You look like you enjoyed it!

Here is what Ben and I were told about what happened in the restaurant.
Amy led Laura through the normal looking dining area to a set of double
doors in the back wall. Laura was feeling rather nervous about the whole
thing, her lack of real clothing, the unknown situation in front of her and
that for a while I would be out of earshot of her.
For the first time she would really be dependent on her friend Amy, a
prospect that both scared her and yet thrilled her completely. Talk about
roller coaster emotions!
They passed through two sets of swinging double doors before they reached
the kitchen, and Laura’s mouth dropped open.
“Laura, over here!” Amy said with a grin, knowing full well what this place
looked like to someone new.
Laura followed Amy to a corner and they both dropped to their knees on the
hard tile. Laura and Amy were both used to kneeling on such a hard surface,
having had plenty of practice at our hands.
Amy placed her hands behind her head an pulled her elbows back, lifting her
small bust, her nipples very visible under the thin layer of cloth covering
them. Laura did the same and thrust her tits out without much thought, her
mind still on the contents of the room.
“Spread you knees a little more!” Amy hissed, which did catch Laura’s
“But…?” she said, quite aware that in her short skirt her pussy might be
“Do it, or you’ll be punished!” Amy said, her own thighs spread, her skirt
riding up dangerously.
Laura was a little panic stricken, she just couldn’t do it.
Pushing her breasts out was one thing, but to purposely run the risk of
exposing herself down THERE!
Amy sighed, knowing personally the risk Laura was taking.
She turned to face the room.
Now the kitchen was set up like any restaurant kitchen, a couple of large
commercial stoves, several ovens, lots of counter space for meal
preparation. There were four women and two men working the kitchen, and it
was them that Laura was gawking at, for they all appeared naked.
Appeared was the word, for technically they really weren’t nude at all. All
of them had on rubber or plastic outfits that covered them from neck to toe,
protecting them from the dangers of working in a kitchen and also keeping
the kitchen itself hygienic. But the outfits were all transparent and the
bodies of the kitchen staff were all very very visible.
All of them were dark and well built, no skeletons among this crowd, and
Laura was particularly captivated by one young man working at a meat
counter. He was facing the two women and his manhood was something that
certainly caught the eye, falling to half way down his thigh in it’s relaxed
state. Laura found herself wondering what it was like erect!
She had always been, for want of a better description, a penis girl.
Marveling at the variety that nature had to offer, although she had never
personally seen one that large.
>From time to time she would watch the others doing their jobs, seemingly
oblivious to the fact that their bodies were on display, but her eyes would
always be drawn back to the young meat cutter.
At one point the young man caught Laura’s eyes with his own and he gave her
a big smile, knowing full well what she was staring at. Laura blushed
furiously but returned his smile.
A waiter came in and deposited his tray on a counter. He immediately lifted
the smart apron that was part of his outfit to reveal that the portion of
his pants that covered his genitals was cut away.
As he waited for ordered meals to be placed on his tray, one of the women
dropped to her knees and began sucking him to hardness, only getting up
again when he was fully erect.
The waiter moaned a little but dropped his apron and picked up his now
loaded tray, scooting quickly out the door.
Laura wondered if that happened every time, and if the poor man had to spend
his entire shift hard.
Leo came in and glanced about with a smile, a smile that faded slightly when
he saw Laura.
“Laura, my perfect one!” he said dancing over. “Did not the little one show
you how I wish you to kneel when in my kitchen?”
Startled, Laura looked down, unable to face him for some reason.
“Well?” he asked again, a little harder. Laura heard something in his voice
this time, something that told her that Leo wasn’t quite the flake that he
appeared to be on the surface.
“Yes, Sir.” Laura said.
“Then assume the position asked of you.” Leo said evenly.
Amy noticed that the kitchen staff were all watching, even though none of
them had stopped working.
Laura was a little afraid, and very embarrassed. For some reason she just
couldn’t move.
Leo stood watching her for a moment, before turning to Amy.
“Little one, you did tell her that she would be punished didn’t you?” he
said to Amy.
“Yes Sir, I told her.” Amy replied.
“Very well.” He stepped back and snapped his fingers. Immediately the two
male cooks hurried over. One dropped to his hands and knees while the other,
Laura’s friend the meat man, sat down on the back of his friend.
“Go to him!” Leo ordered Laura.
“I said go to him. I wont say it again.”
Laura looked anxiously at Amy.
“Go,” said Amy. “Even if the men were here you would still have to. This is
Leo’s kitchen and in here he rules. We are just his guests.”
“But, what…?” Laura started to ask.
“Hurry! While it can still be settled here!” Amy cried out. Her biggest
concern was that Leo would bring in Ben and myself, for then we would have a
say in Laura’s punishment.
“Trust me!” Amy whispered.
Laura managed to stand, taking her hands away from her head.
“Don’t remove your hands.” Leo said quietly, so Laura put them back, this
time very aware of what the position did to her body. She padded over on
her bare feet to the two naked in plastic men.
“Now place yourself across the lap of Alfonse there to receive your
spanking.” Leo told her.
Laura’s heart was beating fast, but she did as she was told, bending over
and resting on the lap of the seated cook.
She was aware of so many different things at that moment, the feel of the
warm tile against her toes, the feel of her silver collar tight around her
neck, the strange feeling of the plastic outfit on her bare midriff, her
fast pumping heart, something large moving slowly under her stomach pushing
up at her, a warm hand on her back, another hand taking the hem of her skirt
and flipping it up, the movement of air on her now naked bottom, the fact
that what she had tried to conceal was now very visible to the entire room.
All this and a sexual stirring too!
Laura’s breathing got faster.
“I think twenty hard ones should do.” Leo said.
Without giving Laura time to think about the number she had just heard,
Alfonse began spanking her. He spanked her hard and fast, each blow coming
down before Laura had time to react to the previous one. She cried out at
the increasing pain but in moments it was over.
“Go back to your place now, Perfect One!” Leo said with a gentle smile.
With tears in her eyes Laura stood, her skirt falling back to cover her
reddening buttocks. The pain flowed through her but wasn’t as bad as she
thought it was going to be, giving her a sexual stir. She fought the urge to
bring her hands down to rub her butt, guessing correctly that such an action
would be frowned on.
Leo gestured to where Amy still knelt and Laura resumed her place, this time
spreading her knees.
Leo grinned and went back out to the dining area, the two male cooks
returning to their work after washing their hands.
“You okay?” Amy asked.
“Yeah, it was okay.” Laura said, surprised to find that it was true.
Amy giggled. “You look like you enjoyed it!”
Laura blushed, and hoped her sexual arousal wasn’t too visible. That thought
went out of her head when she looked down to see her nipples almost popping
her top off, as well as the wetness between her legs.
She knelt and enjoyed the warmth spreading through her from her butt.

Ben and I found out about all this when the women came back with our food.
They sat somewhat uncomfortably on their seats and told us the whole story.
I was interested in seeing this kitchen for myself, but I was also disturbed
at Laura being spanked bare assed without anyone even consulting me first.
Ben tried to explain the rules.
“It’s his kitchen and he’s within his rights to administer a simple spanking
for such an offense. His group is very strict on that.”
“His group?” I asked.
“Yes. There is a large BDSM group operating in private here in the islands.
We don’t have much to do with them ourselves, but we’ve been coming here
enough for them to treat us like their own.”
“Ah.” I said, still a little miffed but willing to learn as long as Laura
wasn’t in any real danger. She certainly hadn’t really suffered from the
experience as she confessed to me later. “Are we going to have any more to
do with them this trip?”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” Ben said.
Leo showed up with a grin on his face.
“How is the food Gentlemen, Ladies?”
We all mumbled good things about the food, which turned out to be large
hamburgers with many different cheeses and a red spicy sauce. I thought it
was an unusual dish to have in an island paradise but one bite convinced me
that paradise was where this burger belonged. The sauce was heaven!
“Ah, Little One, you have eaten it all! Good!” smiled Leo, patting Amy on
the head.
Amy grinned up at him. “Would I dare not eat your wonderful food, Leo?” Amy
Leo’s grin got wider and he shook his finger at her. “Very smart!” He and
Amy both laughed and he turned his attention to my wife.
“Beautiful Laura, I hope there are no hard feelings from inside?” he said,
taking her hand.
“No, none Sir.” Laura said with a smile of her own.
“Good! And dear lady out here it is Leo, in there…it is Sir.” He kissed
her hand and stood up straight, turning his attention to me. “Sir, your
wife is a pearl among pearls, but her discipline…” he shook his hand in
that see saw way. “I trust my corrections met with your approval.”
I looked at my wife who sat uncomfortably on her seat, her butt evidently
too sore for her to sit still on. “You were quite correct to punish her
Leo. Ben trusts you, which means so do I!”
Leo nodded in satisfaction and stuck his chin out at Ben.
“Benjamin! Three days! Kopachi’s villa! Bring your friend and the young
ladies! I won’t take no for an answer!”
Ben laughed. “We’ll see.”
“You will be there, or next time I make you pay for your food!” Leo
proclaimed, and he danced away.
“Kopachi’s villa?” I asked.
Ben chuckled. “Another group member. Evidently having a party or
“Will we go?”
“Do you want to? These kinds of parties can get rather weird and a little
explicit. That’s why we usually avoid them.”
Laura and I looked at each other. We had been on our own with our BDSM kink
until coming out here to meet Ben and Amy, our home not exactly receptive to
much that wasn’t “normal”. The prospect of meeting others, if only this
once, was attractive to both of us. Laura gave me a small nod.
“Yeah, we do?” I said to Ben.
He nodded. “Okay, I guess we’re going to a party.”

The next couple of hours were spent touring the shops that lined the bay. We
gave Laura and Amy some money and sent them off on their own, Ben and I both
veterans of shopping with women.
We spent more time in the sports shops and I watched while Ben purchased
some scuba gear and had it sent to the ‘Kajira’. We then stopped at a
grocery store and had some food stuffs delivered as well. We also spent a
little time in a bar and he got me talking about our lives at home, pretty
dull stuff.
Eventually we spied our lovely companions walking down the street, arms
laden with bags. We went out to meet them.
“What did you guys spend all our money on?” I asked them with a laugh.
“Stuff for the party.” Laura said. “But you guy’s aren’t allowed to see it
“Oh really?” I asked.
Laura smiled. “You wouldn’t want to spoil a surprise would you?”
“I guess not!”
Ben grinned. “I think we can allow them this one privacy.” he agreed.
We all laughed and headed back to the boat.

Once aboard the women stowed their purchases in the single cabin and
immediately stripped. It was time for their interior cleaning duties. I
stopped Laura for a moment, running my hand over her bright red buttocks.
She winced but that was all, so I let her go.
Ben got them chained up and while they cleaned Ben and I pulled the cover
off the engine compartment and I watched while he checked the engine over.
Laura and I played privately for a while after that, bouncing around our
small cabin like two energetic puppies! The sex was great, and this time
Laura gave as good as she got as she twisted ME into some rather unusual
positions. She would have to get spanked before sex more often!
That evening we ate in town again, a fancier restaurant than Leo’s this
time, but with a very uninteresting kitchen.
We still had our fun though as once more the women wore the remote
controlled vibrators and again Ben and I kept secret who controlled who.
After dinner we went to a club next door and danced and talked and danced
some more.
I found myself dancing with Amy a lot, and enjoyed the chance to be with
her. Online we had talked a great deal, but so far this trip we hadn’t
really communicated.
She felt good in my arms though and I really enjoyed dancing with her. We
chatted about many things as we danced but it wasn’t until we were together
for a very slow number that our talk got serious.
She was against my chest, her head turned and resting just below my chin. I
had one hand on her bare back, no corset under this dress!
I think I may have been a little drunk, for without thinking I was running
my hand up and down her spine, almost sending it down over her buttocks.
Amy evidently noticed.
“Any lower with that hand Don, and your fingers will be coming out the
bottom of my dress!” she said to me.
“Oh…sorry.” I whispered.
Amy giggled. “It’s okay, it feels good.”
I smiled.
“I’m really glad you guys are here.” Amy said.
“So am I.” I replied.
“No, I really mean it. I was a little afraid that when we met you things
would go sour. But instead it has been one of the highlights of my life!”
I chuckled and she punched me lightly. “I’m serious now. Laura has always
been as good as a sister to me online, and I’m really happy that we get
along just as well in person!”
“Well,” I said to her. “I know that Laura thinks a great deal of you too. I
told you how excited she was when we first started talking about this trip.
She was looking forward to getting closer to you.”
Amy smiled. “Well she certainly got her chance to get close to me!”
Now it was my turn to smile again as I remembered how I had bound the two
women together. “I hope you didn’t mind spending time with Laura like
“No I didn’t mind. I kinda liked it!” Amy blushed a little, or was that
just the lighting.
“I thought I might have gone too far with you though, you know, touching you
where I did.” I said slowly. Now Amy definitely blushed.
“That was…okay too. Did Laura mind?”
“No, she didn’t, but I think she was on to much of a sexual high to really
care at the time.”
Amy paused. “You know that Laura loves you very much.”
“I know. She would be crazy to put up with what I ask of her if she didn’t
love me.” I said.
“Well, from where I’m looking, you guys have the perfect relationship!”
“Thanks, and is this observation based on what you saw this morning?”
Amy giggled, a delightful sound, her body rippling against mine.
“Well…you were doing it right in front of me!”
“Were you shocked?”
“No…yes…not really….” Amy said something else, her voice so low I
couldn’t catch it over the music.
“What was that?”
“I said that watching you both today really aroused me.” she whispered.
I smiled again. “Good. But I have to say that watching you run around naked
does wonders for my libido too!”
I could see Amy blush again, and her arms tightened behind me for a second.
“You really are a beautiful woman.” I said, meaning it.
“Thank you.” Amy said quietly. “I enjoy watching you too!”
I chuckled and bent low, kissing her lightly on the mouth.
She responded for just a second or two before pulling back.
“Oh hell, I’m sorry.” I said.
“It’s okay. Really. I understand.” Amy said, letting go of me.
The song ended and we parted. Ben and Laura had been on the dance floor as
well and they collected us on the way back to our table. Neither of them
noticed that Amy and I hardly said anything to each other the rest of the

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