The Brits are so friendly

So on the advice of some of the “chaps” working with me, I decided to
stay in a town called Kendal, when I was working up in the Lakes
District. It was about 40 minutes from the job site, but it was worth
it because it had lots more to do than the small towns much closer to

Anyway, within a few days one of the guys from the project, Ian, had
seen to it that I was introduced to everyone in his circle of friends
and by the end of the week it seemed like I had been part of the group
my entire life! They were so warm and friendly. It was great.

And it didn’t take long for several interesting events to unfold. The
first happened barely a week into my first trip.

The group had a Friday night habit of all going out for a “Curry”, (an
Indian meal for us Americans) and then doing a pub crawl around town.
I was invited and expected to attend. I had met a few of Ian’s friends
during the week, but this event promised to have me meeting even
more… all totaled about 30-35 people hung out regularly together–
mind you not all at once usually, but still throughout the course of
the night we crossed paths with nearly all of them on the pub crawl.

I was used to having a group of close friends that maybe numbered 7 or
8 at one time. 30+ seemed unfathomable. But that also meant that any
time of the week, someone had some social event going on, and you
could quite literally find yourself busy 24/7 if you wanted to, and I
did do that for a couple weeks until I nearly collapsed from
exhaustion. Too bad work got in the way!

Luckily for me, most of the girls in the group were single and hot.
Actually ALL of them were reasonably hot and only 3 or 4 of them were
married. And most of them also found an American accent sexy. So I had
lots of attention while there. (Don’t get jealous my English friends,
I’ve seen the American girls swoon over you when you guys come to the
USA, so all is fair….)

Late in the evening of the pub crawl I was chatting to 3 very nice
ladies from our group, when somehow my fascination with Black & Red
undergarments came up. I guess that’s what happens after 5 pints of
lager, especially for a light-weight like me not used to drinking that

Well, as luck would have it, one of the girls said, “I’m wearing red
knickers, now”, a second chimed in “I’m wearing Black!” and the third
just stood silently.

“Go On, I said to her, what color are you wearing.” She paused then
finally responded “Nude.”

My raised eyebrow was enough to carry the conversation as she then
finally continued “yes as in none, thank you very much”.

All the rest of us laughed and I finally said, “Yes well I have you
all beat, because I am wearing boxers that are black, red, and nude
all at once.

They all nearly were rolling on the floor. “You’re having a laugh” one
said (American translation: pulling our legs).

I am not, I declared, but I think you three most definitely are, given
that I told you about my fetish for black & red and of course nude is
ALWAYS acceptable as well.

They still didn’t believe me, so I said this. “I tell you what. I’ll
bet you that what I said was true, by showing you my boxers…
discreetly of course, but you’ll have no doubt. And if I am telling
the truth, you three will have to reciprocate and show me.”

They all were a bit hesitant, but after a couple minutes of playful
banner, two of them agreed. The “nude” girl said, “well I have nothing
to show.” I replied, “Yes, of course you do hun.” Her cheeks flushed a
bit with embarrassment. Finally she said “well, I have nothing to
worry about, because you’re a big liar, so go on then, I agree.”

Well it was my lucky day I explained, “because I am wearing my
favorite boxer shorts. They are mostly Black. But they have an
imprinted design of red chili peppers, and they are made of light
weight silk that is semi-transparent.

They exploded with laughter. Well all except the “nude” girl, she
chuckled a bit but now looked a bit worried.

We were in a back corner of the pub with very few people around, so I
quickly unbutton and unzipped and showed them the boxers. The nude
part was a little hard to confirm, since the lighting was low. But
finally once of the girls pulled out a cigarette lighter and that
produced enough extra light to illustrate to them quite clearly my
patch of public hair showing through.

“Now is time for me to collect on the bet”, I said.

Without much protest at all, the first showed me her “red” a nice lacy
pair with a cute bow on the front waistband. She lifted her skirt to
do so, but only gave me a few seconds of peeking.

The second showed me her “black”. She was wearing pants, so had to
unbutton. Hers were standard run-of-the-mill cotton panties, nothing
too sexy. But they were still nice I have to admit.

And finally the nude. After much stalling the other two girls finally
convinced her that she had to “pay up” and they agreed to stand behind
her obscuring anyone from the rest of the pub that might be looking
our way. She was wearing a long skirt that was fairly tight fitting,
so logistically it was hard for her to maneuver it up. Finally she
said “Oh hell, just sit down.”

I did and then she quickly grabbed a chair positioning it a few feet
away. She sat and then slowly parted her legs. I could tell
immediately they were no panties, but the lighting wasn’t great so I
said “can’t see anything in the dark”. She first protested immensely
over the use of the lighter again, claiming a concern for possibly
setting clothes on fire. But I told her I’d keep it a safe distance
away. Finally she agreed.

And yes, I was able to definitely, and completely see that there was
no undergarment at all on her fine, beautiful pelvis.

I was also definitely able to confirm that she was wet and lubricated
by the glistening reflection of the light.

“Well”, I said to all three of them, “I’m glad I went first”. There
wasn’t much comprehension over what I meant until one of them glanced
at my crotch and noticed the visible mound that had formed in my

Now, I’d love to tell you we all went back to my hotel for wild sex
after that…
… but, sorry that was all that happened. I had hoped something might
then or in the future, but alas not so.

Still it’s was enough for me. For that night I made mad passionate
love to all 3 for hours… that is, in my head back at the room. And
we’ve had several dozen encounters together every since, if you get my
drift…. 🙂

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