Jon sucked the imaginary cum through his GF nipples

Caral had been working at the Weekly Times newspaper for a couple
of years now and had been slowly working her way up to qualify
for an editors position. She had attended university with a
Journalism major only a few years back, and now it seemed that
her education was about to pay off.

The only problem was that Jim, another employee at the paper was
eager to get that position too. Jim was your typical nice guy
that looked good and had everything going for him. He was married
and kept pictures of everyone on his desk. Caral knew that they
both had a good chance at the job, but she wanted more than just
a chance.

Caral continued to work hard everyday knowing that the more
visibility she created for herself, the better her chances. She
repeatedly worked overtime on her assignments and submitted
excellent work. However the long hours began to crowd her
personal life and she soon found that her main activity was
limited to working out at the gym a couple of times a week.
However tonight was special. She had arranged for a massage right
after her workout and was really looking forward to the
pampering. She was lucky too, because she had not booked it until
the last minute and managed to get the last time slot.

The club had only a few services and was still quite small. When
Caral did go, it was usually later in the evening and there
weren’t very many people there. In fact, for the last few weeks,
the only member at that time of day, beside herself, was Marcie.
She spoke to Marcie but there really wasn’t anything to develop
there as far as a friendship. It was just “Hi how are you?” and
that was ok by her.

Marcie was in good shape and often came to polish some kind of
floor-mat routine. The gym wasn’t that big, so in between her own
workout routines Caral would stop for a second and watch.

She hadn’t taken notice before, but Marcie had shapely breasts.
They were held in place as she practiced her routine, but Caral
could see that she was well endowed. As Marcie went through her
moves, the nipples on her breasts seemed to appear and then
disappear through her t-shirt. Caral found herself watching
closely while Marcie continued going through her moves. At one
point she caught herself wondering what her breasts would look
like uncovered. How firm were they? Did they sag at all? Were the
nipples dark or light?

Well that was enough for Caral. She had worked out long enough
and headed for the showers. She had to pee first and was sitting
in the cubicle thinking about her current work assignment, trying
to decide which pictures to use, when Marcie came into the
dressing room.

Marcie sat on the bench at the end of the short room, and unlaced
her shoes, removing them with her socks. She then stood and with
a quick motion grabbed the bottom edge of her t-shirt and lifted
up over her head. Carla watched what was happening right before
her eyes through the large crack between the door and bent frame.
She could hardly believe it. As the t-shirt came up, Marcie’s
breasts bounced once or twice and then came to rest. They were
bigger than she imagined. The fullness of her breasts hung well
on her chest and swayed from side to side as Marcie shifted on
her feet. They would definitely fill Caral’s bra, which was a
D-cup. Her nipples were quite dark, and laid flat against the
surface of her skin. But as the cool air in the dressing room
touched them, they started to grow. That t-shirt really had held
her firmly in place she thought.

As she watched her standing there, Marcie cupped her hands under
her breasts, lifting them off her chest. She slowly gave them a
good massage. Then she took both nipples between her fingers and
started working on them. Soon the ends responded and stood more
erect. She sat down for a moment, getting her breath back from
practicing. With each breath, her breasts moved up and down in
rhythm with her chest. And the tiny beads of sweat gave a warm
glow to those full mounds. She put her head back against the wall
to relax for a minute.

Caral was able to see Marcie quite clearly from the stall where
she was sitting. And, Marcie apparently did not notice Caral
there. A bench in the middle of the changing room hid the lower
part of the stall doors where you could usually see the feet of
the occupant. And a small exhaust fan in the room maintained a
noise level that also helped keep Caral hidden.

Caral felt a stirring in her abdomen and knew that she was
beginning to get turned on by what Marcie was doing to her
breasts. And as she reached between her legs, she could feel that
all to familiar wetness that confirmed her suspicions. Then she
placed her index finger on her clitoris to provide a gentle
massage. Ooo, that felt so nice. She closed her eyes for a second
and did a quick flashback to last night when she masturbated
before going to sleep.

When Caral opened her eyes, Marcie was just sitting back down
after taking off her shorts and underwear. She was facing Caral
totally naked with her eyes closed and placed her left leg on the
basket beside her. Caral watched closely and opened the cubicle
door just a bit more to get a better view. She knew that Marcie
couldn’t see her.

She felt a deepening sensation in her gut as she watched Marcie
move her hand between her legs. She was completely shaven and her
lips appeared full and thick. Marcie leaned back against the wall
and slowly started a massage over her outer lips that mirrored
what Caral was doing. Marcie was enjoying this more and more, and
with her other hand she took her nipple and once again started to
roll it between her fingers. Then she deliberately separated her
lips and spread the lubrication around to her clitoris and inner
thighs. Two fingers then disappeared into Marcie’s love pool.
Like a diver going below the surface, her lips deeply swallowed
them up. Marcie began to slowly move them in and out;
occasionally removing them to massage her outer lips.

Then taking her free hand, she placed it beside the other and
began doubling the pleasure between her now sticky thighs. Her
fully lubricated hand returned to a waiting breast and began to
apply hot, wet cream. She worked the entire surface of her large
breast and finally focused on the nipple. She was breathing
heavily at that point and Caral knew by her moaning and speed,
that Marcie would soon have an orgasm.

Caral couldn’t believe how wet her own lips had become. She
closed her eyes and continued pressing on her own clitoris and
inserted her fingers just like Marcie. Shivers gripped her as she
quickened her pace. Then opening her eyes again to watch, she
heard climaxing moans from Marcie. She was cumming. That was all
Caral needed, she couldn’t stop an impending cum if she wanted
to. The spasms started at her clitoris and quickly moved deep
into her inner walls where a hot throbbing flow started covering
her fingers. She tried to stay quiet but the feeling was bursting
between her legs. This forced silence seemed to increase the
intensity around her fingers as the orgasm was longer and deeper
than usual.

When Caral looked again, Marcie was no longer sitting in front of
her, but the sound of the running shower signaled that she was
just around the corner. She wasn’t sure what to do, but really
wanted to get close to Marcie for a better look. Caral stood up
and walked into the shower area with her towel. Marcie looked
over her shoulder and shot a “Hi Caral. How are you?” She showed
no signs of knowing that she had been watched.

The water ran down her back as she turned away and continued
soaping the hidden front of her body. Caral started another
showerhead up and pretended to focus on the same activity. The
club had yet to install separate shower units for privacy, so
anyone taking a shower could not be shy. Caral turned her back to
the water and began soaping her breasts watching Marcie’s cheeks.
Everything about her appeared firm. Then Marcie turned too and
began the same soaping. Caral couldn’t take her eyes off of her
breasts, much to Marcie’s delight. Not only were they huge, they
were round and full. Marcie now started deliberately soaping them
with both hands and looked directly into Caral’s eyes with a sexy
smile. She started to work the nipples. That caused them to
lengthen and stand out over the soapiness.

“You know,” Marcie began, “my breasts and nipples are probably
the most sensitive area when it comes to having sex. When my man
and I make out, I love to get on top while he sucks them and
fucks me from below.”

Carla could hardly believe her ears. As Marcie continued to look
her straight in the eyes that same funny feeling returned that
had passed only a few moments ago. She didn’t know what to say.
She kept staring at Marcie’s breasts and into her eyes and
blurted out, “What makes it so good?” For a second she thought
that Marcie would flippantly end the conversation but she
described in detail the sensations she experienced with that kind
of lovemaking. As she spoke, Carla was glad for the water that
showered over her front concealing the liquid that was no doubt
peaking out from her lips.

Marcie’s description was passionate. As she described the feeling
of a cock in her pussy, she closed her eyes occasionally as if
re-playing a scene from somewhere, and continued to lather her
breasts. Obviously Marcie enjoyed this position and the great
pleasure it gave to both. “Have you ever had sex like that

“No” she replied, “I guess I’ve never tried that position.”

“Do you like having your breasts massaged?” she asked. And in one
step Marcie moved right beside Caral, taking her hand and placing
it on her own breast. It felt different than Caral’s own breast.
It was harder, thicker and firm to the touch. The soap had become
creamier now, and provided a terrific sensation through Caral’s
fingers. “That’s it Caral, start squeezing. Use the soap and let
your hand slide over to my other breast and then back.” Caral was
really getting into this. Moments ago she could only admire these
wonderful breasts, but now they were in her hands responding like
they did in the dressing room. Their fullness was extremely
exciting for Caral. She wasn’t quite sure how another woman’s
breast would feel, but she had no desire to stop. By now Marcie’s
nipples were quite firm, standing straight out. Marcie
sidestepped and moved in behind Caral and placed her hands on her
biceps. She pressed her fully excited breasts into Caral’s back
and moved from left to right, up and down. Marcie was also
getting excited as she could feel an added, thicker wetness
between her legs.

Using both hands, Marcie slid them to Caral’s breasts and began a
full squeezing and rubbing with large amounts of soap and water.
This felt so good. And Caral could not have imagined the
sensation of these hot full breasts massaging her back. They were
firm. And when Marcie pulled harder into her back, her breasts
reminded Caral of a cock that was semi-hard. Good push sensation,
but not rock-hard. This was too much for Caral.

Marcie turned her so that they faced each other now. Marcie
pulled Caral in a hug, face-to-face, close enough so that their
breasts pressed against each other while the water rinsed the
soap away. They were both responding to the attention their
breasts were receiving. All four nipples were now tight and
pressing into each other’s breasts.

“Do you enjoy it when your breasts are sucked Caral?” asked
Marcie. “Suck mine,” Marcie said. “I love it. You know that.” Caral
lowered her lips and kissed Marcie’s nipple. With her other hand
she massaged Marcie’s other full breast, only inches from her
busy mouth. Caral was getting hotter and hotter and could feel a
cum, closer and closer. Marcie gently pulled Caral’s head deeper
into her soft mound and offered the other breast with her hand.
Her lips moved slightly to the other side and sucked in her
nipple, running her tongue back and forth over its fullness.

Suddenly the door closing in the dressing room startled both
women. Quickly they composed themselves back under their own
showers as someone called out. “We’ll be locking up in a few
minutes. Can you hurry up please?” It was closing time. What now?

“Caral,” Marcie tried to summarize everything “You need to try
it on top while your breasts are being sucked. You really don’t
know what you’re missing”. Turning back to the flow of water, she
rinsed off and returned to get dressed.

Caral was only seconds from an orgasm, standing in the water
ready to bring herself to another climax when she suddenly
remembered her massage appointment. She quickly rinsed and joined
Marcie in the dressing room. But Marcie was just putting her hat
on walking out the door.

“See you later.” she said as the door closed.

Caral dressed quickly deciding that she would skip her underwear
knowing that she would have to take them off anyway for her
massage. As she walked up two flights of stairs to the waiting
room, her thoughts focused on Marcie’s words. She found herself
getting excited once again thinking about Marcie being on top of
her man, him sucking her breasts and driving his thick cock up
between her legs. That had some real potential. By the time she
arrived on the 3rd floor, she was well lubricated again.

The receptionist welcomed Caral and escorted her to a room where
John, the masseuse, would join her in a few minutes. As usual,
knowing the routine, she stripped, climbed on the table face
down, and pulled the sheet over her body. As she waited, her mind
once again wandered down to the dressing room, where only a few
moments ago, she had massaged and sucked on Marcie’s large

As she fantasized about this, her hips started digging into the
table. This provided some degree of pleasure but it wasn’t hard
enough for her. So she reached one hand under the sheet, lifted
her hips a bit and began a slow motion massage on her clitoris.
With her eyes closed she could almost feel Marcie’s lips sucking
her nipples and caressing the fullness of her own breasts.

Then came a knock on the door. “Are you ready?” John called out.
As I invited him in, I heard the receptionist call out, reminding
John to lock the door when he left.

John was a good masseuse. He was a pro, well-kept, physically
fit, and knew just how to release tension in her stiff muscles.
Only tonight, Caral thought that maybe he would help release the
tension in a different way. John had never made any innuendos or
inappropriate remarks, but occasionally Caral caught him admiring
her breasts.

John went to work on Caral’s upper back and shoulders after
applying massage oil to his hands. A couple of times he mentioned
that there was some tightness in her shoulders.

Caral had no idea what she was going to do, but wanted to have
sex with John before leaving. She complained about the tightness
in her shoulder and asked John if he could work both sides at
once. And without waiting for answer, she rolled towards her back
slightly, letting the sheet fall about 1/2 way down her breasts
just above the nipple. She knew that John would take notice of
that. Her breasts were definitely there to be noticed.

John was cooperative and tried work the front and back of her
shoulder applying a bit more oil to his hands. Caral placed her
hand on John’s hand that was working the front. “You know John, I
have been working so hard lately, that every place on my body
feels like there’s tension.”

And with that, Caral moved his hand down and over the roundness
of her breast. John began to work the oil into her breast very
gently, still trying to focus on his job.

Caral noticed right in front of her eyes that a bulge in John’s
pants was beginning to form. She was certain that his cock was
expanding before her eyes. Only she couldn’t see it. She had to
imagine. John had now moved down the side of the table and had
taken her breast into both hands massaging the full round shape
and rolling the nipple. It was heavy in his hands. The sheet had
fallen down past her hips, but Caral was more interested in the
growing hardness in John’s pants. She reached over to the side of
the table and ran her hand over his bulge. Her imagination took
over. She wanted to see the real thing, the long shaft and the
knob. With both hands she released the top button and lowered the
zipper. Meanwhile, John had completely slid the sheet away from
Caral’s hips and massaged his way towards her hot spot. Caral
lifted her right leg so John could do a better job. John knew how
to tantalize. He worked his way around her thighs and would only
occasionally run his fingers up or down her outer lips. This made
Caral even hotter. John was not rushing things, but would
definitely release her tension in due time.

When John’s pants fell away, Caral could see that his hard
throbbing cock had already been dripping against his boxers. The
dark stains caused a churning between her legs as she thought
about his hot cum shooting on her hot clitoris.

She put her fingers over the band and pulled down, finally
getting a look at his huge black cock. She could hardly wait for
it to penetrate her deeply. It was right there. Only inches from
her face, and already swollen hard. She moved her face closer to
the edge of the table and placing her fingers on the dark top of
the shaft, drew the knob down closer to her lips. Then she
tongued the side of his penis. This cock would be a perfect fit
between her legs. His girth was the size of three fingers and
would make a tight fit into her vagina. She was fully creamed and
could picture in her mind, his thick black cock sliding over her
creamy white thighs on its way up and into her pink lips.

John could tell that she wanted to suck him. He was rock hard and
was now spending more time running his fingers inside of her. Her
lips were dripping with thick white cream, not clear, but white
and sticky. With every deep entry into her love spot, he would
take her thick cream and rub it into her breasts. Caral loved
this. Each time he did it, she moaned, “Oh put that cream all
over my nipples.”

He moved even closer now as Caral’s tongue began to lick the
underside of his shaft. She kept him close, by using her hand on
the upper side. She licked the drips from his knob and then
moving her head closer, drew his cock deep into her mouth. With
his penis now between her lips, she used her tongue to quickly
lick the bottom of his shaft. John’s eyes were closed in
pleasure. His cock was getting sucked and his hands were deep in
Caral’s lips.

Caral pulled his cock into her mouth several times. Sometimes she
would just suck on the knob as she pulled up.

She kicked the sheet off and had John lay on the table. On his
back Caral had a second opportunity to see John’s fullness. She
was right. This cock would fill her completely. He still had his
white t-shirt on but Caral didn’t care. She wanted his black cock
in her opening. It was fully exposed and standing straight up.
Caral climbed onto the table and straddled John’s hips. She could
feel his cock pressing into her lips increasing the flow of cream
from deep inside her. She placed John’s hands on her hips and
massaged his cock with a circular motion of her hips. He
instinctively thrust his hips up every time Caral moved up on his
body. That way, if his cock was right on target, it would
penetrate her deep spot. But Caral kept avoiding his attempts to
part her lips with his thick knob. She could feel it very nicely
against her clitoris right there and just continued rocking back
and forth.

Caral wanted her breasts sucked. She wanted to feel his tongue
make circles around the nipples and then suck her breast down
deep. She leaned forward and John took both breasts in his hands.
His fingers were still wet from her lubrication, so he applied it
first to her nipple and then over the surface of her breast,
right up to her neck. Then over her cheek and into her mouth.
Caral didn’t expect that, but immediately started sucking on his
fingers. Her own taste was delicious. It was very sexy. This was
an extra, she thought to herself. She had one cock massaging her
clitoris ready to deep fuck her at any moment, and his fingers,
covered in her cum juice like a second cock in her mouth. She had
never done that before but loved sucking them.

She lifted herself up and felt for his knob with her wet lips.
His cock felt like a small fist against her lips, but with a
couple of moves left and right, her lips parted and began to
engulf his cock head. She then completely lowered herself onto
his shaft in one long slow movement. Her lips easily took him all
the way in. He filled Caral completely, making her feel like she
was going to cum right away. She sucked hard on his fingers
picturing the cock now in her, that was only inches from her face
a minute ago. Caral then lifted her hips and lowered herself
again on his rock hard shaft. The downward motion, the parting of
her lips, the sliding cock going up inside her was more than she
could have ever imagined. This felt so good.

John slipped his free hand down to where his cock was deep in
Caral. He then rubbed his creamy fingers over her other breast,
massaging the nipple until it lifted from her breast. Then he
changed hands and let Caral suck on his other finger cock. She
moaned at the fresh taste of her juices and sucked his fingers
into her mouth. Caral continued her fucking motion on John’s
cock. He was feeling harder than before and she thought he might
be getting ready to explode in her. Looking straight ahead, she
saw in the wall mirror her breasts being sucked into John’s
mouth. Oh but she wanted to suck on that black cock again. She
lifted herself from him and moved down the table to take him into
her mouth for another taste. Her breasts touched down on his legs
as she put her hand around his shaft and pointed him to her
mouth. His cock disappeared deep inside. With so much saliva, her
juice on his cock, and him dripping, she placed her breasts on
his cock and had them shining with cream in no time.

Caral moved up again and put her clitoris against John’s hard
knob. With her motion and John’s thrusting, her orgasm was moving
closer and closer. She had to get her breasts sucked while John’s
hard cock fucked her. She remembered Marcie’s comments and didn’t
want to miss out.

As she moved up to mount John again, he said the she was going to
soon feel him explode in her. Caral reached down, grasped his
knob, and gave it a gentle squeeze. Then she leaned forward and
told John to suck her nipples. He felt for her breasts, but they
slipped through his fingers because they were so wet. She leaned
a little more and lowered her left nipple into his mouth. Waves
of pleasure flowed back into her body from the nipple, to the
breast and into her tummy. The more he sucked and licked, the
faster and deeper these waves flowed.

John moved to the other breast and licked all around the nipple
first. This caused it to grow in length. The waves of pleasure
started again. Finally he took the whole front of her breast in,
and Caral moaned the loudest he had heard all night. “Suck my
breasts John. They want to be sucked and licked.” He sucked on
her like a pro.

Caral was not whispering. She loved hearing her voice in such hot
tones. She never knew this could feel so good, him sucking her
breasts, and his hard cock pressing against her clitoris.

“John I want your hard cock in me now. Do you want to fuck inside
me? I want to slide that hot cock knob you have up into my wet
lips.” The loud talking was getting her even more excited.

“Don’t stop sucking my tits John.” She moaned between breaths. “I
want to feel you pushing deep into me while you suck on my
breasts.” John didn’t stop sucking but simply moaned in

Caral knew that his cock deep inside her, right at this moment
would cause her entire middle to explode in cum. While he sucked
from one breast to another, she raised her hips to search for the
thickened end of his cock. As her hungry lips located his
throbbing cock, she pressed hard down against his thickness and
felt his knob pass through her open lips into her vagina. Caral’s
cum juice flowed though the open flood gates when John’s cock
parted her lips. As his cock reached up inside of her, his balls
were soaked in cream and liquid cum. She felt wave after wave
radiate back from her nipples, through her breasts, meeting the
waves that were gushing up from inside her body.

She rode him like this for a minute while his cock continued to
thicken as it neared its moment of exploding cum. The sustained
sucking on her nipples was now generating a new but familiar
sensation in her breasts. They were burning up. Caral was ready
to cum. She had John’s thick cock between her legs and knew that
he was going to shoot his cum in her any second. Her breasts felt
like they were having their own kind of orgasm as John sucked on
the nipples. John reached his cummy fingers up to Caral’s mouth
and she started to suck her cream from them.

Caral peaked. Her orgasm started deep inside her hips where
John’s cock had lunged. The pulsing inside her vagina began to
squeeze John’s cock and signaled his time for release. Hot cum
started flowing from his cock filling her with an even hotter

Another wave went through Caral. It went from between her legs up
her tummy and through her breasts. She imagined coming through
her breasts into John’s mouth. He sucked the imaginary cum
through her nipples.

Suddenly rapid waves of pleasure rolled through her vagina
engulfing John’s cock. Caral was now moaning louder than before.
A new gush of hot liquid ran down the length of John’s shaft
dripping over his hairy testicles.

Caral rode deeper now. She wanted John’s cock to reach higher and
touch off any orgasm within reach. She wanted him to fuck her
tits too.

After what seemed like close to a minute of cumming, Caral could
feel the shudders in her body subsiding. John’s cock had also
finished gushing with a few final throbs.

She lay on his chest briefly and then thought – Marcie was right.
There’s nothing like it.

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