Samantha Pays For Her Mistake part 2.

Samantha’s professional success kept on growing. She
did not have a boyfriend at that time. The previous
relationship with Bob had lasted a sexy 8 months but
after a while all he wanted Frank to do was get married
and start a family. At 29 she felt she was not ready
for that. So when they broke up she did not get into
any other steady relationship though after the odd
party she found herself in bed for the night. She
usually enjoyed that but it was not the main thing in
her life and none of those men made her want to look
for anything more from them. Getting screwed was
certainly nice even though she would only orgasm ever
now and then. She did not mind, it was just how she

She liked the excitement, anticipation and tension of
working up to it and the feel of the guys inside her.
Most of the guys were not all that good at fucking.
Having them play with her body was nice but once she
started working on their cocks with her finger nails
they just wanted to push into her.

It was in this non-boyfriend phase that she had met
Frank Evans, at a staff and friends party that Bill and
Sarah gave. Apparently he played golf with Bill. She
and Frank started talking and they got on really well.
They went out again twice but did not end up in bed.
She liked him but at the time he had to go away for the
school summer holidays and then she got sent to the
States by Bill on what he called “Work experience in a
friendly company.”

That was about 4 months ago and neither of them had
taken up the contact again. Still, one day, Samantha
had thought and now he was suddenly brought to her

It was some weeks later, a normal Monday afternoon,
Samantha was just shutting down and getting ready to go
home when a shivering thought stabbed through her mind.
The Bartholomew transaction. The moment the thought hit
she knew it was bad, real bad. She started up her
computer again and in less than 5 minutes she had the
whole debacle in front of her. Last Thursday she should
have moved his funds. He had told her to go ahead at
the right moment early that week. She had simply
forgotten. The pressure of some other nice moves had
played tricks on her infallible memory and now she had
made a terrible mistake. The numbers on the screen
showed the painful facts. Bartholomew had lost out on
something approaching 700,000. It was a windfall that
she had predicted, he had told her to go for it.

“Oh gawd, what a shit,” she mumbled to herself. And
Bartholomew of all people. He was a good client but so
particular and she had always thought him a nasty piece
of work. His business was their largest client, quiet
apart from the investment work he did for himself
through Samantha.

She shuddered at the trouble this blunder might cause.
Bartholomew owned and managed a large factory and as a
sideline he personally managed the odd bit of loose
cash that the factory had from time to time. Like on
average 3-4 million in short term investments and
Samantha looked after most of it. She had pointed out
the opportunity, he had agreed and sent extra funds to
her and then she had not acted on it. If she had never
discovered the opportunity in the first place no one
would have ever become aware of it. What a mess. Would
he be nice about it, about maybe $800,000 all up? No
way, shit was going to fly. The light was still on in
Bills office.

She told Bill. He immediately saw the seriousness.
“Alright” he said, “Give me a list of all the files.
Sarah will have a look through tonight and do a double
check. We meet at 8:30tomorrow. Be here.” There was no
need to remind her to be there. It just showed how
tense he was. Could it be worse than she realised.

Samantha did not sleep well. After Bill’s reaction she
had got even more worried. When she drove into the car
park before 8 Bill’s car was already there. She had
great difficulty in controlling her mind. Panic was
very close. She had had plenty of ups and downs in her
trading and business scheming but never had she
experienced any crisis like this. She new she could get
rubbed out. If this went to the Association Tribunal
she would spend the rest of her life doing some low
level accounting job. Bill must have heard her come
into the office because she had hardly sat down when
her phone rang and he told her to come in right away.

“Sit down Samantha, Sarah will go over the mess and see
if you agree.” Sarah went straight into it. Her
assessment of the damage was closer to 850,000 but even
worse she told Samantha how the Bartholomew account was
really important for the whole company in ways she did
not explain. The 850,000 would only be part of the
damage if he withdrew his business, let alone if he
publicly sued for damages.

“To make sure you see the importance of what this
mistake could precipitate, Samantha, let me tell you
that you could possibly loose your registration and
your job. The money having to be paid in compensation
is just the start. It is nothing directly to do with
you, except that your mistake has brought on the
crisis, but our circumstances at the moment are such
that if Bartholomew got nasty we would be in deep
trouble. The business may have to restructure and
downsize. Five years of growth could be reversed.”
Samantha thought she could see that she was going to be
offered up as the first sacrifice.

Bill saw the look on her face. “Let me get this
straight Samantha. Sarah and I have agreed that the
main objective is to negotiate with Bartholomew to save
both your carrier with us and our business. We are not
throwing you away. Depending on his attitude the amount
of cash could be a bigger problem just now than it
would be normally. I am afraid the fact that you having
made several million for him in the last 2 years will
count for little. Anyway, be clear that what we do will
be designed to save you and your position with this
company. That of course includes the other staff that
would get sacked if this went badly. The problem is we
do not have a strong position.”

Samantha nodded. “Thank you both for seeing it that
way. I don’t want to be responsible for ruining other
people’s jobs. I will do anything I can.”

Bartholomew was going to come for a meeting at 6pm. By
7 she would know just how bad it was going to be.

She did nothing all day except sit and stare at her
screen and went for a walk three times just to be out
of the place. After five the office emptied quickly and
no one thought it strange that she was staying. Just
after 6 Bartholomew walked in and went straight to
Bill’s office with that ratty faced PA of his, Lyn
Jackson. Samantha had met her twice and there was a
mutual feeling of dislike. Two minutes later Bill
called Samantha in. She took deep breaths, wiped a
tissue over her face and went.

There was no introduction. Bill said they all knew what
had happened and asked Bartholomew to speak. “Well
young lady” he said, “You have stuffed up and this
whole firm did nothing about it. What has happened is
unprofessional on all your parts, a complete breakdown
of authority, duty of care and quality control. Lyn has
taken the time to go over the figures and the damage
could be as high as 1.1 million. The circumstances are
clearly such that I could sue, there is no doubt about
a successful outcome.

Lyn’s professional advice was not to come here at all
but to put the case in the hands of the company
lawyers. I know she is right and that is probably the
most likely outcome but we have worked together for
some years and I thought it was correct to come and let
you have your say.” Lyn was good, she kept a straight
professional face right through this.

Bill had expected a slower start but he did not show
it. He also saw an opening because Bartholomew’s words
suggested that no one other than those in the room knew
about the problem.

Bill said, “We also know exactly how this stands and
what it looks like. We do not want a court case for
obvious reasons. We want to use your coming here to
explore any possibility of compensation to you that
would stop you from pursuing legal action and accept an
alternative. Incidentally our figure for the damage is
850,000 but that detail would be worked out jointly if
we came to a potential arrangement.” Bartholomew said
to go ahead.

Bill and Sarah had decided to be completely open about
the failure of their business though Samantha noticed
there was no mention of anything relating to why this
had happened at such a bad time. Bill spoke for nearly
10 minutes. Samantha’s role and fault was clearly
admitted but there was also a company breakdown of
checks and controls. He outlined what they had already
decided to do about this and how this could never
happen again.

With regards to compensation he did not name a figure
but made it clear that he would not let that stand in
the way of any agreement. He also made it clear that if
they did agree that a binding confidentiality clause
would have to be included so his company could continue
to trade and grow as it had been doing. There was
silence for 2 minutes. Neither Bill nor Sarah tried to
further explain or embellish.

Bartholomew nodded his head. “I like it when people
bite the bullet. I appreciate what you have laid out
before me and believe me, I know enough about all the
circumstances to understand fully what you are
offering. I am inclined to give this favourable
consideration and we can talk about some moderate
financial adjustment.” Lyn looked pained at this
development and Samantha was just thinking that she
might get out of it all with barely a mention.

Bartholomew continued to speak, he turned to Samantha
and shattered her world without raising his voice.
“That leaves Miss Kerry, the immediate cause of this
problem. She needs to be dealt with. This is a quite
separate issue from that of settling questions between
the companies. She has to suffer the consequences of
her carelessness and I admit that in cases like this I
feel that a form of punishment has to be applied.

“I want you to sack her and in a couple of days I will
lodge malpractice papers against her personally so that
your company does not officially enter into the case
with the complaints tribunal. They take a particularly
hard line with cases like this. That will see her
registration cancelled, have a personal compensation
figure of perhaps 2-300,000 awarded to me and get her
blackballed for at least 10 years. I think you can see
that given the evidence all of this would happen
without much question, all I have to do is ask for the

This was it. Samantha saw her life fly away. She was
going to be sacked, humiliated in front of the tribunal
and never get another job in this unforgiving
profession. She felt totally flattened by his simple,
unbending destruction of her life. He could even get
her savings for compensation.

He continued. “In terms of satisfaction and money the
tribunal pathway is the best option for me. However I
am prepared to listen to other ideas. Do not even try
to persuade me to change the severity of what I would
demand from the tribunal or I will just walk out. But
as I said I will listen to other ideas. On the way over
here, Lyn suggested what I have just said is too severe
and long term. She thought a real life experience might
do Miss Kerry a lot of good but she should be able to
re-establish herself in time.

“So, at her suggestion, the second option I put to you
and which would satisfy my sense of justice, is that
Miss Kerry would take a binding contract to work for 6
months as a cleaner in the canteen at our Morningtown
factory. We have trouble getting people to stay in that
job, particularly women, and we have a current vacancy.
Ten hour night shifts with physically demanding work in
a canteen of over 400 men on the minimum wage. If you
chose this alternative but did not complete the
contract I will simply go back to the tribunal.”
Turning to Bill he said “You could give her 6 months
leave and not have to sack her. What you do afterwards
is your business.”

Samantha thought that Lyn now looked particularly smug.
There must be a terrible trick to that job. It must be
even worse than it seemed. Maybe all the night shift
workers get raped. In any case being away for 6 months
meant she would loose all her clients. Even if Bill
kept her on she would have to start at the bottom. But
all that was a better option than the tribunal where
she had no chance and her carrier would be wrecked in
30 minutes.

“I am quite prepared to listen to any other option for
dealing with this. If anyone can think of something
that would add to the choices available to Miss Kerry,
please say so. I have presented two. It is her choice.
I want her decision by 5pmtomorrow or I will proceed
with preparing the papers for the tribunal option. If
you wish to select the cleaning job come into the
office before 4pmand Lyn will have a contract ready for
you to sign.” He sat back.

There was total silence. Samantha felt almost
irrelevant to proceedings. She was just the life and
body being discussed. After 2 or 3 minutes Bartholomew
picked up his pen and looked as though he was getting
ready to leave. Then Sarah spoke for the first time, “I
have a third suggestion to put to you. What if Samantha
accepted corporal punishment, could that meet your need
for justice?” The earlier silence was relatively noisy
compared to this one, everyone seemed to have stopped
breathing. Samantha’s hands flew over her mouth, some
gasps later she managed to get out a vague protest.
“You can’t be serious.”

However Bartholomew did not reject the idea. Quite
seriously he said “You mean something like that nurse
in the Middle East who is half way through getting five
lots of 80 lashes with a 4 foot cane.”

Samantha was shaking without even realising it but
Sarah kept a level head and was thinking on her feet.
“Certainly nothing so inhuman. The manner and intensity
of a punishment could be discussed later. Let’s see if
we can agree on the principle. You would have to agree
to write a letter stating that you make no claim
against Samantha over this issue and in no way hold the
events of the past week against her. We would not sack
her, in fact she would stay in her present position and
you would be prepared to continue as one of her clients
because overwhelmingly you have had a profitable
outcome,” she said looking from face to face, “Everyone
would be sworn to secrecy so that the financial and
personal events would never be known by anyone else.
Any agreed punishment would not be mentioned in your

Again a long silence. Samantha could think of nothing
to say. Her mind and tongue seemed locked up.
Bartholomew no longer looked like he was going to walk
out, in fact his eyes were on Samantha as though
thinking of what she would look like getting the cane.

Then he spoke, “I agree in principle. If Miss Kerry
selects this option you should ring before 10amtomorrow
and then meet Lyn to work out the details. It has to be
all settled by 5pm. I think it more appropriate that
details be discussed without us men being around. I
also have some conditions. If you call to say Miss
Kerry wants to use the corporal punishment option I
will then give Lyn an outline of the severity I would
accept as enough justice. You can negotiate and I will
listen to your opinion but you will have to accept my
final say.

“However, Miss Kerry must in turn agree to take the
punishment of her own free will, she must be allowed to
back out at any time, perhaps until the moment when it
starts. Secondly the punishment must be administered by
a competent person so as to ensure it to be
satisfactorily painful but also that there is no chance
of accidental long term damage to her body. She is not
to be forced into this choice in any way. I await you
phone call tomorrow morning.” He got up, shook hands
with Bill and Sarah and walked out. Lyn tagged behind
with a sideways look at Samantha, smirking at the sight
of her wet eyes.

When they were gone Sarah turned to Samantha. “Well, I
promised to try and save your carrier. The corporal
punishment thought just came to me in that terrible
silence when he finished speaking and it looked as
though it was all over. I can see you are shocked but
think about it. It would be very awful while it lasted
but a few days later you would be as good as new, going
on with your life and getting more successful day by
day as you have been, except for this.

“The other options are both a disaster, I don’t have to
explain that. Go home and think about it. Obviously you
don’t know the details at this stage but as he said you
can back out later if it sounds too bad, when you find
out what punishment he is going to insist on. I hope
you take it because Samantha, when it’s all over I want
you back here.” Samantha left with just a mumbled

Chapter 3: There was no choice

She got home safely in light traffic, hardly knowing
what her car was doing. She sat down at the kitchen
table, lay her head on her arms and cried her eyes out.
After a long while she blindly reached for a tissue to
dry her face and wipe the pool off the table. She was
still sobbing heavily. Suddenly she giggled then she
burst into hysterical laughter, imagining herself bent
over the table with her pants down and a 4 foot long
cane crashing into her behind. How much would it hurt?
She calmed down a bit and suddenly felt totally
exhausted. She lay down on her bed in all her clothes,
curled up into a ball and surprisingly fell into a deep

Some time during the night she woke up, got undressed
and climbed between the sheets. She cried some more,
from relieve rather than concern about the beating and
slept till morning. Looking into the mirror she saw a
total red eyed wreck. After a very long shower and
attention to her body and face she felt better and
looked better. An hour later she was off to work to
tell Sarah that she would do it. After it was done, she
would again be on top of her life again getting over a
humiliating few minutes being caned. Probably it would
really hurt so she would scream and her bottom would
keep on hurting afterwards. She actually felt thankful
it was not a lot worse.

“You have made the right decision Samantha. It is the
best for you but Bill and I want to thank you for being
so brave because either of the other options, while not
directed at the business intentionally, would still
have had repercussions and would have badly affected us
and other staff.”

Sarah and Lyn met over lunch. “So she has gone for the
getting thrashed option.” “That’s right, thank
goodness,” said Sarah.

“You know Sarah, I get the impression that you quite
like the thought of her getting beaten and you being
there, seeing it and making sure it’s really bad. Maybe
she was just getting a bit too high and mighty and this
experience will serve her well while being quite
delicious for you to dish out.”

“If you can see all that Lyn, I better never play poker
for money. You are right, I am going to love her
getting it.”

What Sarah did not say was that if this mismanagement
story got out their whole business would be threatened.
She really wanted revenge, not just punishment. She was
hiding these feelings as carefully as she could
particularly from Bill.

Lyn laughed, “Let’s get started on the details. The
boss actually looked up a web site describing what that
poor nurse was getting. He showed me, it’s awful. She
gets tied naked face down onto a narrow sloped board,
head down to help keep her from blacking out, arms out
in front, feet fixed to the high end, a loose strap
around her waist. Then a woman officer stands sort of
at her knees and whacks her real slow like 10 times
with the 4 foot cane along her back, 5 on each side of
her backbone with a couple curling around her ribs.
Then she stands to one side and does 10 across her bum
and thighs.

“With each stroke the girl screams and her body
contorts and bows upwards. They give her a break to
recover her strength from all that contorting and
screaming. Then another woman gives the next 20,
carefully crossing over the first lot of welts to make
it hurt more. They do it very slowly, more than half a
minute between strokes, so the whole thing takes an
hour and a half.

“There are 3 photos of her, back arched up on rigid
arms, floppy tits swung sideways, her face distorted in
a sort of catatonic scream. It shows the parallel
tracks of welts up her back and her bum and thighs look
raw. There were 3 or 4 welts that curled around each
side over the base of her breasts. Can’t tell if they
did that on purpose. Apparently she howls and wails for
more than an hour after it is finished.” Lyn’s voice
was hot and tense describing this picture.

Sarah thought of how the poor woman would feel a couple
of weeks later, knowing just what to expect as the next
flogging got closer and closer. Lyn continued, “Well,
he wants us to do it like that. She should be tied
down, she is to be hit hard enough to scream all the
time for 90 minutes. If she faints take your time to
wake her up and just add the minutes onto the end. He
is a typical man pig actually. He wants to go one
better, he said she should get 50 strokes on her
buttocks and thighs, then she should be turned over and
get 30 on her breasts. Could you believe he actually
said they looked big enough to take it. He wants her
hurt a good deal more than I thought, so that she won’t
be able to lie on her front or her back for the next 3
days. The cane has to be 3 foot long.”

“Wow!” said Sarah, she liked this, she just managed to
stop herself from licking her lips. But the severity
needed to be a bit less, you did not want her needing a
doctor afterwards. “Can I suggest making it a bit more
moderate. I agree with the aim to have her scream
continually but not for so long, say 60 minutes.” Lyn
nodded, but said that was outside her zone of
negotiation. Sarah went on, “I think 3 dozen really
hard ones on the bum is all she can take without too
much damage”

“I agree with you. I will try to get him to change on
that but you will have to wait and see. He does have
the last word you remember.”

“Then,” Sarah went on, “I like the idea about punishing
her breasts but even though he would like it, he can’t
have cane strokes like she’ll get on the bum because
that would damage her. But the pain options are very
wide on tits, aren’t they. Any suggestions?”

Lyn grinned, “You could squash them hard, that would be
pretty bad particularly if you kept it up for a good

Sarah nodded and went on, “I need to think about it. In
any case you can assure him that I agree about doing
her breasts and I will guarantee the level of pain and
screams. Let’s say the intension is that when her
breasts get it she will hurt so much that she forgets
all about the cane strokes across her bum. How does
that sound.”

Lyn said, “He will love that idea. It sounds good. I
think he will give the OK, though I am not so sure
about coming down to 36 or about the total time. Also,
I don’t know how to put this but I got the impression
he would quite like to have her fucked to humiliate her
a bit more, you know how men get hot on that. Also he
wants evidence that it has been done properly. I know
now that you will really hurt her, probably more than
needed, but he has to have proof. He would like to be
present but realises that can’t be, so he wants me
there recording events. I would not touch her or
participate in any way.” Lyn’s eyes betrayed her
eagerness at this prospect.

This problem had occurred to Sarah. He would want to be
sure it was not pretence like in some film set. Lyn’s
hopes would have to be dashed. “We can’t have you there
or any other witnesses for legal reasons. What I
suggest is that I will supervise whoever we get to do
the job, so if a stroke is not hard enough I will have
it repeated immediately.”

She smiled at Lyn, “At a guess I think that might
happen at least 6 times. Then I will take photos. You
will get to view the photos but will not get copies.
They will be deleted except for one copy that Samantha
can have to help remind her of the lesson. We should
also have a sound recorder so you can hear every thing,
the swish and crack of the cane, my instructions and
comments and of course her begging and screaming. You
will get a copy of the recording.”

Lyn liked her lips. “I like all that, he will probably
agree. You are going to have a lovely time. I wish I
could be there.”

“The last thing is the letter. I want to see a draft of
the letter to make sure it is as needed. You rightly
think I am looking forward to having her thrashed till
she is demented but make no mistake, I am determined to
have her interests, other than the sore bum and tits,
well looked after.” Lyn nodded and handed over a
prepared draft. Sarah studied it, read it several times
and said “Good, That’s fine.”

“Sarah, you have to trust him until you bring the
evidence. Then he will sign.” That was a risk but there
was no way around it. She agreed. They then tucked in
to the sandwiches and orange juice. On the way out Lyn
said she would ring as soon as she could get
confirmation from him. Sarah said Samantha would then
ring Lyn and confirm her decision and when that
happened Lyn should just say yes and not talk about any

The call came at 2:30. “It’s almost as planned. Though
I am afraid he did not agree with three dozen, he wants
42 strokes. He said if her bum can’t take any more use
her back and ribs. Also it has to be for 75 minutes. As
part of the deal he wants you to make her take a
stimulant capsule. Our drivers take them illegally to
stay awake on long shifts. For this purpose he says it
will stop her from passing out and make her more alert
and feel the pain more acutely. I think he is drooling
over the picture of Samantha stretched out throwing
herself around in agony, like we were saying.”

“OK Lyn, I will tell Samantha and she will call you
back. I will get her to say yes. Remember, when she
calls don’t talk about the details. I need to break
that to her slowly. And I will find a way to get her to
take the medicine.” “Oh, one other thing,” added Lyn.
“Make the evidence good, really good. Make it quite
clear about how much she is suffering. He would like to
see and hear her get fucked. See what you can do.”

Sarah called in Samantha and told her. She said she
would explain all the stipulated punishment but only
got as far as mentioning the 42 strokes on the bare
bottom before Samantha said, “Sarah, don’t tell me any
more. I am going to lie down and take this, whatever it
is that I have coming, however bad it is. I have to, it
is the only choice. I don’t want to know the details
because I might get so frightened I will back out. I
need to do this, even though it is not fair that I have
to. It is the best I can do for me and for you and a
lot of other people. It was my fault and I will suffer
for it. The thought that a few days later my life will
be back to normal is what I focus on.”

Sarah nodded. This was far easier than she had thought.
‘You are being very brave Samantha. I need you to ring
Lyn and tell her you agree. Just say that you do. You
don’t have to talk to her.”


“Take off whatever time you want between now and you
know, and afterwards take at least a week. We will tell
people you have 2 weeks off, family reasons. I will
look after your accounts as best I can.”

Chapter 4: The mental agony

Frank was in his office when the call was put through.
“Hello Frank, this is Sarah. Could I come in and see
you about a matter late this afternoon?” They agreed on
6pmand Frank thought that yet another parent was going
to complain about changes to the school uniform.

Sarah knew where to go, found his open office door,
knocked and walked in and ominously shut the door
behind her. “Ah, is this not about the school
uniform?.” “Sit down Frank. This is going to stun you.
We need your help on a very important and sensitive

“Shoot Sarah, anything I can do,” he said having no
idea how the next 5 minutes would shock and astound
him. Sarah’s approach was that they all needed his
help, she and Bill did and Samantha did. She did not
tell him the business background though that was
obviously very serious and she stressed the

Frank really looked stunned. “Well I hear what your
saying. Let me think about it. I suppose in principle I
agree but it is all based on her convincing me that she
comes to this willingly and so to speak that it is for
her own good. I’ll ring you tonight or tomorrow

“OK Frank. Oh by the way how long is the severe cane?”
He replied it was about 30 inches and when she looked
doubtful he said he had a longer one at home from his
previous school that was about 34 inches. She nodded.
“That one would do. Also if you will do this for us
start thinking about the practical details. We have to
get this done quickly.”

Frank’s concentration was shattered. She had said 42
strokes, bum and possibly back, pain for 75 minutes. He
locked up his office and went home. He had been trying
to think of a way to get to talk to Samantha again and
see more of her but could not quite get himself to do
it. After what Sarah was talking about she would never
want to see him again.

By the time he walked through his front door the
thought of Samantha stretched out, screaming with the
pain from just the first few welts across her bum had
taken over his mind, not to mention his dick. She would
have to agree to take her clothes off. Her nude,
getting it on the bare bum would be great. It had only
taken him only half the 20 minutes on the way home to
conclude that he would do it and do it very hard indeed
just like Sarah wanted. He thought he would wait till
half past seven to ring Sarah so that he did not show
unseemly haste. In the meantime he could consider the
possible details.

His cellar was perfect, almost completely sound proof.
He had his wine collection down there and workshop
stuff. He had checked the noise once when concerned
about disturbing the neighbors when using a terribly
loud grinder that needed heavy ear muffs late at night.
That and even really loud music and screeching songs
could not be heard outside unless you held your ear
against the one small thick glass window.

So she would not have to be gagged, they could let her
scream and beg. His cock stiffened so much it was
painful. He looked around. There was quite a choice of
things to fix her to, the coffee table and arm chair at
the wine end and in the workshop end the saw horse,
heavy wooden stool and a work bench against the wall.
He got the cane out from the back corner of the
cupboard. He slashed it down across the back of the

That’s how it would sound. His mind pictured all the
details of Samantha he could remember. Very pretty face
with a beautiful smile, well shaped body with modest
breasts though it was hard to be sure, a good waist
with just a touch of too much weight and a very round
bottom. That night wearing a rather short skirt she had
shown smoothly rounded but quite muscular thighs. She
looked strong which was good for her beating.

Gawd, she would look good naked and stretched out over
the saw horse and the bench or stool. Her breasts
dangling underneath and flying around as she flung
herself around with the pain of each stroke. He could
feel the vibration of the cane biting into her bottom.
He was actually quite shocked at his reaction, at how
he turned so cruel at the prospect of having Samantha
naked and in his power.

Sarah had only mentioned 42 strokes on the buttocks,
thighs and back. He thought some more about her body
bent over the saw horse, legs fastened down, arms
forward maybe onto the stool which would put her head a
bit lower than her bum, giving great access to her
rear, back and sides. Hips on the horse, he could have
her lifted up a few inches with a cushion or something,
making her back slope downwards a little more. Should
her legs be spread or together, either way he thought
with her bum up in the air like that she would show her
puss out the back when she kicked and contorted.

The head and shoulders on the stool, hands tied somehow
to its front. The cane could go across or along her
back. Of course he would have to obey Sarah and he did
not know what she would allow. The caning would not
take the full 75 minutes. She must have something else
in mind.

He rang Sarah and said he would do it. It was
Wednesday, two nights later on Friday would be best.
She agreed. He then explained that he needed Samantha
to put in writing that she agreed to take this of her
own free will. He wanted to talk to her and make sure.
Then, on Friday he would pick her up at say 7.30 and
show her what would happen in the cellar. If she still
agreed she could use the spare bedroom to take off her
clothes and put on a gown. Her walking into the cellar
naked would be the last evidence needed to show it was
voluntary. Sarah should arrive at 8 pm.

“That’s good thinking Frank. When you talk to her don’t
frighten her unnecessarily with details. She knows
about the 42 strokes and being tied down. Just keep to
that. After you have spoken to her tomorrow I want you
to show me the set up.”

He understood and agreed. “I’ll give you a ring and you
can come around.” Sarah would let her know to expect a
call from him tomorrow afternoon to arrange to speak
with her.

Next morning Samantha came in to work late and went
straight to see Sarah. “Are you still going to do it?”
Samantha nodded. “Well Samantha I have arranged for
Frank Evans to do the caning. He will do it well and
has enough experience so we don’t have to worry about
you getting any damage we don’t want.” Frank, Oh Gawd
thought Samantha. But it made sense, he obviously knows
about using a cane. She had wanted to see him again but
not like this. It took her a little while to say that
she agreed to have Frank do the canning.

“Well, he wants to speak to you tonight Samantha, he
want to hear from you that you are doing this
voluntarily. He will ring your mobile this afternoon to
arrange it. One other thing Samantha. I am going to be
there. Bartholomew says I have to guarantee to him that
it was done properly” Samantha nodded and went out.
Sarah would see her and watch her bare bum getting
striped. Gawd oh Gawd, why had she ever gotten herself
into this.

At about 5 her phone rang. “Hello, this is Frank. You
know why I am ringing. Could I come and see you to
discuss this at 7.” She said yes and gave him her
address and hung up. What will he want. Will he want to
touch her. Frank then rang Sarah and told her. She
would come to his place afterwards at half past eight
to consider the details with him.

Samantha opened the door for Frank and they sat down at
the kitchen table. “I am sorry we have to meet again
under these circumstances, Samantha. I would have
wished for something nicer.” She nodded, she felt quite
calm at the moment. “I will say what has to be said and
get your response and I will go. Samantha, to do this I
want a hand written letter from you saying you have
agreed of your own free will to take the punishment.
That you will take your clothes off for the punishment.
I have been asked to give you 42 strokes. The letter
and voluntarily coming nude to be punished will show
that you have not been forced. As for the rest…” and
he skipped over the painful facts quickly. “Just a
moment I will write it now” She got a sheet of paper
out of her printer and sat down again.

She wrote:

I have willingly agreed to present myself at the house
of Frank Evans and to submit myself to corporal
punishment as organised by Sarah and I agree to fully
take whatever this involves. The punishment will take
place in the cellar of the house. The punishment will
include 42 strokes with a cane given by Frank Evans. I
will present myself naked for punishment and I expect
to be tied down. I will be shown the details before my
final agreement. I understand that when I lie down to
be tied the decision becomes irrevocable and the
punishment will proceed.

Signed and dated, Samantha Kerry

“Samantha, I will come and pick you up tomorrow night
at 7.30. When we get there I will first show you the
cellar and the cane. If you then still decide to go
ahead there is a spare bed room, you can take off your
clothes and put on a gown. Afterwards I can bring you
home or if you want to, you can stay in the spare room,
either lock yourself in or I can help look after you.
It has an en-suite. You may feel too bad to want to go
in the car and be better off being looked after. It
will be up to you.”

She nodded not trusting herself to speak. While her
head was down he could not help but give her an
appraising look. Definitely a very nice body, not too
thin so the cane would have something to land on. When
she stood up in tight jeans the round bum stood out,
definitely good for many strokes straight across let
alone angled. The breasts definitely looked good, plump
but not all that big and he would soon see how much
they sagged when hanging down. He took the letter and
left to go. In the hallway was a squash racquet, so
that’s how she trimmed up.

Behind him Samantha sobbed with fear, frustration and
shame. Sarah would see her naked. Maybe she would tell
Frank which bits of her to hit and to do it harder.
Samantha calmed down a bit. Perhaps it was better to
have a woman there. Her thoughts were turning morbid.
She went into her bedroom, stared at herself in the
mirror for a long minute and then suddenly started
taking off her clothes. Sandals, jeans got wriggled out
of, pants, top and bra.

As they came free she rubbed her hands over her
breasts. She was always pleased at how they stood out
and not too large like some poor women had to put up
with. She could not help but look herself over, this is
what they would see. At least she looked OK. She had
always wished her bum was not so big and round, now
they were going to make use of it, the only thing a big
bum was good for she thought grimly. On the spur of the
moment she stood at the foot of her bed. It had a rail
a foot higher than the mattress.

She bent over and laid herself down. They would have
her somehow like this or maybe bent and tied to a
table. Her hands moved back and felt the smooth and
beautiful curves of her bottom, that’s where it would
hurt and it would not look beautiful afterwards.

Frank drove home and half an hour later Sarah came. He
took her down to the cellar and showed her his idea.
The saw horse had now got a thin sand bag taped on top
giving a nice firm and rounded surface 6 inches higher
than before. She would lie across it with her bottom on
the highest point. Two seat belts he had bought from a
car wrecker were fixed to the horse. One set near the
bottom of the 2 legs towards the stool, the other set
half way down the legs on the other side. “This pair
goes over the small of her back just above the bum and
holds her down on the horse and stool. It won’t get in
the way much of any stroke along her back either. The
other one goes behind her knees, trapping her legs and
making it quite impossible to get up.”

Sarah approved. “Now I thought she would look best if
we just had her head and shoulders on the stool, leave
her breasts hanging free.”

“That’s good and actually it is necessary,” said Sarah
without explaining why. “But Frank, have the stool
close to the horse at first. It might make her feel too
insecure if she sees that she is going to be stretched
out. Let her think her whole front will be on the
stool. Then you can pull it out after you have got the
belts fastened and she is committed. I like the belt
idea, quick to fasten and so adjustable. How will her
hands end up?”

Frank had not really worked that out.

“Let me try it Frank,” and she hopped over the horse
and lay down over the stool. In a flash Franks fastened
the belts and pulled them tight to lock her in place.
“Don’t you dare, undo me.”

“Just making it realistic Sarah. Now I’ll pull the
stool forward. What do you think.” Automatically as the
support was pulled forward Sarah crossed her fore arms
to get more secure. “That’s it Sarah. Give me your
wrists.” He had picked up two strips of torn sheet,
quite strong, and tied one to each wrist. “No rope
chafing you see.”

Then before she realised he pulled her wrists forward
until her elbows were level with her ears and tied the
strips onto the crossbar on the stool legs. He picked
up a cushion and stuffed it between her arms, under her
face. “Comfy, how much can you move.?” “Frank that’s
dreadful, I feel so exposed. Now undo me.” She did
manage to prop up on her arms and lift her shoulders
above the stool but that was all. Her bum was locked in
place though that depended on how he tightened the
belts. Frank noticed her tits were nearly 6 inches
clear of the stool.

He picked up the cane, “Now let’s make this even more
realistic. How about a sample.” He swung it wickedly,
swishing through the air. She shrieked “Don’t you dare.
Let me up. Damn you Frank.” He swung the cane twice
into the armchair seat. “No Frank, NO, NO.” Sarah
shrieked at the sound and nearly panicked. Then he
grinned and untied her. “That was a good test. You were

She recovered quickly. “Let me see the cane.” He handed
her the cane to examine. Sarah swished it back and
forth flicking her wrist, making a keen whistling
noise. “Nice and long and flexible. A good thickness.
Should hurt really well on her bare fat bottom. I see
you oil it. It’s got good flex for following the
curves. Frank, I know a bit about canes. I want to do
one other thing with it. I want to suck hot water up
through the rattan. It will make it heavier, increase
the flex and that will all make it hurt quite a lot
more. The bruises will go deeper and she will be in
pain for at least an extra day, quite apart from
screaming more loudly on the night.”

“Christ Sarah, I am not having anything to do with
that. There is a basin with a hot water tap on the
wall.” Sarah went straight to turn on the hot tap and
put the plug in. She dipped the business end of the
cane into the basin and put the handle end to her mouth
and sucked. Frank shook his head. Her head snap back as
she got some dirty water and she spat in the basin.

“Now wrap it in a wet towel and some plastic. By
tomorrow night it will be really vicious.” She also
told him that to complete the 75 minute pain contract
she had decided that hurting her breasts would be the
easiest and best thing to do but had not worked out
what exactly. He would have to follow her instructions.
She also said that before the caning started she would
explain all the details to Samantha to make her panic
before she even got hurt. “I’ll frighten the wits out
of her.” She told him about the photos and tape
recorder. All that would persuade Bartholomew that
Samantha had suffered really badly.

“Oh, one other thing Frank. When she gets here get her
to take this capsule, it’s from Bartholomew. He says it
will stop her from passing out and make her more aware
of the pain. Hurt more without needing to risk serious
damage.” With everything settled she went home. Once on
the car she hugged herself, pressed her crotch and
shivered at the fear she had felt when Frank had tied
her down and hit the chair. This was going to be better
than she had hoped.

The next day passed uneventfully for all of them.
Samantha alternately wished it was already 7:30 or that
it was not going to happen till next week. Sarah got a
courier delivered parcel from Lyn. The note said, “Have
a practice go before you need to use it.”

It was a small digital tape recorder, maximum
continuous run time 3 hours. She read the booklet, no
problem. It was perfect. It showed the minutes since
being turned on and could be pause if she fainted.
Frank went home early, had a light snack and waited
till quarter past 7and went to get her. When he pulled
up in front of Samantha’s house the front door opened
immediately and she got into the car. A loose skirt and
blouse he noticed. “Let’s go. I don’t want to wait

Once they started moving she suddenly seemed to relax a
bit and got more talkative. “I have to do it. I am
frightened Frank, really frightened of being caned by
you, how much it will hurt and the humiliation I am
going to feel. Being naked in front of Sarah and you.
What if you make me scream and beg. Having to be
completely nude for you to do it and her to watch is
really bad but I’m not going before the tribunal, is
just impossible. I am clearly at fault and would
probably never get a money controlling job again.”

Frank also chatted about what would happen. Well, sort
of mentioning a mild version, leaving out the bits that
she would not have thought of herself, the bits that
might make her run away. “Afterwards I will help you
get over it as well as possible or just take you home,
which ever you wish.”

Worry about what would happen afterwards flashed
through her mind but Samantha’s consciousness was all
on the pain to come. She did not really think of
herself as being at Frank’s mercy and it did not occur
to her at that time that each new fact about what was
to happen to her was making it look worse than she had
imagined at the start. “Will you be doing it really

“I will have to do it hard. Sarah obviously knows about
using a cane and I think she would love to do it
herself. I intend to do it properly or you don’t know
what she will report to Mr. Bartholomew and what he
will do if not satisfied. She is taking this very
seriously. She wants to make sure your suffering is
adequate for him, be thankful they have not agreed to
let him come and watch. Also Sarah will be counting
strokes and that puts her in a powerful position to
make me do it hard. I will not allow her to have you
get more than 42 proper strokes.”

Samantha did not understand why Sarah counting to 42
should be important or the reference to a ‘proper’
stroke but she did not ask. “When we get there I will
show you the cellar and how you will be tied down. You
have to be tied down you realise?” She nodded, she knew
that she could never hold still for that sort of
punishment. Anyway she had already agreed to that. “I
will strap you down across a saw horse with your head
and shoulders on a stout stool. It will place your
bottom perfectly for the swing of the cane. Your hands
will be fixed to the stool and a belt passed over your
back to keep you in place. I also want you to take a
tablet to help calm you down.”

Again Samantha was so panicked and preoccupied that she
did not see the whole picture. She did not give the
tablet a second thought or think through what he had
said or make any mental picture of what it would look
like. “Up to the moment you bend over and are tied down
you can change your mind and walk out. No one will hold
or force you. But once I start to tie you down there
will be no changing your mind.” “I am going to go
through with it Frank. There is no choice for me. I
will lie down for you to cane me and I trust you to
look after me so that apart from getting hurt nothing
really bad happens.”

He nodded, barely able to conceal his lust for what he
was about to do. “You don’t have to be gagged because
the cellar is pretty sound proof. We can let you scream
and howl. It will give me a good indication of how much
the cane is getting through to you. Even if you beg and
try and call it off, once you are tied down you cant
stop it anymore. You will get the full 42. I think
Sarah will enjoy hearing you howl and scream and beg as
well as looking after Bartholomew’s interests. You have
to realise Samantha, you will react, the caning will
really get to you. You wont be able to control your
voice or movements. Here we are.”

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