A Couple, A Threesome and the Deal

Samantha Banning did not have her best day. She had graduated high school early the month before, and it was her eighteenth birthday. Working full time as a barista at the coffee shop down the street from her house, Sam was having a hard time imagining how to pay for her tuition at The University of Illinois. She had managed to save about $10,000 over the previous few years, and her grades were good but not good enough for anything more than a partial scholarship. Sam would be able to get student loans, but it was going to tough. Her father had died before she was born, and her mother had made just enough money to keep food on the table for her and her older sister Sarah who had gotten married when she was twenty, to a much older man and had skipped college.

“Hi, Sam!” A friendly voice called to her from the front of the shop, “Happy Birthday! Are you excited to turn eighteen?”

The voice belonged to Nicole Watkins, one of Sam’s favorite customers. She and her husband Connor had lived in the condo just above Sam and her mom until about two years ago when he sold his small tech company to Google, and they moved to a big house about two miles away. At twenty-eight and twenty-five, Nicole and Connor were the wealthiest people Sam knew, but neither one acted like it

“Yep, I am.” Sam answered, “Still freaking out about school, though.”.

“You’ll figure it out,” Nicole smiled, “We’re looking forward to celebrating your birthday at dinner tomorrow. So nice of your mom to invite us!”

“Your usual, Nic?” Sam asked.

Nicole nodded and paid Sam while a boy she didn’t know fixed her latte. She was genuinely fond of Sam and her mom, Robin. They had met when they had rented a condo in the same building, and later Robin helped them buy one right above them.

Both Robin and Sam were beautiful women. Robin was a brunette while Sam was blonde, but they shared the same slender frame and athletic body. Nicole was attracted to both of them. She loved her husband, of course, but she was attracted to girls as well.

“Thanks again, Sam!” Nicole said, waving as she walked towards the door, “See you tomorrow!”

Sam got off work at 4:00 and needed a distraction, so by 4:30, she was in bed with her friend Tom at his apartment. Tom, who was also her manager, was on top of her with her legs in the air, thrusting into her a little faster than she liked, but he wasn’t a terrible lover, and it wasn’t long until she was cumming on his dick.

After she took a quick shower, she was sitting on the side of Tom’s bed, putting on her skirt. Tom was twenty-three and had asked her out her third day on the job. She thought a boy his age asking her out, knowing she was so much younger and had just finished high school, was rather creepy, and Sam had said no, and continued to say no the following three times. The day Sam had found out about not getting the full scholarship, her answer was finally yes. He took her to dinner, but she just wanted sex, and she was pretty sure she freaked him out when she told him so. Still, he was a boy, and they had fucked that night and several times since that night. She enjoyed having something to take her mind off her troubles.

“So, see you tomorrow?” Tom asked, grinning at her in a way that made her remember why she had thought he was creepy.

“Nope, I’m off for the next week, remember?” She responded.

“I guess.” He said, clearly not remembering at all, “Maybe you’ll stop by, though?”

“Nope, today is my eighteenth birthday.” She said, “I’m celebrating tomorrow with my family and then spending time with my mom.”

“Wait,” he said, looking puzzled, “You’re just eighteen today?”

Sam laughed to herself as she walked to her car. He didn’t even know how old I was, she thought, that was the last time. She knew she needed to trust her instincts.

Robin was happy to throw this party for Sam. She could hardly believe her baby was eighteen. Robin had tried to give her a good life. Still, outside of a small savings account and the possibility of a second mortgage, it wasn’t possible to help with college tuition and expenses to any significant degree despite knowing how much she could see Sam stressing about it. Robin had learned of an opportunity to ease that stress, but she hadn’t wrapped her head around it yet.

It was about two hours before expecting her daughter Sarah and the other guests, so she was surprised when the doorbell ring.

“Hey, Mrs. Banning!” The smiling girl at the door greeted her, bounding through the door like the teenager she was.

“Hi, Chelsea,” Robin replied as the girl headed towards her daughter’s room. Chelsea had been Sam’s best friend since second grade. She was a small girl with a cheerleader’s body. Chelsea and Sam had started cheerleading together in sixth grade, but her daughter grew bored with it after her freshman year. Chelsea never had and had been made Captain each of the last two years. She liked it so much she was continuing cheer when she left that fall for a small college in Minnesota. Robin thought it suited her.

“Wear that one,” Chelsea said as Sam was getting dressed. She motioned to a plaid skirt that was on the bed, “You’re going with the black leggings, right?” She asked her friend of ten years, more than half their young lives.

“Yeah, but then what top?” She asked Chelsea, “the black turtleneck?” Her friend nodded and smiled.

“You’ll look hot!”

Sam laughed, “I’m going for cute, not hot, remember? Connor and Randy are going to be the only guys here.” Randy was her sister’s husband.

“Well, you’ll be that too, then,” her friend assured her, “Plus, you forgot Ryan. He’ll be here.”

Ryan had been Chelsea’s boyfriend since the two knew what boyfriends were, early in sixth grade. “Want me to get him all hot for you so you can fuck him in the car?” she asked her friend playfully.

“You’re bad!” Chelsea exclaimed in mock disgust, “no fucking in the car tonight, it’s cold, and it’s a school night.”

“Ok, then,” she laughed. Of all of her friends, Chelsea was the first girl to lose her virginity. It was in the summer between the seventh and eighth grade in Ryan’s basement. Sam had been there fending off a boy named Noah with who she had no urge to share something so life-changing. She did end up giving a hand-job for the first time while Chelsea had sex one open door away.

Sam changed bras and looked at herself in the mirror’s skirt and leggings before putting on the top. She was proud of her body. Chelsea had bigger boobs, but Sam wasn’t self-conscious at all. Her B cup boobs were perky, an old boyfriend’s description, and cute, and her flat stomach made them look larger than they were. She put on the top and twirled in front of the mirror. Hot, cute, she was all that she thought.

Chelsea agreed, “Hot,” she grinned

“Pretty hot yourself, girl.” Her friend was wearing jeans, a tight light blue top, and a white cardigan. Sam wasn’t positive Ryan wouldn’t jump Chelsea in the car on the way home.

Robin was nervous. She wanted Sam to make an informed decision, but she knew she’d be shocked at the idea. Was Robin a bad mother for entertaining it? She honestly didn’t know, but she would bring it to her daughter with a sincere desire for Sam to get what she wanted.

Sam was happy to share her birthday with the people she loved the most. Her mom had made a make-your-own taco bar, which was Sam’s favorite. The cake was carrot with cream cheese frosting. Everything was delicious. As she did every year, her sister asked what she wished for when she blew out the candles.

“I’m not going to answer that, Sarah,” she smiled, “the same thing I’ve said since I was three!” Then she thought for a second, “Ok, this time I’ll answer. I hope I figure out how to pay for college.”

Everyone made the usual noises telling her she would, and she did appreciate that. After the cake, it was time for presents. Her sister gave her a book on fashion, Chelsea gave her a cute hat like one she had that Sam had complimented, and Nicole and Connor gave her an Amazon gift card for way more money than she expected.

“I can’t accept this,” Sam said, attempting to hand it back.

“Of course you can,” Nicole replied, putting her hand up.

Her mom quickly reached for her gift, effectively changing the subject.

“Here you are, honey.” Her mom said, handing her a small box. She opened and pulled out a sterling silver necklace with a pendant engraved “18”, another with her initials, and in the middle a small turquoise stone.

“Oh, mom, it’s beautiful!” She said, hugging her mom and beginning to cry.

“You deserve it, sweetie!” She said, hugging her back.

Chelsea and Ryan were the first to leave, wishing her happy birthday again, followed by Randy and her sister, who hugged her in that only sisters could. Sam returned from the door to find her mom, Nicole, and Connor sitting in the living room.

Nicole had been trying to come up with how to bring their offer to Sam for almost a week ever since they spoke to Robin about it. That approach had been Connor’s idea, and Nicole had been shocked that Robin hadn’t kicked them out on the spot, but she hadn’t and had asked a lot of questions. Nicole was in awe over Robin’s concern for Sam, and it made her want to be a mother even more than she already did.

“Sam,” Robin started, “Connor and Nicole have a proposal for you, and I think you should listen to them even if it’s a little shocking.”

Sam saw how uncomfortable her mom was and was finding it hard not to freak out. Nicole reached for her hand and squeezed it.”. She looked at Sam.

“So, Connor and I have been trying to get pregnant for almost a year now, and it hasn’t happened” She paused. “The doctors have done all sorts of tests and have no idea what’s going on. Mystery infertility, one of them called it. I’m healthy, Connor’s healthy, his sperm count is high, but we can’t conceive.”

Sam was starting to guess what was going on. She knew what surrogacy was. Her first instinct was to keep listening.

Nicole noticed that Sam seemed to have guessed the more prominent part, but that didn’t make the rest of it easier. “Sam, I think you’ve guessed that we would like you to be our surrogate.” Sam nodded. “There’s a problem, though. Surrogacy usually means that they would take one of my eggs, fertilize it in the lab, and implant it in the surrogate.”

“I’ve heard about that,” Sam said, paying close attention.

“Here’s the problem,” Nicole looked at Connor for support. He had wanted to stay out of the conversation until the end, not wanting it to be weirder than it had to be. “Since they can’t solve the mystery, it’s possible to be a genetic issue, so that won’t work, or at least it might not, and it would require months for them to keep looking for the answer before they would risk some medical issue with you.”

Sam was beginning to understand why everyone was so uncomfortable, or she thought so anyway. “So, you want to use my egg, right?” Sam looked at her mom, Nicole, and Connor, and none of them looked any more comfortable than they had before she had guessed.

“Sam, you’re great about this, so thank you, but I’m the one making this difficult.” Nicole swallowed hard, “One of the reasons we wanted to ask you to do this is that we look a little alike, but I want to see my husband conceive our child.”

Robin saw in Sam’s face that understanding was setting in, first looking at her and then at Nicole and finally at Connor. Robin wanted to throw up. She had agreed to be part of a plan for her daughter to have sex and make a baby with a man while his wife watched. The worst part was that it was all because she couldn’t afford to help her financially.

“Mom?” Sam looked at her with a look somewhere between confusion and maybe, betrayal? Robin hoped she was wrong about the second part. For the first time, Connor spoke.

“I thought it was strange at first too, Sam.” He said, looking at her until she made eye contact, “This is important to Nicole even if she obviously would rather it be only her.”

Robin tried to read her daughter’s expression, but for the first time that she could remember, she wasn’t sure what she saw there. Connor continued, “Nicole wanted to go over all the costs with you and all of that, and if you want to know, that’s fine, but the bottom line is that we’re prepared to pay you $150,000, more than enough, according to your mother for room and board at school. We’re also not opposed to more if you need it depending on how college goes.”

Sam was utterly stunned. She saw Nicole starting to cry and squeezed the older woman’s hand just as she had for her. “So all of you know and mom, you especially, I’m not as freaked out as maybe you think,” she looked at all of them, “not that I’ve agreed yet, but I’ve been going crazy over the money for weeks. If this gets me the chance at college where I could concentrate, I can’t just say no. Mom, you understand I’d have to have sex with him?”

Her mom looked at her, “Yes, but it’s not like you’re not sexually active,” she looked uncomfortable.

“No, but you know what I mean.”

Her mom nodded.

“Ok, tell me how everything would work.”

For the next hour and a half, Tom and Nicole explained the contract and the protections in it.

“So when would this happen?” Sam asked.

Robin answered first, “Remember when I asked you to take several days off?”

Nicole saw that Sam figured it out, “So, now or tomorrow or what?”

“Tonight,” Nicole replied, “but it might not happen right away. We might have to try again, not forever, but a few times. I think Connor mentioned that was in the contract. After that, you get the money either way.” Connor nodded in agreement with her.

“So why now?” Sam asked.

Nicole waited for Robin to answer. “Because our cycles are usually close, and my window is in the next few days. I told Nicole now might be the right time.”

“That’s right,” Sam nodded, “I can’t believe you knew that, but it makes sense.”

Sam asked to be able to step into the other room to talk with her mom privately.

Nicole was unbelievably nervous. It felt like they’d been gone an hour when it was probably more like thirty-five minutes. “I’m worried, Connor.” She said to her husband.

He smiled a reassuring smile, “This is nuts, you know. Sam’s entitled to give this serious thought, and her mom knowing about this first might be freaking her out too.”

Nicole knew it wasn’t easy for Robin. She said that it felt like she was her daughter’s pimp. That was some heavy-duty baggage. She empathized with both of them.

“Ok, I’ll do it,” Sam said as she walked back into the room. She had started thinking about how hot Connor was and that Nicole had told her once she liked girls too. There was no rule she couldn’t have fun. “I’m going to pack a bag, and then I’ll go with you.”

None of them spoke much in the car. Spotlights lit up Connor and Nicole’s house when they pulled up. Sam had been there before, and it was both sprawling and adorable. Connor grabbed her bag, and they went inside.

The first thing Nicole wanted to do when they all got in the house was to create a comfortable environment for Sam. It was impressive that the girl was handling everything so well.

“Sam, would you come to the kitchen with me and get some drinks for all of us?” Nicole asked.


When the two women were alone, Nicole looked at Sam, “what can I do to make you feel welcome and as stress-free as possible?”

“I don’t know; I don’t know what to do.”

Nicole smiled, “Well, I thought we’d hang out and see what happens. Do you want water?”

“Sure, do you have lemons?”

Nicole fixed the water for Sam, a beer for Connor, and a glass of white wine for herself. They joined Connor in the living room. Nicole motioned for Sam to sit on the couch with Connor; she sat on one side of him while Sam sat on the other.

“This your lucky day, Connor! A gorgeous woman on each side of you.”

“This is true,” he smiled and kissed his wife and then turned to Sam and kissed her too. Connor was glad that the young woman kissed him back, her tongue dancing with his.

“That’s some kissing right there, guys” His wife smiled at him. “If it’s a competition, I’ll go again.”

Nicole had always been a great kisser, and with sharing him with another woman, she stepped up her game, kissing him passionately and gently rubbing his dick through his jeans.

Connor accepted from the beginning of their relationship that his wife was attracted to women, so they had several threesomes over the years, but this was different. He was going to try to get another woman pregnant.

Nicole wasn’t sure how quickly Sam would feel comfortable, but the kiss answered that question. Nicole had kissed her husband in turn, and when she touched his crotch, it was clear he was already getting hard. Nicole hadn’t warned Sam that Connor’s cock was big, maybe unusually so from a teenager’s perspective. She wondered if she should show her. While her husband and Sam were kissing again, she unbuttoned his pants, pulled his boxers down, and took him in her mouth.

Sam was kissing Connor again and enjoying how good a kisser he was when she felt and heard him make a sound of contentment. She saw that Nicole was already sucking his cock.

“Oh my God, Nic!” Sam said, “You’re fast!” She was going to say something smart-alecky when she noticed the size of Connor’s dick. It wasn’t only bigger than any she had seen. It was also thicker and somehow more dangerous looking. Sam almost shuddered. “I’ve never seen one that big!” she exclaimed.

“Have you ever shared sucking a cock, Sam?” Nicole asked her.

“No, never. My BFF said she did once, but I don’t know if she did.”

“Do you want to try?”

Sam had decided to let go of any inhibition and roll with whatever happened. She dropped to her knees next to Nicole, and when the older girl motioned her to take over, she did.

No blow job she had ever given had prepared her for Connor. He was big enough that it strained her mouth some to wrap around it. Still, she got a rhythm going, and she was alternating with Nicole. She felt Connor reach under her skirt and trying to get to her pussy. She decided to help by standing up and pulling them off. When she took her next turn on his dick, his fingers entered her moistening snatch.

“She’s getting wet, babe,” Connor said to his wife.

“Good, ” she replied, “I don’t want you to come in our mouths; you need to cum inside her. Are you ready for that, Sam?”

Sam heard Nicole’s question while she had her mouth full of cock. The fact was she wasn’t sure if she was ready, but she was turned on. So she looked at Nicole and nodded.

Nicole held out her hand for Sam and helped her up, positioning her at the end of the couch. “Is doggie ok?” She asked the younger girl.

“Yes, but go slow.”

Connor nodded. He got behind Sam and stuck two fingers inside of her. “Hand me some lube, Nicole,” Connor said. He didn’t want to do anything to make it uncomfortable for Sam, and Conner knew he was big. He lubed up his fingers and worked the two fingers back inside. When he felt she was ready to go, he applied lube to his cock and started to push.

Sam had never felt anything close to the feeling of Connor’s enormous cock working its way into her. She could feel his hands on her hips. She felt the pushing stop as he pulled almost out and then back in deeper inside her. Then he started to fuck.

“Oh my God, Nic.” She said, “He’s so big.”

“I know, but it starts to feel amazing. Can you feel that yet?”

“Yes, ” Sam said meekly, “it is starting to. Faster, Connor!”

Nicole was watching her husband start to fuck Sam hard. He was subtly moving his hips in a way that was probably stimulating the younger woman in a way she almost certainly hadn’t felt before. Nicole knew how good a lover her husband was, and it looked like Sam loved it.

“Fuck her, honey! Make a baby!”

“Oh my God! I’m cumming!” Sam cried.

Connor felt Sam cumming on his dick. He knew that cumming deep inside was the best way to conceive from everything he and Nicole had been through, so he took one more deep thrust and unloaded inside the girl. He slumped forward, staying deep as long as he could.

Sam was lying back on the bed while Connor was fucking Nicole right next to her. After Connor had cum in her, they had all gone upstairs to his and Nicole’s bedroom. Nicole said that watching them had made her so hot she had to fuck but wanted Sam next to them so Connor could finish in her. Making a baby was the point, after all. She had also finally realized one of the reasons they chose her was how closely Sam resembled Nicole. Watching Nicole fuck next to her, she realized they had nearly the same body type from the small bust, the flat stomach, and long legs. She already knew there was a facial resemblance. It made sense they wanted her to make the baby they couldn’t together.

“I’m going to cum!” Sam heard Connor as he fucked Nicole. That was her cue. As they planned, Connor pulled out of his wife, plunging deep into Sam. He thrust in and out four or five times, buried his selfie side of her, and unleashed his seed in the girl for the second time that night.

Connor had needed a break. The girls did not, so he was sitting in the bedroom chair absentmindedly stroking his cock while watching Nicole and Sam sixty-nine, both girls having their darting tongues in the other’s wet cunt. It was hot as fuck, and he was hard again. He wanted to fuck his wife who’s head was at the headboard on her back. He climbed onto the end of the bed, motioned to Sam to lift her head, and sank his cock into his wife.

“Oh fuck,” Nicole moaned.

Sam was enjoying eating pussy. It was only the fourth time she did it, but she liked it from the start. She also wanted what Nicole was doing to her pussy. Suddenly Conner moved her head out of the way and sunk his cock into Nicole. She heard her moan. Sam held herself up by her arms with her face just above Nicole’s pussy which Connor was ravishing with his big cock. Sam was taken by surprise when he pulled out of his wife and shoved it in her mouth, but she started sucking right as she was cumming on Nicole’s face. When Sam regained her senses, Connor pulled out of her mouth and back into Nicole’s twat. Everything was a blur as he repeated this three or four times about the same number she came on Nicole’s face. Finally, Connor came in his wife, and they collapsed together. They were all asleep in fifteen minutes.

When they all woke up the following day, Nicole asked her husband to fuck Sam again. She noticed he didn’t argue and chuckled to herself. The younger woman was gorgeous. She had wondered if this was just too crazy, but she didn’t think so. They needed Sam, and she needed them. She was undoubtedly enjoying the dicking she was getting and made a lot more noise than she had the night before. He was on top of her with her legs pushed way back, allowing him m to skewer her deep.

“Oh shit, Connor!” The girl moaned, “fuck me! Make me cum!”

“Make her cum, honey!” Nicole said, siding with Sam, “then fill her with your seed!”

“Fuck, I’m cumming!” Sam exclaimed.

Connor felt Sam cumming on his cock and couldn’t hold back. He pushed as deep as she could take him and unloaded. It still felt strange trying to get another woman pregnant, but he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed himself.

“Fill her with your seed?” He grinned at his wife, “Seriously?”

She laughed, “A little over the top?”

Sam chimed in, “A little bit Nic? You think?”

All of them laughed.

Sam had never woken up and quickly had sex before. It was incredibly exhilarating, and the feeling of Connor cumming so deep was indescribable. If she could trust her body at all, she thought she must be pregnant. She hoped so for Connor and Nicole.

“You don’t want to know that, mom.” Sam said to her mother on the phone, “I just wanted to tell you I was ok. I don’t think you want details, not really.”

Nicole wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but when she walked into the kitchen but she couldn’t help overhearing.

“Hey, I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.”


Sam laughed. “Doesn’t cover it, does it?”

“I suppose not,” Nicole admitted. “Look, Sam, I know this is weird, but we’re going to be grateful to you forever.”

“Thanks,” Sam responded. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to pay for school. We’re helping each other.” She grinned, “Also, I didn’t have a clue that men could fuck like that!”

“Until I met Connor, neither did I” Nicole smiled. “I remember high school boys. Ugh. College is better, but like my husband.”

“I guess I’m spoiled now.”

“Definitely.” They both laughed.

When Connor came downstairs, his wife and Sam were laughing as they had heard the funniest thing. Since they tried to stop when he entered the kitchen, he figured it was about him. He grew up with four sisters and had long ago learned not to try to find out what.

“Good morning again, beautiful ladies!” He said, kissing Nicole and gently touching Sam’s hand.

Both of them had changed into sweats and t-shirts. Neither was wearing a bra. Both had their blonde hair tied in a ponytail. They really could be sisters, he thought.

“We’re going to go downstairs to the gym for a workout; join us?” Nicole asked him.

“No, you two go.” He told them, “I’ve got some calls to make.”

“Suit yourself,” Nicole said, giving him a quick peck on the mouth. “Just don’t be surprised when two sweaty but hot girls jump you in a while.”

He smiled, “Can’t wait.”

Sam could hardly believe Nicole and Connor’s home gym. It looked like a professional one and even had two treadmills side by side. She was enjoying talking to Nicole.

“So, ” Sam started looking at Nicole, “before this, what was your weirdest sexual thing?”

“Well, threesomes, you know I like girls, so a bunch of threesomes with another girl both with Connor and before that.” Nicole was breathing hard from running on the treadmill, “I had two threesomes with two guys, both in college. Same guys.”

“How was that?”

Nicole smiled, “Pretty good. The first time was at a student government conference, and the guys were friends. They ended up sharing a room that adjoined to mine. Technically I had a roommate, but she was fucking one of the faculty advisors and staying in his room.”

“So you wanted to do it?” Sam asked.

“There was alcohol, of course,” She smirked, “but it was almost entirely my idea, although it didn’t take very long for the boys to get into it. The next thing I knew was getting pounded from behind with a cock in my mouth.”

Sam shivered slightly as if she could feel what Nicole described, and she wasn’t sure if it was a bit of fear or excitement. “I don’t know if I’d like that or not.”

Nicole looked at her, “You probably wouldn’t know until you did it. I wouldn’t have thought I would.”

“I don’t have a lot of anxiety about sex, so who knows?”

They had worked out on the treadmill for an hour. Nicole decided it was enough. “So should we go attack my husband now?” She grinned.

Sam smiled back, “hell yeah!”

Nicole had enjoyed the few days they had all been together. Towards the end, she had eased up. On making Connor cum in Sam, and let him cum in her instead. Or in one of their mouths. It became less about baby-making and more about having fun. She had figured Sam was either going to be pregnant or not. She thought Connor might have cum in Sam eight to ten times at least.

The truth was that Nicole enjoyed having a woman around and in their sex life. She genuinely liked Sam, and she shared her love of sex with women and men even though she was young.

“I’m going to miss you, Sam,” Nicole said as she dropped the girl off at home.

“I’m working tomorrow, you’ll see me for coffee, and I can come over on the weekend if you want.” She smiled.

“Works for me,” Nicole grinned, “good luck with your mom; let me know if you need help.”

It was no surprise when three weeks later, Sam took a home pregnancy test, and it was positive. The surprise came when a week later.

Sam wasn’t sure why Nicole asked her to come over, but she was glad she did as she enjoyed hers and Connor’s company. She had been there two days before discussing doctors appointments, vitamins, and other things regarding her pregnancy and the bank account for expenses.

“Hey, Sam!” Connor said, kissing her on the cheek, “How are you feeling?”

“Starting to feel a little crappy in the morning g but I’m good.”

He led her into the kitchen, where Nicole was pouring them each a glass of water. She came around and hugged her.

“Let’s go into the living room,” Nicole said, carrying the water glasses.

When everyone was sitting down, Nicole said, “I don’t even know how to say this” she paused, looking at Sam and then at her husband. “I’m pregnant too!”

Sam was stunned, but Connor and Nicole were smiling, so she tried not to think of what it meant for her. “Wow! Congratulations!”

“Nothing has changed, Sam,” Connor said, looking at his wife. “We’ll love and raise both babies, and our deal is the same.”

Sam felt the tension leave her shoulders, “I’m so happy for you guys. These babies will have great parents!”

Nicole smiled, “They will!” The smile became a full on grin, “I bet we can find a way to celebrate!”

Sam grinned back, “Are you ready for us Connor?”

“Yep, I’ll take good care of you new mommies!”

They all went upstairs together.

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