The wife begins a relationship with a black man while the husband finds a married red head

Faith slipped her finger between the tight fabric of
her thong and her skin trying to reach her wet slit.
She gently moved her legs apart slightly as she tried
to give herself more room to reach her clit.

“Wow Honey. You’re going to have to let me read that
book when you’re finished!”

Faith moved her hand away from her crotch and starred
at her husband, Mark. “I thought you were asleep?”

Mark laughed. “I was but I kept feeling your body tense
each time you turned a page in that book.”

Faith laid the book down on her chest and rubbed her
eyes. It was getting late and she had an appointment
with a customer in the morning.

“It’s getting to another good part and I was trying to
finish that chapter but I’m getting too tired tonight
to finish.”

Mark turned onto his elbow and slipped his hand under
his wife’s thong and felt Faith’s wet pussy slit. She
arched her hips against his hand as she turned and
kissed his lips.

“Honey. It’s getting late and I have to be up by six.”

Mark put his arm around her waist and pulled her across
the bed as she lifted her leg across his and
passionately kissed her lips.

“Tell me about the book. Is it anything like the

Faith took a deep breath as she reached behind her and
turned off the light. She tossed the book on the night
stand and twisted around and put her arm around her

“It’s about this white couple that move to South
Africa. They’d been married for twenty years and the
wife’s husband suggested that they have separate
affairs only with black partners.”

Mark started to laugh. “What happens, the wife finds
out how big the black guy’s penis was and changes her

“Honey this is serous. It’s actually based on a true

Mark squeezed her thigh as he laid their listening.

“You see. They found another couple to swing with them
and her husband ended up falling in love with the black
guy’s wife.”

“What happened next? Did he leave his wife for the
other woman?”

“No silly. It’s much more complicated then that! His
wife is jealous about the other woman and tries too win
him back by becoming a better wife and lover.”

“Does it work out?”

Faith laughed. “Actually, it did! They became friends
with the black couple and learned a lot about
themselves which improved their marriage. It’s much
more complicated, you’ll have to read the book if
you’re that interested.”

Mark squeezed Faith’s butt and pulled her tight against
his body as they kissed. “Maybe we should go out and
find a black couple to swing with if it works that

Faith playfully pushed her hand against Mark’s chest.
“Hey. Mister. Are you trying to tell me that we have a
bad marriage?”

“No. I was only making a joke about your book.”

Faith wrapped her arm around his neck as they kissed
then moved her head back and starred at Mark. “I
remember the remark you made a few years ago when you
caught me looking at that black guy at the beach.”

Mark laughed. “Well, you were burning a hole through
his swim suit that afternoon.”

“I was not!”

“You were too! You even rubbed your pussy while you
watched his girlfriend rubbing lotion across his back.”

Faith grabbed his dick through his pajamas. “I thought
you were tired?”

“I’m tired. I just wanted to see if you were getting
aroused thinking about me watching that black guy!”

Mark reached down and placed her fingers over his hard
dick. “Keep doing that and your going to miss your
appointment in the morning.”

Faith pulled her hand away from his crotch and quickly
gave him a little kiss. She playfully scooted away from
Mark and said, “Good night!”

Mark wanted sex but he really knew she had to get up
early and didn’t try any further. He laid their a few
moments thinking. “That black guy really got you
excited, didn’t he?”

“Good night, Mark!”

Faith showered early the next morning and dressed for
her real estate appointment. She kissed Mark before
heading out the door and said she would see him late in
the morning. Mark fixed coffee and read the newspaper
before getting into the shower.

Mark was drying off as he walked into the bedroom
searching for clean underwear. He smiled when he saw
the recent pictures of Faith on top of the dresser that
was taken at their twentieth anniversary party.

He picked up the stack of photos’ and started looking
through them. The first one was of Faith and their
daughter Shelly together. Mark smiled as he thought how
people were right when they always mistook them for
sisters rather then mother and daughter.

Faith was forty-three and Shelly just turned twenty-
three but Faith could easily pass as Shelly’s older
sister. In fact they played that trick on someone they
met once while on vacation last year.

Shelly was home for the summer last year after
graduating college and spent time with them before
moving to New York to start her new job.

Mark kept shuffling through the photographs he’d
printed from the computer until he found the photos’
taken at the beach. Faith and Shelly both had long
blonde hair and it was really hard to distinguish them
from one another when they were together.

Faith never changed from her college years. She still
wore her blonde hair down to her waist and took good
care of her fabulous body, working out on a daily
basis. Mark put the photos’ down and opened the top
drawer of Faith’s dresser and smelled the aroma of her

He picked up a black bra and sniffed the aroma of
Faith’s favorite perfume. He glanced at the little tag
on the bra which said, “34D.”

Faith was petite at five-two but her breasts were full
and natural unlike many women today that had breast
enhancement surgery. As tiny as she was, Mark always
loved her long slim legs that seemed to stretch out a
mile. Her sexy thin ankles always drove him crazy.
Faith hated it when he tried to play around and kiss
her feet and ankles but it turned him on.

Faith called Mark later that morning and said she would
be late getting home. She was busy hauling an elderly
couple around looking for a retirement home. Mark knew
the type since they both worked in real-estate and knew
she would be tired when she got home later.

Mark made coffee and started working on his internet
site, making a few property updates. He looked at the
clock and saw it was getting late and started surfing
the web. He playfully punched in swingers on a search
and started looking through thousands of couples across

It was a huge site with ever state sectioned off and
clicked on, Florida. He started looking at couples
across the state and narrowed his search to black
couples when he thought about that book Faith was

Mark carefully read their profile’s but had limited
access unless he became a member so he got out his
credit card and joined the site which enabled him to
look through the more intimate photos’ the couples had

He saw a black couple standing together. She was tiny
and he was tall and slim except for this huge snake he
had dangling down between his legs. Mark read the
profile and saw that the man stated he was well hung!

It also stated that the wife was, safe! Mark looked
through the definitions and found out that meant she
was on birth control or was fixed! He kept looking
through hundreds of ads until he heard the door open
and close.

“Honey. I’m home!”

Mark kept looking through the ads while Faith walked in
and gave him a kiss. “Mark. What are you looking at?”

She leaned over and saw the web site and pushed on his
shoulder. Mark smiled at her and said, “I made coffee a
few minutes ago if you want a cup! I have to go and

Mark returned a few minutes later and saw Faith sitting
at the computer with a cup of coffee. He casually
walked over and sat next to her and was surprised that
she was still on the site he was looking at.

“Where did you find this site?”

“I was just goofing around this afternoon. I got bored
when you were gone and started looking at this site.”

Faith was reading a profile for one of the couples. It
wasn’t a black couple but she laughed when she saw how
big the guy’s penis was in the picture.

“Mark. Come look at this guy! Don’t you think he’s
rather small to be posting himself on here?”

Mark took a look and scooted his chair next to Faith.
She leaned over and kissed him and started looking
through the ads.

“Look, here is a couple that live right in our town!”

Faith clicked on the photos and studied the woman. “I
think I have a better figure then she has and I’m ten
years older!”

Faith kept strolling through the different ads on the
site and noticed the search options and recent searches
that were done by Mark.

“You were doing a search for black couples?”

Mark laughed. “I was thinking about that book you were
reading last night and just wanted to see if there
really was black couples looking for whites.”

Faith searched and they both laughed as they scrolled
through the ads that were placed by these couples.

“I’m going to pour another cup of coffee. Would you
like me to get you another cup?”

“Yeah sure.” Faith gave him the cup and kept looking
through the ads.

Mark returned a few minutes later and saw that Faith
had her face practically in the computer screen.

“What are you looking at?”

Mark sat down and starred at the screen and noticed
that Faith was looking at a few action shots these
people had posted. It showed a black man on top of a
white woman and another shot showed her sucking on his

Mark noticed in the right-hand corner that Faith had
switched to the single men area of the site and was
looking at an ad placed by a black man.

“See, I told you that you got excited watching that
black guy at the beach!”

Faith bumped Mark’s shoulder with her elbow. “I was
just curious, that’s all!”

Faith kept flicking through the ads by state and
brought up the state of New York. She looked at several
guys until she clicked on one that said he lived in

“Look, this guy lives near our daughter!”

Mark started reading the profile. He was single,
thirty-two and worked in real-estate. It said that he
was six-seven and he liked lifting weights as his
hobby. Faith clicked on his pictures which showed him
lifting weights.

“Now! This guy is a hunk!”

“I thought you weren’t interested in black men?”

Faith studied the pictures and noticed down at the
bottom that he had intimate photos posted and clicked
on the link.

“Wow, look at this guy, Mark!”

Mark saw the man in several shots taken on his bed. He
was completely naked and hung! Mark leaned closer to
the screen and laughed. “Did this guy have a transplant
with a horse or something?”

His profile mentioned that he was nine inches and
extremely thick. Mark noticed Faith seemed as if she
was aroused and put his hand down between her legs. He
was surprised that she didn’t try and remove his hand.
She only put her hand on top of his as she continued
starring at the pictures.

“He’s rather handsome!”

Mark was holding Faith’s hand, “I never knew it turned
you on looking at other men!”

Faith turned toward Mark, “You were drooling on other
woman on here, why can’t I look too?”

Faith was still reading that guy’s profile. The man was
looking for white women. “OK, let’s have a look at
another one!”

“Wait, I’m still reading!”

Mark noticed the symbol in the upper left corner which
stated the guy was online now and available to chat
with other members.

“Click on that symbol if you want to chat with the

“Mark, I’m just looking!”

Mark nudged her shoulder, “Go ahead! Click on it and
let’s see what he has to say!”

“Mark! Stop!”

Mark reached out and clicked the symbol as she tried to
playfully stop him. They were both laughing as she
tried to stop Mark from typing in the little box. He
finally got something spelled out and sent the message.

She was still wrestling with his hands as they laughed
and she looked up at the screen and saw what he had
typed. “Hi there!”

“Mark! You’re going to be in a lot of trouble if that
guy answers back!”

A couple seconds later he answered back and said, Hi.

“Mark! See what you did? Now what do I do?”

“Go ahead. Write him back something!”

Faith was nervous as she took a deep breath and held
her fingers above the keys. “What should I say? Quick,
think of something!”

“Tell him you liked his pictures!”

Faith starred at Mark “Go ahead! He won’t bit. He lives
in New York!”

Faith began typing. “I really liked the photo’s you
posted. I thought you were handsome!”

“Thank you. Tell me about yourself. What is your name?”

Faith hesitated, “I better not tell him anything.”

“No. Go ahead. He lives way up in New York. He’ll never
find out anything about you!”

Faith began typing, “My name is Faith and I’m blonde
and petite” Faith looked over at Mark. “How old should
I tell him I’m?”

“Tell him you’re thirty. He’ll never know the

She typed that in and sent the message. His reply came
on the screen a few seconds later.

“I’m Hank. I’d love to see a picture or two of you.
What color are your eyes?”

Faith typed back. “I have green eyes.” She turned back
toward Mark. “What should I do, he wants to see a
picture of me. Should I tell him I don’t have any?”

“No. Wait! Let me find them.” Mark clicked on the
folder and found the pictures he took and found one of
Faith sitting at the table in her black dress. Her legs
were crossed and she was posing for Mark and smiling.
Mark attached the photo and sent it to the man.

“Mark. I don’t think we should be leading this man on
like this!”

“I’m only having a little fun.” Mark kissed her cheek
as a message appeared on the screen.

“You’re very attractive. I like your long blonde hair
and you have a beautiful smile. Are you looking to date
a black man or just curious?”

“Mark! What should I tell him?”

“Tell him you’re interested in dating!”

“Mark! You’re going to get me in a lot of trouble! I
can’t tell him that!”

Mark rubbed her arm. “Honey. He lives way up in New
York. We’re just having a little fun here!”

Faith sighed as she typed in her response and told the
guy that she was interested in dating. She got a reply
back that said, “Tell me what you like sexually.”

Faith hesitated but didn’t ask Mark any more questions
and just went along with her own response.

“I like romantic men who aren’t pushy. I like a man who
has a gentle touch but likes to take control. He must
be passionate and caring and not smoke. I like men who
take care of their bodies and work out and a tall
strong man would be a plus!”

Mark rubbed her arm again. “I didn’t know all that!”

They both waited for his reply which came a few seconds
later. “I like a woman who is a bite shy but not afraid
to explore her inner thoughts and feelings. She must be
passionate and caring and love to kiss. Petite blonde
women are a big plus for me.”

“What should I write him?”

“Send him another picture and tell him that he sounds
interesting and you’d love to meet him someday.”

Mark found another photo of Faith, only this time she
was standing in the hotel room wearing her black
bikini. She typed in what Mark had told her to write
and waited for his response.

His response pooped onto the screen. “Gorgeous! It
appears that you shave yourself, bald! Tell me I’m

Faith giggled as she began typing. “Yes. I’m as smooth
as a newborn!”

Mark and Faith were surprised when his next message
came on the screen. It was his phone number telling her
to give him a call.

“Mark, what should I say next? I can’t call his number.
What if he wants to talk about sex?”

Mark was a little more excited and aroused himself and
not worried too much about this guy because he lived
too far away.

“Faith. Tell him you’ll give him a call in a few
minutes. Send him your email address and tell him
you’ll talk to him soon!”

Faith sent the email address and told him she’d call in
a few minutes. She signed off and turned and starred at
Mark. “Honey. You’re going to get me in a lot of
trouble! What if he finds out where I live and tries to
stalk me or something? He might be a killer for all I

“Honey. Stop being a worry wart and give the man a
call! Use the office phone so your name doesn’t show up
on his ID.”

Faith plopped down on the sofa holding the cell phone
in her hand. Mark had printed out the number for her
and sat down so close to her on the sofa that she
hardly had any room to move her arm.

“Honey. Move away. I can barely dial the phone!”

Faith heard a man’s deep voice answer and she
responded. “Hello. Hank? This is Faith calling. How are

He chuckled. “I wasn’t sure if I was really going to
get a call from you. Were those your real pictures you
sent me?”

Faith giggled into the phone. “Yes. Those were taken on
my last vacation.”

“I noticed you were wearing a wedding ring on your left
hand. Does your husband like to watch you with other

Faith held the palm of her hand over the phone. “He
wants to know if you like to watch!”

“Tell him, yes!”

Faith starred at Mark kind of funny as she removed her
hand off the phone. “Well. We never really did anything
like this before but I think he’d be interested.”

“Faith. Tell me. Have you ever fantasized about making
love with a well-endowed black man like myself?”

Faith scooted back on the arm of the sofa so Mark
wouldn’t hear every word she said to Hank. Mark tried
to get closer but she put her hand on his leg to stop

“Um. Yes. I’ve fantasized about it.”

“Faith. I’ll make you a promise right now that if you
decide to get together with me in the future that I’ll
make your fantasy come true. I’d love to make love to
you while your husband watched. I think every housewife
deserves to be pampered.”

Faith leaned back on the arm of the sofa a little
further and put her leg up on the cushion. Mark took it
as an invitation to lift her dress up as she spoke to
Hank on the phone.

“I bet you’re very experienced with other wives!”

“Yes. As a matter of fact I’m and I have posted
references from other members on my page that you can
check out if you like. I’ve met several couples but
none of the wives are as beautiful as you, Faith.”

Mark was pulling down her thong and lifted her leg
higher as he kneeled down on the carpet and stuck his
head under her skirt.

“Faith. Tell me what you like to do with a man. Do you
enjoy giving head or having your pussy licked until you

Faith felt Mark’s tongue on her pussy mound as she
tried to stay focused on Hank. “Yes. I suck on my
husband but he’s not as large as you.”

“You have nothing to be afraid of with me, Faith. I’m a
gentle person and your pleasure and comfort would be my
utmost desire.”

Faith giggled nervously as Mark began parting her pussy
lips with his tongue. “I don’t think I could take
anyone as largely as you. I’m afraid it might hurt.”

“Faith. I’d take my time with you to make sure that you
could accommodate my size without causing any pain. I’d
make sure you were extremely wet and aroused before I’d
even attempt to enter your pussy.”

Faith’s body tensed as Mark touched her clit with the
tip of his tongue. “Um. I’m afraid I’m not very large
down there. I can barely take my husband size.”

Mark was digging his tongue inside Faith’s pussy as he
heard his wife speak to the black guy on the phone. He
was extremely aroused and poking through his pants
right now.

“Faith. How large is your husband and is he thick?”

Faith’s body was trembling as Mark licked her pussy.
Her voice began to show signs of passion as she tried
to answer Hank’s question.

“Um. I think Mark is around five inches but not very

Mark pushed his tongue further inside Faith’s pussy as
he heard his name mentioned in the conversation.

“Faith. Is your husband sitting with you right now?”

Faith’s legs were trembling as Mark licked her pussy as
she tried to answer Hank again. “Yes.”

“Good. Put him on the phone. I’d like to speak to him
if I may.”

Faith taped Mark on the shoulder. “Honey. Hank wants to
speak to you!”

Mark slowly backed his head from between her legs and
wiped his mouth as he took the cell phone out of
Faith’s hand.

“Hello. This is Mark speaking.”

“Hello, Mark. This is Hank speaking. Mark. How would
you feel about watching me fuck your gorgeous wife with
my thick black cock?”

Mark was half kneeling on the sofa and looked down at
Faith who was rubbing her hand against her pussy.

“Uh. We’ve never done it before. I don’t think I’d mind
as long as she didn’t get hurt.”

“Mark. I’d like to screw your wife, bareback. Would you
have any objection of having your wife breed with a
black man?”

Mark swallowed hard and starred down at Faith who had
closed her eyes to play with her pussy.

“Uh. I don’t know. I never gave it any thought. I don’t
think Faith would like that!”

Hank chuckled on the other end of the phone. “Mark.
I’ve met a few white couples in the past and every one
of their husband’s has told me they have a secret
fantasy about their wives becoming pregnant with a
black baby.”

Mark’s heart beat faster as Hank told him the story.
“Mark. It’s only a fantasy but I’d love to screw your
gorgeous wife bareback and shoot my potent black seed
deep inside your wife’s belly.”

Faith was working her fingers in her pussy now as Mark
listened to Hank. Mark was aroused listening to the way
Hank was speaking to him.

“Mark. Is your wife on the pill or is she safe?”

“Uh. No. I’ve had a vasectomy.”

“Mark! Get Faith started on the pill! Now! You don’t
want any accidents to happen, do you?”

“Uh. No!”

“Mark? Since this is your first time, I’d have you sit
next to us near the bed so you can see my cock as it
enters your wife for the very first time. Mark! I’ll
warn you now that your wife’s pussy will stretch! Are
you willing to sacrifice her tight pussy for the
enjoyment and pleasure of watching her screw another

“Uh. I don’t know.”

“Mark. This is very serous. Your wife could become
spoiled and want to meet me or another black man
frequently. Are you prepared for any consequences that
may occur?”

“I don’t think Faith would want to do this more then
once. I think it’ll only be a one time thing with us.”

Hank laughed. “I’ve heard that from my regulars

Mark kept watching Faith who was trying to make herself
cum at the moment as he held the phone and listened to

“Mark. I plan to include you in all of the festivities.
Have you ever eaten your own cum from your wife’s pussy

“Um. Not really, but I did lick her after shooting my
load inside her a couple times. Faith got aroused when
I did that to her.”

“Good! Maybe I’ll have you like her pussy after I’m
finished filling her with my seed! Mark? Does this kind
of talk excite you?”

“Yeah. I guess it does.”

“Mark? I want you to talk this over with your wife
tonight. If you should decide that your willing to meet
with me, then I want you to email me with the details
on where you would like to meet. I travel throughout
the country. I have my own plane and can fly anywhere
in short notice.”

Mark starred at Faith who still had her eyes closed and
looked as if she was going to cum at any moment.

“Yeah. I’ll talk to her tonight about it.”

“Good! Mark? If you should decide to meet with me, I
want you to attach a couple nude photos’ of your
gorgeous wife showing me her bald pussy and lovely

“Yeah. OK. I will but I can’t promise you for sure that
Faith will be interested right now!”

“That’s fine! Have her email me and I’ll answer any
questions she might have about meeting. I have many
references if you would like to check them out as

“OK. I’ll take a look at them. It was nice talking to

“It was nice talking to you too. Tell Faith I’ll be
looking forward to meeting her in the near future.”

Mark clicked off the cell phone right at the same time
that Faith started to cum. He watched as her hips
bucked up and down on the sofa cushion. “Oh. God! That
was good, baby!”

Faith kept her finger inside her pussy as she motioned
for Mark to lean over and kiss her. She gave him a very
soft passionate kiss as he laid the cell phone on the
floor. Hank had got both of them excited and aroused.

Mark got up and slipped his pants down and quickly
inserted his dick inside Faith’s warm wet pussy. She
always felt hot and tight when he entered her pussy and
thought about what Hank had said. Mark screwed his wife
hard as she lifted her legs above his shoulders and
held onto his neck.

Mark was screwing her hard, like a jackhammer as Faith
gasped for air and began to encourage him to cum.

“That’s it! Cum for me, baby! Cum inside me!”

Mark began thinking about what Hank said about shooting
his potent black seed inside her belly and shot his
load instantly as he moaned out as loud as he could.
Mark laid there and tried to catch his breath as Faith
rubbed his shoulders and starred passionately into his

It was good for both of them. Talking to Hank and
looking at his naked pictures aroused their emotions to
a new height. Mark eventually pulled away from his wife
and stood up as she reached down and picked up her
thong off the floor.

Faith padded Mark’s stomach as she got up and started
to walk toward the bathroom. “Baby. That was good!”

Mark got ready for bed that night thinking about what
Hank had said to him on the phone. Faith got herself
absolutely aroused much more then he had ever seen
fantasizing about Hank and his big black cock!

Mark spent that day kicking around the idea of actually
meeting the guy and was trying to figure out a way to
mention it to Faith. She was lying in bed reading the
last chapter of that book.

“Honey. Did Hank mention that he owned a plane and
could travel just about anywhere at anytime?”

Faith barely heard what Mark said as she kept reading.
“That’s nice, Honey.”

“Hank said that all we had to do was to send him an
email if we were interested.”

“Mm. Yeah. OK.”

Faith flipped a page in her book. Mark knew she wasn’t
paying much attention to what he was telling her.

“Hank thought you were gorgeous and would like to see a
few pictures of you naked. What do you think, Faith?
Would you like to pose for a few?”

“Honey. We’ll see!”

“How is the book coming? Almost finished?”

“Yeah. Honey. Almost!”

Mark got into bed and put his hand under the blanket
and felt around for Faith’s pussy. He slipped his
finger between the lips and found it wet. She must have
been aroused by reading the book.

Mark felt around at the neatly trimmed patch of blonde
hair. He remembered Faith telling Hank that it was bald
and as smooth as a baby.

“Faith? Why not shave your pussy completely? I think it
would look, sexy!”

Faith actually stopped reading the book long enough to
smile at Mark. “Let me finish the last chapter and I’ll
take a shower and shave it for you.”

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