The Imaginary Man

“I made you breakfast,” I said softly and it was awkward. I didn’t
know what to do. I was reminded of my first few weeks as a new wife to
Richard and how I’d wanted to please him without knowing how.

“What? What time is it?” Seth was just waking up, blinking at me
from his bed.

“Almost ten o’clock,” I told him, standing near his bed and
feeling frightened and nervous.

I’d woken about seven and after a long shower I’d tried to decide
what to do. I could have left and I should have. But instead I’d
cleaned Seth’s house, a small one that was still under construction,
actually. He was finishing it himself, or so he’d explained the night
before, but we hadn’t done a lot of talking.

“You’re still here?” Seth smiled and I nodded, looking down at my

“I, um…I borrowed one of your shirts,” I told him. “I hope that’s

“Yeah, sure,” Seth sat up, scratching his head and looking at me.
“It looks better on you anyway.”

“Hmmm…” I smiled and it was a men’s dress shirt, white with thin
blue stripes and long sleeves. It covered me nearly to mid-thigh and I
wasn’t wearing anything beneath it. My thong panties were drying in
the bathroom after I’d washed them.

“Last night, um…” Seth cleared his throat and he was a little
nervous too, I thought. “I didn’t mean everything I was saying,

“It’s okay,” I told him and hurried past the subject. “I made you
an omelet. You didn’t have very much in your refrigerator, but…”

“That’s great, okay,” Seth nodded and started getting out of bed.
He was naked and probably wanted to be a little modest, although that
seemed kind of silly after what we’d done.

I saw his cock, long and hard with his morning erection and it
bobbed up and down as he moved. I licked my lips, wondering what I was
doing in a white man’s house, but I knew the answer. I needed a man. I
was incomplete without someone to love me and that was a stupid reason
too. Seth didn’t love me, I knew that. We barely knew each other and
even if he did, so what? I knew I didn’t love him.

But I’d fucked him though, hadn’t I?

“I’ll, uh…make you some coffee,” I said. “Do you want cream or
sugar or…”

“No, hot and black is perfect,” Seth grinned at me and I warmed
more than I already was, nodding quickly and leaving his bedroom.

He joined me in the kitchen a few minutes later, wearing a
bathrobe loosely knotted around his waist. It was old and frayed and a
little too small, and I imagined Seth had probably had it since he was
in high school. A Christmas gift from some aunt or something and I
could see he hadn’t bothered with underwear or anything. His cock was
still semi-hard and I caught a glimpse of it as he moved and sat down
at the table.

“This looks great,” Seth told me. “I guess you really can cook…and
clean…” he smiled, looking around at his kitchen and it looked a lot
better than it had a few hours before.

“Yeah,” I nodded and smiled back at him. “I told you, I can do

“I guess so,” Seth agreed and he was looking at me…strangely.
“Come here.”

I tilted my head, not sure what he was thinking, and I walked over
to him. Seth turned his chair slightly, turning it so he faced away
from the table and his breakfast.

“Get down on the floor,” he told me and it wasn’t a command or
anything, more like a suggestion.

“Like this?” I asked him, swallowing hard and getting slowly onto
my knees in front of him.

“Yeah,” he nodded, staring into my face like he was daring me to
say no to him. “Now take out my cock and suck it for me.”

“Alright,” I said softly and I hesitated for just a second before
reaching inside his bathrobe.

“I told you, I don’t need a girlfriend,” Seth told me as I leaned
forward, taking his semi-hard penis into my mouth. “But if you want to
stay here and cook and clean and…suck my dick, well…”

“Thank you,” I breathed, lifting my mouth just long enough for
that and then I went down on him.

“Fuck, this is crazy,” Seth laughed, picking up his fork and
working on his omelet while I worked on his cock.

He hardened quickly and soon I was struggling to open my throat
for him the way I’d done it the night before. Seth wasn’t making me do
it, but I wanted to please him. There was some need there that I
hadn’t felt with my husband in a long, long time and I’d missed it.
There was a genuine desire to please this white man while he ate his
breakfast slowly and drank his coffee, and watched a beautiful black
girl suck his cock in his own kitchen. I felt a rush of pleasure in
doing that. The sense of joy in my humiliation was unmistakable,
because it was embarrassing. If I wanted to stay I had to be a slut.
Seth was testing me, the way he had the night before with his cruel
words, and I refused to do anything but accept it.

“That’s enough, get up…Bend over the table, Amber.” Seth was
standing and he took his place behind me like it was completely normal
for a man to fuck a girl over the breakfast table.

“Yeah…Fuck me…” I breathed, staring at the dirty dishes in front
of my face as I lay on my right cheek. “I need your cock inside me.”

“This cock? Ugh!” Seth grunted with the effort of thrusting his
erection between my greasy labia and into my cunt, filling me
completely with that one push.

“Oh! Yessss…” I hissed between my teeth, feeling just a heartbeat
of discomfort before it melted beneath the warmth of my desire.

He fucked me hard for several minutes in my pussy and then came
once more inside my fertile sex. His panting mouth was next to my ear
as his body pressed against mine. The edge of the table was digging
into my tummy painfully, but I didn’t care. I turned my face and
kissed him, inviting Seth to kiss me back while his sperm leaked into
my womb. I accepted his tongue into my mouth and only after we were
both hot and breathless did he pull away from me, his flaccid cock
falling from my pussy and dripping onto the floor.

“Now that’s a good breakfast,” Seth chuckled, pushing himself into
his chair again and pulling me onto his lap. “I guess we’ll have to go
get your things.”

“No,” I shook my head. “I don’t want my old stuff. I don’t want
any of it.”

“You just want new stuff?” he grinned at me and I laughed. “I
don’t need a girlfriend, remember?”

“No, that’s not what I mean,” I said, liking the way Seth held me
tightly against his body while we sat there. His left hand was on my
tits, playing with them through the shirt I’d borrowed and that felt
especially nice for me.

“Well, you need your clothes, probably,” Seth said. “Your
toothbrush too, don’t you think?”

“I’ll wear whatever you want me to,” I told him, turning my head
so he could see my eyes. “I don’t want to think about it.”

“Oh yeah?” Seth stared at me.

“I’m your slut, right?” I asked him. “So treat me like one.”

“I think I just did,” he laughed, but Seth was serious too. “I
don’t really know what you want, Amber.”

“Me neither,” I licked my lips. “I’ll do whatever you want though,
okay? Except, um…” I looked down at my hand.

“Except what?”

“I won’t take off my wedding ring,” I told Seth. “Don’t ask me to
do that, okay?”

“Okay,” Seth agreed slowly. “But if you’re going to wear your ring
for that other guy, you have to wear something for me too.”

“Alright,” I agreed softly, biting my lip and turning my rings
around my finger. My golden wedding band and small diamond engagement
ring. I’d never taken them off. I couldn’t.

“You don’t know what it is yet,” Seth told me and I shrugged.

“I don’t care,” I told him. “I’ll wear whatever you want me to.”

Seth bought me clothes. Not a lot, but enough and they were
normal, casual and nice. He didn’t take advantage of me and dress me
like a whore. I’d walked into the store wearing a baggy pair of men’s
sweat pants and a t-shirt, which drew some odd looks, but when I left
I was wearing a pair of stressed jeans which showed off my hips and
ass and long legs nicely, and a yellow halter top which was sexy cute
and modest enough that no one would think twice about seeing an
attractive young woman wearing it.

He bought me some underwear and few odds and ends that could be
mixed and matched. A skirt, some shorts, a blouse and a thin sweater.
None of it was terribly expensive and the point wasn’t to impress me,
merely to give me something to wear. If nothing else, the man was
practical and in that respect he had a lot in common with my husband.
The only things that weren’t practical was a small red bikini and an
emerald green teddy with a matching g-string, but they were hardly

“What are we doing here?” I asked, although I’d tried to keep my
questions at a minimum all day long. We’d just come from a drug store
and I’d gotten a new toothbrush, along with other assorted things a
woman needs. I’d picked up a home pregnancy test and swallowed hard,
rubbing my tummy and then putting it back on the shelf. I’d know soon

“You said you’d wear whatever I want you to, right?” Seth smiled
at me and I understood he was giving me a chance to change my mind.

“Yeah,” I nodded, letting the chance slip away. I didn’t want to
think, remember? I didn’t want to make decisions. I wanted someone
else to be responsible for me. But a tattoo parlor?

Seth knew what he wanted and I was ready to cry with embarrassment
beneath the tattoo guy’s amused smile. He was big and white and
covered with skin art. I was intimidated by him and frightened as I
sat in the chair. I’d unbuttoned my new jeans, pushing them down along
with my panties so that my pussy was exposed and that just made it
worse. I kept my eyes closed as much as I could, but when I felt the
odd sting of the needle inking my flesh I had to watch.

“There you go,” the guy grinned at me and I winced as he wiped at
my skin with a damp cloth, wet with thinned alcohol so that it burned.

“White Cock Only,” Seth nodded as he read the message printed low
on my soft tummy. It would show just above the waistband of my
panties, but thankfully be hidden beneath my jeans or a skirt.
“Perfect. You like that, Amber?”

“Y-Yes,” I answered softly, blinking rapidly behind the veil of my
long black hair. I burned beneath the tattoo guy’s deep chuckled.

“It’ll scab up some,” the guy was saying. “Just keep it clean,
don’t pick at it or anything. A week or ten days and it’ll be all nice
and pretty.”

“Cool,” Seth smiled. “That’s gonna look good in a bikini. Let’s do
the back now…”

My second tattoo was worse, only because I couldn’t watch. I was
lying down on my tummy, the chair pushed almost horizontal beneath me
and it was only slightly uncomfortable. In the small of my back, just
above my ass and above the waistband of my jeans, the word “SLUT” was
tattooed in tribal letters. I couldn’t see it without the help of a
mirror and while wearing a top like my new halter or a backless dress,
or even a thin blouse, the tattoo would be plainly obvious to anyone
who cared to look.

“Hey, how much for the necklace?” Seth laughed and I frowned at
the delay on our way out of the tattoo parlor.

“Which one?” the tattoo guy wondered, looking into a display case
while Seth pointed.

“The silver one that says ‘cocksucker’ on it,” Seth told him and I
winced, turning away from the two men as they grinned at me.


“Hello?” I picked up the phone on the second ring.

“Uh…Hi…” a woman’s voice responded carefully. “Is Seth there?”

“Sure, hold on a second,” I told her and I was finding out that
Seth knew a lot of girls.

Most of them, like this one, were a little surprised to hear a
woman answering his telephone. A few of them sounded almost indignant
and one had demanded to know who I was and why I was at her
boyfriend’s house.

“Seth?” I poked my head into what was eventually going to be his
den. He and another man, a friend of his from work, were spending the
Sunday afternoon putting up drywall. It looked like hard work and both
of the men were working up a sweat.

“Hey, baby,” Seth smiled at me and his friend, Mike, always took
the time to give me real look. He was a large, barrel-chested man with
thick brown hair and soft green eyes. Not ugly, but I didn’t find him
attractive at all. He was nice enough though, polite as well, except
with his eyes and I felt ashamed when he looked at me, knowing Seth
had explained why I was living with him.

“You have a telephone call,” I said, trying to keep my voice
neutral. “Another girl.

“It always is,” Seth chuckled, sharing a grin with his friend and
wiping his dusty hands on his trousers.

“Do you guys want something to drink?” I asked. “I can make some
iced tea or…”

“Why don’t you run to the store and get us some beer,” Seth
suggested as he slipped past me, putting his hand on my hip briefly
and giving me a squeeze. “I think were about done for the day.”

“Beer?” I nodded. “Um, okay…But…” I made a little face because my
fake ID was pretty good for getting into crowded, dimly lit clubs past
bouncers who liked my tits, but a real liquor store? That might be
pushing it.

“Oh, I forgot,” Seth grunted with a small shake of his head.

“What’s that?” Mike wondered, looking between Seth and me.

“I’m only nineteen,” I told him with a little smile and a shrug.

“Hell, I’ll go get the beer,” Mike offered. “Long as you’re buying
and Amber keeps me company.”

“Uh…” I looked at Seth and he was smiling.

“Yeah, go for it,” he nodded. “Grab some money out of my wallet,

“Okay,” I sucked my bottom lip and looked down. Usually Seth only
called me that when we were alone, but once in awhile he did it when
we weren’t and I always wondered if that was deliberate or not. I
didn’t have to look at Mike to know he was smiling, or that he was
staring at my tattoo when I walked away.

“…yeah? You shaved it all off?” Seth was laughing into the phone.
“I bet you look twelve years old now, huh? Tonight? What do you have
in mind? Oh, you know I’m gonna fuck you, baby…But what do you want to
do first?”

I tried to ignore Seth’s voice as I came back down from the
bedroom with a twenty dollar bill in my hand. He was a good looking
guy, I mean very good looking, and I was beginning to understand why
Seth had told me he really didn’t need or even want me for a
girlfriend. He had a dozen girls probably and I’m sure a few of them
would have loved to share something a little more serious with the
man. I’d been living with Seth for just over three weeks and I
honestly didn’t know what our relationship was yet. But I did know I
was carrying his child.

“…Hold on a sec, Marcie.” Seth reached for me, pulling me close.
“Hey, Mike’s been working hard all day, you know? You like him, right?
So, if he wants a little something…”

“What?” I blinked up at him and Seth smiled at me.

“Just treat him nice, okay?” Seth told me. “I think he likes you a

“You want me to fuck him?” I stared at Seth and he shrugged.

“It’s up to Mike,” he said. “You just make it good for him,

“Alright,” I agreed slowly and this was the first time Seth had
ever suggested anything like that to me. I might have expected it
sooner or later, but I didn’t. I thought we were getting closer or
something. I mean, I was pregnant and we’d been together for almost a
month. I hadn’t asked for anything or told the man no when he wanted
something. So why was he doing this to me?

“What? No, not you. I was talking to the maid,” Seth told the girl
on the phone. “You didn’t know I have a maid? Yeah, she cooks, cleans,
sucks my dick every morning…”

Seth was laughing as I left the room and I have no idea if that
girl actually believed him or not. It didn’t matter, I was embarrassed
now, humiliated by a girl I’d never even seen.

“Hey, ready to go?” Mike smiled when he saw me and I hadn’t
changed clothes at all.

I wore a pair of pink short-shorts and a white tube top that
hugged my tits and showed off my dark nipples plain as day. Seth liked
to pick out my clothes and I knew he’d picked this little outfit just
for his friend. I didn’t mind it so much, I knew I looked good and if
it made Seth happy to show me off, it made me happy as well. I just
wished that had been enough and I swallowed nervously before regaining
my composure.

“Yeah,” I smiled weakly at him. “Oh! Here’s some money for the

“Great,” Mike nodded. “After you…”

He walked behind me as we left the house and the man was getting a
good look at not only my ass in those shorts, but my SLUT tattoo was
right there above the waistband. Mike had seen it before obviously, I
thought, but now it was right under his nose and my body burned with
the knowledge that if Mike asked, I had to perform. I was a slut and
that was why Seth was doing this to me. Reminding me of my place and I
should have been grateful for that. He was going to let me stay awhile
longer and all I had to do was make his friend happy.

“That’s some tattoo you’ve got there,” Mike said and then he
hastened to open the passenger door of his old Bronco. “Let me get
that for you…”

“Thanks,” I nodded and climbed into the truck. “Seth got it for

“Yeah, he told me. He was telling me you’ve got another one too,”
Mike gave me a smile as he started the motor a half-minute later.

“Seth told you about it?” I licked my lips and glanced at Mike,
but just for a second before I was looking down.

“He only mentioned it,” Mike shrugged. “He said if I was
interested I should tell you to show it to me.”

“Oh,” I swallowed hard.

“So?” Mike looked at me for a long second of silence. “Show it to
me, slut.”

“Alright,” I whispered, feeling myself filled with painful shame.
Mike wasn’t asking, he was telling me to show it to him and he
expected me to obey him. He was calling me a slut to my face, knowing
I wouldn’t deny it.

I unsnapped my shorts, holding my breath and keeping my eyes down
as I hooked my thumbs into them. I lifted my butt and pushed the pink
denim halfway down my thighs, exposing the tattoo just above my small
black thong. Mike was watching me as much as he was the road, driving
slowly and smiling with obvious amusement. He told me to keep going
and I felt my eyes growing wet as I pulled down the front of my thong,
enough to expose my hard little clitoris at the top of my slit. I was
embarrassed beyond words, but aroused as well. My pussy was already
moist and my nipples were hard and I often felt that way when Seth
degraded me. I didn’t expect it with Mike.

“What’s that say?” Mike asked me and I knew perfectly well he
could read it. He just wanted to hear me say it out loud.

“Uh, white cock only,” I said softly.

“So you’re a slut for white cock, huh?” Mike chuckled and I nodded
slowly. “Seth told me you’re married to some black guy.”

“Y-Yeah,” I nodded, playing my fingertips across my smooth dark
skin, brushing my clit lightly and hitching a sharp breath. Seth had
wanted me smooth all over and I kept myself shaved now.

“What’s he think about that?” Mike wondered. “You living with
Seth, taking care of his house and fucking him every night? Shit, I
thought he was a lying sack at first.”

“My husband doesn’t know,” I breathed, massaging my pussy now and
not caring if Mike was watching me masturbate or not. Maybe I was
doing it because he was watching me. The humiliation was unbearable
and the source of my excitement. I was jilling my throbbing clit for a
man I barely knew.

“You get off on that too, don’t you?” Mike asked me with a soft
chuckle. “You’re about the prettiest girl I ever saw, black, white, or
blue, and here you are rubbing your cunt like a whore.”

“Y-Yeah,” I nodded, closing my eyes and cupping my pussy with my
right hand, digging my middle finger between my pussy lips. My heart
was going and I panted for air, trying to control myself as the
butterflies gathered in my tummy.

“Jesus,” he laughed. “I gotta park this thing.”

He did park, just pulling to the curb in front of some wholesale
carpet store with cars driving past and people walking by. Mike didn’t
care and I felt completely vulnerable, like everyone could see what
was going on and they knew I was a cheating slut. It was unfair and
terrifying and the expectation was the key. Not my own, but Seth’s and
now Mike’s. They expected me to do whatever they demanded. They knew I
wouldn’t say no to them because I was worthless and didn’t have the
will to be a real woman. To be my husband’s wife. I was another man’s
slut and that was all.

“Get up…Like this…” Mike lifted me up, putting a strong hand under
my butt, and he slid across the bench seat to sit beneath me. “Get
down on this, slut…Down…Get those panties out of the way…Yeah…”

“Ahhh um! Ohhh…” I moaned and gasped as Mike pulled me onto his

He’d unzipped his pants and pulled his swollen cock free and it
pushed between my moist pussy lips slowly with just a small discomfort
at first. I had to lean forward so much as I could with my arms on the
plastic dashboard and my face close to the windshield. My back was
arched and my feet and knees together between Mike’s spread legs. It
was awkward and there wasn’t a lot of room, but enough for me to fuck
him as Mike lifted my ass and pulled me back down onto his hard cock
over and over.

“Oh yeah, slut…Ride my cock!” Mike breathed. “Tight little cunt.
You’re wet as hell in there. You love that white cock, huh?”

“Yessss…” I hissed between my teeth, knowing anyone who looked at
the Bronco would see it bouncing, would see my dark face in the window
with Mike behind me. Everyone would know he was fucking me and I was
going to cum with a quality mix of physical pleasure and ripe

“Shit, I’m cumming already…Ah! You slut!” Mike groaned loudly,
pulling one last time onto his prick and holding me tightly against
him. That hadn’t taken long at all, three minutes, maybe five at the
most and I was close enough that Mike’s orgasm pushed me over the

I could feel his cock inside me, jerking against my clasping sex
as my own orgasm burst into happy life. My body shook and the walls of
my cunt grabbed the man’s cock like a fist. I felt every spurt of his
semen, every desperate spasm of his climax like it was my own. We were
joined in that moment and I couldn’t tell us apart. His cum mixed with
mine and I was hot inside, the juices of our fuck barely contained by
the swollen plug of his prick in my hole. We didn’t move for several
minutes, but stayed like that with Mike kissing my back and shoulders
while we caught our breath.

“That was a sweet little fuck,” Mike decided. “Thanks, Amber. I
never fucked a black girl before. Careful…Don’t make a mess now…”

He was chuckling as I brought my hand down, covering my sperm-
filled cunt with my palm as his cock slipped out of me. I was trying
to contain as much of the creamy mess as I could, but it wasn’t easy.
Mike moved behind the steering wheel, putting his cock away and I sat
on the passenger seat, looking down and frowning at the whitish cum on
my fingers and thighs. He’d put a lot of semen inside me, I realized,
a very large load of man cum and I didn’t even have my purse with me.

“Better pull up your panties, slut,” Mike chuckled. “Get those
shorts up before you get my seat all wet.”

“Do you have any napkins or…” I glanced at the man and Mike shook
his head.

“Nah, I don’t think so,” he told me. “Don’t worry about it. You
look good with cum running down your legs.”

Of course Mike wanted me to go with him into the liquor store and
my shorts did little to contain the juices spilling from my cunt as I
followed him obediently. The insides of my brown thighs glistened and
my pink shorts were stained noticeably at the crotch. The place wasn’t
overly crowded, but I was avoiding everyone as much as I could. Mike
was leading me though and he made sure we hit every aisle. I couldn’t
tell who was looking at me and who wasn’t, I just kept my eyes on the
floor and assumed everyone in the place knew I was walking around with
a cunt full of sperm.

“Check it out.” I heard a couple guys laughing behind us. “What a

They followed us for a minute or two, enjoying the view as my
black ass stretched those damp shorts, and of course my tattoo was
right there, which was what had really amused them. I nearly wept with
the embarrassment of it and kept my eyes on Mike’s heels, trailing the
man like I was his pet dog or something.

“Maybe you should look for the little girl’s room and clean
yourself up,” Mike suggested in a normal voice as we stood in line to
purchase the beer he’d picked up.

“No,” I whispered. “I’m okay.”

“You like it, huh?” he chuckled and I heard a few other laughs and
whispers as well. I had cum staining the insides of my legs down to my
knees after ten minutes of walking.

“Clean up in aisle 69,” some guy said and even Mike laughed at
that, while I closed my eyes and felt my stomach churn with fear and
nervous excitement.

I can’t explain why I liked that so much, but can only say that I
did. It was as good for me as any physical foreplay. Being degraded
and embarrassed in front of strangers. Having a man’s cum inside me, a
white man that I hardly knew at all. I’d let him fuck me not so much
because Seth had wanted me to, that was just a handy reason. I’d
really done it because I knew I was a slut. I wanted to be a slut and
not out of a love for sex, which I did enjoy quite a bit, but out of
some need to be punished. Being used like that reinforced my already
low self-esteem. It gave me the excuse to dislike the person I’d
become and that in turn led me deeper into the seemingly bottomless
pit my life had become.

I’d quit college, quit my friends, and quit my life. Everything I
owned could be carried in one small bag. I lived off Seth’s
generosity. He fed me and gave me a place to sleep and I took care of
him and his house in return. I really was little more than a live-in
maid that he fucked whenever the urge struck him. I woke him in the
morning with a blowjob and more often than not Seth fucked me over the
breakfast table before leaving for work. When he came home I washed
him in the shower and fucked him again.

I was pregnant as well and the knowledge filled me with tension
and I hadn’t seriously brought the subject up with Seth for fear that
he’d kick me out. He was a nice guy, a good man, which seems strange
perhaps, but true nonetheless. He was giving me precisely what I’d
begged him for and promising me nothing. He never lied to me or hit me
and he was often tender and even loving, but I had no illusions about
what Seth wanted and it didn’t involve a black wife and an interracial
child. I was thinking of asking him to pay for an abortion, even
though the idea of it was repulsive to me, but what else could I do?


“Amber? Where are you? I’ve been looking all over for you,”
Richard’s voice filled my ear. “Your mom’s been going crazy. Are you

“Yeah,” I said, panting into the phone. “I’m…fine…I just…uh…I
needed some…ummm…time.”

“What’s wrong?” my husband asked. “Where are you?”

“Ah!…Um!…I’m in bed…I’m uh!…I’m getting…fucked!” I gasped as Seth
drove his cock into my pussy hard, working it around while I lay
pinned to the bed beneath him.

“Oh,” Richard said.

“He’s…Ugh! A white guy…Oh! He’s fucking me hard! God! Ohhh…” I
moaned and shivered as my orgasm began to rise. Richard was going to
bring me off quickly, just hearing his voice. Telling him what I’d

“A white guy is…fucking you?” Richard asked me slowly. “Right

“Y-Yeah uh-huh…uh-yeah fuck me! Hard! Oh god!” I was cumming and I
couldn’t talk for several minutes, all I could do was gasp into the
phone while my husband listened.

“Tell him the good news, slut,” Seth said loudly enough for
Richard to hear him.

“What was that?” Richard wondered. “Was that the guy? Amber? Are
you okay?”

“Oh yeah I’m…Yeah, Richard…Ugh! Fuck me…” I swallowed hard,
gasping for air while Seth kept my legs over his shoulders, his big
prick fucking my pussy relentlessly.

“Who is he? Why are you with him? Amber?” Richard almost sounded
jealous and I might have laughed at that as being too little, too
late. I hated him so much for what he’d done to me.

“I have to tell you ummm oh yeah…Fuck…Listen, Richard…I’m
pregnant…” I breathed into the phone. “It’s his baby and Ah! Christ…
His cock feels so good inside me! Fuck! Fuck…Me!”

“What?” Richard asked with a dull, lifeless voice.

“I’m pregnant…” I closed my eyes, feeling another orgasm ready to
explode between my thighs. My body was shaking with the pleasure of
Seth’s cock filling my horny cunt.

“A little white baby,” Seth grinned at me, leaning close to the
phone at my lips. I nodded as he kissed me for a long ten seconds, a
sloppy wet mouth fuck while his cock filled me and Richard was
listening. He’d heard all of it.

“A white baby…I found out today…Ohhh…I have to go…Fuck…Richard,
he’s fucking me so good…Ah! I wish you could ummmph…” I couldn’t say
anything else as Seth was kissing me hard, jamming his thick tongue
into my mouth as his cock erupted inside my pussy.

“Come home Amber,” Richard said. I could hardly hear him, I was
cumming so good. “Just come home, please? We’ll talk about…” I turned
off the phone without really meaning to and I barely noticed.

“Do you want to go home?” Seth asked me a few minutes later,
watching me wash his cock clean with my tongue.

“I am home,” I said, licking my lips and tasting our fuck.

“I mean to your husband,” Seth smiled and he knew I’d understood
him, but I was trying to avoid the question.

“No,” I shook my head, dropping my mouth to Seth’s hairy scrotum
and kissing his balls. “You’ll pay for the abortion now, right?”

“A deal is a deal,” Seth shrugged and he’d agreed to kill our baby
if I called Richard and told him about it first. Seth didn’t like my
husband at all and if he saw Richard, Seth had told me, he was going
to kick his ass. I just laughed when he said that and felt warm all
over. It was what I wanted in a man.

“Yeah,” I sighed dragging my tongue lower as Seth lifted his legs
so that I could rim his asshole.

He liked that a lot and so I did it often. I kissed and licked at
his anus, wriggling the tip of my tongue against it. I could taste his
salty skin, the sweat and heavy musk of his maleness and I enjoyed it.
I ate his ass for a long while, finding his cock blindly with my right
hand and stroking him to another erection. Once Seth relaxed enough, I
could get my tongue past the ring of his sphincter and I French kissed
his asshole as deeply as I could until he was ready for me to finish
him with my mouth.

I replaced my tongue with my middle finger, worming the digit
gently inside his ass and keeping it there while I took his cock
between my lips. I finger fucked Seth’s asshole slowly and tried to
reach his prostate, feeling the tight warm confines of the man’s
rectum clenched tightly around me. I could take his cock into my
throat easily now and I did that, swallowing around it so that he
could feel my soft throat muscles fluttering along the shaft and
around the swollen glans. He’d already cum once in my pussy, but I was
expert at bringing him off with my mouth and Seth wasn’t going to last

He came deep in my throat, pumping his seed straight into my tummy
while I worked my finger around in his ass. I pressed the heel of my
hand against his balls, feeling them being pulled upward with his
rapid ejaculation. I kept his cock in my throat until my lungs burned
with the need for air and then I pulled off him, swallowing hard and
smiling at the contented look on Seth’s handsome face. I pulled my
finger out of his asshole and sucked it clean while he watched me.

Afterwards I left him to fall asleep, taking a long hot bath and
rubbing my flat tummy while I soaked. There was a baby in there, some
six or seven weeks old. Seth’s white baby growing in my black belly.
My parents would disown me if they found out, my racist father
especially. He’d see me as just another black girl exploited by a
white man, and worse than that, I was a willing slave. I’d given
myself to Seth and my father would never, ever forgive me for that.

Richard would forgive me. My sick husband who had been begging me
to fuck a white guy and I’d refused. How ironic it was that now I was
doing precisely what Richard had wanted to witness and I’d tortured
him with it. Calling the man on the phone while a white man fucked me.
Seth had been joking about the phone call, but I’d decided to take him
at his word. Whether it was so I could burn my bridges or test my
husband, or just torment myself…I’d gotten off on it. I’d enjoyed
hearing Richard’s voice and telling him I was pregnant with a white
man’s baby. It was like kicking him in the balls and I wished I could
have seen the look on his face.

This was his fault, I’d decided. Not mine. If he’d loved me more,
if he’d been man enough to step up and make me his wife, to show an
ounce of possessive jealousy, I’d be in his bed. I’d be happy and
maybe even pregnant with his baby instead of Seth’s. Richard was the
reason I’d left and the reason I’d ended up at that club and
eventually beneath a white man’s hard prick as he fucked a baby into
my womb. Maybe I didn’t really hate my husband. Maybe I’d even go back
to him someday, but whatever happened…I’d always blame him.

Can you blame me?

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