Jennifer Foley woke up early that morning and looked across the bed at her husband, Fred, who was sleeping soundly.
Jennifer was frustrated. It seemed to her that the only thing he ever did at home was sleep. Of late, he had been spending more and more time at the office and not getting home to their house in the suburbs until late at night. He would slump in front of the television for a while and then crawl up to bed. In the mornings, as soon as the alarm clock sounded, he was up and out of the house.
When they were first married, Jennifer had fucked and sucked day and night, now she was lucky to get a quick poke on weekends. Jennifer was a horny woman and the fact that she was not getting her share of fucking was of great concern to her.
She began to idly stroke her poor neglected pussy. Her cunt rippled with expectation as she traced the tips of her fingers along the unfurling cunt lips. The slit parted into a wide gash, and that gash was filled with cream, eager to be filled with hot cock.
She reached out sideways and ran her hand over Fred’s lean, hard belly. She moved her hand down, hoping fervently that he would have a morning hard-on.
She smiled happily when her fingers came in contact with rigid flesh. His cock was big and hard and she folded her hand around the thick shaft and frigged up and down on his pecker, slowly and luxuriously.
Gently, she pushed the sheet down so that she could look at her husband’s erect cock, a rare sight for her of late. It was a splendid cock, the shaft was thick and long, the knob an enormous wedge of hot meat and his balls as big as coconuts, swelling with their juicy load of cock milk. Jennifer regarded this wonderful equipment and anticipated the excitement of having it stuffed up her starving pussy.
Fred shifted in his sleep, his hips moving in his slumber, reacting to her stroking hand. His knob flared out from the top of her fist and his stalk was as hard as iron in her palm.
Jennifer looked at his cock, longingly. A nice long fuck would be lovely now, she thought.
Then she had a wonderful idea. Why not mount his prick while he’s still asleep? She thought. That way I can have a lovely fuck without even waking him. The more she looked at his dick the more she thought what a good idea she had had. It looked so succulent and Fred was in a deep sleep. It was hers to do anything she wished with.
Maybe I’ll give it a little suck before I feed it to any pussy, she thought.
Jennifer had always been an enthusiastic cock-sucker. She simply adored having a hard prick in her mouth to milk dry. The thought of sucking Fred off while he slept seemed very wicked and, therefore, infinitely desirable with the thrill of depravity.
She leaned over and pushed her tongue out, licking the swollen cock-head softly, savoring the first delicious taste of cock-meat. Then she moved back a little, teasing herself with his knob a fraction of an inch from her tongue. She sighed and whimpered and then, unable to hold back any longer, she tapped the tip of her tongue against the knob and delved into the parted cleft.
She kissed the tip and gasped with pleasure as his mighty cock-head expanded like a balloon before her eyes. Her mouth was fairly watering for his prick and balls now. She lowered her face and lapped at his swollen balls. She felt the hard nuts move under the hairy sack and lashed her tongue avidly over his balls, thrilling with the knowledge that they were full of thick, hot cum, ready to hose into her simmering twat. She sucked the bloated globes between her hot lips and then, licking up and over them, she began to lap up his stalk.
Her tongue flashed back and forth on his rod, laying the thick, dark ventral vein and then, pausing at the sensitive spot where the shaft joined the knob, she fluttered her tongue until his cock vibrated like a tuning fork.
She licked his cock-head, laving and bathing with her slippery tongue, curling around the vibrant slab of hot meat. Joyfully she slurped, the delicate flavor tingling on her taste buds, causing her to positively drool.
Parting her lips, she slipped the head of his dick right into her mouth. Her lips slid over his cock like a tight collar as she slowly took his prick far back into her mouth. She held him there, her mouth chock-a-block full of hot meat, moaning with the pleasure. Then she sucked lightly. His knob was so big that it pressed into her cheeks on both sides and the tip lodged in her throat. She began to slide her lips up and down, skimming along the length of his stalk while she sucked and her tongue lashed at the underside of his rod.
Her cunt twitched and tingled. Jennifer tried to drag her lips away so that she could get on with fucking him, but so great was the joy of having her mouth full of dick that she could not bring herself to tear her lips away and mount his prick. It was as though some carnal suction was holding her clasped to his pecker like a rubber plunger slapped against a wall. She drew her lips up his shaft, but when she came to the flaring knob she could retreat no further. She sucked adoringly on the big meaty wedge and then her lips moved back down his shaft instead of pulling free. She was feeding the whole length of his massive stalk to her greedy mouth, taking the tip of the knob right back in her throat and pushing her face down so far that her pursed lips were rustling in his pubic hair and, her chin was pressed against his swollen balls.
She had gone suck crazy! She used her lips and her cheeks and her tongue, all at the same time, giving him such a thorough head job that he was beginning to hump in his sleep. He was whimpering and panting – who knows what dreams he was experiencing – and he was fucking right up into her mouth, pushing in as her head lowered.
She felt a thin trickle of cum run onto her tongue.
She whimpered as the delicious spunk coated her tongue and taste buds. It was just a trickle of preliminary juice, just a hint of the precious load that was building up, but it was enough to make the spunk-starved cock sucker hungry for more. She knew it was too late to switch his cock from her mouth to her cunt now – even if she had wanted to, she could not seem to get her mouth off him. Some firm suction, some wonderful vacuum, held them together.
She realized that she would simply have to milk his balls in her mouth and then inspire him to a brand new erection to satisfy her burning lust. But this was no hardship for a woman who loved to drink thick cock cum. With that determined, she set to sucking his cock with a vengeance, her head flying up and down the shaft as she sought to bring him off.
Fred moaned in his slumber. His cock expanded even more, pushing her lips into a wide circle around the broad shaft, his cock-head filling her throat. She was gasping and choking on the hot mouthful but she worked on, eager for his ejaculation. Another preliminary trickle poured over her tongue, thicker than the first, and she whimpered with lust, knowing that he was about to shoot his wad into her head, to whitewash her tonsils with his heavy load of spunk.
She pushed far down onto his stalk, lips slurping along every precious inch of the hot shaft and taking his dripping cock-head way back in her throat.
Suddenly her mouth was filled with cum.
Fred’s hips gave a mighty lurch upwards and his jet hosed into her mouth in a steaming torrent.
Jennifer gasped. She gulped, swallowing down his jism just in time to make room for more as be blew a second great wad of cream into her cheeks and throat. Her head never missed a stroke, never faltering for an instant, despite the magnitude of his mouth-filling deluge. Her head flew up and down and her lips almost turned inside out, so fiercely did she suck the spunk from his balls.
Heaving his hips up and down, Fred blasted a third great spout into her mouth, and yet a fourth, the last weaker in force and less in quantity, although every bit as tasty. Jennifer drank every succulent drop.
At first she had gulped down the mouthfuls of cum hurriedly, knowing that there was more to come and desperately making room for it, so it did not overflow. But now she savored the final mouthful on her taste-buds, letting the slimy love oil wash around her tongue and seep into her cheeks, enjoying the flavor and the texture for a few moments before she drank it joyfully down. She continued to to suck on his dick until she was sure she had milked every vital drop from his knob. Then she pulled her lips away and, using her tongue, gathered up a few remaining drops that had escaped her mouth and trickled down his dick and over his balls.
His dick had begun to shrink. It was not soft yet but had transformed from a straight rod to a big loop, curving out from his belly.
Jennifer’s oral hunger had been appeased, but now her cunt was clamoring for its own satiation. She slipped her lips over the head of his pecker again and commenced to suck, intending to mouth him back to a brand new erection and then mount him.
But then Fred woke up.
“I just had the most incredible dream, honey,” he said.
And then he looked down and saw that Jennifer’s face was impaled upon his knob and he grinned sheepishly.
“It was no dream, dear… but it was wonderful,” she said, her words muffled on a mouthful of dick-head.
“Did I came?”
“Ummm… did you ever. You almost choked me, darling, but I swallowed it all.”
“Naughty girl,” he said.
“Yes, I know… And now I’m going to suck you up nice and hard again so you can give me a good fucking.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” he said, and settled back to enjoy the hardening process.
Jennifer slurped and sucked on his cock and it began to straighten back from a bow to a rod. When she was satisfied that he had reached a suitable degree of hardness, she pulled her lips from his cock-head and quickly started to straddle him. Cunt juice was running from the inside of her thighs and her twat was gaping open, the slit awash with cream.
The alarm clock jangled.
“Oh, no!” Jennifer wailed and, reaching across to the bedside table, she picked up the offending timepiece and slung it at the wall.
“Darling… I’ll have to go,” said Fred.
“Oh, please…” Jennifer cried.
“Jesus, I’m sorry, honey… I’ve got to run.”
Jennifer made a valiant attempt to sheath his big dick in her slot, hiking her belly up and dropping over him as if her juicy snatch were a butterfly net, but he squirmed away and jumped up from the bed. He dashed to the bathroom.
Jennifer stared after his fleeing ass with an expression of annoyance and frustration.
She heard the shower running.
She waited, hoping that he would change his mind – that he would neglect his damn job long enough to throw at least one good fuck into her horny twat.
But when he emerged from the bathroom, the cold shower had done its job.
His cock had gone soft and flaccid and hung uselessly down along his thigh.
He flashed her a sheepish grin of apology as he began to dress, but Jennifer wanted no apology.
Jennifer wanted pecker.
She threw herself down on the bed, seething with frustration. Fred and Jennifer Foley lived in Blackheath, a fashionable suburb on the outskirts of the city. It had been Jennifer’s idea to move there when he had started to make enough money as a young executive, but she had soon regretted her decision, when she realized that commuting time between home and the office was going to cut drastically into their fucking time. Fred worked hard and was getting ahead in the business world but Jennifer much preferred getting head to getting ahead and now she found herself frustrated all the time.
She wondered if she should take a lover.
But she didn’t seriously consider that, because she knew that her husband was working so hard to make a secure future for them. Now, hearing him rattling around in the kitchen, she regretted her anger. At least she could make his breakfast, she thought, and got up and pulled a negligee over her lush curves.
The negligee was semi-transparent and did nothing to hide the charms of her body. She had big firm tits, molded thighs and an ass shaped like a valentine. Her hair was soft and fashionably cut, her eyes were dark and she had prominent cheekbones that caused her countenance to appear sensual. She liked her body, both for its appearance and the pleasure it gave her.
She paused and looked in the mirror, smiling at her reflection with a touch of narcissism.
She could see the outline of her dark pubic triangle through the filmy negligee. Then she sighed. What was the point of looking sexy when Fred had to rush off to his job?
She went down to the kitchen where Fred was drinking coffee.
“Let me make you some breakfast,” she said.
“No time,” he said. “I’m driving today. I have to pick up Morgan, he’ll be waiting for me.”
He put the coffee cup down and looked at his watch. Jennifer moved towards him. The filmy negligee drifted over her lush curves and her naked thigh came out as she stepped, but her husband’s eyes never drifted over her body.
He gave her a hurried kiss and hastened off. Damn, thought the frustrated housewife.
She heard the car start and drifted over to the kitchen window.
Fred was driving past the house and Morgan Davis, their next-door neighbor, was just coming out of his own house.
Jennifer wondered if Carol Davis was as frustrated as she was. Fred and Morgan worked together and alternated driving into town. Carol couldn’t have any more time with Morgan than Jennifer did with Fred, but Jennifer had never figured that frustration was one of the miseries that benefited from company. And maybe her friend Carol did not have such a powerful sex drive, either, although she certainly looked sexy enough.
Jennifer decided that she would ask her neighbor about her sex life. They were good friends and could speak openly of such matters.
She watched Morgan get in the car. The car moved off down the street. The next house in line was the Harrisons’, and as she watched her husband drive past there Jennifer thought that Colleen Harrison must be lucky. At least she would be lucky for a while, because Colleen and her husband Bob were newlyweds who had just moved into the suburbs.
They must screw plenty, thought Jennifer, with envy.
What a difference a few years and a promotion could make to one’s sex life, she thought wistfully.
Jennifer had always enjoyed plenty of sex before she was married. She had not exactly been a tramp, but she had been sexually liberated and gone to bed with a number of boyfriends and the odd one-night stand before meeting Fred. But she had fallen in love with Fred and been faithful to him during their courtship as well as after they were wed.
Nor did she want to cheat on him, but still… a woman needed dick and that was the truth. And if her husband couldn’t supply it in abundance…
She wondered once again if she should have a love affair. The idea was exciting, certainly, but she was in two minds about it. She wanted to get fucked but she didn’t want to start a love affair that would endanger her marriage. She wanted physical satiation without emotional ties.
An arrangement like that was not easy to find. How did a married woman go out and pick up a man for sex without complications?
Why, the solution was obvious. All one had to do was go to the places where men went to find women!
There were plenty of low bars in town that no respectable woman would be seen dead in, when men went looking for exactly the kind of sexual arrangement that Jennifer had in mind far herself. What a handy solution to a housewife’s frustrations, she thought.
But it was merely a fanciful thought…
Jennifer’s cunt was still smoldering.
She decided that she would simply have to masturbate. She didn’t like to rub herself off, it seemed a terrible waste to yield an orgasm to her own hands, but the alternative was to suffer through the day with a terrible need in her simmering pussy. She loved to feel sexually excited – but only when there was satisfaction in the offing.
Nothing made her more excited than milking a dick and nothing frustrated her more than sucking off a cock without getting anything in return.
Feeling resentful toward her husband again, she went back to the bedroom.
She stood in front of the full-length mirror, regarding herself. She opened the negligee and thrust her tits-out. The pink nipples were stiff and tingling. Dropping the gown, she turned, and, looking over her shoulder, admired the shapely contours of her well-packed, heart-shaped ass.
She licked her lips. The succulent flavor of Fred’s cum lingered on her taste buds.
She turned through a full circle, looking over her shoulder to admire her ass and the backs of her smooth thighs, switching her hips from side to side. Facing front, she cupped her big tits together and lifted them, molding the cleavage deep and upright. She passed a hand over her softly rounded belly and let her fingers trail through the dark pubic thicket.
She humped her belly out in a fucking motion. She bent her knees and parted her thighs so that she could see the juicy crack of her cunt between her legs.
Cupping her tits again, she ran her thumbs across the nipples like windshield wipers, trembling at the sensation. Then she lowered her chin to her breastbone and pushed her tongue out. She lifted her tits in her hand. She began to lick her stiff nipples, alternating between them, and took them in her red lips and sucked them gently.
She liked to suck her own tits. Someday, she thought, she would like to suck some other girl’s tits, just to see what it felt like. She pulled on the taut nuggets and loved the way they exploded between her lips.
Her cunt gushed with juice. She wished that she were able to suck it herself. She had often tried to do that, lying on the bed and throwing her legs over her head, her knees pressed to her tits while she bent her back in a deep bow and stuck her tongue out as far as it would go. But she could not quite make contact. With her neck straining almost to breaking point and her tongue pushing out so far that it hurt at the root she was only able to lick at her pubic bush and fell an inch short of her clit.
It was frustrating to be so close and yet so far from the juicy love box. She knew that it would be wonderful to suck her own twat, and probably taste wonderful too. But now she knew there would be no use trying. Her failure would only serve to frustrate her more.
The only way she was ever going to get to suck a pussy was if the pussy was between some other girl’s legs.
Jennifer found that thought very exciting. She was certainly no lesbian but she was very erotic and she had a pretty good idea that sucking a cunt would be a thrill. Someday, she thought, she would simply have to give it a try. She would like to sixty-nine with another woman, she thought, getting it as she gave it and maybe pretend that she was sucking herself… or maybe not, depending on how the act worked out.
She would like to have Fred there right now, to watch her rub her cunt and then slap the prong to her when she was whining and gasping for it.
She pushed her belly out and touched it against her reflected belly in the looking glass. She ground her hips and ass around as if she were molded to the other woman’s body, rubbing her cunt on the mirror cunt, leaving a smear of cunt juice on the glass. She was absolutely glowing with lust. She stuck her tongue out and slipped it along her full lower lip, pretending she was sucking a cunt. She lapped at the air pretending that she was laying a pecker, then she pushed her fingers into her mouth and sucked on them, imagining they were a dick.She pushed a saliva-moistened finger up her asshole and wriggled sensuously on it. She was dazed by her passion now. Sucking Fred off with no return had aroused her to a true state of desperate sexual need. She thought about Fred, that is, she though about his cock.
Then she thought about sucking cocks – any cocks – and licking cunts and fucking and taking it up the ass and writhing in the midst of a dozen horny men as they jousted for the three positions available in her sweating heaving body, taking turns slipping the pork to her cunt, ass and mouth, one after the other, until she was so full of cum that she swelled like a balloon.
All these thoughts did nothing, of course, to cool the ardor in her crotch. She began to rub her clit. She massaged the throbbing nugget with her palm and rubbed it between her thumb and fingers, until it was incandescent with passion. She moved away from the mirror, and stretched out on the bed. Holding her cunt lips spread open with the fingers of one hand, she finger-fucked herself slowly with all four fingers of her other hand, while her thumb swept back and forth across her tingling carnal button.
She brought her juicy fingers to her mouth and sucked on them, tasting her own cunt juice. It tasted just fine, she thought. She would certainly have to find a suckable cunt in the near future, to satisfy her curiosity, if nothing else.
She brought her hand back to her pussy and started finger-fucking and thumbing her love-bud again. With the other hand she fingered her taut asshole, pushing her middle finger up the tight hole and wriggling it about.
She couldn’t decide how to pleasure herself. She wanted everything at the same time – cunt, clit, nipples, asshole – all cried out for attention.
She slid from the bed and went to the bathroom, fingering her cunt as she went.
She turned on the shower and adjusted the spray to narrow jets of warm water. Leaning against the back of the shower stall, she hiked her belly up and opened her legs and got positioned just right so that the warm jet hosed her clitoris.
Oh, that was nice.
She cupped her tits in one hand, lifting them one at a time as she lowered her head, chin to her breastbone, and commenced to suck on her nipples.
She pushed her finger up her asshole. Positioned there in the shower stall, reaming her asshole, sucking her nipples and squirming as the jet of hot water shot directly onto her flaming love-bud, she figured she was in as good a situation as she could get in her solitude.
She began to tremble, appearing to vibrate and rattle as the thrill coursed through her.
Then she came like a series of dynamite sticks going off one after the other through her loins.
Pretending that the spray from the showerhead was a jet of spunk from a cock-head, she melted with the thrill.
She slumped, sliding down the wall and, for a few moments, she lay there, panting. Then she smiled dreamily.
She got up on weak knees and turned the shower off.
She felt a lot better than she had – not as good as if she’d been properly fucked, but better than being frustrated.
Jennifer thought that it was a damn good thing that if a woman had a husband who worked too hard to be passionate at home she always had the alternative of masturbation.
But if the neglected sex-pot had known exactly what sort of work was keeping her husband so exhausted lately, she would have been bitter, indeed.
Ned Foley had a new secretary.
Three horny wives
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