Tokens of Love : A Traditional Courtship

It was Saturday and Enrico drove us to the library so we could continue our
special afternoons. I was so horny and I was willing to do anything to
provide relief. Luisa was the absolute centre of my attention and I
basically waited on her hand and foot; opening doors, pulling chairs out
for, carrying books and parcels, you name it and I did it. When she
complained of a stiff neck, I leapt to my feet and started massaging it. She
gave no indication she though my behaviour was anything but normal, in fact,
she appeared to expect it.

I was massaging her neck while she read when I bent over and whispered in
her ear. “Let’s go somewhere, Luisa,” I begged. “Let me pleasure you.”

She gigled. “Billy, darling, you are sweet but I’m reading right now.”

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly. I didn’t want her to get mad at me.

She put the book down, patted the seat next to her and I sat. “I should tell
you that I don’t like you saying `pleasure me’. It sounds so old fashioned.”

“I’m sorry, Luisa. I didn’t know,” I apologised quickly. “I won’t say it

Her brown eyes bored into me. “But what will you say, darling?”

I gulped. “Anything you want. What do you want me to say?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Anything but that.”

“Let me kiss you?” I asked hopefully but she wrinkled her nose. “Let me
give you head?” I `d heard the term but wasn’t sure what it meant.

“Definitely not! How disgusting.”

“I’m sorry,” I said urgently and she laughed.

“You’re always apologising. That’s nice of you, dear.”

“How about,” I said slowly, “please let me lick you.”

“Better,” she nodded. “It sounds raunchy.” I felt relieved and then she
looked at me again. “Please lick what?”

“Your pussy?’ I asked, blushing. “Your panties?”

“Whatever,” she laughed. “But that’s a lot better.” She patted my arm. “But
no licking for a while, darling. It would be a little messy. My period
started this morning.” My heart dropped and it must have shown on my face as
she stifled a little laugh. “Poor dear. It’s only a week. There’s always
next Saturday. Now,” she said firmly, picking up the book, “my neck is still

I survived the week in an erotic haze with my senses permanently heightened
and completely focussed on Luisa. For a week, I was the perfect doting
companion, anticipating her every desire and fulfilling it. Veronica
commented that I was becoming a more acceptable boyfriend for Luisa and I
foolishly revelled in her praise. My poor constrained cock constantly

At night, I dreamt of licking her and gaining that coveted third token. I
knew I would be grateful to feel those gorgeous red lips on my denied cock.

Saturday morning came and I was washing Luisa’s car, dressed in T-shirt and
cut-offs, when she came up behind me and slapped me on the butt. “One day,”
she growled sexily, “you’ll wash my car buck naked.” I blushed but was
driven by my constant arousal. “Do you want me to be naked now?” I said
eager to please.

She laughed. “My mother might be shocked but lose the T-shirt.” Quickly I
threw my T-shirt into the car and returned to washing it bare-chested. I
suddenly realised that relief was my only ambition. “When you’re finished,
go into town and pick up my dry-cleaning,” she said as she skipped up the
stairs to have breakfast with her mother.

Luisa vanished for the rest of the day and I pined for her. Finally, in the
early afternoon she came up behind me. “Boo,” she said and I jumped around.
Luisa burst into laughter and I marvelled at how pretty she was. She was
dressed in a short white skirt, a pale blue top and strappy high heels with
bare legs. “We’re going out,” she said. “Get showered and wear jeans and
T-shirt.No underwear. Hurry.”

I jumped to her command, had the shortest shower in history, dressed in
jeans and the white t-shirt and ran to the car where she was listening to
the radio. “Ready,” I announced, jumping in and we roared down the winding
road to town.

She was whistling to herself along with a tune on the radio and I
respectfully waited until there was an opportunity to speak. My eyes were
constantly drawn to her long bare legs as she pumped the pedals and I vainly
tried to see up her skirt but the angle wasn’t right. Luisa caught me
staring at her legs and laughed.

We stopped in front of a movie house and Luisa smiled at me. “I feel like a
movie,” she said.

“Sure,” I said quickly. “Which one?”

She pointed at a poster that showed the latest blonde sex god displaying his
bare hairless chest. “That one.”

Luisa gave me money and I ran off to buy the tickets. Luisa was talking to
some women when I returned and I was introduced to Carol and Kay, some old
school-friends of Luisa’s. We sat in our seats just as the lights went down
and I noticed the theatre was half-empty with only Carol and Kay at the far
end of our row.

We held hands and cuddled with my cock now throbbing constantly as the movie
started and soon Luisa was engrossed in watching the handsome man on the
screen. “Hmm,” she whispered to me, “he’s so sexy.”

“You’re sexy,” I said quickly and she laughed softly.

“I know I am to you, silly. But not to him.” Luisa turned her lips to my
ear, her hot breath on my neck as she whispered huskily. “He makes me so
sexy. Say it, darling,” she urged and I flushed when I realised what she
meant but I had no control.

“Please can I lick your panties?” I whispered back.

“No,” she breathed in my ear. “I’m not wearing any.”

My cock was burning in pain. “Please let me lick your pussy,” I groaned.

“Of course, darling,” she purred.

“Let’s go somewhere.”

She shook her head. “No, darling. Don’t be silly. I want to watch the movie
while you do it.”

I was horrified and my face burned crimson at the thought of it. “But your
friends, they’ll see!”

“They won’t care. They’ll think it’s funny.”

“Please no,Luisa,” I begged.

“Darling,” she said firmly. “I feel like it now.”

Accepting my fate, I crept to my knees and moved in front of her. As I knelt
before her on the floor of the cinema, she opened her legs and I gazed up as
her half-lidded eyes watched the screen while her hand guided my mouth to
her waiting pussy.

She was wet and I thought the licking sounds carried through the theatre. I
heard dialogue from the movie, car chases and kisses and sighs on the screen
while I devoted myself to my task. At last, after what seemed a humiliating
eternity, she grunted and groaned, crushing my head with her thighs while
she rode my mouth to her orgasm.

Luisa released my head and I rocked back on me heels to see Carol and Kay
watching me with hands over their mouths. Sheepishly, I started to get up
when Luisa’s hand stopped me. “My feet ate sore, darling,” she whispered and
I started massaging her bare feet, staring up at her bare pussy while she
watched the remainder of the movie. I was so humiliated.

Raving on about the movie, she led me to the car and waved gaily to Carol
and Kay as we drove away. “Poor darling,” she said. “You didn’t get to see
much of the movie, did you. Anyway,” she said, dropping the token in my lap,
“you’ve got this.”

I was so happy. “Thank you. Thank you,” I gushed. “When?”

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