The Jealousy of the Sea-folk – Scifi fucking

“I’m jealous of the humans,” Leviathena said wistfully. Her blue-
skinned face was cradled in her webbed hands, her elbows on a rock in
the shallows. Purple eyes watched the couple coupling in the tide
pools. She sighed through pouting black lips. Hair like kelp spilled
over her broad, strong shoulders and into the water, reaching nearly
to her orca-like lower body.

“Why?” Peleke asked. Caribean blue eyes twinkled in his salmon colored
(no pun intended) face. His black hair was spiked, giving the
impression of a sea urchin on his head. Just below his navel, his skin
faded to purple. Eight strong tentacles radiated outward from where
his hips would have been, had he been human. Such powerful appendages
precluded his need for strong arms. So on the whole, he was more
slender than his mate. “We developed water-proof cosmetics long before
they did.”

She gave him a sullen sidelong glance. Vivid yellow eyeshadow
carressed her eye lids. Inverted triangles of the same hue glowed on
her cheeks. “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it, you
tentacled urchin. What did you say what they’re doing is called?
Dogfish style?”

“No,” Peleke laughed. “Doggie style. The man takes the woman from
behind, as you can see.” The human couple were knee deep in the tide
pools. The voluptuous woman had auburn hair and generous breasts. The
thin man had short dark hair. He held her by the hips and thrusted
into her. Leviathena’s familiar, a small female octopus called
Octavia, clung to a rock in the pool with them, watching all. Later,
Leviathena would be able to visualize the human’s coupling more
precisely, thanks to her telepathic bond with Octavia. When her
familiar was in contact with her while she masturbated, her self
pleasuring was much more intense.

“With these flukes,” she slapped the water, “I’ll never be able to
enjoy that position.” She sounded dejected.

“Via, don’t you enjoy what we do?”

Her pout melted into a tender smile. “Of course I do. It’s just that
I’m curious. And Octavia can only supply so much in terms of
simulated stimulation. She’s only a familiar. I can’t actually know
what that woman is feeling.”

“Of course, if your bottom half was like Octavia’s, I could take you
like that.”

“You’d rather like my bottom half like yours, with the naughty bits
between the tentacles,” Leviathena quipped. “Remember, she’s got a
beak between hers.”

“True. What does Octavia show you?”

Leviathena closed her eyes and tuned into her familiar’s mind. Octavia
crept up the rock until she was above the water level. From there, she
had a nearly perfect view up between the woman’s legs.

“His hands are moving,” Leviathena said, her voice distant. “Sometime
he holds her hips, sometimes her shoulders. Sometimes he fondles her
pearl or boobs. His eel is sliding in and out of her clam steadily,
forcefully.” Peleke felt his own eel stiffening at Leviathena’s
commentary. It took a force of will to keep from wrapping a tentacle
or two around her seeking out that opening that few humans could spot.
When a mer-femme’s clam was closed, it was all but invisible.
Leviathena’s was in the same place a human’s would be. It’s just that
she had no crotch as a human woman did. A similar opening hid the eel
of a mer-man. Of course, the clams and eels on cephala-folk were much
easier to find. Just peak under the mantle. “I think they’re done.
He’s not moving and they’re just panting.” She opened her eyes and
shook her head. Her own breathing was a bit faster now, too.

“Well … um … wanna dive?”

“Uh, sure.”

Leviathena and Peleke left their rock in the shallows and made for the
reef. With her flukes, webbed hands and powerful arms, she easily
outswam him. Jet propulsion just didn’t add up. But, Peleke had webbed
gloves with him. By alternating strokes with jet thrusts, he was able
to maintain a steady pace. Still, he was no match for Leviathena’s
speed. He had a fairly good idea where she was going, though.

After a short sprint, her gills activated and she didn’t need to
surface. Peleke had it easier, being part cephalapod. He didn’t need
to readjust everytime he surfaced or dove. Lucky bastard. She went to
the deepest part of the reef and turned around. Peleke was approaching
quickly, almost too quickly.

“Hey, dry-head, slow down!”, Leviathena called. Fortunately for
Peleke, she was both fast and strong. He had been trying so hard to
keep up with her, he lost track of how close he was to the reef. If
she hadn’t rushed at him from beneath, he would have brained himself
on the reef again.

Her impact carried them up above the level of the reef and his
momentum carried them over it. Their arms were wrapped around each
other and all eight of his tentacles had seized her.

“Oops, sorry,” she said. “I keep forgetting you’re a cephala-man.”

“That’s ok, you’d think I least I could remember.” Peleke became aware
that some of his sucker disks were over Leviathena’s clam. Cephalapods
can taste with their disks. So can cephala-folk, and he could tell
that she was aroused. This only made his eel stiffen further and press
into her side.

Leviathena had, of course, noticed Peleke’s eel and was accutely aware
of his suckers on her clam. Both served to cause a rise in the tide of
her lust. Normally, she preferred the inner side of the reef. The
water was more still there. They were low enough that they wouldn’t
get pounded, but the water here was in great motion. She pressed her
black lips to his blue ones and kissed him fiercely.

He met her kiss with his own. Adjusting his tentacular grip, he opened
her clam, teasing her pearl and inner mantles with the tips of no less
than four tentacles. Two more tentacles were massaging her breasts as
they kissed.

All this happened while the water pushed them gently back and forth.
It added a mildly dizzying sensation to their lovemaking. Peleke
pulled his lips away from Levaithena’s and began to kiss his way down
her body. Having ten appendages came in handy at such times. Peleke
loved to keep his hands on her back while making love. As he brought
his face to her clam, he held her where her buttocks would have been,
were she human. Two tentacles held her mantle open while another four
played with her breasts. The last two gripped her flukes.

She ran her fingers through his spiky hair as his tongue hit her
pearl. Her writhing soon had them rotating slowly in the current.
Peleke licked, sucked and just pressed his tongue against her
pearl, giving Leviathena many orgasms. She finally broke contact,
gasping and looking into those eyes of his.

Suddenly, she dived for his eel. She knew how much he liked having her
suck him, but she was a bit uncomfortable with it. It’s not that she
objected to his milt in her mouth; she enjoyed that. But as Peleke
approached climax, he had a tendancy to grip tightly with his
tentacles. His mantle closing around her head gave her the creeps.

Peleke knew this and had learned to control the closing of his mantle
during the height of passion. Leviathena was very skilled at sucking
him. The warmth of her mouth around his eel was like no other
pleasure. He imagined that if she had a tongue in her clam, that
would be the only thing better.

She took his eel into her mouth, swallowing him quickly. She usually
preferred to be slow about sucking him, but a tsunami was building in
her and she wanted release. She brought him close several times,
sucking, nibbling, kissing, licking. But, she did not want his milt
in her mouth this time. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. If she thought
he’d be ready to fuck her immediately afterwards, she’d make him come
in her mouth. But, she knew he wasn’t “up to that” and soon pulled her
mouth away.

As soon as she broke her mouth’s embrace, Peleke seized her in his
tentacles. Two held her clam open while another guided his eel home.
He then wrapped his arms and tentacles around her, kissed her and
began to thrust like a mad man.

His eel filled her. She could feel the largest sucker disks slamming
into the flesh around her clam. He still managed to get a tentacle
tip to each of her nipples. All this was soon to much. The pounding,
the thrusting, the caressing, the kissing, the memories of Octavia.
Leviathena’s tsunami broke. She cried her orgasm so powerfully,
nearby fish were startled.

They just held each other for some time, drifting to and fro in the
swirling waters of the reef’s outer edge. Startled fish were
returning to their normal behavior as Peleke and Leviathena broke
their embrace.

“It’s too bad Octavia wasn’t able to get here in time,” Peleke said.
When Leviathena just looked blankly at him, he said,” Next time,
maybe, she can hold you while I fuck you. You may be able to imagine
what doggie style would be like.”

“Dogfish style,” Leviathena corrected and then tickled him

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