity.

Dale shoved forward forcefully and Sharon could feel the tearing sensation as her hymen gave way. There was a sharp stab of pain but it was transitory, and she quickly forgot about it as the thick cock began stretching her cunt for the first time. She had never teamed that it could be so exciting. In a moment, their organs were completely united and Dale was resting on top of her.

“Oh, Dale, this is wonderful!” Sharon exclaimed. “I love it!” Her fingernails scraped against his bare back and her legs coiled tightly round him.

His bare chest brushing against her taut nipples, Dale began pumping back and forth on top of her. Sharon gasped with amazement at the unexpected and intense pleasures produced by those simple, rhythmic thrusts. It was something totally beyond her previous experience and at first she could hardly believe that it could be so intensely exciting. Without even realizing what she was doing, she began rocking her hips back and forth under him.

I’m being fucked! she told herself. A beautiful young stud is riding on top of me and that powerful cock of his is driving me insane! Oh, I can feel it spreading the walls of my vagina apart each time he shoves it into me! I can’t believe anything could really feel so good! Oh, am I ever going to have to make up some lost time in the sex department!

“Oh, Dale, you’re driving me crazy!” she told him in an ecstatic voice.

With each forward thrust, Dale seemed to increase the tempo. His young body felt muscular and hard, and Sharon found herself, feeling blissfully feminine and submissive as she squirmed in response to the powerful thrusts that pinned her body firmly against the couch. Lubricated by her generously flowing juices, the thick cock slid back and forth inside her with delightful strokes that made her entire body tremble with excitement.

“Oh, oh! Dale, oh!” Sharon cried out. “This is beautiful! Keep doing it!”

Gradually letting himself go completely, Dale rocked back and forth with vigorous thrusts that sent his weight slamming down against her. Giving way to sheer physical abandon, Sharon thrust her hips wildly under him and clawed at his back to spur him on all the more. She knew she was acting in a purely animal-like manner, and had never imagined anything could be so savagely exciting. Dale suddenly slammed down against her with an final thrust and she felt a delightful warm gush deep in her cunt. Hugging her teenaged partner with complete abandon, Sharon found herself exploding with a delicious orgasm that sent unbelievable waves of pleasure racing through her entire body.

The two of them lay catching their breath for a few moments afterwards. Dale did not seem to want to disengage their organs and Sharon was content to let them soak together.

“You’ve been wonderful, Dale,” Sharon told him. “A girl couldn’t ask for anything more.”

With some reluctance, Dale finally, dismounted and sat down beside her on the couch. “Boy, I sure never thought this would happen,” he admitted, casting one more admiring glance at her nude body. “Why not?” Sharon teased. “After all, teachers get horny too, you know.”

“I suppose so,” he agreed.

“We better get dressed,” Sharon told him as she gradually began to return to reality. “The maintenance people will be around any minute now.”

Sharon could see that he was still watching her with obvious interest as they began putting on their clothes. A sudden thought occurred to her. “Would you like some type of souvenir?” she asked.

Dale nodded, but seemed embarrassed to say anything. With an understanding smile, the young teacher handed over her pink panties.

“Thanks,” he managed, quickly stuffing the panties into his pocket.

“I should thank you instead,” she told him.

“Perhaps another time…” he suggested tentatively.

“Of course,” Sharon promised.


Among the four young teachers who had accepted positions at the rural school, Ruth would have to be considered the most appealing as far as the opposite sex was concerned. Her dimensions were an impressive 37D-24-36 and she was proud of them. Her legs were not the slender stems one might see on a professional model. They were full, ripe legs. Legs of a woman who was obviously built for sex. A man would have no difficulty imagining those legs wrapped around him in a passionate embrace. Men had been giving her admiring glances since her early teens, and Ruth knew how to use her feminine charms to get what she wanted.

Although Mr. Parker’s criticism had persuaded her to dress in a somewhat conservative manner during the first few days of school, Ruth nevertheless had no difficulty attracting attention from the maturing young boys who attended the school. As she taught class and walked through the halls between periods, the young schoolteacher could feel the boys’ eyes admiring her huge tits and shapely legs. She knew that at times boys deliberately followed her around just to look at her. Knowing that their eyes were intently following her every movement, she would deliberately walk with an exaggerated wriggle just to torment her admirers all the more.

Since her teens, she had enjoyed teasing and practiced it in a deliberate manner. For example, the stairways at the school generally ran up and down the side of a wall and were thus exposed on one side except for a railing. A young man standing on a lower level could obtain an intriguing view up a skirt if its wearer carelessly strayed too far from the wall while going up the stairs. Pretending that she simply was not aware of what she was doing, Ruth often made a point of walking up the stairs in a manner designed to permit the maximum exposure. The number of boys who invariably just happened to be around when she was ascending the staircase was always quite amusing and flattering. She had always thought it a little silly that the opposite sex seemed to get such a kick out of looking up a woman’s skin, but she was not about to disappoint them if that was what they wanted.

After school had been open for a couple of weeks, Ruth reluctantly concluded that Donna had been right about the cock situation. Although she had been hoping that there might be eligible men available in the community, obviously there were none. Apart from one rather clumsy pass from a married faculty member, she had not received a single offer. There were a couple of notes from anonymous student admirers containing such romantic sentiments as “I would like to fuck you,” and “You sure got big tits.” But those notes, regardless of their obvious sincerity, were not legitimate offers.

Under the circumstances, the student body was obviously the only source available. Although not as inexperienced as her friend Sharon, Ruth was a little dubious about the sexual abilities of her young admirers. How many of them would chicken out if really given the opportunity to lay an attractive young teacher? Probably quite a few, she told herself. And how many of them would come right in their pants if they ever caught sight of pair of 37D tits? Probably quite a few more, she thought. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, she told herself. Besides, it might prove amusing, if not the ultimate in sexual gratification.

The opportunity came rather unexpectedly. One afternoon she overheard Howard Drake, one of her senior students, talking about going swimming in a lake which was apparently nearby. The remark stimulated her curiosity since she was unaware that there were any lakes for miles around.

“Howard, did I hear you mention something about going swimming in a lake the other day?” she asked him at the first opportunity.

Howard looked slightly surprised. “Yes,” he admitted. “There’s a lake behind my dad’s farm. Not a real lake, you understand. It was made a few years ago after some strip mining operation petered out and the state made the coal company do something about the landscape.”

“Oh, how interesting,” Ruth told him, flashing a smile at him. Since Howard was one of the more mature young men in the school, the wheels in her head were clicking rapidly. “You’ll have to take me swimming there sometime,” she added in a confidential tone of voice, placing a hand lightly on his arm and giving him an inviting smile.

As might be expected, the young man looked visibly startled. “Do you mean that?” he asked in a voice that, while not incredulous, showed considerable surprise.

“Of course,” she told him, keeping her eyes fixed on his face. “I love swimming and things like that.”

She could see that Howard as thinking quickly. He seemed dubious but not reluctant, as if he half suspected that someone was playing a trick on him.

“Well, okay,” he finally replied. “What about today? I mean, the weather will be getting too cold soon.”

“Today would be perfect!” Ruth told him, flashing him a promising smile. “Where can we meet?” he asked. “I have a car but it’s not at school today.”

“Well, why don’t you get it after school and pick me up here?” Ruth suggested.

“Okay,” he replied. “See you later.” Ruth watched as he started to walk away. Suddenly, he stopped and looked back over his shoulder. “Don’t forget to bring your bathing suit,” he reminded her.

Ruth almost burst out laughing. “Right!” she told him with a wide smile.

Howard’s car appeared to be less than a year old and its suggested that his father had money. Ruth was in a pleasant and expectant mood as she slid into the front seat beside Howard. Her short skirt hiked up to reveal an attractive expanse of nylon-clad thigh, but she made no attempt to adjust it. Although she pretended not to notice, she could see that Howard was giving her the once over.

“It’s about five miles from here,” he told her as they pulled away from the schoolyard.

“I see. Well, the weather’s perfect,” she replied, smiling at him.

Howard nodded. “Another week and it’d probably be too cold,” he remarked.

Ruth could see that he was obviously a little worried that the two of them would be seen together. He was driving rather fast and seemed over alert to discern the occupants of each passing vehicle.

“What’s the matter, Howard?” Ruth asked in a teasing voice. “Afraid someone’s going to see us?”

The teenager grinned rather sheepishly. “Well, you know how it is,” he said. “People might get the wrong idea if they saw us together.”

“Surely you’ve taken girls swimming before?” Ruth teased.

Howard got a little red in the face. “Well, once,” he said rather defensively.

“I see,” Ruth replied, smiling at him in a knowing manner. “Who was it?” she asked, although the tone of her voice made it clear that she really wasn’t pressing him for an answer.

Howard gulped and looked a little embarrassed.

“Go ahead!” she teased.

“Mary Lou Hudson,” he blurted out.

“Oh, indeed?” Ruth replied. Mary Lou was an attractive cheerleader with a reputation of being the easiest lay in the school. It was obvious that Howard was not a virgin. She did not pursue the conversation further and watched as he pulled off the main highway and into a din lane. The lane was lined with trees and extended for some length off the road.

“It’s a little bumpy but we’ll make it,” Howard told her.

“The lake’s quite a distance from the road,” Ruth remarked.

“Yes, you can’t even see it from the road,” he replied.

Ruth could see quite a few trees ahead of them. “You’ve got a lot of trees around here,” she told him.

Howard nodded. “Yes, the state made the coal company plant them after they finished mining. It’s sort of a park, you could call it.”

“Oh? Do a lot of people use it?” Ruth asked.

“Oh, no,” Howard reassured her. “No one ever comes back here. Except me.”

“And Mary Lou!” Ruth could not resist adding. Howard nodded. “And Mary Lou,” he conceded.

They moved up a slight incline and the artificial lake came into view. It was narrow and quite long, and much larger than Ruth had anticipated. For the most part the lake was surrounded by pleasant trees, creating a resort like atmosphere. The water in the lake was a deep shade of blue.

“Oh, this is nice!” Ruth exclaimed. “Is the lake very deep?”

“In places,” Howard told her. “And it’s well stocked with fish, too.”

Howard parked the car a few feet from the water’s edge and the two of them got out. There was no beach and the grass extended almost to the waterline. They walked down to the water and stood looking into it for a few moments.

“Got your bathing suit?” he asked.

Ruth smiled confidently at him. “Sure,” she told him. “I wore it under my dress.”

“Oh,” he replied. She could see that he didn’t quite believe her.

“You sure no one ever comes back here?” Ruth asked just to make sure.

“Positive,” he told her.

“Well, why don’t we go for a swim then?” she said, smiling at him in a promising fashion.

“Okay,” he agreed, hesitating in a manner that indicated that he didn’t really believe she would go through with it.

Kicking off her shoes, Ruth stepped back a few feet away from him and began undoing her orange knit dress. She was standing facing him and she could see that he suddenly froze in his tracks as she began removing the dress. Feeling pleasantly flushed and self-conscious, she quickly removed the dress and stood in front of him attired in a brief and prettily embroidered white slip that did nothing to conceal her buxom figure.

“What’s the matter, Howard?” she asked in a teasing voice. “Aren’t you going to get undressed, too?”

“Yes, sure,” he replied. She noticed him fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, although he was much too absorbed in watching her to accomplish much.

Feeling a little bold but enjoying herself thoroughly, Ruth slowly and provocatively pulled off the slip and stood in front of him wearing only her white brassiere, matching bikini-style white panties and cinnamon-shaded sheer pantyhose. The well-filled bra shaped her big tits to two steep points, while the snug-fitting pantyhose outlined her girlishly wide and nicely rounded hips to perfection while at the same time enhancing her full, shapely legs. She could not refrain from smiling as she noticed the lump that had formed in Howard’s slacks.

“Aren’t you going swimming, too?” she asked, thoroughly enjoying the effect she was having on him.

He nodded but seemed unable to reply. Standing a few feet away from him, Ruth deliberately waited until he had removed his shirt and undershirt before proceeding. She could feel him staring intently as she reached behind her back to unsnap her bra. Slowly pulling the straps from her white shoulders, she hesitated for a moment before pulling the cups away from her voluptuous tits. Howard’s eyes widened noticeably as he suddenly found himself gazing at lusciously plump, rose tipped breasts. Making no effort to cover herself, Ruth playfully tossed the bra aside and smiled at him in a provocative manner.

“Hurry up, Howard,” she told him with a grin. “Or I’ll beat you into the water.”

As the excited teenager hastily kicked off his shoes and started unfastening his slacks, Ruth hooked her fingers into the waistbands of her panties and pantyhose. She began removing both garments simultaneously, deliberately taking her time to torment him all the more. She could feel his eyes eagerly feasting on the patch of rich brunette hair as she worked the garments off her hips and down her bare white legs. Stepping out of them, she stood completely nude in front of him with a teasing smile on her face.

“Come on, Howard! What are you waiting for?” she tormented him.

As the well-built teenager straightened up after discarding his slacks, Ruth could see the promising curve in his thin white shorts. Without hesitation he stripped off the shorts and Ruth felt a sudden surge of excitement at the sight of his perfectly erect young cock. He was magnificently built, she told herself; he must have had a good eight inches down there.

“My, I’ll bet you got the biggest one in school!” she told him, abruptly turning her back and running off in the direction of the water.

Knowing that his eyes were fastened on her jouncing white ass, Ruth plunged into the water and began swimming out into the lake. Howard jumped in a few seconds later and began following her.

“Bet you can’t catch me!” she called out, glancing back over her shoulder.

Although she had pot forewarned him, Ruth was an excellent swimmer who had received professional instruction as a youngster. As a result, she had no difficulty outdistancing the largely self-taught teenager. However, she had no desire to humiliate him and deliberately refrained from exerting herself. Instead, she swam in an elusively deceptive manner that gave him the impression that he was gaining on her. After a few moments, she merged dripping from, the water and ran a few feet from the shore.

Howard emerged right behind her and started chasing her. Turning around, Ruth suddenly stopped and their wet bodies smacked into one another.

“Oh!” Ruth squealed with surprise and delight.

Howard caught her in his strong arms and pulled her wet body against his. Her soft tits came into contact with his hairy chest and she could feel his steel-hard cock brushing against her smooth tummy. He kissed her somewhat roughly on the lips and she slipped her arms around the back of his neck.

“Now, Howard, I just came out here for a little swim,” she teased him.

She could see the look of irritation in his face. For one exciting moment, it looked as if he might slam her down on the ground and fuck her right on the spot. “You better not be teasing me,” he told her.

Ruth laughed and kissed him lightly on the lips. Deliberately letting her nipples brush against his chest, she placed one hand lightly on his rigidly erect cock.

“Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt if we necked a little,” she told him with a teasing smile.

“I got a blanket in my car,” he replied.

Howard quickly spread the blanket out on the ground and the two of them stretched out on it. Ruth slipped her arms around his bare back as Howard leaned forward and kissed her firmly on the mouth. Their naked bodies came into contact at various places and Ruth found herself wriggling girlishly in his arms. Howard’s hand cupped one silken tit gently and squeezed it.

“You’re really stacked,” he told her with obvious sincerity.

Ruth laughed. “So are you!” she replied, giving his powerfully erect cock a tight squeeze.

Howard kissed her again while one hand explored the tips of her breasts. Ruth arched her back with pleasure and laughed in an amused manner.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, a disturbed look on his face.

“Bet you never heard of French kissing!” Ruth told him with an inviting smile on her face. Her lips were slightly open and she allowed her pink tongue to play over them in a provocative manner.

“That’s one bet you’d lose,” Howard told her in a determined voice.

He pressed his mouth against hers and in a moment their tongues were in contact. Ruth squirmed with delight and ran her hands excitedly over his hard bare body. As their tongues explored one another’s mouths, Howard’s fingers squeezed and molded her plump tits until they were standing taut with arousal. Ruth wrapped one bare leg around his legs and nestled against him in a warmly feminine manner.

Howard lowered his face to her tits and began kissing them firmly all over, extending his tongue and flicking the two pink nipples in a manner that left Ruth gasping for breath.

“Oh, Howard!” she exclaimed. “Keep doing it! It’s wonderful!” Cupping his erect cock in her hand, she stroked it in a light, playful manner designed to tantalize him without overdoing it.

Howard’s hand began exploring the pretty nest between her legs. The comely young schoolteacher was already slightly creamy down there and responded to his touch with instinctive thrusts of her pelvis. His fingers worked into the slippery groove of her cunt and began tormenting her all the more.

“Bet you never heard of Frenching!” Ruth told him, a teasing smile on her highly flushed face.

She spread her smooth white thighs in an anticipatory manner.

“That’s another bet you’d lose,” the excited teenager told her as he gazed at the pink cleft that was partially obscured by the rich brunette hair.

Ruth watched with growing excitement as her teenaged companion moved to a kneeling position at her feet. His eyes fastened intently on her feminine charms, he grasped her slim ankles with his hands and pushed them back until her knees were nearly in contact with her tits. Leaning forward so that her calves were resting on his shoulders, he extended his fingers into her pussy and Ruth squirmed as she felt him gently spreading the outer lips apart. She could see the fascinated look on his face as more and more pink feminine meat came into view.

“Oh, yes, Howard, go ahead!” she told him in a breathless voice. “I just love to be eaten!”

Howard quickly pressed his face into her juicy cunt and Ruth suddenly felt his tongue at work.

“Oh!” she squealed with delight at the electrifying contact. “Oh, my! Go ahead!”

Wriggling girlishly, she allowed her bare legs to drape dawn over his back and began running her hands through his hair to encourage him. Howard eagerly began running his tongue up and down inside her pink groove, quickly provoking a surge of feminine honey. The lapping sounds were quite audible as he began drinking in her dripping fluids.

“Keep doing it! Don’t stop!” she said in an urgent voice. “I love it!”

Pausing from time to time to nibble on the plump outer lips of her cunt, Howard ran his tongue up and down the length of her split. Teased almost beyond endurance by the intimate flicks of his tongue, Ruth squirmed and tossed on the blanket with mounting excitement. Each time his tongue came into contact with her ultra sensitive little button, she emitted an exclamation of delight and squeezed his head firmly between her satiny thighs.

“Oh, are you ever turning me on!” she told him. Her breath was coming in short gasps and her voice was hoarse with excitement.

Howard’s hands were below her superbly soft hips, elevating them slightly and giving him more space to work in. She was soaking wet between the legs and could feel her temperature rising with each passing moment. His exploring tongue continued licking up and down inside her groove, teasing her clitoris and vaginal orifice. It wasn’t long before she realized that his tongue simply wasn’t long enough to perform the task she now so urgently wanted.

“Oh, Howard, go ahead! Fuck me! I can’t wait to get that thing inside me!” Ruth told him in a voice that was distraught with excitement.

Howard quickly drew back and stretched out on top of her. Grabbing his stiff cock to guide it inside her, Ruth emitted a cry of delight as that thick masculine shaft began spreading the lips of her cunt apart. He was so big it almost hurt.

“Ooh!” Ruth exclaimed, shuddering convulsively as he thrust forward to drive it in to the hilt. “Oh, you’re such a stud!”

Wrapping her arms and legs around him in a warm embrace, she awaited his onslaught. She was not disappointed. He was like a stallion. His weight pressing down masterfully on top of her, he thrust back and forth with powerful, punishing strokes that nearly took her breath away. At times, she thought he was going to crush her beneath him.

“Oh, Howard! Howard!” she cried out, tears of excitement welling in her eyes.

“I’m going to give you the fucking of your life!” he told her in a breathless but determined voice.

Thrusting back and forth with vigorous strokes that sent his rigid cock deep into her cunt, he completely dominated her yielding feminine body. Ruth felt helpless under him and could only squirm and wriggle in a purely reflexive manner. At times, he was almost brutal with her and she didn’t think she could stand it much longer. She had never realized that sex could be such a raw, savage experience. Almost against her will she could feel the initial waves of a violent orgasm beginning to sweep over her whole body.

“Oh, Howard, I never felt this way before!” she managed to gasp.

Keeping her pinned firmly beneath him, the powerful teenager continued slamming forward with punishing thrusts that left her feeling totally mastered. Clawing and scratching with her fingernails and keeping her thighs wrapped tightly around him, Ruth found herself struggling to breathe. Howard finally threw himself down against her with one final thrust and she could feel the hot come spurting into her cunt. Her climax was much more intense than she could have imagined, and Ruth found herself crying and trembling with a raw physical excitement she had never experienced before.

She could see that Howard looked rather pleased with himself as he got off her, and she could hardly blame him for that.

“Oh, Howard, that was some fuck,” she told him as she fought to catch her breath.

“Want to go for another swim?” he asked her with a grin.

“Wait till I catch my breath a little,” she protested.

He got up and extended a hand to help her to her feet. Hand in hand, the two of them walked down to the water’s edge.

“Well?” he asked.

“Okay,” Ruth agreed after a moment’s pause.

The two of them jumped into the water and began swimming round in wide, lazy circles. Even in the water Ruth could see that the husky teenager could hardly take his eyes off of her, and she could see that he was still having difficulty believing that it was all really happening. To tease him a little, she insisted on remaining in the water a little longer than she might otherwise have done.

Finally, the two of them emerged dripping wet and started walking back toward the blanket. Ruth could see that his cock was dangling rather heavily and that it would not take much to get him in the mood for some more sex.

“Oh, that water felt good!” she told him, smiling and holding his hand.

“Sure did,” Howard replied.

The two of them stretched out on the blanket again with their wet, slippery bodies in contact.

“Bet I can get you turned on in a hurry!” Ruth said in a teasing voice, smiling at him with a promising look in her eyes.

“Can you?” Howard asked with a grin.

“Stretch out on your back,” she told him, pushing his shoulders back lightly against the blanket.

An expectant look on his face, the teenager stretched out on the blanket. Ruth sat up at his side, smiling confidently at him and letting him see her licking her lips with anticipation. Brushing her wet brown hair back so that it would not interfere with her vision, she clasped his dangling cock lightly in one hand to make the head more accessible.

“Well, here goes!” she remarked, flashing a smile at him as she leaned forward.

Extending her pink tongue, she lolled it lightly over the smooth head. She could hear his pleased gasp at the sudden contact of a feminine tongue on his young cock. Stroking lightly with her hand, she began licking the head as if it were an ice cream cone. In only a few moments the well-built teenager developed a promising erection, and Ruth began licking it all over while at the same time slipping one hand between his legs to torment him all the more.

“See, I told you I could turn you on!” she said, smiling brightly at him while keeping her mouth in contact with his throbbing cock.

“You sure can!” Howard admitted, thrusting his hips back and forth.

“I’d like to take it in my mouth!” she told him, planting a moist kiss right on the crown of his big prick and then smiling at him in a teasing manner. “But it’s so big, I’m not really sure I can handle it!”

Brushing her wet hair back over her shoulder to keep it out of the way, she opened her mouth as far as she could and slipped it down over the tip. Howard’s body tensed visibly as her moist and sweet feminine mouth closed over the head of his stiffly erect cock. Flicking continually with her tongue, Ruth worked it farther into her mouth and shook her head from side to side to tease him a little.

Finally she drew back but left the tip just inside her mouth, where he could see her tongue at work. “Bet Mary Lou Hudson would never suck you like this!” she teased with a bright smile.

“You can say that again!” Howard admitted, working his hips back and forth and watching the attractive teacher with obvious fascination.

Keeping her face in position where he could watch her, Ruth nibbled up and down the length of his pulsating cock, and occasionally teased him with a stab of her tongue. From time to time, she quickly inserted the head into her wet mouth and held it there.

“Course we could both French,” she suggested, her tongue playing over the gleaming head with teasing effect.

“Sure!” Howard quickly agreed.

Opening her mouth, Ruth slipped the head of his cock inside once again. Holding it there, she began maneuvering her body until she was kneeling astride him with her knees next to his shoulders. Spreading her knees apart, she began lowering her body against him. She could feel Howard raising his head, and in a moment her wet pussy was plastered against his face.

“Mmmmm!” Ruth moaned with pleasure as she felt the boy’s tongue moving up and down in her cunt.

Their bodies were still moist from the swim and felt slippery against one another. Her tits brushing against his bare flesh, Ruth worked his rigid cock as far into her mouth as she could and eagerly began sucking on it. Her fingers worked up and down his legs, occasionally teasing his balls with a tight stroke.

Her weight was down against him and Howard’s nose was tightly wedged into the crevice of her ass as he tongued her moist cunt. Although she knew it would be a little difficult for him to get his breath in that position, he had worked his tongue inside her cunt and she could feel him drawing her honey out. As her pussy began to feel all the more creamy and itchy, she found it quite impossible to hold still, and squirmed around excitedly on his face.

He was pumping his hips vigorously back and forth, and she could see that her mouth and tongue were quickly driving him crazy. She could feel her own excitement mounting, also, and thrust her hips back and forth with quick, jerky movements that left his face bathed in her juices. Although both of them were becoming quite short of breath, it was apparent that neither of them intended to take time out.

Driven beyond endurance by the attractive teacher’s eager mouth and tongue, Howard thrust his thighs backward and caught her head in a tight vise. Trapped with a mouthful of husky, throbbing cock, Ruth feared for a moment that he was going to strangle her in that powerful vise.

“Mmmm!” Ruth tried to protest, but to no avail.

Despite her discomfort, she felt the growing heat between her legs and wriggled her pussy delightedly across his face. His thighs squeezing against her head, Howard erupted and shot his warm cream deep into her mouth. Gurgling excitedly, Ruth eagerly lapped it up and quickly found herself experiencing an intense climax that left her frantically jerking and squirming about on top of him.

“That was delicious, Howard!” Ruth told him as they tried to catch their breath afterward. “We’ll have to go swimming again some time!”

“Right!” Howard agreed.

The shapely teacher smiled at him. She could see that the well-built teenager could still hardly believe that it bad all really happened.


“I’ll be late getting home this evening, girls,” Donna told Ruth and Sharon as the three of them sat in the school cafeteria during the lunch hour.

“Oh, have something lined up?” Ruth asked with a teasing smile on her face.

“Is it anyone we know?” Sharon put in for good measure.

“No, nothing like that,” Donna replied. “The girls are having the annual initiation this afternoon and I have to stay and supervise.”

“It’s what you get teaching those all-girl classes,” Ruth remarked with a smile.

“You’re never going to catch a man at the rate you’re going,” Sharon added, somewhat maliciously.

Although she was tempted to respond, Donna decided to overlook that remark as well as her companions teasing smiles. However, if the truth were known, she was far from pleased with developments in her new position as the girls’ gym instructor at the rural high school. In fact, the tall and attractive brunette was downright frustrated.

To make matters worse as far as she was concerned, she strongly suspected that Ruth and Sharon had lined themselves up with a couple of well-built young studs who were going to keep their pussies nice and warm throughout the winter. It was downright irritating that young women so much less experienced than she was could be having so much more fun.

However, she did not feel entirely unhappy when she returned to her office next to the gymnasium after lunch, for the Girls’ Athletic Association initiation scheduled for that afternoon did promise to provide some, excitement. As the girls’ gym instructor, Donna was automatically the faculty supervisor for the G.A.A. Two weeks previously, the junior and senior members of that organization had asked her how far they could go in putting the sophomore initiates through their paces. To the girls’ delight, Donna let it be known that she was not in the least opposed to old-fashioned “rough” initiations. As a result, fifteen attractive sophomore girls were in for an experience they would not soon forget.

There was more than one reason behind Donna’s decision to offer no protection to the young initiates. In the first place, she was a sadist. She had always been quite honest with herself about it. She enjoyed inflicting pain on the members of both sexes and found it stimulating in a physical, highly erotic fashion.

She very much disliked the modern school rules that forbade corporal punishment, and often told herself that in a different era a gym instructor would have had many opportunities to inflict punishment on misbehaving young ladies. To make up for it, she made a point of conducting her gym classes in a vigorous, highly athletic manner, featuring extensive exercises that often left her young pupils with their tongues hanging out with exhaustion. She always found it quite exhilarating to see all those spoiled middle-class girls suffering through the rugged workouts she imposed on tern.

In addition, Donna was bisexual. Although she talked a great deal about her interest in getting cock, she in fact could swing with either sex and enjoy it equally as much. However, she had learned to be extremely cautious about approaching her female pupils with any offbeat ideas. While boys were extremely easy to rape, girls were inclined to be overly emotional and could easily become hysterical and risk creating a scandal.

As a result, Donna preferred to do her all-female swinging with other adults. Even in that rural school, she was sure that somewhere there was a lesbian on the teaching staff. There always was. Among the other three young women who shared the old Walton House with her, she had virtually eliminated Sharon and Ruth as possibilities. However, she was beginning to suspect that perhaps Karen might be available.

The afternoon classes passed rapidly and Donna soon found herself back in her office waiting for the initiation to begin. In the locker room next door, she could barely hear the half-whispered and obviously anxious conversations of the sophomore girls as they dressed themselves in the special costumes required by the initiation committee. Inside the gymnasium itself, she could hear the excited sounds of the older girls as they prepared to put the new girls through their paces. Donna could tell that they were being deliberately noisy just to create an atmosphere all the more nerve-racking for the apprehensive initiates.

Since she was planning to leave as soon as the initiation came to an end, Donna decided to change into her street clothes. Peeling off her blue gym suit, she stepped into the single stall shower that was one of the more pleasant features of her office and turned on the warm water. Although the water was quite pleasant, she showered quickly and dried herself with an oversized bath towel.

Slipping into a trim pair of white panties and matching brassiere, she snapped on a garter belt and sat down to put on her stockings. Carefully smoothing the tan nylons up her long shapely legs, she fastened them carefully to the tabs of her garter belt. As usual, she had not bothered to wear a slip. Her form-fitting dress was an attractive green and fashionably short, ending well above her knees. Brown calfskin shoes completed the outfit.

When she entered the gymnasium, she could see that the initiation was about to commence. The fifteen attractive sophomore girls were all lined up attired in initiation costumes consisting of boys’ white t-shirts worn without bras or anything else beneath them, short and tight-fitting red micro minis that barely covered their hips, black stockings rolled neatly just above the knees, and mismatched shoes consisting of one high heel and one sneaker. As required by the initiation rules, they wore their hair tied in numerous short braids with multicolored ribbons, and wore exaggerated, clown-style makeup, with heavily painted lips and red spots on their cheeks.

Members, who outnumbered them by about two to one, were surrounding them, laughing and teasing them about the ordeals they would soon suffer. Some of the members were equipped with solid-looking wooden paddles, and other paddles could be seen lying around in various places. Other initiation props were clearly in evidence.

Trying not to be obtrusive, Donna selected a seat where she could observe the festivities. She quickly noted with pleasure that the sophomore girls were all showing considerable apprehension about the ordeal ahead. Some of them were noticeably pale. Donna could not refrain from smiling slightly as she noticed that several of them continually glanced nervously at the paddles that were so prominently in evidence.

The initiation ceremonies commenced with a series of exercises conducted by Betty Lanier, the flashy blonde president of the G.A.A. Donna watched with amusement and more than a little pleasure as the embarrassed girls were made to run in place, their tits bouncing all too noticeably under their thin white t-shirts. Other exercises followed and it soon became apparent that the initiates were wearing no panties. Bicycling, doing sit ups and various other exercises, the red-faced girls continually providing their amused audience with intriguing glimpses of sweet young pussies. Much to Donna’s satisfaction, Betty proved to be a severe taskmaster who did not stop the exercises until most of the girls were nearly in a state of collapse.

Following the exercises, the new girls were all blindfolded with thick black scarves. There followed a series of high-schoolish initiation stunts that Donna nevertheless found rather amusing. New members were required to drink, a “toast” to the older girls, and their choking and gasping reactions made it apparent that the large glasses contained some suitably horrid mixture.

Similar stunts followed. While the assembled members watched gleefully, the new girls were required to massage each other’s heads with molasses, then break six raw eggs on top. Next, each new girl was given a rank, cigar with instructions to smoke it down in exactly four minutes, a trick that produced the expected number of casualties. Bits of spaghetti, no doubt feeling like the worms the girls believed them to be, were then dropped in open mouths. Some of the girls had to be forcibly fed and nearly all of them screamed.

Next came the coup de grace. Still blindfolded, the terrified girls were formed into a single line with their backs to Donna’s seat. The attractive gym instructor could feel a rising sense of excitement as she observed all of the older members equipping themselves with a solid paddle.

“Bend over, girls!” Betty Lanier called out the ancient command. “Grab those ankles and hold on!”

Reluctantly, the miserable girls obeyed. Donna watched with fascination as fifteen micro-minis rode up to reveal an equal number of bare girlish bottoms, all a cute pink-white and generously proportioned. There were whistles and laughter as the attractive targets came, into view, and the assembled members milled around laughing and talking, deliberately making the anxious initiates wait. The hapless victims could not refrain from flexing and puckering in anticipation of the workout to come, and Donna could almost feel her mouth watering at the thought of seeing those pert bottoms turned a flaming crimson.

Members began lining up behind the victims to take turns working them over. Donna watched intently as fifteen paddles were poised in the air while the blindfolded victims squirmed in anxious expectation.


All fifteen girls screamed in unison as the paddles landed with unexpected suddenness on their unprotected asses. The older members snickered and laughed and Donna smiled as the victims jumped with surprise and pain. Some of them straightened up with their hands flying backward to protect their bottoms, and had to be ordered to resume the position again.




Taking turns, the members began applying the solid paddles to the hapless victims. After the initial smacks, the new members grimly tried to remain in position, although each application produced a pained squeal from the victim. Donna watched with a keen sense of pleasure as fifteen girlish pairs of buttocks quickly became an attractive shade of bright pink. After only three or four swats, most of the girls were crying softly and all of tern were squirming frantically.

The solid wooden paddles continued to pop on bare feminine bottoms. As their asses began to burn and throb with pain, the crying initiates began to mix pleas for mercy with their cries of pain. Although various members continually urged them to keep their legs stiff, most of them could not refrain from bending their knees sharply each time a paddle cracked against their defenseless asses. Watching the sadistic demonstration with intense interest, Donna wondered if any of the girls had any idea how much satisfaction they were providing her.



As their young bottoms turned a flaming scarlet on both sides, the young initiates screamed with anguish and begged frantically to be spared. Their screams were ear-splitting, and the noise at times was almost deafening. Some of them had to be forcibly restrained from using their hands to protect themselves. Most of the girls were sobbing heavily and some seemed close to hysterics. Donna was sure it would be a long time before she forgot the sight of those fifteen crimson pairs of feminine buttocks.

Finally, Betty Lanier blew a whistle and the paddlings came to an abrupt halt. Fifteen sobbing girls slowly straightened up and were allowed to remove their blindfolds. The initiation was over but it was obvious that the new members would find sitting down quite uncomfortable for several days. As the tearful girls slowly began making their way back to the locker room, Donna decided that it was time to leave. The entire episode had left her feeling quite exhilarated.

She decided to exit through a little-known tunnel under the bleachers of the gym. As she walked through the tunnel, she suddenly spotted a pair of masculine shoes dangling within the wooden framework of the bleachers.

“Well, what do we have here?” she called out.

“Come down from there this instant!”

A sheepish-looking young man who appeared to be an upperclassman slowly extricated himself from the wooden framework and dropped to his feet in front of her. He had obviously been watching the initiation, and the handsome bulge in the front of his slacks revealed how it had affected him. He quickly became quite red-faced when he found himself standing in front of the tall and athletic girls’ gym instructor.

“Well, what are you doing here?” Donna demanded, pretending to be irritated although she in fact was quite pleased at the sudden opportunity that had presented itself.

“I…” the young man swallowed hard and obviously had no explanation for his behavior.

“What’s your name?” Donna asked, maintaining her severe manner. To torment him a little, she gave him a frank downward glance that made it apparent to him that she was aware of his erection.

“Bill,” he stammered. “Bill Reed.”

“Well, come with me, Bill!” Donna told him. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”

Grabbing him by the ear as if he were a naughty boy rather than a mature teenager, Donna started marching him to her office. The young man offered no resistance and seemed exquisitely embarrassed by the predicament in which he found himself. Knowing that she was in full command of the situation and feeling quite elated by the possibilities it offered, Donna led him into her office. As she closed the door behind them, she discreetly locked it to make sure that they would not be disturbed.

Pushing her desk chair back slightly, Donna sat down and crossed her long legs in a deliberately casual manner. She made no effort to adjust the hem of her form-fitting green dress, and allowed it to ride up to reveal an intriguing quantity of tan nylon. Bill stood in front of her desk looking quite mortified, but despite his embarrassment the bulge in his slacks was still all too apparent.

“Well, Bill, I think you have a lot of explaining to do,” Donna told him, still pretending to be severe although she found the situation richly amusing.

“Well…” he tried to explain but seemed hopelessly tongue-tied.

“You knew that area was completely off limits,” Donna told him. “This could get you into very serious trouble, you know. You could even be expelled for this.”

“Yes, I know,” he admitted.

“And think of your embarrassment when your parents, and friends all find out that you’re a peeping Tom,” she added.

He nodded and looked quite distressed.

“How did you find out about the initiation?” she asked. “You must date one of the members.”

He seemed reluctant to reply. “Yes,” he finally replied.

“One of the initiates?” Donna asked.

“Yes,” he admitted.

“Imagine how she’s going to feel when she learns you were spying on her,” she told him. She paused to give him time to say something.

“Well, could you possibly not report it?” he finally asked, gulping hard as he spoke.

Donna tried to appear a little shocked by the suggestion. “I strongly feel that you deserve to be punished,” she told him with mock severity. “You’re obviously guilty.”

“I realize but…” he pleaded.

Pretending that it was mere carelessness on her part, Donna allowed her dress to ride up a little more, revealing the expanded tops of her black nylons. Despite his obvious distress, Donna noticed that he occasionally cast an inquisitive glance at her long, shapely legs.

“Permit me to make a suggestion,” she told him. “Rather than expose you to any public ridicule, I would agree to punish you privately. Right here in my office.”

She could see that the young man looked quite relieved.

“Would that be acceptable?” she asked. “I can assure you that it would all remain strictly between you and me.”

“Yes,” he said quite quickly.

Donna paused for a moment before continuing. Their eyes met and she could see that the young man was beginning to think about what punishment she might have in mind.

“Of course, the punishment must fit the crime,” Donna told him, suppressing a smile as she saw him gulping quite noticeably. “Fortunately, I happen to have my old school sorority paddle right here in my drawer. You’ll have to take it exactly the same way the girls did! Don’t you agree that that is appropriate?”

He was scarlet with embarrassment and Donna could see that he was quite dumbfounded by the proposal she had made. “Please! I… uh…” he tried to protest but seemed at a loss for words.

Donna scooted her chair forward and reached into her desk drawer to pull out her paddle. Bill swallowed hard and looked thoroughly alarmed at the sight of that solid red maple paddle in her hand. Donna moved the chair back away from the desk again and uncrossed her long legs. By this time, her dress had ridden up to reveal stocking tops and a glimpse of bare white thigh, and she deliberately left it in that provocative fashion.

“You might as well get it over with!” she told him, smacking the paddle lightly against the palm of her hand. “Since your behavior was so totally juvenile, I propose to punish you over my lap. Come here!”

Bill swallowed hard and she could feel him looking at her with a mixture of fear and excitement. Enjoying herself thoroughly, she played the role of the dominatrix to the hilt, staring severely at him while at the same time giving him an exciting view of the attractive lap where he would soon be lying. He was scarlet with embarrassment, but she could see that he was too intrigued to pass up the bizarre offer of erotic punishment she was making.

“Come here!” she repeated in a firm voice.

Slowly, and looking at her almost as if he were hypnotized, Bill walked over to her.

“Drop your trousers!” she told him. “Hurry up!”

Looking even more embarrassed, the hapless youth unfastened his trousers and let them slip down to his ankles. There was no way to conceal the bulge in his tight cotton shorts as he started to bend over her lap.

“Just a second,” Donna stopped him. “I said you were going to be punished exactly like the girls got it, and I mean exactly! You know what you have to do.”

Biting his lip and looking thoroughly humiliated, Bill hooked his fingers into the waistband of his shorts and yanked them down. Before he managed to stretch out over her attractive lap, Donna caught a glimpse of his erection. She had obviously landed herself a very well-equipped young stud. A moment later, she felt that rock-hard young cock pressing against her nylons and opened her thighs to grip it between them. With pleasure, she noted his discomfort as she clamped his cock firmly between her thighs.

Donna paused for a moment to relish the scene. “I’m sure it must be very humiliating for you to be punished by a young woman teacher,” she tormented him. “Now, hold still and try to get some good out of it! You’ve got a good hot workout coming!”

She could see him tensing with anticipation as she lifted the paddle in the air.


The paddle descended against the boy’s unprotected ass with a noisy splat.

“OW!” Bill exclaimed involuntarily, snapping his head back and jerking sharply as the paddle smacked against his bare flesh.

“Pansy!” Donna tormented him. “Now hold still and try to take it like a man!”

Once again she got a firm grip on the paddle and lifted it in the air.


The second whack descended with equal force. This time the boy took it without crying out, although Donna could see the expression of pain on his face. She intended to break him down completely and knew that she would thoroughly enjoy the task.


She brought the paddle down against his bare ass a third time, and watched with satisfaction as his ass jerked reflexively in response to the sudden jolt of pain.

“It must be quite a surprise to you to find that a woman can wield a paddle so effectively,” Donna remarked. “But it’s quite apparent that you approve of it,” she added in obvious reference to his throbbing hard-on.




Taking her time to make each application that much more effective, Donna continued applying the paddle to Bill’s exposed buttocks. His spank spot was becoming quite bright and it was obvious that the young man was experiencing great difficulty keeping his feelings under control. Donna could clearly see the expression of pain on his face, and could tell that he was gritting his teeth to keep from crying out.

“Your bottom is getting red,” she told him in a chiding manner. “You must feel like a complete baby being spanked like this!”



With her well-built young victim obviously feeling thoroughly hot and uncomfortable, Donna began smacking with slightly harder strokes. Each smack produced a spasmodic jerk that made it apparent that it was quite painful despite his efforts to mask his feelings. Knowing that he would not be able to hold out much longer, the brunette teacher felt quite pleasant and elated. Nothing gave her more sadistic pleasure than breaking down a high and mighty male and completely depriving him of his masculine pride.

“OUCH! OW!” Bill cried out, his will power beginning to wane under the painful whacks of the paddle. He was squirming in obvious distress, and Donna could see the tears welling in his eyes.



Donna began applying the paddle all the more forcefully to his reddening ass.

“OUCH! OW! Stop!” Bill exclaimed, finally losing his self-control and dissolving in tears. Haplessly, he reached back with one hand in an effort to protect his flaming ass.

“Take your hand away!” Donna demanded in a scolding voice. “If your little girlfriend could see you how,” she added scornfully. “Why, she took her paddling better than this!”


Donna continued applying the paddle without let-up. His ass a flaming scarlet all over, the miserable young man squirmed and swung his legs back and forth as much as his lowered trousers would permit. The sadistic teacher found herself thoroughly enjoying his pain and humiliation. He was crying quite hard and the distress on his face was quite obvious.

“Ouch! Please, stop!” he pleaded. “Please! That’s enough! It hurts too much!”

“You deserve it and you know it,” Donna reminded him. “You haven’t been spanked half as hard as those girls you enjoyed watching so much!”

To emphasize the point, she applied, an extra-hard smack with the paddle.

“OUCH!” Bill exclaimed. “Please! I can’t stand it any more!”

Donna would have enjoyed continuing with the paddle, but decided that it was time for another approach. “Perhaps you would prefer an alternate punishment,” she remarked, pausing and holding the paddle poised in the air.

“Yes,” he gasped between them. “What?”

“I think that’s for me to say,” Donna told him, applying the paddle smartly to his burning bottom.

“OWW!” he cried out, jerking convulsively. “All right! Anything but this!”

“On your knees!” Donna told him, giving him a shove off her lap.

Crying hard and looking quite distressed, Bill slid to his knees in front of her. His hands flew backward to rub his burning ass, but Donna knew there was little he could do to relieve the penetrating heat she had built up. She sat in front of him, looking down scornfully at him. Her green dress had ridden up well over the tops of her stockings, and she knew that he could see her thin white panties.

“Since you’re such a little pansy who can’t even take a spanking, I’m going to shame you real good!” she told him in a contemptuous voice.

She could see the look of amazement in face as she gathered her dress back and quickly stripped down her panties. Pulling the small garment down her long legs and tossing it aside, Donna positioned herself on the outer edge of the chair and spread her legs apart. Pulling her green dress back nearly to her waist, she pointed a forefinger at her midsection. Bill gulped hard as he stared at the heavy growth of rich brown hair that partially obscured the pink cleft where the attractive teacher apparently intended him to worship.

“Well, go on!” Donna spoke in a severe voice. “Have you ever eaten a woman’s pussy before?”

“N-no!” Bill admitted with an embarrassed stammer.

“It’s about time you got started then!” she told him. “Put your head in there and do what I tell you!”

Bill hesitated for a moment, and Donna watched him severely, wriggling her forefinger bossily as a signal for him to proceed. Swallowing hard, the young man slowly began lowering his face into her cunt. Feeling his cheeks brushing against her hairs, Donna grasped his head with both hands, suddenly mashing his face firmly against her pussy. She was pleased to see that he made no attempt to resist.

“That’s right,” she told him. “Now kiss and lick me all over down there!”

Offering no opposition, Bill meekly began kissing and licking her cunt. Surprised but quite pleased by his cooperative attitude, Donna leaned back in her chair to enjoy his submissive oral caresses. As his lips and tongue moved up and down the pink groove, her feminine moisture began to ooze forth, and the long-legged young teacher automatically began moving her pelvis back and forth with rhythmic thrusts.

“See if you can get your tongue inside me!” she told him with a trace of urgency in her voice.

Bill extended his tongue as far as he could, and began stabbing it between the plump folds of her cunt.

“Ooh! Yes, that’s the way!” Donna encouraged him, squeezing her thighs against him and pressing down firmly on his head.

Using his fingers to separate the pink lips, Bill worked his tongue deep inside her and began caressing her clitoris and the surrounding area. Coiling her long smooth thighs even tighter around his head, Donna gasped with delight and bit her lip anxiously as she felt his masculine tongue teasing her most sensitive areas.

“Oh, have you ever got me turned on!” she exclaimed. “Come on, let’s take off all our clothes!”

She could see the look of dismay on the young man’s face as she pushed his head back. Slipping off her shoes, Donna unhooked her tan stockings and peeled them down her smooth white legs. Bill watched with obvious fascination as the tan hose departed from the milky white flesh.

“Come on! Take off your clothes, too!” Donna urged as she stood up to remove her dress.

Peeling off his own clothes, Bill watched as the attractive woman peeled off her green dress, leaving herself attired only in garter belt and well-filled white brassiere. Donna could feel his eager eyes alternating between her steeply pointed bra and the gleaming bush of dark-brown hair. At the same time, she could not refrain from licking her lips at the sight of his rigidly erect cock.

“Hurry up!” Donna insisted. “I can hardly wait to get that big thing inside me!”

Stripping off her garter belt, Donna quickly removed her bra and watched as her young companion finished peeling off his clothes. Stepping forward, she eagerly grasped his rigid cock in one hand and squeezed it as hard as she could. She could see the look of intense pleasure in his face as he explored her tits with his hands.

“Mmmmm, with a cock like this — you ought to be able to make every girl in school!” Donna told him. She ran her hand up and down the throbbing muscle, examining its dimensions.

“How can we…” he asked, looking around the office to see what was available.

“We’ll have to use the desk,” Donna said, quickly clearing a few papers off the desk. “Here, get up here and stretch out on your back!” she told him.

She could see that the young teenager looked slightly baffled as he obeyed her instructions. As he stretched out on the top of the desk, Donna cast an admiring glance at his long and stiffly erect cock. Holding her long brunette hair back out of the way, she leaned forward and gave his prick a teasing swipe of her tongue. Bill’s sharp gasp revealed his feelings.

“Here, help, me up on the desk,” Donna told him.

Taking her hand, he helped her up.

“This is going to work out just fine!” Donna exclaimed as she swung one long leg over his midsection and knelt astride him with her back to him.

Grasping his upright cock with one hand, she quickly fitted it between the outer lips of her cunt and began lowering herself onto it. The thick cock dilated her pussy walls quite firmly, giving her the pleasant sensation of feeling impaled on hard cock.

“Oh, this is great!” Donna cried out as she began twisting and riding up and down on the thick shaft.

As her wet clinging cunt walls teased his pulsating cock, Bill extended both hands around her and began playing with her tits.

“Wow!” Donna exclaimed, throwing her head back and gasping with pleasure. The boy’s hands kneaded and fondle her tits, quickly leaving them taut with excitement.

Working her hips in a circular, grinding motion designed to obtain the maximum penetration, Donna continued tormenting her teenaged companion. Thoroughly lubricated by her fluids, their organs functioned perfectly together. Bill rocked his hips back and forth under her in response to her teasing thrusts.

“Bet you never dreamed you’d be in this position!” Donna teased him, looking back over her shoulder at him.

“Boy, that’s for sure!” he admitted.

Donna could feel the delicious heat building deep inside her cunt. The warmth began spreading through her entire body, making her feel almost uncomfortably hot and more than a little breathless. She began, rocking and thrusting her hips almost violently, forcing herself down against him to drive that thick cock deep into her cunt.

“Oh! I’m going to come!” she told him in an excited voice.

Bill’s hands squeezed her tits in an almost painful manner, and he rocked his hips back and forth under her as fast as he could. The heat suffusing her entire body continued to build, forcing her to writhe and thrust on his upright cock. She wanted to hold herself back to enjoy it as long as possible, but there was no way she could restrain herself. Slamming her hips down against him with powerful strokes, she could feel that thick shaft sliding in to the hilt. Her pussy felt afire.

“Ooooh!” Donna emitted a yell of delight as she found herself experiencing in intense climax. As her entire body trembled with warmth and excitement, she could feel the hot masculine fluid spurting inside her. Breathless and pleased, she sat astride him with their organs connected until his young cock began to lose its tension.

“That was a nice ride!” she exclaimed as she climbed off the desk. “I’m really out of breath!”

She could see that Bill was also quite out of breath as he sat up on the side of the desk.

“Why don’t we take a shower together?” Donna suggested with a smile.

“Okay,” Bill readily agreed.

Picking up the soap, Donna stepped into the shower and turned on the water. “Come on in!” she told him. “There’s room.”

Bill stepped inside the shower with her. The single-stall shower was a little crowded, and their bodies continually brushed against one another as the warm water splashed down over them.

“Hey, isn’t this fun?” Donna asked in a pleased voice.

“Sure is,” Bill admitted.

The two of them took turns soaping one another and stood around allowing the soap to wash off. Donna made no effort to protect her hair and it was soon soaking wet.

“I think water is sexy, don’t you?” she asked.

Bill nodded. “Yes,” he agreed as he watched the water trickling down her attractive tits.

Donna’s hand lightly fingered his limp cock in a teasing manner. Bending at the knees, she slid down inside the stall and slipped the crown of his cock inside her mouth. As the water continued to splash down against them and covered her face, her busy hand and mouth quickly achieved another promising erection. In a few moments, her mouth was tightly packed with hard throbbing cock.

“Why don’t you ball me right here in the shower?” she suggested as she straightened up. “Leave the water on!”

The tall brunette leaned back against one wall of the shower with her thighs apart. Bill pressed firmly against her, his bare chest crushing her wet tits. Using one hand, Donna guided his solid cock to her cunt. As he began penetrating, she wrapped her arms and legs around him. Pressing her against the wall of the shower, Bill shoved his throbbing prick deep inside her hot cunt.

“Ooh, I love it this way!” Donna exclaimed. “Oh, is it ever in me!”

The warm water continually splashed over them, urging them on. Bill began pumping and thrusting with virile movements, ramming his rock-hard young cock deep into her cunt with each forward thrust. Her weight completely off the floor, Donna writhed with excitement and coiled her arms and long legs around him in a viselike grip. Gasping for breath and pressing their bodies tightly together, the two of them quickly achieved a simultaneous orgasm.

“Oh, you’re a stud!” Donna told the pleased young man as they stood under the water trying to catch their breath.

It was several minutes before they emerged from the shower and began drying themselves off. Realizing that her hair was going to require some work, Donna slipped on a light robe as Bill began putting on his clothes.

“I hope you’ll keep in touch,” Donna told him as he was about to depart.

“Sure, don’t worry,” he assured her. “Any time.”

Donna picked up the paddle and smacked it lightly against the palm of her hand. “I’m very hard on the men in my life, Bill,” she warned him. “There’ll be more workouts with the paddle.”


Among the four teachers who had accepted positions at the high school, Karen Miles was the only one who had no interest whatever in the opposite sex. Although she was a flashy platinum blonde in her early twenties who easily attracted men’s attention, she routinely turned down all offers for dates. She had been a practicing lesbian since heir early teens, and had no intention of changing.

Her only experience with heterosexual sex had been an indirect one. During her early adolescent years, she had spent a summer vacation with an older married sister and her husband. The two of them had been married only a short time, and it soon became apparent to Karen that they were enjoying an active sex life. Considering her total lack of experience, it was not surprising that the situation stimulated her curiosity a great deal. She often heard sounds in the night that made her lie awake for hours.

One day she had gone shopping and returned much earlier than she had originally planned. As she entered the living room, she heard voices in the bedroom and quickly realized what was about to happen. Although she realized she had no business doing so, she was too overcome with curiosity to pass up the temptation. Slipping off her shoes, she tiptoed down the corridor that led to the bedroom where she noticed that the door was slightly ajar.

Being careful to remain out of sight, she quietly made her way toward the door. Her older sister Judy was stretched out on the bed, completely nude. Her brother-in-law was standing beside the bed and was in the process of disrobing. Karen stared intently at the unexpectedly large bulge that appeared in his shorts as he stepped out of his trousers. He quickly stripped off his shorts and Karen clasped her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out as she first caught sight of his sturdily upright cock. To her inexperienced eyes, the thick swollen muscle looked absolutely huge and totally primitive. She shuddered violently and stared at it with a mixture of horror and fascination.

“I’m really going to give you a mouthful!” she heard him say.

“Put it in any hole you like!” Judy replied with an amused laugh.

Karen stared with disbelief as she watched her brother-in-law kneeling astride Judy’s supine figure, his knees at her waist as he leaned forward on all fours. The young teenager felt her heart thumping wildly as she watched him gradually lower his body on top of her, permitting his stiff purplish cock to brush against Judy’s face. To her dismay, Judy extended her tongue and began licking his prick all over in an obviously eager manner.

“Mmm, Ron, it’s as hard as a brick!” she heard her sister say. “I just love it!”

“Open your mouth!” he told her bluntly. “Your overdue for a good face-fucking!”

Her heart beating like a hammer, Karen watched with horror as her older sister submissively opened her pretty mouth as far as she could. Ron maneuvered until the oversized crown of his cock was between her waiting lips and then started moving forward with gradual thrusts. Listening to Judy’s audible gulps as the thick muscle pried her lips far apart, Karen could hardly believe her eyes. In a few moments, Ron’s massive cock was shoved deeply into Judy’s mouth and Karen could see the distraught look on her sister’s face.

The young girl wanted to run, but stood rooted in place to observe what would happen next. After a moment’s pause during which some low moans could be heard from Judy, Ron began pumping back and forth on top of her. Karen stared intently as the red cock moved back and forth in Judy’s mouth in machinelike fashion. Judy’s hands were clasped around his bare hips and she seemed to be enjoying it, although she continually groaned and gulped in a manner that made it apparent that she was enduring more than a little discomfort.

To Karen’s amazement, the oral intercourse seemed to go on and on. Ron gradually increased the tempo and it wasn’t long before he was pumping furiously back and forth. She did not see how her sister could possibly stand such punishing mistreatment. Finally, Ron gave one final vigorous thrust forward and the half-strangled, gurgling sounds that came from Judy’s mouth made it apparent what had happened. Karen could see the frothy white come dripping from her sister’s mouth as the two of them disengaged.

Badly shaken from what she had just observed, Karen managed to creep away without being discovered. She did not sleep a wink that night and shuddered violently whenever she thought of herself in her sister’s position. It did not take her long to realize that sex with males was simply out of the question as far as she was concerned. Although she was not aware of it at the time, there was another and much softer alternative available to her.

In high school, she came under the protective wing of Miss Keller, an attractive history teacher who was in her early thirties. Miss Keller was in no hurry, and over a gradual period of time introduced her young charge to the joys of lesbian love. In due time, Karen became acquainted with the satisfaction of manual stimulation and cunnilingus, and soon became quite convinced that sex with a male could never offer the exquisite excitement of having her tiny button set off by an understanding feminine tongue.

During her high school years, Karen and her history teacher developed an extremely close relationship. It surprised her no little that no one seemed to suspect the true nature of their relationship. Her parents even permitted her to stay overnight at Miss Keller’s apartment, and the two of them often spent their weekends together. She would never forget those wonderfully wet and warm sixty-nines the two of them enjoyed when she stayed overnight in that small but attractively furnished apartment.

As a young woman in college, Karen was pleasantly surprised to find that there were other girls who shared her preference for all-girl sex. She developed no particularly close relationships, but slept around with various girls to obtain a variety of experiences. Although she enjoyed having an affair with an experienced girl, it was always an even bigger thrill to initiate a newcomer to the pleasures of lesbian sex.

Under the circumstances, it was not surprising that Karen decided to become a teacher. As a teacher, she would constantly be around nubile and impressionable young girls, and she was sure there would be many opportunities for her to seduce attractive girls much in the same manner as she had been seduced by Miss Keller. Thus, as she accepted her first teaching position, she had one objective in mind, and that was to find her first candidate for seduction.

It did not take her long to discover a likely candidate. Francine Nelson was an attractive junior transfer student whose parents had just moved into the community. She was a taller than average brunette with a nicely rounded face and sensitive features, and it was apparent that she was developing an appealing figure. Karen quickly discerned that Francine was a shy, quiet girl who was having difficulty finding new friends and breaking into the established cliques at the school. It seemed an ideal opportunity for her.

Karen began giving special attention to the new student. She knew it would be a serious mistake to rush things, and took her time about it. Francine appeared to appreciate her friendship and began to confide in her. Karen invited her to visit with her at Walton House so that she might help her with her homework, and it wasn’t long before the two of them could be seen together at various affairs. Based upon her own experiences as a teenager, Karen was confident that no one would suspect that anything was going on between them.

“You know, I’m having an awful time with that assignment Miss Meade gave me,” Francine remarked as the two of them were walking in the school corridor.

“Why don’t you bring it over to the house this evening, honey?” Karen suggested.

“Okay, if you don’t mind,” Francine agreed.

Karen was waiting for her pupil. Fortunately, the three other young women who shared Walton House with her were gone for the evening. For the occasion, Karen wore only a filmy blue negligee and a pair of fluffy slippers. The negligee was completely diaphanous and left her buxom figure completely on display. The attractive young teacher added a touch of perfume to make herself all the more appealing.

She recognized Francine’s timid knock on the door. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to the door and opened it. “Come in, Francine,” she told her with a pleasant smile.

She pretended to ignore the surprised look on her young pupil’s face. Francine was casually dressed in a pair of slicks and a light-green sweater that nicely outlined her promising young figure.

“I hope this isn’t too much trouble for you,” Francine told her as she came through the door.

“Not at all,” Karen assured her.

“I can’t get over how big this house is,” Francine remarked as she looked around the spacious, high-ceilinged living room.

“Yes,” Karen replied. “Well, that’s the way they used to build houses. Why don’t we go upstairs where we won’t be disturbed?”

“Okay,” Francine agreed.

As she escorted her young pupil up the winding stairs that led to the second floor of the old house, she could see that Francine was casting an occasional inquisitive glance at her well-displayed figure. There was no doubt that the pretty teenager was mote than a little curious.

“My room’s this way,” Karen told her as they reached the head of the stairs.

She led the young girl into one of the four large bedrooms that stood on the second floor. The room featured a large double bed covered by an attractive green bedspread.

“My, this is, a nice room!” Francine exclaimed as she sat down on the side of the bed.

Without trying to appear too obvious, Karen sat down beside her. She could see that Francine was quite aware of her perfume and was having difficulty keeping her eyes off of her all too visible tits.

“Do you want to get started with that homework or shall we just talk for a while?” she asked.

Francine smiled. “I’m really not in the mood to work,” she admitted.

“What are you in the mood for?” Karen asked, smiling at her in a somewhat teasing manner.

“Oh, I don’t know,” the teenager replied.

Karen paused for a moment. “You’re a very pretty girl, Francine,” she told her. “Have I told you that before?”

“No,” Francine replied, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.

“You should have all the boyfriends you want,” Karen continued.

She could see the faint look of irritation on Francine’s face. “I suppose so,” the teenager said.

“Strange,” Karen went on, looking steadily at her. “I’ve never seen you with a boy around school.”

Francine hesitated before replying. “Well, for some reason I’m not all that interested in boys, I guess,” she admitted, keeping her eyes averted.

Karen paused. “Well, that’s not as unusual as you might think,” she told her quietly. “There are a number of girls who feel the same way. Of course, very few of them will admit it.”

She leaned forward and kissed the teenager lightly on the lips. Francine seemed quite surprised but made no attempt to draw back.

“I’m the same way,” Karen confided. “You know, I’ve never had a date in my life.”

Francine smiled. “That’s a little hard to believe. Why, you’re so attractive.”

“Well, it’s true,” Karen told her. “I much prefer to be around girls.”

Once again she leaned forward and kissed Francine lightly on the lips.

“I don’t know if we should…” Francine objected, looking a little worried.

“Oh, what’s the harm?” Karen pretended to treat the matter lightly. “No one’s going to see us. Why don’t we stretch out on the bed and relax awhile?”

Francine made no objection as Karen gently pushed her back on the bed. The two of them lay on their sides facing one another, and Karen made sure that their tits were lightly brushing each other.

Slipping an arm over the pretty teenager’s shoulder, Karen kissed her firmly on the mouth and allowed her lips to linger afterward.

“There, don’t you like that?” she asked in a quiet voice.

“I suppose so,” Francine admitted.

Karen kissed her once again and moved closer to her, making sure that Francine was aware of her tits pressing against her.

“What’s wrong with a couple of girls kissing each other like this if they want to?” she asked.

“Nothing, I guess,” Francine replied.

“Why don’t you kiss me next?” Karen suggested with an inviting smile.

She could see that the teenager was more shy than unwilling. Acting as if she feared she might be rejected, Francine paused for a moment and then kissed her firmly on the lips.

“That was nice,” Karen replied, responding with a hard kiss. She could see that the young girl was beginning to respond despite her bashfulness.

“I… I’m not sure…” Francine spoke hesitantly. Her face was flushed and she was a little breathless.

Karen grasped her pupils hand and placed it on the front of her negligee, allowing her to feel her plump breast through the thin material. Francine made no effort to dislodge her hand and in return Karen ran her hand over the front of the teenager’s green sweater, feeling the promising mounds beneath it.

“You’re a very mature girl,” Karen told her.

Kissing her hard once again, Karen extended her tongue. Francine’s mouth came open slowly and their tongues suddenly met. The pretty teenager trembled noticeably and Karen could feel the excitement surging through her as their tongues flicked against one another. By this time, Karen could see that she had made another conquest, and confidently looked forward to initiating the young girl.

“I don’t know if we should…” Francine objected.

Karen opened up her negligee and pulled it from her shoulders, allowing the young girl to see her full ripe tits.

“Look at me, Francine!” she told her. “Look at me and then tell me you’re not interested.”

The teenager’s face was a pretty crimson as she gazed at the attractive teacher’s exposed breasts. “Please,” she protested in an embarrassed tone. “I haven’t the slightest idea what to do.”

Karen smiled at her. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you,” she reassured her.

The two of them exchanged, another openmouthed kiss, and Karen could feel the pretty teenager wriggling with an excitement she was obviously trying to contain. She made no attempt to resist as Karen pulled her sweater off over her head, mussing her brown hair a little and revealing a nicely filled white bra. Francine blushed deeply as Karen slipped her hands behind her back and undid the bra, pulling it away to reveal prettily rounded, coral-tipped young tits. Although the comely teenager looked exquisitely embarrassed, she made no effort to cover herself.

Gently pushing her down on her back, Karen quickly leaned forward and kissed one pink nipple lightly.

“Ooh!” Francine exclaimed, catching her breath and arching her back sharply.

“You have lovely breasts, Francine!” Karen told her.

Licking her lips with anticipation, Karen quickly stripped off her negligee and leaned forward to kiss the two pretty mounds again. Extending her tongue, Karen alternated between the two pink nipples with gentle flicks while her hands gently molded and caressed the two globes. Her face deeply flushed with excitement and biting her lip to keep from crying out, Francine writhed and twisted with growing excitement as the sensitive caresses left her young tits taut with arousal.

“I’ve never felt anything like this before!” the pretty teenager admitted in a slightly breathless voice.

“Why don’t you get those slacks off, honey?” Karen suggested.

Lifting her hips from the bed, Francine stripped down her slacks and panties with one motion and in a moment she was also completely naked. Stretched out on the bed beside one another, the two naked young women met in a warm embrace. Their breasts and nipples pressing firmly against each other, they exchanged a deep kiss. Karen could see that her young pupil was highly aroused.

Taking one pink nipple into her mouth and gently sucking on it, Karen slowly allowed one hand to slide down the velvety smooth flesh and into the tuft of fluffy brunette hair adorning the girl’s cunt. She was not surprised to find that the young girl was already slightly creamy. Francine trembled with excitement as Karen lightly stroked the pink crease.

“Spread your legs open a little, honey,” Karen suggested.

Francine eagerly spread her long white legs open. Kneeling at her side, Karen extended both hands and used her fingertips to pry the lips of her cunt open. She could not refrain from licking her lips with anticipation as she unveiled the lush pink-red feminine meat.

“Oh, Karen, you’re not…” Francine’s voice sounded shocked but excited.

Her tongue extended, Karen promptly lowered her blonde head into the brunette’s pussy.

“OH!” Francine emitted a squeal of girlish delight as she felt the young teacher’s tongue caressing her clitoris.

Karen ran her tongue up and down inside the pink crease, tasting the delicious meat and feeling the feminine juices soaking her tongue.

“Ooh! Oh!” Francine gasped at the new sensations she was suddenly experiencing.

“Like it?” Karen asked in a teasing voice, once again sliding her tongue between the plump lips of the teenager’s cunt.

“Love it!” Francine exclaimed in a breathless voice. “I never felt anything like it before!”

The pretty teenager was delightfully wet and was thrusting her hips back and forth with reflexive movements.

“Let me get between your legs,” Karen told her.

Francine watched excitedly as the shapely blonde teacher knelt between her bare white legs and leaned well forward.

“Slip your legs down over my back, honey,” Karen instructed. “That’s the way.”

Francine’s smooth legs brushed pleasantly against her back as the excited teenager quickly followed her instructions. Using her fingertips once again, Karen carefully separated the outer folds of the girl’s cunt to expose the lush pink interior once again. Leaning forward, she allowed her face to brush against the moist and sticky hair.

“Now, I’m going to give you a come like you’ve never had before!” she promised the wriggling teenager.

With her pink tongue extended as far as possible, Karen began licking and nibbling the wet meat. Francine gasped and arched her back in a kittenish fashion as she felt Karen’s feminine tongue teasing and caressing her clitoris and vaginal orifice. Running her fingers excitedly through Karen’s blonde hair, the attractive teenager thrust her hips back and forth with rhythmic movements.

“Ooh! Oh!” Francine gasped. “Keep doing it! Don’t stop! I love it!”

Sliding her hands under the young girl’s smooth hips, Karen worked her tongue into her cunt as far as she could and flicked it around. Francine’s feminine honey was flowing in generous quantities, bathing her face and filling her mouth. Lifting the teenager’s hips a few inches from the bed, Karen quickly ran her tongue back to the other hole and twirled it inside for a moment.

“Oh!” Francine squealed with surprise and delight. “Oh, my goodness!”

Karen worked her way back to the pink crease and once again worked it deep inside. Drinking in the seeping fluids with audible slurps, she quickly found the young girl’s ultra sensitive clitoris. The excited teenager shuddered violently at the intimate contact and began jerking her pelvis back and forth in a manner that made clear that her emotions were going out of control. Her face plastered against the sopping wet cunt, Karen constantly teased the tiny button with her experienced tongue. Completely distraught with sexual arousal, Francine clawed at Karen’s blonde head in an apparent attempt to hold her even closer.

“Ooooooh!” Francine suddenly reached an intense climax. Her entire body shuddered convulsively and her long legs jerked upward spasmodically.

Karen deliberately kept her face buried in the wet pussy until the pretty teenager’s convulsions began to subside.

“Oh, that was wonderful!” Francine exclaimed, tears of excitement in her eyes, as Karen slowly withdrew her face from her cunt.

“I thought you’d be pleased,” Karen told her.

“I want to do the same thing for you!” Francine said in an insistent voice.

“Of course,” Karen replied, smiling at her.

The attractive teacher stretched out flat on her back with her legs apart and knees slightly upraised. She could see the eager look of excitement in Francine’s eyes as the teenager got to her knees at her side. Her eyes sweeping down from Karen’s full tits to the delightful patch of hair at the fork of her legs, the excited teenager impulsively leaned forward and planted a moist kiss on her pussy.

“Oh!” Karen’s lips formed into a pretty oval at the intimate contact.

Blushing hotly and looking quite excited, Francine allowed her lips to linger for a second and then began kissing Karen’s tits all over. The eager teenager did not seem to require any coaching. Flicking her tongue over the sensitive nipples and gently stroking with her hands, she quickly managed to make the attractive teacher’s breasts stand up firm and taut.

“Oh, that’s the way!” Karen encouraged her.

“Oh, that feels great! Now, the other place! I’m really in the mood for it!”

Karen spread her thighs as far as possible as Francine knelt between her legs. Licking her lips with anticipation, the cute teenager studied the pink cleft from up close. With some uncertainty she extended her fingers and gently pried the pink folds apart with a light squishing sound. Karen could see her studying the pink interior meat with complete fascination.

“Go on, Francine!” she urged.

Extending her pink tongue, the pretty teenager buried her blushing face in Karen’s waiting pussy.

“Oh, that’s the way!” Karen told her, catching a deep breath as she felt the young girl’s tongue probing inside her cunt.

Francine eagerly began working with her tongue, exploring the moist interior and drawing out Karen’s girlish fluids. The attractive teenager’s tongue felt sweet and teasing, and Karen was soon thrusting her pelvis back and forth in a rhythmic manner. She could feel her seeping fluids bathing Francine’s face and getting into her mouth, and she could clearly hear the gulps as the young girl drank up the warm juices.

“Don’t stop, honey!” Karen told the pretty brunette. “You’re really turning me on!”

Tormented by the pretty teenager’s flicking and stabbing tongue, Karen writhed and twisted on the bed. Despite her inexperience, Francine seemed to know how to tease and tickle her clitoris and vaginal orifice with little flicks that sent sparks of electricity through her body. She could feel the first tormenting waves of an approaching orgasm, and found herself breathing progressively harder and faster.

“Ahhh!” Karen climaxed with an excited gasp, her entire body shuddering in a convulsive manner as a ball of fire seemed to explode in her pussy and spread throughout her body.

Francine seemed reluctant to remove her face afterward, and continually kissed the pink cleft as Karen lay trying to catch her breath. Finally, the pretty teenager withdrew her face and stretched out beside the young teacher. The two of them exchanged a moist, affectionate kiss.

“Don’t you agree that girl-love is the best kind?” Karen asked with a smile.

“I wasn’t sure but I am now!” Francine replied happily.

Without really thinking about what they were doing, the two of them stretched out in a sixty-nine position on the bed. In a moment, their faces were plastered against one another’s pussies.


“They say Ron’s got the biggest cock in the whole school!”

Sharon pretended not to overhear the conversation between the two senior girls in the restroom between halves of the football game. Although Ron was not in any of her classes, Sharon knew that he was one of the best athletes in the school. In fact, he had just scored the go-ahead touchdown a few seconds before the half.

“How would you know?” her companion asked in a catty voice. “You wouldn’t even know what a cock looks like.”

“Mary Lou Hudson says so,” the first girl continued, undeterred by her friend’s sarcasm. “And she ought to know!”

“I guess so,” the second girl admitted. “She’s fucked every guy in school. And probably a few teachers, too.”

“Mary Lou says he’s got ten inches!”

Sharon gasped and found it difficult to conceal her interest in the conversation.

“Ten inches!” the second girl exclaimed. “You have to be kidding.”

The girl shook her head. “No, Mary Lou says it’s at least ten inches. How’d you like to have something that big sticking in you?”

Her companion giggled and looked a little dubious. “I don’t know!” she exclaimed. “That sounds awful big to me!”

“I’d love it!” the first girl said as the two of them departed through the door.

As might be expected, Sharon found her curiosity quite stimulated by the conversation she had just overheard. Since her initial affair with Dale, the young teacher had found herself with a growing sexual appetite. There had been some repeat episodes with Dale, and new experiences with two other boys, whom she had seduced in similar fashion. To her dismay, another boy whom she had approached had turned her down. It was several days before she realized that he preferred masculine company.

As she returned to the grandstand for the second half of the game, Sharon found herself observing Ron’s athletic ability with growing admiration. She really did not understand much about football and cared less, but instead she occupied her mind with pleasant fantasies that placed her in bed with young Mr. Carter and his super-cock. Even if the girls were exaggerating about the size of his equipment, a roll in the hay with him would certainly prove interesting.

Following the game, Sharon decided to wait around outside the locker room, although she realized there was little chance of catching Ron alone. In a few minutes, various groups of boys began to emerge in twos and threes. To her surprise, Ron suddenly appeared by himself. Even without his shoulder pads, he looked impressive.

“Pardon me, Ron, could I speak to you for a moment?” Sharon asked, stepping forward.

“Well, sure. What?” he asked. Confronted by a teacher, he apparently thought that he must have done something wrong.

“I heard something about you that interested me,” Sharon told him with a teasing smile. She could feel her cheeks growing slightly warm as she stood in front of the well-built young man.

“What was that?” he asked, looking rather curious.

Sharon looked around to see if they were alone. “Perhaps there’s some place we could talk about it alone,” she told him in a confidential manner. “It’s rather personal.”

“Well, my car’s here in the parking lot,” he replied.

“Good,” Sharon replied. “Perhaps you could take me some place and we could talk about it.” She tried to make sure that there was a promising look in her eyes.

Ron shrugged. “Okay,” he agreed.

With a note of amusement, Sharon realized he did not suspect what she really had in mind and was more than a little puzzled. He opened the door for her and Sharon made no effort to control her skirt as she climbed into the front seat. By the time the young man joined her in the front seat, her skirt was up over the tops of dark-brown stockings, and garters and bare thighs were on view. Sharon suppressed an amused smile as she noticed him gulping with surprise.

“Oh, excuse me. Very careless,” she said, pulling her skirt down, but not very far.

“Is there any place special you want to go?” Ron asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

“Oh, no, any place. It doesn’t matter,” Sharon told him. “Any place you go.”

“What was it you heard about me?” he asked.

Sharon paused. She knew she was blushing hotly. “I heard you had the biggest cock in the whole school!” she told him in a deliberately understated voice.

Ron gulped and she could see his yes widen with surprise.

“Well, is it true?” she asked with a teasing smile.

Ron was obviously somewhat at a loss for words. “Well, I don’t know,” he managed to reply. “I mean, no one ever measured, you know.” He laughed slightly.

Sharon moved over closer to him. “I’d like to measure it, Ron,” she told him, watching him closely with eyes that were bright with anticipation.

“Oh,” he replied dumbly.

“Yes, I’m very interested in statistics like that,” she told him. “In fact, I’m making a special study about the length of boys’ cocks. I hope to write a book about it.”

Ron smiled and looked relaxed. “Well, in that case, I suppose I should let you measure it,” he told her with an amused laugh.

“Thanks!” Sharon replied, promptly laying her head in his lap and reaching for his fly.

“Hey, not right here in the car!” Ron protested in an alarmed voice.

“Why not?” Sharon retorted. “The car’s as good a place as any.”

“But it’s still broad daylight,” he told her. “Wait, I know a place we can go.”

Sharon could already feel the surging muscle under his trousers. “I can’t wait!” she told him pulling down his zipper.

“Boy, have you got hot pants!” he remarked.

Sharon’s eyes widened with astonishment as she pulled his fly open. Freed from the confines of his trousers, his massive young cock stood rigidly at attention in front of her face.

“My God, it’s huge!” Sharon exclaimed. “I never thought I’d see one this big!” She stroked it with one hand, feeling the blood pounding inside it. “How long is it, anyway?” she asked, realizing that the girls’ ten-inch estimate was not far off the mark.

Ron laughed. “I don’t know,” he told her. “Why don’t you measure it?”

“I’m going to,” Sharon promised. “Next time I’ll bring a ruler, but this time I’ll just measure it with my tongue!”

The attractive teacher extended her tongue and flicked it over the head of the boy’s cock with a moist swipe.

“Oh, wow! You’re going to make, me have wreck yet!” Ron exclaimed in a loud voice, his hips jerking reflexively in response to her teasing tongue.

“You just watch the road,” Sharon told him quietly. “And in the meantime I’m going to eat this nice big piece of meat!”

Ron could hardly hold still in his seat as she began licking his long, thick cock all over with her soft tongue. Although concentrating on the head and the area just behind the head, she licked it all over until the upright prick was gleaming with her saliva.

“You’re driving me nuts!” Ron told her, trying to keep his eyes on the road as her busy tongue continued tantalizing him.

“Why don’t you pull off to the side some place?” Sharon asked, letting her lips brush against the sleek crown of his rigid cock as she spoke.

In a few moments, the well-built young athlete pulled off the toad and switched off the ignition. With her head in his lap, Sharon could not see where they were, but that was of no concern at the moment.

“I want to get it in my mouth!” she told him. “But it’s so darn big I’m not sure I can!”

Ron watched closely as she formed her pretty mouth into a wide oval and slipped it down over the head of his cock. Sharon could feel his body twitch with pleasure as her wet mouth suddenly engulfed the sensitive crown with warm moistness. The thick cock was not easy to accommodate, and she worked it in slowly. Realizing that she could easily choke on a hunk of meat that big, she did not overextend herself.

“Mmmmm!” Sharon moaned as she sucked contentedly on the throbbing cock.

“That feels great!” Ron exclaimed. “Boy, I never thought a teacher would be doing this to me!”

Sharon withdrew her mouth just far enough to permit her to swallow comfortably. Keeping the tip just inside her mouth, she turned her head and looked, up at him with a teasing smile.

“There’s more than one teacher who’d just love to suck a cock like this, Ronnie!” she told him. “If you play your cards right, I might give you a few hints!”

She could see that the young man was more than a little intrigued by that remark. Before he could reply, she plunged her mouth back down over the sturdy head of his cock and began sucking on it. Ron’s pleased gasp was quite audible and the well-built stud began thrusting his pelvis back and forth in response to her teasing caresses.

“Oh, man!” he exclaimed. “You really know how to turn a guy on!”

Sharon turned her head from side to side, allowing the thick muscle to explore the insides of her mouth from various angles. She squeezed one hand firmly around the solid base, holding it securely and feeling the power coursing through it. The virility and raw physical power in that rigid masculine muscle made her feel delightfully feminine, and she sucked excitedly on it until she became quite breathless.

“You sure we’re all alone?” she asked without bothering to get up as she paused to catch her breath.

“Yes, don’t worry!” Ron assured her. “This is just a side road and there’s no one around.”

“That’s good,” Sharon replied, rolling her tongue over the sleek head of his cock in a deliberately teasing manner. “Because I really want to suck this thing!”

Taking a deep breath and swallowing, she opened her mouth once again and worked it down over the head of his cock. This time she tried to see how far she could take it into her mouth. Working it in slowly, she soon found her jaws forced widely apart by the thick masculine shaft. What a mouthful! she thought to herself. In a few moments, the head was brushing against the roof of her mouth and felt about ready to penetrate her throat. Ron was watching her closely, she knew, and it was obvious that he was quite amazed by her ability to take his cock in her mouth.

“Geez, I never thought you could get it in that far!” he remarked.

Sharon slowly began moving her head up and down in his lap, sucking and continually flicking with her tongue with teasing swipes. Ron squirmed in his seat and continually rocked back and forth with virile thrusts, and it soon became apparent that he was fighting to hold himself back. The thought of getting creamed by that immense cock was quite exciting, and Sharon found herself plunging it as far into her mouth as she dared with each downward thrust of her head.

“Watch out!” Ron said in a quiet but excited voice. “Any second now!”

The first blast of warm masculine cream caught her by surprise, and Sharon jerked upward as the thick fluid splashed against the insides of her mouth. Breathless and gurgling, she kept her mouth in position as Ron’s spurting cock gave her a mouthful of delightfully salty cream. The pretty young teacher swallowed and then began licking the remainder from his gradually slackening prick.

“Mmmm, I don’t want any of this cream to go to waste!” she told him, working like a kitten until his cock was shiny clean.

“Man, that’s what I call a real blow job!” the young athlete told her.

“I hope you enjoyed it!” Sharon told him with a teasing laugh. Sitting up for the first time in quite a while, she noticed that the car was parked along a deserted country road.

“Sure did!” he admitted.

Karen made sure that here skirt was pulled up over the taps of her dark-brown stockings. “Well?” she teased. “I hope I haven’t put you out of action.”

“No,” Ron replied with a laugh. “I was just trying to think where we might go.”

“I hope you think up something fast, honey,” Sharon told him with a teasing smile. “My pussy’s getting awfully itchy!”

Ron laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that!” Ron assured her as he started the engine.

“Where we going?” Sharon asked.

“There’s a shack down the road a couple of miles,” he explained. “Hunters sometimes stay overnight in it, but there’s probably no one around.”

The small shack was not visible from the road and seemed ideal for the purposes at hand. An electric light provided adequate illumination and there was a large bed covered by a blanket.

“This is perfect,” Sharon told him, looking around. “Why didn’t you take me here in the first place?”

Ron laughed. “You had me too worked up to do any thinking!” he admitted.

Sharon flashed a smile at him. “Think you can get it up again?” she asked.

Ron’s eyes narrowed as he watched her reaching for the buttons of her blouse. “Just wait and see!” he told her.

Sharon’s cheeks felt pleasantly warm as she removed her blouse. She could see the well-built young athlete’s eyes fastened intently on her nicely packed pink bra, and gave him a promising smile. Slipping off her shoes, she reached for the side of her skirt and quickly unfastened it. Gracefully stepping out of the skirt, she stood in front of him attired only in pink bra and panties, garter belt and dark-brown stockings.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Are you afraid you’ll catch cold?”

“I’ll wait till you finish,” Ron replied. “I like to watch,” he added candidly.

“Hope you enjoy yourself!” Sharon teased as she sat down to remove her stockings.

Knowing that he was watching quite intently, Sharon made something of a production out of removing her nylons. She took each stocking off one at a time, slowly rolling the filmy hose down her shapely white legs in a deliberate manner.

Tossing her discarded stockings aside, the young teacher reached behind her back and unsnapped her brassiere. Watching him closely to observe his reaction, she teased for a moment and then let her full tits tumble from the cones of the bra.

Standing up, Sharon hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties and slowly pulled them off her hips. Drawing them below her hips, she released them and allowed them to slide down her pretty legs, where they formed a limp ring at her ankles. Stepping out of them and kicking them aside, Sharon could see the young man licking his lips as he stared at the pretty brown hair covering her cunt.

Unsnapping her garter belt, she playfully tossed it at him and fell back on the bed. “What are you waiting for?” she teased, deliberately spreading her legs in a provocative fashion so that he could see the pink crease of her pussy.

Ron hastily began pulling off his clothes. Even before he removed his trousers, she could see the effect her tantalizing striptease had had on him. As he peeled off his trousers and shorts, she once again caught sight of his magnificent cock standing at rigid attention.

As he came toward the bed, Sharon moved back to make room for him. Her legs were still open in an inviting manner, leaving her red gash fully on display. To her surprise, Ron dropped to his knees between her legs with his hands outstretched.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Sharon asked with surprise.

“You’ll see!” he replied, slipping his fingers gently into the pink groove and separating the soft outer folds of her cunt. The pink interior seemed to have an almost hypnotic effect on him, and in a moment he impulsively buried his face in the moist gash.

“Ooh! Wow!” Sharon exclaimed. It was her first experience with that form of foreplay, and the attractive young teacher emitted a loud cry of excitement as she felt a masculine tongue flicking against her cunt for the first time.

She quickly realized that Ron seemed to know what he was doing. Hooking one leg over his back, she decided to relax and enjoy it thoroughly. While his hands explored her body from her tits to her hips and thighs, he kept his face tightly plastered against her pussy with his tongue busy at work. As he flicked and teased her tiny clitoris, the young teacher felt warm surges of electricity coursing through her body.

“Oh, Ron, I love it!” Sharon told him, a catch in her voice. “You’re making me as hot as hell!”

His tongue extended as far as possible, Ron worked it up and down the pretty crease. Sharon’s feminine fluids began to seep from her in liberal quantities, soaking her pubic hair and his face and trickling into his mouth. In response to his tongue, she began working her hips back and forth with rhythmic thrusts.

“Don’t stop! Keep doing it!” Sharon’s voice sounded breathless and urgent.

Pausing to rest his tongue for a moment, Ron began nibbling on the plump outer lips of her cunt. Sharon squirmed prettily on the bed, arching her back and rocking her girlishly plump hips back and forth. She was becoming more and more breathless and found herself biting her lip to keep from crying out with excitement. Catching her a little by surprise, Ron stabbed his tongue back inside her and flicked her clitoris.

“OH!” Sharon cried out. “Please, Ron! Put it inside me! I’m going crazy!”

The husky athlete quickly stretched out on top of her and Sharon trembled with excitement as she grasped his massive cock to guide it inside her. She could feel it passing through the lips of her cunt and quickly wrapped her anus and legs around him.

“Oh! Oh! You’re splitting me apart!” Sharon cried out with a mixture of discomfort and excitement as she felt the boy’s oversized cock filling her cunt.

Ron confidently thrust forward, spreading the yielding cunt walls as his partner wriggled and gasped beneath him.

“Don’t worry!” Ron told her. “I’m going to give you a fucking you won’t forget for a while!”

Resting on his forearms and knees, the husky youth began pumping back and forth with strong strokes. As the powerfully thick cock thrust back and forth inside her, Sharon wiggled her hips in response and excitedly bit his bare shoulders and chest to spur him on.

“Mmmm, I’ve never felt anything like it!” she told him in an excited voice.

Ron began pumping with progressively faster strokes and Sharon could feel her excitement mounting. Writhing about under the muscular young man as much as she could, she felt deliciously feminine and submissive as the almost painfully large cock slid back and forth inside her with piston like strokes.

“Ooh, am I ever hot!” she gasped. “My pussy feels like an oven!”

His broad chest brushing against the young teacher’s taut breasts, Ron pumped with almost violent strokes. His hard masculine physique slammed down against Sharon’s soft feminine body in a relentless manner. Gasping for breath and feeling burning hot between the legs, the pretty young woman held on for dear life. Finally, Ron thrust forward with an almost vicious shove and released his load inside her in warm jets. Nearly overcome with excitement, Sharon hugged him wildly as she erupted with a delightful climax.


“Going to be ready in a few minutes?” Donna called out from the living room of the old Walton House. She and Ruth were planning a Saturday afternoon shopping trip to the nearest suburban shopping center.

“Just give me five more minutes,” Ruth replied from her upstairs bedroom.

Donna looked around for something to read while she waited. Finding nothing interesting, the leggy brunette gym instructor stretched out on the living room couch and relaxed. Things had been going well since her initial affair with young Bill Reed following the G.A.A. initiation. As he had promised, Bill had returned for more sex with her, and it was becoming apparent that the well-built teenager had been hooked on her offbeat ideas of sexual excitement. And she was beginning to think that one of her female students was a promising candidate for some experiences that would suit her bisexual inclinations just fine.

A sudden knock on the door interrupted her reverie. Rather puzzled, she got up to answer the door. Their two roommates were gone for the weekend, and she and Ruth were not expecting anyone.

Answering the door, Donna found herself facing a young man who appeared to be in his late teens. He was apparently one of the students at the school, although she did not recognize him.

“Hi!” she addressed him with a wide smile. “Where did you come from?”

“Oh, hello, Miss Johnson,” he replied, obviously recognizing her. “My car ran out of gas,” he explained. “I was wondering if I could get a lift to the nearest gas station.”

“You must be one of the students at the school,” Donna said in a pleasant voice.

He nodded. “Yes, I’m Larry Watson.”

Donna gave him a quick once over. He was a well-built young man and there wouldn’t be any harm in teasing him a little, she decided. In fact, it might pay off later on.

“My roommate and I were just going into town,” she told him. “Why don’t you wait a few minutes and come with us?”

“Okay,” he quickly agreed.

Donna opened the door all the way and the young man stepped inside the living room.

“Have a seat,” she told him.

Taking a quick look around the spacious living room, Larry seated himself on the couch. Feeling pleasantly expectant and in a mood to tease him, Donna deliberately selected a chair opposite him and sat down. Watching him with a bemused smile, she crossed her long legs in a calculated manner and noticed the expression on his face as coffee-shaded nylons suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. Although he pretended not to notice, it was obvious that he was interested.

“So you know my name,” she remarked, swinging her foot back and forth in front of him in a somewhat exaggerated manner.

“Yes,” he replied, looking a little uncomfortable as he felt the attractive teacher looking at him closely. “I noticed you around school.”

“Oh?” Donna asked, flashing him a teasing smile as she deliberately let her skirt ride up to reveal expanded stocking tops and a glimpse of bare white thigh. Although the young man looked a little embarrassed, it was obvious that he could not take his eyes off of her.

“I’m around the gym a lot,” he tried to explain.

“You look athletic,” Donna told him. Deciding that it might be quite amusing to see if she could give him an erection right on the spot, the young teacher leaned back comfortably in her chair and began giving him bedroom eyes while swinging her leg back and forth in an inviting manner.

“Well, I’m not on any of the teams,” Larry replied, looking quite flustered.

“Ruth!” Donna called out in a loud voice. “Guess what we got?”

“What?” Ruth’s voice came from the second floor.

“A man!” Donna replied, smiling as she watched Larry’s face suddenly turn an embarrassed red.

Ruth’s amused laugh was clearly audible. “You mean a real live one?” she asked.

“He looks real live to me!” Donna replied.

“I’ll be down in a minute!” Ruth said.

With a promising smile on her face, Donna got up and sat down beside the well-built teenager. Making no pretense of being careless, she deliberately pulled her skirt up until dark-brown stocking tops and bare white thighs were on display.

“I hope you weren’t in any hurry,” she told m.

“No, I guess not,” he replied. He looked thoroughly dismayed and more than a little uncomfortable. He also seemed quite embarrassed, and a glance at the front of his slacks disclosed the reason.

“Good!” Donna said as they heard the click of Ruth’s heels on the stairway. She could not help grinning as she saw that the teenager was frozen in his seat.

Ruth suddenly appeared in the doorway. The buxom young teacher was attired in a sweater and skirt outfit that displayed her huge tits and shapely, nylon-clad legs to best advantage.

“Larry!” Ruth exclaimed with obvious surprise. “Miss Meade!” The young man appeared equally surprised.

“You two know each other?” Donna asked with a laugh. “What’s the matter, Larry? Don’t you stand up when a lady enters the room?” The attractive gym teacher flashed a wicked smile at the embarrassed young man.

“He’s in one of my classes,” Ruth interceded on his behalf. A quick look at Donna’s upraised skirt and the obvious bulge in Larry’s slacks made it apparent how far things had progressed. “Excuse me, I think three’s a crowd,” she remarked, turning to leave.

“Oh, don’t go!” Donna called out, grinning as she discerned the look of amazement on Ruth’s face as she turned around.

“Are you serious?” she asked, looking interested.

“Sure, why not?” Donna suggested with a laugh. “I’m sure young Larry’s enough of a stud to handle two women teachers!”

Ruth laughed and quickly sat down beside him on the couch.

“Hey, what are you two up to?” Larry asked in an worried voice.

Both young women laughed at his obvious consternation. Following her companion’s example, Ruth pulled her skirt up to reveal tan stocking tops and a flash of white thigh.

“Ruth, I think we’ve caught a virgin!” Donna said in a voice that feigned amazement. To the young man’s obvious astonishment, she boldly ran a hand over the front of his slacks.

“He won’t stay that way long!” Ruth replied, flashing a smile and leaning forward to tease him with her well-filled sweater.

Obviously intrigued by the sight of the two attractive young teachers with their skirts pulled up over their stocking tops, the young man looked thoroughly dismayed at what seemed to be happening to him.

“A man hasn’t got a chance with us!” Donna assured him.

“Which of us do you think has the best figure?” Ruth asked in a teasing voice.

“Well, I…” Larry stammered, obviously not wanting to make a comparison.

“We may have to show him some more to help him make up his mind!” Donna remarked with an amused laugh.

“Maybe we should try to find out what kind of figure he’s got!” Ruth suggested, smiling broadly at the young man.

“Good idea!” Donna exclaimed, suddenly reaching for his fly and using both hands to get his zipper down. Slipping a soft hand inside his opened slacks, she quickly pulled out his rigid cock and held it in a firm grip.

“My, he’s quite a stud!” Ruth remarked, giving his upright prick an admiring glance.

Squeezing the thick cock in a teasing manner, Donna flashed a wide smile at the highly aroused teenager. It was obvious that he was completely stunned by the sudden feminine assault.

“You ought to be able to handle both of us with a thing like this!” Donna told him, giving a firm yank on his stiff young cock. “Don’t you think so.”

“I guess so!” Larry admitted.

“Let’s see what this does for you!” Donna continued, pushing his knees apart and sliding to a kneeling position between his thighs.

While Ruth and Larry watched, the attractive teacher opened her pretty mouth as far as she could and slipped it down over the crown of his cock. Ruth laughed with delight when she saw the ecstatic look that came over Larry’s face the instant he became aware of a wet feminine mouth encircling his throbbing prick.

“Bet you didn’t know that sucking cock is her favorite sport!” Ruth told him with an amused laugh.

“No, I sure didn’t!” Larry said. As Donna slid her mouth up and down on the pounding young cock, the excited teenager could not refrain from squirming in his seat. Teased by the tantalizing feminine mouth and tongue, Larry quickly extended his hands and began exploring the front of Ruth’s sweater.

“Like it?” Ruth teased, playfully pushing his hands away. She leaned forward toward him, her mouth slightly open in obvious invitation.

Pulling the shapely teacher closer to him, Larry kissed her firmly on the lips and permitted his tongue to probe between her lips. Slipping her arms around his neck, Ruth eagerly reciprocated and the two of them exchanged a deep French kiss. As Ruth’s tongue flicked and stabbed inside his mouth, Donna’s warm mouth and tongue continued to torment his sturdy cock. With her brunette head bobbing up and down in his lap, it was quite obvious that the attractive gym teacher was an accomplished cocksucker.

“Don’t be stingy, Donna!” Ruth remarked as she pulled away from the young man. “I want to suck for a while!”

Pausing for a moment with his rigidly erect cock thrust deep into her mouth, Donna pulled back and withdrew with obvious reluctance.

“Okay, it’s your turn!” she remarked as she got to her feet.

With an excited smile on her face, Ruth eagerly took her place between Larry’s legs. Forming her pretty mouth into a wide oval, she lost no time lowering it over Larry’s rigidly up thrust cock. It took her only a moment to demonstrate that she was an equally accomplished cocksucker. Brushing her brunette hair back out of the way so that he could see her in action, she began sucking vigorously on the thick hunk of masculine meat.

“Sucking cock’s her favorite sport, too!” Donna told the excited teenager.

Standing directly, in front of him, Donna began removing her dress. Deliberately taking her time about it, she slowly removed the garment and tossed it aside. Larry’s eyes widened perceptibly as he stared at the attractive young teacher standing in front of him attired only in well-filled white brassiere, skimpy matching panties trimmed in white lace, garter belt and dark-brown nylon hose.

“Like my figure?” Donna teased, turning so that he could admire her from various directions.

Ruth moved her head from side to side, allowing his husky cock to explore her mouth from different angles. Swallowing her gathering saliva with an audible gulp, she drew back until just the tip was inside her mouth, and began nibbling lightly on it. “Wait till you see my figure!” she told the squirming teenager in a promising voice.

Seating herself on the edge of a chair across from him, Donna began taking off her stockings in a deliberately provocative manner. Teased by Ruth’s eager mouth, Larry thrust his pelvis back and forth as he watched Donna’s stockings depart to reveal smooth white flesh.

“Can’t you get it any farther in your mouth than that?” Donna teased her companion.

“Just watch me!” Ruth replied.

With an amused smile, Donna stood up to watch as Ruth slowly permitted the thick cock to penetrate deeply into her mouth. Continually squirming with excitement, Larry watched with some dismay as more and more of his throbbing prick disappeared into the attractive young teacher’s mouth.

“That’s better!” Donna exclaimed, winking at Larry.

Reaching behind her back, Donna unsnapped her bra and quickly tossed it aside. Larry stared at the two lush, pink-tipped mounds, and Donna flashed him a teasing smile. Hooking her fingers into the waistband of her panties, she stripped them down her long legs and stepped out of them. Discarding her garter belt, she made no attempt to cover herself, and could see Larry’s fascinated gaze trying to penetrate the dark hair covering her cunt.

“See what you can do with these!” she said, kneeling on the couch and leaning forward so that her bouncy tits were nearly in his face.

Larry promptly buried his face in her breasts and she watched as the young man began kissing and tonguing her ripe mounds. “Oh, that’s great, Larry!” she told him, catching her breath with delight and arching her back sharply as his hands began to explore her nude body.

Ruth abruptly got to her feet and began to disrobe. As the shapely teacher pulled her sweater up over her head to reveal her well-filled white bra, Donna cupped one hand around Larry’s rock-hard and slippery cock and began stroking it in a teasing manner. Finally, she slipped to her knees and once again put it in her mouth.

“Wow, you two really know how to turn a guy on!” Larry exclaimed as he watched the two women intently.

Tossing her sweater aside, Ruth quickly stepped out of her shoes and unfastened her skirt at the side. Tantalized by Donna’s mouth, Larry watched closely as Ruth stepped out of her skirt, revealing cute pink panties and a garter belt that held up her stockings.

As Donna worked his throbbing cock deep into her mouth, the excited teenager stared as Ruth hastily removed her bra and panties. Clad only in her garter belt and hose, she stood in front of him with her huge tits and lush brunette cunt completely on display. After a moment’s hesitation, she stripped off her garter belt and stockings.

“It’s about time you got undressed, too!” she remarked to Larry.

With some reluctance, Donna withdrew her mouth from his throbbing bock and got to her feet. Closely watched by the two attractive and obviously excited teachers, Larry quickly stripped off his clothes.

“It’d be better if we used one of the upstairs bedrooms,” Donna suggested, slipping one hand possessively around Larry’s erect prick.

“Okay,” Ruth quickly agreed.

Well aware of Larry’s eyes feasting on her jouncing ass, Ruth preceded them up the winding stairs that led to the second floor. Donna kept one hand tightly coiled around Larry’s hard cock as the three of them entered the first bedroom. Ruth quickly pulled the spread and blanket from the queen-sized bed, revealing attractive gold sheets. With an excited laugh, the two women pushed their teenaged partner onto the bed.

“Still think you can handle the two of us?” Donna asked with an amused laugh.

“Sure!” Larry replied, his eyes continually moving over the two lush bodies poised over him.

“What can all three of us do at once?” Ruth asked in an excited voice.

“Oh, I’ve got lots of ideas!” Donna replied.

With an amused laugh, the long-legged brunette jumped on the bed with her back to Larry. Moving with feline grace, she knelt astride him with her knees next to his shoulders. Larry caught his breath as he suddenly found himself looking straight up into her cunt where the enticing coral groove was somewhat obscured by her fluffy brown hair.

“Here I come, ready or not!” Donna exclaimed, slowly spreading her long legs apart and allowing her weight to settle against his face.

In a moment, the leggy young teacher was sitting right on Larry’s face. Pinned down by her weight, and finding it more than a little difficult to breathe, the excited teenager extended his tongue and quickly went to work on the slippery cunt.

“Wow! That feels great!” Donna exclaimed in an excited voice. As his tongue flicked against her pink crease, she kept her weight down against his face and could not refrain from grinding her hips around on top of him.

Ruth watched the two of them for a moment and then climbed on the bed, dropping to her knees and leaning forward to take Larry’s rigid cock into her mouth. His vision totally blocked by Donna’s cunt, Larry’s body jerked spasmodically as he suddenly felt Ruth’s sweet mouth attacking his throbbing prick. Her tongue busily at work, the young teacher worked it as far into her mouth as she could and began sucking on it.

“Mmmmm, this is perfect!” Donna exclaimed, grinding her hips around on Larry’s face. “Keep doing it, Larry! I love being eaten!”

With his nose pressed tightly into her cunt, and breathing with more than a little difficulty, Larry kept his tongue extended as far as he could into the moist groove. Feminine fluids seeped downward, bathing his face and trickling into his mouth.

As Donna excitedly squirmed about on top of him, Ruth’s mouth and tongue tormented him in a thoroughly maddening fashion. Thrusting his pelvis back and forth with quick, jerky movements, Larry was soon struggling determinedly in an effort to prolong the tantalizing sensations as long as possible.

“Oh, wow!” Donna cried out. “Hey, Ruth, this one really knows how to eat a girl!”

Tormented simultaneously by Ruth’s eager mouth and Donna’s delightfully wet pussy, Larry held himself back as long as he possibly could. Squirming round breathlessly under the weight of Donna’s satiny ass, the young man thrust, his hips with spasmodic movements and sent his hot load of come jetting into Ruth’s waiting mouth.

“Mmmm!” the young teacher moaned with delight as the warm masculine cream began filling her mouth. Behaving like a young kitten who had just been served a bowl of warm cream, Ruth kept his spouting cock deep in her mouth.

“Oh, this is terrific!” Donna exclaimed, grinding her hips around wildly on Larry’s face and watching her companion taking his load in her mouth. “Hey, I’m coming too! Ooooh! Oh! Wow!” The long-legged brunette squirmed about excitedly on Larry’s face as she achieved her climax.

Larry was completely out of breath when Donna finally crawled off of him and knelt beside him on the bed. Licking her lips, Ruth sat up beside her. Both young women looked pleasantly flushed and excited.

“How do you like this three-way sex?” Donna asked, flashing a knowing smile at the young man.

“It’s about time you and I traded places!” Ruth suggested, grinning at her companion.

“Let me catch my breath first!” Larry protested, although he sounded unconvincing.

“I’ll give you about ten seconds!” Ruth told him, her eyes bright with expectation as she moved closer to him.

Larry licked his lips as he looked at the fluffy brunette hair at the fork of her legs.

“Help me get him started again!” Donna suggested, leaning forward and flicking her tongue against his limp cock.

“Okay,” Ruth agreed, leaning forward with her tongue extended.

Larry watched intently as the two feminine tongues began caressing his cock simultaneously. Donna worked down low, concentrating on the base of his prick and his balls. At the same time, Ruth worked on the crown and the sensitive area immediately behind it. Tormented by the two pretty teachers, the young man quickly achieved another promising erection.

“There, I think he’s about ready for you now!” Ruth remarked as she straightened up.

“Mmmm, he sure is!” Donna remarked, clasping his erect cock in one hand and planting a moist kiss right on the head.

“Well, I’m in a mood to be eaten!” Ruth announced, grinning at the aroused teenager. Without further ado, the shapely teacher quickly knelt beside him with her back to him.

“Ooooh!” Ruth squealed with delight as his tongue sliced into her pink crevice. Wriggling her girlish hips in an excited manner, she permitted her weight to settle against his face.

“I told you he knew how to do it!” Donna told her. The shapely brunette nibbled teasingly on his throbbing cock as she spoke.

“What are you waiting for?” Ruth asked. “Afraid he’s going to give you a mouthful?”

“I think I’m going to play cowgirl!” Donna replied.

The long-legged gym teacher quickly knelt astride Larry’s midsection with her back to him. Although Ruth’s generously proportioned ass blocked his view, Larry could feel Donna’s soft hand guiding the head of his rigid cock inside the moist lips of her cunt.

“Got it in yet?” Ruth asked with a laugh.

“Just a second!” Donna replied.

Although completely buried in Ruth’s suddenly moist pussy, Larry thrust his hips reflexively as he felt his throbbing cock sliding into the soft pink tunnel. Donna slowly lowered her weight against him, allowing his hard prick to penetrate deeply into her wet clinging cunt.

“There!” Donna announced with pleasure. “Now, let’s really give him a thrill!”

The two attractive teachers began grinding their hips above their teenaged partner. His tongue constantly at work on Ruth’s wet pussy, Larry once again found himself struggling valiantly to control himself. Obviously enjoying themselves to the utmost, the two of them continually squealed and urged each other on with cries of delight.

“Mmmmm, I could do this all day!” Donna exclaimed as she squirmed about with the thick cock penetrating deeply into her cunt.

“Me, too!” Ruth replied. “Hope you can still breathe, Larry!”

Nearly drowning in Ruth’s feminine honey, Larry continued probing with his tongue. At the same time, Donna’s delightfully wet cunt walls continued to tantalize his pounding young cock.

Finally, the well-built teenager could no longer resist the temptation, and climaxed with vigorous jerks of his pelvis. The young women’s excited cries and wildly squirming hips made it apparent that they had also reached explosive orgasms.


“Guess Sharon and Ruth must have lined themselves up a couple of dates,” Donna remarked as she put down her newspaper. It was late Friday afternoon and the attractive gym teacher was looking for some diversion.

“I suppose so,” Karen replied, glancing quickly at her roommate.

“Don’t see you going out on many dates,” Donna said in a candid voice, deliberately watching the shapely platinum blonde to see what her reaction would be. She had seen that Karen was spending a great deal of time with Francine Nelson, and suspected what their relationship might be.

“Well, I’ve been rather busy,” Karen replied defensively. It was obvious that she was somewhat uncomfortable.

“I see you with Francine quite often,” Donna boldly ventured.

Karen flushed and kept her eyes averted. “Francine’s a transfer student who’s having trouble adjusting,” she managed to reply.

Donna was tempted to laugh, but instead smiled knowingly at her companion. “Well, I’m sure you’re making things a lot easier for her,” she said with tongue in cheek.

“I hope you’re not suggesting that there’s something improper about our relationship,” Karen replied.

“On the contrary,” Donna said. “I’m afraid you misunderstand me. I’m really much more broadminded than you might think.”

“Oh?” Karen broke in.

Donna could discern the other woman’s obvious surprise. “Sure,” she continued. “I talk a lot about cock but I know that’s not all there is.” Their eyes met and she could see the sudden look of interest in Karen’s face.

“I’m not sure I know, what you mean,” the shapely blonde remarked.

Donna stood up. “Come here, Karen!” she said in a confident voice.

Karen hesitated for a moment and then stood up. She was several inches shorter than her companion, and looked quite uncertain as she walked over to her. Donna quickly tilted her chin upward and kissed her firmly on the mouth. Karen’s reserve quickly melted and, their arms entwined, the two women exchanged an openmouthed kiss.

“Now you know what I mean?” Donna asked with a smile.

Karen nodded. “You know that. I never even suspected that you might be…” She let her words trail off.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Donna suggested. “I haven’t had any all-girl sex for a while and I’m really horny!”

“All right!” Karen agreed.

The two young women quickly made their way up the stairs and into Karen’s bedroom. Her eyes taking in the comely blonde’s attractive figure, Donna felt in an aggressive, assertive mood. Sitting down on the side of the bed, she pulled the younger woman down beside her and kissed her firmly on the mouth. Karen responded warmly, and once again their tongues met in an open-mouthed kiss.

“Mmmmm, I love that soft girl feeling!” Donna exclaimed, running her hands over Karen’s shoulders.

The two women began exchanging deep kisses, allowing their tongues to explore the insides of one another’s mouths. Donna’s hands moved up and down over Karen’s body, exploring her nicely filled sweater and working her skirt up to stroke nylon-clad thighs. In response, Karen’s hands found her companion’s tits, and long, nylon sheathed thighs.

“You have such a nice figure,” Donna told her. “I can’t wait to see you undressed!”

The two women exchanged another kiss, their hands fondling one another’s breasts as their moist tongues coiled about one another in a warm embrace.

“I’ve always admired you so much,” Karen confessed. “You’re so dominant and always seem to know exactly what you want.”

“It’s about time I dominated you a little!” Donna told her.

Before the shapely blonde realized what she had in mind, Donna grabbed her by the arm and pulled her face down over her lap. Karen’s short skirt rode up to reveal attractive legs sheathed in nylon.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” Karen demanded, swinging her logs and squirming prettily as Donna twisted her right arm behind her back to hold her in position.

“Show you who’s boss!” Donna told her in a voice that was quite pleasant but still indicated that she was serious.

“You sadist!” Karen replied, looking back over her shoulder to reveal a flushed, excited face. She struggled mildly but it was quite apparent that Donna was the stronger of the two, and there was no point forcing the issue.

Taking her time about it, Donna pulled the younger woman’s skirt back to reveal full, shapely thighs and girlishly plump, nicely rounded buttocks attired in sheer pantyhose and tiny bikini-style panties.

“Let me go?” Karen asked, making it a request rather than a demand.

“Are you kidding?” Donna teased, licking her lips with anticipation as she gazed at Karen’s charming ass and pretty legs. Slipping one hand into the waistband of the pantyhose, she began working the garment downward.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Karen demanded in a shocked voice. “Hey, let me go! Don’t!”

She began to struggle, but Donna held her arm firmly twisted in the small of her back. “I told you I was going to show you who was boss!” Donna reminded her. “Now, hold still!” She continued working the pantyhose down, revealing the milk-white flesh of the younger girl’s ass.

“Don’t, please, this is embarrassing!” Karen protested. She tried to struggle but only in a half-hearted manner that made clear she did not want a showdown with the athletic gym teacher.

Donna slowly rolled the pantyhose and panties further downward, the white flesh of her ass making a vivid contrast with the brown nylon covering her legs. Donna was eager to get started, but held herself back to prolong the excitement.

“Please, let me go!” Karen said. “This has gone far enough!”

“Not till you’ve been warmed up a little!” Donna told her. “When you’re nice and pink down there, you won’t forget who’s boss!”

“Please, don’t spank me!” Karen pleaded, looking back anxiously over her shoulder. “Please, this is humiliating!”

Donna smiled as she watched the younger woman apprehensively flexing and tightening her pretty buttocks in anticipation of the spanking to come. She recalled that scene in the gym where she had seen all those attractive teenaged asses being warmed, and wished that she had equipped herself with a paddle. Instead, her hand would have to do. Pausing for a moment, she raised her right hand in the air.


Donna’s hand landed noisily at the base of Karen’s satiny ass cheeks, descending right on target and extending across the crevice.

“Oh!” Karen squealed, bucking up and snapping her blonde head back. “Don’t you dare! Let me go!”

Donna laughed as the comely teacher tried to escape from her grasp. It was apparent to both of them that she could not get away.

“You baby, it didn’t hurt that much!” Donna told her victim. “Now try to hold still while I heat you up a little!”


This time Donna’s, hand landed squarely upon Karen’s tight ass cheek, momentarily flattening the resilient flesh.

“Eeek!” Karen shrieked, jerking reflexively and swinging her pretty legs back in protest. “That hurts! Let me go this instant!”


Donna’s hand descended against the left cheek.

“Oh! Stop, please!”




Donna began spanking the attractive young woman’s bare ass with her open hand, spreading the spanks around to even up the color scheme. Each crisp spank produced a cry of pain from Karen, who continually wriggled and struggled in a vain effort to evade the embarrassing and uncomfortable punishment. In a few moments, her cute ass was a vivid shade of pink all over.

“Ouch, please, let me go! It hurts!” Karen protested. “Ouch! Let me go!” Tears of humiliation welled in the young teacher’s eyes as she looked back over her shoulder.

“I’ve hardly gotten started yet!” Donna teased her squirming victim.



Donna’s hand continued to descend on the attractive target. Wriggling and protesting furiously, Karen swung her stockinged legs merrily back and forth and continually tried to reach back to protect her tingling and prickling ass. Both cheeks quickly became an appealing shade of crimson, and it was apparent that the squirming young woman was feeling thoroughly warm and uncomfortable.

“Please, that’s enough!” Karen protested in a miserable voice. “Please, it hung! It’s so humiliating!”

“Your bottom’s getting nice and red!” Donna tormented her, watching with satisfaction as her hapless victim burst into tears. In her opinion, there was something indescribably appealing about an attractive young woman crying and swinging her pretty legs while her nicely rounded ass turned bright red from the effects of a well-administered spanking.

“Please, ouch! Oh, no! This is awful!” Karen tearfully exclaimed. “Please, Donna! That’s enough! I can’t stand it any more!”



Donna could feel the heat radiating from Karen’s ass as she continued applying her hand to the girl’s butt. Karen’s shapely legs jerked wide, revealing her cunt with appealing effect. By this time, her buttocks were a bright crimson, and the attractive young teacher was crying quite hard.

“Please, I’m burning up!” Karen sobbed. “Please! Please, Donna, please!”

Donna paused to examine her shapely victim’s scarlet ass checks. She would liked to have spanked her a little harder, but decided that that was enough for the first time. After all, it was quite apparent that the crying and squirming young woman had been completely conquered.

“I think that’s enough for a while!” Donna announced. “But don’t rub it or I’ll give you some fresher-uppers!”

Crying and quite breathless, Karen lay meekly across Donna’s lap as the latter finished pulling off her panties and pantyhose. Her unspanked white legs made a vivid contrast with her scarlet and quivering ass cheeks.

“Now, let me get your sweater off,” Donna told her.

Karen permitted the dominant brunette to pull her sweater off over her head, slightly mussing her platinum-blonde hair. Donna quickly unsnapped Karen’s bra and pulled the straps free from her shoulders.

“Stretch out on the bed,” Donna instructed. “Face down!”

“Please, don’t smack me any more!” Karen pleaded as she tearfully stretched out on the bed. Instinctively, she reached back to rub her smarting ass with one hand.

“Take your hand away!” Donna told her, grabbing her hand to pull it out of the way.


“Ow!” Karen exclaimed in a loud voice. Sniffling, she lay meekly on the bed with her prettily reddened bottom on prominent display.

Standing beside the bed and keeping a close eye on her pretty victim, Donna quickly peeled off her clothes. She could see the anticipation in the younger woman’s eyes as she gazed at her full tits and the triangle of rich brown hair on her cunt. Donna quickly knelt on the bed at her side.

“Now that I’ve dominated you so much,” she said. “Perhaps this will help make up for it!”

Leaning forward, she planted a moist kiss on Karen’s right ass cheek.

“Ooh!” Karen squirmed prettily at the pleasant contact.

Brushing her long brunette hair back out of the way, Donna began kissing Karen’s freshly spanked ass all over. She kept her mouth open, letting her moist tongue brush against the satiny flesh.

“Oh, that feels good!” Karen exclaimed, wriggling her bottom cutely as she felt the other woman’s lips and tongue caressing her buttocks. Arching her back, she glanced back over her shoulder to watch.

Placing both hands down lightly on the two white globes, Donna gently but firmly separated them as much as possible. Her tongue extended as far as she could, she promptly lowered her face to the crevice and went to work with quick flicks of her tongue.

“Oh!” Karen gasped as she felt Donna’s probing tongue busily at work. Without realizing what she was doing, she lifted her hips from the bed to give her partner more territory to work in.

Holding Karen’s ass cheeks apart as far as possible, Donna began working farther downward. In a moment, her tongue found the little pink opening of the girl’s asshole and promptly began caressing it.

“Oh, you’re driving me wild!” Karen cried out.

In a few moments, Karen was nicely reamed, and the shapely young teacher was thrusting her hips back and forth with a mixture of excitement and expectation. Keeping her face buried against Karen’s ass, Donna worked toward the girl’s inviting pink cunt with her tongue. She could feel her young companion’s pussy becoming creamy with arousal.

“Was a spanking worth this?” Donna asked in a teasing voice.

“Yes!” Karen admitted excitedly. “Please, let me turn you on too!”

“You’ll get your turn!” Donna assured her.

Donna’s tongue flicked against the pink lips of Karen’s cunt. “Spread your legs farther apart, honey,” Donna suggested.

Karen eagerly complied, spreading her thighs as far apart as she could and leaving her pink silt prettily on display. Slipping her fingers into the moist outer folds, Donna brought the pink feminine meat into view. Extending her tongue, Donna began caressing the girl’s wet cunt.

“Oh, that feels delicious!” Karen exclaimed, twisting her hips sensuously.

“Mmmmm, I just love that girl taste!” Donna told her, pressing her face tightly against her moist pussy.

As Donna’s probing tongue explored her cunt, Karen squirmed and wriggled prettily on the bed. Gasping for breath and occasionally biting her lip with excitement, she continually looked back over her shoulder to see Donna’s face buried against her ass. The pretty teacher felt delightfully warm and wet between the legs, and could hear the slurping sounds as the long-legged brunette drank up her fluids.

“Oh, I can’t wait to do this for you, Donna!” Karen said in a breathless voice.

Her hands and fingers exploring Karen’s sensitive flesh, Donna kept her tongue buried in the attractive young teacher’s moist pussy. Karen jerked spasmodically each time Donna’s tongue stabbed against her clitoris, and it was apparent that she could not restrain herself much longer.

“Christ, I’m hot!” the young blonde gasped.

“My pussy feels like an oven!”

Her face plastered against the wet delta, Donna repeatedly flicked and stabbed her tongue against the tiny button of the girl’s clit. Karen’s well-spanked ass cheeks trembled violently as the young woman thrust her pelvis back and forth with piston like motions.

“Oh, I’m coming!” Karen cried out in an ecstatic voice. “Ooooh! Ooooooh!”

Donna held her tongue against the girl’s clit as Karen experienced an intense orgasm. Kicking her feet up and grasping the bedpost with both hands, the attractive teacher shuddered convulsively as the powerful orgasm swept over her body.

“There!” Donna exclaimed as she sat up. The tall brunette was quite breathless from her efforts.

Karen sat up and impulsively kissed her on the mouth. “I loved it, Donna!” she told her. “It’s my turn next!” Her eyes were fixed on Donna’s tits as she spoke, and she moistened her lips lightly with her tongue.

“I want it exactly the same way,” Donna told her. Their eyes met. “Understand?”

“Yes!” Karen replied.

Donna quickly stretched out face down on the bed with her elbows under her body, revealing plump and velvety smooth buttocks. Without further ado, Karen excitedly leaned forward and planted a moist kiss on Donna’s soft right ass cheek.

“Mmmm, that’s the way!” Donna told her.

“I wish you’d let me spank you,” Karen said in a wistful voice, letting her lips linger against the smooth flesh. “Just a little. How about it?”

“Spank me with your tongue!” Donna told her, glancing back over her shoulder.

“All right,” Karen said softly.

For the next few minutes, the voluptuous blonde kept her face pressed tightly against Donna’s ass cheeks. Moving from one cheek to the other, she covered the satiny smooth flesh with teasing open-mouthed kisses. Although she tried to relax and hold herself back, Donna could not refrain from wriggling her hips prettily in response to the tantalizing oral caresses.

“Mmmmm, that’s beautiful!” the brunette exclaimed. “Now, give me a nice reaming!”

Gulping slightly and taking a deep breath, Karen clasped both hands over Donna’s sleek buttocks and gradually separated them as far as possible. Sticking out her pink tongue, she lowered her nose into the inviting crevice and began licking downward.

“That’s it!” Donna told her in a pleased voice. “That’s the way I like it!”

Employing her fingers to keep the two mounds separated, Karen slowly tongue-washed the entire crevice, moving carefully and leaving no area untouched. Gradually her tongue made its way to the woman’s asshole, which she greeted with a moist swipe of her tongue.

“Ah!” Donna gasped with pleasure. “Go ahead! I just love being reamed!”

Her blonde head pressed tightly against Donna’s plump buttocks, Karen rolled her tongue around the sensitive opening in a teasing manner. Tormented by the moist swipes, Donna gasped with delight and rocked her hips back and forth. Making her tongue as stiff as possible, Karen jabbed it inside the pink opening and tried to get it in as far as she could.

“Ooooh!” Donna exclaimed, her hips jerking spasmodically in response to Karen’s penetrating tongue.

Her excitement rising, Donna spread her long legs as far as she could and arched her back sharply. Catching sight of the intriguing pink crease of her cunt, Karen quickly began spreading it open with her fingertips. The outer folds came apart with that delightfully feminine squishing sound, and the young teacher found herself gazing at lush pink meat. She impulsively buried her face in it and gave it an open-mouthed kiss.

“Ooh!” Donna gasped. “Go ahead!”

Nibbling with her lips and flicking with her tongue, Karen began eating the attractive gym teacher. Tantalized by Karen’s expert caresses, Donna was soon sopping wet between the legs, and was twisting and thrusting her hips with sensuous movements. Catching her, breath with audible gasps, she continually glanced back over her shoulder to watch her young partner in action.

“Mmmmm, that’s beautiful!” she exclaimed. “Only a girl can eat cunt like that!”

Her face bathed in Donna’s seeping fluids, Karen thoroughly tongued the inside of the pink groove before concentrating on the diminutive clitoris. Donna reacted with a convulsive twitch, and started thrusting her hips back and forth with violent jerks.

“That’s the way! Make me come!” she begged in a breathless voice. “I love it! Oh! Ah! Ooooooh! I’m making it!”

Donna’s climax was quite intense, and Karen could not hold her tongue in position as the leggy brunette wriggled and tossed on the bed. Instead, she held Donna’s ass cheeks open with her hands and covered her feminine charms with excited kisses.

The two young women were quite flushed and breathless when they finally sat up together on the bed.

“That was beautiful,” Donna. “As I said, only a girl really knows how to eat another girl.”

Karen nodded. “Of course, two girls eating each other is even better!” she remarked with a laugh.

Donna smiled at her. In a moment, the two teachers were locked in a tight sixty-nine, their faces buried in one another’s wet cunts.


Remaining after school to grade some papers, Sharon wished that she had not overlooked providing herself some masculine company for the occasion. It had been only a few days since her episode with Ron Carter, and she could still feel that magnificently virile cock splitting her cunt apart. There as no doubt, she told herself, that she was becoming hooked on sex. She had never thought that she possessed the capability of becoming a nymphomaniac, and the idea was a little disturbing.

Absorbed in her own thoughts, she did not even see the three teenaged boys enter her room. Suddenly they stood in front of her, and Sharon looked up with a start.

“Well, what is it boys?” she asked, at first feeling no sense of alarm. She did not recognize them, but apparently they were students at the school.

One of the boys snickered. “What is it?” he asked with a smirk. “Want to tell her what it is, Jim?”

The three boys all snickered. Suddenly realizing what they apparently had in mind, Sharon looked around with a wild sense of alarm suddenly coming over her. They intended to rape her! Their smirks and knowing smiles made that all too clear.

“Boys, you can’t do this!” Sharon cried out in alarm. Pushing her desk chair back, she looked around for a possible escape. The three of them surrounded her, making it impossible for her to get away.

“What’s the matter, teacher?” the boy called Jim told her with a confident smile. “Everyone knows you got hot pants!”

Sharon felt her face turning a bright crimson. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” she insisted.

The three of them laughed.

“Come on,” the third boy scoffed. “We saw you with Ron Carter! And everyone knows he’s got the biggest cock in school.”

“And he’s not the only one!” Jim told her. “You’ve been laying guys right and left, so what’s wrong with us?”

“You have no right to do this!” Sharon insisted, starting to get up from her chair. “Now, get out of here this instant!”

“Grab her Floyd!” Jim said in a determined voice.

One of the boys reached forward and grabbed her by the wrist.

“Let me go!” Sharon demanded, struggling with him and trying to kick him.

“Help him, Walt!” Jim said.

The other boy grabbed her opposite wrist. Sharon tried to struggle with them, but they were obviously much too strong for her.

“I’ll scream!” she warned.

“Go ahead!” Jim invited her. “There’s no one else around.”

Sharon wanted to scream, but something prevented her from doing it. Instead, she continued to struggle with the two boys who were holding her. She was no match for them and quickly found herself feeling quite breathless.

“Please! Please, don’t hurt me!” she pleaded, nearly in tears.

“Bend her over this chair, guys,” Jim directed, pulling a straight-backed wooden chair out in front of them.

“Oh, no!” Sharon wailed in despair. “What are you going to do to me?”

Despite her struggles, the two boys twisted her arms and forced her to bend over the back of the chair at a deep angle. Her honey-blonde hair brushing against the seat of the chair, and her hips jackknifed up higher than the rest of her body, she felt horribly defenseless. She wanted to kick at something but there was no target.

“Boys, let me go! This is terrible!” she begged. “Please, I’ll do anything you say!”

She could hear their mused laughter.

“Hear tat?” Walt asked his companions.

“Please, boys! Please! Oh, this is terrible!” Sharon begged, still trying to struggle, although she felt exhausted.

“Get her skirt up!” Floyd suggested.

“No! Oh, plea, no!” Sharon protested. “Don’t you dare!”

Someone began pulling her skirt up, and she could feel the boys feasting their eyes as stocking tops, bare white thighs and panty clad ass came into view. She had worn one of her frilliest pairs of pink nylon panties trimmed with lace, and could feel herself shriveling with mortification as the boys stared at her.

“What an ass!” Floyd remarked, whistling appreciatively.

“And just look at those panties!” Jim remarked in a deliberately salacious voice.

“Please, boys! This is terrible!” Sharon pleaded. “Pull my skirt down! I’m going to report you all!”

The three of them laughed at the threat.

“Let’s get those panties down!” Walt suggested.

“No!” Sharon screamed. “You can’t do this to me! Don’t you dare!”

She attempted to break away, but Floyd and Walt easily held her in the humiliating position over the chair. She felt Jim’s hands slide inside, the waistband of her panties, and a moment later felt a cool breeze wafting against her bare ass. Jim quickly pulled the panties down her legs and off her feet. He stuffed the frilly garment into his pocket.

“Look at that!” Walt exclaimed.

“Oh, please!” Sharon begged. Knowing that the three young men were intently staring at her exposed ass, the young teacher felt deep humiliation. She wanted to struggle, but no longer had the strength to do it.

“Very nice!” Floyd remarked.

“Get those stockings off!” Walt said. “We want her in her birthday suit!”

Sharon wriggled frantically as she felt Jim’s hand unfastening her garter belt. Although her vision was blocked, she could feel her stockings sliding down her legs. Jim knelt behind her and quickly peeled the nylons from her feet.

“Give them to me!” Walt said.

“Oh, boys, please, this is terrible!” Sharon pleaded. She began crying softly, and kept trying to tell herself that she wanted to escape. Yet a small voice began telling her that she really enjoyed what those rough, crude boys were doing to her. She tried to deny it but the voice remained persistent.

“Take off her skirt,” Floyd said.

Jim unsnapped her skirt at the side and quickly pulled it off. Naked from the waist dawn, Sharon tearfully remained in the humiliating position over the chair. Someone’s hand patted her bare ass and another hand slipped exploringly between her legs.

“Oh, no, take your hands off of me!” the young teacher protested. “This is awful!”

Jim moved around in front of her and Sharon could feel him unbuttoning the buttons that ran down the back of her blouse. The other two boys released her arms just long enough for Jim to pull off the blouse and toss it aside.

“Get her bra off!” Walt said.

“No, please!” Sharon protested, once again flying to struggle despite the odds against her.

Despite her efforts, the bra came off, and Sharon found herself completely naked in front of the three boys. The young teacher tried to struggle to cover herself, but Walt and Floyd held her hands out away from her body to leave her completely uncovered. Rushed and breathless, Sharon shivered, miserably as she felt their eyes inspecting her in a thoroughly lascivious fashion.

“Nice titties!” Floyd remarked, reaching out and squeezing one pretty mound familiarly.

“Let me go!” Sharon tearfully pleaded.

Other hands began fondling her tits and playfully feeling between her legs. It was horrible, but at the same time strangely exciting.

“Please, let me go!” Sharon pleaded. “You have no right to treat me this way!”

Jim was standing in front of her and she could see him unfastening his jeans. The other two boys held her in position over the chair, using their free hands to torment her tits and cunt. Sharon made an effort to struggle, but she knew she really didn’t want to resist. The young teacher swallowed hard when Jim stripped down his jeans to reveal a masculine bulge in his shorts.

“How do you like it, teacher?” Floyd asked in a teasing voice. He ran one hand somewhat roughly between her legs, forcing her to wriggle involuntarily.

“Ow, please! Leave me alone!” Sharon exclaimed.

“She loves it!” Walt remarked. “Just feel between her legs and you’ll see!”

“Oh!” Sharon cried out in distress.

Jim stripped off his shorts and stood directly in front of her, naked from the waist down. Sharon gasped as she caught sight of his powerful cock standing rigidly erect only inches from her face. Sharon’s knees went weak as she stared at the thick, purplish muscle before her eyes.

“How do you like that, teacher?” Jim asked, stepping closer to her.

“Oh, please!” Sharon begged, turning her crimson face aside and trying not to look at the big cock. The other two boys continued to torment her with their hands, continually forcing her to shuffle her feet and wriggle her hips in an unintentionally sensuous manner.

“Make her put it in her mouth!” Floyd suggested.

“Oh, no!” Sharon protested.

Jim grabbed her head with both hands and forced her face against his rigid cock. Sharon struggled to turn her head aside, but she found her resistance melting as she felt that sturdy prick brushing against her soft cheeks.

“Put it in your mouth!” Jim demanded.

“Oh, no, this is terrible! You can’t do this to me!” Sharon protested, although she secretly wanted to take it in her mouth.

Floyd smacked her ass smartly with his open hand, and Walt squeezed one out in a painful manner.

“Ow!” Sharon cried out, struggling despite the hopeless odds against her.

“Don’t fight it and you won’t get hurt!” Walt told her.

“Oh, please!” Sharon begged. “Don’t hurt me!”

“Well, put it in your mouth then!” Jim insisted.

Floyd gave her bare ass another brisk smack to emphasize the point.

“Ow!” Sharon exclaimed. “Well, if you’re going to force me, I guess I don’t have any choice.”

“That’s right!” Jim told her with a laugh.

Knowing that the three boys were watching her intently, the pretty young teacher blushed deeply and kept her eyes tightly closed as she submissively opened her mouth as far as she could. In a moment she kit the crown of Jim’s virile young cock sliding between her lips. Gulping audibly, she meekly submitted as the thick muscle slid into her mouth and forced her jaws far apart. She hoped that none of the boys realized how much she enjoyed having her mouth crammed full of steel-hard cock.

“Look at that!” Walt exclaimed.

“Teacher’s got a real mouthful!” Floyd added. The two boys continued to run their hands over her intimate areas in a thoroughly tormenting manner.

“Start sucking on it, chick!” Jim instructed.

As Sharon meekly began sucking on his powerful young cock, the husky teenager stripped off his shirt and t-shirt and stood naked in front of her. Despite the humiliation of having to perform fellatio in front of an audience, Sharon’s tits were taut with excitement and her pussy felt creamy and more than a little itchy.

“Why don’t you guys get undressed?” Jim suggested.

As she continued caressing Jim’s rigid cock with her mouth and tongue, Sharon could see the other two boys quickly stripping off their clothes. In a moment the two of them were nude, and the young teacher moaned with a mixture of distress and excitement as she caught sight of two more hard cocks.

“Here!” Walt grabbed her right hand and placed it around his stiff prick.

It felt strong and virile and Sharon could not resist caressing it with her soft hand. Without waiting to be told, she extended her other hand and grabbed Floyd’s husky shaft. Three cocks at once! Sharon groaned with delight at the thought of having to service all three pounding cocks.

“You can see she loves it!” Walt remarked as Sharon’s soft hand caressed his upright prick.

“This chick knows how to suck!” Jim exclaimed, watching closely as his thick cock slid back and forth inside the pretty teacher’s mouth.

Sharon could feel her excitement mounting as she simultaneously played with all three cocks. Turning her head from side to side to allow Jim’s stiff prick to explore the inside of her mouth, she sucked vigorously on the thick muscle and continually flicked it with her tongue. Jim held her head lightly in his hands, from time to time brushing back her honey-blonde hair so that he could see her pretty mouth sucking his throbbing cock.

“When you going, to let us trade places?” Floyd asked.

“You guys will get your turn,” Jim assured him. “She’s going to suck us all before she’s through!”

Sharon moaned with delight and continued bobbing her head up and down on Jim’s sleek cock. Walt quickly dropped to his knees behind her and in a moment Sharon felt his tongue flicking against her cunt.

“Mmmmm!” the young teacher groaned, and wriggled with excitement. Surprised at suddenly feeling a tongue against her pussy, Sharon swallowed hard, and for a moment almost choked on Jim’s massive cock.

“This bitch can’t get enough of it!” Floyd remarked. Although she did not even realize what she was doing, Sharon’s hand was stroking and clasping his rigidly erect cock in an excited manner.

“Slip it in her, Walt!” Jim told her. “She’s ready font!”

As Walt stood up behind her, Sharon eagerly spread her legs to give him room. She could feel his hands on her waist, grasping her firmly so that he could maneuver her as he wished. Totally helpless, she felt delightfully warm and sticky between the legs as Walt’s cock probed her cunt. The young teacher gulped hard as the rigid prick impaled her.

“Man, she’s nice and tight!” Walt exclaimed.

“Fuck her, Walt!” Jim told him. “Our little teacher would just love a double creaming!”

Walt began thrusting back and forth behind her, shoving his thick cock deep into her cunt with each forward thrust.

“Shake your ass, teacher!” he ordered.

It was really an unnecessary command. Tormented by the double assault, Sharon eagerly wriggled her cute ass in an erotic dance. With pounding cocks teasing her mouth and cunt simultaneously, the young teacher felt deliciously submissive and feminine. Holding Floyd’s handsome cock in her hand, she could hardly wait to serve it too.

Jim was thrusting his pelvis back and forth, forcing his throbbing cock far into her mouth in an almost brutal manner that Sharon loved despite the discomfort. Breathless and gasping with excitement, the young teacher wriggled and squirmed provocatively as the two sturdy cocks simultaneously fucked her mouth and pussy.

“Tight! Man, what a cunt!” Walt exclaimed as he continued slamming his cock back and forth inside her cunt.

“Get ready, teacher!” Jim warned, holding her head tightly in both hands and thrusting back and forth with quick, jerky movements.

The sturdy teenager jammed his cock far into her mouth, and Sharon suddenly felt the warm masculine cream splashing against the insides of her cheeks. At tile same time, Walt erupted inside her cunt with a warm gush. The double creaming sent a chill of excitement racing through her body, and Sharon found herself giving way to a convulsive orgasm.

“Mmmmm!” Sharon’s cry of excitement was muffled by the thick piece of meat in her mouth.

Breathless and gurgling, the excited young teacher swallowed Jim’s salty fluids with obvious relish.

“That’s the way!” Jim told her. The young man watched with obvious satisfaction as the attractive teacher excitedly kept his erupting cock deep in her mouth. “Make sure you get all of it!”

“Ah, that felt great!” Walt said with obvious satisfaction as he finally withdrew from the rear.

“This chick really loves her cock!” Jim laughed as he finally stepped back from the breathless young woman.

Pulling Floyd by his stiffly erect prick, Sharon pulled him in front of her. Although she was still gasping for breath, she quickly began licking the sleek crown of his throbbing cock.

“Look at that!” Walt remarked. “She can’t get enough of it!”

“How do you like being raped?” Jim asked, standing at her side.

Sharon reached out and began vigorously massaging his limp prick with one hand. “Mmmm, I love it!” she admitted, letting her lips brush against Floyd’s stiff cock as she spoke.

Walt moved to her other side and Sharon quickly grabbed his limp prick to play with it.

“Let’s see how far you can get it in your mouth!” Floyd suggested, clasping her head in his hands.

Planting a wet kiss on the head of his cock, Sharon opened her mouth as far as possible and permitted him to make the insertion. The eager teenager wasted no time, and in a moment Sharon’s mouth was tightly crammed with bone-hard cock. She could feel the thick muscle pounding with excitement as she began sucking contently on it.

“Look at that!” Walt exclaimed. “She must have four inches in her mouth!”

Stimulated by Sharon’s eager hands, Jim and Walt quickly developed promising erections. Once again the shapely young teacher found herself enjoying the thrill of playing with three big cocks.

“How’s it feel, Floyd?” Jim asked in an amused voice.

“Great!” Floyd exclaimed, holding Sharon’s blonde head with both hands to hold her in position. “Boy, does this little chick ever know how to suck cock!”

“Mmmmm!” Sharon moaned with a combination of excitement and discomfort as the young man began shoving his stiff cock back and forth vigorously.

“It’s your turn to fuck her, Jim!” Walt remarked.

“Right!” Jim agreed, quickly stepping behind her.

Sharon arched her back and tensed with anticipation as the horny teenager spread her legs apart with his hands and then clasped her waist to hold her in position. In a moment, Sharon once again experienced the exquisite sensation of a hard cock splitting her aunt walls apart. Wriggling her hips sensuously, she tiled to work Floyd’s stiff prick even deeper into her mouth.

“Tight, huh?” Walt asked, grinning at his companion.

“I’ll say!” Jim replied with obvious satisfaction. He quickly began pumping back and forth with regular motions.

“Look at her shake that ass of hers!” Walt remarked with an amused laugh.

“This chick’s a regular sex machine!” Floyd said with obvious admiration. “I never knew anyone could suck like this!”

Holding her head tightly in both hands, the husky teenager thrust back and forth with powerful strokes. Her jaws pried far apart by the thick cock, Sharon gasped and gurgled excitedly as she submitted to the double fucking. Despite her agitation, she remembered to keep a firm manual grip on Walt’s nicely erect peter.

“Oh, man, this is too much!” Floyd exclaimed. “I can’t wait any longer!”

Thrusting his pelvis with hard, driving motions, the boy shot his hot load into Sharon’s waiting mouth. The attractive teacher gulped audibly as the warm cream splattered into her mouth and trickled down her throat. As she began swallowing it with loud gulps, Jim drove his pounding cock deep into her cunt and climaxed explosively.

“Mmmmm!” Sharon shook her head wildly back and forth with Floyd’s cock still in her mouth. Once again the double creaming had its effect, and the curvaceous young teacher found herself enjoying a climax that was even more intense than the flint.

“Wow!” Jim exclaimed as he stepped back.

Licking the cream from Floyd’s limp cock, Sharon looked around at the other boys. Jim was obviously exhausted, and it was apparent that she was beginning to wear the boys out. It was amusing to find that they were becoming her victims instead of the other way around.

“Hey, you guys, why don’t we try a different position this time?” Sharon asked, stimulating Floyd’s cock with her hand in an effort to bring it to life.

“Okay,” Walt agreed as the pretty teacher pulled his stiff cock to draw him closer. “What do you suggest?”

Sharon thought quickly. “Why don’t you sit down on the chair, Walt?” she suggested.

The sturdy teenager quickly seated himself on the wooden chair.

“Okay,” Sharon said, pushing his knees apart and kneeling between his legs. At the same time, she kept a hand on Floyd’s cock in an effort to develop an erection. “When and if you get a hard-on, Floyd,” she said, flashing a teasing smile at the young man, “you can slide down under me and fuck me that way. Okay?”

“Sure,” he agreed.

“And in the meantime I’ll just give Wally a nice little blow job!” she announced, leaning forward and planting a kiss on the tip of his stiffly upright cock.

Turning her mouth into a pretty oval, the attractive teacher quickly took the crown of Walt’s erect rod between her lips.

“Ah!” the teenager exclaimed as he felt her warm feminine mouth encircling his throbbing cock.

Continually flicking her tongue and sucking with obvious gusto, Sharon kept stroking Floyd’s cock until the teenager had achieved another erection. He quickly stretched out on the bare floor with his legs extended under the chair. Kneeling astride him, Sharon felt his hard cock brushing against her wet pussy hairs, and quickly grabbed it to get it inside her. Once again, the young teacher found herself with two hard cocks inside her.

“Wow, you can’t beat this!” Floyd exclaimed as he watched Sharon’s bare ass jouncing up and down against his abdomen.

Riding Floyd’s supine body cowgirl-style, Sharon slipped her bare arms around Walt’s back and began giving him a nice long suck. Her blonde head bobbing up and down on his lap, she twisted and writhed her hips in various directions to torment Floyd all the more.

“Boy, this chick knows what she’s doing!” Walt exclaimed. “I’ve never been eaten like this!”

“You ought to see the way she’s shaking her ass!” Floyd remarked from his vantage point.

Plunging her head up and down in Walt’s lap, Sharon soon compelled the young man to pump his hips back and forth in response. She could see that he was doing his best to hold himself back as long as possible, but it was obvious that he was quickly losing his self-control. At the same time, Floyd was thrusting his hips up and down in an effort to obtain the maximum penetration.

Walt began thrusting his pelvis back and forth with vigorous jerks, and once again the young teacher found herself with a nice mouthful of hot come. Licking it up in kittenish fashion, she continued grinding her hips around on top of Floyd, and was soon rewarded with a pleasant gush deep inside her cunt. Tantalized by the two discharging cocks, the young teacher promptly achieved another delightful climax.

Knowing that she was in full control of the situation, Sharon allowed the two young cocks to soak inside her mouth and pussy for a few moments.

“Well, what do we do next?” she asked when she finally got to her feet.

As she suspected, no one made a move.

“Are you kidding?” Jim finally asked.

“What’s the matter? You guys out of shape?” Sharon asked with a teasing smile. “I could go on all night!”

“I think you’ve worn us out,” Floyd admitted.

“Well, in that case I guess there’s nothing to do but get dressed,” Sharon remarked, retrieving her skirt and blouse from the floor.

The four of them began putting on their clothes. To her surprise, Sharon felt thoroughly refreshed and exhilarated by the experience. With some amusement, she noticed that the boys were all quite exhausted.

“Did you like it?” Jim asked Sharon with a smile as the three boys prepared to leave.

Sharon shrugged and gave him a knowing smile. “It was all right,” she told him. “What there was of it!”


For the first time in years, there were multicolored Christmas lights strung up outside Walton House. Inside, the four young teachers were busy putting up the Christmas decorations.

“I’ll bet this is going to be the best Christmas party this neighborhood’s seen in years,” Donna remarked. The long-legged brunette was in the process of fastening a toy Santa Claus to the Christmas tree.

“You can say that again!” Ruth agreed.

“Do you think we invited too many boys?” Sharon asked in an amused voice.

Donna and Ruth laughed good-naturedly.

“Now, let’s agree to divide them up evenly, girls,” Ruth suggested. “There’s no point in fighting over all those goodies.”

“Hey, where are you going, Karen?” Donna asked as she noticed the shapely blonde putting on her coat.

“I have to pick up Francine,” Karen explained. “I don’t think those two are going to be very happy at this party,” Sharon remarked after Karen had departed.

Donna shrugged her shoulders. “Well, they can always go up to Karen’s room and have a little fun,” she remarked.

“And perhaps you’ll join them a little later on!” Ruth said with a teasing smile.

“Why not?” Donna replied in a casual voice. “What’s wrong with that? If you asked me, it’s about time you two had a little bi experience!”

Ruth and Sharon looked at one another. “Not me,” Sharon said. “I’m a cock-lover.”

“Cocksucker, you mean,” Donna said.

Sharon laughed. “Lover. Sucker. What’s the difference? We’ve all had a cock in our mouth at one time or another.”

“Speaking of cocks, why don’t you see who just drove in the driveway?” Donna suggested.

Sharon walked to the door and looked outside. “It’s Mr. Cock himself,” she said with a giggle.

“Mr. Cock? Who’s that?” Donna asked. “Ron,” Ruth replied. “The big jock.” Ron was all smiles as he walked through the door. “Hello, girls!” he called out, taking a quick look around the room.

“Hello, Ron,” Sharon told him. “Take off your coat so we can admire your muscles.”

Ron quickly removed his coat, and Sharon led him over to a punch bowl located on a table at one side of the room.

“Now, don’t drink too much punch, Ron,” Sharon told him in a confidential voice. “We girls would be awfully disappointed if you couldn’t get a hard-on later on!”

Ron laughed. “Don’t worry about me!” he assured her. “A guy would be a real fairy if he couldn’t get a hard-on around you girls.”

“Well, just remember, when it comes to sex you’re playing in the Super Bowl this evening,” she told him with a smile. “So stay in shape!” The shapely teacher slapped the front of his slacks in a playful manner before turning away.

Other cars began pulling into the driveway. Dale Benson, Sharon’s first conquest at the school, was the next to arrive. He was soon followed by Bill Reed, whose peeping Tom activities at the Girls’ Athletic Association initiation had earned unexpected dividends. Other junior and senior boys who had had affairs with the three teachers quickly followed. Karen returned with Francine, and the two joined the growing circle around the punch bowl.

“I can see this is going to be some party!” Donna remarked to Sharon as the two of them set about replenishing the punch bowl.

“Ron said he brought some dirty movies to loosen things up a little,” Sharon replied.

“Good!” Donna replied. “Tell him to set the projector up in the dining room.”

Larry Watson, who had been introduced to the intricacies of three-way sex by Donna and Ruth on his previous visit, was the next to arrive. He was followed by Jim and Walt, two of the threesome that Sharon had raped earlier in the fall. They were followed by still other boys, all with expectant looks on their faces.

“Boy, have they got us outnumbered,” Ruth remarked to Sharon. “I’ve counted at least a dozen guys.”

Sharon giggled. “Well, if they don’t drink too much punch, that’s at least a dozen hard-ons!” she replied. “There’s three of us and if each of us takes two double creamings, that’s… Well, I never was any good at arithmetic.”

Donna clapped her hands to get silence in the room. “Attention, everyone,” she called out. “Ron has brought over some movies to entertain us, and the projector’s been set up in the dining room.”

As the guests began filing into the dining room, Donna noticed Karen and Francine quietly slipping up the stairs.

“Now, these movies are strictly X-rated,” Ron announced with mock seriousness as the guests began finding chairs and other places to sit in the dining room.

Each of the three teachers made sure that she was seated with a boy at each side. Ron fitted the first reel into the projector and turned out the lights. The conversation gradually died out as the projector light came on and the movie commenced. An expectant silence came over the room as the movie opened with a comely young airline stewardess walking her husky dog in a brightly sunlit park.

“Hey, what kind of movie is this?” Sharon called out.

“You’ll see!” Ron promised.

The scene abruptly shifted to the girl’s apartment, where the girl could be seen removing her uniform while the neighbor watched with obvious interest. Peeling down to a light half-bra, panties and pantyhose, the young woman revealed an exceptional figure. There were several whistles in the audience as the girl removed her bra to display jouncing, pink-tipped breasts. Gracefully slipping off her panties and pantyhose together, the girl stood nude in the center of the room. Laughter erupted in the audience as the neighbor stood up and began sniffing at her cunt.

“Smart neighbor!” one of the boys commented.

“I’ve always wanted a neighbor to fuck,” Ruth remarked.

Smiling and patting the girls head, the girl gradually moved back toward a bed while the other girl followed her. Stretching out on the bed and arching her back in a sensuous, catlike manner, the girl drew her shapely legs up and apart while the camera zoomed in for a close-up of her gaping cunt. There was an audible gasp from the audience as the neighbor girl leaped on the bed and wasted no time burying her face in the girl’s pussy.

“Wow, look at that!” one of the boys exclaimed.

The girl’s tongue could be seen quite clearly as she began licking the girl’s cunt. Photographing the action from various angles, the camera repeatedly zoomed in for close-ups that made it quite clear that the act was in no way faked. Playing with her own tits, the girl thrust her pelvis back and forth in response to the neighbor girl’s caresses.

“Wait till you see what happens next,” Ron told the audience.

As the movie progressed, the three teachers became aware of masculine hands at work. In the dark exploring well-filled sweaters and stroking nylon-clad thighs. Stimulated by the bizarre activity on the screen, the three young women responded by using their hands to explore the pants of the teenagers sitting around them. As might be expected, six hands were soon toying with six hard cocks.

On screen, the attractive young girl got in a kneeling position on the bed, leaning forward on her elbows and forearms so that her prettily rounded ass cheeks were jutting up higher than the rest of her body. Without further ado, the obviously intelligent girl mounted the girl’s back in a manner that must have been more than a little uncomfortable for the young woman. The audience watched intently as the camera zoomed in for a close-up that clearly revealed the connection being made.

“You can see it’s not faked!” Ron remarked.

The audience watched raptly as the girl began thrusting back and forth with instinctive movements. The girl’s writhing movements and the expression on her face made it quite apparent that she was thoroughly aroused by the bizarre strap on sex tool. As she and her partner began shuddering with frenzied movements, the film gradually faded out and the audience found themselves looking at a white screen.

“That’s going to be a tough act to follow,” one of the boys remarked.

“Wait till you see this next one,” Ron assured him.

Ron quickly rewound the first reel and replaced it with a second. The next movie opened with a petite and shapely young blonde alone in her apartment, reading a magazine. She was seated on a couch with her attractive legs carelessly crossed to reveal a glimpse of white thigh above the tops of her cinnamon-shaded nylons.

After a few moments, the pert blonde got up and went to the door. When she opened the door, a well-built young black man stepped inside. It was apparent that she had been expecting him. The camera followed the pair as they walked into the bedroom. Smiling at her visitor, the young woman promptly began disrobing. Following her cue, her partner began peeling off his clothes.

Completely naked, the two of them stretched out on the bed and began necking. The young blonde’s white skin made a vivid contrast with her visitor’s ebony flesh. The two of them began exploring one another’s bodies with their hands, and the petite blonde began stroking and fondling his black cock. Stimulated by her expert strokes, the man’s prick began to expand and harden to impressive dimensions.

“Wow, look at that!” Donna exclaimed in an admixing voice. “It must be a foot long!”

The three young teachers all stand admiringly at the gigantic black cock on the screen, while at the same time toying with the hard-ons of their various partners.

On the screen, the camera zoomed, in for a close-up as the cute blonde began moving her head downward. Holding her partner’s huge cock upward in one small hand, she began licking the enormous head as if it were an ice cream cone. She was playing and obviously quite pleased at the opportunity to suck his huge ebony cock. After washing it thoroughly with her pink tongue, she opened her mouth and began working it between her lips. It was obviously a challenging task.

“Gee!” Sharon exclaimed, imagining herself in a similar position.

Gradually, the ebony crown disappeared inside the girl’s mouth. As she brushed her blonde hair back out of the way, the camera caught the distraught look of excited discomfort on her face. The audience watched intently as the girl began moving her head up and down and from side to side with movements that made it apparent that she was an expert cocksucker. From time to time, she paused with the tip just inside her mouth, and flashed a teasing smile at her black partner.

Finally, the young man forcibly pushed the girl back on the bed and spread her legs apart. The camera moved in for a close-up as he quickly lowered his head between her legs and began licking her pussy. Her bare white legs dangling down his ebony back, the girl arched her back and squirmed with pleasure, and the camera caught the ecstatic look on her face.

After a few moments, the young man stretched out on top of her. The camera zoomed in to catch his oversized black cock penetrating her cunt.

Wrapping her white anus and legs around his black body, the girl held on for dear life as he began rocking back and forth with powerful movements. Nearly crushing the young woman beneath him, the virile black man rode her to a furious climax.

“Wow!” Ruth exclaimed as the picture faded out.

“I’ve got another one,” Ron promised.

“I don’t think we need it right now,” Donna said, getting up and turning on the lights.

The others seemed to agree, and followed as Donna led the way back to the living room. Placing a rock record on the stereo, the long-legged brunette began doing an exotic dance while the others gathered around to watch. Grinding her hips and waving her hands in a deliberately provocative manner, Donna soon had everyone’s attention.

“My, it’s hot in here!” she called out over the music. “I just can’t stay dressed up like this!”

Clapping their hands in time to the musk and verbally encouraging her, the others watched as she began pulling her tight sweater off over the top of her head. She was wearing a satiny black half-bra that molded her impressive tits to two steep points. By this time, noticeable bulges were visible in all the boys’ pants, and Ruth and Sharon amused themselves with an occasional grab. The party was beginning to get out of control.

“Take it off, Donna!” several of the boys shouted in unison.

Kicking off her shoes and continuing her exotic dance in her stocking feet, Donna unfastened her skirt and slowly let it slither down her long legs to reveal tiny bikini-style black panties and matching garter belt that held up her black nylon stockings. The black garments made a stark contrast with her white flesh, and the boys all watched the shapely young teacher reach back to unsnap her bra.

“Take it off!” the boys repeated in a continuous chant.

Hesitating for a moment to tease her audience, Donna tossed the bra aside and continued her exotic dance. Her full, rose-tipped breasts jounced invitingly before the assembled onlookers, and several of the boys made playful grabs as she danced in front of them.

“My, I’m still too hot!” Donna exclaimed, tossing her long brunette hair from side to side in a sensuous manner.

“Take it off!” the boys repeated.

Pretending to be shy, Donna hooked her fingers into the waistband of her tiny panties and paused for a moment. Wiggling while the anxious boys stared intently, she finally pulled down the panties to reveal the enticing brunette triangle of her cunt. Wriggling her hips in a sexy manner, she allowed the panties to slide to a limp ring at her ankles, and then she kicked them off with an amused laugh.

Clad in only her black garter belt and stockings, Donna continued dancing in front of the excited audience. Moving about among the boys, Ruth and Sharon playfully grabbed at their erections to tease them all the more. Someone turned up the volume of the music to the point where normal conversation could no longer be heard.

“Doesn’t anyone want to dance with me?” Donna called out. “How about you, Ron?”

“Sure!” the husky athlete said, quickly stepping forward.

The promising bulge in Ron’s slacks was all too visible as the two of them started dancing together, and it was apparent that he was having difficulty keeping his hands away from Donna’s provocatively displayed charms.

“Aren’t you too hot with all those clothes on?” Donna teased.

Encouraged by the others, Ron quickly began stripping off his clothes. In a moment, the well-built teenager was standing completely naked with his magnificent young cock at rigid attention. Dancing suggestively in front of him, Donna grabbed and squeezed his upright cock with first one hand and then the other. Tossing her hair back out of the way, Donna leaned forward and rolled her pink tongue over the sleek crown.

“Wow!” Ron exclaimed as the other boys watched intently.

Her hands on his shoulders, Donna pushed him downward. Burying his face in her tits for a moment, Ron permitted himself to be shoved to his knees in front of her. Grinding her hips in front of him, Donna watched with an amused smile on her face.

“What are you waiting for?” she asked.

While the others cheered him on, Ron promptly buried his face against her brunette triangle and began licking the pink groove of her cunt.

“Ah, that’s the way!” Donna told him, thrusting her pelvis back and forth in his face. “Now, down on your back!”

While the audience watched intently, Ron stretched out flat on his back. Turning her back to his face, Donna stood astride him and slowly lowered herself. Grabbing Ron’s sturdy cock in one hand, she quickly escorted it into her cunt.

“Oh, are you a stud!” Donna cried out as she began wriggling around on top of him. “Anybody want to join in the act?”

Larry Watson lost no time accepting the invitation. Peeling off his clothes in record time, he stepped in front of Donna with his husky young prick standing straight up.

“Wow, this is beautiful!” Donna exclaimed, promptly taking the thick cock into her mouth.

Unable to hold herself back any longer, Sharon kicked off her shoes and stepped on a chair so that the others could watch her disrobe. As she peeled off her short skirt and tight sweater to reveal pink undies and black pantyhose, Ruth also began taking off her clothes.

“Hey, you guys better get undressed too!” Ruth called out over the microphone.

As the two teachers finished taking off their clothes, the boys likewise began stripping. Flushed and excited, Ruth and Sharon smiled at each other as they caught sight of a dozen rock-hard young erection.

“We’re in cock heaven!” Sharon yelled.

“Bet you guys can’t catch me!” Ruth called out, playfully running from the room with two boys in pursuit of her jouncing ass.

In the dining room, the two boys quickly caught up with her. Laughing and gasping, Ruth collapsed on the floor. A moment later, the young teacher’s mouth was filled with rock-hard cock while another teenager knelt and lifted her hips to fuck her from a kneeling position. Squirming and writhing, Ruth quickly found herself carried away with sexual arousal.

In the living room, Sharon was stretched out on the floor with boys all over her. One young man was kneeling astride her head with his cock shoved deeply into her mouth. Two boys licked and kissed her voluptuous tits, while two others held her legs far apart while they took turns licking her pussy. Sharon was astonished by the intensity of her orgasm and, as one young man came in her mouth, she quickly grabbed another cock to replace it.

By this time, the party had turned into a complete orgy. Someone turned the music up even louder, and the ear-splitting rock beat made the atmosphere all the more frantic. Feminine squeals of excitement and surprise contributed to the frenzied mood as the three young teachers serviced one boy after another.

“Hey, isn’t this wild!” Ruth screamed at her companions.

“You can say that again!” Donna replied, grabbing the nearest cock and stuffing it into her mouth.

“I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve come!” Sharon admitted breathlessly.

Oblivious to the raucous noise downstairs, Karen and Francine were locked in a wet and wonderfully warm lesbian embrace in the bedroom. Their smooth naked bodies coiled around one another, the two lay with their faces plastered against one another’s cunts as their tongues worked frantically in unison.

Downstairs, the party became even more abandoned. Donna went around giving quick blow jobs to various boys, seeing how fast she could bring them to a climax. Sharon bent forward to blow one seated boy, while another fucked her from the rear and others waited for their chance. Her soft ass resting on a pillow, Ruth joyfully submitted to one boy after another.

“How about it, you two?” Donna asked her two fellow teachers. “Why don’t you show the fellows what a couple of girls can do?”

Sharon and Ruth looked at each other. By this time, both of them were feeling totally uninhibited.

“Well, okay, I guess!” Sharon agreed.

Ruth shrugged. “All right!” she said.

As the boys gathered around in a circle to watch, the two shapely teachers dropped to the floor together. Sharon stretched out on her back and Ruth knelt aver her in the standard sixty-nine position. In a moment their faces were mashed against one another’s cunts, and the two of them writhed and twisted sensuously as their tongues went to work. Instant hard-ons began to form as the fascinated boys stared at the intriguing lesbian demonstration.

With the others absorbed by the lewd exhibition, Donna took the opportunity to slip upstairs to Karen’s room.

“Who’s there?” Karen called out from behind her locked door.

“It’s me, Donna. Let me in!”

Karen quickly opened the door and Donna stepped inside.

“Lock the door,” Donna told her. “It’s a jungle down there! I’ve just got to have some girl sex!”

She could see Francine’s astonishment as the young girl stretched out flat on the bed.

“Come here, Francine!” Donna told her. “I’ve been waiting to suck you!”

The pretty teenager quickly knelt astride Donna’s face and lowered her weight against her. As Donna’s tongue began exploring the moist crease, Karen quickly knelt between Donna’s stockinged legs and began washing her cunt with her tongue.

Downstairs, the highly aroused boys pulled Sharon and Ruth apart and stretched the two young teachers out on the floor for a gang bang. Lining up and impatiently urging each other on, the boys took turns fucking the two breathless women.

“More! More!” Sharon demanded. “I told you this was cock heaven!”

“You can say that again!” Ruth agreed.

One by one, the exhausted boys began dropping out of action.

“What’s the matter, you guys?” Sharon teased. “Can’t you get it up any more?”

“Guess we’ll have to satisfy each other!” Ruth told her.

The two attractive teachers rolled over and quickly fell into a sixty-nine position.

“You have to admit it, guys,” Ron said. “We’ve got the hottest teachers in the country!”


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