The Best Man with a big dick

I knew my best friend Rob was out there, but I had no idea until I
was the Best Man at his wedding. His wife-to-be was a gorgeous blonde
and I was more than a little envious. Her name was Becky and she
looked like the girl next door…All grown up, of course. And if the
girl next door happened to be a Victoria’s Secret model.

Becky was very tall and blessed with a lovely, captivating face.
She had alluring blue eyes and high cheeks with a clear, creamy
complexion, and a sexy, pouting mouth. Becky was always smiling, like
she was about to whisper a secret in my ear. Her body was awesome as
well, as much as I’d seen of it. She was a modest sort of girl and
that’s probably what Rob liked most about her, or so I thought at the
time. We’d had our share of sluts and one night stands, Rob and I
both. We’d even shared a few of them at the same time, but we weren’t
going to marry any of those girls. Becky, on the other hand, was
anything but a slut and her conservative dress and friendly, but
somewhat restrained demeanor only made the woman that much more
appealing. When Rob confided to me that she refused to have sex with
him until they were married, I knew he was goner. Just like I would
have been.

So you can imagine my surprise when shortly before the actual
wedding was to take place Becky burst into the upstairs bathroom. The
wedding was happening at Rob’s parents’ house, the one in Palm
Springs, and I knew Becky had been using the master bedroom to prepare
herself. It had its own bath, so why did she need this one? That was a
fleeting thought however. At least I was decent, just using the
bathroom mirror and sink to comb my hair and double check my
appearance before I went to find Rob and make sure he was ready to go.
My friend was still a little bleary from his bachelor’s party the
night before, but his father and a few uncles were babysitting him

Becky was decent too. More than just decent, she was beautiful the
way only a gorgeous bride on her wedding day can be. It wasn’t merely
surprise that was causing my pulse to quicken, just being close to her
was enough to get me aroused. My cock was growing hard as we blinked
at each other and then Becky was closing the door behind her,
definitely locking it with a loud snick, and yeah, I thought that was
kind of strange.

“Are you okay, Becky?” I asked her, because my first conclusion
was that she needed the toilet, but she’d locked us both in, so…

“I’m scared out of my mind,” Becky confessed, giving me a pouting,
nervous smile of the knee buckling variety and the bathroom was
suddenly ten degrees warmer and much too small for comfort.

“Oh, um…Well, it’s almost over.” I offered what I hoped was a
reassuring smile. “Half an hour from now and…”

“I need you,” she said and that was all. I mean, just that quick
the woman had her hands on my shoulders, pulling me towards her with
surprising strength and unmistakable urgency.

Now I’m a man, yeah, and men are dogs, but this was my best
friend’s fiancé on their wedding day. I wasn’t sure what was flipping
the girl’s switch or why, but I wasn’t going to have anything to do
with fucking around on Rob, you know? Becky was amazingly attractive
in every sense of the word. She defined beauty and seeing her in that
white wedding gown, I thought she was damn near perfection come to
life, but Rob was like the brother I never had. I’d known him my whole
life and there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him, including
turning down the most beautiful girl I’d ever laid eyes on. Especially
that, although it wasn’t a sacrifice I’d ever imagined myself having
to make, obviously.

“Becky…No, hey! Becky…Stop…” I found her soft round hips beneath
the satin of her gown and held Becky tight, keeping the woman at a
distance, or trying to anyway. Seeing her eyes glazed with lust and
her skin flushed pink with desire was turning my resolve to butter,
and now I was holding her? This wasn’t fair at all.

“I need it, Mark!” she whispered with that soft, husky voice of
hers. “I’m so tense. I just need to relax, please?”

“Becky…No. You’re getting married and…” I shook my head and tried
to ignore the smell of the girl. Sweet and light, baby powder and
perfume and something else, something entirely Becky that made my head
spin. I was in love with her, I knew it then. I’d always known it.

“Please, Mark? Help me relax, okay? I need you.” Her breathless
voice was intoxicating as well, the words caressing my ears. Becky’s
hands were on my shoulders, one of them finding the back of my neck
and I shivered beneath the tantalizing touch of her long red
fingernails upon my skin.

“But…I’m the Best Man,” I said, feeling the woman pressing her
firm, swollen tits against my chest. She’d stepped closer somehow and
I’d done nothing to stop her. Becky’s moist red lips found my throat,
the tip of her tongue teasing upward beneath my chin as I tried to
remain resolute.

“That’s why I was looking for you,” she said. “It’s bad luck for
Rob to see me until the wedding, so you have to do it!”

“Do what? No!” I felt her rubbing against me, sliding her body up
and down and side to side. “No…Becky! You’re getting married. You’re
going on your honeymoon tonight. You don’t want to cheat on Rob

“It’s not cheating,” she lied, her breathless words tugging at my
tortured soul. “I’m not married yet. Kiss me…”

“Oh, God…” I closed my eyes and her hand was still at the back of
my neck, pulling my mouth to hers. I knew Rob wasn’t going to
understand Becky’s logic any more than I did. If he found out that I’d
fucked his fiancé half an hour before they stood at the altar, I’d be
a dead man, and deservedly so. What was I doing?

I wondered if Becky wasn’t insane, like crazy or something.
Cracking up under the pressure of getting married. I mean, she was
there all alone. She didn’t have any family, just a few guests, some
people she worked with in LA and they weren’t close friends, as I
understood it. She really didn’t have anyone else to turn to and I
imagined that Rob had told her, just as I had over their short
engagement, that if Becky ever needed anything, she could always come
to me.

Or what if someone had drugged her? That thought crossed my mind
too because this was nothing like the Becky I’d come to know and
admire and yes, even love. If Rob hadn’t married her first, I would
have tried, believe me. Would someone do that to a girl on her wedding
day? A joke like that would be pure evil, putting some sort of date-
rape drug in her drink or slipping her a couple hits of ecstasy or
something. I wasn’t sure; drugs had never been my thing at all. But it
seemed plausible, sorta. Well, not really. Nothing was making sense.

“I need you, Mark,” Becky sighed just before our lips met. “The
Best Man…Ohhh…Show me…”

And then we were doing it. Even as I told myself how wrong this
was and tried to stop myself, Becky’s soft lips were on mine, parting
as her long pink tongue slipped into my mouth. It was like dying and
going to heaven, kissing that woman, and I’d had my fair share of
kisses. I wasn’t a bad looking man, I knew that, and I’d been kissing
girls ever since I’d hit puberty it seemed like, but Becky…She was
tender and playful and somehow patient despite her urgent desires. Her
tongue was light and soft and filling my mouth while I tickled it with
my own. I played the tip of my tongue along the underside of hers and
swallowed our mixed saliva.

We kissed for several long minutes, making out like frantic
teenagers. My cock throbbed in my trousers, aching as I held her ass
through the many layers of satin and lace. Her perfect form was
unmistakable. Becky’s ass was round and firm, neither too large nor
small, but perfectly suited to be held in my strong hands. I’m a
serious ass man and I’d admired Becky’s before, but only from a
distance and through the modesty of her conservative wardrobe. Now I
was holding her, pawing at her wedding gown and digging through the
seemingly endless material in the hopes of feeling her bare skin
beneath my fingers.

Becky had other ideas however, and after our long kiss the woman
was sliding gracefully to her knees on the bathroom floor. Her hands
ran across my chest, stroking my flushed body through my tuxedo and
that outfit had become almost unbearable by then. I was taking off the
jacket, quickly and carelessly while I watched the blonde bride-to-be
get on her knees for my swollen cock. There was no doubt about what
she wanted to do and Becky’s nimble fingers were already working to
free my manhood from its unwelcome confines.

“Ohhh…” Becky sighed as she pulled my cock into the cool air and I
shivered beneath her firm grasp. “You are the Best Man!”

“Becky, maybe we shouldn’t…” I started saying half-heartedly and
that was just for show and we both knew it. My cock was hard as steel,
about seven inches long and thick with prominent veins and precum
leaking from the tip. I could barely think straight as Becky stroked
it slowly with her left hand, reaching into my trousers to pull my
balls free with the other.

“Shhh…Let me do this for you now,” the woman whispered and I had
to close my eyes for fear of cumming as soon as I felt her lips
touching the smooth glans. I felt like a virgin again, I swear. The
woman was incredible and I was going to explode all over her face in a

Seeing Becky perfectly made up for the biggest day of her life,
with her crimson lips pressed against my rock hard cock was very
nearly too much. She was licking and kissing the length of my shaft,
letting the glistening head rub across her cheeks and nose. She moved
her mouth down to my balls and I had no choice but to bury my fingers
in her luxurious blonde hair. Becky pulled my testicles into her mouth
one at a time, rolling them gently with her tongue, sucking so that
the soft skin of my scrotum was drawn tightly from my body.

I was begging her to take me into her mouth. My lifelong
friendship with Becky’s fiancé was forgotten in a haze of desire, all
that mattered was my orgasm and I wanted Becky to have it. I wanted to
cum inside her pouting mouth and know the girl was swallowing my seed.
I had to put it inside her and my words were rushed and whispered
between gasps and groans. I was so close, I told her, any moment I was
going to lose it completely.

“Not yet,” she breathed and I moaned with frustration as Becky
rose to her feet again, pulling herself up with strong hands on my
hips and then my shoulders.

“Oh, Jesus…Becky!” I begged her. “Don’t stop…You can’t stop now…”

“My turn first,” she giggled lightly and pushed me back so that I
found myself sitting on the closed lid of the toilet.

“Becky…” I groaned, watching as she gathered her wedding gown in
her hands, pulling it up so I could lick her pussy. That was a lot of
dress and the way she moved, the way Becky gathered the material and
pushed and pulled the satin behind her to get it out of the way was a
terrible tease. My cock throbbed and I desperately wanted to take it
in my hand, dozen strokes of my fist and I’d lose it totally. I was
excited as I’d never been before in my life.

“You have to make me feel good, first…and then I’ll do you, Mark…”
she was saying. “I’ll let you fuck me after I cum, baby…I promise…You
can fuck me hard, but first…”

“Oh God, yeah…” I was nodding and eager. I’d bring her off
quickly, I was sure. Becky was just as hot for it as I was. The girl
was practically shaking as she tugged her virgin white gown up her
long, wonderfully long legs. I’d shove my tongue deep inside her sweet
pussy, suck her hard little clit until she was screaming, and then…

“Suck me now, baby…I need it so badly,” Becky said and while I
still tried to understand what I was seeing, she grabbed the back of
my head and pushed eight solid inches of swollen cock into my gaping

“Mpphh! Aghh! Umph!” I gagged and choked as the bulbous head found
the entrance to my throat and the girl wasn’t stopping!

Becky pushed hard with her hips and pulled my head forward at the
same time. She was even longer than I was, I dimly realized, not so
thick maybe, but longer and just as hard, and my esophagus was forced
open with that first thrust. Becky’s erection stretched my throat
painfully and I suddenly found her smooth shaven balls against my chin
and my nose pressed flat against her soft skin. I had her cock balls
deep in my throat!

I couldn’t breathe and my heart was racing, my lungs laboring for
air as a brief second of panic enveloped me. My hands were pushing
against her thighs, but in all honesty my struggle was short-lived and
weak at best. Becky was stronger than I’d ever realized and now I
understood why. She held me for a few seconds, enjoying the
contractions of my throat around her penis as I instinctively tried to
swallow her completely, and then she pulled back so that the smooth
head rested on my quivering bottom lip.

“You want it, don’t you?” Becky giggled, staring into my shocked
eyes as I blinked at her. “I knew you were a cocksucker the moment I
saw you, Mark…Suck me, faggot…Eat my cock, bitch!”

I burned at her words and my mind denied them completely. I felt
my stomach knotting up and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I was
shaking and unable to move. Why wasn’t I moving? I felt helpless and
weak as this gorgeous woman stood over me, her long, delicate fingers
still on my head, but caressing me now. She wasn’t holding me or
forcing me, nor did Becky push her cock into my mouth. She merely
nodded with that sexy smile on her lips as I leaned forward slowly,
taking her cock deeper across my slippery tongue.

“Good boy…Just let it happen, baby…Suck my cock like a good little
faggot, that’s it…” Becky said softly, teasing me and coaxing me to
slide my tight lips down the smooth shaft.

“Nmmphh…” I tried to protest, I swear I did. I wasn’t gay! I
wasn’t a cocksucker or a faggot. Why was she so beautiful? Why did she
have a cock? Why, oh God, why was I sucking it? My mind reeled and my
body shook with fear and nervous excitement.

Her skin was velvet soft and warm and I took half of Becky’s long
shaft over my tongue before running out of room. I thought I should
feel sick at what I was doing, but beneath my unfulfilled desire to
resist her, my body was responding with a mind of its own. My cock own
was still hard, still aching for release, and I hadn’t gone soft at
all. I learned quickly how to breathe through my nose and my hand
found her balls. Becky’s lacy white thong had been pulled aside and I
cradled her generous scrotum and massaged Becky’s plum sized testicles
gently while I sucked. Jesus! The girl had a big set of balls, I
thought, and that was such a ridiculous thought I almost laughed.

“I’ve wanted to fuck your mouth for a long time,” Becky whispered.
“I hope Robert’s going to be as good as you are, faggot.”

“Ommph?” I blinked up at her, swallowing thickly all the spit and
precum filling my mouth. I was bobbing on her cock now, doing it all
by myself with no help from Becky. Only her words seem to urge me on
and I felt as if I were under a spell or drunk with a lust I’d never
imagined. Her cock was so long, the skin soft as silk over the
powerful muscle beneath, and I was riding it with my face, wriggling
my tongue beneath the dripping glans. I swallowed thickly and often,
drinking her precum and begging silently for more.

“Oh yeah,” Becky laughed. “Robert doesn’t know it yet, but he’s
going to love sucking my cock. He’s going to be such a good little
wifey, don’t you think?”

She began moving her hips while she spoke, massaging my scalp with
her long red nails and stroking my cheek with her thumb. Her cock slid
between my lips easily now and I found myself moaning softly, feeling
only a desire to make Becky feel good. She was still so beautiful, so
perfect in every other way. My bruised ego was small now, shrinking
beneath her shining blue eyes and bedroom voice, low and breathless,
urging me to fuck her cock with my hungry mouth.

“Suck it, Mark…Mmmm…Such a soft tongue. You’re a natural
cocksucker, you know that?” she asked me and I swallowed more of her
juices and tickled her pisshole with the tip of my tongue. “I bet
you’ve done this before, haven’t you? I bet you sucked all the boys,
didn’t you, slut?”

“Nmmmph!” I shook my head with denial, staring up at the woman as
she laughed at me. Becky’s cock was stretching my lips and her low
hanging balls swung lewdly between those immaculate and undeniably
female thighs. It was obscene and ludicrous and I felt hypnotized.
She’d seduced me somehow and turned me into her cocksucking slave.

“Shhh…It doesn’t matter now,” she whispered almost tenderly. “You
will, Mark. You’ll be sucking a lot of cock from now on, I promise.”

After several long minutes of fucking my mouth, Becky pulled her
cock free of my bruised lips with a loud, wet plop and giggled as she
slapped my face with her dick. She urged me to open up and stick out
my tongue, but I was already doing it. I shuddered with surprised
pleasure as she tapped her erection on my tongue, sliding it inside my
mouth for a heartbeat and then pulling it free again. Becky was
teasing me and treating me like a slut for her cock. I was blushing
and panting and helpless to do anything but what she demanded.

“You love my cock, don’t you, faggot?” Becky clucked her tongue.
“Turn around…Get up, bitch…I want to fuck your cherry ass.”

“Wha…What?” I blinked at her and Becky slapped my burning cheeks
hard with her cock, back and forth…Whap! Whap! It sounded loud and wet
in the small bathroom and I winced with humiliation.

“I said turn around, faggot!” she said in a voice that left little
room for discussion and I glanced at the bathroom door, wondering if
anyone could have heard her. Whap! Whap! She spanked my face with her
cock and I groaned.

“Please…Becky…” I’d sucked her cock, but doing the other thing,
being…fucked? I couldn’t do that!

“Don’t argue with me, bitch!” Becky slapped me again, harder this
time and her cock was hot and heavy and it felt like a club as she
beat my face with it. “I’ll out your faggot ass so quick, you won’t be
able to show your face in this town again for a hundred years…Now get
those pants down!”

I’d like to say I did the manly thing, whatever that might have
been under the circumstances, but I didn’t. I nodded meekly, lowering
my eyes from her intense stare and I pulled my trousers down
completely, my boxers too, and I offered no protest as Becky pushed
and pulled me until I was bent over the toilet with my bare virgin ass
exposed and vulnerable to whatever she wanted to do with it.

“That was easy!” Becky giggled and I burned inside and out with my
humiliation. “I hope Robert puts up more of a fight than you do. I
want to rape his sexy ass after we’re married.”

“W-What…” I turned my head and Becky slapped my butt hard with her
hand, making me hitch a sharp breath out of surprise more than pain.

“Don’t look at me, faggot!” she said. “Keep your eyes down and
spread your legs. You’re still hard, huh?”

“Ohhh…” I moaned with embarrassment and closed my eyes, knowing my
cock was ready to explode with excited lust. I didn’t understand why,
but it was undeniable that being under this woman’s control was
keeping me aroused. Being forced to service her, being humiliated and
degraded beyond belief. Being bent over like a little girl begging to
be fucked. All of it was new and unimaginable to me and yet, somehow I
found myself wanting it.

“Maybe I should have married you,” Becky said and I could feel the
blunt head of her cock pressing between my ass cheeks, finding the
innocent sphincter of my asshole and I held my breath against the pain
I knew was coming.

“Hmmm…Perfect. No hair at all,” Becky sighed. “I love a tight,
smooth ass like yours. You’ve got a real sexy hole there, faggot.”

“P-Please…Just…Slow…Okay?” I panted softly and that made Becky

“Fuck! I love busting cherry bitches like you!” Becky held my hip
with one hand and held her cock in the other, and she pushed hard
against my asshole with a constant pressure that gradually forced my
anus to open.

“Ahhh…Oh…Esssss…” I hissed between my gritted teeth as I felt
Becky’s turgid prick forcing itself inside my virgin ass. I felt the
ring stretching slowly, accepting Becky’s prick like a small,
reluctant mouth and I shivered at the sensation.

It felt like a big, blunt stick was being shoved inside me and
that dull ache suddenly blossomed into pain as she stabbed her cock
deeper. Once Becky had gotten the head past the ring of my anus, she’d
gathered her strength and lunged forward with her hips. Several inches
of hard cock tore into my unprepared rectum with a sharp burning
sensation that made my whole body jerk as if I might somehow escape
it. But Becky had me now and she wasn’t about to let me go. I was
impaled on half of her swollen prick and she held my hips in her
strong hands, digging her sharp nails into my flesh as she readied
herself to give me the rest of it.

“Oh, baby…We gotta hurry now…Relax, sissy…Ugh!” Becky grunted
loudly as she thrust again and I arched my back, my head coming up
with a spasm of pain unlike anything else I’d ever felt in my life.
She drove the remainder of her cock into my asshole without mercy,
taking me all at once until her heavy sperm-filled balls slapped my
own, smaller orbs with a soft fwap that I probably imagined.

“God! Ohhh fuck!” I gasped, feeling the woman frozen for a moment,
her prick buried in my burning gut. When she did move it wasn’t to
pull back and ease the pressure, Becky was grinding herself against
me, working her cock around like a thick spoon to stretch my resisting
muscles around her. I was helplessly fucked now, my masculine
virginity stolen forever, and I nearly wept with the knowledge of what
she was doing to me. I burned inside and out with the fires of

“Love that ass! Jesus, you’re tight, bitch!” Becky was saying,
pulling me back to meet her thrusting hips. “I promised you’d fuck me,
remember? Fuck my cock, faggot! Fuck it good!”

Becky was fucking me, working her unbending erection in and out of
my asshole relentlessly. Her cock stretched the soft muscles inside my
rectum and the head strove deeper, into my bowels where I felt it as a
cramp that reached all the way into my belly. Becky was riding me and
all I could do was groan and gasp, wincing with pain and wishing it
would be over soon. I was being fucked for the first time in my life
and only after Becky had finally driven all of her prick inside me did
I find some hint of pleasure.

“Uhhh!” I gasped as I felt the electric jolt of pleasure her
cockhead brought when it found prostate. The sensation was unexpected
and I very nearly collapsed as my orgasm erupted from my cock. I
wasn’t even fully erect, only semi-hard at best with my dick flopping
around beneath Becky’s relentless assault, and yet I was cumming all
the same. Without any stimulation or conscious thought, being ass
fucked and having my prostate caressed by Becky’s swollen penis had
brought me off completely.

My semen sprayed out over the toilet and onto my legs and spilled
onto the trousers of my tuxedo as they were bunched around my feet. My
asshole spasmed and clasped itself even tighter around Becky’s cock as
she held her prick balls deep in my torn and tender rectum. My body
was straining against my orgasm, contracting around Becky’s eager
intrusion and the sensation must have been wonderful for her. She was
cumming a moment later, ejaculating her sperm deep into my bowels with
a desperate groan of pleasure.

“Ohhh you bitch! You whore!” Becky gasped, feeding her creamy ball
juice into my asshole. “You’re mine now! I own your faggot ass!”

“Yessss…” I breathed, unable to do anything else but agree with
the woman.

I could feel her there, Becky’s cock jerking against the muscles
of my ass. They were still contracting with soft spasms as if my
rectum was milking the woman for every drop of her precious cum.
Becky’s semen was warm and somehow soothing, spreading through me with
a vague, greasy sensation that felt surprisingly pleasant. I was dizzy
and feverish and clouded with desires brought to life by my climax. I
hadn’t wanted her to fuck me, but now that she had I found myself
wishing for more. It was insane and I felt painful embarrassment in
knowing that, but I couldn’t deny it.

“Clean me up now,” Becky breathed and before I could argue she had
me once more with her cock in my mouth. “I can’t get married smelling
like shit.”

I choked and gagged as I worked to wash Becky’s softening member.
It was covered with dirty sperm and the acrid, bitter flavor of my own
asshole filled my mouth. I thought I’d be sick, but I had little
choice except to swallow it down. I spent five minutes getting her
prick clean and by the end of it Becky was hard again and fucking my
mouth more than anything else.

“Mark? Are you in there? Hey, it’s almost time…Mark?” Robert’s
father was knocking on the door and that put an end to our fun.

“Uh…Yeah, hold on…Um…I’ll be right out,” I answered breathlessly
and I groaned inwardly at myself.

“They’re probably looking for me too,” Becky whispered and she was
tucking her cock back into her thong, with her scrotum split by the
lace. One of her balls fell to the left and the other to the right and
with the obvious bulge in her sheer panties it was the sexiest thing
I’d ever seen somehow, and I could only stare in fascination.

Becky just laughed at me, smoothing her wedding gown to hide her
secret and going to the mirror to fix her face and hair. I could
barely stand straight and I gasped at the odd soreness between my
legs. My asshole hurt with every movement I made and I reached behind
me to feel my asshole puffy and swollen, and wet with cum. I stared at
the pinkish blood that stained my fingertips.

“Ow…Jesus, Becky…” I swallowed hard, feeling suddenly afraid.

“Oh shush!” she giggled. “Just plug your hole with a little toilet
paper, you’ll be fine. I have to go back to the bedroom. My makeup is

“Wait…” I frowned as Becky reached for the bathroom door and I was
still pushing a little wad of toilet paper into my well-stretched
asshole. Wincing and trying to gingerly stem the leaking of her sperm.

“Hurry up,” she sighed impatiently. “And don’t forget…You’re my
bitch now, understand me?”

“What? No…Becky…” I was shaking my head, understanding none of
this. My senses were returning, or some of them anyway. I felt guilt
rising in my twisted belly and I swallowed hard, still tasting Becky’s
salty sperm tainted with my own virgin ass. What had I done?

“Then I’ll have to explain it to you again, won’t I?” she actually
smiled at me, staring with those blue eyes until I looked down in

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Oh! You’re going to be a good little faggot,” she laughed and
opened the door as I stood there with my pants around my knees and my
sperm covering my thighs. I hadn’t cleaned myself up at all yet and I
stumbled to the door and closed it quickly, grateful that no one was
standing there to see me.

The wedding was almost torturous. I could feel Becky’s cum
squishing around inside my asshole as I tried to walk. I had to stand
there during the ceremony as well, holding the rings and standing up
for my best friend. Rob was marrying an imposter, that’s what I was
thinking. He was making vows to love, honor, and cherish a shemale in
front of his friends and family. Becky was achingly beautiful in her
virgin white wedding gown, and less than hour before I’d been sucking
her cock. I was carrying a load of her thick sperm inside my ass and
Rob was marrying her? It was insane.

Rob gave me a grateful smile as I gave him Becky’s ring and he
slipped it onto her finger. When I gave Becky her husband’s ring, she
gave me a sexy grin and a looked pointedly into my eyes through her
veil. I blushed and squirmed, feeling my ego dying a little more and
my face burned with humiliation in front of a hundred guests. She put
the ring on my best friend’s finger and said her vows and then I
stepped back, leaving the new couple to share their first kiss as man
and wife. It was soft at first and then grew deep as Becky’s sweet
mouth accepted her new husband’s eager tongue. They kissed for a long
five seconds and I realized my cock was hard.

My best friend was married to a transsexual and nobody knew except
me. Even Rob himself didn’t know yet, I reminded myself. Becky had
told me how much she hoped Rob would suck her as well as I did, and
that was a compliment that left me utterly confused. She was
apparently going to take his virginity that evening in their honeymoon
suite and I knew firsthand how sore Robert was going to be later. That
was such an outrageous and unexpected thought that I almost laughed
out loud.

The reception was strange, given what I knew about Rob’s new wife.
I watched Becky smile and laugh while she was kissed and hugged by
countless friends and relatives, knowing that none of those eager men,
young and old, had any idea that she was anything but a woman. I had
to offer a little speech and a toast to my friend and his bride and
their lifelong happiness. I’d prepared myself for it and memorized the
words, but beneath Rob’s happy smile and Becky’s sultry gaze, I was
barely able to get the words out. Thankfully my bumbling speech was
the perfect excuse for my all too apparent humiliation. Nobody seemed
to mind and Rob gave me a hug, thanking me for a lifetime of
friendship. Becky hugged me as well and kissed my cheek, then lifted
her glass and offered a toast to the Best Man without whom, she said,
“…the day would have been so much less than perfect.”

All I could think about was her cock and Becky gave me a knowing
smile as we drank our champagne to a chorus of cheers and applause.

As the champagne flowed, the music played and Becky would dance,
as all new brides must. Some of those men were getting frisky with the
heady combination of an open bar and a beautiful woman in their arms.
Even Rob’s father had grabbed a feel of his new daughter-in-law’s
perfect ass, I’d noticed, although it had been obvious by no means. I
saw it though, and if only the old man knew the truth. I wondered if
he’d be so excited by Becky’s happy and seemingly innocent flirtations
if he knew that she was hiding eight inches of solid cock in her

I had my obligatory dance, being the Best Man like I was, and it
was a slow one. Becky held me close and I had little choice but to do
the same. God! I knew she had a cock. She’d made me suck it and then
she’d cum in my ass, but all of my senses were telling me that I was
holding a woman in my arms. Her wedding dress provided ample
insulation, but even so I could feel her firm tits against my chest. I
felt her hips moving, her ass undulating gently as my hand pressed
against the small of her back. I could smell her and what was worse, I
could hear her soft voice whispering beneath the music.

“My cock’s hard again,” Becky said, her lips tickling my ear. “Can
you feel it, bitch?”

I gave a soft gasp as I felt her give just the tiniest thrust of
her hips, just enough that I could actually feel Becky’s straining
cock pressing against my own. I was swollen with desire and had been,
my manhood aching everytime I saw Becky’s eyes turn towards me.
Everytime the woman laughed and smiled, my cock pulsed with urgency.
And she knew it. She could feel my ardent lust just as surely as I
could feel hers and I was completely under Becky’s spell.

“Yessss…” I replied softly and I was blushing like a bride on her
wedding day.

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