The last flicker of sensual feeling

Jackie called on Thursday morning, and invited the Hudginses over for an after-dinner party on Saturday. Pris quickly agreed, and they took advantage of the opportunity to talk for a while.
“You know, there’s a danger about this party,” she said to Jackie after they’d covered several other topics of mutual interest. “I have a strong suspicion that it might turn into some kind of orgy.”
“Yes; I realize that,” Jackie admitted. “And we’re prepared for that too.”
“Oh? So you’re feeling it too, are you?” Pris mused, not too surprised at Jackie’s statement. “Well, I don’t mind saying that I certainly fancy that Max of yours. I hope you won’t be upset if he and I were… well, to get together. If I’m not mistaken, I saw a few interested looks going back and forth between you and Hal, too.”
Jackie admitted that she had more than a casual interest in Pris’ husband, but went on to explain that Max had a peculiar longing to watch them together. She was uncertain how Pris would take this, but her friend quickly allayed her fears.
“We know just what you mean, darling,” Pris assured her. “Hal’s always said that the next best thing to having me is watching another fellow do it to me. In fact, he says there’s an odd kind of excitement to having me right after another man has, though there are plenty of men who’d frown on that sort of thing.”
“I don’t think either of us would be included in that group.” Jackie observed.


Max was elated when Jackie told him of the call that evening. He gathered her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom, where he demonstrated his happiness to her complete satisfaction and total exhaustion. On Friday and Saturday, they avoided sexual contact; it was as if they had joined an unspoken compact that they would hold back their sexual energies and reserve their strength for the evening with the Hudginses.
Pris and Hal arrived at seven-thirty, and for a few moments there was a very heavy, stiff feeling in the atmosphere. Jackie thought it much like those times when she had been growing up, when she and a boyfriend had met in another friend’s apartment and couldn’t immediately get up their nerve to admit why they were there. Finally Pris broke the tension-packed atmosphere by getting straight to the point.
“What the hell!” she blurted out, standing up and looking at the others. “We didn’t get together tonight just to sit around and talk about baseball scores! We came to have some fun together!” With that, she went over to Max and sat down in his lap, fastening her lips to his in a long, deep kiss.
That broke the tension and Jackie found Hal moving closer to her on the couch. “I’ve been wanting, to do this for a long time,” he murmured as he drew her into his arms. “But sometimes waiting makes it that much more fun when it finally happens.”
Jackie responded fiercely to his probing kisses, meeting his hard, hot tongue with her own and thrusting her sensitive nipples against his chest with fierce determination. She parted her knees when she felt his hand fall on them, and the hand swiftly moved up her thigh, searching for a warmer, juicier haven. When he found it, she sighed heavily and leaned back, allowing Hal ample freedom to rub her lust-moistened panties over her throbbing sex.
“It’s better with clothes off, don’t you think?” she asked, looking up at him with brimming eyes. “And where we can both be more comfortable?”
“Like in a bedroom?” he asked.
Jackie got up from the couch and led the way. Pris and Max stayed behind for a moment, undressing each other in the room, but by the time Jackie lay on the big bed and watched Hal strip off his tight briefs, they were coming through the doorway.
“We thought we’d like to watch, if you don’t mind,” Pris announced.
“Not me. That’s half the fun,” Hal retorted. “That is, if it’s okay with you, Jackie.”
Jackie announced that she too wanted them there, close by her side as she took Hal’s immense prick into her belly.
Max, his prick ruddy and swollen with lust, sat down beside them. Hal suggested that Jackie might find it easier if she mounted him, an idea that she quickly seconded. Max’s heart leaped at this, knowing that the position would give him a much clearer view of what he wanted most of all to see – Hal’s great prick driving deep into Jackie’s heated cunt.
Jackie settled herself over him, backing her loins down toward the hefty bludgeon which Hal held poised for her. Pris and Max moved down to the foot of the bed; both of them felt their passions surge when Jackie’s moist, love-slick pussy hovered into view. The lips were tightly seated, swollen shut with her lusty fervor, but Hal’s probing finger quickly parted them and revealed the soft, pink inner flesh. Her clitoris stuck out like an inflamed wart, clearly visible and ready for the most abandoned treatment. Her cunt’s opening winked hungrily, as if it would hardly wait to be dilated, stretched and pierced by the magnificent tool coming ever closer.
Hal stretched his foreskin back, baring the lusty head of his prick, and rubbed that broad, flaring tip into Jackie’s hot flesh. She sighed heavily, finding his warm presence more effective than any aphrodisiac, and lowered herself to get the optimum angle for quick, deep penetration.
“Hurry! Let’s get to it ourselves,” Pris whispered, turning to Max with desire plainly showing on her face. “Let me get down here so we can both watch!”
She knelt on the floor beside the bed, her rump pushed high, and Max moved around behind her. Her pussy greeted his prick’s nudge with a wet, smacking kiss, and opened easily; he found his cock almost devoured by her twitching cunt. The entrance was quick; her sex closed firmly around him, and they were joined in a lustful embrace.
Pris plainly wanted him in her deeply, and he lost no time in driving the long lance home. He felt her fingers on his prick’s base, stroking fervently and then reaching back to seize the heavy sack beneath. She pulled on the balls, bringing them up until they too were in intimate contact with her superheated sexual flesh.
Hal’s prick bulged the flesh of Jackie’s cunt inward as they moved together, but slipped into place with a minimum of difficulty. Jackie felt as though she were going to burst; it seemed that the tool was at least twice the diameter of Max’s familiar prong, though she knew full well that Hal wasn’t much larger than her husband. She darted one quick look over her shoulder, saw Pris kneeling on the floor with Max behind her, and knew that they too were joining their organs in a lustful connection. The thought sent an added flurry of sensuality through her, though it was soon overridden by the powerful sensations emanating from Hal’s broad prick. It seemed that he was stretching her almost past her endurance, though this was only a temporary feeling; she soon learned to love the tight, stuffed feeling, and then to turn it to her advantage. Her twists and turns as she drove herself down on that huge stake were stronger than ever, since Hal’s thicker organ stretched her inner flesh more completely and exposed every sensitive piece of meat in her body. She was acutely conscious of the flaring cuff of his prick’s head when she lifted herself slightly, pulling the terrible plunger out of her sheath, the ridged crown dug sharply into her ultra-tender flesh and sent waves of delicious feeling roiling through her loins and thighs.
With these myriad sensations piling up so quickly, the wonder was that Jackie managed to go as long as she did before experiencing the wondrous thrills of orgasm. When the sensual storm hit her, however, it did so with a rare force, sweeping through her vitals with a vigor that brought shrieks of agonized pleasure from her lips. Heaving and shuddering from the force of the lustful spasms, she drove her loins downward, trying to swallow ever more of the gigantic staff in her cunt, and doing so with enough effectiveness to make her climax grow even more tempestuous.
Max’s eyes widened with surprise as he saw Jackie’s shapely hips clench and tremble. He could even see the spasmodic twitchings of the lips of her sex, stretched and distended though they were by the mighty presence they enclosed. At that moment, Hal grasped Jackie’s hips tightly and thrust powerfully upward, driving the broad head of his burly cock into the very mouth of her womb, injecting his hot semen in great streams into her most feminine organ, intensifying her orgasm.
The erotic force of the sight, combined with Pris’ insistent rump-twistings was enough to bring Max into action, and he lunged forward, driving the head of his prick clear to the mouth of her womb. She shrilled out a long cry of sensual agony and collapsed in a writhing heap. Her cunt, almost pulverized by his deep probing and powerful discharge, twitched and clutched at the lengthy spike which had brought it such joy.
“Great day!” Hal muttered in surprise. “I haven’t let go with a shot like that since I don’t know when! Jackie, you really know how to get it out of a man!”
She was too numbed and breathless to reply, though her sentiments were of exactly the same order. She realized that she’d been fucked to within the proverbial inch of her life, but that she would gladly repeat the experience, so fierce had been her pleasure as the great, broad man-thing slid into her most intimate parts.
Suddenly it thought struck her: what if Hal’s broader, thicker tool had spoiled her? What if she could no longer enjoy her husband’s magnificent weapon?
Turning on Hal, she looked back and saw Max just as he drew his wet, glistening prick from Pris’ exhausted cunt. It looked lovelier than ever, she thought, and then she found herself possessed by an irresistible desire to have the tool herself.
“Let me get off,” she whispered to Hal, “so I can get to Max. I’ve got to have him right now!”
She heaved herself off Hal’s unprotesting body and twisted around to meet Max’s approach; she paid no attention whatever to the flood of still-hot semen which gushed from her cunt and drenched her thighs and buttocks with its pearly dew.
“Here,” she murmured as he reached her, still erect and hungry for sexual pleasure. “Let me do this first.”
She took his dripping prick and guided it into her mouth, heedless of the fact that it was fresh from another woman’s body. In fact, she discovered that the taste of Pris’ musky cunt only heightened its flavor! She could taste her friend’s oils on the hard shaft, on the firm head, and this fired her lust anew.
“Mmmm! Sexiest ever,” she mumbled, falling onto her back and signaling for him to mount her. “Now, drive it all the way home, darling. I’ve got to have you deep inside me now!”
Pris and Hal might as well have been at the North Pole for all the attention she paid them. Jackie was aware only of her pressing need, and of Max’s ability to satisfy it. She had even forgotten her doubt about whether he could please her as thoroughly as before. Her cunt’s elasticity had asserted itself, and by the time Max fitted the head of his prick to the juicy maw, it was as small as it had ever been.
She gasped at the shock which ran through her fevered body as she felt his tool pry the lips of her cunt apart, and knew immediately that her fears had been groundless. Max’s penetration thrilled her to the core of her being, stirring a vast hunger in her loins.
Pris, meanwhile, had pushed Hal onto his back, stretching him out beside the enraptured couple, and now began honoring his sturdy tool with wet, lip-smacking kisses. The sweet-scented juice that Jackie’s fervent cunt had deposited on the broad member fired her lust heavily, even though she had been shuddering in the grip of a full-scale orgasm only minutes before. She deliberately teased herself into a state of raging lust, and when the pressure became unbearable, she crawled up on Hal’s body, assuming the same position which Jackie had employed with such telling effect, and immediately impaled herself on his stiff plunger.
The two couples now rocked furiously in their separate embraces, each aware of themselves and forgetful of everything in the world but the need to satisfy the lusty hungers of their loins. Jackie dimly heard Pris’ litany of lust, the chanted words of praise which poured from her lips as she bobbed and writhed on her husband, driving her sensual temperature even higher as she neared the climax she sought.
“Mmm, good!” Pris gasped in a throaty tone. “Drive it to me! Shove that cock in me! God, it’s ripping my cunt apart! Yes! Her pussy made it twice as hard, but I’ll wear it out! I swear I’ll fuck you till you can’t even move!”
This torrent of obscene praise helped to fire Jackie to a new peak of sensual awareness. Max, it seemed was incapable of stopping the pistoning movement of his loins; nor would she have had him stop. She increased the motion of her response, in fact, and urged him to greater efforts by employing a tactic she’d taught herself. As he withdrew to plunge his dripping prick another time to the depths of her body, she seized his hips between her thighs and squeezed. Since she had the superior leverage, and because her thighs were strong as well as shapely, she could thus regulate the speed and depth of his penetration.
Max recognized what she was doing and accepted the challenge. He seized her buttocks in his hands and tried to draw her rump up to his loins as he drove forward. But Jackie’s superior leverage wouldn’t allow him to gain ground. She even managed to force his prick out of her lust-greased socket until the broad, purple head was resting in the very mouth of her cunt. Then, gradually relaxing the grip of her thighs, she allowed him to penetrate slowly. He never relinquished his effort to drive his prong deep into her womb, and once the head of his prick had swelled out the rim of her cunt, she gave a fierce, sharp wiggle to her rump, causing the tight mouth of her snatch to rotate on the ultra-sensitive flesh just behind the cock’s head. This brought a gasp of tortured delight from his lips.
“Grind it!” he whispered, delight shining in his eyes. “Grind that lovely cunt of yours around my prick!”
Again she forced him out, only to repeat the wondrous joy of feeling his meaty mate slip into her tender tunnel of love. This time, however, she relaxed her thighs completely, and since Max never let up with his driving pressure, his prick sliced deep into her cunt, to stop only when it was lodged completely inside her. Jackie shrieked with delight at the piercing sensation, but immediately forced him out again. Once more she held him off, gradually allowing him to force his way into her throbbing box, only to be pushed back.
Then she relaxed completely again, and this time as the sword struck home she felt her belly turn upside down, and the torrent of climax flooded her cunt. The heavy balls, the convulsive throbs of her cunt brought new life to his prick, and to his surprise, he felt his balls spring to life.
Jackie’s body writhed and tossed madly as his scalding spray saturated her inner flesh. She heaved her torso up and thrust an aching nipple into his mouth, then fell back, a shaking, shivering mass of orgasmic ecstasy.
Pris and Hal had arrived at the same juncture, though in their own way, and again the two couples enjoyed nearly simultaneous orgasms. Their sobs and grunts of victorious lust rang rough the room as their bodies heaved away at each other, searching for every last flicker of sensual feeling.

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