Beautiful wife finds a lover with her husband’s encouragement

Diana opened the new prescription and took one of the
tiny pills and placed it on her tongue while reaching
over to pick up the small glass of water and swallowed
the little pill down her throat.

Diana opened the kitchen cabinet placing the little
packet of pills on the cabinet shelve before heading
back into the bedroom. The prescription of birth
control pills would be the last thing Diana thought she
would ever need to take considering her husband Joe’s
low sperm count.

Diana and Joe had been married for nine years straight
out of college and both were successful working at the
same marketing corporation for several years before
venturing off on their own and forming there own

Diana would be turning twenty-nine this June and her
and Joe had wanted to adopt a child for the last two
years but the demand on venturing out on their own had
left them with less time right now for children and Joe
wanted to wait another two years before giving it
another thought.

Diana had a great looking figure and worked very hard
at it by working out in her own gym Joe had set up in
the basement. With blonde hair and five foot two inch
frame and one hundred and five-pound Diana was proud of
her 34-22-34 figure which made her the envy of all of
her friends

Joe had to fly out to Atlanta this morning on business
and would be back home in the late morning tomorrow.
Diana looked at the clock knowing she had to go online
in about thirty minutes to talk to Tony.

Tony was a man Diana had became friends with as a pen
pal a few short months ago. Tony had served nine months
over in Iraq as a Sargent in the marines and just
returned home a few days ago.

Diana got involved as a pen pal for lonely soldiers
with a group she had herd about and they had become
friends over a period of time. Diana got so comfortable
talking with Tony that she finally told him about this
crazy idea her husband Joe had about swinging.

Diana went on to reveal to Tony that her husband had a
fetish to watch her make love to another man and that
he had this fascination to be a cuckold. Diana told
Tony she didn’t want any part of that kind of lifestyle
and worried about her husband’s behavior.

Over the coming weeks Tony and Diana discussed
different idea’s how she might convince her husband to
reconsider his wild proposal. One night Tony suggested
to Diana to give in to her husbands desires and go
along with the idea as if she loved the idea.

Tony mentioned that perhaps if she were to pretend she
wanted to try swinging and perhaps even meet another
man that her husband would get cold feet and back out
on his own.

Diana was a little reluctant at first but thought that
Joe just might change his mind once he saw that she was
going to go through with the idea.

A couple days later Diana told Joe she would give the
swinging idea a try under her conditions in which he
would let her find the man. Diana even went to her
doctor to obtain a prescription of birth control pills
to help convince Joe she was really going through with

Joe would be home tomorrow morning and Diana knew one
of the first things Joe was going to ask, “Honey, have
you had any luck finding a lover yet?” Tonight she was
going to ask Tony’s opinion about avoiding that

Later that night Diana was online chatting with her
friend Tony and asked that question. Tony said that
perhaps if she went out shopping and bought a revealing
dress and model the dress for her husband when he
arrives home that it might make him jealous. Tony said
to make sure she told him it was for her first date.

Diana thought Tony’s suggestion might work on her
husband Joe and she told him she had to sign off and go
shopping before the stores close. Diana thanked Tony
for giving her the idea and would leave an email
tomorrow on how well it turned out.

Diana went shopping that night and found the perfect
dress and when she got home she slipped into the dress
with heels and paraded around in front of the mirror
admiring the item she had bought. The dress was green
with a low plunging neck line that revealed plenty of
cleavage and was short enough that when she sat down
the dress would hike up to her ass.

Diana picked up Joe at the airport the next day and it
wasn’t an hour after they returned home that Joe asked
the question Diana knew he would ask. Joe said, “Were
you able to find a stud to fuck you?” Diana told Joe to
wait in the family room and she would show him what she
had bought while he was gone.

Diana came out of the bedroom a few minutes later
wearing the revealing dress and turned around in front
of Joe and waited for his opinion. Joe was smiling and
Diana thought she would ad a few words to try and shock

“All I have to do is lift this up and my lover can fuck
me while I’m wearing it.” Diana was pulling up the
dress to reveal that she was not wearing any panties
under the dress. “I’ll shave my pussy nice and smooth
for him and maybe spray some perfume down here and
drive him wild.”

Joe got down on his knees and crawled toward me and
started to kiss my legs down to my ankles. Joe was
licking around my ankles now as he looked up and said.
“You look so beautiful in this dress and I can’t wait
to see you getting fucked by your stud.”

Joe kissed his way back up my legs gently placing his
hands up to hold onto my hips and smelled my pussy
through the thin material of my dress.

Joe got back up off the floor and told me, “You don’t
know how much I love you.” Joe smiled as he left the
room leaving me standing in the room wearing this
revealing dress. I’d have to talk to Tony tonight and
seek some advice.

That night when Joe was in bed, I got online and told
Tony all about what had happened today and let him know
it only seemed to encourage my husband more. After
several minutes’ Tony made the suggestion that maybe, I
should find a man that would go along with the idea.

I was stunned by Tony’s remarks and told Tony I
couldn’t go through with meeting a strange man for sex.
Tony said that I should find someone that would just
play along with the idea and not really go through with
the sex part of it.

Tony said that my husband would surely be jealous once
he saw me getting fondled by another man. I answered
Tony back and said I didn’t know anyone that would do
such a thing.

Tony answered back saying that he knew someone that was
willing to help me out and I asked him who it was that
he knew. Tony said he would be glad to help me out and
to just let him know when I wanted to do it.

I was sitting there looking at the computer at the
words that Tony just typed trying to decide what I
should write him back. I typed back say, “You would be
willing to help me?” Tony typed his phone number up on
the screen next and told me to call him.

My hands were shaking as I typed out, “I’ll sign off
now and give you a call in a few minutes.” I copied the
number down that Tony had wrote and signed off the
computer. I sat in the chair trying to decide if I
should call Tony. After talking to this man all of
these months, I would actually be hearing his voice for
the first time.

I knew Tony was stationed about one hundred miles from
where we lived so maybe he could help me. Once the
night was over and maybe my husband would put all these
crazy ideas out of his head than I wouldn’t have to see
this man ever again.

My hands were trembling as I dialed his number on my
cell phone and walked toward the kitchen so my husband
wouldn’t hear me. I listened as the phone rang a second
ring and a man answered saying, “I knew you would call
me.” His voice was really deep and husky and I said,
“Hello, this is Diana calling.”

Tony responded, “It’s really nice to speak to you after
all these months and I’m looking forward to meeting you
and helping you out with your husband.”

We talked for over an hour that evening until we
decided on a place and time to meet. We decided on the
following weekend at a hotel that was located half way
between us. I had sent Tony a picture of myself at my
ten-year high school reunion from last year so he knew
what I looked like.

I’d never asked Tony what he had looked like until now
and he replied, “I’m six feet five inches tall and I
have short curly dark hair and I weigh two hundred and
seventy-five pounds.” He reminded me that he worked out
every day with weights and it was all muscle.

I was surprised when Tony told me how huge he was and I
felt a little afraid to meet him but he reassured me
that he was considered a gentle giant at the base. We
ended our conversation after planning the events for
that evening. We pretty much had planned the whole
evening and Tony told me not to be afraid that
everything would go well.

I didn’t get much sleep that night thinking about
meeting Tony next weekend. The next morning I told Joe
that I had a date for next weekend. Joe said, “How is
he and what’s his name?” I told Joe, “He’s a soldier I
corresponded with while he was in Iraq and his name is

Joe than asked, “What does this man look like and did
you tell him about me?” I answered, “Yes Joe, I told
him all about your desire to watch me make love with
another man.” Than I answered the second part knowing,
I would have to tell a little fib. “He’s tall and very
muscular and very handsome and I can’t wait to fuck

Joe put his hands on my shoulders and kissed me and
said, “Please darling, don’t forget to take your birth
control pills.” I said, “Don’t worry honey; I didn’t go
to the doctor to end up getting pregnant.”

I hope that Tony had made the right decision about my
husband backing out at the last minute. What if he gets
there and expects me to go through with this whole
thing. I better get sick in a hurry.

Friday cane around pretty fast and Joe looked nervous
as he watched me putting on my new dress without any
panty’s or bra. I had shaved my pussy smooth and
applied perfume around my belly and just a little above
my pussy mound. I had my nails done the day before
along with my toe’s and all matched in a bright red.

I dried my hair and applied my makeup while Joe hung
around the bedroom watching every move I made. I looked
in the mirror and hoped the neighbors wouldn’t see me
walk to the car tonight. The dress was tight and I
could see my nipples through the dress.

I bent down to grab my heels and looked in the mirror
while bending down and noticed how much of my titties
were showing. The dress barely came up above my nipples
and I thought Tony was really going to get an eye full
of me tonight.

Joe was going to be disappointed tonight if I have to
pretend I’m getting sick. Joe was packing his video
camera and was already dressed and ready.

We got on the expressway and were on our way and I
could feel the butterflies in my stomach as we got
closer to our destination. We got off the expressway
ramp and I could see the hotel straight ahead and my
legs started to shack.

Joe spotted the hotel but pulled into the parking lot
next to the office. I glanced around and didn’t see the
car Tony said he would be driving. Joe said, “I’m going
into the office and check in.” I pulled down the visor
and checked my makeup, reapplying my lip stick while I
waited for Joe to return.

Joe came back and said, “The room number is 108 and
it’s the first one across the parking lot.”

Joe moved the car around and started to back in the
parking space when I saw Tony’s car pull up and along
the side of our car and park in the next space.

My heart was beating fast as I tried to look over in
his car and get a look at the man I had been chatting
with online all these months. It was already dark and
all I could make out was a dark figure in the driver’s
seat. Joe opened his window and motioned for Tony to
roll his window down.

Tony’s window rolled down as my husband introduced
himself and Tony answered him back in that deep husky
voice I herd on the phone last week. Joe said, “I
already checked in and the room is right here.”

I was shacking and my heart was racing as my husband
opened the door and walked around to open mine. I got
out of the car as my husband took my hand and we walked
around to meet Tony.
Tony was just getting out of his car and looked tall as
he started to walk toward us.

I was holding onto my husband’s hand as tight as I
could as we walked toward Tony and he started to come
into view. My heart almost stopped as I looked up at
this huge black man standing less than five feet in
front of me.

Tony reached his hand out to shack my husbands first as
they introduced each another and Joe turned to me and
said to Tony, “This is my beautiful wife Diana.” Tony
reached for my hand and said, “I’m very pleased to meet

Tony was looking at me straight in the eye’s and I
could see him glance down toward my tits than down
toward my legs and said in his deep voice, “Look very
beautiful tonight Diana.”

We all walked toward the room and once inside my
husband said he wanted to bring his things inside and
walked back out leaving me with Tony. There were a
small table and chairs and Tony and I sat down across
from each other as my husband walked back into the room
carrying his camera case and wine.

My husband put everything where he wanted it and poured
all of us a drink. Tony was the first to speak saying,
“You’re much more beautiful than I would have ever

My husband started a conversation with Tony and they
started talking about the war and Tony told him every
place he had been. I sat and listened to them because I
was too nervous to speak and crossed my legs.

I noticed that Tony was looking at my legs now because
the dress was hiked up so far part of my ass was now
showing. Tony was a handsome man and had a nice smile
besides having a sexy voice. As Tony and my husband got
acquainted, Tony would glance toward me and give me a
smile every so often.

Joe kept pouring more wine into my glass as I drank to
settle my nerves. Tony than told my husband, “You have
a beautiful wife here; I bet you’re really proud of
her.” Joe answered, “Yes, I’m very proud of my wife and
how she keeps herself in shape.” Joe continued and
said, “My wife bought this dress she is wearing tonight
just for you.”

Tony leaned over and looked around the table and said,
“Your wife looks very stunning in that dress and I love
the heels.” I took another drink of my wine as I saw
Tony looking at my ankles.

I started to panic as he leaned forward lifting himself
off his seat and grabbing my leg at the ankle and
gently rubbed his finger above the strap on the heel
and said, “I’ve always thought high heels made a
woman’s legs look very sexy and appealing.”

I was relieved when I felt Tony’s hand let go of my
ankle and sat back down in his chair. Tony said he had
brought another bottle of wine out in his car and
walked out to retrieve it. There was a love seat next
to me and thought it might be more comfortable and
moved and sat down while my husband went to the

Tony walked back in and put the bottle of wine on the
table and said he had it chilling in a cooler and
opened it and poured another glass and handed it to me.
Tony than poured a glass for himself and walked toward
the love seat and sat down next to me starring at my

Tony leaned over toward me and whispered, “I know
you’re nervous, just relax and let me handle everything
when your husband comes back out.” I was feeling the
effects of the wine as I looked over at Tony and told
him, “I’ll be fine, I was very nervous when we first
got here but I’m feeling better now.”

Tony was sitting just inches away from me as he
answered, “You’ll be just fine tonight Diana, we’ll
give your husband a little show here in a few minutes.”

Although the wine was making me feel more relaxed, Tony
scared me the way he said we would put on a show for my
husband. Joe stepped out of the bathroom and starred at
us as he walked back to his chair and sat down.

Tony was the first to speak, “Diana and I thought we
would get a little better acquainted here.” Tony moved
his had around my shoulder and gently gave my arm a
squeeze as he smiled over at Joe.

Joe was looking as if he were waiting for Tony’s next
move as Tony looked my way and said, “You picked out a
lovely scent to wear this evening.” I could feel his
hand starting to stroke my bare arm as he slightly
tilted his head over to smell my perfume.

Tony looked over at my husband and said, “Joe, have you
ever seen a black man fuck a white woman before?” Joe
just starred at Tony for a few seconds before giving
him an answer and said, “I’ve only seen a couple adult
videos but never seen it in person.”

Tony was laughing and said, “Its going to be a real
treat for you tonight.” Tony leaned over and placed his
wine glass on the table and took mine and placed it
along the side his glass and sat back and pulled me
close to his body.

Tony looked back at Joe and said, “You better get your
camera setup if you want to catch all the action here
tonight.” Joe got up and took his camera out of the
case and started to place it on the tripod. I was
getting more scared as Tony held me close to him.

Tony asked Joe, “Would you mind if I gave your wife a
kiss.” Joe answered, “I don’t mind, go ahead and kiss
her.” Tony looked over at me and moved his head toward
mine and placed his lips on mine. He felt warm as he
gently parted my lips and I could feel his tongue
pushing forward trying to enter my mouth.

I parted my lips a little and he pushed more of his
tongue inside my mouth as it touched the tip of my
tongue. I could feel Tony’s hand on my leg now as he
slowly began to stroke my thigh as we kissed. Tony
pulled his tongue back and whispered, “Give me your
tongue.” He than started to kiss me again as I slowly
pushed my tongue out and he sucked it into his mouth.

Tony’s hand moved from my leg and under the hem of my
dress and was now feeling around toward my pussy. For
some reason my legs gently parted for Tony as he felt
his way up and to my pussy mound and he moaned into my
mouth as his fingers felt the soft skin around my
shaven pussy.

Tony broke the kiss and whispered, “I love a shaved
white pussy.” Tony continued to kiss me as I felt his
fingers gently trying to part my pussy open. Finally
Tony’s finger had found its target and he gently
started to insert it inside me and rubbed my clitoris.
My pussy was getting wet by this time but Tony withdrew
his finger and pulled his hand out from under my dress.

I didn’t feel as afraid as I was but wondered to myself
how far Tony was going to take this little show for my
husband. Tony looked over at Joe and said, “Your wife
has a nice tight little pussy here and she’s getting
wet thinking about having my black cock inside her.”

Tony’s words caught me by surprise but I knew he was
trying to shock my husband into changing his mind. So
far I haven’t seen any changes in the way my husband
was reacting to Tony’s advances on me.

Tony’s hand moved up and cupped my tits through my thin
dress and started to move his hand from one to the
other as he looked over at Joe and said, “You’re a
special kind of husband to be letting another man take
your wife and do as he pleases.”

Tony looked at me again and said, “You have nice
titties Diana, I bet you like showing them off to other
men don’t you?” Tony than moved the thin material of my
dress away to expose my left breast and moved his hand
onto my nipple and started to rub his thumb around in
little circles and said, “Diana’s nipples are getting
hard for me Joe.”

Tony bent his head down and placed his lips directly
over the nipple and started to nibble and circle his
tongue around. I was scared but aroused at the same
time as Tony worked his tongue around my breast.

I couldn’t help getting aroused as Tony gently started
to lick and kiss his way up to my neck and under my
chin until his lips were on mine again and his tongue
back inside my mouth. I slowly sucked on his tongue as
he slowly worked his hand around pulling the straps of
my dress down over my shoulders.

Now both of my tits were exposed to Tony’s view as he
continued to kiss me while moving his hands up to
massage my tits, squeezing them in his big hands. I
placed my hand over his hand on my tits and gave it a
little squeeze. Tony took hold of my hand in his and
held it as we kissed.

Tony’s hand was large and when he finally broke the
kiss, he raised my hand and starred down at my hand in
his and starred at my diamond engagement ring and
placed his thumb over it and looked over at my husband
and said, “Are you feeling all right with this Joe, I
can stop anytime.” I waited for Joe to respond and say
something but he just shook his head in agreement.

Tony than leaned over and whispered and said, “I want
you to unbutton my shirt and than the pants.” My hands
were trembling now as I started at the top of his shirt
and worked my way down. Tony’s hands were not still as
he went back too gently rubbing my boobs causing much
stimulation keeping my nipples very erect.

I managed to get the last button as Tony tiled away
from the love seat and pulled off his shirt. His
shoulders were broad and his arms were massively huge
from lifting weights. Tony flexed his arm and told me
to grab a hold and feel it. I placed both of my hands
around his arm and his muscles felt so big.

Tony stood up in front of me and waited for me to
unbuckle his pants. I reached out and grabbed the belt
and got it undone and worked on the snap and zipper and
Tony’s pants feel to the floor.

Tony stood in front of me with just a red pair of
boxers on with a bulge as his cock tried to point
straight out from under the red material. Tony took my
hands in his and lifted me up and pulled me next to him
as he placed his hands on my back. Tony was so much
taller than me and my boobs pressed into his stomach as
he held me tight.

I had planned all along to feel sick if things started
to get out of hand but I was so afraid of Tony’s size
as he held me tight against his body I just couldn’t
find the words.

Tony looked down at me and lowered his head to kiss me
again. He was being very gentle and when we broke the
kiss and looked into my eye’s and asked, “Are you all
right with this?” I don’t know what came over me but
instead of saying I wasn’t feeling well, I answered
Tony back with a simple, “Yes.”

My full attention was on Tony now as he held me in his
arms and told me to pull his shorts down. I had no idea
what my husband was doing at this point as I grabbed a
hold of Tony’s boxers and slid them down his legs. I
had to kneel down and pull them all the way because his
kegs were so muscular and as I started to get up,
Tony’s cock was sticking straight out at my face as I
stood up.

Tony stepped out of his shoes as I stood there starring
at his cock which had to be as thick as my wrist. Tony
took hold of my left hand and gently placed it around
his cock. I couldn’t even get my small fingers
completely around it.

I slowly worked my hand around as much of it as I could
as Tony reached around me to cup my ass in his big
hands. Tony’s cock had a huge head and had to be at
least eight inches in length. Tony kissed me again as I
kept a hold of his cock and felt his tongue entering my
mouth again.

Tony broke the kiss and told me to raise my arms above
my head as he grabbed the bottom hem of my dress and
lifted it up over my head. My arms were trembling now
as Tony slipped my dress off and through it down on the
chair. I stood naked in front of this large man as he
slipped his hands around my waist and said, “I want you
to leave the heels on and lay on the bed.”

I walked around and sat on the bed and noticed my
husband looking through the camera lens with the look
of anticipation on his face. The bed was king size with
tree pillows so I got up and laid in the middle and
waited to see what Tony was going to do next.

Tony got on the bed next to me and leaned over and
gently started to kiss my boobs which gave me goose
bumps as I felt his lips touch my skin. Tony was
nibbling on my tits now gently biting around my nipples
as he moved one of his hands down and spread my legs

Tony kissed his way down over my belly and placed his
tongue in my navel giving me chills. Tony had licked
his way to my pussy mound while moving his body around
to a better angle to lick it. Tony worked his tongue
along the sides of my pussy and touching my leg with
his tongue making me shiver.

I spread my legs more as Tony lay at the foot of the
bed now kissing my thighs and leaving trails of saliva
as he moved his tongue over my body. I lay wondering
how far Tony was going to take all this as I felt him
moving closer to my pussy.

Tony was slowly licking my pussy mound as he reached up
and squeezed my boobs. His hot tongue felt good as I
arched my hips up off the bed giving Tony better access
to my pussy.

Tony was licking around my pussy but kept away from
actually putting his mouth near the opening. I couldn’t
help but wonder if Tony was holding back waiting for my
husband to tell him to stop or was he just teasing me.
I got my answer within seconds as Tony inserted his
tongue into the slit gently nibbling and pulling on my

Tony was working his tongue in perfect motions along my
labia causing my pussy to get wet. He kept this up
while I started to rotate my hips enjoying the touch of
his tongue. I jumped when Tony touched my clitoris with
his tongue. He was very skilled as he flickered it
gently moving in little circular motions with just
enough pressure that made me squirm even more.

I lifted my legs back giving Tony better access with
his tongue holding them up with my hands on the back of
my thighs.

Tony let up for a second, just enough to look up at me
and said, “Do you want me to stop?”
Tony’s question should have been a slam dunk answer but
I was so aroused at this point I just wanted to enjoy
his tongue. After all it didn’t have to go any further
than oral sex so I answered Tony by saying, “Keep going
I love your tongue.”

I held my legs apart as Tony put more pressure on all
the right areas with his tongue. I started to move my
hips up to try and bring as much of his tongue inside
me as I could. Tony finally put his hands on my legs
holding them up while I reached down and put my hands
in his hair.

Tony kept up the gentle licking until my body started
to quiver and I knew I was about to cum. Tony was an
expert as he put just enough pressure on my clitoris to
give me the right stimulation until I finally knew I
was there.

I let out a scream as I hit my peak, “Oh yes Tony, I’m
going to cum. Keep licking me, oh yes, oh yes ah yes!”
My orgasm lasted a few seconds but felt so good as my
whole body relaxed. Tony was now kissing my inner
thighs while his hands rested on my belly.

Tony lifted himself up and crawled up along the side of
me and put his arm around my head and the other hand
now stroked my pussy mound. He looked over at me and
said, “I can make you feel a whole lot better if you
want to go further.” Looking down toward Tony’s cock I
could see he was as hard as a rock.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and could see my
husband playing with his video camera. I slowly reached
down and put my fingers on Tony’s cock and started to
rub the head with my thumb. I than started to move my
hand along its length feeling the thick veins along the
shaft and trying to take in its thickness.

I tried to image what it would feel like having this
mans large cock inside me. I was so use to Joe at six
inches and only about half this thickness. I wondered
if it might hurt or maybe cause me damage but I’ve only
seen a gentle side of Tony tonight and knew if would be

I continued to move my hand very slowly on Tony’s cock
than suddenly got the urge to set up and suck on this
huge cock I had in my hand. Tony was on his back now as
I sat up still stroking his cock. I hesitated for a few
seconds and lowered my head down to his shaft and
kissed the head.

I opened my mouth and licked the head in little circles
before bent further down and took the head in my mouth.
I ran my tongue across the head wanting to return the
pleasure that Tony had given me. I was afraid to look
over at my husband as I started to lick the shaft
around the side and giving it soft kisses before
returning back to the head and taking it into my mouth.

I worked on Tony’s cock for several minutes until I
climbed down between his legs where I could lick and
tease his testicles. I gently took each one into my
mouth and sucked as Tony moaned with pleasure.

I moved from his testicles to the shaft giving much
attention to both as I tilted my head up to see the
expression on Tony’s face. Tony reached for my hand and
held it as I continued to suck and lick him. Tony’s
testicles were huge and every time I would touch them
with my tongue, Tony’s body would jump from the
sensitivity in that area.

I laid my head on Tony’s leg and tilted his cock enough
to be able to take him in my mouth. Tony placed his
hand on my head and started to stroke my hair as I
sucked on him. I was aware of my husband moving around
the room but couldn’t see where Joe was at.

I felt my leg being lifted up and apart and the sudden
warmth of my husband’s warm breath on my pussy as his
tongue parted my labia and started to lick me. I still
had my head resting on Tony’s leg and one hand on his
testicles and reached back and placed my hand on my
husband’s head and pulled him tight against me.

I tried to image how my husband felt right now, he was
experiencing the ultimate fantasy in his mind of giving
me, his wife to another man. This other man that gave
me so much pleasure a few minutes ago and now I was
returning that pleasure to him. Now, in another way I
was sharing pleasure with my husband.

I was now on the verge of deciding if I should give
myself completely to another man. I know I would be
fulfilling my husband’s fantasy and giving pleasure and
satisfaction to both men. Tony was being a complete
gentleman allowing me to make my own choices. This was
going to be my decision now as I lay between these two
men, one I loved and knowing the other could give me
sexual pleasure.

Joe licked my pussy getting me highly stimulated until
I felt him stop and the next thing I felt was a gentle
kiss on my arm than another on my breast and finally on
my cheek. I could feel Joe’s hand as he rubbed my ass
as he whispered into my ear, “You look beautiful
tonight and I love you.” I turned my head away from
Tony’s cock and reached out and took his head in my
hand and pulled him close and kissed him.

I had let go of my husband and gave Tony’s cock one
more kiss and started to get up off the bed to ask my
husband if he had seen enough and noticed him disappear
into the bathroom and shut the door.

Next thing I felt was Tony reaching around my waist to
rest on my belly while he kissed the back of my neck
sending chills down my spine as I stood next to bed
with Tony. One of Tony’s big hands slipped down over my
pussy mound as he continued to kiss his way around my

Tony whispered into my ear, “Why not lay down on the
bed and we’ll wait until your husband gets out of the
bathroom.” Tony took me by the hand and held me as I
climbed on the bed and laid down while Tony seated
himself down toward the end of the bed facing me. Tony
leaned over and started to kiss my feet, working his
way up my leg until he was right up next to my pussy

Tony leaned over until his lips were gently kissing my
pussy and massaging my belly with one of his hands. I
could feel him shifting around on the bed until he had
spread my legs so he could lean down and kiss my boobs.
Tony gently sucked my titties into his mouth while
inserting a finger into my wet pussy.

Tony was slowly moving his finger around gently
touching my clitoris while kissing his way up from my
tits, than my neck and was now pecking around my lips
until his lips meet mine and we were locked in a
passionate kiss.

I sucked on Tony’s tongue as it entered my mouth; I was
so aroused with his finger in my pussy that I arched my
legs up placing my feet on the back of his legs. I felt
one of Tony’s hands reach around and lift my leg off
his as I thought maybe the heels I was still wearing
maybe hurting his leg.

Tony continued to kiss me as I felt him lean toward one
side still holding my leg up when I felt his finger at
the entrance of my pussy again. Tony was kissing me
with much intensity now as I felt him push at least two
fingers in my soaked pussy. I was stroking his big arm
with my hand as his fingers seemed to be spreading my
labia apart.

Tony was sucking my tongue into his mouth as I felt
what I thought was his thumb at the entrance of my
pussy slowly moving along the slit. I felt a slight
pressure and I knew it wasn’t his thumb poised at the
entrance, it was Tony’s cock.

I could still hear the blower in the bathroom where my
husband had gone as Tony gave a little shove and I
winced as the head of his cock entered my pussy. Tony
broke the kiss long enough to say, “Lift your legs up a
little higher for me.” I felt his weight shift giving
me plenty of room to move and without any thought moved
my legs up higher to give him more access to my pussy.
Tony continued to kiss me as I felt him push forward
lodging the head of his cock another inch inside me.

Tony was sucking my tongue as I wrapped my legs resting
my heels on his ass as he pushed himself inside me even
more. Tony broke the kiss and said, “Your pussy is so
wet and tight.” I felt him back out and than he pushed
himself forward driving himself further inside me.

I moaned as I felt him push into me and whispered, “Oh,
it feels so big inside me.” Tony responded, “You’re
such a beautiful woman, it feels so good being inside
you.” I looked at the passion in Tony’s eyes as he
continued pushing himself deeper inside me.

I whispered again, “I shouldn’t be doing this without
my husband here.” Tony continued to kiss me
passionately as he whispered, “Relax, your husband
wanted you to do this and now I’m here for you.”

My pussy felt stretched as Tony began to slowly fuck me
as we continued our kiss. I was stroking the back of
his head with one hand and squeezed his arm with my
other hand feeling his cock sliding inside me. I moaned
with pleasure, “Fuck me Tony, fuck my pussy.”

Tony probed his tongue back into my mouth with great
passion as he lifted himself up enabling to push inside
me deeper. My body was trembling as I felt Tony’s large
cock fucking my pussy. The sensation going through my
body as I glanced down between my boobs and saw this
thick cock disappearing inside me.

I could see Tony’s cock each time he thrust himself
inside me making my body shack as his body touched
mine. Tony’s cock was glistening now from my pussy.
Tony’s cock felt so good inside of me as I said, “I
love your cock Tony, keep fucking me harder.”

The contrast of his massive black body above my white
little body drove me insane with desire I can’t explain
as I bucked my hips up to meet Tony’s downward thrusts
into me. Tony bent down and kissed me again and said,
“I can feel your little white pussy grabbing my cock
baby.” Tony spoke again, “You like my black cock inside
your white pussy don’t you?” I looked up into his eyes
and said, “Yes Tony, I love your black cock fucking my
pussy.” I moaned as he began to fuck me faster as I
said, “Oh yes Tony, fuck me harder. Give it to me

I could feel my body start to shack even more and I
knew I was about to have an orgasm and than it hit me
as I said, “Oh yes I’m going to cum, give me all your
cock, oh yes, ah yes give it to me.” My legs shot
straight out as I arched my back up off the mattress
and had an orgasm like any before.

Tony had slowed down waiting for me to calm back down
before he again started to fuck me with faster rhythm.
My legs were being held out high by Tony’s large arms
as he continued to pound his thick cock deep inside me.

I placed my hands down onto my buttocks and slid my
fingers along until I could feel Tony’s thick cock as
it continued to slice its way in and out of my pussy. I
had never done this before and the sensation was

I could now see my husband standing at the corner of
the bed with his camera now and he looked like he had
pointed the camera at Tony’s cock as it disappeared
inside me.

Tony was driving himself into me with a faster pace and
looked down at me and said, “I’m going to shoot my
black seed deep inside your belly.” Tony’s words
excited me and seemed so taboo but I think he was
saying those things for the benefit of my husband.

Tony kept fucking me hard as he said, “Open your mouth
wide for me and close your eyes.” I did as Tony asked
and could sense his head lowering toward my face as he
said, “keep it wide open for me.” I than felt a large
amount of Tony’s spit fall into my mouth as he said,
“Swallow it.” I swallowed his spit as he started to
fuck me intensely. My whole body shook as he banged
into my buttocks each time he thrust inside me.

Tony let out a loud groan, “Oh shit, here comes my
seed.” Tony locked his hips forward as I felt the first
spurt of his cum hit inside me. It felt so hot as the
second spurt hit inside me. Tony said, “Oh yeah, do you
feel it inside your belly?” I answered, “It feels so
hot shooting in me.”

Tony added making sure my husband would hear, “Gonna
put a little black baby inside your belly tonight.” I
was caught up in the moment and said, “Oh yes Tony,
give me your baby, your black baby.”

I could barely see my husband but noticed he was
playing with his cock through his pants now. The words
we had just said about a black baby excited him beyond
belief. I guess his words exciting me too but I was
thankful I had got the prescription of birth control

Tony kept my legs up and had to admit how erotic it
must have been seeing this large black man above me who
had just pumped my belly full of sperm with my high
heels pointing straight up in the air.

Tony finally backed his cock out of me and there was a
loud plop as the head came out of my pussy. I could
feel his cum dripping down the crack of my ass as Tony
said to my husband, “Are you getting a closeup of my
seed in your wife’s white pussy?” My husband answered,
“I’m getting everything on video.”

Tony lifted himself around letting my leg’s drop and
said, “Here, make sure you get a shot of the black cock
that just impregnated your wife.” Tony reached over and
patted my belly and said, “This little white belly here
is going to stretch once my baby starts growing
inside.” Tony bent forward and kissed my lips making
sure my husband could see his tongue enter my mouth.

Tony looked back at my husband saying, “Your wife isn’t
going to be satisfied any longer with just any cock
inside her. After tonight she’s only gonna want this
inside her from now on.” Tony held his cock so my
husband could see and say, “I hope this is what you
wanted cause Diana’s pussy is gonna be stretched out to
accommodate this after tonight.”

I knew the things Tony said to my husband were meant to
enhance my husband’s fantasy but I think Tony was
getting into humiliating my husband now. Tony looked
back toward my husband again as he spread my legs and
said, “Do you want to lick this cum out of your wife’s
pussy?” I looked at my husband as he sat his camera
back down on the tripod and said, “I’d love to eat
Diana’s pussy clean.”

Before I had a chance to object, my husband was laying
on the bed between my legs as I felt his mouth touch my
pussy. I could feel his tongue into my slit and could
hear the sounds he was making as he sucked out Tony’s

Tony walked around the bed and bent over and kissed me
making sure he made loud slurping sounds that my
husband could hear as he kissed me. Tony looked down at
my husband and said, “Make sure you get all that black
baby seed out of your wife tonight.”

My husband continued to lick my pussy until he was sure
he had cleaned the seed from inside me. By this time,
Tony had got dressed and was writing a note. Tony gave
my husband the little paper and said, “This is my phone
number, call me when your wife needs some real cock.”

Tony bent over the bed again and kissed me and said,
“I’ll see you soon.” He walked out the hotel room
leaving my husband wiping his face.

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