A New Beginning

I decided to move overseas and live just outside New York. I had been once and I loved the lifestyle. It was August 2018. I found that I could get more for my money than back home. I found an apartment in New York after renting for a bit, sold my house and 3 gyms back home to set one up here. I was now on my feet although I still had to explore the area. My apartment is an upstairs/downstairs on the 20th floor with amazing views from the floor to ceiling windows.
I was in my gym speaking to one of the staff as I was filling up my water bottle. I heard a voice behind me.
“It’s so good to hear a British accent” she said. I turned around and there was a gorgeous curvy woman behind me. Even without her makeup she was beautiful. We spoke for a bit, her name was Gemma, she was the same age at 31, an interior designer and a fashion blogger on Instagram with a huge following. She had moved over a few years ago and lived a few blocks from me.
“I’ve got a class to go to, here’s my number, send me a message and I can show you around to get to know the area better.” Gemma said.
“I definitely will, I’m sure I’ll see you around here too,” I replied.

I messaged her that evening and arranged to meet a couple of days later. It was still quite warm in September, I met Gemma, she was in a grey long sleeved off the shoulder top, tucked into some blue skintight jeans and a pair of boots. She had long brown hair and surprisingly gave me a hug. We walked around the area, with Gemma pointing out places to eat and drink. We went up to a rooftop place and got a bite to eat for lunch.
“I’m glad I heard you talking the other day, it’s been a bit lonely since moving out here.”
Gemma said.
“I’m glad you offered to show me around. Can I take you out for dinner some time as a thank you?”
Gemma smiled, “You don’t have to do that. Is it just to say thank you?” She said looking at me with her deep brown eyes.
“Well that’s the 2nd reason. The other being, I think you’re gorgeous and I feel like we’ve gotten on well so far.”
“I admire your confidence, I’d love to.”
We worked out a when to go for our date. We finished lunch and walked around a bit, at 1 point Gemma was in front of me, her thighs and ass were packed into her jeans, one of the best asses I’ve seen. I walked Gemma to her apartment block. She gave me a kiss on the cheek as we said our goodbyes. I waited in the foyer of Gemma’s apartment block. I watched for her coming out the elevator, I was completely blown away when she did. She was in a figure hugging black dress, thin strapped, cut to between her tits. The dress was down to her knees but cut back up in the middle to above her knees, like a mirror image of the top half.
“You look absolutely beautiful” I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. I gave her flowers, she left them with the receptionist to get when she came home.
We got in a cab to the restaurant. As we pulled up, Gemma said “How did you know this was my favourite place?!”
“I genuinely had no idea! Wait there.” I said.
I got out and around the other side, opening the door for her, offering my hand as she took it. I helped her out before opening the door to the restaurant for her.
“Such a gentleman, I love it” she said.
“Hopefully you’ll be getting used to it.” I said as she turned around giving me a smile.
“I’ve got something planned for us after this so don’t eat anything too heavy.” Gemma said.
During the meal there was lots of flirting, I showered her with compliments.
“You really are a gentleman, you are actually looking into my eyes when we talk rather than at my chest, like other guys would do.” She said.
“That’s cause I’m genuinely interested in you, you’ve got amazing eyes and such an incredible smile.” I said.
Gemma got embarrassed. We shared a dessert then left. As we got out the restaurant, Gemma took my hand in hers, linking our fingers. We walked to a bar she knew about. As we got in there was some salsa dancing.
“Have you ever tried it” Gemma asked.
“A couple of times” I replied.
We got some drinks, it was really busy but we found a tall stool in the corner. We asked the group next to us to keep an eye on our drinks. We went up to dance, our eyes constantly fixed on each other. When I had my hands on her hips, she really knew how to move them. It was about 20 minutes before we sat down again. I stood, letting Gemma sit on the stool. I had my arm around her, resting my hand on her hip.
“This is one of the best dates I’ve ever had” I said.
“Me too, there’s just one thing missing” Gemma said. I took the hint, moving in for the kiss. I felt her soft hand on the side of my face as her soft lips met mine. It was one hell of a kiss.
“You’ll need to mark your territory in the gym now.” I joked.
“What do you mean?”
“Well I keep getting approached by all these plastic bimbos that I’ve got no interest in. Here I am getting the most amazing kiss from the most naturally beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” I said.
“You make me so happy” Gemma said.

We had a few more drinks before calling it a night. Outside Gemma’s apartment block we shared another kiss.
“Best date I’ve ever been on” I said.
“I’m so happy we met.” Gemma said.

We went on a few more date over the coming weeks and things were going really well.

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