You’ve been wrestling with this boat all day

It was getting close to lunch time and I crept below to untie the women so
they could prepare our food. The reason I crept was because I was more than
a little curious as to what they had been doing bound so tightly together.
I peeked through the door to our cabin and saw them both as I had left them,
bound face to face, a crotch rope connected to their tightly bound hands,
lying on the bunk, my wife’s back to the door.
The only difference was the cloth gags they both wore, Ben’s addition.
It was apparent to me that while they had been left here to rest, they
hadn’t gotten any. Laura was in the process of pulling on her crotch rope,
making it move only an inch or so. Then it was pulled back by Amy, the slack
taken out.
I had thought I had pulled the slack out of the rope, but they had evidently
found an inch and had put it to good use.
The inside of the cleft at the top of my wife’s thighs was soaked, as was
the rope, and the smell in the room told me that it wasn’t urine. The women
had been slowly rubbing themselves silly with that inch of rope.
I don’t know if they had been able to cum, but it looked like they had
really tried.
Laura was panting in her sing song way behind her gag, she was very turned
on. Amy was silent and since I didn’t know her sexually I had no idea what
signals she gave off when she was close except for how she closed her eyes.
I decided to make myself known.
I slammed open the door, making both women jump!
“What’s going on in here!” I bellowed.
Amy looked up guiltily while Laura craned her neck around to see me. She
began trying to talk through her gag but I ignored her. Instead I stepped
forward and slid my hand onto her crotch from behind. It was sopping wet
and I could feel her swollen labia very easily.
“Did I TELL you that you had permission to pleasure yourself?” I asked her
Laura quit trying to speak, her eyes growing wide. In her head she was
probably going ‘oh shit’. While I had never actually said anything to her
about her sexual freedom, we had over time drifted into her only being
sexually stimulated when I wanted her to be. Evidently she took the crotch
rope for permission to play and now here I was yelling at her for doing just
She shook her head.
I looked over at Amy who looked like a frightened deer.
I reached over and placed my hand between her legs, and found her in the
same condition. Amy held her breath at my touch, this was farther than I
had ever gone with her, farther than I thought I should.
“And you,” I said to her, removing my hand and standing up, “What do you
think Ben would say if he saw this?”
Amy shuddered. I knew from Ben that Amy WAS under a form of chastity
enforcement. I wondered myself what Ben would say, although he must have
seen the crotch rope and must have know what a temptation it would be to our
slightly over sexed companions.
I began to untie them in the reverse way I tied them. First their legs and
ankles. Then I helped them stand on rather shaky legs. Then I undid their
body ropes and elbows before tackling the crotch rope and their wrists.
“Stand legs apart with your hands behind your heads.” I ordered as the ropes
came off. Soon both women, sporting red lines from the ropes, were standing
as instructed.
They were both still obviously turned on, their labia clearly visible in
their swollen state. It must have taken a lot of rubbing to get that far.
Laura especially for she was a lot more swollen than Amy.
“Did either of you cum?” I asked them.
They shook their heads, the gags still on them.
“Don’t lie to me.” I warned them.
They both shook their heads harder.
“Okay. Wait here.” I smiled and left them alone to ponder their fate,
heading top side again.
Ben was at the helm, the sail up once more.
“How were they?” Ben asked me.
I laughed. “I’m surprised you cant smell them up here!”
“The crotch rope was that effective huh?” Ben asked, watching the sail with
a smile.
“Oh they worked at it, but if you believe them they didn’t cum.”
“Oh, I’d believe them.” Ben said. “Amy knows the penalty for lying and she
wouldn’t lie for Laura either.”
“Is Amy in trouble?” I asked, truly concerned.
“Yes, but I’m not going to make a big deal out of it. It’s not worth a
caning so soon after her last one.”
“Good.” I said, relieved.
“I’ll just give her a quick spanking, on top of those welts it will be
enough.” grinned Ben. “Here, you take the wheel and I’ll get them started on
I took the wheel and with a little difficulty managed to hold our course in
the heavier wind of the day.
At one point I heard a woman scream once but that was it, more of a yelp
really than a scream.
Eventually Ben came back out, carrying a pillow and his cane.
“You okay?” he asked me.
“Yeah, the wind is tough today.” I replied. “What about Amy?”
Ben shrugged. “A couple of bare handed spanks, that’s all. Just a reminder.”
The deck had been tilted a few degrees due to the wind on the sail, but at
that moment it shifted even more. Ben put down what he was carrying and,
watching the sail and the horizon, worked a winch until the boat’s tilt
evened out a little.
“Keeping the sail in trim is half the battle.” he said to me.
I nodded, wondering why he had brought up his cane.
He picked up the pillow and with some rope lashed it to a deck railing. Then
he picked up the cane and took a few practice strikes on the pillow.
“Time to teach you how to use this.” he said.
“What, now?” I asked, a little worried about steering the boat. Ben was
He walked over and took the wheel, handing me the cane.
It was the first time I had ever held one. It was about three feet long,
made of a dark wood with a curled handle.
It was about as thick as my little finger and flexible enough to almost bend
I was surprised at the weight. It was heavier than I thought it would be.
“You like?” Ben asked me.
I shook my head.
“Good.” he said. “Then you wont be tempted to use it without true cause.”
“I don’t know if I want to use it at all!” I said honestly.
“I understand. But you wont know for sure until you try. I want you to
practice on that pillow.”
I stood without thought for a moment, then moved to where I had seen Ben
stand when he used it on the pillow.
“What are you going to hit?” Ben asked me.
“This pillow?” I said, a little confused by the question.
“No, that’s Laura right there. It’s never a pillow, and when you do get
around to using the cane on Laura, don’t think of her as a pillow or
anything to make it easier to hit her.
Her safety depends on you always keeping her in your mind. Got that?”
I nodded, staring at the pillow, imagining it was my wife bound over the
railing of the speeding boat, her bare upturned buttocks completely open to
the cane. I could also see her eyes staring at me, imploring me to untie her
and take her into my arms.
I closed my eyes and cleared my head, resolving to have her wear a blindfold
when we did this for real.
Ben kept on talking.
“You will want to strike the fleshiest part of her rump on down, never up,
not with a cane. You can cause serious bruising if you hit her tail bone.
If you have to miss try to make it miss low not high.
Use the outer half of the cane to strike with, not the end, not the middle.
If you use the end you run the risk of gouging her flesh with the tip of the
cane, cutting it deeply into her. If you use the middle then the end of the
cane can curl around and strike her on the side over the hip bone, or even
curl underneath.
If you hit her thighs, again make it the back of her thighs where the muscle
is thickest, not the sides and definitely not the insides unless you are a
sadist which I know you aren’t.”
I nodded again.
“Pick a spot, and take a swing.” he ordered.
I took a stance and gave the pillow (Laura) a whack. I was high.
“Try again.” Ben said gently from his place at the wheel.
I did and over corrected coming in low.
At his urging I continued to strike, quickly getting better with my aim as I
grew accustomed to the weight of the cane.
“Hows your aim?” Ben asked me shortly. “You look like you’re coming down at
the same spot each time.”
“Pretty good I think.” I said, my arm a little tired.
“Okay, now we go for force. You have to start hitting harder.”
“Harder?” I asked, looking at him for the first time since we started.
“Yes. Do you remember the sound the cane made when I punished Amy on the
Did I! THAT sound will stay with me.
I nodded.
“Try to find that sound. It may be hard in this wind but try.”
I turned back to the pillow and after taking a deep breath I began to strike
it again. Each time I went a little harder thinking that this time it HAD to
be hard enough. Only after a half dozen strikes was I even slightly getting
close to the whistling sound he cane made when Ben used it earlier.
I was still on target though, which actually made me feel good.
After a particularly hard hit on target I looked up with a thin smile at Ben
and saw Laura standing in the cabin stairwell.
She was watching me with a scared look on her face, her hands cuffed
together and attached by a short chain to her collar.
My smile instantly dissolved.
“Lunch is ready.” she said, just audible over the wind.
I said nothing, I just stared at her.
“Laura, have Amy bring me my food out here. I don’t want to leave the
wheel.” Ben told her.
“Yes Sir.” Laura said, and she ducked down inside.
I turned to Ben. “How long was she standing there?”
“Long enough to see that you could do it!” Ben answered.
I put the cane down and went below.

The rest of the afternoon went by without my saying much.
Ben and I took turns at the helm while below the women cleaned. When they
were done we let them enjoy their free time sunning themselves on the fore
Ben kept up a rambling story about his business while I thought mainly about
punishment. I really needed something to take my mind off it.
“Laura!” I called out from the stern, making my wife turn around. I waved
her over and she padded over to me, naked but for her leather wrist and
ankle cuffs.
“Ben, if you don’t mind, my wife and I are going below for some conjugal
bliss.” I said.
Ben grinned. “Have a good time!”
Laura blushed and smiled.
Below I led her to our cabin and began to undress. She must have sensed my
“Are you okay?” she asked me.
I nodded.
Laura gave me that look, you know the one. The look women give men when they
believe they’re been treated like idiots.
“Do you want to talk about it, Donald?” Laura asked.
“No. I want to do the opposite of talking right now. Get on the bed!”
Laura still looked concerned, but once I was naked she smiled and did as I
I took her roughly, throwing her about the bunk. I used ropes occasionally
to tie down parts of her body, but I was forever changing her position.
Through it all Laura puffed and moaned in her sing song way, cuming together
with me in mutual bliss.
Through sex I was able to put punishment out of my mind.

We arrived at the island just before supper and I helped Ben stow the sail.
Unlike our previous overnight stop we would not be going ashore here. The
island wasn’t much more than a craggy outcropping with steep cliffs and no
beach, but it did have a small sheltered cove in which we could anchor for
the night.
Not the prettiest place I know, but it would do for our needs.
The women as usual cooked and we ate in the booth. Laura, Ben and I shared
the bench seat with Laura in the middle, while Amy stood or kneeled, still
to sore to sit with any comfort.
After dinner we went out and swam for a while in the warm water, the four of
us naked and playful. Ben produced a couple of sets of snorkels and fins
and taught Laura and myself the basics. We had a lot of fun swimming down
among the fish that occupied the cove, wary of the coral that could have cut
us to shreds.
It was a pleasant evening.
We finished out the night on the boat, playing Monopoly of all things. Just
two couples enjoying a quiet evening together with the only unusual aspect
being both women being nude.
There was one other thing.
“Is that a boat?” Amy said, glancing out one of the pilot house windows that
surrounded the cabin area.
It was dark outside now, certainly not a time to go sailing, but when I
looked up I saw lights off in the distance.
Ben stiffened, concerned, and gestured for me to follow him on deck.
“Get some clothes on and go wait in my cabin.” Ben told the women. Laura
looked like she had a question but Amy touched her shoulder and shook her
I too had questions.
I followed Ben top side and watched as he pulled a set of binoculars from a
cubby hole. He focused them on the distant lights.
“What’s up?” I asked him.
He said nothing, he just kept watching.
“Ben, what’s going on?” I urged.
“Sometimes, Don, it really pays to be careful.” Ben said.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means you cant afford to be too comfortable about this area.”
“Why not?”
I could just see Ben in the dim light, he turned and gave me a small smile.
“You’re kidding right?”
He shook his head.
“You’re talking about Yo-ho-ho-and-a-bottle-of-rum-Long-John-Silver types
right?” I asked him, thinking he was joking.
“Not exactly.” Ben replied. “These aren’t your Errol Flynn types but the
trade is the same. Modern boats, modern weapons, half the time you wouldn’t
even recognize a pirate boat if you saw one! They don’t fly the Jolly Roger
any more. Forget your movie images of what pirates should be, they have!”
I laughed. “But in this day and age?”
“Don’t laugh. It’s true. There are more people sailing these waters now than
there have ever been, rich pickings for those unscrupulous enough to want
it!” Ben said very seriously. His attitude was serious enough that I began
to think he wasn’t having me on.
“Do you think that boat is a pirate ship?” I asked him.
Ben shrugged. “I doubt it. But anything coming close to us that I cant
identify I want to be careful of. Especially with the women aboard.”
I nodded and thought of my wife being taken by pirates. Not a pretty
The boat was close enough now that we could hear it’s engines. I glanced up
at the mast where a light shone.
“Ben, shouldn’t we shut that off?” I said, pointing.
“No point. They will already have seen it and no doubt they have us on
We watched for a little longer and saw that the boat didn’t come directly
for us. Instead it got about a couple of hundred yards away and shut off
it’s engines. In the silence I could hear faint laughter and music floating
across the water. It was a bigger boat than ours by far, that much I could
see without the binoculars.
“Sounds like a party.” I said.
Ben nodded and handed me the glasses. Putting them to my eyes I could
clearly see the boat now.
It looked like to me to be a large cabin cruiser, one of those monsters with
two or three interior decks and room for a band. Part of the deck was lit up
as was the entire interior from the look of the portholes. There were also
navigation lights galore. If this boat was trying to sneak up on us they
were doing it in a very weird way.
I saw a fair amount of movement inside and a lone man at the bow, probably
setting the anchors. I handed the glasses back.
“Pirates.” I said with a laugh.
Ben chuckled. “I guess not. They must be here for the same reason we are.
But it might be best if we keep an eye on them for a while.”
“If you say so Ben. Shall I tell the ladies it’s alright?”
“Sure. It’s bed time anyway. I’ll stay up for a few hours and then I’ll
come in. You get the women and yourself settled for the night.”
“No Ben. You’ve been wrestling with this boat all day.” I replied. “You go
get some sleep and I’ll take the watch.”
Ben looked at me and handed me the binoculars. “Good man. Come get me if
anything happens.”
I smiled. “Sure, at the first sign of an eye patch or a wooden leg I’ll be
knocking at your door.”
I laughed, but Ben’s smile was faint. He pointed at a locker next to the
helm. “There’s a flare gun in there, just in case.”
Leaving me wondering in case of what, Ben went below.

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